1 #[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
2 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
3 use internal::{Err, IResult};
4 #[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
5 use verbose_errors::Context;
7 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
8 use std::collections::HashMap;
10 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
11 use lib::std::string::ToString;
12 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
13 use lib::std::vec::Vec;
15 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
16 pub trait HexDisplay {
17   /// Converts the value of `self` to a hex dump, returning the owned
18   /// string.
to_hex(&self, chunk_size: usize) -> String19   fn to_hex(&self, chunk_size: usize) -> String;
21   /// Converts the value of `self` to a hex dump beginning at `from` address, returning the owned
22   /// string.
to_hex_from(&self, chunk_size: usize, from: usize) -> String23   fn to_hex_from(&self, chunk_size: usize, from: usize) -> String;
24 }
26 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
27 static CHARS: &'static [u8] = b"0123456789abcdef";
29 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
30 impl HexDisplay for [u8] {
31   #[allow(unused_variables)]
to_hex(&self, chunk_size: usize) -> String32   fn to_hex(&self, chunk_size: usize) -> String {
33     self.to_hex_from(chunk_size, 0)
34   }
36   #[allow(unused_variables)]
to_hex_from(&self, chunk_size: usize, from: usize) -> String37   fn to_hex_from(&self, chunk_size: usize, from: usize) -> String {
38     let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(self.len() * 3);
39     let mut i = from;
40     for chunk in self.chunks(chunk_size) {
41       let s = format!("{:08x}", i);
42       for &ch in s.as_bytes().iter() {
43         v.push(ch);
44       }
45       v.push(b'\t');
47       i += chunk_size;
49       for &byte in chunk {
50         v.push(CHARS[(byte >> 4) as usize]);
51         v.push(CHARS[(byte & 0xf) as usize]);
52         v.push(b' ');
53       }
54       if chunk_size > chunk.len() {
55         for j in 0..(chunk_size - chunk.len()) {
56           v.push(b' ');
57           v.push(b' ');
58           v.push(b' ');
59         }
60       }
61       v.push(b'\t');
63       for &byte in chunk {
64         if (byte >= 32 && byte <= 126) || byte >= 128 {
65           v.push(byte);
66         } else {
67           v.push(b'.');
68         }
69       }
70       v.push(b'\n');
71     }
73     String::from_utf8_lossy(&v[..]).into_owned()
74   }
75 }
77 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
78 impl HexDisplay for str {
79   #[allow(unused_variables)]
to_hex(&self, chunk_size: usize) -> String80   fn to_hex(&self, chunk_size: usize) -> String {
81     self.to_hex_from(chunk_size, 0)
82   }
84   #[allow(unused_variables)]
to_hex_from(&self, chunk_size: usize, from: usize) -> String85   fn to_hex_from(&self, chunk_size: usize, from: usize) -> String {
86     self.as_bytes().to_hex_from(chunk_size, from)
87   }
88 }
90 #[macro_export]
91 macro_rules! nom_line (
92   () => (line!());
93 );
95 #[macro_export]
96 macro_rules! nom_println (
97   ($($args:tt)*) => (println!($($args)*));
98 );
100 #[macro_export]
101 macro_rules! nom_stringify (
102   ($($args:tt)*) => (stringify!($($args)*));
103 );
106 /// Prints a message if the parser fails
107 ///
108 /// The message prints the `Error` or `Incomplete`
109 /// and the parser's calling code
110 ///
111 /// ```
112 /// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
113 /// # fn main() {
114 ///    named!(f, dbg!( tag!( "abcd" ) ) );
115 ///
116 ///    let a = &b"efgh"[..];
117 ///
118 ///    // Will print the following message:
119 ///    // Error(Position(0, [101, 102, 103, 104])) at l.5 by ' tag ! ( "abcd" ) '
120 ///    f(a);
121 /// # }
122 /// ```
123 #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)]
124 macro_rules! dbg (
125   ($i: expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
126     {
127       use $crate::lib::std::result::Result::*;
128       let l = nom_line!();
129       match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
130         Err(e) => {
131           nom_println!("Err({:?}) at l.{} by ' {} '", e, l, nom_stringify!($submac!($($args)*)));
132           Err(e)
133         },
134         a => a,
135       }
136     }
137   );
139   ($i:expr, $f:ident) => (
140       dbg!($i, call!($f));
141   );
142 );
144 /// Prints a message and the input if the parser fails
145 ///
146 /// The message prints the `Error` or `Incomplete`
147 /// and the parser's calling code.
