2-- Library methods for handling MongoDB, creating and parsing packets.
4-- @author Martin Holst Swende
5-- @copyright Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html
7-- @args mongodb.db - the database to use for authentication
9-- Created 01/13/2010 - v0.1 - created by Martin Holst Swende <martin@swende.se>
10-- Revised 01/03/2012 - v0.2 - added authentication support <patrik@cqure.net>
12local nmap = require "nmap"
13local stdnse = require "stdnse"
14local string = require "string"
15local table = require "table"
16local openssl = stdnse.silent_require "openssl"
17_ENV = stdnse.module("mongodb", stdnse.seeall)
20-- this is not yet widely implemented but at least used for authentication
21-- ideally, it would be used to set the database against which operations,
22-- that do not require a specific database, should run
23local arg_DB = stdnse.get_script_args("mongodb.db")
25-- Some lazy shortcuts
27local function dbg(str,...)
28  stdnse.debug3("MngoDb:"..str, ...)
30--local dbg =stdnse.debug1
32local err =stdnse.debug1
35-- First of all comes a Bson parsing library. This can easily be moved out into a separate library should other
36-- services start to use Bson
38-- Library methods for handling the BSON format
40-- For more documentation about the BSON format,
41---and more details about its implementations, check out the
42-- python BSON implementation which is available at
43-- http://github.com/mongodb/mongo-python-driver/blob/master/pymongo/bson.py
44-- and licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
46-- @author Martin Holst Swende
47-- @copyright Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html
49-- Version 0.1
51-- Created 01/13/2010 - v0.1 - created by Martin Holst Swende <martin@swende.se>
52--module("bson", package.seeall)
53local function dbg_err(str,...)
54  stdnse.debug1("Bson-ERR:"..str, ...)
56--local err =stdnse.log_error
58--Converts an element (key, value) into bson binary data
59--@param key the key name, must *NOT* contain . (period) or start with $
60--@param value, the element value
61--@return status : true if ok, false if error
62--@return result : the packed binary data OR error message
63local function _element_to_bson(key, value)
65  --Some constraints-checking
66  if type(key) ~= 'string' then
67    return false, "Documents must have only string keys, key was " .. type(key)
68  end
69  if key:sub(1,1) == "$" then
70    return false,  "key must not start with $: ".. key
71  end
72  if key:find("%.") then
73    return false, ("key %r must not contain '.'"):format(tostring(key))
74  end
76  local name = string.pack("z", key) -- null-terminated string
77  if type(value) == 'string' then
78    local cstring = string.pack("z", value) -- null-terminated string
79    local length = string.pack("<i4", cstring:len())
80    local op = "\x02"
81    return true, op .. name .. length .. cstring
82  elseif type(value) =='table' then
83    return true, "\x02" .. name .. toBson(value)
84  elseif type(value)== 'boolean' then
85    return true, "\x08" .. name .. (value and '\x01' or '\0')
86  elseif type(value) == 'number' then
87    return true, '\x01' .. name .. string.pack("<d", value)
88  end
90  local _ = ("cannot convert value of type %s to bson"):format(type(value))
91  return false, _
94--Converts a table of elements to binary bson format
95--@param dict the table
96--@return status : true if ok, false if error
97--@return result : a string of binary data OR error message
98function toBson(dict)
100  local elements = ""
101  --Put id first
102  if dict._id then
103    local status,res = _element_to_bson("_id", dict._id)
104    if not status then return false, res end
105    elements = elements..res
106  elseif ( dict._cmd ) then
107    for k, v in pairs(dict._cmd) do
108      local status,res = _element_to_bson(k, v)
109      if not status then return false, res end
110      elements = elements..res
111    end
112  end
113  --Concatenate binary values
114  for key, value in pairs( dict ) do
115    if key ~= "_id" and key ~= "_cmd" then
116      dbg("dictionary to bson : key,value =(%s,%s)",key,value)
117      local status,res = _element_to_bson(key,value)
118      if not status then return false, res end
119      elements = elements..res
120    end
121  end
122  -- Get length
123  local length = #elements + 5
125  if length > 4 * 1024 * 1024 then
126    return false, "document too large - BSON documents are limited to 4 MB"
127  end
128  dbg("Packet length is %d",length)
129  --Final pack
130  return true, string.pack("<I4", length) .. elements .. "\0"
133-- Reads a null-terminated string. If length is supplied, it is just cut
134-- out from the data, otherwise the data is scanned for at null-char.
