1 #include "config_xor.h"
3 #include "samhain.h"
4 #include "sh_error.h"
6 #include "sh_cat.h"
8 /*@-nullassign@*/
10 const char * class_cat[] = {
11   N_("AUD"),     /*  0 */
12   N_("PANIC"),   /*  1 */
13   N_("RUN_OLD"), /*  2 */
14   N_("FIL_OLD"), /*  3 */
15   N_("TCP"),     /*  4 */
16   N_("ERR"),     /*  5 */
17   N_("STAMP"),   /*  6 */
18   N_("ENET"),    /*  7 */
19   N_("EINPUT"),  /*  8 */
21   /* new simplified classes */
22   N_("EVENT"),   /*  9 */
23   N_("START"),   /* 10 */
24   N_("LOGKEY"),  /* 11 */
25   N_("OTHER"),   /* 12 */
26   /* end simplified classes */
28   N_("RUN"),     /* 13 */
29   N_("FIL"),     /* 14 */
30   N_("ERROR"),   /* 15 */
31   NULL
32 };
35 #ifdef SH_USE_XML
37 cat_entry msg_cat[] = {
39 #if defined(SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined(SH_STANDALONE)
40   { MSG_FI_CSUM,     SH_ERR_ALL,     FIL,   N_("msg=\"Checksum\" chk=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"")},
41   { MSG_FI_DSUM,     SH_ERR_INFO,    FIL,   N_("msg=\"d: %3ld, -: %3ld, l: %3ld, |: %3ld, s: %3ld, c: %3ld, b: %3ld\"")},
42   { MSG_FI_CHK,      SH_ERR_INFO,    FIL,   N_("msg=\"Checking %16s\" path=\"%s\"")},
43 #endif
45   { MSG_EXIT_ABORTS, SH_ERR_FATAL,   PANIC, N_("msg=\"PANIC %s\" program=\"%s\" subroutine=\"%s\"")},
46   { MSG_START_SRV,   SH_ERR_STAMP,   START, N_("msg=\"Server up, simultaneous connections: %d\" socket_id=\"%d\"")},
48   { MSG_EXIT_ABORT1, SH_ERR_FATAL,   PANIC, N_("msg=\"PANIC Error initializing the application\" program=\"%s\"")},
49   { MSG_EXIT_NORMAL, SH_ERR_FATAL,   START, N_("msg=\"EXIT\" program=\"%s\" status=\"%s\"")},
50   { MSG_START_KEY_MAIL,   SH_ERR_FATAL, LOGKEY,   N_("msg=\"LOGKEY\" program=\"%s\" hash=\"%s\"\r\n-----BEGIN LOGKEY-----\r\n%s%s")},
51   { MSG_START_KEY,   SH_ERR_FATAL,   LOGKEY,   N_("msg=\"LOGKEY\" program=\"%s\" hash=\"%s\"")},
52   { MSG_START_0H,    SH_ERR_FATAL,   START, N_("msg=\"START\" program=\"%s\" userid=\"%ld\"")},
53   { MSG_START_1H,    SH_ERR_FATAL,   START, N_("msg=\"START\" program=\"%s\" userid=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\" hash=\"%s\"")},
54   { MSG_START_2H,    SH_ERR_FATAL,   START, N_("msg=\"START\" program=\"%s\" userid=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\" hash=\"%s\" path_data=\"%s\" hash_data=\"%s\"")},
55   { MSG_START_GH,    SH_ERR_FATAL,   START, N_("msg=\"START\" program=\"%s\" userid=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\" key_uid=\"%s\" key_id=\"%s\"")},
56   { MSG_START_GH2,   SH_ERR_FATAL,   START, N_("msg=\"EXIT\" program=\"%s\" userid=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\" key_uid=\"%s\" key_id=\"%s\" path_data=\"%s\" key_uid_data=\"%s\" key_id_data=\"%s\"")},
57   { MSG_SUSPEND,     SH_ERR_STAMP,   START, N_("msg=\"SUSPEND\" program=\"%s\"")},
60   { MSG_MLOCK,       SH_ERR_WARN,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Using insecure memory\"")},
61   { MSG_W_SIG,       SH_ERR_WARN,    RUN,   N_("interface=\"sigaction\" msg=\"%s\" sig=\"%ld\"")},
62   { MSG_W_CHDIR,     SH_ERR_ERR,     RUN,   N_("interface=\"chdir\" msg=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"")},
64   { MSG_MOD_FAIL,    SH_ERR_WARN,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Module not initialized\" module=\"%s\" return_code=\"%ld\"")},
65   { MSG_MOD_OK,      SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Module initialized\" module=\"%s\"")},
66   { MSG_MOD_EXEC,    SH_ERR_ERR,     RUN,   N_("msg=\"Module execution error\" module=\"%s\" return_code=\"%ld\"")},
68   { MSG_RECONF,      SH_ERR_SEVERE,  START, N_("msg=\"Runtime configuration reloaded\"")},
70   { MSG_CHECK_0,     SH_ERR_WARN,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"No files or directories defined for checking\"")},
71   { MSG_CHECK_1,     SH_ERR_STAMP,   STAMP, N_("msg=\"File check completed.\" time=\"%ld\" kBps=\"%f\"")},
72   { MSG_CHECK_2,     SH_ERR_STAMP,   STAMP, N_("msg=\"File check starting.\"")},
73   { MSG_STAMP,       SH_ERR_STAMP,   STAMP, N_("msg=\"---- TIMESTAMP ----\"")},
74   { MSG_DCLOSE,      SH_ERR_NOTICE,  RUN,   N_("msg=\"Finished writing baseline database.\"")},
76   { MSG_D_START,     SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Downloading configuration file\"")},
77   { MSG_D_DSTART,    SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Downloading database file\"")},
78   { MSG_D_FAIL,      SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"No file from server, trying local file\"")},
79   { MSG_D_DELTAOK,   SH_ERR_SEVERE,  RUN,   N_("msg=\"Delta database downloaded\", path=\"%s\"")},
80   { MSG_D_DELTAFAIL, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  RUN,   N_("msg=\"Delta database download failed\", path=\"%s\"")},
83 #ifndef HAVE_URANDOM
84   { MSG_ENSTART,     SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=\"Found entropy source\" path=\"%s\"")},
85   { MSG_ENEXEC,      SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=\"Execute entropy source\" path=\"%s\" rd_file_id=\"%ld\"")},
86   { MSG_ENFAIL,      SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=\"Could not execute entropy source\" path=\"%s\"")},
87   { MSG_ENTOUT,      SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=\"Timeout in entropy collector\" time=\"%ld\"")},
88   { MSG_ENCLOS,      SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=\"End of data, closing entropy source\" rd_file_id=\"%ld\"")},
89   { MSG_ENCLOS1,     SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=\"Close entropy source\" rd_file_id=\"%ld\"")},
90   { MSG_ENREAD,      SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=\"Data from entropy source\" rd_file_id=\"%ld\" bytes=\"%ld\"")},
91 #endif
93 #ifdef SH_USE_SUIDCHK
94   { MSG_SUID_POLICY, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [SuidCheck]  %s\" path=\"%s\" %s") },
95   { MSG_SUID_FOUND,  SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Found suid/sgid file\" path=\"%s\"") },
96   { MSG_SUID_SUMMARY,SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Checked for SUID programs: %ld files, %ld seconds\"") },
97   { MSG_SUID_QREPORT,SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"Quarantine report: %s\" path=\"%s\"") },
98   { MSG_SUID_ERROR,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"Quarantine error: %s\"") },
99 #endif
101 #ifdef SH_USE_UTMP
102   { MSG_UT_CHECK,    SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Checking logins\"")},
103   { MSG_UT_LG1X,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=\"Login\" userid=\"%s\" tty=\"%s\" host=\"%s\" ip=\"%s\" time=\"%s\" status=\"%d\"")},
104   { MSG_UT_LG1A,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=\"Login\" userid=\"%s\" tty=\"%s\" host=\"%s\" time=\"%s\" status=\"%d\"")},
105   { MSG_UT_LG1B,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=\"Login\" userid=\"%s\" tty=\"%s\" time=\"%s\" status=\"%d\"")},
106   { MSG_UT_LG2X,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=\"Multiple login\" userid=\"%s\" tty=\"%s\" host=\"%s\" ip=\"%s\" time=\"%s\" status=\"%d\"")},
107   { MSG_UT_LG2A,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=\"Multiple login\" userid=\"%s\" tty=\"%s\" host=\"%s\" time=\"%s\" status=\"%d\"")},
108   { MSG_UT_LG2B,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=\"Multiple login\" userid=\"%s\" tty=\"%s\" time=\"%s\" status=\"%d\"")},
109   { MSG_UT_LG3X,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=\"Logout\" userid=\"%s\" tty=\"%s\" host=\"%s\" ip=\"%s\" time=\"%s\" status=\"%d\"")},
110   { MSG_UT_LG3A,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=\"Logout\" userid=\"%s\" tty=\"%s\" host=\"%s\" time=\"%s\" status=\"%d\"")},