148 ///
149 /// It also displays the input in hexdump format
150 ///
151 /// ```ignore
152 /// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
153 /// # fn main() {
154 ///    named!(f, dbg_dmp!( tag!( "abcd" ) ) );
155 ///
156 ///    let a = &b"efghijkl"[..];
157 ///
158 ///    // Will print the following message:
159 ///    // Error(Position(0, [101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108])) at l.5 by ' tag ! ( "abcd" ) '
160 ///    // 00000000        65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c         efghijkl
161 ///    f(a);
162 /// # }
163 #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)]
164 macro_rules! dbg_dmp (
165   ($i: expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
166     {
167       use $crate::HexDisplay;
168       let l = nom_line!();
169       match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
170         Err(e) => {
171           nom_println!("Error({:?}) at l.{} by ' {} '\n{}", e, l, nom_stringify!($submac!($($args)*)), $i.to_hex(8));
172           Err(e)
173         },
174         a => a,
175       }
176     }
177   );
179   ($i:expr, $f:ident) => (
180       dbg_dmp!($i, call!($f));
181   );
182 );
184 #[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
error_to_list<P: Clone, E: Clone>(e: &Context<P, E>) -> Vec<(P, ErrorKind<E>)>185 pub fn error_to_list<P: Clone, E: Clone>(e: &Context<P, E>) -> Vec<(P, ErrorKind<E>)> {
186   match e {
187     &Context::Code(ref i, ref err) => {
188       let mut v = Vec::new();
189       v.push((i.clone(), err.clone()));
190       return v;
191     }
192     &Context::List(ref v) => {
193       let mut v2 = v.clone();
194       v2.reverse();
195       v2
196     }
197   }
198 }
200 #[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
compare_error_paths<P: Clone + PartialEq, E: Clone + PartialEq>(e1: &Context<P, E>, e2: &Context<P, E>) -> bool201 pub fn compare_error_paths<P: Clone + PartialEq, E: Clone + PartialEq>(e1: &Context<P, E>, e2: &Context<P, E>) -> bool {
202   error_to_list(e1) == error_to_list(e2)
203 }
205 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
206 #[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
207 use lib::std::hash::Hash;
209 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
210 #[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
add_error_pattern<'a, I: Clone + Hash + Eq, O, E: Clone + Hash + Eq>( h: &mut HashMap<Vec<(I, ErrorKind<E>)>, &'a str>, res: IResult<I, O, E>, message: &'a str, ) -> bool211 pub fn add_error_pattern<'a, I: Clone + Hash + Eq, O, E: Clone + Hash + Eq>(
212   h: &mut HashMap<Vec<(I, ErrorKind<E>)>, &'a str>,
213   res: IResult<I, O, E>,
214   message: &'a str,
215 ) -> bool {
216   match res {
217     Err(Err::Error(e)) | Err(Err::Failure(e)) => {
218       h.insert(error_to_list(&e), message);
219       true
220     }
221     _ => false,
222   }
223 }
slice_to_offsets(input: &[u8], s: &[u8]) -> (usize, usize)225 pub fn slice_to_offsets(input: &[u8], s: &[u8]) -> (usize, usize) {
226   let start = input.as_ptr();
227   let off1 = s.as_ptr() as usize - start as usize;
228   let off2 = off1 + s.len();
229   (off1, off2)
230 }
232 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
233 #[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
prepare_errors<O, E: Clone>(input: &[u8], res: IResult<&[u8], O, E>) -> Option<Vec<(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)>>234 pub fn prepare_errors<O, E: Clone>(input: &[u8], res: IResult<&[u8], O, E>) -> Option<Vec<(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)>> {
235   if let Err(Err::Error(e)) = res {
236     let mut v: Vec<(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)> = Vec::new();
238     match e {
239       Context::Code(p, kind) => {
240         let (o1, o2) = slice_to_offsets(input, p);
241         v.push((kind, o1, o2));
242       }
243       Context::List(mut l) => {
244         for (p, kind) in l.drain(..) {
245           let (o1, o2) = slice_to_offsets(input, p);
246           v.push((kind, o1, o2));
247         }
249         v.reverse()
250       }
251     }