135--@param data the data which starts with a c-string
136--@param length optional length of the string
137--@return the string
138--@return the remaining data (*without* null-char)
139local function get_c_string(data,length)
140  if not length then
141    local index = data:find('\0')
142    if index == nil then
143      error({code="C-string did not contain NULL char"})
144    end
145    length = index
146  end
147  local value = data:sub(1,length-1)
149  --dbg("Found char at pos %d, data is %s c-string is %s",length, data, value)
151  return value, data:sub(length+1)
154-- Element parser. Parse data elements
155-- @param data String containing binary data
156-- @return Position in the data string where parsing stopped
157-- @return Unpacked value
158-- @return error string if error occurred
159local function parse(code,data)
160  if 1 == code  then -- double
161    local v, pos = string.unpack("<d", data)
162    return pos, v
163  elseif 2 == code then -- string
164    -- data length = first four bytes
165    local len = string.unpack("<i4",data)
166    -- string data = data[5] -->
167    local value = get_c_string(data:sub(5), len)
168    -- Count position as header (=4) + length of string (=len)+ null char (=1)
169    return 4+len+1,value
170  elseif 3 == code or 4 == code then -- table or array
171    local object, err
173    -- Need to know the length, to return later
174    local obj_size = string.unpack("<i4", data)
175    -- Now, get the data object
176    dbg("Recursing into bson array")
177    object, data, err = fromBson(data)
178    dbg("Recurse finished, got data object")
179    -- And return where the parsing stopped
180    return obj_size+1, object
181    --6 = _get_null
182    --7 = _get_oid
183  elseif 8 == code then -- Boolean
184    return 2, data:byte(1) == 1
185  elseif 9 == code then -- int64, UTC datetime
186    local v, pos = string.unpack("<i8", data)
187    return pos, v
188  elseif 10 == code then -- nullvalue
189    return 0,nil
190    --11= _get_regex
191    --12= _get_ref
192    --13= _get_string, # code
193    --14= _get_string, # symbol
194    --15=  _get_code_w_scope
195  elseif 16 == code then -- 4 byte integer
196    local v, pos = string.unpack("<i4", data)
197    return pos, v
198    --17= _get_timestamp
199  elseif 18 == code then -- long
200    local v, pos = string.unpack("<i8", data)
201    return pos, v
202  end
203  local err = ("Getter for %d not implemented"):format(code)
204  return 0, data, err
208-- Reads an element from binary to BSon
209--@param data a string of data to convert
210--@return Name of the element
211--@return Value of the element
212--@return Residual data not used
213--@return any error that occurred
214local function _element_to_dict(data)
215  local element_type, element_name, err, pos, value
216  --local element_size = data:byte(1)
217  element_type = data:byte(1)
218  element_name, data = get_c_string(data:sub(2))
220  dbg(" Read element name '%s' (type:%s), data left: %d",element_name, element_type,data:len())
221  --pos,value,err = parsers.get(element_type)(data)
222  pos,value,err = parse(element_type,data)
223  if(err ~= nil) then
224    dbg_err(err)
225    return nil,nil, data, err
226  end
228  data=data:sub(pos)
230  dbg(" Read element value '%s', data left: %d",tostring(value), data:len())
231  return element_name, value, data
234--Reads all elements from binary to BSon
235--@param data the data to read from
236--@return the resulting table
237local function _elements_to_dict(data)
238  local result = {}
239  local key,value
240  while data and data:len() > 1 do
241    key, value, data = _element_to_dict(data)
242    dbg("Parsed (%s='%s'), data left : %d", tostring(key),tostring(value), data:len())
243    if type(value) ~= 'table' then value=tostring(value) end
244    result[key] = value
245  end
246  return result
249--Checks if enough data to parse the result is captured
250--@data binary bson data read from socket
251--@return true if the full bson table is contained in the data, false if data is incomplete
252--@return required size of packet, if known, otherwise nil
253function isPacketComplete(data)
254  -- First, we check that the header is complete
255  if data:len() < 4 then
256    local err_msg = "Not enough data in buffer, at least 4 bytes header info expected"
257    return false
258  end
260  local obj_size = string.unpack("<i4", data)
262  dbg("BSon packet size is %s", obj_size)
264  -- Check that all data is read and the packet is complete
265  if data:len() < obj_size then
266    return false,obj_size
267  end
268  return true,obj_size
271-- Converts bson binary data read from socket into a table
272-- of elements
273--@param data: binary data
274--@return table containing elements
275--@return remaining data
276--@return error message if not enough data was in packet
277function fromBson(data)
279  dbg("Decoding, got %s bytes of data", data:len())
280  local complete, object_size = isPacketComplete(data)
282  if not complete then