111   { MSG_UT_LG3B,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=\"Logout\" userid=\"%s\" tty=\"%s\" time=\"%s\" status=\"%d\"")},
112   { MSG_UT_LG3C,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=\"Logout\" tty=\"%s\" time=\"%s\" status=\"%d\"")},
113   { MSG_UT_ROT,      SH_ERR_WARN,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Logfile size decreased\" path=\"%s\"")},
115   { MSG_UT_BAD,      SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"Login at disallowed time\" userid=\"%s\" host=\"%s\" time=\"%s\"")},
116   { MSG_UT_FIRST,    SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"First login from this host\" userid=\"%s\" host=\"%s\" time=\"%s\"")},
117   { MSG_UT_OUTLIER,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"Login time outlier\" userid=\"%s\" host=\"%s\" time=\"%s\"")},
119 #endif
122   { MSG_PCK_CHECK,   SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Checking processes in pid interval [%ld,%ld]\"")},
123   { MSG_PCK_OK,      SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=\"PID %ld found with tests %s\"")},
124   { MSG_PCK_P_HIDDEN,SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [Process] Hidden pid: %ld tests: %s\" path=\"%s\" userid=\"%s\"")},
125   { MSG_PCK_HIDDEN,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [Process] Hidden pid: %ld tests: %s\"")},
126   { MSG_PCK_FAKE,    SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [Process] Fake pid: %ld tests: %s\"")},
127   { MSG_PCK_MISS,    SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [Process] Missing: %s\"")},
128 #endif
131   { MSG_PORT_MISS,   SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [ServiceMissing] %s\"")},
132   { MSG_PORT_NEW,    SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [ServiceNew] %s\" path=\"%s\"  pid=\"%lu\" userid=\"%s\"")},
133   { MSG_PORT_RESTART,SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [ServiceRestarted] %s\" path=\"%s\" pid=\"%lu\" userid=\"%s\"")},
134   { MSG_PORT_NEWPORT,SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [ServicePortSwitch] %s\" path=\"%s\" pid=\"%lu\" userid=\"%s\"")},
135 #endif
137 #ifdef SH_USE_MOUNTS
138   { MSG_MNT_CHECK,   SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Checking mounts\"")},
139   { MSG_MNT_MEMLIST, SH_ERR_ERR,     RUN,   N_("msg=\"Cannot read mount list from memory\"")},
140   { MSG_MNT_MNTMISS, SH_ERR_WARN,    EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [Mounts] Mount missing\" path=\"%s\"")},
141   { MSG_MNT_OPTMISS, SH_ERR_WARN,    EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [Mounts] Mount option missing\" path=\"%s\" option=\"%s\"")},
142 #endif
145   { MSG_USERFILES_SUMMARY,SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Checked for users files\"") },
146 #endif
149   { MSG_LOGMON_CHKS, SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Checking logfile %s\"") },
150   { MSG_LOGMON_CHKE, SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Finished logfile %s, %lu new records processed\"") },
151   { MSG_LOGMON_MISS, SH_ERR_ERR,     RUN,   N_("msg=\"Missing logfile %s\"") },
152   { MSG_LOGMON_EOPEN,SH_ERR_ERR,     RUN,   N_("msg=\"Cannot open logfile %s\"") },
153   { MSG_LOGMON_EREAD,SH_ERR_ERR,     RUN,   N_("msg=\"Error while reading logfile %s\"") },
154   { MSG_LOGMON_REP,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [Logfile] %s\" time=\"%s\" host=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"") },
155   { MSG_LOGMON_SUM,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [Logfile] %s\" host=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"") },
156   { MSG_LOGMON_COR,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [Logfile] Correlation event %s occured %d time(s)\"") },
157   { MSG_LOGMON_MARK, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [Logfile] Event %s missing for %lu seconds\"") },
158   { MSG_LOGMON_BURST, SH_ERR_SEVERE, EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [Logfile] Repeated %d times: %s\" host=\"%s\"") },
159 #endif
162   { MSG_REG_MISS,   SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [RegistryKeyMissing] %s\" path=\"%s\" %s")},
163   { MSG_REG_NEW,    SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [RegistryKeyNew] %s\" path=\"%s\" %s")},
164   { MSG_REG_CHANGE, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY [RegistryKeyChanged] %s\" path=\"%s\" %s")},
165 #endif
167 #if defined(SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined(SH_STANDALONE)
169   { MSG_FI_TOOLATE,  SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=\"Large lstat/open overhead: %ld sec\" path=\"%s\"")},
171 #if 0
172   { MSG_FI_CSUM,     SH_ERR_ALL,     FIL,   N_("msg=\"Checksum\" chk=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"")},
173   { MSG_FI_DSUM,     SH_ERR_INFO,    FIL,   N_("msg=\"d: %3ld, -: %3ld, l: %3ld, |: %3ld, s: %3ld, c: %3ld, b: %3ld\"")},
174   { MSG_FI_CHK,      SH_ERR_INFO,    FIL,   N_("msg=\"Checking %16s\" path=\"%s\"")},
175 #endif
177   { MSG_FI_NULL,     SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=\"Path is NULL\"")},
178   { MSG_FI_FAIL,     SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=\"Check failed\" path=\"%s\"")},
179   { MSG_FI_GLOB,     SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("interface=\"glob\" msg=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"")},
180   { MSG_FI_COLL,     SH_ERR_WARN,    FIL,   N_("msg=\"Writeable file with timestamps of parent directory fixed\" dir=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"")},
181   { MSG_FI_DOUBLE,   SH_ERR_WARN,    FIL,   N_("msg=\"File or directory appears twice in configuration\" path=\"%s\"")},
182   { MSG_FI_2LONG,    SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=\"Filename too long\" path=\"%s\"")},
183   { MSG_FI_2LONG2,   SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=\"Filename too long\" path=\"%s/%s\"")},
184   { MSG_FI_NOPATH,   SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=\"Filename not an absolute path\" path=\"%s\"")},
185   { MSG_FI_DLNK,     SH_ERR_INFO,    FIL,   N_("msg=\"Dangling link\" path=\"%s\" linked_path=\"%s\"")},
186   { MSG_FI_RDLNK,    SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("interface=\"readlink\" msg=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"")},
187   { MSG_FI_NOGRP,    SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("interface=\"getgrgid\" msg=\"No such group\" group=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\"")},
188   { MSG_FI_NOUSR,    SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("interface=\"getpwuid\" msg=\"No such user\" userid=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\"")},
189   { MSG_FI_STAT,     SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("interface=\"%s\" msg=\"%s\" userid=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\"")},
190   { MSG_FI_OBSC,     SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=\"Weird filename\" path=\"%s\"")},
191   { MSG_FI_OBSC2,    SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=\"Weird filename\" path=\"%s/%s\"")},
192   { MSG_FI_LIST,     SH_ERR_ALL,     FIL,   N_("msg=\"%10s %2d %8s %8s %14ld %21s %s\"")},
193   { MSG_FI_LLNK,     SH_ERR_ALL,     FIL,   N_("msg=\"   >>>  %10s  %s\"")},
194   { MSG_FI_MISS,     SH_ERR_ERR,     EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY MISSING\" path=\"%s\"")},
195   { MSG_FI_MISS2,    SH_ERR_ERR,     EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY MISSING\" path=\"%s\" %s")},
196   { MSG_FI_ADD,      SH_ERR_ERR,     EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY ADDED\" path=\"%s\"")},
197   { MSG_FI_ADD2,     SH_ERR_ERR,     EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY ADDED\" path=\"%s\" %s")},