253     v.sort_by(|a, b| a.1.cmp(&b.1));
254     Some(v)
255   } else {
256     None
257   }
258 }
260 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
261 #[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
print_error<O, E: Clone>(input: &[u8], res: IResult<&[u8], O, E>)262 pub fn print_error<O, E: Clone>(input: &[u8], res: IResult<&[u8], O, E>) {
263   if let Some(v) = prepare_errors(input, res) {
264     let colors = generate_colors(&v);
265     println!("parser codes: {}", print_codes(&colors, &HashMap::new()));
266     println!("{}", print_offsets(input, 0, &v));
267   } else {
268     println!("not an error");
269   }
270 }
272 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
273 #[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
generate_colors<E>(v: &[(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)]) -> HashMap<u32, u8>274 pub fn generate_colors<E>(v: &[(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)]) -> HashMap<u32, u8> {
275   let mut h: HashMap<u32, u8> = HashMap::new();
276   let mut color = 0;
278   for &(ref c, _, _) in v.iter() {
279     h.insert(error_to_u32(c), color + 31);
280     color = color + 1 % 7;
281   }
283   h
284 }
code_from_offset<E>(v: &[(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)], offset: usize) -> Option<u32>286 pub fn code_from_offset<E>(v: &[(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)], offset: usize) -> Option<u32> {
287   let mut acc: Option<(u32, usize, usize)> = None;
288   for &(ref ek, s, e) in v.iter() {
289     let c = error_to_u32(ek);
290     if s <= offset && offset <= e {
291       if let Some((_, start, end)) = acc {
292         if start <= s && e <= end {
293           acc = Some((c, s, e));
294         }
295       } else {
296         acc = Some((c, s, e));
297       }
298     }
299   }
300   if let Some((code, _, _)) = acc {
301     return Some(code);
302   } else {
303     return None;
304   }
305 }
307 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
reset_color(v: &mut Vec<u8>)308 pub fn reset_color(v: &mut Vec<u8>) {
309   v.push(0x1B);
310   v.push(b'[');
311   v.push(0);
312   v.push(b'm');
313 }
315 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
write_color(v: &mut Vec<u8>, color: u8)316 pub fn write_color(v: &mut Vec<u8>, color: u8) {
317   v.push(0x1B);
318   v.push(b'[');
319   v.push(1);
320   v.push(b';');
321   let s = color.to_string();
322   let bytes = s.as_bytes();
323   v.extend(bytes.iter().cloned());
324   v.push(b'm');
325 }
327 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
328 #[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(implicit_hasher))]
print_codes(colors: &HashMap<u32, u8>, names: &HashMap<u32, &str>) -> String329 pub fn print_codes(colors: &HashMap<u32, u8>, names: &HashMap<u32, &str>) -> String {
330   let mut v = Vec::new();
331   for (code, &color) in colors {
332     if let Some(&s) = names.get(code) {
333       let bytes = s.as_bytes();
334       write_color(&mut v, color);
335       v.extend(bytes.iter().cloned());
336     } else {
337       let s = code.to_string();
338       let bytes = s.as_bytes();
339       write_color(&mut v, color);
340       v.extend(bytes.iter().cloned());
341     }
342     reset_color(&mut v);
343     v.push(b' ');
344   }
345   reset_color(&mut v);
347   String::from_utf8_lossy(&v[..]).into_owned()
348 }
350 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
351 #[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
print_offsets<E>(input: &[u8], from: usize, offsets: &[(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)]) -> String352 pub fn print_offsets<E>(input: &[u8], from: usize, offsets: &[(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)]) -> String {
353   let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(input.len() * 3);
354   let mut i = from;
355   let chunk_size = 8;
356   let mut current_code: Option<u32> = None;
357   let mut current_code2: Option<u32> = None;
359   let colors = generate_colors(&offsets);
361   for chunk in input.chunks(chunk_size) {
362     let s = format!("{:08x}", i);
363     for &ch in s.as_bytes().iter() {