283    local err_msg = ("Not enough data in buffer, expected %s but only has %d"):format(object_size or "?", data:len())
284    dbg(err_msg)
285    return {},data, err_msg
286  end
288  local element_portion = data:sub(5,object_size)
289  local remainder = data:sub(object_size+1)
290  return _elements_to_dict(element_portion), remainder
295-- Test-code for debugging purposes below
297function testBson()
298  local p = toBson({hello="world", test="ok"})
300  print( "Encoded something ok")
301  local orig = fromBson(p)
302  print(" Decoded something else ok")
303  for i,v in pairs(orig) do
304    print(i,v)
305  end
309--- END of BSON part
313--[[ MongoDB wire protocol format
315Standard message header :
316struct {
317    int32   messageLength;  // total size of the message, including the 4 bytes of length
318    int32   requestID;      // client or database-generated identifier for this message
319    int32   responseTo;     // requestID from the original request (used in responses from db)
320    int32   opCode;         // request type - see table below
323Opcodes :
324OP_REPLY         1     Reply to a client request. responseTo is set
325OP_MSG           1000  generic msg command followed by a string
326OP_UPDATE        2001  update document
327OP_INSERT        2002  insert new document
328OP_GET_BY_OID    2003  is this used?
329OP_QUERY         2004  query a collection
330OP_GET_MORE      2005  Get more data from a query. See Cursors
331OP_DELETE        2006  Delete documents
332OP_KILL_CURSORS  2007  Tell database client is done with a cursor
334Query message :
335struct {
336    MsgHeader header;                 // standard message header
337    int32     opts;                   // query options.  See below for details.
338    cstring   fullCollectionName;     // "dbname.collectionname"
339    int32     numberToSkip;           // number of documents to skip when returning results
340    int32     numberToReturn;         // number of documents to return in the first OP_REPLY
341    BSON      query ;                 // query object.  See below for details.
342  [ BSON      returnFieldSelector; ]  // OPTIONAL : selector indicating the fields to return.  See below for details.
345For more info about the MongoDB wire protocol, see http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Mongo+Wire+Protocol
349-- DIY lua-class to create Mongo packets
350--@usage call MongoData:new({opCode=MongoData.OP.QUERY}) to create query object
351MongoData ={
352  uniqueRequestId = 12345,
353  -- Opcodes used by Mongo db
354  OP = {
355    REPLY = 1,
356    MSG = 1000,
357    UPDATE = 2001,
358    INSERT = 2002,
359    GET_BY_IOD = 2003,
360    QUERY = 2004,
361    GET_MORE = 2005,
362    DELETE = 2006,
363    KILL_CURSORS = 2007,
364  },
365  -- Lua-DIY constructor
366  new = function  (self,o,opCode,responseTo)
367    o = o or {}   -- create object if user does not provide one
368    setmetatable(o, self) -- DIY inheritance a'la javascript
369    self.__index = self
370    self.valueString = ''
371    self.requestID = MongoData.uniqueRequestId -- Create unique id for message
372    MongoData.uniqueRequestId = MongoData.uniqueRequestId +1
373    return o
374  end
376--Adds signed int32 to the message body
377--@param value the value to add
378function MongoData:addInt32(value)
379  self.valueString = self.valueString..string.pack("<i4",value)
381-- Adds a string to the message body
382--@param value the string to add
383function MongoData:addString(value)
384  self.valueString = self.valueString..string.pack('z',value)
386-- Add a table as a BSon object to the body
387--@param dict the table to be converted to BSon
388--@return status : true if ok, false if error occurred
389--@return Error message if error occurred
390function MongoData:addBSON(dict)
391  -- status, res = bson.toBson(dict)
392  local status, res = toBson(dict)
393  if not status then
394    dbg(res)
395    return status,res
396  end
398  self.valueString = self.valueString..res
399  return true
401-- Returns the data in this packet in a raw string format to be sent on socket
402-- This method creates necessary header information and puts it with the body
403function MongoData:data()
404  local header = MongoData:new()
405  header:addInt32( self.valueString:len()+4+4+4+4)
406  header:addInt32( self.requestID)
407  header:addInt32( self.responseTo or -1)
408  header:addInt32( self.opCode)
409  return header.valueString .. self.valueString
411-- Creates a query
412-- @param collectionName string specifying the collection to run query against
413-- @param a table containing the query
414--@return status : true for OK, false for error
415--@return packet data OR error message
416local function createQuery(collectionName, query)
417  local packet = MongoData:new({opCode=MongoData.OP.QUERY})
418  packet:addInt32(0); -- options
419  packet:addString(collectionName);
420  packet:addInt32(0) -- number to skip
421  -- NB: Using value of -1 for "no limit" below is suspect. The protocol
422  --     interprets -1 as requesting only one document, not all documents.