198   { MSG_FI_CHAN,     SH_ERR_ERR,     EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY %s %s\" path=\"%s\" %s")},
199   { MSG_FI_NODIR,    SH_ERR_ERR,     EVENT, N_("msg=\"POLICY NODIRECTORY\" path=\"%s\"")},
200   { MSG_FI_DBEX,     SH_ERR_WARN,    FIL,   N_("msg=\"Signature database exists\" path=\"%s\"")},
201 #endif
203   { MSG_TCP_NETRP,   SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"Connection error: %s\" port=\"%ld\" subroutine=\"%s\"")},
205 #ifndef SH_STANDALONE
207 #ifdef INET_SYSLOG
208   { MSG_INET_SYSLOG, SH_ERR_INET,    TCP,   N_("ip=\"%s\" facility=\"%s\" priority=\"%s\" syslog_msg=\"%s\"")},
209   { MSG_ERR_SYSLOG,  SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"syslog socket: %s\" ip=\"%s\"")},
210 #endif
211   { MSG_TCP_MISMATCH,SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"Protocol mismatch\"")},
212   { MSG_TCP_MISENC,  SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"Encryption mismatch in %s: server: %s client: %s\"")},
213   { MSG_TCP_NONAME,  SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"No server name known\"")},
214   { MSG_TCP_UNEXP,   SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"Unexpected reply\"")},
215   { MSG_TCP_EFIL,    SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"Could not open temporary file\"")},
216   { MSG_TCP_NOCONF,  SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"Message delivery not confirmed\"")},
217   { MSG_TCP_NOAUTH,  SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"Session key negotiation failed\"")},
218   { MSG_TCP_CONF,    SH_ERR_ALL,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"Message delivery confirmed\"")},
219   { MSG_TCP_AUTH,    SH_ERR_INFO,    TCP,   N_("msg=\"Session key negotiated\"")},
220   { MSG_TCP_FOK,     SH_ERR_INFO,    TCP,   N_("msg=\"File download completed\"")},
221   { MSG_TCP_FBAD,    SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"File download failed\"")},
222   { MSG_TCP_ECONN,   SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"Connection error: %s\"")},
223   { MSG_TCP_EZERO,   SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"Illegal zero reply\"")},
224   { MSG_TCP_EBGN,    SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"Error in big integer library\"")},
226   { MSG_TCP_CREG,    SH_ERR_ALL,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"Registered %s, salt %s, verifier %s\"")},
227   { MSG_TCP_FAUTH,   SH_ERR_INFO,    TCP,   N_("msg=\"Force authentication\" host=\"%s\"")},
229   { MSG_TCP_RESCLT,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=\"Cannot resolve client name\" host=\"%s\"")},
230   { MSG_TCP_RESPEER, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=\"Cannot resolve socket peer IP for client\" host=\"%s\" peer=\"%s\"")},
231   { MSG_TCP_LOOKERS, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=\"Reverse lookup of socket peer failed\" host=\"%s\" peer=\"%s\" obj=\"%s\"")},
232   { MSG_TCP_LOOKUP,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=\"No socket peer alias matches client name\" host=\"%s\" peer=\"%s\"")},
234   { MSG_TCP_TIMOUT,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=\"Connection timeout\" host=\"%s\"")},
235   { MSG_TCP_TIMEXC,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=\"Time limit exceeded\" host=\"%s\"")},
236   { MSG_TCP_NOCLT,   SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=\"Hostname is NULL\"")},
237   { MSG_TCP_BADCONN, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=\"Invalid connection attempt: %s\" host=\"%s\"")},
238   { MSG_TCP_FFILE ,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=\"Unknown file request\" host=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"")},
239   { MSG_TCP_NFILE ,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=\"Requested file not found\" host=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"")},
240   { MSG_TCP_FINV ,   SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=\"Invalid request (%d) in pass %d\" host=\"%s\" request=\"%c%03o%c%03o%c%03o%c%03o\"")},
241   { MSG_TCP_OKFILE,  SH_ERR_INFO,    TCP,   N_("msg=\"File transfer completed\" host=\"%s\"")},
242   { MSG_TCP_OKMSG,   SH_ERR_ALL,     TCP,   N_("msg=\"Message transfer completed\" host=\"%s\"")},
243   { MSG_TCP_MSG,     SH_ERR_INET,    TCP,   N_("remote_host=\"%s\" > %s </log>")},
244   { MSG_TCP_NEW,     SH_ERR_NOTICE,  TCP,   N_("msg=\"NEW CLIENT\" host=\"%s\"")},
245   { MSG_TCP_ILL,     SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=\"Restart without prior exit\" host=\"%s\"")},
246   { MSG_TCP_SYNC,    SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=\"Out of sync\" host=\"%s\"")},
247   { MSG_TCP_RESET,   SH_ERR_NOTICE,  TCP,   N_("msg=\"Connection reset by peer\" host=\"%s\"")},
248   { MSG_TCP_CNEW,    SH_ERR_INFO,    TCP,   N_("msg=\"New connection\" socket_id=\"%d\"")},
249   { MSG_E_HTML,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Error writing HTML status\"")},
250 #endif
253   { MSG_E_AUTH,      SH_ERR_FATAL,   PANIC, N_("msg=\"PANIC - File modified\" path=\"%s\"")},
254   { MSG_ACCESS,      SH_ERR_FATAL,   PANIC, N_("msg=\"PANIC - Access violation\" userid=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\"")},
255   { MSG_TRUST,       SH_ERR_FATAL,   PANIC, N_("msg=\"PANIC - Untrusted path\" userid=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\"")},
256   { MSG_NOACCESS,    SH_ERR_FATAL,   PANIC, N_("msg=\"PANIC - File not accessible\" userid=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\"")},
257   { MSG_P_NODATA,    SH_ERR_FATAL,   PANIC, N_("msg=\"PANIC - No data in file\" path=\"%s\"")},
260 #ifndef MEM_DEBUG
261   { MSG_E_MNULL,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Dereferenced NULL pointer\"")},
262   { MSG_E_MMEM,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Out of memory\"")},
263 #else
264   { MSG_MSTAMP,      SH_ERR_STAMP,   STAMP, N_("msg=\"Memory used:  max.=%lu, current=%lu\"")},
265   { MSG_MSTAMP2,     SH_ERR_STAMP,   STAMP, N_("msg=\"Blocks: %d allocated, %d freed, %d maximum\"")},
266   { MSG_E_MNULL,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Dereferenced NULL pointer allocated in %s, line %d\" source_file=\"%s\" source_line=\"%d\"")},
267   { MSG_E_MMEM,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Out of memory\" source_file=\"%s\" source_line=\"%d\"")},
268   { MSG_E_MREC,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Free() on unrecorded block\" source_file=\"%s\" source_line=\"%d\"")},
269   { MSG_E_MOVER,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Memory overrun on block allocated in %s, line %d\" source_file=\"%s\" source_line=\"%d\"")},
270   { MSG_E_MUNDER,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Memory underrun on block allocated in %s, line %d\" source_file=\"%s\" source_line=\"%d\"")},
271   { MSG_E_NOTFREE,   SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Block not deallocated\" size=\"%14ld\" source_file=\"%19s\" source_line=\"%d\"")},
272 #endif
274   { MSG_E_TRUST,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Untrusted path\" userid=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\"")},
275   { MSG_E_HASH,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Incorrect checksum\" path=\"%s\"")},
276   { MSG_E_ACCESS,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"File not accessible\" userid=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\"")},
277   { MSG_E_READ,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Not accessible or not a regular file (%s / %s)\" path=\"%s\"")},
278   { MSG_E_NOTREG,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Not a regular file\" path=\"%s\"")},