364       v.push(ch);
365     }
366     v.push(b'\t');
368     let mut k = i;
369     let mut l = i;
370     for &byte in chunk {
371       if let Some(code) = code_from_offset(&offsets, k) {
372         if let Some(current) = current_code {
373           if current != code {
374             reset_color(&mut v);
375             current_code = Some(code);
376             if let Some(&color) = colors.get(&code) {
377               write_color(&mut v, color);
378             }
379           }
380         } else {
381           current_code = Some(code);
382           if let Some(&color) = colors.get(&code) {
383             write_color(&mut v, color);
384           }
385         }
386       }
387       v.push(CHARS[(byte >> 4) as usize]);
388       v.push(CHARS[(byte & 0xf) as usize]);
389       v.push(b' ');
390       k = k + 1;
391     }
393     reset_color(&mut v);
395     if chunk_size > chunk.len() {
396       for _ in 0..(chunk_size - chunk.len()) {
397         v.push(b' ');
398         v.push(b' ');
399         v.push(b' ');
400       }
401     }
402     v.push(b'\t');
404     for &byte in chunk {
405       if let Some(code) = code_from_offset(&offsets, l) {
406         if let Some(current) = current_code2 {
407           if current != code {
408             reset_color(&mut v);
409             current_code2 = Some(code);
410             if let Some(&color) = colors.get(&code) {
411               write_color(&mut v, color);
412             }
413           }
414         } else {
415           current_code2 = Some(code);
416           if let Some(&color) = colors.get(&code) {
417             write_color(&mut v, color);
418           }
419         }
420       }
421       if (byte >= 32 && byte <= 126) || byte >= 128 {
422         v.push(byte);
423       } else {
424         v.push(b'.');
425       }
426       l = l + 1;
427     }
428     reset_color(&mut v);
430     v.push(b'\n');
431     i = i + chunk_size;
432   }
434   String::from_utf8_lossy(&v[..]).into_owned()
435 }
437 /// indicates which parser returned an error
438 #[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
439 #[derive(Debug,PartialEq,Eq,Hash,Clone)]
440 #[allow(deprecated)]
441 pub enum ErrorKind<E = u32> {
442   Custom(E),
443   Tag,
444   MapRes,
445   MapOpt,
446   Alt,
447   IsNot,
448   IsA,
449   SeparatedList,
450   SeparatedNonEmptyList,
451   Many0,
452   Many1,
453   ManyTill,
454   Count,
455   TakeUntilAndConsume,
456   TakeUntil,
457   TakeUntilEitherAndConsume,
458   TakeUntilEither,
459   LengthValue,
460   TagClosure,
461   Alpha,
462   Digit,
463   HexDigit,
464   OctDigit,
465   AlphaNumeric,
466   Space,
467   MultiSpace,
468   LengthValueFn,
469   Eof,
470   ExprOpt,
471   ExprRes,
472   CondReduce,
473   Switch,
474   TagBits,
475   OneOf,
476   NoneOf,
477   Char,
478   CrLf,
479   RegexpMatch,
480   RegexpMatches,
481   RegexpFind,
482   RegexpCapture,
483   RegexpCaptures,
484   TakeWhile1,
485   Complete,
486   Fix,
487   Escaped,
488   EscapedTransform,
489   #[deprecated(since = "4.0.0", note = "Please use `Tag` instead")]
490   TagStr,
491   #[deprecated(since = "4.0.0", note = "Please use `IsNot` instead")]
492   IsNotStr,
493   #[deprecated(since = "4.0.0", note = "Please use `IsA` instead")]
494   IsAStr,
495   #[deprecated(since = "4.0.0", note = "Please use `TakeWhile1` instead")]
496   TakeWhile1Str,
497   NonEmpty,
498   ManyMN,
499   #[deprecated(since = "4.0.0", note = "Please use `TakeUntilAndConsume` instead")]
500   TakeUntilAndConsumeStr,
501   #[deprecated(since = "4.0.0", note = "Please use `TakeUntil` instead")]
502   TakeUntilStr,
503   Not,
504   Permutation,
505   Verify,
506   TakeTill1,
507   TakeUntilAndConsume1,
508   TakeWhileMN,
509   ParseTo,
510   TooLarge,
511   Many0Count,
512   Many1Count,
513 }
515 #[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
516 #[allow(deprecated)]
error_to_u32<E>(e: &ErrorKind<E>) -> u32517 pub fn error_to_u32<E>(e: &ErrorKind<E>) -> u32 {
518   match *e {
519     ErrorKind::Custom(_)                 => 0,
520     ErrorKind::Tag                       => 1,
