1/** VPN Server RPC Stubs */
2export declare class VpnServerRpc {
3    /** Determine if this JavaScript environment is on the Node.js or not. */
4    static IsNodeJS(): boolean;
5    /** Set the debug mode flag */
6    static SetDebugMode(flag: boolean): void;
7    private rpc_url;
8    private rpc_client;
9    /**
10     * Constructor of the VpnServerRpc class
11     * @param vpnserver_hostname The hostname or IP address of the destination VPN Server. In the web browser you can specify null if you want to connect to the server itself.
12     * @param vpnserver_port The port number of the destination VPN Server. In the web browser you can specify null if you want to connect to the server itself.
13     * @param hubname The name of the Virtual Hub if you want to connect to the VPN Server as a Virtual Hub Admin Mode. Specify null if you want to connect to the VPN Server as the Entire VPN Server Admin Mode.
14     * @param password Specify the administration password. This value is valid only if vpnserver_hostname is sepcified.
15     * @param nodejs_https_client_reject_untrusted_server_cert In Node.js set this true to check the SSL server certificate on the destination VPN Server. Set this false to ignore the SSL server certification.
16     */
17    constructor(vpnserver_hostname?: string, vpnserver_port?: number, hubname?: string, password?: string, nodejs_https_client_reject_untrusted_server_cert?: boolean);
18    /** Test RPC function. Input any integer value to the IntValue_u32 field. Then the server will convert the integer to the string, and return the string in the StrValue_str field. */
19    Test: (in_param: VpnRpcTest) => Promise<VpnRpcTest>;
20    /** Get server information. This allows you to obtain the server information of the currently connected VPN Server or VPN Bridge. Included in the server information are the version number, build number and build information. You can also obtain information on the current server operation mode and the information of operating system that the server is operating on. */
21    GetServerInfo: () => Promise<VpnRpcServerInfo>;
22    /** Get Current Server Status. This allows you to obtain in real-time the current status of the currently connected VPN Server or VPN Bridge. You can get statistical information on data communication and the number of different kinds of objects that exist on the server. You can get information on how much memory is being used on the current computer by the OS. */
23    GetServerStatus: () => Promise<VpnRpcServerStatus>;
24    /** Create New TCP Listener. This allows you to create a new TCP Listener on the server. By creating the TCP Listener the server starts listening for a connection from clients at the specified TCP/IP port number. A TCP Listener that has been created can be deleted by the DeleteListener API. You can also get a list of TCP Listeners currently registered by using the EnumListener API. To execute this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
25    CreateListener: (in_param: VpnRpcListener) => Promise<VpnRpcListener>;
26    /** Get List of TCP Listeners. This allows you to get a list of TCP listeners registered on the current server. You can obtain information on whether the various TCP listeners have a status of operating or error. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
27    EnumListener: () => Promise<VpnRpcListenerList>;
28    /** Delete TCP Listener. This allows you to delete a TCP Listener that's registered on the server. When the TCP Listener is in a state of operation, the listener will automatically be deleted when its operation stops. You can also get a list of TCP Listeners currently registered by using the EnumListener API. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
29    DeleteListener: (in_param: VpnRpcListener) => Promise<VpnRpcListener>;
30    /** Enable / Disable TCP Listener. This starts or stops the operation of TCP Listeners registered on the current server. You can also get a list of TCP Listeners currently registered by using the EnumListener API. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
31    EnableListener: (in_param: VpnRpcListener) => Promise<VpnRpcListener>;
32    /** Set VPN Server Administrator Password. This sets the VPN Server administrator password. You can specify the password as a parameter. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
33    SetServerPassword: (in_param: VpnRpcSetPassword) => Promise<VpnRpcSetPassword>;
34    /** Set the VPN Server clustering configuration. Use this to set the VPN Server type as Standalone Server, Cluster Controller Server or Cluster Member Server. Standalone server means a VPN Server that does not belong to any cluster in its current state. When VPN Server is installed, by default it will be in standalone server mode. Unless you have particular plans to configure a cluster, we recommend the VPN Server be operated in standalone mode. A cluster controller is the central computer of all member servers of a cluster in the case where a clustering environment is made up of multiple VPN Servers. Multiple cluster members can be added to the cluster as required. A cluster requires one computer to serve this role. The other cluster member servers that are configured in the same cluster begin operation as a cluster member by connecting to the cluster controller. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. Also, when this API is executed, VPN Server will automatically restart. This API cannot be called on VPN Bridge. */
35    SetFarmSetting: (in_param: VpnRpcFarm) => Promise<VpnRpcFarm>;
36    /** Get Clustering Configuration of Current VPN Server. You can use this to acquire the clustering configuration of the current VPN Server. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
37    GetFarmSetting: () => Promise<VpnRpcFarm>;
38    /** Get Cluster Member Information. When the VPN Server is operating as a cluster controller, you can get information on cluster member servers on that cluster by specifying the IDs of the member servers. You can get the following information about the specified cluster member server: Server Type, Time Connection has been Established, IP Address, Host Name, Points, Public Port List, Number of Operating Virtual Hubs, First Virtual Hub, Number of Sessions and Number of TCP Connections. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. */
39    GetFarmInfo: (in_param: VpnRpcFarmInfo) => Promise<VpnRpcFarmInfo>;
40    /** Get List of Cluster Members. Use this API when the VPN Server is operating as a cluster controller to get a list of the cluster member servers on the same cluster, including the cluster controller itself. For each member, the following information is also listed: Type, Connection Start, Host Name, Points, Number of Session, Number of TCP Connections, Number of Operating Virtual Hubs, Using Client Connection License and Using Bridge Connection License. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. */
41    EnumFarmMember: () => Promise<VpnRpcEnumFarm>;
42    /** Get Connection Status to Cluster Controller. Use this API when the VPN Server is operating as a cluster controller to get the status of connection to the cluster controller. You can get the following information: Controller IP Address, Port Number, Connection Status, Connection Start Time, First Connection Established Time, Current Connection Established Time, Number of Connection Attempts, Number of Successful Connections, Number of Failed Connections. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. */
43    GetFarmConnectionStatus: () => Promise<VpnRpcFarmConnectionStatus>;
44    /** Set SSL Certificate and Private Key of VPN Server. You can set the SSL certificate that the VPN Server provides to the connected client and the private key for that certificate. The certificate must be in X.509 format and the private key must be Base 64 encoded format. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
45    SetServerCert: (in_param: VpnRpcKeyPair) => Promise<VpnRpcKeyPair>;
46    /** Get SSL Certificate and Private Key of VPN Server. Use this to get the SSL certificate private key that the VPN Server provides to the connected client. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
47    GetServerCert: () => Promise<VpnRpcKeyPair>;
48    /** Get the Encrypted Algorithm Used for VPN Communication. Use this API to get the current setting of the algorithm used for the electronic signature and encrypted for SSL connection to be used for communication between the VPN Server and the connected client and the list of algorithms that can be used on the VPN Server. */
49    GetServerCipher: () => Promise<VpnRpcStr>;
50    /** Set the Encrypted Algorithm Used for VPN Communication. Use this API to set the algorithm used for the electronic signature and encrypted for SSL connections to be used for communication between the VPN Server and the connected client. By specifying the algorithm name, the specified algorithm will be used later between the VPN Client and VPN Bridge connected to this server and the data will be encrypted. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
51    SetServerCipher: (in_param: VpnRpcStr) => Promise<VpnRpcStr>;
52    /** Create New Virtual Hub. Use this to create a new Virtual Hub on the VPN Server. The created Virtual Hub will begin operation immediately. When the VPN Server is operating on a cluster, this API is only valid for the cluster controller. Also, the new Virtual Hub will operate as a dynamic Virtual Hub. You can change it to a static Virtual Hub by using the SetHub API. To get a list of Virtual Hubs that are already on the VPN Server, use the EnumHub API. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. Also, this API does not operate on VPN Servers that are operating as a VPN Bridge or cluster member. */
53    CreateHub: (in_param: VpnRpcCreateHub) => Promise<VpnRpcCreateHub>;
54    /** Set the Virtual Hub configuration. You can call this API to change the configuration of the specified Virtual Hub. You can set the Virtual Hub online or offline. You can set the maximum number of sessions that can be concurrently connected to the Virtual Hub that is currently being managed. You can set the Virtual Hub administrator password. You can set other parameters for the Virtual Hub. Before call this API, you need to obtain the latest state of the Virtual Hub by using the GetHub API. */
55    SetHub: (in_param: VpnRpcCreateHub) => Promise<VpnRpcCreateHub>;
56    /** Get the Virtual Hub configuration. You can call this API to get the current configuration of the specified Virtual Hub. To change the configuration of the Virtual Hub, call the SetHub API. */
57    GetHub: (in_param: VpnRpcCreateHub) => Promise<VpnRpcCreateHub>;
58    /** Get List of Virtual Hubs. Use this to get a list of existing Virtual Hubs on the VPN Server. For each Virtual Hub, you can get the following information: Virtual Hub Name, Status, Type, Number of Users, Number of Groups, Number of Sessions, Number of MAC Tables, Number of IP Tables, Number of Logins, Last Login, and Last Communication. Note that when connecting in Virtual Hub Admin Mode, if in the options of a Virtual Hub that you do not have administrator privileges for, the option Don't Enumerate this Virtual Hub for Anonymous Users is enabled then that Virtual Hub will not be enumerated. If you are connected in Server Admin Mode, then the list of all Virtual Hubs will be displayed. When connecting to and managing a non-cluster-controller cluster member of a clustering environment, only the Virtual Hub currently being hosted by that VPN Server will be displayed. When connecting to a cluster controller for administration purposes, all the Virtual Hubs will be displayed. */
59    EnumHub: () => Promise<VpnRpcEnumHub>;
60    /** Delete Virtual Hub. Use this to delete an existing Virtual Hub on the VPN Server. If you delete the Virtual Hub, all sessions that are currently connected to the Virtual Hub will be disconnected and new sessions will be unable to connect to the Virtual Hub. Also, this will also delete all the Hub settings, user objects, group objects, certificates and Cascade Connections. Once you delete the Virtual Hub, it cannot be recovered. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. Also, this API does not operate on VPN Servers that are operating as a VPN Bridge or cluster member. */
61    DeleteHub: (in_param: VpnRpcDeleteHub) => Promise<VpnRpcDeleteHub>;
62    /** Get Setting of RADIUS Server Used for User Authentication. Use this to get the current settings for the RADIUS server used when a user connects to the currently managed Virtual Hub using RADIUS Server Authentication Mode. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
63    GetHubRadius: (in_param: VpnRpcRadius) => Promise<VpnRpcRadius>;
64    /** Set RADIUS Server to use for User Authentication. To accept users to the currently managed Virtual Hub in RADIUS server authentication mode, you can specify an external RADIUS server that confirms the user name and password. (You can specify multiple hostname by splitting with comma or semicolon.) The RADIUS server must be set to receive requests from IP addresses of this VPN Server. Also, authentication by Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) must be enabled. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
65    SetHubRadius: (in_param: VpnRpcRadius) => Promise<VpnRpcRadius>;
66    /** Get List of TCP Connections Connecting to the VPN Server. Use this to get a list of TCP/IP connections that are currently connecting to the VPN Server. It does not display the TCP connections that have been established as VPN sessions. To get the list of TCP/IP connections that have been established as VPN sessions, you can use the EnumSession API. You can get the following: Connection Name, Connection Source, Connection Start and Type. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
67    EnumConnection: () => Promise<VpnRpcEnumConnection>;
68    /** Disconnect TCP Connections Connecting to the VPN Server. Use this to forcefully disconnect specific TCP/IP connections that are connecting to the VPN Server. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
69    DisconnectConnection: (in_param: VpnRpcDisconnectConnection) => Promise<VpnRpcDisconnectConnection>;
70    /** Get Information of TCP Connections Connecting to the VPN Server. Use this to get detailed information of a specific TCP/IP connection that is connecting to the VPN Server. You can get the following information: Connection Name, Connection Type, Source Hostname, Source IP Address, Source Port Number (TCP), Connection Start, Server Product Name, Server Version, Server Build Number, Client Product Name, Client Version, and Client Build Number. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
71    GetConnectionInfo: (in_param: VpnRpcConnectionInfo) => Promise<VpnRpcConnectionInfo>;
72    /** Switch Virtual Hub to Online or Offline. Use this to set the Virtual Hub to online or offline. A Virtual Hub with an offline status cannot receive VPN connections from clients. When you set the Virtual Hub offline, all sessions will be disconnected. A Virtual Hub with an offline status cannot receive VPN connections from clients. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
73    SetHubOnline: (in_param: VpnRpcSetHubOnline) => Promise<VpnRpcSetHubOnline>;
74    /** Get Current Status of Virtual Hub. Use this to get the current status of the Virtual Hub currently being managed. You can get the following information: Virtual Hub Type, Number of Sessions, Number of Each Type of Object, Number of Logins, Last Login, Last Communication, and Communication Statistical Data. */
75    GetHubStatus: (in_param: VpnRpcHubStatus) => Promise<VpnRpcHubStatus>;
76    /** Set the logging configuration of the Virtual Hub. Use this to enable or disable a security log or packet logs of the Virtual Hub currently being managed, set the save contents of the packet log for each type of packet to be saved, and set the log file switch cycle for the security log or packet log that the currently managed Virtual Hub saves. There are the following packet types: TCP Connection Log, TCP Packet Log, DHCP Packet Log, UDP Packet Log, ICMP Packet Log, IP Packet Log, ARP Packet Log, and Ethernet Packet Log. To get the current setting, you can use the LogGet API. The log file switch cycle can be changed to switch in every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every month or not switch. To get the current setting, you can use the GetHubLog API. */
77    SetHubLog: (in_param: VpnRpcHubLog) => Promise<VpnRpcHubLog>;
78    /** Get the logging configuration of the Virtual Hub. Use this to get the configuration for a security log or packet logs of the Virtual Hub currently being managed, get the setting for save contents of the packet log for each type of packet to be saved, and get the log file switch cycle for the security log or packet log that the currently managed Virtual Hub saves. To set the current setting, you can use the SetHubLog API. */
79    GetHubLog: (in_param: VpnRpcHubLog) => Promise<VpnRpcHubLog>;
80    /** Add Trusted CA Certificate. Use this to add a new certificate to a list of CA certificates trusted by the currently managed Virtual Hub. The list of certificate authority certificates that are registered is used to verify certificates when a VPN Client is connected in signed certificate authentication mode. To get a list of the current certificates you can use the EnumCa API. The certificate you add must be saved in the X.509 file format. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
81    AddCa: (in_param: VpnRpcHubAddCA) => Promise<VpnRpcHubAddCA>;
82    /** Get List of Trusted CA Certificates. Here you can manage the certificate authority certificates that are trusted by this currently managed Virtual Hub. The list of certificate authority certificates that are registered is used to verify certificates when a VPN Client is connected in signed certificate authentication mode. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
83    EnumCa: (in_param: VpnRpcHubEnumCA) => Promise<VpnRpcHubEnumCA>;
84    /** Get Trusted CA Certificate. Use this to get an existing certificate from the list of CA certificates trusted by the currently managed Virtual Hub and save it as a file in X.509 format. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
85    GetCa: (in_param: VpnRpcHubGetCA) => Promise<VpnRpcHubGetCA>;
86    /** Delete Trusted CA Certificate. Use this to delete an existing certificate from the list of CA certificates trusted by the currently managed Virtual Hub. To get a list of the current certificates you can use the EnumCa API. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
87    DeleteCa: (in_param: VpnRpcHubDeleteCA) => Promise<VpnRpcHubDeleteCA>;
88    /** Create New Cascade Connection. Use this to create a new Cascade Connection on the currently managed Virtual Hub. By using a Cascade Connection, you can connect this Virtual Hub by Cascade Connection to another Virtual Hub that is operating on the same or a different computer. To create a Cascade Connection, you must specify the name of the Cascade Connection, destination server and destination Virtual Hub and user name. When a new Cascade Connection is created, the type of user authentication is initially set as Anonymous Authentication and the proxy server setting and the verification options of the server certificate is not set. To change these settings and other advanced settings after a Cascade Connection has been created, use the other APIs that include the name "Link". [Warning About Cascade Connections] By connecting using a Cascade Connection you can create a Layer 2 bridge between multiple Virtual Hubs but if the connection is incorrectly configured, a loopback Cascade Connection could inadvertently be created. When using a Cascade Connection function please design the network topology with care. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
89    CreateLink: (in_param: VpnRpcCreateLink) => Promise<VpnRpcCreateLink>;
90    /** Get the Cascade Connection Setting. Use this to get the Connection Setting of a Cascade Connection that is registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub. To change the Connection Setting contents of the Cascade Connection, use the APIs that include the name "Link" after creating the Cascade Connection. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
91    GetLink: (in_param: VpnRpcCreateLink) => Promise<VpnRpcCreateLink>;
92    /** Change Existing Cascade Connection. Use this to alter the setting of an existing Cascade Connection on the currently managed Virtual Hub. */
93    SetLink: (in_param: VpnRpcCreateLink) => Promise<VpnRpcCreateLink>;
94    /** Get List of Cascade Connections. Use this to get a list of Cascade Connections that are registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub. By using a Cascade Connection, you can connect this Virtual Hub by Layer 2 Cascade Connection to another Virtual Hub that is operating on the same or a different computer. [Warning About Cascade Connections] By connecting using a Cascade Connection you can create a Layer 2 bridge between multiple Virtual Hubs but if the connection is incorrectly configured, a loopback Cascade Connection could inadvertently be created. When using a Cascade Connection function please design the network topology with care. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
95    EnumLink: (in_param: VpnRpcEnumLink) => Promise<VpnRpcEnumLink>;
96    /** Switch Cascade Connection to Online Status. When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified, use this to switch that Cascade Connection to online status. The Cascade Connection that is switched to online status begins the process of connecting to the destination VPN Server in accordance with the Connection Setting. The Cascade Connection that is switched to online status will establish normal connection to the VPN Server or continue to attempt connection until it is switched to offline status. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
97    SetLinkOnline: (in_param: VpnRpcLink) => Promise<VpnRpcLink>;
98    /** Switch Cascade Connection to Offline Status. When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified, use this to switch that Cascade Connection to offline status. The Cascade Connection that is switched to offline will not connect to the VPN Server until next time it is switched to the online status using the SetLinkOnline API You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
99    SetLinkOffline: (in_param: VpnRpcLink) => Promise<VpnRpcLink>;
100    /** Delete Cascade Connection Setting. Use this to delete a Cascade Connection that is registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub. If the specified Cascade Connection has a status of online, the connections will be automatically disconnected and then the Cascade Connection will be deleted. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
101    DeleteLink: (in_param: VpnRpcLink) => Promise<VpnRpcLink>;
102    /** Change Name of Cascade Connection. When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified, use this to change the name of that Cascade Connection. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
103    RenameLink: (in_param: VpnRpcRenameLink) => Promise<VpnRpcRenameLink>;
104    /** Get Current Cascade Connection Status. When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection is currently online, use this to get its connection status and other information. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
105    GetLinkStatus: (in_param: VpnRpcLinkStatus) => Promise<VpnRpcLinkStatus>;
106    /** Add Access List Rule. Use this to add a new rule to the access list of the currently managed Virtual Hub. The access list is a set of packet file rules that are applied to packets that flow through the Virtual Hub. You can register multiple rules in an access list and you can also define an priority for each rule. All packets are checked for the conditions specified by the rules registered in the access list and based on the operation that is stipulated by the first matching rule, they either pass or are discarded. Packets that do not match any rule are implicitly allowed to pass. You can also use the access list to generate delays, jitters and packet losses. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
107    AddAccess: (in_param: VpnRpcAddAccess) => Promise<VpnRpcAddAccess>;
108    /** Delete Rule from Access List. Use this to specify a packet filter rule registered on the access list of the currently managed Virtual Hub and delete it. To delete a rule, you must specify that rule's ID. You can display the ID by using the EnumAccess API. If you wish not to delete the rule but to only temporarily disable it, use the SetAccessList API to set the rule status to disable. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
109    DeleteAccess: (in_param: VpnRpcDeleteAccess) => Promise<VpnRpcDeleteAccess>;
110    /** Get Access List Rule List. Use this to get a list of packet filter rules that are registered on access list of the currently managed Virtual Hub. The access list is a set of packet file rules that are applied to packets that flow through the Virtual Hub. You can register multiple rules in an access list and you can also define a priority for each rule. All packets are checked for the conditions specified by the rules registered in the access list and based on the operation that is stipulated by the first matching rule, they either pass or are discarded. Packets that do not match any rule are implicitly allowed to pass. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
111    EnumAccess: (in_param: VpnRpcEnumAccessList) => Promise<VpnRpcEnumAccessList>;
112    /** Replace all access lists on a single bulk API call. This API removes all existing access list rules on the Virtual Hub, and replace them by new access list rules specified by the parameter. */
113    SetAccessList: (in_param: VpnRpcEnumAccessList) => Promise<VpnRpcEnumAccessList>;