279   { MSG_E_TIMEOUT,   SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Timeout (%d sec) while checksumming file\" path=\"%s\"")},
280   { MSG_NODEV,       SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Device not available or timeout during read attempt\" userid=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\"")},
281   { MSG_LOCKED,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"File lock error\" userid=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\" obj=\"%s\"")},
282   { MSG_PIDFILE,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Could not write PID file\" userid=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\"")},
283   { MSG_NOEXEC,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Could not execute file\" userid=\"%ld\" path=\"%s\"")},
285   { MSG_ES_ENT,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"No entropy collected\" subroutine=\"%s\"")},
286   { MSG_ES_KEY1,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Insecure key generation\" subroutine=\"%s\"")},
287   { MSG_ES_KEY2,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Error copying key\" subroutine=\"%s\"")},
288   { MSG_E_GPG,       SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Compiled-in gpg checksum does not match: need %s got %s\"")},
289   { MSG_E_GPG_FP,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Compiled-in fingerprint modified: one %s two %s\"")},
290   { MSG_E_GPG_CHK,   SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Compiled-in checksum modified: one %s two %s\"")},
291   { MSG_E_SUBGEN,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"%s\" subroutine=\"%s\"")},
292   { MSG_E_SUBGPATH,  SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"%s\" subroutine=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"")},
293   { MSG_E_UNLNK,     SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("interface=\"unlink\" msg=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"")},
294   { MSG_E_REGEX,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"regcomp\" msg=\"%s\" obj=\"%s\"")},
295   { MSG_E_OPENDIR,   SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("interface=\"opendir\" msg=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"")},
296   { MSG_E_TRUST1,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"%s\" subroutine=\"trustfile\" path=\"%s\"")},
297   { MSG_E_TRUST2,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"%s\" subroutine=\"trustfile\" path=\"%s\" obj=\"%s\"")},
298   { MSG_E_PWNULL,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Empty password file entry: %s\" subroutine=\"%s\" userid=\"%ld\" obj=\"%s\"")},
299   { MSG_E_PWLONG,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Password file entry too long\" subroutine=\"%s\" userid=\"%ld\" obj=\"%s\"")},
300   { MSG_E_GRNULL,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Empty groups file entry: %s\" subroutine=\"%s\" group=\"%ld\" obj=\"%s\"")},
302   { MSG_E_NET,       SH_ERR_ERR,     ENET,  N_("msg=\"%s\" subroutine=\"%s\" service=\"%s\" host=\"%s\"")},
303   { MSG_E_NETST,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ENET,  N_("msg=\"Invalid connection state\" expect=\"%4s\" received=\"%4s\"")},
304   { MSG_E_NETST1,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ENET,  N_("msg=\"Invalid connection state\" expect=\"%4s\" received=\"%4s\" host=\"%s\"")},
305   { MSG_E_NLOST,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ENET,  N_("msg=\"Connection failure\" service=\"%s\" host=\"%s\"")},
306   { MSG_E_NEST,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ENET,  N_("msg=\"Connection reestablished\" service=\"%s\" host=\"%s\"")},
308   { MSG_EINVALHEAD,  SH_ERR_WARN,    EINPUT,N_("msg=\"Unrecognized section heading in line %ld of configuration file\"")},
309   { MSG_EINVALCONF,  SH_ERR_WARN,    EINPUT,N_("msg=\"Invalid line %ld in configuration file: incorrect format, unrecognized option, or missing section header\"")},
310   { MSG_EINVALS,     SH_ERR_WARN,    EINPUT,N_("msg=\"Invalid input\" option=\"%s\" obj=\"%s\"")},
311   { MSG_EINVALL,     SH_ERR_WARN,    EINPUT,N_("msg=\"Invalid input\" option=\"%s\" obj=\"%ld\"")},
312   { MSG_EINVALD,     SH_ERR_WARN,    EINPUT,N_("msg=\"Configuration file: unmatched @end\" option=\"%s\" obj=\"%ld\"")},
313   { MSG_EINVALDD,    SH_ERR_WARN,    EINPUT,N_("msg=\"Configuration file: missing @end\" option=\"%s\" obj=\"%ld\"")},
315   { MSG_SRV_FAIL,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Service failure\" service=\"%s\" obj=\"%s\"")},
316   { MSG_QUEUE_FULL,  SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"Queue full, messages may get lost\" service=\"%s\"")},
318   { MSG_AUD_OPEN,    SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=\"open\" path=\"%s\" oflag=\"%ld\" mode=\"%ld\" return_id=\"%ld\"")},
319   { MSG_AUD_DUP,     SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=\"dup\" file_id=\"%ld\" return_id=\"%ld\"")},
320   { MSG_AUD_PIPE,    SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=\"pipe\" rd_file_id=\"%ld\" wr_file_id=\"%ld\"")},
321   { MSG_AUD_FORK,    SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=\"fork\" return_id=\"%ld\"")},
322   { MSG_AUD_EXIT,    SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=\"exit\" exit_code=\"%ld\"")},
323   { MSG_AUD_SETUID,  SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=\"setuid\" uid=\"%ld\"")},
324   { MSG_AUD_SETGID,  SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=\"setgid\" gid=\"%ld\"")},
325   { MSG_AUD_UTIME,   SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=\"utime\" path=\"%s\" atime=\"%ld\" mtime=\"%ld\"")},
326   { MSG_AUD_EXEC,    SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=\"exec\" path=\"%s\" uid=\"%ld\" gid=\"%ld\"")},
327   { MSG_AUD_CHDIR,   SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=\"chdir\" path=\"%s\"")},
328   { MSG_AUD_UNLINK,  SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=\"unlink\" path=\"%s\"")},
329   { MSG_AUD_KILL,    SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=\"kill\" pid=\"%ld\" sig=\"%ld\"")},
331   { MSG_ERR_OPEN,    SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"open\" msg=\"%s\" path=\"%s\" oflag=\"%ld\" mode=\"%ld\" return_id=\"%ld\"")},
332   { MSG_ERR_DUP,     SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"dup\" msg=\"%s\" file_id=\"%ld\" return_id=\"%ld\"")},
333   { MSG_ERR_PIPE,    SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"pipe\" msg=\"%s\" rd_file_id=\"%ld\" wr_file_id=\"%ld\"")},
334   { MSG_ERR_FORK,    SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"fork\" msg=\"%s\" return_id=\"%ld\"")},
335   { MSG_ERR_SETUID,  SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"setuid\" msg=\"%s\" uid=\"%ld\"")},
336   { MSG_ERR_SETGID,  SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"setgid\" msg=\"%s\" gid=\"%ld\"")},
337   { MSG_ERR_UTIME,   SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"utime\" msg=\"%s\" path=\"%s\" atime=\"%ld\" mtime=\"%ld\"")},
338   { MSG_ERR_EXEC,    SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"exec\" msg=\"%s\" path=\"%s\" uid=\"%ld\" gid=\"%ld\"")},
339   { MSG_ERR_CHDIR,   SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"chdir\" msg=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"")},
340   { MSG_ERR_UNLINK,  SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"unlink\" msg=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"")},
341   { MSG_ERR_KILL,    SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"kill\" msg=\"%s\" pid=\"%ld\" sig=\"%ld\"")},
343   { MSG_ERR_SIGACT,  SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"sigaction\" msg=\"%s\" sig=\"%ld\"")},