521     ErrorKind::MapRes                    => 2,
522     ErrorKind::MapOpt                    => 3,
523     ErrorKind::Alt                       => 4,
524     ErrorKind::IsNot                     => 5,
525     ErrorKind::IsA                       => 6,
526     ErrorKind::SeparatedList             => 7,
527     ErrorKind::SeparatedNonEmptyList     => 8,
528     ErrorKind::Many1                     => 9,
529     ErrorKind::Count                     => 10,
530     ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsume       => 11,
531     ErrorKind::TakeUntil                 => 12,
532     ErrorKind::TakeUntilEitherAndConsume => 13,
533     ErrorKind::TakeUntilEither           => 14,
534     ErrorKind::LengthValue               => 15,
535     ErrorKind::TagClosure                => 16,
536     ErrorKind::Alpha                     => 17,
537     ErrorKind::Digit                     => 18,
538     ErrorKind::AlphaNumeric              => 19,
539     ErrorKind::Space                     => 20,
540     ErrorKind::MultiSpace                => 21,
541     ErrorKind::LengthValueFn             => 22,
542     ErrorKind::Eof                       => 23,
543     ErrorKind::ExprOpt                   => 24,
544     ErrorKind::ExprRes                   => 25,
545     ErrorKind::CondReduce                => 26,
546     ErrorKind::Switch                    => 27,
547     ErrorKind::TagBits                   => 28,
548     ErrorKind::OneOf                     => 29,
549     ErrorKind::NoneOf                    => 30,
550     ErrorKind::Char                      => 40,
551     ErrorKind::CrLf                      => 41,
552     ErrorKind::RegexpMatch               => 42,
553     ErrorKind::RegexpMatches             => 43,
554     ErrorKind::RegexpFind                => 44,
555     ErrorKind::RegexpCapture             => 45,
556     ErrorKind::RegexpCaptures            => 46,
557     ErrorKind::TakeWhile1                => 47,
558     ErrorKind::Complete                  => 48,
559     ErrorKind::Fix                       => 49,
560     ErrorKind::Escaped                   => 50,
561     ErrorKind::EscapedTransform          => 51,
562     ErrorKind::TagStr                    => 52,
563     ErrorKind::IsNotStr                  => 53,
564     ErrorKind::IsAStr                    => 54,
565     ErrorKind::TakeWhile1Str             => 55,
566     ErrorKind::NonEmpty                  => 56,
567     ErrorKind::ManyMN                    => 57,
568     ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsumeStr    => 58,
569     ErrorKind::HexDigit                  => 59,
570     ErrorKind::TakeUntilStr              => 60,
571     ErrorKind::OctDigit                  => 61,
572     ErrorKind::Many0                     => 62,
573     ErrorKind::Not                       => 63,
574     ErrorKind::Permutation               => 64,
575     ErrorKind::ManyTill                  => 65,
576     ErrorKind::Verify                    => 66,
577     ErrorKind::TakeTill1                 => 67,
578     ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsume1      => 68,
579     ErrorKind::TakeWhileMN               => 69,
580     ErrorKind::ParseTo                   => 70,
581     ErrorKind::TooLarge                  => 71,
582     ErrorKind::Many0Count                => 72,
583     ErrorKind::Many1Count                => 73,
584   }
585 }
587 impl<E> ErrorKind<E> {
588   #[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
589   #[allow(deprecated)]
description(&self) -> &str590   pub fn description(&self) -> &str {
591     match *self {
592       ErrorKind::Custom(_)                 => "Custom error",
593       ErrorKind::Tag                       => "Tag",
594       ErrorKind::MapRes                    => "Map on Result",
595       ErrorKind::MapOpt                    => "Map on Option",
596       ErrorKind::Alt                       => "Alternative",
597       ErrorKind::IsNot                     => "IsNot",
598       ErrorKind::IsA                       => "IsA",
599       ErrorKind::SeparatedList             => "Separated list",
600       ErrorKind::SeparatedNonEmptyList     => "Separated non empty list",