114    /** Create a user. Use this to create a new user in the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. By creating a user, the VPN Client can connect to the Virtual Hub by using the authentication information of that user. Note that a user whose user name has been created as "*" (a single asterisk character) will automatically be registered as a RADIUS authentication user. For cases where there are users with "*" as the name, when a user, whose user name that has been provided when a client connected to a VPN Server does not match existing user names, is able to be authenticated by a RADIUS server or NT domain controller by inputting a user name and password, the authentication settings and security policy settings will follow the setting for the user "*". To change the user information of a user that has been created, use the SetUser API. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
115    CreateUser: (in_param: VpnRpcSetUser) => Promise<VpnRpcSetUser>;
116    /** Change User Settings. Use this to change user settings that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. The user settings that can be changed using this API are the three items that are specified when a new user is created using the CreateUser API: Group Name, Full Name, and Description. To get the list of currently registered users, use the EnumUser API. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
117    SetUser: (in_param: VpnRpcSetUser) => Promise<VpnRpcSetUser>;
118    /** Get User Settings. Use this to get user settings information that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. The information that you can get using this API are User Name, Full Name, Group Name, Expiration Date, Security Policy, and Auth Type, as well as parameters that are specified as auth type attributes and the statistical data of that user. To get the list of currently registered users, use the EnumUser API. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
119    GetUser: (in_param: VpnRpcSetUser) => Promise<VpnRpcSetUser>;
120    /** Delete a user. Use this to delete a user that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. By deleting the user, that user will no long be able to connect to the Virtual Hub. You can use the SetUser API to set the user's security policy to deny access instead of deleting a user, set the user to be temporarily denied from logging in. To get the list of currently registered users, use the EnumUser API. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
121    DeleteUser: (in_param: VpnRpcDeleteUser) => Promise<VpnRpcDeleteUser>;
122    /** Get List of Users. Use this to get a list of users that are registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
123    EnumUser: (in_param: VpnRpcEnumUser) => Promise<VpnRpcEnumUser>;
124    /** Create Group. Use this to create a new group in the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. You can register multiple users in a group. To register users in a group use the SetUser API. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
125    CreateGroup: (in_param: VpnRpcSetGroup) => Promise<VpnRpcSetGroup>;
126    /** Set group settings. Use this to set group settings that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. To get the list of currently registered groups, use the EnumGroup API. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
127    SetGroup: (in_param: VpnRpcSetGroup) => Promise<VpnRpcSetGroup>;
128    /** Get Group Setting (Sync mode). Use this to get the setting of a group that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. To get the list of currently registered groups, use the EnumGroup API. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
129    GetGroup: (in_param: VpnRpcSetGroup) => Promise<VpnRpcSetGroup>;
130    /** Delete User from Group. Use this to delete a specified user from the group that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. By deleting a user from the group, that user becomes unassigned. To get the list of currently registered groups, use the EnumGroup API. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
131    DeleteGroup: (in_param: VpnRpcDeleteUser) => Promise<VpnRpcDeleteUser>;
132    /** Get List of Groups. Use this to get a list of groups that are registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. */
133    EnumGroup: (in_param: VpnRpcEnumGroup) => Promise<VpnRpcEnumGroup>;
134    /** Get List of Connected VPN Sessions. Use this to get a list of the sessions connected to the Virtual Hub currently being managed. In the list of sessions, the following information will be obtained for each connection: Session Name, Session Site, User Name, Source Host Name, TCP Connection, Transfer Bytes and Transfer Packets. If the currently connected VPN Server is a cluster controller and the currently managed Virtual Hub is a static Virtual Hub, you can get an all-linked-together list of all sessions connected to that Virtual Hub on all cluster members. In all other cases, only the list of sessions that are actually connected to the currently managed VPN Server will be obtained. */
135    EnumSession: (in_param: VpnRpcEnumSession) => Promise<VpnRpcEnumSession>;
136    /** Get Session Status. Use this to specify a session currently connected to the currently managed Virtual Hub and get the session information. The session status includes the following: source host name and user name, version information, time information, number of TCP connections, communication parameters, session key, statistical information on data transferred, and other client and server information. To get the list of currently connected sessions, use the EnumSession API. */
137    GetSessionStatus: (in_param: VpnRpcSessionStatus) => Promise<VpnRpcSessionStatus>;
138    /** Disconnect Session. Use this to specify a session currently connected to the currently managed Virtual Hub and forcefully disconnect that session using manager privileges. Note that when communication is disconnected by settings on the source client side and the automatically reconnect option is enabled, it is possible that the client will reconnect. To get the list of currently connected sessions, use the EnumSession API. */
139    DeleteSession: (in_param: VpnRpcDeleteSession) => Promise<VpnRpcDeleteSession>;
140    /** Get the MAC Address Table Database. Use this to get the MAC address table database that is held by the currently managed Virtual Hub. The MAC address table database is a table that the Virtual Hub requires to perform the action of switching Ethernet frames and the Virtual Hub decides the sorting destination session of each Ethernet frame based on the MAC address table database. The MAC address database is built by the Virtual Hub automatically analyzing the contents of the communication. */
141    EnumMacTable: (in_param: VpnRpcEnumMacTable) => Promise<VpnRpcEnumMacTable>;
142    /** Delete MAC Address Table Entry. Use this API to operate the MAC address table database held by the currently managed Virtual Hub and delete a specified MAC address table entry from the database. To get the contents of the current MAC address table database use the EnumMacTable API. */
143    DeleteMacTable: (in_param: VpnRpcDeleteTable) => Promise<VpnRpcDeleteTable>;
144    /** Get the IP Address Table Database. Use this to get the IP address table database that is held by the currently managed Virtual Hub. The IP address table database is a table that is automatically generated by analyzing the contents of communication so that the Virtual Hub can always know which session is using which IP address and it is frequently used by the engine that applies the Virtual Hub security policy. By specifying the session name you can get the IP address table entry that has been associated with that session. */
145    EnumIpTable: (in_param: VpnRpcEnumIpTable) => Promise<VpnRpcEnumIpTable>;
146    /** Delete IP Address Table Entry. Use this API to operate the IP address table database held by the currently managed Virtual Hub and delete a specified IP address table entry from the database. To get the contents of the current IP address table database use the EnumIpTable API. */
147    DeleteIpTable: (in_param: VpnRpcDeleteTable) => Promise<VpnRpcDeleteTable>;
148    /** Set the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function. Use this to set the destination host name etc. of the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function. For network connection environments where connections will automatically be disconnected where there are periods of no communication that are longer than a set period, by using the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function, it is possible to keep alive the Internet connection by sending packets to a nominated server on the Internet at set intervals. When using this API, you can specify the following: Host Name, Port Number, Packet Send Interval, and Protocol. Packets sent to keep alive the Internet connection will have random content and personal information that could identify a computer or user is not sent. You can use the SetKeep API to enable/disable the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function. To execute this API on a VPN Server or VPN Bridge, you must have administrator privileges. */
149    SetKeep: (in_param: VpnRpcKeep) => Promise<VpnRpcKeep>;
150    /** Get the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function. Use this to get the current setting contents of the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function. In addition to the destination's Host Name, Port Number, Packet Send Interval and Protocol, you can obtain the current enabled/disabled status of the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function. */
151    GetKeep: (in_param: VpnRpcKeep) => Promise<VpnRpcKeep>;
152    /** Enable the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server Function (SecureNAT Function). Use this to enable the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server function (SecureNAT Function) on the currently managed Virtual Hub and begin its operation. Before executing this API, you must first check the setting contents of the current Virtual NAT function and DHCP Server function using the SetSecureNATOption API and GetSecureNATOption API. By enabling the SecureNAT function, you can virtually operate a NAT router (IP masquerade) and the DHCP Server function on a virtual network on the Virtual Hub. [Warning about SecureNAT Function] The SecureNAT function is recommended only for system administrators and people with a detailed knowledge of networks. If you use the SecureNAT function correctly, it is possible to achieve a safe form of remote access via a VPN. However when used in the wrong way, it can put the entire network in danger. Anyone who does not have a thorough knowledge of networks and anyone who does not have the network administrator's permission must not enable the SecureNAT function. For a detailed explanation of the SecureNAT function, please refer to the VPN Server's manual and online documentation. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
153    EnableSecureNAT: (in_param: VpnRpcHub) => Promise<VpnRpcHub>;
154    /** Disable the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server Function (SecureNAT Function). Use this to disable the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server function (SecureNAT Function) on the currently managed Virtual Hub. By executing this API the Virtual NAT function immediately stops operating and the Virtual DHCP Server function deletes the DHCP lease database and stops the service. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
155    DisableSecureNAT: (in_param: VpnRpcHub) => Promise<VpnRpcHub>;
156    /** Change Settings of SecureNAT Function. Use this to change and save the virtual host network interface settings, virtual NAT function settings and virtual DHCP server settings of the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server function (SecureNAT function) on the currently managed Virtual Hub. The SecureNAT function holds one virtual network adapter on the L2 segment inside the Virtual Hub and it has been assigned a MAC address and an IP address. By doing this, another host connected to the same L2 segment is able to communicate with the SecureNAT virtual host as if it is an actual IP host existing on the network. [Warning about SecureNAT Function] The SecureNAT function is recommended only for system administrators and people with a detailed knowledge of networks. If you use the SecureNAT function correctly, it is possible to achieve a safe form of remote access via a VPN. However when used in the wrong way, it can put the entire network in danger. Anyone who does not have a thorough knowledge of networks and anyone who does not have the network administrators permission must not enable the SecureNAT function. For a detailed explanation of the SecureNAT function, please refer to the VPN Server's manual and online documentation. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
157    SetSecureNATOption: (in_param: VpnVhOption) => Promise<VpnVhOption>;
158    /** Get Settings of SecureNAT Function. This API get the registered settings for the SecureNAT function which is set by the SetSecureNATOption API. */
159    GetSecureNATOption: (in_param: VpnVhOption) => Promise<VpnVhOption>;
160    /** Get Virtual NAT Function Session Table of SecureNAT Function. Use this to get the table of TCP and UDP sessions currently communicating via the Virtual NAT (NAT table) in cases when the Virtual NAT function is operating on the currently managed Virtual Hub. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
161    EnumNAT: (in_param: VpnRpcEnumNat) => Promise<VpnRpcEnumNat>;
162    /** Get Virtual DHCP Server Function Lease Table of SecureNAT Function. Use this to get the lease table of IP addresses, held by the Virtual DHCP Server, that are assigned to clients in cases when the Virtual NAT function is operating on the currently managed Virtual Hub. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
163    EnumDHCP: (in_param: VpnRpcEnumDhcp) => Promise<VpnRpcEnumDhcp>;
164    /** Get the Operating Status of the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server Function (SecureNAT Function). Use this to get the operating status of the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server function (SecureNAT Function) when it is operating on the currently managed Virtual Hub. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
165    GetSecureNATStatus: (in_param: VpnRpcNatStatus) => Promise<VpnRpcNatStatus>;
166    /** Get List of Network Adapters Usable as Local Bridge. Use this to get a list of Ethernet devices (network adapters) that can be used as a bridge destination device as part of a Local Bridge connection. If possible, network connection name is displayed. You can use a device displayed here by using the AddLocalBridge API. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
167    EnumEthernet: () => Promise<VpnRpcEnumEth>;
168    /** Create Local Bridge Connection. Use this to create a new Local Bridge connection on the VPN Server. By using a Local Bridge, you can configure a Layer 2 bridge connection between a Virtual Hub operating on this VPN server and a physical Ethernet Device (Network Adapter). You can create a tap device (virtual network interface) on the system and connect a bridge between Virtual Hubs (the tap device is only supported by Linux versions). It is possible to establish a bridge to an operating network adapter of your choice for the bridge destination Ethernet device (network adapter), but in high load environments, we recommend you prepare a network adapter dedicated to serve as a bridge. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
169    AddLocalBridge: (in_param: VpnRpcLocalBridge) => Promise<VpnRpcLocalBridge>;
170    /** Delete Local Bridge Connection. Use this to delete an existing Local Bridge connection. To get a list of current Local Bridge connections use the EnumLocalBridge API. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
171    DeleteLocalBridge: (in_param: VpnRpcLocalBridge) => Promise<VpnRpcLocalBridge>;
172    /** Get List of Local Bridge Connection. Use this to get a list of the currently defined Local Bridge connections. You can get the Local Bridge connection Virtual Hub name and the bridge destination Ethernet device (network adapter) name or tap device name, as well as the operating status. */
173    EnumLocalBridge: () => Promise<VpnRpcEnumLocalBridge>;
174    /** Get whether the localbridge function is supported on the current system. */
175    GetBridgeSupport: () => Promise<VpnRpcBridgeSupport>;
176    /** Reboot VPN Server Service. Use this to restart the VPN Server service. When you restart the VPN Server, all currently connected sessions and TCP connections will be disconnected and no new connections will be accepted until the restart process has completed. By using this API, only the VPN Server service program will be restarted and the physical computer that VPN Server is operating on does not restart. This management session will also be disconnected, so you will need to reconnect to continue management. Also, by specifying the "IntValue" parameter to "1", the contents of the configuration file (.config) held by the current VPN Server will be initialized. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
177    RebootServer: (in_param: VpnRpcTest) => Promise<VpnRpcTest>;
178    /** Get List of Server Functions / Capability. Use this get a list of functions and capability of the VPN Server currently connected and being managed. The function and capability of VPN Servers are different depending on the operating VPN server's edition and version. Using this API, you can find out the capability of the target VPN Server and report it. */
179    GetCaps: () => Promise<VpnCapslist>;
180    /** Get the current configuration of the VPN Server. Use this to get a text file (.config file) that contains the current configuration contents of the VPN server. You can get the status on the VPN Server at the instant this API is executed. You can edit the configuration file by using a regular text editor. To write an edited configuration to the VPN Server, use the SetConfig API. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
181    GetConfig: () => Promise<VpnRpcConfig>;
182    /** Write Configuration File to VPN Server. Use this to write the configuration file to the VPN Server. By executing this API, the contents of the specified configuration file will be applied to the VPN Server and the VPN Server program will automatically restart and upon restart, operate according to the new configuration contents. Because it is difficult for an administrator to write all the contents of a configuration file, we recommend you use the GetConfig API to get the current contents of the VPN Server configuration and save it to file. You can then edit these contents in a regular text editor and then use the SetConfig API to rewrite the contents to the VPN Server. This API is for people with a detailed knowledge of the VPN Server and if an incorrectly configured configuration file is written to the VPN Server, it not only could cause errors, it could also result in the lost of the current setting data. Take special care when carrying out this action. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
183    SetConfig: (in_param: VpnRpcConfig) => Promise<VpnRpcConfig>;
184    /** Get Virtual Hub Administration Option default values. */
185    GetDefaultHubAdminOptions: (in_param: VpnRpcAdminOption) => Promise<VpnRpcAdminOption>;
186    /** Get List of Virtual Hub Administration Options. Use this to get a list of Virtual Hub administration options that are set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. The purpose of the Virtual Hub administration options is for the VPN Server Administrator to set limits for the setting ranges when the administration of the Virtual Hub is to be trusted to each Virtual Hub administrator. Only an administrator with administration privileges for this entire VPN Server is able to add, edit and delete the Virtual Hub administration options. The Virtual Hub administrators are unable to make changes to the administration options, however they are able to view them. There is an exception however. If allow_hub_admin_change_option is set to "1", even Virtual Hub administrators are able to edit the administration options. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster member. */
187    GetHubAdminOptions: (in_param: VpnRpcAdminOption) => Promise<VpnRpcAdminOption>;
188    /** Set Values of Virtual Hub Administration Options. Use this to change the values of Virtual Hub administration options that are set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. The purpose of the Virtual Hub administration options is for the VPN Server Administrator to set limits for the setting ranges when the administration of the Virtual Hub is to be trusted to each Virtual Hub administrator. Only an administrator with administration privileges for this entire VPN Server is able to add, edit and delete the Virtual Hub administration options. The Virtual Hub administrators are unable to make changes to the administration options, however they are able to view them. There is an exception however. If allow_hub_admin_change_option is set to "1", even Virtual Hub administrators are able to edit the administration options. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster member. */
189    SetHubAdminOptions: (in_param: VpnRpcAdminOption) => Promise<VpnRpcAdminOption>;
190    /** Get List of Virtual Hub Extended Options. Use this to get a Virtual Hub Extended Options List that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. Virtual Hub Extended Option enables you to configure more detail settings of the Virtual Hub. By default, both VPN Server's global administrators and individual Virtual Hub's administrators can modify the Virtual Hub Extended Options. However, if the deny_hub_admin_change_ext_option is set to 1 on the Virtual Hub Admin Options, the individual Virtual Hub's administrators cannot modify the Virtual Hub Extended Options. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster member. */
191    GetHubExtOptions: (in_param: VpnRpcAdminOption) => Promise<VpnRpcAdminOption>;
192    /** Set a Value of Virtual Hub Extended Options. Use this to set a value in the Virtual Hub Extended Options List that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. Virtual Hub Extended Option enables you to configure more detail settings of the Virtual Hub. By default, both VPN Server's global administrators and individual Virtual Hub's administrators can modify the Virtual Hub Extended Options. However, if the deny_hub_admin_change_ext_option is set to 1 on the Virtual Hub Admin Options, the individual Virtual Hub's administrators cannot modify the Virtual Hub Extended Options. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster member. */
193    SetHubExtOptions: (in_param: VpnRpcAdminOption) => Promise<VpnRpcAdminOption>;
194    /** Define New Virtual Layer 3 Switch. Use this to define a new Virtual Layer 3 Switch on the VPN Server. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. Also, this API does not operate on VPN Bridge. [Explanation on Virtual Layer 3 Switch Function] You can define Virtual Layer 3 Switches between multiple Virtual Hubs operating on this VPN Server and configure routing between different IP networks. [Caution about the Virtual Layer 3 Switch Function] The Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions are provided for network administrators and other people who know a lot about networks and IP routing. If you are using the regular VPN functions, you do not need to use the Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions. If the Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions are to be used, the person who configures them must have sufficient knowledge of IP routing and be perfectly capable of not impacting the network. */
195    AddL3Switch: (in_param: VpnRpcL3Sw) => Promise<VpnRpcL3Sw>;
196    /** Delete Virtual Layer 3 Switch. Use this to delete an existing Virtual Layer 3 Switch that is defined on the VPN Server. When the specified Virtual Layer 3 Switch is operating, it will be automatically deleted after operation stops. To get a list of existing Virtual Layer 3 Switches, use the EnumL3Switch API. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. Also, this API does not operate on VPN Bridge. */
197    DelL3Switch: (in_param: VpnRpcL3Sw) => Promise<VpnRpcL3Sw>;
198    /** Get List of Virtual Layer 3 Switches. Use this to define a new Virtual Layer 3 Switch on the VPN Server. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. Also, this API does not operate on VPN Bridge. [Explanation on Virtual Layer 3 Switch Function] You can define Virtual Layer 3 Switches between multiple Virtual Hubs operating on this VPN Server and configure routing between different IP networks. [Caution about the Virtual Layer 3 Switch Function] The Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions are provided for network administrators and other people who know a lot about networks and IP routing. If you are using the regular VPN functions, you do not need to use the Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions. If the Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions are to be used, the person who configures them must have sufficient knowledge of IP routing and be perfectly capable of not impacting the network. */
199    EnumL3Switch: () => Promise<VpnRpcEnumL3Sw>;