344   { MSG_ERR_CONNECT, SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"connect\" msg=\"%s\" socket_id=\"%ld\" port=\"%ld\" host=\"%s\"")},
345   { MSG_ERR_ACCEPT,  SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"accept\" msg=\"%s\" socket_id=\"%ld\"")},
346   { MSG_ERR_LSTAT,   SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"lstat\" msg=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"")},
347   { MSG_ERR_STAT,    SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"stat\" msg=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"")},
348   { MSG_ERR_FSTAT,   SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"fstat\" msg=\"%s\" file_id=\"%ld\"")},
349   { MSG_ERR_FCNTL,   SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=\"fcntl\" msg=\"%s\" file_id=\"%ld\" cmd=\"%ld\" arg=\"%ld\"")},
351   { 0, 0, 0, NULL}
352 };
356 /********************************************************************
357  *
358  *
359  *         NO XML
360  *
361  *
362  ********************************************************************/
368 /* #ifdef (SH_USE_XML) */
369 #else
371 cat_entry msg_cat[] = {
372 #if defined(SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined(SH_STANDALONE)
373   { MSG_FI_CSUM,     SH_ERR_ALL,     FIL,   N_("msg=<Checksum>, chk=<%s>, path=<%s>")},
374   { MSG_FI_DSUM,     SH_ERR_INFO,    FIL,   N_("msg=<d: %3ld, -: %3ld, l: %3ld, |: %3ld, s: %3ld, c: %3ld, b: %3ld>")},
375   { MSG_FI_CHK,      SH_ERR_INFO,    FIL,   N_("msg=<Checking %16s>, path=<%s>")},
376 #endif
378   { MSG_EXIT_ABORTS, SH_ERR_FATAL,   PANIC, N_("msg=<PANIC %s>, program=<%s>, subroutine=<%s>")},
379   { MSG_START_SRV,   SH_ERR_STAMP,   START, N_("msg=<Server up, simultaneous connections: %d>, socket_id=<%d>")},
381   { MSG_EXIT_ABORT1, SH_ERR_FATAL,   PANIC, N_("msg=<PANIC Error initializing the application>, program=<%s>")},
382   { MSG_EXIT_NORMAL, SH_ERR_FATAL,   START, N_("msg=<EXIT>, program=<%s>, status=<%s>")},
383   { MSG_START_KEY_MAIL,   SH_ERR_FATAL, LOGKEY,   N_("msg=<LOGKEY>, program=<%s>, hash=<%s>\r\n-----BEGIN LOGKEY-----\r\n%s%s")},
384   { MSG_START_KEY,   SH_ERR_FATAL,   LOGKEY,   N_("msg=<LOGKEY>, program=<%s>, hash=<%s>")},
385   { MSG_START_0H,    SH_ERR_FATAL,   START, N_("msg=<START>, program=<%s>, userid=<%ld>")},
386   { MSG_START_1H,    SH_ERR_FATAL,   START, N_("msg=<START>, program=<%s>, userid=<%ld>, path=<%s>, hash=<%s>")},
387   { MSG_START_2H,    SH_ERR_FATAL,   START, N_("msg=<START>, program=<%s>, userid=<%ld>, path=<%s>, hash=<%s>, path=<%s>, hash=<%s>")},
388   { MSG_START_GH,    SH_ERR_FATAL,   START, N_("msg=<START>, program=<%s>, userid=<%ld>, path=<%s>, key_uid=<%s>, key_id=<%s>")},
389   { MSG_START_GH2,   SH_ERR_FATAL,   START, N_("msg=<EXIT>, program=<%s>, userid=<%ld>, path=<%s>, key_uid=<%s>, key_id=<%s>, path=<%s>, key_uid=<%s>, key_id=<%s>")},
390   { MSG_SUSPEND,     SH_ERR_STAMP,   START, N_("msg=<SUSPEND> program=<%s>")},
393   { MSG_MLOCK,       SH_ERR_WARN,    RUN,   N_("msg=<Using insecure memory>")},
394   { MSG_W_SIG,       SH_ERR_WARN,    RUN,   N_("msg=<%s>, interface=<sigaction>, signal=<%ld>")},
395   { MSG_W_CHDIR,     SH_ERR_ERR,     RUN,   N_("msg=<%s>, interface=<chdir>, path=<%s>")},
397   { MSG_MOD_FAIL,    SH_ERR_WARN,    RUN,   N_("msg=<Module not initialized>, module=<%s>, return_code=<%ld>")},
398   { MSG_MOD_OK,      SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=<Module initialized>, module=<%s>")},
399   { MSG_MOD_EXEC,    SH_ERR_ERR,     RUN,   N_("msg=<Module execution error>, module=<%s>, return_code=<%ld>")},
401   { MSG_RECONF,      SH_ERR_SEVERE,  START, N_("msg=<Runtime configuration reloaded>")},
402   { MSG_CHECK_0,     SH_ERR_WARN,    RUN,   N_("msg=<No files or directories defined for checking>")},
403   { MSG_CHECK_1,     SH_ERR_STAMP,   STAMP, N_("msg=<File check completed.>, time=<%ld>, kBps=<%f>")},
404   { MSG_CHECK_2,     SH_ERR_STAMP,   STAMP, N_("msg=<File check starting.>")},
405   { MSG_STAMP,       SH_ERR_STAMP,   STAMP, N_("msg=<---- TIMESTAMP ---->")},
406   { MSG_DCLOSE,      SH_ERR_NOTICE,  RUN,   N_("msg=<Finished writing baseline database.>")},
408   { MSG_D_START,     SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=<Downloading configuration file>")},
409   { MSG_D_DSTART,    SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=<Downloading database file>")},
410   { MSG_D_FAIL,      SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=<No file from server, trying local file>")},
411   { MSG_D_DELTAOK,   SH_ERR_SEVERE,  RUN,   N_("msg=<Delta database downloaded>, path=<%s>")},
412   { MSG_D_DELTAFAIL, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  RUN,   N_("msg=<Delta database download failed>, path=<%s>")},
415 #ifndef HAVE_URANDOM
416   { MSG_ENSTART,     SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=<Found entropy source>, path=<%s>")},
417   { MSG_ENEXEC,      SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=<Execute entropy source>, path=<%s>, rd_file_id=<%ld>")},
418   { MSG_ENFAIL,      SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=<Could not execute entropy source>, path=<%s>")},
419   { MSG_ENTOUT,      SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=<Timeout in entropy collector>, time=<%ld>")},
420   { MSG_ENCLOS,      SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=<End of data, closing entropy source>, rd_file_id=<%ld>")},
421   { MSG_ENCLOS1,     SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=<Close entropy source>, rd_file_id=<%ld>")},
422   { MSG_ENREAD,      SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=<Data from entropy source>, rd_file_id=<%ld>, bytes=<%ld>")},
423 #endif
425 #ifdef SH_USE_SUIDCHK
426   { MSG_SUID_POLICY, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [SuidCheck]  %s>, path=<%s>, %s") },
427   { MSG_SUID_FOUND,  SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=<Found suid/sgid file> path=<%s>") },
428   { MSG_SUID_SUMMARY,SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=<Checked for SUID programs: %ld files, %ld seconds>") },
429   { MSG_SUID_QREPORT,SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<Quarantine report: %s>, path=<%s>") },
430   { MSG_SUID_ERROR,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<Quarantine error: %s>") },
431 #endif
433 #ifdef SH_USE_KERN
434   { MSG_KERN_POLICY, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Kernel] BSD syscall table: new: %#lx old: %#lx>, syscall=<%03d %s>") },
435   { MSG_KERN_POL_CO, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Kernel] BSD syscall code: new: %#x,%#x old: %#x,%#x>, syscall=<%03d %s>") },
437   { MSG_KERN_SYSCALL,SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Kernel] SYSCALL modified> syscall=<%03d %s>, %s") },
438   { MSG_KERN_PROC,   SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Kernel] PROC modified proc filesystem: %s>") },
439   { MSG_KERN_IDT,    SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Kernel] IDT interrupt %03d: new: 0x%-8.8lx %-9s %3d %c old: 0x%-8.8lx %-9s %3d %c>, %s") },
440   { MSG_KERN_GATE,   SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Kernel SYS_GATE code: new: %#x,%#x old: %#x,%#x> syscall=<%03d %s>, %s") },
442 #endif
444 #ifdef SH_USE_UTMP
445   { MSG_UT_CHECK,    SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=<Checking logins>")},
447   { MSG_UT_LG1X,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=<Login>, name=<%s>, tty=<%s>, host=<%s>, ip=<%s>, time=<%s>, status=<%d>")},
448   { MSG_UT_LG1A,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=<Login>, name=<%s>, tty=<%s>, host=<%s>, time=<%s>, status=<%d>")},