601       ErrorKind::Many0                     => "Many0",
602       ErrorKind::Many1                     => "Many1",
603       ErrorKind::Count                     => "Count",
604       ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsume       => "Take until and consume",
605       ErrorKind::TakeUntil                 => "Take until",
606       ErrorKind::TakeUntilEitherAndConsume => "Take until either and consume",
607       ErrorKind::TakeUntilEither           => "Take until either",
608       ErrorKind::LengthValue               => "Length followed by value",
609       ErrorKind::TagClosure                => "Tag closure",
610       ErrorKind::Alpha                     => "Alphabetic",
611       ErrorKind::Digit                     => "Digit",
612       ErrorKind::AlphaNumeric              => "AlphaNumeric",
613       ErrorKind::Space                     => "Space",
614       ErrorKind::MultiSpace                => "Multiple spaces",
615       ErrorKind::LengthValueFn             => "LengthValueFn",
616       ErrorKind::Eof                       => "End of file",
617       ErrorKind::ExprOpt                   => "Evaluate Option",
618       ErrorKind::ExprRes                   => "Evaluate Result",
619       ErrorKind::CondReduce                => "Condition reduce",
620       ErrorKind::Switch                    => "Switch",
621       ErrorKind::TagBits                   => "Tag on bitstream",
622       ErrorKind::OneOf                     => "OneOf",
623       ErrorKind::NoneOf                    => "NoneOf",
624       ErrorKind::Char                      => "Char",
625       ErrorKind::CrLf                      => "CrLf",
626       ErrorKind::RegexpMatch               => "RegexpMatch",
627       ErrorKind::RegexpMatches             => "RegexpMatches",
628       ErrorKind::RegexpFind                => "RegexpFind",
629       ErrorKind::RegexpCapture             => "RegexpCapture",
630       ErrorKind::RegexpCaptures            => "RegexpCaptures",
631       ErrorKind::TakeWhile1                => "TakeWhile1",
632       ErrorKind::Complete                  => "Complete",
633       ErrorKind::Fix                       => "Fix",
634       ErrorKind::Escaped                   => "Escaped",
635       ErrorKind::EscapedTransform          => "EscapedTransform",
636       ErrorKind::TagStr                    => "Tag on strings",
637       ErrorKind::IsNotStr                  => "IsNot on strings",
638       ErrorKind::IsAStr                    => "IsA on strings",
639       ErrorKind::TakeWhile1Str             => "TakeWhile1 on strings",
640       ErrorKind::NonEmpty                  => "NonEmpty",
641       ErrorKind::ManyMN                    => "Many(m, n)",
642       ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsumeStr    => "Take until and consume on strings",
643       ErrorKind::HexDigit                  => "Hexadecimal Digit",
644       ErrorKind::TakeUntilStr              => "Take until on strings",
645       ErrorKind::OctDigit                  => "Octal digit",
646       ErrorKind::Not                       => "Negation",
647       ErrorKind::Permutation               => "Permutation",
648       ErrorKind::ManyTill                  => "ManyTill",
649       ErrorKind::Verify                    => "predicate verification",
650       ErrorKind::TakeTill1                 => "TakeTill1",
651       ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsume1      => "Take at least 1 until and consume",
652       ErrorKind::TakeWhileMN               => "TakeWhileMN",
653       ErrorKind::ParseTo                   => "Parse string to the specified type",
654       ErrorKind::TooLarge                  => "Needed data size is too large",
655       ErrorKind::Many0Count                => "Count occurrence of >=0 patterns",
656       ErrorKind::Many1Count                => "Count occurrence of >=1 patterns",
657     }
658   }
660   /// Convert Err into an ErrorKind.
661   ///
662   /// This allows application code to use ErrorKind and stay independent from the `verbose-errors` features activation.