200    /** Start Virtual Layer 3 Switch Operation. Use this to start the operation of an existing Virtual Layer 3 Switch defined on the VPN Server whose operation is currently stopped. To get a list of existing Virtual Layer 3 Switches, use the EnumL3Switch API. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. Also, this API does not operate on VPN Bridge. [Explanation on Virtual Layer 3 Switch Function] You can define Virtual Layer 3 Switches between multiple Virtual Hubs operating on this VPN Server and configure routing between different IP networks. [Caution about the Virtual Layer 3 Switch Function] The Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions are provided for network administrators and other people who know a lot about networks and IP routing. If you are using the regular VPN functions, you do not need to use the Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions. If the Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions are to be used, the person who configures them must have sufficient knowledge of IP routing and be perfectly capable of not impacting the network. */
201    StartL3Switch: (in_param: VpnRpcL3Sw) => Promise<VpnRpcL3Sw>;
202    /** Stop Virtual Layer 3 Switch Operation. Use this to stop the operation of an existing Virtual Layer 3 Switch defined on the VPN Server whose operation is currently operating. To get a list of existing Virtual Layer 3 Switches, use the EnumL3Switch API. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. */
203    StopL3Switch: (in_param: VpnRpcL3Sw) => Promise<VpnRpcL3Sw>;
204    /** Add Virtual Interface to Virtual Layer 3 Switch. Use this to add to a specified Virtual Layer 3 Switch, a virtual interface that connects to a Virtual Hub operating on the same VPN Server. You can define multiple virtual interfaces and routing tables for a single Virtual Layer 3 Switch. A virtual interface is associated to a virtual Hub and operates as a single IP host on the Virtual Hub when that Virtual Hub is operating. When multiple virtual interfaces that respectively belong to a different IP network of a different Virtual Hub are defined, IP routing will be automatically performed between these interfaces. You must define the IP network space that the virtual interface belongs to and the IP address of the interface itself. Also, you must specify the name of the Virtual Hub that the interface will connect to. You can specify a Virtual Hub that currently doesn't exist for the Virtual Hub name. The virtual interface must have one IP address in the Virtual Hub. You also must specify the subnet mask of an IP network that the IP address belongs to. Routing via the Virtual Layer 3 Switches of IP spaces of multiple virtual Hubs operates based on the IP address is specified here. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. Also, this API does not operate on VPN Bridge. To execute this API, the target Virtual Layer 3 Switch must be stopped. If it is not stopped, first use the StopL3Switch API to stop it and then execute this API. */
205    AddL3If: (in_param: VpnRpcL3If) => Promise<VpnRpcL3If>;
206    /** Delete Virtual Interface of Virtual Layer 3 Switch. Use this to delete a virtual interface already defined in the specified Virtual Layer 3 Switch. You can get a list of the virtual interfaces currently defined, by using the EnumL3If API. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. Also, this API does not operate on VPN Bridge. To execute this API, the target Virtual Layer 3 Switch must be stopped. If it is not stopped, first use the StopL3Switch API to stop it and then execute this API. */
207    DelL3If: (in_param: VpnRpcL3If) => Promise<VpnRpcL3If>;
208    /** Get List of Interfaces Registered on the Virtual Layer 3 Switch. Use this to get a list of virtual interfaces when virtual interfaces have been defined on a specified Virtual Layer 3 Switch. You can define multiple virtual interfaces and routing tables for a single Virtual Layer 3 Switch. A virtual interface is associated to a virtual Hub and operates as a single IP host on the Virtual Hub when that Virtual Hub is operating. When multiple virtual interfaces that respectively belong to a different IP network of a different Virtual Hub are defined, IP routing will be automatically performed between these interfaces. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. Also, this API does not operate on VPN Bridge. */
209    EnumL3If: (in_param: VpnRpcEnumL3If) => Promise<VpnRpcEnumL3If>;
210    /** Add Routing Table Entry for Virtual Layer 3 Switch. Here you can add a new routing table entry to the routing table of the specified Virtual Layer 3 Switch. If the destination IP address of the IP packet does not belong to any IP network that belongs to a virtual interface, the IP routing engine of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch will reference the routing table and execute routing. You must specify the contents of the routing table entry to be added to the Virtual Layer 3 Switch. You must specify any IP address that belongs to the same IP network in the virtual interface of this Virtual Layer 3 Switch as the gateway address. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. Also, this API does not operate on VPN Bridge. To execute this API, the target Virtual Layer 3 Switch must be stopped. If it is not stopped, first use the StopL3Switch API to stop it and then execute this API. */
211    AddL3Table: (in_param: VpnRpcL3Table) => Promise<VpnRpcL3Table>;
212    /** Delete Routing Table Entry of Virtual Layer 3 Switch. Use this to delete a routing table entry that is defined in the specified Virtual Layer 3 Switch. You can get a list of the already defined routing table entries by using the EnumL3Table API. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. Also, this API does not operate on VPN Bridge. To execute this API, the target Virtual Layer 3 Switch must be stopped. If it is not stopped, first use the StopL3Switch API to stop it and then execute this API. */
213    DelL3Table: (in_param: VpnRpcL3Table) => Promise<VpnRpcL3Table>;
214    /** Get List of Routing Tables of Virtual Layer 3 Switch. Use this to get a list of routing tables when routing tables have been defined on a specified Virtual Layer 3 Switch. If the destination IP address of the IP packet does not belong to any IP network that belongs to a virtual interface, the IP routing engine of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch will reference this routing table and execute routing. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. Also, this API does not operate on VPN Bridge. */
215    EnumL3Table: (in_param: VpnRpcEnumL3Table) => Promise<VpnRpcEnumL3Table>;
216    /** Get List of Certificates Revocation List. Use this to get a Certificates Revocation List that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. By registering certificates in the Certificates Revocation List, the clients who provide these certificates will be unable to connect to this Virtual Hub using certificate authentication mode. Normally with this function, in cases where the security of a private key has been compromised or where a person holding a certificate has been stripped of their privileges, by registering that certificate as invalid on the Virtual Hub, it is possible to deny user authentication when that certificate is used by a client to connect to the Virtual Hub. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
217    EnumCrl: (in_param: VpnRpcEnumCrl) => Promise<VpnRpcEnumCrl>;
218    /** Add a Revoked Certificate. Use this to add a new revoked certificate definition in the Certificate Revocation List that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. Specify the contents to be registered in the Certificate Revocation List by using the parameters of this API. When a user connects to a Virtual Hub in certificate authentication mode and that certificate matches 1 or more of the contents registered in the certificates revocation list, the user is denied connection. A certificate that matches all the conditions that are defined by the parameters specified by this API will be judged as invalid. The items that can be set are as follows: Name (CN), Organization (O), Organization Unit (OU), Country (C), State (ST), Locale (L), Serial Number (hexadecimal), MD5 Digest Value (hexadecimal, 128 bit), and SHA-1 Digest Value (hexadecimal, 160 bit). For the specification of a digest value (hash value) a certificate is optionally specified depending on the circumstances. Normally when a MD5 or SHA-1 digest value is input, it is not necessary to input the other items. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
219    AddCrl: (in_param: VpnRpcCrl) => Promise<VpnRpcCrl>;
220    /** Delete a Revoked Certificate. Use this to specify and delete a revoked certificate definition from the certificate revocation list that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. To get the list of currently registered revoked certificate definitions, use the EnumCrl API. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
221    DelCrl: (in_param: VpnRpcCrl) => Promise<VpnRpcCrl>;
222    /** Get a Revoked Certificate. Use this to specify and get the contents of a revoked certificate definition from the Certificates Revocation List that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. To get the list of currently registered revoked certificate definitions, use the EnumCrl API. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
223    GetCrl: (in_param: VpnRpcCrl) => Promise<VpnRpcCrl>;
224    /** Change Existing CRL (Certificate Revocation List) Entry. Use this to alter an existing revoked certificate definition in the Certificate Revocation List that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. Specify the contents to be registered in the Certificate Revocation List by using the parameters of this API. When a user connects to a Virtual Hub in certificate authentication mode and that certificate matches 1 or more of the contents registered in the certificates revocation list, the user is denied connection. A certificate that matches all the conditions that are defined by the parameters specified by this API will be judged as invalid. The items that can be set are as follows: Name (CN), Organization (O), Organization Unit (OU), Country (C), State (ST), Locale (L), Serial Number (hexadecimal), MD5 Digest Value (hexadecimal, 128 bit), and SHA-1 Digest Value (hexadecimal, 160 bit). For the specification of a digest value (hash value) a certificate is optionally specified depending on the circumstances. Normally when a MD5 or SHA-1 digest value is input, it is not necessary to input the other items. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
225    SetCrl: (in_param: VpnRpcCrl) => Promise<VpnRpcCrl>;
226    /** Add Rule to Source IP Address Limit List. Use this to add a new rule to the Source IP Address Limit List that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. The items set here will be used to decide whether to allow or deny connection from a VPN Client when this client attempts connection to the Virtual Hub. You can specify a client IP address, or IP address or mask to match the rule as the contents of the rule item. By specifying an IP address only, there will only be one specified computer that will match the rule, but by specifying an IP net mask address or subnet mask address, all the computers in the range of that subnet will match the rule. You can specify the priority for the rule. You can specify an integer of 1 or greater for the priority and the smaller the number, the higher the priority. To get a list of the currently registered Source IP Address Limit List, use the GetAcList API. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
227    SetAcList: (in_param: VpnRpcAcList) => Promise<VpnRpcAcList>;
228    /** Get List of Rule Items of Source IP Address Limit List. Use this to get a list of Source IP Address Limit List rules that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. You can allow or deny VPN connections to this Virtual Hub according to the client computer's source IP address. You can define multiple rules and set a priority for each rule. The search proceeds from the rule with the highest order or priority and based on the action of the rule that the IP address first matches, the connection from the client is either allowed or denied. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
229    GetAcList: (in_param: VpnRpcAcList) => Promise<VpnRpcAcList>;
230    /** Get List of Log Files. Use this to display a list of log files outputted by the VPN Server that have been saved on the VPN Server computer. By specifying a log file file name displayed here and calling it using the ReadLogFile API you can download the contents of the log file. If you are connected to the VPN Server in server admin mode, you can display or download the packet logs and security logs of all Virtual Hubs and the server log of the VPN Server. When connected in Virtual Hub Admin Mode, you are able to view or download only the packet log and security log of the Virtual Hub that is the target of management. */
231    EnumLogFile: () => Promise<VpnRpcEnumLogFile>;
232    /** Download a part of Log File. Use this to download the log file that is saved on the VPN Server computer. To download the log file first get the list of log files using the EnumLogFile API and then download the log file using the ReadLogFile API. If you are connected to the VPN Server in server admin mode, you can display or download the packet logs and security logs of all Virtual Hubs and the server log of the VPN Server. When connected in Virtual Hub Admin Mode, you are able to view or download only the packet log and security log of the Virtual Hub that is the target of management. */
233    ReadLogFile: (in_param: VpnRpcReadLogFile) => Promise<VpnRpcReadLogFile>;
234    /** Set syslog Send Function. Use this to set the usage of syslog send function and which syslog server to use. */
235    SetSysLog: (in_param: VpnSyslogSetting) => Promise<VpnSyslogSetting>;
236    /** Get syslog Send Function. This allows you to get the current setting contents of the syslog send function. You can get the usage setting of the syslog function and the host name and port number of the syslog server to use. */
237    GetSysLog: (in_param: VpnSyslogSetting) => Promise<VpnSyslogSetting>;
238    /** Set Today's Message of Virtual Hub. The message will be displayed on VPN Client UI when a user will establish a connection to the Virtual Hub. */
239    SetHubMsg: (in_param: VpnRpcMsg) => Promise<VpnRpcMsg>;
240    /** Get Today's Message of Virtual Hub. The message will be displayed on VPN Client UI when a user will establish a connection to the Virtual Hub. */
241    GetHubMsg: (in_param: VpnRpcMsg) => Promise<VpnRpcMsg>;
242    /** Raise a vital error on the VPN Server / Bridge to terminate the process forcefully. This API will raise a fatal error (memory access violation) on the VPN Server / Bridge running process in order to crash the process. As the result, VPN Server / Bridge will be terminated and restarted if it is running as a service mode. If the VPN Server is running as a user mode, the process will not automatically restarted. This API is for a situation when the VPN Server / Bridge is under a non-recoverable error or the process is in an infinite loop. This API will disconnect all VPN Sessions on the VPN Server / Bridge. All unsaved settings in the memory of VPN Server / Bridge will be lost. Before run this API, call the Flush API to try to save volatile data to the configuration file. To execute this API, you must have VPN Server / VPN Bridge administrator privileges. */
243    Crash: (in_param: VpnRpcTest) => Promise<VpnRpcTest>;
244    /** Get the message for administrators. */
245    GetAdminMsg: () => Promise<VpnRpcMsg>;
246    /** Save All Volatile Data of VPN Server / Bridge to the Configuration File. The number of configuration file bytes will be returned as the "IntValue" parameter. Normally, the VPN Server / VPN Bridge retains the volatile configuration data in memory. It is flushed to the disk as vpn_server.config or vpn_bridge.config periodically. The period is 300 seconds (5 minutes) by default. (The period can be altered by modifying the AutoSaveConfigSpan item in the configuration file.) The data will be saved on the timing of shutting down normally of the VPN Server / Bridge. Execute the Flush API to make the VPN Server / Bridge save the settings to the file immediately. The setting data will be stored on the disk drive of the server computer. Use the Flush API in a situation that you do not have an enough time to shut down the server process normally. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. To execute this API, you must have VPN Server / VPN Bridge administrator privileges. */
247    Flush: (in_param: VpnRpcTest) => Promise<VpnRpcTest>;
248    /** Enable or Disable IPsec VPN Server Function. Enable or Disable IPsec VPN Server Function on the VPN Server. If you enable this function, Virtual Hubs on the VPN Server will be able to accept Remote-Access VPN connections from L2TP-compatible PCs, Mac OS X and Smartphones, and also can accept EtherIP Site-to-Site VPN Connection. VPN Connections from Smartphones suchlike iPhone, iPad and Android, and also from native VPN Clients on Mac OS X and Windows can be accepted. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
249    SetIPsecServices: (in_param: VpnIPsecServices) => Promise<VpnIPsecServices>;
250    /** Get the Current IPsec VPN Server Settings. Get and view the current IPsec VPN Server settings on the VPN Server. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
251    GetIPsecServices: () => Promise<VpnIPsecServices>;
252    /** Add New EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Client Setting to Accept EthreIP / L2TPv3 Client Devices. Add a new setting entry to enable the EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Server Function to accept client devices. In order to accept connections from routers by the EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Server Function, you have to define the relation table between an IPsec Phase 1 string which is presented by client devices of EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec compatible router, and the designation of the destination Virtual Hub. After you add a definition entry by AddEtherIpId API, the defined connection setting to the Virtual Hub will be applied on the login-attepting session from an EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec client device. The username and password in an entry must be registered on the Virtual Hub. An EtherIP / L2TPv3 client will be regarded as it connected the Virtual HUB with the identification of the above user information. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
253    AddEtherIpId: (in_param: VpnEtherIpId) => Promise<VpnEtherIpId>;
254    /** Get the Current List of EtherIP / L2TPv3 Client Device Entry Definitions. This API gets and shows the list of entries to accept VPN clients by EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Function. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
255    GetEtherIpId: (in_param: VpnEtherIpId) => Promise<VpnEtherIpId>;
256    /** Delete an EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Client Setting. This API deletes an entry to accept VPN clients by EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Function. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
257    DeleteEtherIpId: (in_param: VpnEtherIpId) => Promise<VpnEtherIpId>;
258    /** Get the Current List of EtherIP / L2TPv3 Client Device Entry Definitions. This API gets and shows the list of entries to accept VPN clients by EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Function. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
259    EnumEtherIpId: () => Promise<VpnRpcEnumEtherIpId>;
260    /** Set Settings for OpenVPN Clone Server Function. The VPN Server has the clone functions of OpenVPN software products by OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. Any OpenVPN Clients can connect to this VPN Server. The manner to specify a username to connect to the Virtual Hub, and the selection rule of default Hub by using this clone server functions are same to the IPsec Server functions. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
261    SetOpenVpnSstpConfig: (in_param: VpnOpenVpnSstpConfig) => Promise<VpnOpenVpnSstpConfig>;
262    /** Get the Current Settings of OpenVPN Clone Server Function. Get and show the current settings of OpenVPN Clone Server Function. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
263    GetOpenVpnSstpConfig: () => Promise<VpnOpenVpnSstpConfig>;
264    /** Show the Current Status of Dynamic DNS Function. Get and show the current status of the Dynamic DNS function. The Dynamic DNS assigns a unique and permanent DNS hostname for this VPN Server. You can use that hostname to specify this VPN Server on the settings for VPN Client and VPN Bridge. You need not to register and keep a domain name. Also, if your ISP assignes you a dynamic (not-fixed) IP address, the corresponding IP address of your Dynamic DNS hostname will be automatically changed. It enables you to keep running the VPN Server by using only a dynamic IP address. Therefore, you need not any longer to keep static global IP addresses with expenses monthly costs. [Caution] To disable the Dynamic DNS Function, modify the configuration file of VPN Server. The "declare root" directive has the "declare DDnsClient" directive. In this directive, you can switch "bool Disable" from false to true, and reboot the VPN Server, then the Dynamic DNS Function will be disabled. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. */
265    GetDDnsClientStatus: () => Promise<VpnDDnsClientStatus>;
266    /** Set the Dynamic DNS Hostname. You must specify the new hostname on the StrValue_str field. You can use this API to change the hostname assigned by the Dynamic DNS function. The currently assigned hostname can be showen by the GetDDnsClientStatus API. The Dynamic DNS assigns a unique and permanent DNS hostname for this VPN Server. You can use that hostname to specify this VPN Server on the settings for VPN Client and VPN Bridge. You need not to register and keep a domain name. Also, if your ISP assignes you a dynamic (not-fixed) IP address, the corresponding IP address of your Dynamic DNS hostname will be automatically changed. It enables you to keep running the VPN Server by using only a dynamic IP address. Therefore, you need not any longer to keep static global IP addresses with expenses monthly costs. [Caution] To disable the Dynamic DNS Function, modify the configuration file of VPN Server. The "declare root" directive has the "declare DDnsClient" directive. In this directive, you can switch "bool Disable" from false to true, and reboot the VPN Server, then the Dynamic DNS Function will be disabled. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. */
267    ChangeDDnsClientHostname: (in_param: VpnRpcTest) => Promise<VpnRpcTest>;
268    /** Generate New Self-Signed Certificate with Specified CN (Common Name) and Register on VPN Server. You can specify the new CN (common name) value on the StrValue_str field. You can use this API to replace the current certificate on the VPN Server to a new self-signed certificate which has the CN (Common Name) value in the fields. This API is convenient if you are planning to use Microsoft SSTP VPN Clone Server Function. Because of the value of CN (Common Name) on the SSL certificate of VPN Server must match to the hostname specified on the SSTP VPN client. This API will delete the existing SSL certificate of the VPN Server. It is recommended to backup the current SSL certificate and private key by using the GetServerCert API beforehand. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
269    RegenerateServerCert: (in_param: VpnRpcTest) => Promise<VpnRpcTest>;
270    /** Generate a Sample Setting File for OpenVPN Client. Originally, the OpenVPN Client requires a user to write a very difficult configuration file manually. This API helps you to make a useful configuration sample. What you need to generate the configuration file for the OpenVPN Client is to run this API. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
271    MakeOpenVpnConfigFile: () => Promise<VpnRpcReadLogFile>;
272    /** Enable / Disable the VPN over ICMP / VPN over DNS Server Function. You can establish a VPN only with ICMP or DNS packets even if there is a firewall or routers which blocks TCP/IP communications. You have to enable the following functions beforehand. Warning: Use this function for emergency only. It is helpful when a firewall or router is misconfigured to blocks TCP/IP, but either ICMP or DNS is not blocked. It is not for long-term stable using. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. */
273    SetSpecialListener: (in_param: VpnRpcSpecialListener) => Promise<VpnRpcSpecialListener>;
274    /** Get Current Setting of the VPN over ICMP / VPN over DNS Function. Get and show the current VPN over ICMP / VPN over DNS Function status. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. */
275    GetSpecialListener: () => Promise<VpnRpcSpecialListener>;
276    /** Show the current status of VPN Azure function. Get and show the current status of the VPN Azure function. VPN Azure makes it easier to establish a VPN Session from your home PC to your office PC. While a VPN connection is established, you can access to any other servers on the private network of your company. You don't need a global IP address on the office PC (VPN Server). It can work behind firewalls or NATs. No network administrator's configuration required. You can use the built-in SSTP-VPN Client of Windows in your home PC. VPN Azure is a cloud VPN service operated by SoftEther Corporation. VPN Azure is free of charge and available to anyone. Visit http://www.vpnazure.net/ to see details and how-to-use instructions. The VPN Azure hostname is same to the hostname of the Dynamic DNS setting, but altering the domain suffix to "vpnazure.net". To change the hostname use the ChangeDDnsClientHostname API. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
277    GetAzureStatus: () => Promise<VpnRpcAzureStatus>;