449   { MSG_UT_LG1B,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=<Login>, name=<%s>, tty=<%s>, time=<%s>, status=<%d>")},
451   { MSG_UT_LG2X,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=<Multiple login>, name=<%s>, tty=<%s>, host=<%s>, ip=<%s>, time=<%s>, status=<%d>")},
452   { MSG_UT_LG2A,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=<Multiple login>, name=<%s>, tty=<%s>, host=<%s>, time=<%s>, status=<%d>")},
453   { MSG_UT_LG2B,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=<Multiple login>, name=<%s>, tty=<%s>, time=<%s>, status=<%d>")},
455   { MSG_UT_LG3X,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=<Logout>, name=<%s>, tty=<%s>, host=<%s>, ip=<%s>, time=<%s>, status=<%d>")},
456   { MSG_UT_LG3A,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=<Logout>, name=<%s>, tty=<%s>, host=<%s>, time=<%s>, status=<%d>")},
457   { MSG_UT_LG3B,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=<Logout>, name=<%s>, tty=<%s>, time=<%s>, status=<%d>")},
458   { MSG_UT_LG3C,     SH_ERR_INFO,    EVENT, N_("msg=<Logout>, tty=<%s>, time=<%s>")},
459   { MSG_UT_ROT,      SH_ERR_WARN,    RUN,   N_("msg=<Logfile size decreased>, path=<%s>")},
461   { MSG_UT_BAD,      SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<Login at disallowed time> userid=<%s> host=<%s> time=<%s>")},
462   { MSG_UT_FIRST,    SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<First login from this host> userid=<%s> host=<%s> time=<%s>")},
463   { MSG_UT_OUTLIER,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<Login time outlier> userid=<%s> host=<%s> time=<%s>")},
464 #endif
467   { MSG_PCK_CHECK,   SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=<Checking processes in pid interval [%ld,%ld]>")},
468   { MSG_PCK_OK,      SH_ERR_ALL,     RUN,   N_("msg=<PID %ld found with tests %s>")},
469   { MSG_PCK_P_HIDDEN,SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Process] Hidden pid: %ld tests: %s> path=<%s> userid=<%s>")},
470   { MSG_PCK_HIDDEN,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Process] Hidden pid: %ld tests: %s>")},
471   { MSG_PCK_FAKE,    SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Process] Fake pid: %ld tests: %s>")},
472   { MSG_PCK_MISS,    SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Process] Missing: %s>")},
473 #endif
476   { MSG_PORT_MISS,   SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [ServiceMissing] %s>")},
477   { MSG_PORT_NEW,    SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [ServiceNew] %s> path=<%s> pid=<%lu> userid=<%s>")},
478   { MSG_PORT_RESTART,SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [ServiceRestarted] %s> path=<%s> pid=<%lu> userid=<%s>")},
479   { MSG_PORT_NEWPORT,SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [ServicePortSwitch] %s> path=<%s> pid=<%lu> userid=<%s>")},
480 #endif
482 #ifdef SH_USE_MOUNTS
483   { MSG_MNT_CHECK,   SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=<Checking mounts>")},
484   { MSG_MNT_MEMLIST, SH_ERR_ERR,     RUN,   N_("msg=<Cannot read mount list from memory>")},
485   { MSG_MNT_MNTMISS, SH_ERR_WARN,    EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Mounts] Mount missing>, path=<%s>")},
486   { MSG_MNT_OPTMISS, SH_ERR_WARN,    EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Mounts] Mount option missing>, path=<%s>, option=<%s>")},
487 #endif
490   { MSG_USERFILES_SUMMARY,SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=<Checked for users files>") },
491 #endif
494   { MSG_LOGMON_CHKS, SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=<Checking logfile %s>") },
495   { MSG_LOGMON_CHKE, SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=<Finished logfile %s, %lu new records processed>") },
496   { MSG_LOGMON_MISS, SH_ERR_ERR,     RUN,   N_("msg=<Missing logfile %s>") },
497   { MSG_LOGMON_EOPEN,SH_ERR_ERR,     RUN,   N_("msg=<Cannot open logfile %s>") },
498   { MSG_LOGMON_EREAD,SH_ERR_ERR,     RUN,   N_("msg=<Error while reading logfile %s>") },
499   { MSG_LOGMON_REP,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Logfile] %s> time=<%s>, host=<%s>, path=<%s>") },
500   { MSG_LOGMON_SUM,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Logfile] %s> host=<%s> path=<%s>") },
501   { MSG_LOGMON_COR,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Logfile] Correlation event %s occured %d time(s)>") },
502   { MSG_LOGMON_MARK, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Logfile] Event %s missing for %lu seconds>") },
503   { MSG_LOGMON_BURST, SH_ERR_SEVERE, EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [Logfile] Repeated %d times: %s>, host=<%s> ") },
504 #endif
507   { MSG_REG_MISS,   SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [RegistryKeyMissing] %s>, path=<%s>, %s")},
508   { MSG_REG_NEW,    SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [RegistryKeyNew] %s>, path=<%s>, %s")},
509   { MSG_REG_CHANGE, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY [RegistryKeyChanged] %s>, path=<%s>, %s")},
510 #endif
512 #if defined(SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined(SH_STANDALONE)
514   { MSG_FI_TOOLATE,  SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=<Large lstat/open overhead (%ld sec)>, path=<%s>")},
516 #if 0
517   { MSG_FI_CSUM,     SH_ERR_ALL,     FIL,   N_("msg=<Checksum>, chk=<%s>, path=<%s>")},
518   { MSG_FI_DSUM,     SH_ERR_INFO,    FIL,   N_("msg=<d: %3ld, -: %3ld, l: %3ld, |: %3ld, s: %3ld, c: %3ld, b: %3ld>")},
519   { MSG_FI_CHK,      SH_ERR_INFO,    FIL,   N_("msg=<Checking %16s>, path=<%s>")},
520 #endif
522   { MSG_FI_NULL,     SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=<Path is NULL>")},
523   { MSG_FI_FAIL,     SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=<Check failed>, path=<%s>")},
524   { MSG_FI_GLOB,     SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=<%s>, interface=<glob>, path=<%s>")},
525   { MSG_FI_COLL,     SH_ERR_WARN,    FIL,   N_("msg=<Writeable file with timestamps of parent directory fixed>, dir=<%s>, path=<%s>")},
526   { MSG_FI_DOUBLE,   SH_ERR_WARN,    FIL,   N_("msg=<File or directory appears twice in configuration>, path=<%s>")},
527   { MSG_FI_2LONG,    SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=<Filename too long>, path=<%s>")},
528   { MSG_FI_2LONG2,   SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=<Filename too long>, path=<%s/%s>")},
529   { MSG_FI_NOPATH,   SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=<Filename not an absolute path>, path=<%s>")},
530   { MSG_FI_DLNK,     SH_ERR_INFO,    FIL,   N_("msg=<Dangling link>, path=<%s>, linked_path=<%s>")},
531   { MSG_FI_RDLNK,    SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=<%s>, interface=<readlink>, path=<%s>")},
532   { MSG_FI_NOGRP,    SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=<No such group>, interface=<getgrgid>, group=<%ld>, path=<%s>")},
533   { MSG_FI_NOUSR,    SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=<No such user>, interface=<getpwuid>, userid=<%ld>, path=<%s>")},
534   { MSG_FI_STAT,     SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("interface=<%s>, msg=<%s>, userid=<%ld>, path=<%s>")},
535   { MSG_FI_OBSC,     SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=<Weird filename>, path=<%s>")},
536   { MSG_FI_OBSC2,    SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=<Weird filename>, path=<%s/%s>")},
537   { MSG_FI_LIST,     SH_ERR_ALL,     FIL,   N_("msg=<%10s %2d %8s %8s %14ld %21s %s>")},
538   { MSG_FI_LLNK,     SH_ERR_ALL,     FIL,   N_("msg=<   >>>  %10s  %s>")},
539   { MSG_FI_MISS,     SH_ERR_ERR,     EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=<%s>")},
540   { MSG_FI_MISS2,     SH_ERR_ERR,     EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=<%s>, %s")},
