3 * <tasks:postinstallscript> - read/write version
4 *
5 * PHP versions 4 and 5
6 *
7 * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
8 * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
9 * http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt.  If you did not receive a copy of
10 * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
11 * send a note to license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.
12 *
13 * @category   pear
14 * @package    PEAR
15 * @author     Greg Beaver <cellog@php.net>
16 * @copyright  1997-2006 The PHP Group
17 * @license    http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt  PHP License 3.0
18 * @version    CVS: $Id: rw.php,v 1.11 2006/01/06 04:47:37 cellog Exp $
19 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR
20 * @since      File available since Release 1.4.0a10
21 */
23 * Base class
24 */
25require_once 'PEAR/Task/Postinstallscript.php';
27 * Abstracts the postinstallscript file task xml.
28 * @category   pear
29 * @package    PEAR
30 * @author     Greg Beaver <cellog@php.net>
31 * @copyright  1997-2006 The PHP Group
32 * @license    http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt  PHP License 3.0
33 * @version    Release: 1.4.11
34 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR
35 * @since      Class available since Release 1.4.0a10
36 */
37class PEAR_Task_Postinstallscript_rw extends PEAR_Task_Postinstallscript
39    /**
40     * parent package file object
41     *
42     * @var PEAR_PackageFile_v2_rw
43     */
44    var $_pkg;
45    /**
46     * Enter description here...
47     *
48     * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v2_rw $pkg
49     * @param PEAR_Config $config
50     * @param PEAR_Frontend $logger
51     * @param array $fileXml
52     * @return PEAR_Task_Postinstallscript_rw
53     */
54    function PEAR_Task_Postinstallscript_rw(&$pkg, &$config, &$logger, $fileXml)
55    {
56        parent::PEAR_Task_Common($config, $logger, PEAR_TASK_PACKAGE);
57        $this->_contents = $fileXml;
58        $this->_pkg = &$pkg;
59        $this->_params = array();
60    }
62    function validate()
63    {
64        return $this->validateXml($this->_pkg, $this->_params, $this->config, $this->_contents);
65    }
67    function getName()
68    {
69        return 'postinstallscript';
70    }
72    /**
73     * add a simple <paramgroup> to the post-install script
74     *
75     * Order is significant, so call this method in the same
76     * sequence the users should see the paramgroups.  The $params
77     * parameter should either be the result of a call to {@link getParam()}
78     * or an array of calls to getParam().
79     *
80     * Use {@link addConditionTypeGroup()} to add a <paramgroup> containing
81     * a <conditiontype> tag
82     * @param string $id <paramgroup> id as seen by the script
83     * @param array|false $params array of getParam() calls, or false for no params
84     * @param string|false $instructions
85     */
86    function addParamGroup($id, $params = false, $instructions = false)
87    {
88        if ($params && isset($params[0]) && !isset($params[1])) {
89            $params = $params[0];
90        }
91        $stuff =
92            array(
93                $this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':id' => $id,
94            );
95        if ($instructions) {
96            $stuff[$this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':instructions'] = $instructions;
97        }
98        if ($params) {
99            $stuff[$this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':param'] = $params;
100        }
101        $this->_params[$this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':paramgroup'][] = $stuff;
102    }
104    /**
105     * add a complex <paramgroup> to the post-install script with conditions
106     *
107     * This inserts a <paramgroup> with
108     *
109     * Order is significant, so call this method in the same
110     * sequence the users should see the paramgroups.  The $params
111     * parameter should either be the result of a call to {@link getParam()}
112     * or an array of calls to getParam().
113     *
114     * Use {@link addParamGroup()} to add a simple <paramgroup>
115     *
116     * @param string $id <paramgroup> id as seen by the script
117     * @param string $oldgroup <paramgroup> id of the section referenced by
118     *                         <conditiontype>
119     * @param string $param name of the <param> from the older section referenced
120     *                      by <contitiontype>
121     * @param string $value value to match of the parameter
122     * @param string $conditiontype one of '=', '!=', 'preg_match'
123     * @param array|false $params array of getParam() calls, or false for no params
124     * @param string|false $instructions
125     */
126    function addConditionTypeGroup($id, $oldgroup, $param, $value, $conditiontype = '=',
127                                   $params = false, $instructions = false)
128    {
129        if ($params && isset($params[0]) && !isset($params[1])) {
130            $params = $params[0];
131        }
132        $stuff =
133            array(
134                $this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':id' => $id,
135            );
136        if ($instructions) {
137            $stuff[$this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':instructions'] = $instructions;
138        }
139        $stuff[$this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':name'] = $oldgroup . '::' . $param;
140        $stuff[$this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':conditiontype'] = $conditiontype;
141        $stuff[$this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':value'] = $value;
142        if ($params) {
143            $stuff[$this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':param'] = $params;
144        }
145        $this->_params[$this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':paramgroup'][] = $stuff;
146    }
148    function getXml()
149    {
150        return $this->_params;
151    }
153    /**
154     * Use to set up a param tag for use in creating a paramgroup
155     * @static
156     */
157    function getParam($name, $prompt, $type = 'string', $default = null)
158    {
159        if ($default !== null) {
160            return
161            array(
162                $this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':name' => $name,
163                $this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':prompt' => $prompt,
164                $this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':type' => $type,
165                $this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':default' => $default
166            );
167        }
168        return
169            array(
170                $this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':name' => $name,
171                $this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':prompt' => $prompt,
172                $this->_pkg->getTasksNs() . ':type' => $type,
173            );
174    }