278    /** Enable / Disable VPN Azure Function. Enable or disable the VPN Azure function. VPN Azure makes it easier to establish a VPN Session from your home PC to your office PC. While a VPN connection is established, you can access to any other servers on the private network of your company. You don't need a global IP address on the office PC (VPN Server). It can work behind firewalls or NATs. No network administrator's configuration required. You can use the built-in SSTP-VPN Client of Windows in your home PC. VPN Azure is a cloud VPN service operated by SoftEther Corporation. VPN Azure is free of charge and available to anyone. Visit http://www.vpnazure.net/ to see details and how-to-use instructions. The VPN Azure hostname is same to the hostname of the Dynamic DNS setting, but altering the domain suffix to "vpnazure.net". To change the hostname use the ChangeDDnsClientHostname API. To call this API, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. This API cannot be invoked on VPN Bridge. You cannot execute this API for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. */
279    SetAzureStatus: (in_param: VpnRpcAzureStatus) => Promise<VpnRpcAzureStatus>;
280    /** Get the Proxy Settings for Connecting to the DDNS server. */
281    GetDDnsInternetSettng: () => Promise<VpnInternetSetting>;
282    /** Set the Proxy Settings for Connecting to the DDNS server. */
283    SetDDnsInternetSettng: (in_param: VpnInternetSetting) => Promise<VpnInternetSetting>;
284    /** Set the VPN Gate Server Configuration. This API is valid for Win32 binary distribution of the Stable Edition of SoftEther VPN Server. */
285    SetVgsConfig: (in_param: VpnVgsConfig) => Promise<VpnVgsConfig>;
286    /** Get the VPN Gate Server Configuration. This API is valid for Win32 binary distribution of the Stable Edition of SoftEther VPN Server. */
287    GetVgsConfig: () => Promise<VpnVgsConfig>;
288    /** Call a RPC procedure */
289    CallAsync<T>(method_name: string, request: T): Promise<T>;
291/** IP Protocol Numbers */
292export declare enum VpnIpProtocolNumber {
293    /** ICMP for IPv4 */
294    ICMPv4 = 1,
295    /** TCP */
296    TCP = 6,
297    /** UDP */
298    UDP = 17,
299    /** ICMP for IPv6 */
300    ICMPv6 = 58
302/** The body of the Access list */
303export declare class VpnAccess {
304    /** ID */
305    Id_u32: number;
306    /** Specify a description (note) for this rule */
307    Note_utf: string;
308    /** Enabled flag (true: enabled, false: disabled) */
309    Active_bool: boolean;
310    /** Specify an integer of 1 or higher to indicate the priority of the rule. Higher priority is given to rules with the lower priority values. */
311    Priority_u32: number;
312    /** The flag if the rule is DISCARD operation or PASS operation. When a packet matches this rule condition, this operation is decided. When the operation of the rule is PASS, the packet is allowed to pass, otherwise the packet will be discarded. */
313    Discard_bool: boolean;
314    /** The flag if the rule is for IPv6. Specify false for IPv4, or specify true for IPv6. */
315    IsIPv6_bool: boolean;
316    /** Valid only if the rule is IPv4 mode (IsIPv6_bool == false). Specify a source IPv4 address as a rule condition. You must also specify the SrcSubnetMask_ip field. */
317    SrcIpAddress_ip: string;
318    /** Valid only if the rule is IPv4 mode (IsIPv6_bool == false). Specify a source IPv4 subnet mask as a rule condition. "" means all hosts. "" means one single host. */
319    SrcSubnetMask_ip: string;
320    /** Valid only if the rule is IPv4 mode (IsIPv6_bool == false). Specify a destination IPv4 address as a rule condition. You must also specify the DestSubnetMask_ip field. */
321    DestIpAddress_ip: string;
322    /** Valid only if the rule is IPv4 mode (IsIPv6_bool == false). Specify a destination IPv4 subnet mask as a rule condition. "" means all hosts. "" means one single host. */
323    DestSubnetMask_ip: string;
324    /** Valid only if the rule is IPv6 mode (IsIPv6_bool == true). Specify a source IPv6 address as a rule condition. The field must be a byte array of 16 bytes (128 bits) to contain the IPv6 address in binary form. You must also specify the SrcSubnetMask6_bin field. */
325    SrcIpAddress6_bin: Uint8Array;
326    /** Valid only if the rule is IPv6 mode (IsIPv6_bool == true). Specify a source IPv6 subnet mask as a rule condition. The field must be a byte array of 16 bytes (128 bits) to contain the IPv6 subnet mask in binary form. */
327    SrcSubnetMask6_bin: Uint8Array;
328    /** Valid only if the rule is IPv6 mode (IsIPv6_bool == true). Specify a destination IPv6 address as a rule condition. The field must be a byte array of 16 bytes (128 bits) to contain the IPv6 address in binary form. You must also specify the DestSubnetMask6_bin field. */
329    DestIpAddress6_bin: Uint8Array;
330    /** Valid only if the rule is IPv6 mode (IsIPv6_bool == true). Specify a destination IPv6 subnet mask as a rule condition. The field must be a byte array of 16 bytes (128 bits) to contain the IPv6 subnet mask in binary form. */
331    DestSubnetMask6_bin: Uint8Array;
332    /** The IP protocol number */
333    Protocol_u32: VpnIpProtocolNumber;
334    /** The Start Value of the Source Port Number Range. If the specified protocol is TCP/IP or UDP/IP, specify the source port number as the rule condition. Protocols other than this will be ignored. When this parameter is not specified, the rules will apply to all port numbers. */
335    SrcPortStart_u32: number;
336    /** The End Value of the Source Port Number Range. If the specified protocol is TCP/IP or UDP/IP, specify the source port number as the rule condition. Protocols other than this will be ignored. When this parameter is not specified, the rules will apply to all port numbers. */
337    SrcPortEnd_u32: number;
338    /** The Start Value of the Destination Port Number Range. If the specified protocol is TCP/IP or UDP/IP, specify the destination port number as the rule condition. Protocols other than this will be ignored. When this parameter is not specified, the rules will apply to all port numbers. */
339    DestPortStart_u32: number;
340    /** The End Value of the Destination Port Number Range. If the specified protocol is TCP/IP or UDP/IP, specify the destination port number as the rule condition. Protocols other than this will be ignored. When this parameter is not specified, the rules will apply to all port numbers. */
341    DestPortEnd_u32: number;
342    /** Source user name. You can apply this rule to only the packets sent by a user session of a user name that has been specified as a rule condition. In this case, specify the user name. */
343    SrcUsername_str: string;
344    /** Destination user name. You can apply this rule to only the packets received by a user session of a user name that has been specified as a rule condition. In this case, specify the user name. */
345    DestUsername_str: string;
346    /** Specify true if you want to check the source MAC address. */
347    CheckSrcMac_bool: boolean;
348    /** Source MAC address (6 bytes), valid only if CheckSrcMac_bool == true. */
349    SrcMacAddress_bin: Uint8Array;
350    /** Source MAC address mask (6 bytes), valid only if CheckSrcMac_bool == true. */
351    SrcMacMask_bin: Uint8Array;
352    /** Specify true if you want to check the destination MAC address. */
353    CheckDstMac_bool: boolean;
354    /** Destination MAC address (6 bytes), valid only if CheckSrcMac_bool == true. */
355    DstMacAddress_bin: Uint8Array;
356    /** Destination MAC address mask (6 bytes), valid only if CheckSrcMac_bool == true. */
357    DstMacMask_bin: Uint8Array;
358    /** Specify true if you want to check the state of the TCP connection. */
359    CheckTcpState_bool: boolean;
360    /** Valid only if CheckTcpState_bool == true. Set this field true to match only TCP-established packets. Set this field false to match only TCP-non established packets. */
361    Established_bool: boolean;
362    /** Set this value to generate delays when packets is passing. Specify the delay period in milliseconds. Specify 0 means no delays to generate. The delays must be 10000 milliseconds at most. */
363    Delay_u32: number;
364    /** Set this value to generate jitters when packets is passing. Specify the ratio of fluctuation of jitters within 0% to 100% range. Specify 0 means no jitters to generate. */
365    Jitter_u32: number;
366    /** Set this value to generate packet losses when packets is passing. Specify the ratio of packet losses within 0% to 100% range. Specify 0 means no packet losses to generate. */
367    Loss_u32: number;
368    /** The specified URL will be mandatory replied to the client as a response for TCP connecting request packets which matches the conditions of this access list entry via this Virtual Hub. To use this setting, you can enforce the web browser of the VPN Client computer to show the specified web site when that web browser tries to access the specific IP address. */
369    RedirectUrl_str: string;
370    /** Constructor for the 'VpnAccess' class: The body of the Access list */
371    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnAccess>);
373/** Add an item to Access List */
374export declare class VpnRpcAddAccess {
375    /** The Virtual Hub name */
376    HubName_str: string;
377    /** Access list (Must be a single item) */
378    AccessListSingle: VpnAccess[];
379    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcAddAccess' class: Add an item to Access List */
380    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcAddAccess>);
382/** Add CA to HUB */
383export declare class VpnRpcHubAddCA {
384    /** The Virtual Hub name */
385    HubName_str: string;
386    /** The body of the X.509 certificate */
387    Cert_bin: Uint8Array;
388    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcHubAddCA' class: Add CA to HUB */
389    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcHubAddCA>);
391/** CRL entry */
392export declare class VpnRpcCrl {
393    /** The Virtual Hub name */
394    HubName_str: string;
395    /** Key ID */
396    Key_u32: number;
397    /** CN, optional */
398    CommonName_utf: string;
399    /** O, optional */
400    Organization_utf: string;
401    /** OU, optional */
402    Unit_utf: string;
403    /** C, optional */
404    Country_utf: string;
405    /** ST, optional */
406    State_utf: string;
407    /** L, optional */
408    Local_utf: string;
409    /** Serial, optional */
410    Serial_bin: Uint8Array;
411    /** MD5 Digest, optional */
412    DigestMD5_bin: Uint8Array;
413    /** SHA1 Digest, optional */
414    DigestSHA1_bin: Uint8Array;
415    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcCrl' class: CRL entry */
416    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcCrl>);
418/** EtherIP key list entry */
419export declare class VpnEtherIpId {
420    /** Specify an ISAKMP Phase 1 ID. The ID must be exactly same as a ID in the configuration of the EtherIP / L2TPv3 Client. You can specify IP address as well as characters as ID, if the EtherIP Client uses IP address as Phase 1 ID. If you specify '*' (asterisk), it will be a wildcard to match any clients which doesn't match other explicit rules. */
421    Id_str: string;
422    /** Specify the name of the Virtual Hub to connect. */
423    HubName_str: string;
424    /** Specify the username to login to the destination Virtual Hub. */
425    UserName_str: string;
426    /** Specify the password to login to the destination Virtual Hub. */
427    Password_str: string;
428    /** Constructor for the 'VpnEtherIpId' class: EtherIP key list entry */
429    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnEtherIpId>);
431/** Layer-3 virtual interface */
432export declare class VpnRpcL3If {
433    /** L3 switch name */
434    Name_str: string;
435    /** Virtual HUB name */
436    HubName_str: string;
437    /** IP address */
438    IpAddress_ip: string;
439    /** Subnet mask */
440    SubnetMask_ip: string;
441    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcL3If' class: Layer-3 virtual interface */
442    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcL3If>);
444/** Layer-3 switch */
445export declare class VpnRpcL3Sw {
446    /** Layer-3 Switch name */
447    Name_str: string;
448    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcL3Sw' class: Layer-3 switch */
449    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcL3Sw>);
451/** Routing table */
452export declare class VpnRpcL3Table {
453    /** L3 switch name */
454    Name_str: string;
455    /** Network address */
456    NetworkAddress_ip: string;
457    /** Subnet mask */
458    SubnetMask_ip: string;
459    /** Gateway address */
460    GatewayAddress_ip: string;
461    /** Metric */
462    Metric_u32: number;
463    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcL3Table' class: Routing table */
464    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcL3Table>);
466/** Generic parameter to contain u32, u64, ascii_string and unicode string */
467export declare class VpnRpcTest {
468    /** A 32-bit integer field */
469    IntValue_u32: number;
470    /** A 64-bit integer field */
471    Int64Value_u64: number;
472    /** An Ascii string field */
473    StrValue_str: string;
474    /** An UTF-8 string field */
475    UniStrValue_utf: string;
476    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcTest' class: Generic parameter to contain u32, u64, ascii_string and unicode string */
477    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcTest>);
479/** Local Bridge list item */
480export declare class VpnRpcLocalBridge {
481    /** Physical Ethernet device name */
482    DeviceName_str: string;
483    /** The Virtual Hub name */
484    HubNameLB_str: string;
485    /** Online flag */
486    Online_bool: boolean;
487    /** Running flag */
488    Active_bool: boolean;
489    /** Specify true if you are using a tap device rather than a network adapter for the bridge destination (only supported for Linux versions). */
490    TapMode_bool: boolean;
491    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcLocalBridge' class: Local Bridge list item */
492    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcLocalBridge>);
494/** Create, configure, and get the group */
495export declare class VpnRpcSetGroup {
496    /** The Virtual Hub name */
497    HubName_str: string;
498    /** The group name */
499    Name_str: string;
500    /** Optional real name (full name) of the group, allow using any Unicode characters */
501    Realname_utf: string;
502    /** Optional, specify a description of the group */
503    Note_utf: string;
504    /** Number of broadcast packets (Recv) */
505    ["Recv.BroadcastBytes_u64"]: number;
506    /** Broadcast bytes (Recv) */
507    ["Recv.BroadcastCount_u64"]: number;
508    /** Unicast count (Recv) */
509    ["Recv.UnicastBytes_u64"]: number;
510    /** Unicast bytes (Recv) */
511    ["Recv.UnicastCount_u64"]: number;
512    /** Number of broadcast packets (Send) */
513    ["Send.BroadcastBytes_u64"]: number;
514    /** Broadcast bytes (Send) */
515    ["Send.BroadcastCount_u64"]: number;
516    /** Unicast bytes (Send) */
517    ["Send.UnicastBytes_u64"]: number;
518    /** Unicast bytes (Send) */
519    ["Send.UnicastCount_u64"]: number;
520    /** The flag whether to use security policy */
521    UsePolicy_bool: boolean;
522    /** Security policy: Allow Access. The users, which this policy value is true, have permission to make VPN connection to VPN Server. */
523    ["policy:Access_bool"]: boolean;
524    /** Security policy: Filter DHCP Packets (IPv4). All IPv4 DHCP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. */
525    ["policy:DHCPFilter_bool"]: boolean;
526    /** Security policy: Disallow DHCP Server Operation (IPv4). Computers connected to sessions that have this policy setting will not be allowed to become a DHCP server and distribute IPv4 addresses to DHCP clients. */
527    ["policy:DHCPNoServer_bool"]: boolean;
528    /** Security policy: Enforce DHCP Allocated IP Addresses (IPv4). Computers in sessions that have this policy setting will only be able to use IPv4 addresses allocated by a DHCP server on the virtual network side. */
529    ["policy:DHCPForce_bool"]: boolean;
530    /** Security policy: Deny Bridge Operation. Bridge-mode connections are denied for user sessions that have this policy setting. Even in cases when the Ethernet Bridge is configured in the client side, communication will not be possible. */
531    ["policy:NoBridge_bool"]: boolean;
532    /** Security policy: Deny Routing Operation (IPv4). IPv4 routing will be denied for sessions that have this policy setting. Even in the case where the IP router is operating on the user client side, communication will not be possible. */
533    ["policy:NoRouting_bool"]: boolean;
534    /** Security policy: Deny MAC Addresses Duplication. The use of duplicating MAC addresses that are in use by computers of different sessions cannot be used by sessions with this policy setting. */
535    ["policy:CheckMac_bool"]: boolean;
536    /** Security policy: Deny IP Address Duplication (IPv4). The use of duplicating IPv4 addresses that are in use by computers of different sessions cannot be used by sessions with this policy setting. */
537    ["policy:CheckIP_bool"]: boolean;
538    /** Security policy: Deny Non-ARP / Non-DHCP / Non-ICMPv6 broadcasts. The sending or receiving of broadcast packets that are not ARP protocol, DHCP protocol, nor ICMPv6 on the virtual network will not be allowed for sessions with this policy setting. */
539    ["policy:ArpDhcpOnly_bool"]: boolean;
540    /** Security policy: Privacy Filter Mode. All direct communication between sessions with the privacy filter mode policy setting will be filtered. */
541    ["policy:PrivacyFilter_bool"]: boolean;
542    /** Security policy: Deny Operation as TCP/IP Server (IPv4). Computers of sessions with this policy setting can't listen and accept TCP/IP connections in IPv4. */
543    ["policy:NoServer_bool"]: boolean;
544    /** Security policy: Unlimited Number of Broadcasts. If a computer of a session with this policy setting sends broadcast packets of a number unusually larger than what would be considered normal on the virtual network, there will be no automatic limiting. */
545    ["policy:NoBroadcastLimiter_bool"]: boolean;
546    /** Security policy: Allow Monitoring Mode. Users with this policy setting will be granted to connect to the Virtual Hub in Monitoring Mode. Sessions in Monitoring Mode are able to monitor (tap) all packets flowing through the Virtual Hub. */
547    ["policy:MonitorPort_bool"]: boolean;
548    /** Security policy: Maximum Number of TCP Connections. For sessions with this policy setting, this sets the maximum number of physical TCP connections consists in a physical VPN session. */
549    ["policy:MaxConnection_u32"]: number;
550    /** Security policy: Time-out Period. For sessions with this policy setting, this sets, in seconds, the time-out period to wait before disconnecting a session when communication trouble occurs between the VPN Client / VPN Server. */
551    ["policy:TimeOut_u32"]: number;
552    /** Security policy: Maximum Number of MAC Addresses. For sessions with this policy setting, this limits the number of MAC addresses per session. */
553    ["policy:MaxMac_u32"]: number;
554    /** Security policy: Maximum Number of IP Addresses (IPv4). For sessions with this policy setting, this specifies the number of IPv4 addresses that can be registered for a single session. */
555    ["policy:MaxIP_u32"]: number;
556    /** Security policy: Upload Bandwidth. For sessions with this policy setting, this limits the traffic bandwidth that is in the inwards direction from outside to inside the Virtual Hub. */
557    ["policy:MaxUpload_u32"]: number;
558    /** Security policy: Download Bandwidth. For sessions with this policy setting, this limits the traffic bandwidth that is in the outwards direction from inside the Virtual Hub to outside the Virtual Hub. */
559    ["policy:MaxDownload_u32"]: number;
560    /** Security policy: Deny Changing Password. The users which use password authentication with this policy setting are not allowed to change their own password from the VPN Client Manager or similar. */
561    ["policy:FixPassword_bool"]: boolean;
562    /** Security policy: Maximum Number of Multiple Logins. Users with this policy setting are unable to have more than this number of concurrent logins. Bridge Mode sessions are not subjects to this policy. */
563    ["policy:MultiLogins_u32"]: number;
564    /** Security policy: Deny VoIP / QoS Function. Users with this security policy are unable to use VoIP / QoS functions in VPN connection sessions. */
565    ["policy:NoQoS_bool"]: boolean;
566    /** Security policy: Filter RS / RA Packets (IPv6). All ICMPv6 packets which the message-type is 133 (Router Solicitation) or 134 (Router Advertisement) in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. As a result, an IPv6 client will be unable to use IPv6 address prefix auto detection and IPv6 default gateway auto detection. */
567    ["policy:RSandRAFilter_bool"]: boolean;
568    /** Security policy: Filter RA Packets (IPv6). All ICMPv6 packets which the message-type is 134 (Router Advertisement) in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. As a result, a malicious users will be unable to spread illegal IPv6 prefix or default gateway advertisements on the network. */
569    ["policy:RAFilter_bool"]: boolean;
570    /** Security policy: Filter DHCP Packets (IPv6). All IPv6 DHCP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. */
571    ["policy:DHCPv6Filter_bool"]: boolean;
572    /** Security policy: Disallow DHCP Server Operation (IPv6). Computers connected to sessions that have this policy setting will not be allowed to become a DHCP server and distribute IPv6 addresses to DHCP clients. */
573    ["policy:DHCPv6NoServer_bool"]: boolean;
574    /** Security policy: Deny Routing Operation (IPv6). IPv6 routing will be denied for sessions that have this policy setting. Even in the case where the IP router is operating on the user client side, communication will not be possible. */
575    ["policy:NoRoutingV6_bool"]: boolean;
576    /** Security policy: Deny IP Address Duplication (IPv6). The use of duplicating IPv6 addresses that are in use by computers of different sessions cannot be used by sessions with this policy setting. */
577    ["policy:CheckIPv6_bool"]: boolean;
578    /** Security policy: Deny Operation as TCP/IP Server (IPv6). Computers of sessions with this policy setting can't listen and accept TCP/IP connections in IPv6. */
579    ["policy:NoServerV6_bool"]: boolean;
580    /** Security policy: Maximum Number of IP Addresses (IPv6). For sessions with this policy setting, this specifies the number of IPv6 addresses that can be registered for a single session. */
581    ["policy:MaxIPv6_u32"]: number;
582    /** Security policy: Disallow Password Save in VPN Client. For users with this policy setting, when the user is using *standard* password authentication, the user will be unable to save the password in VPN Client. The user will be required to input passwords for every time to connect a VPN. This will improve the security. If this policy is enabled, VPN Client Version 2.0 will be denied to access. */
583    ["policy:NoSavePassword_bool"]: boolean;
584    /** Security policy: VPN Client Automatic Disconnect. For users with this policy setting, a user's VPN session will be disconnected automatically after the specific period will elapse. In this case no automatic re-connection will be performed. This can prevent a lot of inactive VPN Sessions. If this policy is enabled, VPN Client Version 2.0 will be denied to access. */
585    ["policy:AutoDisconnect_u32"]: number;
586    /** Security policy: Filter All IPv4 Packets. All IPv4 and ARP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. */
587    ["policy:FilterIPv4_bool"]: boolean;
588    /** Security policy: Filter All IPv6 Packets. All IPv6 packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. */
589    ["policy:FilterIPv6_bool"]: boolean;
590    /** Security policy: Filter All Non-IP Packets. All non-IP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. "Non-IP packet" mean a packet which is not IPv4, ARP nor IPv6. Any tagged-VLAN packets via the Virtual Hub will be regarded as non-IP packets. */
591    ["policy:FilterNonIP_bool"]: boolean;
592    /** Security policy: No Default-Router on IPv6 RA. In all VPN Sessions defines this policy, any IPv6 RA (Router Advertisement) packet with non-zero value in the router-lifetime will set to zero-value. This is effective to avoid the horrible behavior from the IPv6 routing confusion which is caused by the VPN client's attempts to use the remote-side IPv6 router as its local IPv6 router. */
593    ["policy:NoIPv6DefaultRouterInRA_bool"]: boolean;
594    /** Security policy: No Default-Router on IPv6 RA (physical IPv6). In all VPN Sessions defines this policy (only when the physical communication protocol between VPN Client / VPN Bridge and VPN Server is IPv6), any IPv6 RA (Router Advertisement) packet with non-zero value in the router-lifetime will set to zero-value. This is effective to avoid the horrible behavior from the IPv6 routing confusion which is caused by the VPN client's attempts to use the remote-side IPv6 router as its local IPv6 router. */
595    ["policy:NoIPv6DefaultRouterInRAWhenIPv6_bool"]: boolean;
596    /** Security policy: VLAN ID (IEEE802.1Q). You can specify the VLAN ID on the security policy. All VPN Sessions defines this policy, all Ethernet packets toward the Virtual Hub from the user will be inserted a VLAN tag (IEEE 802.1Q) with the VLAN ID. The user can also receive only packets with a VLAN tag which has the same VLAN ID. (Receiving process removes the VLAN tag automatically.) Any Ethernet packets with any other VLAN IDs or non-VLAN packets will not be received. All VPN Sessions without this policy definition can send / receive any kinds of Ethernet packets regardless of VLAN tags, and VLAN tags are not inserted or removed automatically. Any tagged-VLAN packets via the Virtual Hub will be regarded as non-IP packets. Therefore, tagged-VLAN packets are not subjects for IPv4 / IPv6 security policies, access lists nor other IPv4 / IPv6 specific deep processing. */