541   { MSG_FI_ADD,      SH_ERR_ERR,     EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY ADDED>, path=<%s>")},
542   { MSG_FI_ADD2,      SH_ERR_ERR,     EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY ADDED>, path=<%s>, %s")},
543   { MSG_FI_CHAN,     SH_ERR_ERR,     EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY %s %s>, path=<%s>, %s")},
544   { MSG_FI_NODIR,    SH_ERR_ERR,     EVENT, N_("msg=<POLICY NODIRECTORY>, path=<%s>")},
545   { MSG_FI_DBEX,     SH_ERR_WARN,    FIL,   N_("msg=<Signature database exists>, path=<%s>")},
546 #endif
548   { MSG_TCP_NETRP,   SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=<Connection error: %s>, port=<%ld>, subroutine=<%s>")},
550 #ifndef SH_STANDALONE
551 #ifdef INET_SYSLOG
552   { MSG_INET_SYSLOG, SH_ERR_INET,    TCP,   N_("ip=<%s> facility=<%s> priority=<%s> syslog_msg=<%s>")},
553   { MSG_ERR_SYSLOG,  SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=<syslog socket: %s>, ip=<%s>")},
554 #endif
555   { MSG_TCP_MISMATCH,SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=<Protocol mismatch>")},
556   { MSG_TCP_MISENC,  SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=<Encryption mismatch in %s: server: %s client: %s>")},
557   { MSG_TCP_NONAME,  SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=<No server name known>")},
558   { MSG_TCP_UNEXP,   SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=<Unexpected reply>")},
559   { MSG_TCP_EFIL,    SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=<Could not open temporary file>")},
560   { MSG_TCP_NOCONF,  SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=<Message delivery not confirmed>")},
561   { MSG_TCP_NOAUTH,  SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=<Session key negotiation failed>")},
562   { MSG_TCP_CONF,    SH_ERR_ALL,     TCP,   N_("msg=<Message delivery confirmed>")},
563   { MSG_TCP_AUTH,    SH_ERR_INFO,    TCP,   N_("msg=<Session key negotiated>")},
564   { MSG_TCP_FOK,     SH_ERR_INFO,    TCP,   N_("msg=<File download completed>")},
565   { MSG_TCP_FBAD,    SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=<File download failed>")},
566   { MSG_TCP_ECONN,   SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=<Connection error: %s>")},
567   { MSG_TCP_EZERO,   SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=<Illegal zero reply>")},
568   { MSG_TCP_EBGN,    SH_ERR_ERR,     TCP,   N_("msg=<Error in big integer library>")},
570   { MSG_TCP_CREG,    SH_ERR_ALL,     TCP,   N_("msg=<Registered %s, salt %s, verifier %s>")},
571   { MSG_TCP_FAUTH,   SH_ERR_INFO,    TCP,   N_("msg=<Force authentication>, client=<%s>")},
573   { MSG_TCP_RESCLT,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=<Cannot resolve client name> host=<%s>")},
574   { MSG_TCP_RESPEER, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=<Cannot resolve socket peer IP for client> host=<%s> peer=<%s>")},
575   { MSG_TCP_LOOKERS, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=<Reverse lookup of socket peer failed> host=<%s> peer=<%s> obj=<%s>")},
576   { MSG_TCP_LOOKUP,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=<No socket peer alias matches client name> host=<%s> peer=<%s>")},
578   { MSG_TCP_TIMOUT,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=<Connection timeout>, client=<%s>")},
579   { MSG_TCP_TIMEXC,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=<Time limit exceeded>, client=<%s>")},
580   { MSG_TCP_NOCLT,   SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=<Hostname is NULL>")},
581   { MSG_TCP_BADCONN, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=<Invalid connection attempt: %s>, client=<%s>")},
582   { MSG_TCP_FFILE ,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=<Unknown file request>, client=<%s>, path=<%s>")},
583   { MSG_TCP_NFILE ,  SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=<Requested file not found>, client=<%s>, path=<%s>")},
584   { MSG_TCP_FINV ,   SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=<Invalid request (%d) in pass %d>, client=<%s>, request=<%c%03o%c%03o%c%03o%c%03o>")},
585   { MSG_TCP_OKFILE,  SH_ERR_INFO,    TCP,   N_("msg=<File transfer completed>, client=<%s>")},
586   { MSG_TCP_OKMSG,   SH_ERR_ALL,     TCP,   N_("msg=<Message transfer completed>, client=<%s>")},
587   { MSG_TCP_MSG,     SH_ERR_INET,    TCP,   N_("client=<%s>, msg=<%s>")},
588   { MSG_TCP_NEW,     SH_ERR_NOTICE,  TCP,   N_("msg=<NEW CLIENT>, client=<%s>")},
589   { MSG_TCP_ILL,     SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=<Restart without prior exit>, client=<%s>")},
590   { MSG_TCP_SYNC,    SH_ERR_SEVERE,  TCP,   N_("msg=<Out of sync>, client=<%s>")},
591   { MSG_TCP_RESET,   SH_ERR_NOTICE,  TCP,   N_("msg=<Connection reset by peer>, client=<%s>")},
592   { MSG_TCP_CNEW,    SH_ERR_INFO,    TCP,   N_("msg=<New connection>, socket_id=<%d>")},
593   { MSG_E_HTML,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Error writing HTML status>")},
594 #endif
597   { MSG_E_AUTH,      SH_ERR_FATAL,   PANIC, N_("msg=<PANIC - File modified>, path=<%s>")},
598   { MSG_ACCESS,      SH_ERR_FATAL,   PANIC, N_("msg=<PANIC - Access violation>, userid=<%ld>, path=<%s>")},
599   { MSG_TRUST,       SH_ERR_FATAL,   PANIC, N_("msg=<PANIC - Untrusted path>, userid=<%ld>, path=<%s>")},
600   { MSG_NOACCESS,    SH_ERR_FATAL,   PANIC, N_("msg=<PANIC - File not accessible>, userid=<%ld>, path=<%s>")},
601   { MSG_P_NODATA,    SH_ERR_FATAL,   PANIC, N_("msg=<PANIC - No data in file>, path=<%s>")},
604 #ifndef MEM_DEBUG
605   { MSG_E_MNULL,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Dereferenced NULL pointer>")},
606   { MSG_E_MMEM,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Out of memory>")},
607 #else
608   { MSG_MSTAMP,      SH_ERR_STAMP,   STAMP, N_("msg=<Memory used:  max.=%lu, current=%lu>")},
609   { MSG_MSTAMP2,     SH_ERR_STAMP,   STAMP, N_("msg=<Blocks: %d allocated, %d freed, %d maximum>")},
610   { MSG_E_MNULL,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Dereferenced NULL pointer>, source_file=<%s>, source_line=<%d>")},
611   { MSG_E_MMEM,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Out of memory>, source_file=<%s>, source_line=<%d>")},
612   { MSG_E_MREC,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Free() on unrecorded block>, source_file=<%s>, source_line=<%d>")},
613   { MSG_E_MOVER,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Memory overrun on block allocated in %s, line %d>, source_file=<%s>, source_line=<%d>")},
614   { MSG_E_MUNDER,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Memory underrun on block allocated in %s, line %d>, source_file=<%s>, source_line=<%d>")},
615   { MSG_E_NOTFREE,   SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Not deallocated: size %14ld>, source_file=<%19s>, source_line=<%d>")},
616 #endif
618   { MSG_E_TRUST,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Untrusted path>, userid=<%ld>, path=<%s>")},
619   { MSG_E_HASH,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Incorrect checksum>, path=<%s>")},
620   { MSG_E_ACCESS,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<File not accessible>, userid=<%ld>, path=<%s>")},
621   { MSG_E_READ,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Not accessible or not a regular file (%s / %s)>, path=<%s>")},
622   { MSG_E_NOTREG,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Not a regular file>, path=<%s>")},
623   { MSG_E_TIMEOUT,   SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Timeout (%d sec) while checksumming file>, path=<%s>")},
624   { MSG_NODEV,       SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Device not available or timeout during read attempt>, userid=<%ld>, path=<%s>")},