into_error_kind(self) -> ErrorKind<E>663   pub fn into_error_kind(self) -> ErrorKind<E> {
664     self
665   }
666 }
668 pub trait Convert<T> {
convert(T) -> Self669   fn convert(T) -> Self;
670 }
672 impl<F, E: From<F>> Convert<ErrorKind<F>> for ErrorKind<E> {
673   #[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
674   #[allow(deprecated)]
convert(e: ErrorKind<F>) -> Self675   fn convert(e: ErrorKind<F>) -> Self {
676     match e {
677       ErrorKind::Custom(c)                 => ErrorKind::Custom(E::from(c)),
678       ErrorKind::Tag                       => ErrorKind::Tag,
679       ErrorKind::MapRes                    => ErrorKind::MapRes,
680       ErrorKind::MapOpt                    => ErrorKind::MapOpt,
681       ErrorKind::Alt                       => ErrorKind::Alt,
682       ErrorKind::IsNot                     => ErrorKind::IsNot,
683       ErrorKind::IsA                       => ErrorKind::IsA,
684       ErrorKind::SeparatedList             => ErrorKind::SeparatedList,
685       ErrorKind::SeparatedNonEmptyList     => ErrorKind::SeparatedNonEmptyList,
686       ErrorKind::Many1                     => ErrorKind::Many1,
687       ErrorKind::Count                     => ErrorKind::Count,
688       ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsume       => ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsume,
689       ErrorKind::TakeUntil                 => ErrorKind::TakeUntil,
690       ErrorKind::TakeUntilEitherAndConsume => ErrorKind::TakeUntilEitherAndConsume,
691       ErrorKind::TakeUntilEither           => ErrorKind::TakeUntilEither,
692       ErrorKind::LengthValue               => ErrorKind::LengthValue,
693       ErrorKind::TagClosure                => ErrorKind::TagClosure,
694       ErrorKind::Alpha                     => ErrorKind::Alpha,
695       ErrorKind::Digit                     => ErrorKind::Digit,
696       ErrorKind::AlphaNumeric              => ErrorKind::AlphaNumeric,
697       ErrorKind::Space                     => ErrorKind::Space,
698       ErrorKind::MultiSpace                => ErrorKind::MultiSpace,
699       ErrorKind::LengthValueFn             => ErrorKind::LengthValueFn,
700       ErrorKind::Eof                       => ErrorKind::Eof,
701       ErrorKind::ExprOpt                   => ErrorKind::ExprOpt,
702       ErrorKind::ExprRes                   => ErrorKind::ExprRes,
703       ErrorKind::CondReduce                => ErrorKind::CondReduce,
704       ErrorKind::Switch                    => ErrorKind::Switch,
705       ErrorKind::TagBits                   => ErrorKind::TagBits,
706       ErrorKind::OneOf                     => ErrorKind::OneOf,
707       ErrorKind::NoneOf                    => ErrorKind::NoneOf,
708       ErrorKind::Char                      => ErrorKind::Char,
709       ErrorKind::CrLf                      => ErrorKind::CrLf,
710       ErrorKind::RegexpMatch               => ErrorKind::RegexpMatch,
711       ErrorKind::RegexpMatches             => ErrorKind::RegexpMatches,
712       ErrorKind::RegexpFind                => ErrorKind::RegexpFind,
713       ErrorKind::RegexpCapture             => ErrorKind::RegexpCapture,
714       ErrorKind::RegexpCaptures            => ErrorKind::RegexpCaptures,
715       ErrorKind::TakeWhile1                => ErrorKind::TakeWhile1,
716       ErrorKind::Complete                  => ErrorKind::Complete,
717       ErrorKind::Fix                       => ErrorKind::Fix,
718       ErrorKind::Escaped                   => ErrorKind::Escaped,
719       ErrorKind::EscapedTransform          => ErrorKind::EscapedTransform,
720       ErrorKind::TagStr                    => ErrorKind::TagStr,
721       ErrorKind::IsNotStr                  => ErrorKind::IsNotStr,
722       ErrorKind::IsAStr                    => ErrorKind::IsAStr,
723       ErrorKind::TakeWhile1Str             => ErrorKind::TakeWhile1Str,
724       ErrorKind::NonEmpty                  => ErrorKind::NonEmpty,
725       ErrorKind::ManyMN                    => ErrorKind::ManyMN,
726       ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsumeStr    => ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsumeStr,
727       ErrorKind::HexDigit                  => ErrorKind::HexDigit,
728       ErrorKind::TakeUntilStr              => ErrorKind::TakeUntilStr,
729       ErrorKind::OctDigit                  => ErrorKind::OctDigit,
730       ErrorKind::Many0                     => ErrorKind::Many0,
731       ErrorKind::Not                       => ErrorKind::Not,
732       ErrorKind::Permutation               => ErrorKind::Permutation,
733       ErrorKind::ManyTill                  => ErrorKind::ManyTill,
734       ErrorKind::Verify                    => ErrorKind::Verify,
735       ErrorKind::TakeTill1                 => ErrorKind::TakeTill1,
736       ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsume1      => ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsume1,
737       ErrorKind::TakeWhileMN               => ErrorKind::TakeWhileMN,
738       ErrorKind::ParseTo                   => ErrorKind::ParseTo,
739       ErrorKind::TooLarge                  => ErrorKind::TooLarge,
740       ErrorKind::Many0Count                => ErrorKind::Many0Count,
741       ErrorKind::Many1Count                => ErrorKind::Many1Count,
742     }
743   }
744 }