597    ["policy:VLanId_u32"]: number;
598    /** Security policy: Whether version 3.0 (must be true) */
599    ["policy:Ver3_bool"]: boolean;
600    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcSetGroup' class: Create, configure, and get the group */
601    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcSetGroup>);
603/** Hub types */
604export declare enum VpnRpcHubType {
605    /** Stand-alone HUB */
606    Standalone = 0,
607    /** Static HUB */
608    FarmStatic = 1,
609    /** Dynamic HUB */
610    FarmDynamic = 2
612/** Create a HUB */
613export declare class VpnRpcCreateHub {
614    /** Specify the name of the Virtual Hub to create / update. */
615    HubName_str: string;
616    /** Specify an administrator password when the administrator password is going to be set for the Virtual Hub. On the update, leave it to empty string if you don't want to change the password. */
617    AdminPasswordPlainText_str: string;
618    /** Online flag */
619    Online_bool: boolean;
620    /** Maximum number of VPN sessions */
621    MaxSession_u32: number;
622    /** No Enum flag. By enabling this option, the VPN Client user will be unable to enumerate this Virtual Hub even if they send a Virtual Hub enumeration request to the VPN Server. */
623    NoEnum_bool: boolean;
624    /** Type of the Virtual Hub (Valid only for Clustered VPN Servers) */
625    HubType_u32: VpnRpcHubType;
626    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcCreateHub' class: Create a HUB */
627    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcCreateHub>);
629export declare enum VpnRpcClientAuthType {
630    /** Anonymous authentication */
631    Anonymous = 0,
632    /** SHA-0 hashed password authentication */
633    SHA0_Hashed_Password = 1,
634    /** Plain password authentication */
635    PlainPassword = 2,
636    /** Certificate authentication */
637    Cert = 3
639/** Create and set of link */
640export declare class VpnRpcCreateLink {
641    /** The Virtual Hub name */
642    HubName_Ex_str: string;
643    /** Online flag */
644    Online_bool: boolean;
645    /** The flag to enable validation for the server certificate */
646    CheckServerCert_bool: boolean;
647    /** The body of server X.509 certificate to compare. Valid only if the CheckServerCert_bool flag is true. */
648    ServerCert_bin: Uint8Array;
649    /** Client Option Parameters: Specify the name of the Cascade Connection */
650    AccountName_utf: string;
651    /** Client Option Parameters: Specify the hostname of the destination VPN Server. You can also specify by IP address. */
652    Hostname_str: string;
653    /** Client Option Parameters: Specify the port number of the destination VPN Server. */
654    Port_u32: number;
655    /** Client Option Parameters: The type of the proxy server */
656    ProxyType_u32: VpnRpcProxyType;
657    /** Client Option Parameters: The hostname or IP address of the proxy server name */
658    ProxyName_str: string;
659    /** Client Option Parameters: The port number of the proxy server */
660    ProxyPort_u32: number;
661    /** Client Option Parameters: The username to connect to the proxy server */
662    ProxyUsername_str: string;
663    /** Client Option Parameters: The password to connect to the proxy server */
664    ProxyPassword_str: string;
665    /** Client Option Parameters: The Virtual Hub on the destination VPN Server */
666    HubName_str: string;
667    /** Client Option Parameters: Number of TCP Connections to Use in VPN Communication */
668    MaxConnection_u32: number;
669    /** Client Option Parameters: The flag to enable the encryption on the communication */
670    UseEncrypt_bool: boolean;
671    /** Client Option Parameters: Enable / Disable Data Compression when Communicating by Cascade Connection */
672    UseCompress_bool: boolean;
673    /** Client Option Parameters: Specify true when enabling half duplex mode. When using two or more TCP connections for VPN communication, it is possible to use Half Duplex Mode. By enabling half duplex mode it is possible to automatically fix data transmission direction as half and half for each TCP connection. In the case where a VPN using 8 TCP connections is established, for example, when half-duplex is enabled, communication can be fixes so that 4 TCP connections are dedicated to the upload direction and the other 4 connections are dedicated to the download direction. */
674    HalfConnection_bool: boolean;
675    /** Client Option Parameters: Connection attempt interval when additional connection will be established */
676    AdditionalConnectionInterval_u32: number;
677    /** Client Option Parameters: Connection Life of Each TCP Connection (0 for no keep-alive) */
678    ConnectionDisconnectSpan_u32: number;
679    /** Client Option Parameters: Disable QoS Control Function if the value is true */
680    DisableQoS_bool: boolean;
681    /** Client Option Parameters: Do not use TLS 1.x of the value is true */
682    NoTls1_bool: boolean;
683    /** Client Option Parameters: Do not use UDP acceleration mode if the value is true */
684    NoUdpAcceleration_bool: boolean;
685    /** Authentication type */
686    AuthType_u32: VpnRpcClientAuthType;
687    /** User name */
688    Username_str: string;
689    /** SHA-0 Hashed password. Valid only if ClientAuth_AuthType_u32 == SHA0_Hashed_Password (1). The SHA-0 hashed password must be caluclated by the SHA0(UpperCase(username_ascii_string) + password_ascii_string). */
690    HashedPassword_bin: Uint8Array;
691    /** Plaintext Password. Valid only if ClientAuth_AuthType_u32 == PlainPassword (2). */
692    PlainPassword_str: string;
693    /** Client certificate. Valid only if ClientAuth_AuthType_u32 == Cert (3). */
694    ClientX_bin: Uint8Array;
695    /** Client private key of the certificate. Valid only if ClientAuth_AuthType_u32 == Cert (3). */
696    ClientK_bin: Uint8Array;
697    /** Security policy: Filter DHCP Packets (IPv4). All IPv4 DHCP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. */
698    ["policy:DHCPFilter_bool"]: boolean;
699    /** Security policy: Disallow DHCP Server Operation (IPv4). Computers connected to sessions that have this policy setting will not be allowed to become a DHCP server and distribute IPv4 addresses to DHCP clients. */
700    ["policy:DHCPNoServer_bool"]: boolean;
701    /** Security policy: Enforce DHCP Allocated IP Addresses (IPv4). Computers in sessions that have this policy setting will only be able to use IPv4 addresses allocated by a DHCP server on the virtual network side. */
702    ["policy:DHCPForce_bool"]: boolean;
703    /** Security policy: Prohibit the duplicate MAC address */
704    SecPol_CheckMac_bool: boolean;
705    /** Security policy: Prohibit a duplicate IP address (IPv4) */
706    SecPol_CheckIP_bool: boolean;
707    /** Security policy: Deny Non-ARP / Non-DHCP / Non-ICMPv6 broadcasts. The sending or receiving of broadcast packets that are not ARP protocol, DHCP protocol, nor ICMPv6 on the virtual network will not be allowed for sessions with this policy setting. */
708    ["policy:ArpDhcpOnly_bool"]: boolean;
709    /** Security policy: Privacy Filter Mode. All direct communication between sessions with the privacy filter mode policy setting will be filtered. */
710    ["policy:PrivacyFilter_bool"]: boolean;
711    /** Security policy: Deny Operation as TCP/IP Server (IPv4). Computers of sessions with this policy setting can't listen and accept TCP/IP connections in IPv4. */
712    ["policy:NoServer_bool"]: boolean;
713    /** Security policy: Unlimited Number of Broadcasts. If a computer of a session with this policy setting sends broadcast packets of a number unusually larger than what would be considered normal on the virtual network, there will be no automatic limiting. */
714    ["policy:NoBroadcastLimiter_bool"]: boolean;
715    /** Security policy: Maximum Number of MAC Addresses. For sessions with this policy setting, this limits the number of MAC addresses per session. */
716    ["policy:MaxMac_u32"]: number;
717    /** Security policy: Maximum Number of IP Addresses (IPv4). For sessions with this policy setting, this specifies the number of IPv4 addresses that can be registered for a single session. */
718    ["policy:MaxIP_u32"]: number;
719    /** Security policy: Upload Bandwidth. For sessions with this policy setting, this limits the traffic bandwidth that is in the inwards direction from outside to inside the Virtual Hub. */
720    ["policy:MaxUpload_u32"]: number;
721    /** Security policy: Download Bandwidth. For sessions with this policy setting, this limits the traffic bandwidth that is in the outwards direction from inside the Virtual Hub to outside the Virtual Hub. */
722    ["policy:MaxDownload_u32"]: number;
723    /** Security policy: Filter RS / RA Packets (IPv6). All ICMPv6 packets which the message-type is 133 (Router Solicitation) or 134 (Router Advertisement) in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. As a result, an IPv6 client will be unable to use IPv6 address prefix auto detection and IPv6 default gateway auto detection. */
724    ["policy:RSandRAFilter_bool"]: boolean;
725    /** Security policy: Filter the router advertisement packet (IPv6) */
726    SecPol_RAFilter_bool: boolean;
727    /** Security policy: Filter DHCP Packets (IPv6). All IPv6 DHCP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. */
728    ["policy:DHCPv6Filter_bool"]: boolean;
729    /** Security policy: Disallow DHCP Server Operation (IPv6). Computers connected to sessions that have this policy setting will not be allowed to become a DHCP server and distribute IPv6 addresses to DHCP clients. */
730    ["policy:DHCPv6NoServer_bool"]: boolean;
731    /** Security policy: Prohibit the duplicate IP address (IPv6) */
732    SecPol_CheckIPv6_bool: boolean;
733    /** Security policy: Deny Operation as TCP/IP Server (IPv6). Computers of sessions with this policy setting can't listen and accept TCP/IP connections in IPv6. */
734    ["policy:NoServerV6_bool"]: boolean;
735    /** Security policy: Maximum Number of IP Addresses (IPv6). For sessions with this policy setting, this specifies the number of IPv6 addresses that can be registered for a single session. */
736    ["policy:MaxIPv6_u32"]: number;
737    /** Security policy: Filter All IPv4 Packets. All IPv4 and ARP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. */
738    ["policy:FilterIPv4_bool"]: boolean;
739    /** Security policy: Filter All IPv6 Packets. All IPv6 packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. */
740    ["policy:FilterIPv6_bool"]: boolean;
741    /** Security policy: Filter All Non-IP Packets. All non-IP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. "Non-IP packet" mean a packet which is not IPv4, ARP nor IPv6. Any tagged-VLAN packets via the Virtual Hub will be regarded as non-IP packets. */
742    ["policy:FilterNonIP_bool"]: boolean;
743    /** Security policy: No Default-Router on IPv6 RA. In all VPN Sessions defines this policy, any IPv6 RA (Router Advertisement) packet with non-zero value in the router-lifetime will set to zero-value. This is effective to avoid the horrible behavior from the IPv6 routing confusion which is caused by the VPN client's attempts to use the remote-side IPv6 router as its local IPv6 router. */
744    ["policy:NoIPv6DefaultRouterInRA_bool"]: boolean;
745    /** Security policy: VLAN ID (IEEE802.1Q). You can specify the VLAN ID on the security policy. All VPN Sessions defines this policy, all Ethernet packets toward the Virtual Hub from the user will be inserted a VLAN tag (IEEE 802.1Q) with the VLAN ID. The user can also receive only packets with a VLAN tag which has the same VLAN ID. (Receiving process removes the VLAN tag automatically.) Any Ethernet packets with any other VLAN IDs or non-VLAN packets will not be received. All VPN Sessions without this policy definition can send / receive any kinds of Ethernet packets regardless of VLAN tags, and VLAN tags are not inserted or removed automatically. Any tagged-VLAN packets via the Virtual Hub will be regarded as non-IP packets. Therefore, tagged-VLAN packets are not subjects for IPv4 / IPv6 security policies, access lists nor other IPv4 / IPv6 specific deep processing. */
746    ["policy:VLanId_u32"]: number;
747    /** Security policy: Whether version 3.0 (must be true) */
748    ["policy:Ver3_bool"]: boolean;
749    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcCreateLink' class: Create and set of link */
750    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcCreateLink>);
752/** Listener */
753export declare class VpnRpcListener {
754    /** Port number (Range: 1 - 65535) */
755    Port_u32: number;
756    /** Active state */
757    Enable_bool: boolean;
758    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcListener' class: Listener */
759    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcListener>);
761/** User authentication type (server side) */
762export declare enum VpnRpcUserAuthType {
763    /** Anonymous authentication */
764    Anonymous = 0,
765    /** Password authentication */
766    Password = 1,
767    /** User certificate authentication */
768    UserCert = 2,
769    /** Root certificate which is issued by trusted Certificate Authority */
770    RootCert = 3,
771    /** Radius authentication */
772    Radius = 4,
773    /** Windows NT authentication */
774    NTDomain = 5
776/** Create, configure, and get the user */
777export declare class VpnRpcSetUser {
778    /** The Virtual Hub name */
779    HubName_str: string;
780    /** Specify the user name of the user */
781    Name_str: string;
782    /** Assigned group name for the user */
783    GroupName_str: string;
784    /** Optional real name (full name) of the user, allow using any Unicode characters */
785    Realname_utf: string;
786    /** Optional User Description */
787    Note_utf: string;
788    /** Creation date and time */
789    CreatedTime_dt: Date;
790    /** Last modified date and time */
791    UpdatedTime_dt: Date;
792    /** Expiration date and time */
793    ExpireTime_dt: Date;
794    /** Authentication method of the user */
795    AuthType_u32: VpnRpcUserAuthType;
796    /** User password, valid only if AuthType_u32 == Password(1). Valid only to create or set operations. */
797    Auth_Password_str: string;
798    /** User certificate, valid only if AuthType_u32 == UserCert(2). */
799    UserX_bin: Uint8Array;
800    /** Certificate Serial Number, optional, valid only if AuthType_u32 == RootCert(3). */
801    Serial_bin: Uint8Array;
802    /** Certificate Common Name, optional, valid only if AuthType_u32 == RootCert(3). */
803    CommonName_utf: string;
804    /** Username in RADIUS server, optional, valid only if AuthType_u32 == Radius(4). */
805    RadiusUsername_utf: string;
806    /** Username in NT Domain server, optional, valid only if AuthType_u32 == NT(5). */
807    NtUsername_utf: string;
808    /** Number of total logins of the user */
809    NumLogin_u32: number;
810    /** Number of broadcast packets (Recv) */
811    ["Recv.BroadcastBytes_u64"]: number;
812    /** Broadcast bytes (Recv) */
813    ["Recv.BroadcastCount_u64"]: number;
814    /** Unicast count (Recv) */
815    ["Recv.UnicastBytes_u64"]: number;
816    /** Unicast bytes (Recv) */
817    ["Recv.UnicastCount_u64"]: number;
818    /** Number of broadcast packets (Send) */
819    ["Send.BroadcastBytes_u64"]: number;
820    /** Broadcast bytes (Send) */
821    ["Send.BroadcastCount_u64"]: number;
822    /** Unicast bytes (Send) */
823    ["Send.UnicastBytes_u64"]: number;
824    /** Unicast bytes (Send) */
825    ["Send.UnicastCount_u64"]: number;
826    /** The flag whether to use security policy */
827    UsePolicy_bool: boolean;
828    /** Security policy: Allow Access. The users, which this policy value is true, have permission to make VPN connection to VPN Server. */
829    ["policy:Access_bool"]: boolean;
830    /** Security policy: Filter DHCP Packets (IPv4). All IPv4 DHCP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. */
831    ["policy:DHCPFilter_bool"]: boolean;
832    /** Security policy: Disallow DHCP Server Operation (IPv4). Computers connected to sessions that have this policy setting will not be allowed to become a DHCP server and distribute IPv4 addresses to DHCP clients. */
833    ["policy:DHCPNoServer_bool"]: boolean;
834    /** Security policy: Enforce DHCP Allocated IP Addresses (IPv4). Computers in sessions that have this policy setting will only be able to use IPv4 addresses allocated by a DHCP server on the virtual network side. */
835    ["policy:DHCPForce_bool"]: boolean;
836    /** Security policy: Deny Bridge Operation. Bridge-mode connections are denied for user sessions that have this policy setting. Even in cases when the Ethernet Bridge is configured in the client side, communication will not be possible. */
837    ["policy:NoBridge_bool"]: boolean;
838    /** Security policy: Deny Routing Operation (IPv4). IPv4 routing will be denied for sessions that have this policy setting. Even in the case where the IP router is operating on the user client side, communication will not be possible. */
839    ["policy:NoRouting_bool"]: boolean;
840    /** Security policy: Deny MAC Addresses Duplication. The use of duplicating MAC addresses that are in use by computers of different sessions cannot be used by sessions with this policy setting. */
841    ["policy:CheckMac_bool"]: boolean;
842    /** Security policy: Deny IP Address Duplication (IPv4). The use of duplicating IPv4 addresses that are in use by computers of different sessions cannot be used by sessions with this policy setting. */
843    ["policy:CheckIP_bool"]: boolean;
844    /** Security policy: Deny Non-ARP / Non-DHCP / Non-ICMPv6 broadcasts. The sending or receiving of broadcast packets that are not ARP protocol, DHCP protocol, nor ICMPv6 on the virtual network will not be allowed for sessions with this policy setting. */
845    ["policy:ArpDhcpOnly_bool"]: boolean;
846    /** Security policy: Privacy Filter Mode. All direct communication between sessions with the privacy filter mode policy setting will be filtered. */
847    ["policy:PrivacyFilter_bool"]: boolean;
848    /** Security policy: Deny Operation as TCP/IP Server (IPv4). Computers of sessions with this policy setting can't listen and accept TCP/IP connections in IPv4. */
849    ["policy:NoServer_bool"]: boolean;
850    /** Security policy: Unlimited Number of Broadcasts. If a computer of a session with this policy setting sends broadcast packets of a number unusually larger than what would be considered normal on the virtual network, there will be no automatic limiting. */
851    ["policy:NoBroadcastLimiter_bool"]: boolean;
852    /** Security policy: Allow Monitoring Mode. Users with this policy setting will be granted to connect to the Virtual Hub in Monitoring Mode. Sessions in Monitoring Mode are able to monitor (tap) all packets flowing through the Virtual Hub. */
853    ["policy:MonitorPort_bool"]: boolean;
854    /** Security policy: Maximum Number of TCP Connections. For sessions with this policy setting, this sets the maximum number of physical TCP connections consists in a physical VPN session. */
855    ["policy:MaxConnection_u32"]: number;
856    /** Security policy: Time-out Period. For sessions with this policy setting, this sets, in seconds, the time-out period to wait before disconnecting a session when communication trouble occurs between the VPN Client / VPN Server. */
857    ["policy:TimeOut_u32"]: number;
858    /** Security policy: Maximum Number of MAC Addresses. For sessions with this policy setting, this limits the number of MAC addresses per session. */
859    ["policy:MaxMac_u32"]: number;
860    /** Security policy: Maximum Number of IP Addresses (IPv4). For sessions with this policy setting, this specifies the number of IPv4 addresses that can be registered for a single session. */
861    ["policy:MaxIP_u32"]: number;
862    /** Security policy: Upload Bandwidth. For sessions with this policy setting, this limits the traffic bandwidth that is in the inwards direction from outside to inside the Virtual Hub. */
863    ["policy:MaxUpload_u32"]: number;
864    /** Security policy: Download Bandwidth. For sessions with this policy setting, this limits the traffic bandwidth that is in the outwards direction from inside the Virtual Hub to outside the Virtual Hub. */
865    ["policy:MaxDownload_u32"]: number;
866    /** Security policy: Deny Changing Password. The users which use password authentication with this policy setting are not allowed to change their own password from the VPN Client Manager or similar. */
867    ["policy:FixPassword_bool"]: boolean;
868    /** Security policy: Maximum Number of Multiple Logins. Users with this policy setting are unable to have more than this number of concurrent logins. Bridge Mode sessions are not subjects to this policy. */
869    ["policy:MultiLogins_u32"]: number;
870    /** Security policy: Deny VoIP / QoS Function. Users with this security policy are unable to use VoIP / QoS functions in VPN connection sessions. */
871    ["policy:NoQoS_bool"]: boolean;
872    /** Security policy: Filter RS / RA Packets (IPv6). All ICMPv6 packets which the message-type is 133 (Router Solicitation) or 134 (Router Advertisement) in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. As a result, an IPv6 client will be unable to use IPv6 address prefix auto detection and IPv6 default gateway auto detection. */
873    ["policy:RSandRAFilter_bool"]: boolean;
874    /** Security policy: Filter RA Packets (IPv6). All ICMPv6 packets which the message-type is 134 (Router Advertisement) in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. As a result, a malicious users will be unable to spread illegal IPv6 prefix or default gateway advertisements on the network. */
875    ["policy:RAFilter_bool"]: boolean;
876    /** Security policy: Filter DHCP Packets (IPv6). All IPv6 DHCP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. */
877    ["policy:DHCPv6Filter_bool"]: boolean;
878    /** Security policy: Disallow DHCP Server Operation (IPv6). Computers connected to sessions that have this policy setting will not be allowed to become a DHCP server and distribute IPv6 addresses to DHCP clients. */
879    ["policy:DHCPv6NoServer_bool"]: boolean;
880    /** Security policy: Deny Routing Operation (IPv6). IPv6 routing will be denied for sessions that have this policy setting. Even in the case where the IP router is operating on the user client side, communication will not be possible. */
881    ["policy:NoRoutingV6_bool"]: boolean;
882    /** Security policy: Deny IP Address Duplication (IPv6). The use of duplicating IPv6 addresses that are in use by computers of different sessions cannot be used by sessions with this policy setting. */
883    ["policy:CheckIPv6_bool"]: boolean;
884    /** Security policy: Deny Operation as TCP/IP Server (IPv6). Computers of sessions with this policy setting can't listen and accept TCP/IP connections in IPv6. */
885    ["policy:NoServerV6_bool"]: boolean;
886    /** Security policy: Maximum Number of IP Addresses (IPv6). For sessions with this policy setting, this specifies the number of IPv6 addresses that can be registered for a single session. */
887    ["policy:MaxIPv6_u32"]: number;
888    /** Security policy: Disallow Password Save in VPN Client. For users with this policy setting, when the user is using *standard* password authentication, the user will be unable to save the password in VPN Client. The user will be required to input passwords for every time to connect a VPN. This will improve the security. If this policy is enabled, VPN Client Version 2.0 will be denied to access. */
889    ["policy:NoSavePassword_bool"]: boolean;
890    /** Security policy: VPN Client Automatic Disconnect. For users with this policy setting, a user's VPN session will be disconnected automatically after the specific period will elapse. In this case no automatic re-connection will be performed. This can prevent a lot of inactive VPN Sessions. If this policy is enabled, VPN Client Version 2.0 will be denied to access. */
891    ["policy:AutoDisconnect_u32"]: number;
892    /** Security policy: Filter All IPv4 Packets. All IPv4 and ARP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. */
893    ["policy:FilterIPv4_bool"]: boolean;
894    /** Security policy: Filter All IPv6 Packets. All IPv6 packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. */
895    ["policy:FilterIPv6_bool"]: boolean;
896    /** Security policy: Filter All Non-IP Packets. All non-IP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. "Non-IP packet" mean a packet which is not IPv4, ARP nor IPv6. Any tagged-VLAN packets via the Virtual Hub will be regarded as non-IP packets. */
897    ["policy:FilterNonIP_bool"]: boolean;
898    /** Security policy: No Default-Router on IPv6 RA. In all VPN Sessions defines this policy, any IPv6 RA (Router Advertisement) packet with non-zero value in the router-lifetime will set to zero-value. This is effective to avoid the horrible behavior from the IPv6 routing confusion which is caused by the VPN client's attempts to use the remote-side IPv6 router as its local IPv6 router. */
899    ["policy:NoIPv6DefaultRouterInRA_bool"]: boolean;
900    /** Security policy: No Default-Router on IPv6 RA (physical IPv6). In all VPN Sessions defines this policy (only when the physical communication protocol between VPN Client / VPN Bridge and VPN Server is IPv6), any IPv6 RA (Router Advertisement) packet with non-zero value in the router-lifetime will set to zero-value. This is effective to avoid the horrible behavior from the IPv6 routing confusion which is caused by the VPN client's attempts to use the remote-side IPv6 router as its local IPv6 router. */
901    ["policy:NoIPv6DefaultRouterInRAWhenIPv6_bool"]: boolean;