625   { MSG_LOCKED,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<File lock error>, userid=<%ld>, path=<%s>, obj=<%s>")},
626   { MSG_PIDFILE,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Could not write PID file>, userid=<%ld>, path=<%s>")},
627   { MSG_NOEXEC,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Could not execute file>, userid=<%ld>, path=<%s>")},
629   { MSG_ES_ENT,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<No entropy collected>, subroutine=<%s>")},
630   { MSG_ES_KEY1,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Insecure key generation>, subroutine=<%s>")},
631   { MSG_ES_KEY2,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Error copying key>, subroutine=<%s>")},
632   { MSG_E_GPG,       SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Compiled-in gpg checksum does not match: need %s got %s>")},
633   { MSG_E_GPG_FP,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Compiled-in fingerprint modified: one %s two %s>")},
634   { MSG_E_GPG_CHK,   SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Compiled-in checksum modified: one %s two %s>")},
635   { MSG_E_SUBGEN,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<%s>, subroutine=<%s>")},
636   { MSG_E_SUBGPATH,  SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<%s>, subroutine=<%s>, path=<%s>")},
637   { MSG_E_UNLNK,     SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=<%s>, interface=<unlink>, path=<%s>")},
638   { MSG_E_REGEX,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<%s>, interface=<regcomp>, regexp=<%s>")},
639   { MSG_E_OPENDIR,   SH_ERR_ERR,     FIL,   N_("msg=<%s>, interface=<opendir>, path=<%s>")},
640   { MSG_E_TRUST1,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<%s>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=<%s>")},
641   { MSG_E_TRUST2,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<%s>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=<%s>, obj=<%s>")},
642   { MSG_E_PWNULL,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Empty password file entry: %s>, subroutine=<%s>, userid=<%ld>, obj=<%s>")},
643   { MSG_E_PWLONG,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Password file entry too long>, subroutine=<%s>, userid=<%ld>, obj=<%s>")},
644   { MSG_E_GRNULL,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Empty groups file entry: %s>, subroutine=<%s>, group=<%ld>, obj=<%s>")},
646   { MSG_E_NET,       SH_ERR_ERR,     ENET,  N_("msg=<%s>, subroutine=<%s>, service=<%s>, host=<%s>")},
647   { MSG_E_NETST,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ENET,  N_("msg=<Invalid connection state>, expect=<%4s>, received=<%4s>")},
648   { MSG_E_NETST1,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ENET,  N_("msg=<Invalid connection state>, expect=<%4s>, received=<%4s>, host=<%s>")},
649   { MSG_E_NLOST,     SH_ERR_ERR,     ENET,  N_("msg=<Connection failure>, service=<%s>, obj=<%s>")},
650   { MSG_E_NEST,      SH_ERR_ERR,     ENET,  N_("msg=<Connection reestablished>, service=<%s>, obj=<%s>")},
652   { MSG_EINVALHEAD,  SH_ERR_WARN,    EINPUT,N_("msg=<Unrecognized section heading in line %ld of configuration file>")},
653   { MSG_EINVALCONF,  SH_ERR_WARN,    EINPUT,N_("msg=<Invalid line %ld in configuration file: incorrect format, unrecognized option, or missing section header>")},
654   { MSG_EINVALS,     SH_ERR_WARN,    EINPUT,N_("msg=<Invalid input>, option=<%s>, obj=<%s>")},
655   { MSG_EINVALL,     SH_ERR_WARN,    EINPUT,N_("msg=<Invalid input>, option=<%s>, obj=<%ld>")},
656   { MSG_EINVALD,     SH_ERR_WARN,    EINPUT,N_("msg=<Configuration file: Unmatched @end>, option=<%s>, obj=<%ld>")},
657   { MSG_EINVALDD,    SH_ERR_WARN,    EINPUT,N_("msg=<Configuration file: Missing @end>, option=<%s>, obj=<%ld>")},
659   { MSG_SRV_FAIL,    SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Service failure>, service=<%s>, obj=<%s>")},
660   { MSG_QUEUE_FULL,  SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=<Queue full, messages may get lost> service=<%s>")},
662   { MSG_AUD_OPEN,    SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=<open>, pathname=<%s>, oflag=<%ld>, mode=<%ld>, return_id=<%ld>")},
663   { MSG_AUD_DUP,     SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=<dup>, file_id=<%ld>, return_id=<%ld>")},
664   { MSG_AUD_PIPE,    SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=<pipe>, rd_file_id=<%ld>, wr_file_id=<%ld>")},
665   { MSG_AUD_FORK,    SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=<fork>, return_id=<%ld>")},
666   { MSG_AUD_EXIT,    SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=<exit>, exit_code=<%ld>")},
667   { MSG_AUD_SETUID,  SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=<setuid>, uid=<%ld>")},
668   { MSG_AUD_SETGID,  SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=<setgid>, gid=<%ld>")},
669   { MSG_AUD_UTIME,   SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=<utime>, pathname=<%s>, atime=<%ld>, mtime=<%ld>")},
670   { MSG_AUD_EXEC,    SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=<exec>, pathname=<%s>, uid=<%ld>, gid=<%ld>")},
671   { MSG_AUD_CHDIR,   SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=<chdir>, pathname=<%s>")},
672   { MSG_AUD_UNLINK,  SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=<unlink>, pathname=<%s>")},
673   { MSG_AUD_KILL,    SH_ERR_NOTICE,  AUD,   N_("interface=<kill>, pid=<%ld>, sig=<%ld>")},
675   { MSG_ERR_OPEN,    SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<open>, msg=<%s>, path=<%s>, oflag=<%ld>, mode=<%ld>, return_id=<%ld>")},
676   { MSG_ERR_DUP,     SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<dup>, msg=<%s>, file_id=<%ld>, return_id=<%ld>")},
677   { MSG_ERR_PIPE,    SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<pipe>, msg=<%s>, rd_file_id=<%ld>, wr_file_id=<%ld>")},
678   { MSG_ERR_FORK,    SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<fork>, msg=<%s>, return_id=<%ld>")},
679   { MSG_ERR_SETUID,  SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<setuid>, msg=<%s>, uid=<%ld>")},
680   { MSG_ERR_SETGID,  SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<setgid>, msg=<%s>, gid=<%ld>")},
681   { MSG_ERR_UTIME,   SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<utime>, msg=<%s>, path=<%s>, atime=<%ld>, mtime=<%ld>")},
682   { MSG_ERR_EXEC,    SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<exec>, msg=<%s>, path=<%s>, uid=<%ld>, gid=<%ld>")},
683   { MSG_ERR_CHDIR,   SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<chdir>, msg=<%s>, path=<%s>")},
684   { MSG_ERR_UNLINK,  SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<unlink>, msg=<%s>, path=<%s>")},
685   { MSG_ERR_KILL,    SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<kill>, msg=<%s>, pid=<%ld>, sig=<%ld>")},
687   { MSG_ERR_SIGACT,  SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<sigaction>, msg=<%s>, sig=<%ld>")},
688   { MSG_ERR_CONNECT, SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<connect>, msg=<%s>, socket_id=<%ld>, port=<%ld>, host=<%s>")},
689   { MSG_ERR_ACCEPT,  SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<accept>, msg=<%s>, socket_id=<%ld>")},
690   { MSG_ERR_LSTAT,   SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<lstat>, msg=<%s>, path=<%s>")},
691   { MSG_ERR_STAT,    SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<stat>, msg=<%s>, path=<%s>")},
692   { MSG_ERR_FSTAT,   SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<fstat>, msg=<%s>, file_id=<%ld>")},
693   { MSG_ERR_FCNTL,   SH_ERR_ALL,     ERR,   N_("interface=<fcntl>, msg=<%s>, file_id=<%ld>, cmd=<%ld>, arg=<%ld>")},
695   { 0, 0, 0, NULL}
696 };
698 /* #ifdef (SH_USE_XML) */
699 #endif