423  --     https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/mongodb-wire-protocol/#wire-op-query
424  packet:addInt32(-1) -- number to return : no limit
425  local status, error = packet:addBSON(query)
427  if not status then
428    return status, error
429  end
431  return true, packet:data()
433-- Creates a get last error query
434-- @param responseTo optional identifier this packet is a response to
435--@return status : true for OK, false for error
436--@return packet data OR error message
437function lastErrorQuery(responseTo)
438  local collectionName = "test.$cmd"
439  local query = {getlasterror=1}
440  return createQuery(collectionName, query)
442-- Creates a server status query
443-- @param responseTo optional identifier this packet is a response to
444--@return status : true for OK, false for error
445--@return packet data OR error message
446function serverStatusQuery(responseTo)
447  local collectionName = "test.$cmd"
448  local query = {serverStatus = 1}
449  return createQuery(collectionName, query)
451-- Creates a optime query
452-- @param responseTo optional identifier this packet is a response to
453--@return status : true for OK, false for error
454--@return packet data OR error message
455function opTimeQuery(responseTo)
456  local collectionName = "test.$cmd"
457  local query = {getoptime = 1}
458  return createQuery(collectionName, query)
460-- Creates a list databases query
461-- @param responseTo optional identifier this packet is a response to
462--@return status : true for OK, false for error
463--@return packet data OR error message
464function listDbQuery(responseTo)
465  local collectionName = "admin.$cmd"
466  local query = {listDatabases = 1}
467  return createQuery(collectionName, query)
469-- Creates a build info query
470-- @param responseTo optional identifier this packet is a response to
471--@return status : true for OK, false for error
472--@return packet data OR error message
473--@return status : true for OK, false for error
474--@return packet data OR error message
475function buildInfoQuery(responseTo)
476  local collectionName = "admin.$cmd"
477  local query = {buildinfo = 1}
478  return createQuery(collectionName, query)
480--Reads an int32 from data
481--@return int32 value
482--@return data unread
483local function parseInt32(data)
484  local val, pos = string.unpack("<i4", data)
485  return val, data:sub(pos)
487local function parseInt64(data)
488  local val, pos =  string.unpack("<i8", data)
489  return val, data:sub(pos)
491-- Parses response header
492-- The response header looks like this :
494struct {
495    MsgHeader header;                 // standard message header
496    int32     responseFlag;           // normally zero, non-zero on query failure
497    int64     cursorID;               // id of the cursor created for this query response
498    int32     startingFrom;           // indicates where in the cursor this reply is starting
499    int32     numberReturned;         // number of documents in the reply
500    BSON[]    documents;              // documents
503--@param the data from socket
504--@return a table containing the header data
505local function parseResponseHeader(data)
506  local response= {}
507  local hdr, rflag, cID, sfrom, nRet, docs
509  -- First std message header
510  hdr ={}
511  hdr["messageLength"], data = parseInt32(data)
512  hdr["requestID"], data = parseInt32(data)
513  hdr["responseTo"], data = parseInt32(data)
514  hdr["opCode"], data = parseInt32(data)
515  response["header"] = hdr
516  -- Some additional fields
517  response["responseFlag"] ,data = parseInt32(data)
518  response["cursorID"] ,data = parseInt64(data)
519  response["startingFrom"] ,data = parseInt32(data)
520  response["numberReturned"] ,data = parseInt32(data)
521  response["bson"] = data
522  return response
524--Checks if enough data to parse the result is captured
525--@data binary mongodb data read from socket