902    /** Security policy: VLAN ID (IEEE802.1Q). You can specify the VLAN ID on the security policy. All VPN Sessions defines this policy, all Ethernet packets toward the Virtual Hub from the user will be inserted a VLAN tag (IEEE 802.1Q) with the VLAN ID. The user can also receive only packets with a VLAN tag which has the same VLAN ID. (Receiving process removes the VLAN tag automatically.) Any Ethernet packets with any other VLAN IDs or non-VLAN packets will not be received. All VPN Sessions without this policy definition can send / receive any kinds of Ethernet packets regardless of VLAN tags, and VLAN tags are not inserted or removed automatically. Any tagged-VLAN packets via the Virtual Hub will be regarded as non-IP packets. Therefore, tagged-VLAN packets are not subjects for IPv4 / IPv6 security policies, access lists nor other IPv4 / IPv6 specific deep processing. */
903    ["policy:VLanId_u32"]: number;
904    /** Security policy: Whether version 3.0 (must be true) */
905    ["policy:Ver3_bool"]: boolean;
906    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcSetUser' class: Create, configure, and get the user */
907    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcSetUser>);
909/** Delete the access list */
910export declare class VpnRpcDeleteAccess {
911    /** The Virtual Hub name */
912    HubName_str: string;
913    /** ID */
914    Id_u32: number;
915    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcDeleteAccess' class: Delete the access list */
916    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcDeleteAccess>);
918/** Delete the CA of HUB */
919export declare class VpnRpcHubDeleteCA {
920    /** The Virtual Hub name */
921    HubName_str: string;
922    /** Certificate key id to be deleted */
923    Key_u32: number;
924    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcHubDeleteCA' class: Delete the CA of HUB */
925    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcHubDeleteCA>);
927/** Deleting a user or group */
928export declare class VpnRpcDeleteUser {
929    /** The Virtual Hub name */
930    HubName_str: string;
931    /** User or group name */
932    Name_str: string;
933    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcDeleteUser' class: Deleting a user or group */
934    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcDeleteUser>);
936/** Delete the HUB */
937export declare class VpnRpcDeleteHub {
938    /** The Virtual Hub name */
939    HubName_str: string;
940    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcDeleteHub' class: Delete the HUB */
941    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcDeleteHub>);
943/** Delete the table */
944export declare class VpnRpcDeleteTable {
945    /** The Virtual Hub name */
946    HubName_str: string;
947    /** Key ID */
948    Key_u32: number;
949    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcDeleteTable' class: Delete the table */
950    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcDeleteTable>);
952/** Specify the Link */
953export declare class VpnRpcLink {
954    /** The Virtual Hub name */
955    HubName_str: string;
956    /** The name of the cascade connection */
957    AccountName_utf: string;
958    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcLink' class: Specify the Link */
959    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcLink>);
961/** Disconnect the session */
962export declare class VpnRpcDeleteSession {
963    /** The Virtual Hub name */
964    HubName_str: string;
965    /** Session name */
966    Name_str: string;
967    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcDeleteSession' class: Disconnect the session */
968    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcDeleteSession>);
970/** Specify the HUB */
971export declare class VpnRpcHub {
972    /** The Virtual Hub name */
973    HubName_str: string;
974    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcHub' class: Specify the HUB */
975    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcHub>);
977/** Disconnect a connection */
978export declare class VpnRpcDisconnectConnection {
979    /** Connection name */
980    Name_str: string;
981    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcDisconnectConnection' class: Disconnect a connection */
982    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcDisconnectConnection>);
984/** Enumeration of the access list */
985export declare class VpnRpcEnumAccessList {
986    /** The Virtual Hub name */
987    HubName_str: string;
988    /** Access list */
989    AccessList: VpnAccess[];
990    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumAccessList' class: Enumeration of the access list */
991    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumAccessList>);
993/** CA enumeration items of HUB */
994export declare class VpnRpcHubEnumCAItem {
995    /** The key id of the item */
996    Key_u32: number;
997    /** Subject */
998    SubjectName_utf: string;
999    /** Issuer */
1000    IssuerName_utf: string;
1001    /** Expiration date */
1002    Expires_dt: Date;
1003    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcHubEnumCAItem' class: CA enumeration items of HUB */
1004    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcHubEnumCAItem>);
1006/** CA enumeration of HUB */
1007export declare class VpnRpcHubEnumCA {
1008    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1009    HubName_str: string;
1010    /** The list of CA */
1011    CAList: VpnRpcHubEnumCAItem[];
1012    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcHubEnumCA' class: CA enumeration of HUB */
1013    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcHubEnumCA>);
1015/** Type of connection */
1016export declare enum VpnRpcConnectionType {
1017    /** VPN Client */
1018    Client = 0,
1019    /** During initialization */
1020    Init = 1,
1021    /** Login connection */
1022    Login = 2,
1023    /** Additional connection */
1024    Additional = 3,
1025    /** RPC for server farm */
1026    FarmRpc = 4,
1027    /** RPC for Management */
1028    AdminRpc = 5,
1029    /** HUB enumeration */
1030    EnumHub = 6,
1031    /** Password change */
1032    Password = 7,
1033    /** SSTP */
1034    SSTP = 8,
1035    /** OpenVPN */
1036    OpenVPN = 9
1038/** Connection enumeration items */
1039export declare class VpnRpcEnumConnectionItem {
1040    /** Connection name */
1041    Name_str: string;
1042    /** Host name */
1043    Hostname_str: string;
1044    /** IP address */
1045    Ip_ip: string;
1046    /** Port number */
1047    Port_u32: number;
1048    /** Connected time */
1049    ConnectedTime_dt: Date;
1050    /** Connection type */
1051    Type_u32: VpnRpcConnectionType;
1052    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumConnectionItem' class: Connection enumeration items */
1053    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumConnectionItem>);
1055/** Connection enumeration */
1056export declare class VpnRpcEnumConnection {
1057    /** Number of connections */
1058    NumConnection_u32: number;
1059    /** Connection list */
1060    ConnectionList: VpnRpcEnumConnectionItem[];
1061    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumConnection' class: Connection enumeration */
1062    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumConnection>);
1064/** Enum CRL Item */
1065export declare class VpnRpcEnumCrlItem {
1066    /** Key ID */
1067    Key_u32: number;
1068    /** The contents of the CRL item */
1069    CrlInfo_utf: string;
1070    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumCrlItem' class: Enum CRL Item */
1071    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumCrlItem>);
1073/** Enum CRL */
1074export declare class VpnRpcEnumCrl {
1075    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1076    HubName_str: string;
1077    /** CRL list */
1078    CRLList: VpnRpcEnumCrlItem[];
1079    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumCrl' class: Enum CRL */
1080    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumCrl>);
1083export declare class VpnRpcEnumDhcpItem {
1084    /** ID */
1085    Id_u32: number;
1086    /** Lease time */
1087    LeasedTime_dt: Date;
1088    /** Expiration date */
1089    ExpireTime_dt: Date;
1090    /** MAC address */
1091    MacAddress_bin: Uint8Array;
1092    /** IP address */
1093    IpAddress_ip: string;
1094    /** Subnet mask */
1095    Mask_u32: number;
1096    /** Host name */
1097    Hostname_str: string;
1098    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumDhcpItem' class: RPC_ENUM_DHCP_ITEM */
1099    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumDhcpItem>);
1101/** RPC_ENUM_DHCP */
1102export declare class VpnRpcEnumDhcp {
1103    /** Virtual Hub Name */
1104    HubName_str: string;
1105    /** DHCP Item */
1106    DhcpTable: VpnRpcEnumDhcpItem[];
1107    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumDhcp' class: RPC_ENUM_DHCP */
1108    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumDhcp>);
1110/** EtherIP setting list */
1111export declare class VpnRpcEnumEtherIpId {
1112    /** Setting list */
1113    Settings: VpnEtherIpId[];
1114    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumEtherIpId' class: EtherIP setting list */
1115    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumEtherIpId>);
1117/** Ethernet Network Adapters list item */
1118export declare class VpnRpcEnumEthItem {
1119    /** Device name */
1120    DeviceName_str: string;
1121    /** Network connection name (description) */
1122    NetworkConnectionName_utf: string;
1123    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumEthItem' class: Ethernet Network Adapters list item */
1124    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumEthItem>);
1126/** Ethernet Network Adapters list */
1127export declare class VpnRpcEnumEth {
1128    /** Ethernet Network Adapters list */
1129    EthList: VpnRpcEnumEthItem[];
1130    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumEth' class: Ethernet Network Adapters list */
1131    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumEth>);
1133/** Server farm members enumeration items */
1134export declare class VpnRpcEnumFarmItem {
1135    /** ID */
1136    Id_u32: number;
1137    /** Controller */
1138    Controller_bool: boolean;
1139    /** Connection time */
1140    ConnectedTime_dt: Date;
1141    /** IP address */
1142    Ip_ip: string;
1143    /** Host name */
1144    Hostname_str: string;
1145    /** Point */
1146    Point_u32: number;
1147    /** Number of sessions */
1148    NumSessions_u32: number;
1149    /** Number of TCP connections */
1150    NumTcpConnections_u32: number;
1151    /** Number of HUBs */
1152    NumHubs_u32: number;
1153    /** Number of assigned client licenses */
1154    AssignedClientLicense_u32: number;
1155    /** Number of assigned bridge licenses */
1156    AssignedBridgeLicense_u32: number;
1157    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumFarmItem' class: Server farm members enumeration items */
1158    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumFarmItem>);
1160/** Server farm member enumeration */
1161export declare class VpnRpcEnumFarm {
1162    /** Number of Cluster Members */
1163    NumFarm_u32: number;
1164    /** Cluster Members list */
1165    FarmMemberList: VpnRpcEnumFarmItem[];
1166    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumFarm' class: Server farm member enumeration */
1167    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumFarm>);
1169/** Enumeration items in the group */
1170export declare class VpnRpcEnumGroupItem {
1171    /** User name */
1172    Name_str: string;
1173    /** Real name */
1174    Realname_utf: string;
1175    /** Note */
1176    Note_utf: string;
1177    /** Number of users */
1178    NumUsers_u32: number;
1179    /** Access denied */
1180    DenyAccess_bool: boolean;
1181    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumGroupItem' class: Enumeration items in the group */
1182    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumGroupItem>);
1184/** Group enumeration */
1185export declare class VpnRpcEnumGroup {
1186    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1187    HubName_str: string;
1188    /** Group list */
1189    GroupList: VpnRpcEnumGroupItem[];
1190    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumGroup' class: Group enumeration */
1191    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumGroup>);
1193/** Enumeration items of HUB */
1194export declare class VpnRpcEnumHubItem {
1195    /** The name of the Virtual Hub */
1196    HubName_str: string;
1197    /** Online state */
1198    Online_bool: boolean;
1199    /** Type of HUB (Valid only for Clustered VPN Servers) */
1200    HubType_u32: VpnRpcHubType;
1201    /** Number of users */
1202    NumUsers_u32: number;
1203    /** Number of registered groups */
1204    NumGroups_u32: number;
1205    /** Number of registered sessions */
1206    NumSessions_u32: number;
1207    /** Number of current MAC table entries */
1208    NumMacTables_u32: number;
1209    /** Number of current IP table entries */
1210    NumIpTables_u32: number;
1211    /** Last communication date and time */
1212    LastCommTime_dt: Date;
1213    /** Last login date and time */
1214    LastLoginTime_dt: Date;
1215    /** Creation date and time */
1216    CreatedTime_dt: Date;
1217    /** Number of accumulated logins */
1218    NumLogin_u32: number;
1219    /** Whether the traffic information is provided */
1220    IsTrafficFilled_bool: boolean;
1221    /** Number of broadcast packets (Recv) */
1222    ["Ex.Recv.BroadcastBytes_u64"]: number;
1223    /** Broadcast bytes (Recv) */
1224    ["Ex.Recv.BroadcastCount_u64"]: number;
1225    /** Unicast count (Recv) */
1226    ["Ex.Recv.UnicastBytes_u64"]: number;
1227    /** Unicast bytes (Recv) */
1228    ["Ex.Recv.UnicastCount_u64"]: number;
1229    /** Number of broadcast packets (Send) */
1230    ["Ex.Send.BroadcastBytes_u64"]: number;
1231    /** Broadcast bytes (Send) */
1232    ["Ex.Send.BroadcastCount_u64"]: number;
1233    /** Unicast bytes (Send) */
1234    ["Ex.Send.UnicastBytes_u64"]: number;
1235    /** Unicast bytes (Send) */
1236    ["Ex.Send.UnicastCount_u64"]: number;
1237    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumHubItem' class: Enumeration items of HUB */
1238    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumHubItem>);
1240/** Enumeration of HUB */
1241export declare class VpnRpcEnumHub {
1242    /** Number of Virtual Hubs */
1243    NumHub_u32: number;
1244    /** Virtual Hubs */
1245    HubList: VpnRpcEnumHubItem[];
1246    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumHub' class: Enumeration of HUB */
1247    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumHub>);
1249/** Enumeration items of IP table */
1250export declare class VpnRpcEnumIpTableItem {
1251    /** Key ID */
1252    Key_u32: number;
1253    /** Session name */
1254    SessionName_str: string;
1255    /** IP address */
1256    IpAddress_ip: string;
1257    /** Assigned by the DHCP */
1258    DhcpAllocated_bool: boolean;
1259    /** Creation date and time */
1260    CreatedTime_dt: Date;
1261    /** Updating date */
1262    UpdatedTime_dt: Date;
1263    /** Remote items */
1264    RemoteItem_bool: boolean;
1265    /** Remote host name */
1266    RemoteHostname_str: string;
1267    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumIpTableItem' class: Enumeration items of IP table */
1268    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumIpTableItem>);
1270/** Enumeration of IP table */
1271export declare class VpnRpcEnumIpTable {
1272    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1273    HubName_str: string;
1274    /** MAC table */
1275    IpTable: VpnRpcEnumIpTableItem[];
1276    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumIpTable' class: Enumeration of IP table */
1277    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumIpTable>);
1279/** Layer-3 interface enumeration */
1280export declare class VpnRpcEnumL3If {
1281    /** Layer-3 switch name */
1282    Name_str: string;
1283    /** Layer-3 interface list */
1284    L3IFList: VpnRpcL3If[];
1285    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumL3If' class: Layer-3 interface enumeration */
1286    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumL3If>);
1288/** Layer-3 switch enumeration item */
1289export declare class VpnRpcEnumL3SwItem {
1290    /** Name of the layer-3 switch */
1291    Name_str: string;
1292    /** Number of layer-3 switch virtual interfaces */
1293    NumInterfaces_u32: number;
1294    /** Number of routing tables */
1295    NumTables_u32: number;
1296    /** Activated flag */
1297    Active_bool: boolean;
1298    /** Online flag */
1299    Online_bool: boolean;
1300    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumL3SwItem' class: Layer-3 switch enumeration item */
1301    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumL3SwItem>);
1303/** Layer-3 switch enumeration */
1304export declare class VpnRpcEnumL3Sw {
1305    /** Layer-3 switch list */
1306    L3SWList: VpnRpcEnumL3SwItem[];
1307    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumL3Sw' class: Layer-3 switch enumeration */
1308    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumL3Sw>);
1310/** Routing table enumeration */
1311export declare class VpnRpcEnumL3Table {
1312    /** L3 switch name */
1313    Name_str: string;
1314    /** Routing table item list */
1315    L3Table: VpnRpcL3Table[];
1316    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumL3Table' class: Routing table enumeration */
1317    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumL3Table>);
1319/** Cascade Connection Enumeration */
1320export declare class VpnRpcEnumLinkItem {
1321    /** The name of cascade connection */
1322    AccountName_utf: string;
1323    /** Online flag */
1324    Online_bool: boolean;
1325    /** The flag indicates whether the cascade connection is established */
1326    Connected_bool: boolean;
1327    /** The error last occurred if the cascade connection is in the fail state */
1328    LastError_u32: number;
1329    /** Connection completion time */
1330    ConnectedTime_dt: Date;
1331    /** Host name of the destination VPN server */
1332    Hostname_str: string;
1333    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1334    TargetHubName_str: string;
1335    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumLinkItem' class: Cascade Connection Enumeration */
1336    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumLinkItem>);
1338/** Enumeration of the link */
1339export declare class VpnRpcEnumLink {
1340    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1341    HubName_str: string;
1342    /** Number of cascade connections */
1343    NumLink_u32: number;
1344    /** The list of cascade connections */
1345    LinkList: VpnRpcEnumLinkItem[];
1346    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumLink' class: Enumeration of the link */
1347    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumLink>);
1349/** List of listeners item */
1350export declare class VpnRpcListenerListItem {
1351    /** TCP port number (range: 1 - 65535) */
1352    Ports_u32: number;
1353    /** Active state */
1354    Enables_bool: boolean;
1355    /** The flag to indicate if the error occurred on the listener port */
1356    Errors_bool: boolean;
1357    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcListenerListItem' class: List of listeners item */
1358    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcListenerListItem>);
1360/** List of listeners */
1361export declare class VpnRpcListenerList {
1362    /** List of listener items */
1363    ListenerList: VpnRpcListenerListItem[];
1364    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcListenerList' class: List of listeners */
1365    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcListenerList>);
1367/** Local Bridge enumeration */
1368export declare class VpnRpcEnumLocalBridge {
1369    /** Local Bridge list */
1370    LocalBridgeList: VpnRpcLocalBridge[];
1371    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumLocalBridge' class: Local Bridge enumeration */
1372    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumLocalBridge>);
1374/** Log file enumeration */
1375export declare class VpnRpcEnumLogFileItem {
1376    /** Server name */
1377    ServerName_str: string;
1378    /** File path */
1379    FilePath_str: string;
1380    /** File size */
1381    FileSize_u32: number;
1382    /** Last write date */
1383    UpdatedTime_dt: Date;
1384    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumLogFileItem' class: Log file enumeration */
1385    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumLogFileItem>);
1387/** Log file enumeration */
1388export declare class VpnRpcEnumLogFile {
1389    /** Log file list */
1390    LogFiles: VpnRpcEnumLogFileItem[];
1391    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumLogFile' class: Log file enumeration */
1392    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumLogFile>);
1394/** Enumeration items of the MAC table */
1395export declare class VpnRpcEnumMacTableItem {
1396    /** Key ID */
1397    Key_u32: number;
1398    /** Session name */
1399    SessionName_str: string;
1400    /** MAC address */
1401    MacAddress_bin: Uint8Array;
1402    /** Creation date and time */
1403    CreatedTime_dt: Date;
1404    /** Updating date */
1405    UpdatedTime_dt: Date;
1406    /** Remote items */
1407    RemoteItem_bool: boolean;
1408    /** Remote host name */
1409    RemoteHostname_str: string;
1410    /** VLAN ID */
1411    VlanId_u32: number;
1412    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumMacTableItem' class: Enumeration items of the MAC table */
1413    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumMacTableItem>);
1415/** Enumeration of the MAC table */
1416export declare class VpnRpcEnumMacTable {
1417    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1418    HubName_str: string;
1419    /** MAC table */
1420    MacTable: VpnRpcEnumMacTableItem[];
1421    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumMacTable' class: Enumeration of the MAC table */
1422    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumMacTable>);
1424/** NAT Entry Protocol Number */
1425export declare enum VpnRpcNatProtocol {
1426    /** TCP */
1427    TCP = 0,
1428    /** UDP */
1429    UDP = 1,
1430    /** DNS */
1431    DNS = 2,
1432    /** ICMP */
1433    ICMP = 3
1435/** State of NAT session (TCP) */
1436export declare enum VpnRpcNatTcpState {
1437    /** Connecting */
1438    Connecting = 0,
1439    /** Send the RST (Connection failure or disconnected) */
1440    SendReset = 1,
1441    /** Connection complete */
1442    Connected = 2,
1443    /** Connection established */
1444    Established = 3,
1445    /** Wait for socket disconnection */
1446    WaitDisconnect = 4
1448/** VpnRpcEnumNat List Item */
1449export declare class VpnRpcEnumNatItem {
1450    /** ID */
1451    Id_u32: number;
1452    /** Protocol */
1453    Protocol_u32: VpnRpcNatProtocol;
1454    /** Source IP address */
1455    SrcIp_ip: string;
1456    /** Source host name */
1457    SrcHost_str: string;
1458    /** Source port number */
1459    SrcPort_u32: number;
1460    /** Destination IP address */
1461    DestIp_ip: string;
1462    /** Destination host name */
1463    DestHost_str: string;
1464    /** Destination port number */
1465    DestPort_u32: number;
1466    /** Connection time */
1467    CreatedTime_dt: Date;
1468    /** Last communication time */
1469    LastCommTime_dt: Date;
1470    /** Transmission size */
1471    SendSize_u64: number;
1472    /** Receive size */
1473    RecvSize_u64: number;
1474    /** TCP state */
1475    TcpStatus_u32: VpnRpcNatTcpState;
1476    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumNatItem' class: VpnRpcEnumNat List Item */
1477    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumNatItem>);
1479/** RPC_ENUM_NAT */
1480export declare class VpnRpcEnumNat {
1481    /** Virtual Hub Name */
1482    HubName_str: string;
1483    /** NAT item */
1484    NatTable: VpnRpcEnumNatItem[];
1485    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumNat' class: RPC_ENUM_NAT */
1486    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumNat>);
1488/** Enumeration item of VPN session */
1489export declare class VpnRpcEnumSessionItem {
1490    /** Session name */
1491    Name_str: string;
1492    /** Remote session */
1493    RemoteSession_bool: boolean;
1494    /** Remote server name */
1495    RemoteHostname_str: string;
1496    /** User name */
1497    Username_str: string;
1498    /** IP address */
1499    ClientIP_ip: string;
1500    /** Host name */
1501    Hostname_str: string;
1502    /** Maximum number of underlying TCP connections */
1503    MaxNumTcp_u32: number;
1504    /** Number of current underlying TCP connections */
1505    CurrentNumTcp_u32: number;
1506    /** Packet size transmitted */
1507    PacketSize_u64: number;
1508    /** Number of packets transmitted */
1509    PacketNum_u64: number;
1510    /** Is a Cascade VPN session */
1511    LinkMode_bool: boolean;
1512    /** Is a SecureNAT VPN session */
1513    SecureNATMode_bool: boolean;
1514    /** Is the VPN session for Local Bridge */
1515    BridgeMode_bool: boolean;
1516    /** Is a Layer-3 Switch VPN session */
1517    Layer3Mode_bool: boolean;
1518    /** Is in Bridge Mode */
1519    Client_BridgeMode_bool: boolean;
1520    /** Is in Monitor Mode */
1521    Client_MonitorMode_bool: boolean;
1522    /** VLAN ID */
1523    VLanId_u32: number;
1524    /** Unique ID of the VPN Session */
1525    UniqueId_bin: Uint8Array;
1526    /** Creation date and time */
1527    CreatedTime_dt: Date;
1528    /** Last communication date and time */
1529    LastCommTime_dt: Date;
1530    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumSessionItem' class: Enumeration item of VPN session */
1531    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumSessionItem>);
1533/** Enumerate VPN sessions */
1534export declare class VpnRpcEnumSession {
1535    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1536    HubName_str: string;
1537    /** VPN sessions list */
1538    SessionList: VpnRpcEnumSessionItem[];
1539    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumSession' class: Enumerate VPN sessions */
