1 /**
2  * Licensed to the University Corporation for Advanced Internet
3  * Development, Inc. (UCAID) under one or more contributor license
4  * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
5  * additional information regarding copyright ownership.
6  *
7  * UCAID licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
8  * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
9  * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
10  * License at
11  *
12  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13  *
14  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
15  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
17  * either express or implied. See the License for the specific
18  * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
19  */
21 /**
22  * @file saml/binding/MessageDecoder.h
23  *
24  * Interface to SAML protocol binding message decoders.
25  */
27 #ifndef __saml_decoder_h__
28 #define __saml_decoder_h__
30 #include <saml/base.h>
32 #include <vector>
33 #include <xercesc/util/XMLUniDefs.hpp>
35 namespace xmltooling {
36     class XMLTOOL_API GenericRequest;
37     class XMLTOOL_API GenericResponse;
38     class XMLTOOL_API XMLObject;
39 };
41 namespace opensaml {
43     class SAML_API SAMLArtifact;
44     class SAML_API SecurityPolicy;
45     namespace saml1p {
46         class SAML_API Response;
47     };
48     namespace saml2p {
49         class SAML_API SAML2Artifact;
50         class SAML_API ArtifactResponse;
51     };
52     namespace saml2md {
53         class SAML_API MetadataProvider;
54         class SAML_API IDPSSODescriptor;
55         class SAML_API RoleDescriptor;
56         class SAML_API SSODescriptorType;
57     };
59     /**
60      * Interface to SAML protocol binding message decoders.
61      */
62     class SAML_API MessageDecoder
63     {
64         MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(MessageDecoder);
65     public:
66         virtual ~MessageDecoder();
68         /**
69          * Returns identifier for the protocol family associated with the decoder.
70          *
71          * @return  a protocol family identifier, or nullptr
72          */
73         virtual const XMLCh* getProtocolFamily() const;
75         /**
76          * Indicates whether a web browser or similar user agent delivered the message.
77          *
78          * @return true iff the message was delivered by a user agent
79          */
80         virtual bool isUserAgentPresent() const;
82         /**
83          * Interface to caller-supplied artifact resolution mechanism.
84          *
85          * Resolving artifacts requires internally performing a SOAP-based
86          * call to the artifact source, usually in a mutually authenticated fashion.
87          * The potential options vary widely, so the work is encapsulated by this
88          * interface, though of course other library facilities may be used.
89          *
90          * <p>A MessageDecoder implementation will invoke the supplied interface
91          * when it requires an artifact be resolved.
92          */
93         class SAML_API ArtifactResolver {
94             MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(ArtifactResolver);
95         protected:
96             ArtifactResolver();
98         public:
99             virtual ~ArtifactResolver();
101             /**
102              * Resolves one or more SAML 1.x artifacts into a response containing a set of
103              * resolved Assertions. The caller is responsible for the resulting Response.
104              * The supplied SecurityPolicy is used to access caller-supplied infrastructure
105              * and to pass back the result of authenticating the resolution process.
106              *
107              * @param artifacts         one or more SAML 1.x artifacts
108              * @param idpDescriptor     reference to IdP role of artifact issuer
109              * @param policy            reference to policy containing rules, MetadataProvider, TrustEngine, etc.
110              * @return the corresponding SAML Assertions wrapped in a Response.
111              */
112             virtual saml1p::Response* resolve(
113                 const std::vector<SAMLArtifact*>& artifacts,
114                 const saml2md::IDPSSODescriptor& idpDescriptor,
115                 SecurityPolicy& policy
116                 ) const=0;
118             /**
119              * Resolves a SAML 2.0 artifact into the corresponding SAML protocol message.
120              * The caller is responsible for the resulting ArtifactResponse message.
121              * The supplied SecurityPolicy is used to access caller-supplied infrastructure
122              * and to pass back the result of authenticating the resolution process.
123              *
124              * @param artifact          reference to a SAML 2.0 artifact
125              * @param ssoDescriptor     reference to SSO role of artifact issuer (may be SP or IdP)
126              * @param policy            reference to policy containing rules, MetadataProvider, TrustEngine, etc.
127              * @return the corresponding SAML protocol message or nullptr
128              */
129             virtual saml2p::ArtifactResponse* resolve(
130                 const saml2p::SAML2Artifact& artifact,
131                 const saml2md::SSODescriptorType& ssoDescriptor,
132                 SecurityPolicy& policy
133                 ) const=0;
135             /**
136              * Returns true iff the metadata provided includes a supported artifact resolution service.
137              *
138              * @param ssoDescriptor reference to SSO role of artifact issuer (may be SP or IdP)
139              * @return true iff the artifact issuer offers endpoints supported by this resolver
140              */
141             virtual bool isSupported(const saml2md::SSODescriptorType& ssoDescriptor) const;
142         };
144         /**
145          * Provides an ArtifactResolver implementation for the MessageDecoder to use.
146          * The implementation's lifetime must be longer than the lifetime of this object.
147          * This method must be externally synchronized.
148          *
149          * @param artifactResolver   an ArtifactResolver implementation to use
150          */
151         void setArtifactResolver(const ArtifactResolver* artifactResolver);
153         /**
154          * @Deprecated
155          *
156          * The future version is the variant below that also takes a response object.
157          *
158          * @param relayState        will be set to RelayState/TARGET value accompanying message
159          * @param genericRequest    reference to interface for accessing transport request to decode
160          * @param policy            reference to policy containing rules, MetadataProvider, TrustEngine, etc.
161          * @return  the decoded message, or nullptr if the decoder did not recognize the request content
162          */
163         virtual xmltooling::XMLObject* decode(
164             std::string& relayState,
165             const xmltooling::GenericRequest& genericRequest,
166             SecurityPolicy& policy
167             ) const;
169         /**
170         * Decodes a transport request into a SAML protocol message, and evaluates it
171         * against a supplied SecurityPolicy. If the transport request does not contain
172         * the information necessary to decode the request, nullptr will be returned.
173         * Errors during the decoding process will be raised as exceptions.
174         *
175         * <p>Artifact-based bindings require an ArtifactResolver be set to
176         * turn an artifact into the corresponding message.</p>
177         *
178         * @param relayState        will be set to RelayState/TARGET value accompanying message
179         * @param genericRequest    reference to interface for accessing transport request to decode
180         * @param genericResponse   optional interface for accessing transport response
181         * @param policy            reference to policy containing rules, MetadataProvider, TrustEngine, etc.
182         * @return  the decoded message, or nullptr if the decoder did not recognize the request content
183         */
184         virtual xmltooling::XMLObject* decode(
185             std::string& relayState,
186             const xmltooling::GenericRequest& genericRequest,
187             xmltooling::GenericResponse* genericResponse,
188             SecurityPolicy& policy
189         ) const;
191     protected:
192         MessageDecoder();
194         /** Pointer to an ArtifactResolver implementation. */
195         const ArtifactResolver* m_artifactResolver;
197         /**
198          * Extracts policy-relevant message details.
199          *
200          * @param message   the incoming message
201          * @param request   the protocol request
202          * @param protocol  the protocol family in use
203          * @param policy    SecurityPolicy to provide various components and track message data
204          */
205         virtual void extractMessageDetails (
206             const xmltooling::XMLObject& message,
207             const xmltooling::GenericRequest& request,
208             const XMLCh* protocol,
209             SecurityPolicy& policy
210             ) const=0;
211     };
213     /**
214      * Registers MessageDecoder plugins into the runtime.
215      */
216     void SAML_API registerMessageDecoders();
217 };
219 #endif /* __saml_decoder_h__ */