526--@return true if the full mongodb packet is contained in the data, false if data is incomplete
527--@return required size of packet, if known, otherwise nil
528function isPacketComplete(data)
529  -- First, we check that the header is complete
530  if data:len() < 4 then
531    local err_msg = "Not enough data in buffer, at least 4 bytes header info expected"
532    return false
533  end
535  local obj_size = string.unpack("<i4", data)
537  dbg("MongoDb Packet size is %s, (got %d)", obj_size,data:len())
539  -- Check that all data is read and the packet is complete
540  if data:len() < obj_size then
541    return false,obj_size
542  end
543  return true,obj_size
546-- Sends a packet over a socket, reads the response
547-- and parses it into a table
548--@return status : true if ok; false if bad
549--@return result : table of status ok, error msg if bad
550--@return if status ok : remaining data read from socket but not used
551function query(socket, data)
552  --Create an error handler
553  local catch = function()
554    socket:close()
555    stdnse.debug1("Query failed")
556  end
557  local try = nmap.new_try(catch)
559  try( socket:send( data ) )
561  local data = ""
562  local result =  {}
563  local err_msg
564  local isComplete, pSize
565  while not isComplete do
566    dbg("mongo: waiting for data from socket, got %d bytes so far...",data:len())
567    data = data .. try( socket:receive() )
568    isComplete, pSize = isPacketComplete(data)
569  end
570  -- All required data should be read now
571  local packetData = data:sub(1,pSize)
572  local residualData = data:sub(pSize+1)
573  local responseHeader = parseResponseHeader(packetData)
575  if responseHeader["responseFlag"] ~= 0 then
576    dbg("Response flag not zero : %d, some error occurred", responseHeader["responseFlag"])
577  end
579  local bsonData = responseHeader["bson"]
580  if #bsonData == 0 then
581    dbg("No BSon data returned ")
582    return false, "No Bson data returned"
583  end
585  -- result, data, err_msg = bson.fromBson(bsonData)
586  result, data, err_msg = fromBson(bsonData)
588  if err_msg then
589    dbg("Got error converting from bson: %s" , err_msg)
590    return false, ("Got error converting from bson: %s"):format(err_msg)
591  end
592  return true,result, residualData
595function login(socket, db, username, password)
597  local collectionName = ("%s.$cmd"):format(arg_DB or db)
598  local q = { getnonce = 1 }
599  local status, packet = createQuery(collectionName, q)
600  local response
601  status, response = query(socket, packet)
602  if ( not(status) or not(response.nonce) ) then
603    return false, "Failed to retrieve nonce"
604  end
606  local nonce = response.nonce
607  local pwdigest = stdnse.tohex(openssl.md5(username .. ':mongo:' ..password))
608  local digest = stdnse.tohex(openssl.md5(nonce .. username .. pwdigest))
610  q = { user = username, nonce = nonce, key = digest }
611  q._cmd = { authenticate = 1 }
613  local status, packet = createQuery(collectionName, q)
614  status, response = query(socket, packet)
615  if ( not(status) ) then
616    return status, response
617  elseif ( response.errmsg == "auth fails" ) then
618    return false, "Authentication failed"
619  elseif ( response.errmsg ) then
620    return false, response.errmsg
621  end
622  return status, response
626--- Converts a query result as received from MongoDB query into nmap "result" table
627-- @param resultTable table as returned from a query
628-- @return table suitable for <code>stdnse.format_output</code>
629function queryResultToTable( resultTable )
631  local result = {}
632  for k,v in pairs( resultTable ) do
633    if type(v) == 'table' then
634      table.insert(result,k)
635      table.insert(result,queryResultToTable(v))
636    else
637      table.insert(result,(("%s = %s"):format(tostring(k), tostring(v))))
638    end
639  end
640  return result
644return _ENV;