1540    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumSession>);
1542/** Enumeration item of user */
1543export declare class VpnRpcEnumUserItem {
1544    /** User name */
1545    Name_str: string;
1546    /** Group name */
1547    GroupName_str: string;
1548    /** Real name */
1549    Realname_utf: string;
1550    /** Note */
1551    Note_utf: string;
1552    /** Authentication method */
1553    AuthType_u32: VpnRpcUserAuthType;
1554    /** Number of logins */
1555    NumLogin_u32: number;
1556    /** Last login date and time */
1557    LastLoginTime_dt: Date;
1558    /** Access denied */
1559    DenyAccess_bool: boolean;
1560    /** Flag of whether the traffic variable is set */
1561    IsTrafficFilled_bool: boolean;
1562    /** Flag of whether expiration date variable is set */
1563    IsExpiresFilled_bool: boolean;
1564    /** Expiration date */
1565    Expires_dt: Date;
1566    /** Number of broadcast packets (Recv) */
1567    ["Ex.Recv.BroadcastBytes_u64"]: number;
1568    /** Broadcast bytes (Recv) */
1569    ["Ex.Recv.BroadcastCount_u64"]: number;
1570    /** Unicast count (Recv) */
1571    ["Ex.Recv.UnicastBytes_u64"]: number;
1572    /** Unicast bytes (Recv) */
1573    ["Ex.Recv.UnicastCount_u64"]: number;
1574    /** Number of broadcast packets (Send) */
1575    ["Ex.Send.BroadcastBytes_u64"]: number;
1576    /** Broadcast bytes (Send) */
1577    ["Ex.Send.BroadcastCount_u64"]: number;
1578    /** Unicast bytes (Send) */
1579    ["Ex.Send.UnicastBytes_u64"]: number;
1580    /** Unicast bytes (Send) */
1581    ["Ex.Send.UnicastCount_u64"]: number;
1582    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumUserItem' class: Enumeration item of user */
1583    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumUserItem>);
1585/** Enumeration of user */
1586export declare class VpnRpcEnumUser {
1587    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1588    HubName_str: string;
1589    /** User list */
1590    UserList: VpnRpcEnumUserItem[];
1591    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcEnumUser' class: Enumeration of user */
1592    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcEnumUser>);
1594/** Source IP Address Limit List Item */
1595export declare class VpnAc {
1596    /** ID */
1597    Id_u32: number;
1598    /** Priority */
1599    Priority_u32: number;
1600    /** Deny access */
1601    Deny_bool: boolean;
1602    /** Set true if you want to specify the SubnetMask_ip item. */
1603    Masked_bool: boolean;
1604    /** IP address */
1605    IpAddress_ip: string;
1606    /** Subnet mask, valid only if Masked_bool == true */
1607    SubnetMask_ip: string;
1608    /** Constructor for the 'VpnAc' class: Source IP Address Limit List Item */
1609    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnAc>);
1611/** Source IP Address Limit List */
1612export declare class VpnRpcAcList {
1613    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1614    HubName_str: string;
1615    /** Source IP Address Limit List */
1616    ACList: VpnAc[];
1617    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcAcList' class: Source IP Address Limit List */
1618    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcAcList>);
1620/** Message */
1621export declare class VpnRpcMsg {
1622    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1623    HubName_str: string;
1624    /** Message (Unicode strings acceptable) */
1625    Msg_bin: Uint8Array;
1626    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcMsg' class: Message */
1627    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcMsg>);
1629/** Get / Set the Azure state */
1630export declare class VpnRpcAzureStatus {
1631    /** Whether VPN Azure Function is Enabled */
1632    IsEnabled_bool: boolean;
1633    /** Whether connection to VPN Azure Cloud Server is established */
1634    IsConnected_bool: boolean;
1635    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcAzureStatus' class: Get / Set the Azure state */
1636    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcAzureStatus>);
1638/** Local Bridge support information */
1639export declare class VpnRpcBridgeSupport {
1640    /** Whether the OS supports the Local Bridge function */
1641    IsBridgeSupportedOs_bool: boolean;
1642    /** Whether WinPcap is necessary to install */
1643    IsWinPcapNeeded_bool: boolean;
1644    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcBridgeSupport' class: Local Bridge support information */
1645    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcBridgeSupport>);
1647/** Get the CA of HUB */
1648export declare class VpnRpcHubGetCA {
1649    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1650    HubName_str: string;
1651    /** The key id of the certificate */
1652    Key_u32: number;
1653    /** The body of the X.509 certificate */
1654    Cert_bin: Uint8Array;
1655    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcHubGetCA' class: Get the CA of HUB */
1656    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcHubGetCA>);
1658/** Caps item of the VPN Server */
1659export declare class VpnCaps {
1660    /** Name */
1661    CapsName_str: string;
1662    /** Value */
1663    CapsValue_u32: number;
1664    /** Descrption */
1665    CapsDescrption_utf: string;
1666    /** Constructor for the 'VpnCaps' class: Caps item of the VPN Server */
1667    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnCaps>);
1669/** Caps list of the VPN Server */
1670export declare class VpnCapslist {
1671    /** Caps list of the VPN Server */
1672    CapsList: VpnCaps[];
1673    /** Constructor for the 'VpnCapslist' class: Caps list of the VPN Server */
1674    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnCapslist>);
1676/** Config operation */
1677export declare class VpnRpcConfig {
1678    /** File name (valid only for returning from the server) */
1679    FileName_str: string;
1680    /** File data */
1681    FileData_bin: Uint8Array;
1682    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcConfig' class: Config operation */
1683    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcConfig>);
1685/** Connection information */
1686export declare class VpnRpcConnectionInfo {
1687    /** Connection name */
1688    Name_str: string;
1689    /** Type */
1690    Type_u32: VpnRpcConnectionType;
1691    /** Host name */
1692    Hostname_str: string;
1693    /** IP address */
1694    Ip_ip: string;
1695    /** Port number */
1696    Port_u32: number;
1697    /** Connected time */
1698    ConnectedTime_dt: Date;
1699    /** Server string */
1700    ServerStr_str: string;
1701    /** Server version */
1702    ServerVer_u32: number;
1703    /** Server build number */
1704    ServerBuild_u32: number;
1705    /** Client string */
1706    ClientStr_str: string;
1707    /** Client version */
1708    ClientVer_u32: number;
1709    /** Client build number */
1710    ClientBuild_u32: number;
1711    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcConnectionInfo' class: Connection information */
1712    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcConnectionInfo>);
1714/** Proxy type */
1715export declare enum VpnRpcProxyType {
1716    /** Direct TCP connection */
1717    Direct = 0,
1718    /** Connection via HTTP proxy server */
1719    HTTP = 1,
1720    /** Connection via SOCKS proxy server */
1721    SOCKS = 2
1723/** The current status of the DDNS */
1724export declare class VpnDDnsClientStatus {
1725    /** Last error code (IPv4) */
1726    Err_IPv4_u32: number;
1727    /** Last error string (IPv4) */
1728    ErrStr_IPv4_utf: string;
1729    /** Last error code (IPv6) */
1730    Err_IPv6_u32: number;
1731    /** Last error string (IPv6) */
1732    ErrStr_IPv6_utf: string;
1733    /** Current DDNS host name */
1734    CurrentHostName_str: string;
1735    /** Current FQDN of the DDNS hostname */
1736    CurrentFqdn_str: string;
1737    /** DDNS suffix */
1738    DnsSuffix_str: string;
1739    /** Current IPv4 address of the VPN Server */
1740    CurrentIPv4_str: string;
1741    /** Current IPv6 address of the VPN Server */
1742    CurrentIPv6_str: string;
1743    /** Constructor for the 'VpnDDnsClientStatus' class: The current status of the DDNS */
1744    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnDDnsClientStatus>);
1746/** Internet connection settings */
1747export declare class VpnInternetSetting {
1748    /** Type of proxy server */
1749    ProxyType_u32: VpnRpcProxyType;
1750    /** Proxy server host name */
1751    ProxyHostName_str: string;
1752    /** Proxy server port number */
1753    ProxyPort_u32: number;
1754    /** Proxy server user name */
1755    ProxyUsername_str: string;
1756    /** Proxy server password */
1757    ProxyPassword_str: string;
1758    /** Constructor for the 'VpnInternetSetting' class: Internet connection settings */
1759    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnInternetSetting>);
1761/** Administration options */
1762export declare class VpnAdminOption {
1763    /** Name */
1764    Name_str: string;
1765    /** Data */
1766    Value_u32: number;
1767    /** Descrption */
1768    Descrption_utf: string;
1769    /** Constructor for the 'VpnAdminOption' class: Administration options */
1770    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnAdminOption>);
1772/** Administration options list */
1773export declare class VpnRpcAdminOption {
1774    /** Virtual HUB name */
1775    HubName_str: string;
1776    /** List data */
1777    AdminOptionList: VpnAdminOption[];
1778    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcAdminOption' class: Administration options list */
1779    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcAdminOption>);
1781/** Connection state to the controller */
1782export declare class VpnRpcFarmConnectionStatus {
1783    /** IP address */
1784    Ip_ip: string;
1785    /** Port number */
1786    Port_u32: number;
1787    /** Online state */
1788    Online_bool: boolean;
1789    /** Last error code */
1790    LastError_u32: number;
1791    /** Connection start time */
1792    StartedTime_dt: Date;
1793    /** First connection time */
1794    FirstConnectedTime_dt: Date;
1795    /** Connection time of this time */
1796    CurrentConnectedTime_dt: Date;
1797    /** Number of retries */
1798    NumTry_u32: number;
1799    /** Number of connection count */
1800    NumConnected_u32: number;
1801    /** Connection failure count */
1802    NumFailed_u32: number;
1803    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcFarmConnectionStatus' class: Connection state to the controller */
1804    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcFarmConnectionStatus>);
1806/** HUB item of each farm member */
1807export declare class VpnRpcFarmHub {
1808    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1809    HubName_str: string;
1810    /** Dynamic HUB */
1811    DynamicHub_bool: boolean;
1812    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcFarmHub' class: HUB item of each farm member */
1813    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcFarmHub>);
1815/** Server farm member information acquisition */
1816export declare class VpnRpcFarmInfo {
1817    /** ID */
1818    Id_u32: number;
1819    /** The flag if the server is Cluster Controller (false: Cluster Member servers) */
1820    Controller_bool: boolean;
1821    /** Connection Established Time */
1822    ConnectedTime_dt: Date;
1823    /** IP address */
1824    Ip_ip: string;
1825    /** Host name */
1826    Hostname_str: string;
1827    /** Point */
1828    Point_u32: number;
1829    /** Number of Public Ports */
1830    NumPort_u32: number;
1831    /** Public Ports */
1832    Ports_u32: number[];
1833    /** Server certificate */
1834    ServerCert_bin: Uint8Array;
1835    /** Number of farm HUB */
1836    NumFarmHub_u32: number;
1837    /** The hosted Virtual Hub list */
1838    HubsList: VpnRpcFarmHub[];
1839    /** Number of hosted VPN sessions */
1840    NumSessions_u32: number;
1841    /** Number of TCP connections */
1842    NumTcpConnections_u32: number;
1843    /** Performance Standard Ratio */
1844    Weight_u32: number;
1845    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcFarmInfo' class: Server farm member information acquisition */
1846    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcFarmInfo>);
1848/** Server farm configuration */
1849export declare class VpnRpcFarm {
1850    /** Type of server */
1851    ServerType_u32: VpnRpcServerType;
1852    /** Valid only for Cluster Member servers. Number of the Ports_u32 element. */
1853    NumPort_u32: number;
1854    /** Valid only for Cluster Member servers. Specify the list of public port numbers on this server. The list must have at least one public port number set, and it is also possible to set multiple public port numbers. */
1855    Ports_u32: number[];
1856    /** Valid only for Cluster Member servers. Specify the public IP address of this server. If you wish to leave public IP address unspecified, specify the empty string. When a public IP address is not specified, the IP address of the network interface used when connecting to the cluster controller will be automatically used. */
1857    PublicIp_ip: string;
1858    /** Valid only for Cluster Member servers. Specify the host name or IP address of the destination cluster controller. */
1859    ControllerName_str: string;
1860    /** Valid only for Cluster Member servers. Specify the TCP port number of the destination cluster controller. */
1861    ControllerPort_u32: number;
1862    /** Valid only for Cluster Member servers. Specify the password required to connect to the destination controller. It needs to be the same as an administrator password on the destination controller. */
1863    MemberPasswordPlaintext_str: string;
1864    /** This sets a value for the performance standard ratio of this VPN Server. This is the standard value for when load balancing is performed in the cluster. For example, making only one machine 200 while the other members have a status of 100, will regulate that machine to receive twice as many connections as the other members. Specify 1 or higher for the value. If this parameter is left unspecified, 100 will be used. */
1865    Weight_u32: number;
1866    /** Valid only for Cluster Controller server. By specifying true, the VPN Server will operate only as a controller on the cluster and it will always distribute general VPN Client connections to members other than itself. This function is used in high-load environments. */
1867    ControllerOnly_bool: boolean;
1868    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcFarm' class: Server farm configuration */
1869    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcFarm>);
1871/** Log switch type */
1872export declare enum VpnRpcLogSwitchType {
1873    /** No switching */
1874    No = 0,
1875    /** Secondly basis */
1876    Second = 1,
1877    /** Minutely basis */
1878    Minute = 2,
1879    /** Hourly basis */
1880    Hour = 3,
1881    /** Daily basis */
1882    Day = 4,
1883    /** Monthly basis */
1884    Month = 5
1886/** Packet log settings */
1887export declare enum VpnRpcPacketLogSetting {
1888    /** Not save */
1889    None = 0,
1890    /** Only header */
1891    Header = 1,
1892    /** All payloads */
1893    All = 2
1895/** Packet log settings array index */
1896export declare enum VpnRpcPacketLogSettingIndex {
1897    /** TCP connection log */
1898    TcpConnection = 0,
1899    /** TCP packet log */
1900    TcpAll = 1,
1901    /** DHCP Log */
1902    Dhcp = 2,
1903    /** UDP log */
1904    Udp = 3,
1905    /** ICMP log */
1906    Icmp = 4,
1907    /** IP log */
1908    Ip = 5,
1909    /** ARP log */
1910    Arp = 6,
1911    /** Ethernet log */
1912    Ethernet = 7
1914/** HUB log settings */
1915export declare class VpnRpcHubLog {
1916    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1917    HubName_str: string;
1918    /** The flag to enable / disable saving the security log */
1919    SaveSecurityLog_bool: boolean;
1920    /** The log filename switching setting of the security log */
1921    SecurityLogSwitchType_u32: VpnRpcLogSwitchType;
1922    /** The flag to enable / disable saving the security log */
1923    SavePacketLog_bool: boolean;
1924    /** The log filename switching settings of the packet logs */
1925    PacketLogSwitchType_u32: VpnRpcLogSwitchType;
1926    /** Specify the save contents of the packet logs (uint * 16 array). The index numbers: TcpConnection = 0, TcpAll = 1, DHCP = 2, UDP = 3, ICMP = 4, IP = 5, ARP = 6, Ethernet = 7. */
1927    PacketLogConfig_u32: VpnRpcPacketLogSetting[];
1928    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcHubLog' class: HUB log settings */
1929    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcHubLog>);
1931/** RADIUS server options */
1932export declare class VpnRpcRadius {
1933    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1934    HubName_str: string;
1935    /** RADIUS server name */
1936    RadiusServerName_str: string;
1937    /** RADIUS port number */
1938    RadiusPort_u32: number;
1939    /** Secret key */
1940    RadiusSecret_str: string;
1941    /** Radius retry interval */
1942    RadiusRetryInterval_u32: number;
1943    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcRadius' class: RADIUS server options */
1944    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcRadius>);
1946/** Get the state HUB */
1947export declare class VpnRpcHubStatus {
1948    /** The Virtual Hub name */
1949    HubName_str: string;
1950    /** Online */
1951    Online_bool: boolean;
1952    /** Type of HUB */
1953    HubType_u32: VpnRpcHubType;
1954    /** Number of sessions */
1955    NumSessions_u32: number;
1956    /** Number of sessions (client mode) */
1957    NumSessionsClient_u32: number;
1958    /** Number of sessions (bridge mode) */
1959    NumSessionsBridge_u32: number;
1960    /** Number of Access list entries */
1961    NumAccessLists_u32: number;
1962    /** Number of users */
1963    NumUsers_u32: number;
1964    /** Number of groups */
1965    NumGroups_u32: number;
1966    /** Number of MAC table entries */
1967    NumMacTables_u32: number;
1968    /** Number of IP table entries */
1969    NumIpTables_u32: number;
1970    /** Number of broadcast packets (Recv) */
1971    ["Recv.BroadcastBytes_u64"]: number;
1972    /** Broadcast bytes (Recv) */
1973    ["Recv.BroadcastCount_u64"]: number;
1974    /** Unicast count (Recv) */
1975    ["Recv.UnicastBytes_u64"]: number;
1976    /** Unicast bytes (Recv) */
1977    ["Recv.UnicastCount_u64"]: number;
1978    /** Number of broadcast packets (Send) */
1979    ["Send.BroadcastBytes_u64"]: number;
1980    /** Broadcast bytes (Send) */
1981    ["Send.BroadcastCount_u64"]: number;
1982    /** Unicast bytes (Send) */
1983    ["Send.UnicastBytes_u64"]: number;
1984    /** Unicast bytes (Send) */
1985    ["Send.UnicastCount_u64"]: number;
1986    /** Whether SecureNAT is enabled */
1987    SecureNATEnabled_bool: boolean;
1988    /** Last communication date and time */
1989    LastCommTime_dt: Date;
1990    /** Last login date and time */
1991    LastLoginTime_dt: Date;
1992    /** Creation date and time */
1993    CreatedTime_dt: Date;
1994    /** Number of logins */
1995    NumLogin_u32: number;
1996    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcHubStatus' class: Get the state HUB */
1997    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcHubStatus>);
1999/** List of services provided by IPsec server */
2000export declare class VpnIPsecServices {
2001    /** Enable or Disable the L2TP Server Function (Raw L2TP with No Encryptions). To accept special VPN clients, enable this option. */
2002    L2TP_Raw_bool: boolean;
2003    /** Enable or Disable the L2TP over IPsec Server Function. To accept VPN connections from iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows or Mac OS X, enable this option. */
2004    L2TP_IPsec_bool: boolean;
2005    /** Enable or Disable the EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Server Function (for site-to-site VPN Server function). Router Products which are compatible with EtherIP over IPsec can connect to Virtual Hubs on the VPN Server and establish Layer-2 (Ethernet) Bridging. */
2006    EtherIP_IPsec_bool: boolean;
2007    /** Specify the IPsec Pre-Shared Key. An IPsec Pre-Shared Key is also called as "PSK" or "secret". Specify it equal or less than 8 letters, and distribute it to every users who will connect to the VPN Server. Please note: Google Android 4.0 has a bug which a Pre-Shared Key with 10 or more letters causes a unexpected behavior. For that reason, the letters of a Pre-Shared Key should be 9 or less characters. */
2008    IPsec_Secret_str: string;
2009    /** Specify the default Virtual HUB in a case of omitting the name of HUB on the Username. Users should specify their username such as "Username@Target Virtual HUB Name" to connect this L2TP Server. If the designation of the Virtual Hub is omitted, the above HUB will be used as the target. */
2010    L2TP_DefaultHub_str: string;
2011    /** Constructor for the 'VpnIPsecServices' class: List of services provided by IPsec server */
2012    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnIPsecServices>);
2014/** Keep alive protocol */
2015export declare enum VpnRpcKeepAliveProtocol {
2016    /** TCP */
2017    TCP = 0,
2018    /** UDP */
2019    UDP = 1
2021/** Keep Alive settings */
2022export declare class VpnRpcKeep {
2023    /** The flag to enable keep-alive to the Internet */
2024    UseKeepConnect_bool: boolean;
2025    /** Specify the host name or IP address of the destination */
2026    KeepConnectHost_str: string;
2027    /** Specify the port number of the destination */
2028    KeepConnectPort_u32: number;
2029    /** Protocol type */
2030    KeepConnectProtocol_u32: VpnRpcKeepAliveProtocol;
2031    /** Interval Between Packets Sends (Seconds) */
2032    KeepConnectInterval_u32: number;
2033    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcKeep' class: Keep Alive settings */
2034    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcKeep>);
2036/** State of the client session */
2037export declare enum VpnRpcClientSessionStatus {
2038    /** Connecting */
2039    Connecting = 0,
2040    /** Negotiating */
2041    Negotiation = 1,
2042    /** During user authentication */
2043    Auth = 2,
2044    /** Connection complete */
2045    Established = 3,
2046    /** Wait to retry */
2047    Retry = 4,
2048    /** Idle state */
2049    Idle = 5
2051/** Get the link state */
2052export declare class VpnRpcLinkStatus {
2053    /** The Virtual Hub name */
2054    HubName_Ex_str: string;
2055    /** The name of the cascade connection */
2056    AccountName_utf: string;
2057    /** The flag whether the cascade connection is enabled */
2058    Active_bool: boolean;
2059    /** The flag whether the cascade connection is established */
2060    Connected_bool: boolean;
2061    /** The session status */
2062    SessionStatus_u32: VpnRpcClientSessionStatus;
2063    /** The destination VPN server name */
2064    ServerName_str: string;
2065    /** The port number of the server */
2066    ServerPort_u32: number;
2067    /** Server product name */
2068    ServerProductName_str: string;
2069    /** Server product version */
2070    ServerProductVer_u32: number;
2071    /** Server product build number */
2072    ServerProductBuild_u32: number;
2073    /** Server's X.509 certificate */
2074    ServerX_bin: Uint8Array;
2075    /** Client certificate */
2076    ClientX_bin: Uint8Array;
2077    /** Connection start time */
2078    StartTime_dt: Date;
2079    /** Connection completion time of the first connection */
2080    FirstConnectionEstablisiedTime_dt: Date;
2081    /** Connection completion time of this connection */
2082    CurrentConnectionEstablishTime_dt: Date;
2083    /** Number of connections have been established so far */
2084    NumConnectionsEatablished_u32: number;
2085    /** Half-connection */
2086    HalfConnection_bool: boolean;
2087    /** VoIP / QoS */
2088    QoS_bool: boolean;
2089    /** Maximum number of the underlying TCP connections */
2090    MaxTcpConnections_u32: number;
2091    /** Number of current underlying TCP connections */
2092    NumTcpConnections_u32: number;
2093    /** Number of underlying inbound TCP connections */
2094    NumTcpConnectionsUpload_u32: number;
2095    /** Number of underlying outbound TCP connections */
2096    NumTcpConnectionsDownload_u32: number;
2097    /** Use of encryption */
2098    UseEncrypt_bool: boolean;
2099    /** Cipher algorithm name */
2100    CipherName_str: string;
2101    /** Use of compression */
2102    UseCompress_bool: boolean;
2103    /** The flag whether this is a R-UDP session */
2104    IsRUDPSession_bool: boolean;
2105    /** Underlying physical communication protocol */
2106    UnderlayProtocol_str: string;
2107    /** The UDP acceleration is enabled */
2108    IsUdpAccelerationEnabled_bool: boolean;
2109    /** The UDP acceleration is being actually used */
2110    IsUsingUdpAcceleration_bool: boolean;
2111    /** Session name */
2112    SessionName_str: string;
2113    /** Connection name */
2114    ConnectionName_str: string;
2115    /** Session key */
2116    SessionKey_bin: Uint8Array;
2117    /** Total transmitted data size */
2118    TotalSendSize_u64: number;
2119    /** Total received data size */
2120    TotalRecvSize_u64: number;
2121    /** Total transmitted data size (no compression) */
2122    TotalSendSizeReal_u64: number;
2123    /** Total received data size (no compression) */
2124    TotalRecvSizeReal_u64: number;
2125    /** The flag whether the VPN session is Bridge Mode */
2126    IsBridgeMode_bool: boolean;
2127    /** The flag whether the VPN session is Monitor mode */
2128    IsMonitorMode_bool: boolean;
2129    /** VLAN ID */
2130    VLanId_u32: number;
2131    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcLinkStatus' class: Get the link state */
2132    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcLinkStatus>);
2134/** Setting of SSTP and OpenVPN */
2135export declare class VpnOpenVpnSstpConfig {
2136    /** Specify true to enable the OpenVPN Clone Server Function. Specify false to disable. */
2137    EnableOpenVPN_bool: boolean;
2138    /** Specify UDP ports to listen for OpenVPN. Multiple UDP ports can be specified with splitting by space or comma letters, for example: "1194, 2001, 2010, 2012". The default port for OpenVPN is UDP 1194. You can specify any other UDP ports. */
2139    OpenVPNPortList_str: string;
2140    /** pecify true to enable the Microsoft SSTP VPN Clone Server Function. Specify false to disable. */
2141    EnableSSTP_bool: boolean;
2142    /** Constructor for the 'VpnOpenVpnSstpConfig' class: Setting of SSTP and OpenVPN */
2143    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnOpenVpnSstpConfig>);
2145/** Virtual host option */
2146export declare class VpnVhOption {
2147    /** Target Virtual HUB name */
2148    RpcHubName_str: string;
2149    /** MAC address */
2150    MacAddress_bin: Uint8Array;
2151    /** IP address */
2152    Ip_ip: string;
2153    /** Subnet mask */
2154    Mask_ip: string;
2155    /** Use flag of the Virtual NAT function */
2156    UseNat_bool: boolean;
2157    /** MTU value (Standard: 1500) */
2158    Mtu_u32: number;
2159    /** NAT TCP timeout in seconds */
2160    NatTcpTimeout_u32: number;
2161    /** NAT UDP timeout in seconds */
2162    NatUdpTimeout_u32: number;
2163    /** Using flag of DHCP function */
2164    UseDhcp_bool: boolean;
2165    /** Specify the start point of the address band to be distributed to the client. (Example: */
2166    DhcpLeaseIPStart_ip: string;
2167    /** Specify the end point of the address band to be distributed to the client. (Example: */
2168    DhcpLeaseIPEnd_ip: string;
2169    /** Specify the subnet mask to be specified for the client. (Example: */
2170    DhcpSubnetMask_ip: string;
2171    /** Specify the expiration date in second units for leasing an IP address to a client. */
2172    DhcpExpireTimeSpan_u32: number;
2173    /** Specify the IP address of the default gateway to be notified to the client. You can specify a SecureNAT Virtual Host IP address for this when the SecureNAT Function's Virtual NAT Function has been enabled and is being used also. If you specify 0 or none, then the client will not be notified of the default gateway. */
2174    DhcpGatewayAddress_ip: string;
2175    /** Specify the IP address of the primary DNS Server to be notified to the client. You can specify a SecureNAT Virtual Host IP address for this when the SecureNAT Function's Virtual NAT Function has been enabled and is being used also. If you specify empty, then the client will not be notified of the DNS Server address. */
2176    DhcpDnsServerAddress_ip: string;
2177    /** Specify the IP address of the secondary DNS Server to be notified to the client. You can specify a SecureNAT Virtual Host IP address for this when the SecureNAT Function's Virtual NAT Function has been enabled and is being used also. If you specify empty, then the client will not be notified of the DNS Server address. */
2178    DhcpDnsServerAddress2_ip: string;
2179    /** Specify the domain name to be notified to the client. If you specify none, then the client will not be notified of the domain name. */
2180    DhcpDomainName_str: string;
2181    /** Specify whether or not to save the Virtual DHCP Server operation in the Virtual Hub security log. Specify true to save it. This value is interlinked with the Virtual NAT Function log save setting. */
2182    SaveLog_bool: boolean;
2183    /** The flag to enable the DhcpPushRoutes_str field. */
2184    ApplyDhcpPushRoutes_bool: boolean;
2185    /** Specify the static routing table to push. Example: "," Split multiple entries (maximum: 64 entries) by comma or space characters. Each entry must be specified in the "IP network address/subnet mask/gateway IP address" format. This Virtual DHCP Server can push the classless static routes (RFC 3442) with DHCP reply messages to VPN clients. Whether or not a VPN client can recognize the classless static routes (RFC 3442) depends on the target VPN client software. SoftEther VPN Client and OpenVPN Client are supporting the classless static routes. On L2TP/IPsec and MS-SSTP protocols, the compatibility depends on the implementation of the client software. You can realize the split tunneling if you clear the default gateway field on the Virtual DHCP Server options. On the client side, L2TP/IPsec and MS-SSTP clients need to be configured not to set up the default gateway for the split tunneling usage. You can also push the classless static routes (RFC 3442) by your existing external DHCP server. In that case, disable the Virtual DHCP Server function on SecureNAT, and you need not to set up the classless routes on this API. See the RFC 3442 to understand the classless routes. */
2186    DhcpPushRoutes_str: string;
2187    /** Constructor for the 'VpnVhOption' class: Virtual host option */
2188    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnVhOption>);
2190/** RPC_NAT_STATUS */
2191export declare class VpnRpcNatStatus {
2192    /** Virtual Hub Name */
2193    HubName_str: string;
2194    /** Number of TCP sessions */
2195    NumTcpSessions_u32: number;
2196    /** Ntmber of UDP sessions */
2197    NumUdpSessions_u32: number;
2198    /** Nymber of ICMP sessions */
2199    NumIcmpSessions_u32: number;
2200    /** Number of DNS sessions */
2201    NumDnsSessions_u32: number;
2202    /** Number of DHCP clients */
2203    NumDhcpClients_u32: number;
2204    /** Whether the NAT is operating in the Kernel Mode */
2205    IsKernelMode_bool: boolean;
2206    /** Whether the NAT is operating in the Raw IP Mode */
2207    IsRawIpMode_bool: boolean;
2208    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcNatStatus' class: RPC_NAT_STATUS */
2209    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcNatStatus>);
2211/** Key pair */
2212export declare class VpnRpcKeyPair {
2213    /** The body of the certificate */
2214    Cert_bin: Uint8Array;
2215    /** The body of the private key */
2216    Key_bin: Uint8Array;
2217    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcKeyPair' class: Key pair */
2218    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcKeyPair>);
2220/** Single string value */
2221export declare class VpnRpcStr {
2222    /** A string value */
2223    String_str: string;
2224    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcStr' class: Single string value */
2225    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcStr>);
2227/** Type of VPN Server */
2228export declare enum VpnRpcServerType {
2229    /** Stand-alone server */
2230    Standalone = 0,
2231    /** Farm controller server */
2232    FarmController = 1,
2233    /** Farm member server */
2234    FarmMember = 2
2236/** Operating system type */
2237export declare enum VpnRpcOsType {
2238    /** Windows 95 */
2239    WINDOWS_95 = 1100,
2240    /** Windows 98 */
2241    WINDOWS_98 = 1200,
2242    /** Windows Me */
2243    WINDOWS_ME = 1300,
2244    /** Windows (unknown) */
2245    WINDOWS_UNKNOWN = 1400,
2246    /** Windows NT 4.0 Workstation */
2247    WINDOWS_NT_4_WORKSTATION = 2100,
2248    /** Windows NT 4.0 Server */
2249    WINDOWS_NT_4_SERVER = 2110,
2250    /** Windows NT 4.0 Server, Enterprise Edition */
2252    /** Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server */
2254    /** BackOffice Server 4.5 */
2255    WINDOWS_NT_4_BACKOFFICE = 2113,
2256    /** Small Business Server 4.5 */
2257    WINDOWS_NT_4_SMS = 2114,
2258    /** Windows 2000 Professional */
2259    WINDOWS_2000_PROFESSIONAL = 2200,
2260    /** Windows 2000 Server */
2261    WINDOWS_2000_SERVER = 2211,
2262    /** Windows 2000 Advanced Server */
2263    WINDOWS_2000_ADVANCED_SERVER = 2212,
2264    /** Windows 2000 Datacenter Server */
2265    WINDOWS_2000_DATACENTER_SERVER = 2213,
2266    /** BackOffice Server 2000 */
2267    WINDOWS_2000_BACKOFFICE = 2214,
2268    /** Small Business Server 2000 */
2269    WINDOWS_2000_SBS = 2215,
2270    /** Windows XP Home Edition */
2271    WINDOWS_XP_HOME = 2300,
2272    /** Windows XP Professional */
2274    /** Windows Server 2003 Web Edition */
2275    WINDOWS_2003_WEB = 2410,
2276    /** Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition */
2277    WINDOWS_2003_STANDARD = 2411,
2278    /** Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition */
2279    WINDOWS_2003_ENTERPRISE = 2412,
2280    /** Windows Server 2003 DataCenter Edition */
2281    WINDOWS_2003_DATACENTER = 2413,
2282    /** BackOffice Server 2003 */
2283    WINDOWS_2003_BACKOFFICE = 2414,
2284    /** Small Business Server 2003 */
2285    WINDOWS_2003_SBS = 2415,
2286    /** Windows Vista */
2288    /** Windows Server 2008 */
2290    /** Windows 7 */
2291    WINDOWS_7 = 2600,
2292    /** Windows Server 2008 R2 */
2293    WINDOWS_SERVER_2008_R2 = 2610,
2294    /** Windows 8 */
2295    WINDOWS_8 = 2700,
2296    /** Windows Server 2012 */
2297    WINDOWS_SERVER_8 = 2710,
2298    /** Windows 8.1 */
2299    WINDOWS_81 = 2701,
2300    /** Windows Server 2012 R2 */
2301    WINDOWS_SERVER_81 = 2711,
2302    /** Windows 10 */
2303    WINDOWS_10 = 2702,
2304    /** Windows Server 10 */
2305    WINDOWS_SERVER_10 = 2712,
2306    /** Windows 11 or later */
2307    WINDOWS_11 = 2800,
2308    /** Windows Server 11 or later */
2309    WINDOWS_SERVER_11 = 2810,
2310    /** Unknown UNIX */
2311    UNIX_UNKNOWN = 3000,
2312    /** Linux */
2313    LINUX = 3100,
2314    /** Solaris */
2315    SOLARIS = 3200,
2316    /** Cygwin */
2317    CYGWIN = 3300,
2318    /** BSD */
2319    BSD = 3400,
2320    /** MacOS X */
2321    MACOS_X = 3500
2323/** VPN Server Information */
2324export declare class VpnRpcServerInfo {
2325    /** Server product name */
2326    ServerProductName_str: string;
2327    /** Server version string */
2328    ServerVersionString_str: string;
2329    /** Server build information string */
2330    ServerBuildInfoString_str: string;
2331    /** Server version integer value */
2332    ServerVerInt_u32: number;
2333    /** Server build number integer value */
2334    ServerBuildInt_u32: number;
2335    /** Server host name */
2336    ServerHostName_str: string;
2337    /** Type of server */
2338    ServerType_u32: VpnRpcServerType;
2339    /** Build date and time of the server */
2340    ServerBuildDate_dt: Date;
2341    /** Family name */
2342    ServerFamilyName_str: string;
2343    /** OS type */
2344    OsType_u32: VpnRpcOsType;
2345    /** Service pack number */
2346    OsServicePack_u32: number;
2347    /** OS system name */
2348    OsSystemName_str: string;
2349    /** OS product name */
2350    OsProductName_str: string;
2351    /** OS vendor name */
2352    OsVendorName_str: string;
2353    /** OS version */
2354    OsVersion_str: string;
2355    /** Kernel name */
2356    KernelName_str: string;
2357    /** Kernel version */
2358    KernelVersion_str: string;
2359    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcServerInfo' class: VPN Server Information */
2360    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcServerInfo>);
2362/** Server status */
2363export declare class VpnRpcServerStatus {
2364    /** Type of server */
2365    ServerType_u32: VpnRpcServerType;
2366    /** Total number of TCP connections */
2367    NumTcpConnections_u32: number;
2368    /** Number of Local TCP connections */
2369    NumTcpConnectionsLocal_u32: number;
2370    /** Number of remote TCP connections */
2371    NumTcpConnectionsRemote_u32: number;
2372    /** Total number of HUBs */
2373    NumHubTotal_u32: number;
2374    /** Nymber of stand-alone HUB */
2375    NumHubStandalone_u32: number;
2376    /** Number of static HUBs */
2377    NumHubStatic_u32: number;
2378    /** Number of Dynamic HUBs */
2379    NumHubDynamic_u32: number;
2380    /** Total number of sessions */
2381    NumSessionsTotal_u32: number;
2382    /** Number of local VPN sessions */
2383    NumSessionsLocal_u32: number;
2384    /** The number of remote sessions */
2385    NumSessionsRemote_u32: number;
2386    /** Number of MAC table entries (total sum of all Virtual Hubs) */
2387    NumMacTables_u32: number;
2388    /** Number of IP table entries (total sum of all Virtual Hubs) */
2389    NumIpTables_u32: number;
2390    /** Number of users (total sum of all Virtual Hubs) */
2391    NumUsers_u32: number;
2392    /** Number of groups (total sum of all Virtual Hubs) */
2393    NumGroups_u32: number;
2394    /** Number of assigned bridge licenses (Useful to make a commercial version) */
2395    AssignedBridgeLicenses_u32: number;
2396    /** Number of assigned client licenses (Useful to make a commercial version) */
2397    AssignedClientLicenses_u32: number;
2398    /** Number of Assigned bridge license (cluster-wide), useful to make a commercial version */
2399    AssignedBridgeLicensesTotal_u32: number;
2400    /** Number of assigned client licenses (cluster-wide), useful to make a commercial version */
2401    AssignedClientLicensesTotal_u32: number;
2402    /** Number of broadcast packets (Recv) */
2403    ["Recv.BroadcastBytes_u64"]: number;
2404    /** Broadcast bytes (Recv) */
2405    ["Recv.BroadcastCount_u64"]: number;
2406    /** Unicast count (Recv) */
2407    ["Recv.UnicastBytes_u64"]: number;
2408    /** Unicast bytes (Recv) */
2409    ["Recv.UnicastCount_u64"]: number;
2410    /** Number of broadcast packets (Send) */
2411    ["Send.BroadcastBytes_u64"]: number;
2412    /** Broadcast bytes (Send) */
2413    ["Send.BroadcastCount_u64"]: number;
2414    /** Unicast bytes (Send) */
2415    ["Send.UnicastBytes_u64"]: number;
2416    /** Unicast bytes (Send) */
2417    ["Send.UnicastCount_u64"]: number;
2418    /** Current time */
2419    CurrentTime_dt: Date;
2420    /** 64 bit High-Precision Logical System Clock */
2421    CurrentTick_u64: number;
2422    /** VPN Server Start-up time */
2423    StartTime_dt: Date;
2424    /** Memory information: Total Memory */
2425    TotalMemory_u64: number;
2426    /** Memory information: Used Memory */
2427    UsedMemory_u64: number;
2428    /** Memory information: Free Memory */
2429    FreeMemory_u64: number;
2430    /** Memory information: Total Phys */
2431    TotalPhys_u64: number;
2432    /** Memory information: Used Phys */
2433    UsedPhys_u64: number;
2434    /** Memory information: Free Phys */
2435    FreePhys_u64: number;
2436    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcServerStatus' class: Server status */
2437    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcServerStatus>);
2439/** VPN Session status */
2440export declare class VpnRpcSessionStatus {
2441    /** The Virtual Hub name */
2442    HubName_str: string;
2443    /** VPN session name */
2444    Name_str: string;
2445    /** User name */
2446    Username_str: string;
2447    /** Real user name which was used for the authentication */
2448    RealUsername_str: string;
2449    /** Group name */
2450    GroupName_str: string;
2451    /** Is Cascade Session */
2452    LinkMode_bool: boolean;
2453    /** Client IP address */
2454    Client_Ip_Address_ip: string;
2455    /** Client host name */
2456    SessionStatus_ClientHostName_str: string;
2457    /** Operation flag */
2458    Active_bool: boolean;
2459    /** Connected flag */
2460    Connected_bool: boolean;
2461    /** State of the client session */
2462    SessionStatus_u32: VpnRpcClientSessionStatus;
2463    /** Server name */
2464    ServerName_str: string;
2465    /** Port number of the server */
2466    ServerPort_u32: number;
2467    /** Server product name */
2468    ServerProductName_str: string;
2469    /** Server product version */
2470    ServerProductVer_u32: number;
2471    /** Server product build number */
2472    ServerProductBuild_u32: number;
2473    /** Connection start time */
2474    StartTime_dt: Date;
2475    /** Connection completion time of the first connection */
2476    FirstConnectionEstablisiedTime_dt: Date;
2477    /** Connection completion time of this connection */
2478    CurrentConnectionEstablishTime_dt: Date;
2479    /** Number of connections have been established so far */
2480    NumConnectionsEatablished_u32: number;
2481    /** Half-connection */
2482    HalfConnection_bool: boolean;
2483    /** VoIP / QoS */
2484    QoS_bool: boolean;
2485    /** Maximum number of the underlying TCP connections */
2486    MaxTcpConnections_u32: number;
2487    /** Number of current underlying TCP connections */
2488    NumTcpConnections_u32: number;
2489    /** Number of inbound underlying connections */
2490    NumTcpConnectionsUpload_u32: number;
2491    /** Number of outbound underlying connections */
2492    NumTcpConnectionsDownload_u32: number;
2493    /** Use of encryption */
2494    UseEncrypt_bool: boolean;
2495    /** Cipher algorithm name */
2496    CipherName_str: string;
2497    /** Use of compression */
2498    UseCompress_bool: boolean;
2499    /** Is R-UDP session */
2500    IsRUDPSession_bool: boolean;
2501    /** Physical underlying communication protocol */
2502    UnderlayProtocol_str: string;
2503    /** The UDP acceleration is enabled */
2504    IsUdpAccelerationEnabled_bool: boolean;
2505    /** Using the UDP acceleration function */
2506    IsUsingUdpAcceleration_bool: boolean;
2507    /** VPN session name */
2508    SessionName_str: string;
2509    /** Connection name */
2510    ConnectionName_str: string;
2511    /** Session key */
2512    SessionKey_bin: Uint8Array;
2513    /** Total transmitted data size */
2514    TotalSendSize_u64: number;
2515    /** Total received data size */
2516    TotalRecvSize_u64: number;
2517    /** Total transmitted data size (no compression) */
2518    TotalSendSizeReal_u64: number;
2519    /** Total received data size (no compression) */
2520    TotalRecvSizeReal_u64: number;
2521    /** Is Bridge Mode */
2522    IsBridgeMode_bool: boolean;
2523    /** Is Monitor mode */
2524    IsMonitorMode_bool: boolean;
2525    /** VLAN ID */
2526    VLanId_u32: number;
2527    /** Client product name */
2528    ClientProductName_str: string;
2529    /** Client version */
2530    ClientProductVer_u32: number;
2531    /** Client build number */
2532    ClientProductBuild_u32: number;
2533    /** Client OS name */
2534    ClientOsName_str: string;
2535    /** Client OS version */
2536    ClientOsVer_str: string;
2537    /** Client OS Product ID */
2538    ClientOsProductId_str: string;
2539    /** Client host name */
2540    ClientHostname_str: string;
2541    /** Unique ID */
2542    UniqueId_bin: Uint8Array;
2543    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcSessionStatus' class: VPN Session status */
2544    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcSessionStatus>);
2546/** Set the special listener */
2547export declare class VpnRpcSpecialListener {
2548    /** The flag to activate the VPN over ICMP server function */
2549    VpnOverIcmpListener_bool: boolean;
2550    /** The flag to activate the VPN over DNS function */
2551    VpnOverDnsListener_bool: boolean;
2552    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcSpecialListener' class: Set the special listener */
2553    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcSpecialListener>);
2555/** Syslog configuration */
2556export declare enum VpnSyslogSaveType {
2557    /** Do not use syslog */
2558    None = 0,
2559    /** Only server log */
2560    ServerLog = 1,
2561    /** Server and Virtual HUB security log */
2562    ServerAndHubSecurityLog = 2,
2563    /** Server, Virtual HUB security, and packet log */
2564    ServerAndHubAllLog = 3
2566/** Syslog configuration */
2567export declare class VpnSyslogSetting {
2568    /** The behavior of the syslog function */
2569    SaveType_u32: VpnSyslogSaveType;
2570    /** Specify the host name or IP address of the syslog server */
2571    Hostname_str: string;
2572    /** Specify the port number of the syslog server */
2573    Port_u32: number;
2574    /** Constructor for the 'VpnSyslogSetting' class: Syslog configuration */
2575    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnSyslogSetting>);
2577/** VPN Gate Server Config */
2578export declare class VpnVgsConfig {
2579    /** Active flag */
2580    IsEnabled_bool: boolean;
2581    /** Message */
2582    Message_utf: string;
2583    /** Owner name */
2584    Owner_utf: string;
2585    /** Abuse email */
2586    Abuse_utf: string;
2587    /** Log save flag */
2588    NoLog_bool: boolean;
2589    /** Save log permanently */
2590    LogPermanent_bool: boolean;
2591    /** Enable the L2TP VPN function */
2592    EnableL2TP_bool: boolean;
2593    /** Constructor for the 'VpnVgsConfig' class: VPN Gate Server Config */
2594    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnVgsConfig>);
2596/** Read a Log file */
2597export declare class VpnRpcReadLogFile {
2598    /** Server name */
2599    ServerName_str: string;
2600    /** File Path */
2601    FilePath_str: string;
2602    /** Offset to download. You have to call the ReadLogFile API multiple times to download the entire log file with requesting a part of the file by specifying the Offset_u32 field. */
2603    Offset_u32: number;
2604    /** Received buffer */
2605    Buffer_bin: Uint8Array;
2606    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcReadLogFile' class: Read a Log file */
2607    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcReadLogFile>);
2609/** Rename link */
2610export declare class VpnRpcRenameLink {
2611    /** The Virtual Hub name */
2612    HubName_str: string;
2613    /** The old name of the cascade connection */
2614    OldAccountName_utf: string;
2615    /** The new name of the cascade connection */
2616    NewAccountName_utf: string;
2617    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcRenameLink' class: Rename link */
2618    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcRenameLink>);
2620/** Online or offline the HUB */
2621export declare class VpnRpcSetHubOnline {
2622    /** The Virtual Hub name */
2623    HubName_str: string;
2624    /** Online / offline flag */
2625    Online_bool: boolean;
2626    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcSetHubOnline' class: Online or offline the HUB */
2627    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcSetHubOnline>);
2629/** Set Password */
2630export declare class VpnRpcSetPassword {
2631    /** The plaintext password */
2632    PlainTextPassword_str: string;
2633    /** Constructor for the 'VpnRpcSetPassword' class: Set Password */
2634    constructor(init?: Partial<VpnRpcSetPassword>);
2636/** JSON-RPC request class. See https://www.jsonrpc.org/specification */
2637export declare class JsonRpcRequest {
2638    jsonrpc: string;
2639    method: string;
2640    params: any;
2641    id: string;
2642    constructor(method?: string, param?: any, id?: string);
2644/** JSON-RPC error class. See https://www.jsonrpc.org/specification */
2645export declare class JsonRpcError {
2646    code: number;
2647    message: string;
2648    data: any;
2649    constructor(code?: number, message?: string, data?: any);
2651/** JSON-RPC response class with generics */
2652export declare class JsonRpcResponse<TResult> {
2653    jsonrpc: string;
2654    result: TResult;
2655    error: JsonRpcError;
2656    id: string;
2658/** JSON-RPC client class. See https://www.jsonrpc.org/specification */
2659export declare class JsonRpcClient {
2660    /** A utility function to convert any object to JSON string */
2661    static ObjectToJson(obj: any): string;
2662    /** A utility function to convert JSON string to object */
2663    static JsonToObject(str: string): any;
2664    /** Base URL */
2665    BaseUrl: string;
2666    /** The instance of HTTP client */
2667    private client;
2668    /** Additional HTTP headers */
2669    private headers;
2670    /**
2671     * JSON-RPC client class constructor
2672     * @param url The URL
2673     * @param headers Additional HTTP headers
2674     * @param send_credential Set true to use the same credential with the browsing web site. Valid only if the code is running on the web browser.
2675     */
2676    constructor(url: string, headers: {
2677        [name: string]: string;
2678    }, send_credential: boolean, nodejs_https_client_reject_untrusted_server_cert: boolean);
2679    /**
2680     * Call a single RPC call (without error check). You can wait for the response with Promise<string> or await statement.
2681     * @param method_name The name of RPC method
2682     * @param param The parameters
2683     */
2684    CallInternalAsync(method_name: string, param: any): Promise<string>;
2685    /**
2686     * Call a single RPC call (with error check). You can wait for the response with Promise<TResult> or await statement. In the case of error, it will be thrown.
2687     * @param method_name The name of RPC method
2688     * @param param The parameters
2689     */
2690    CallAsync<TResult>(method_name: string, param: any): Promise<TResult>;
2692/** JSON-RPC exception class */
2693export declare class JsonRpcException extends Error {
2694    Error: JsonRpcError;
2695    constructor(error: JsonRpcError);
2697/** HTTP client exception class */
2698export declare class HttpClientException extends Error {
2699    constructor(message: string);
2701/** HTTP client response class */
2702export declare class HttpClientResponse {
2703    Body: string;
2705/** An HTTP client which can be used in both web browsers and Node.js */
2706export declare class HttpClient {
2707    TimeoutMsecs: number;
2708    SendCredential: boolean;
2709    NodeJS_HTTPS_Client_Reject_Unauthorized: boolean;
2710    /** Post method. In web browsers this function will process the request by itself. In Node.js this function will call PostAsync_NodeJS() instead. */
2711    PostAsync(url: string, headers: {
2712        [name: string]: string;
2713    }, req_body: string, req_media_type: string): Promise<HttpClientResponse>;
2714    /** Post method for Node.js. */
2715    PostAsync_NodeJS(url: string, headers: {
2716        [name: string]: string;
2717    }, req_body: string, req_media_type: string): Promise<HttpClientResponse>;
2719export declare function Util_Base64_Decode(b64: any): Uint8Array;
2720export declare function Util_Base64_Encode(uint8: any): string;
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