1// Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT.
3package types
5import (
6	"time"
9type ChildShard struct {
11	// The range of possible hash key values for the shard, which is a set of ordered
12	// contiguous positive integers.
13	//
14	// This member is required.
15	HashKeyRange *HashKeyRange
17	// This member is required.
18	ParentShards []string
20	// This member is required.
21	ShardId *string
24// An object that represents the details of the consumer you registered. This type
25// of object is returned by RegisterStreamConsumer.
26type Consumer struct {
28	// When you register a consumer, Kinesis Data Streams generates an ARN for it. You
29	// need this ARN to be able to call SubscribeToShard. If you delete a consumer and
30	// then create a new one with the same name, it won't have the same ARN. That's
31	// because consumer ARNs contain the creation timestamp. This is important to keep
32	// in mind if you have IAM policies that reference consumer ARNs.
33	//
34	// This member is required.
35	ConsumerARN *string
37	//
38	//
39	// This member is required.
40	ConsumerCreationTimestamp *time.Time
42	// The name of the consumer is something you choose when you register the consumer.
43	//
44	// This member is required.
45	ConsumerName *string
47	// A consumer can't read data while in the CREATING or DELETING states.
48	//
49	// This member is required.
50	ConsumerStatus ConsumerStatus
53// An object that represents the details of a registered consumer. This type of
54// object is returned by DescribeStreamConsumer.
55type ConsumerDescription struct {
57	// When you register a consumer, Kinesis Data Streams generates an ARN for it. You
58	// need this ARN to be able to call SubscribeToShard. If you delete a consumer and
59	// then create a new one with the same name, it won't have the same ARN. That's
60	// because consumer ARNs contain the creation timestamp. This is important to keep
61	// in mind if you have IAM policies that reference consumer ARNs.
62	//
63	// This member is required.
64	ConsumerARN *string
66	//
67	//
68	// This member is required.
69	ConsumerCreationTimestamp *time.Time
71	// The name of the consumer is something you choose when you register the consumer.
72	//
73	// This member is required.
74	ConsumerName *string
76	// A consumer can't read data while in the CREATING or DELETING states.
77	//
78	// This member is required.
79	ConsumerStatus ConsumerStatus
81	// The ARN of the stream with which you registered the consumer.
82	//
83	// This member is required.
84	StreamARN *string
87// Represents enhanced metrics types.
88type EnhancedMetrics struct {
90	// List of shard-level metrics. The following are the valid shard-level metrics.
91	// The value "ALL" enhances every metric.
92	//
93	// * IncomingBytes
94	//
95	// * IncomingRecords
96	//
97	// *
98	// OutgoingBytes
99	//
100	// * OutgoingRecords
101	//
102	// * WriteProvisionedThroughputExceeded
103	//
104	// *
105	// ReadProvisionedThroughputExceeded
106	//
107	// * IteratorAgeMilliseconds
108	//
109	// * ALL
110	//
111	// For more
112	// information, see Monitoring the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Service with Amazon
113	// CloudWatch
114	// (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/monitoring-with-cloudwatch.html)
115	// in the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Developer Guide.
116	ShardLevelMetrics []MetricsName
119// The range of possible hash key values for the shard, which is a set of ordered
120// contiguous positive integers.
121type HashKeyRange struct {
123	// The ending hash key of the hash key range.
124	//
125	// This member is required.
126	EndingHashKey *string
128	// The starting hash key of the hash key range.
129	//
130	// This member is required.
131	StartingHashKey *string
134// Represents the output for PutRecords.
135type PutRecordsRequestEntry struct {
137	// The data blob to put into the record, which is base64-encoded when the blob is
138	// serialized. When the data blob (the payload before base64-encoding) is added to
139	// the partition key size, the total size must not exceed the maximum record size
140	// (1 MiB).
141	//
142	// This member is required.
143	Data []byte
145	// Determines which shard in the stream the data record is assigned to. Partition
146	// keys are Unicode strings with a maximum length limit of 256 characters for each
147	// key. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams uses the partition key as input to a hash
148	// function that maps the partition key and associated data to a specific shard.
149	// Specifically, an MD5 hash function is used to map partition keys to 128-bit
150	// integer values and to map associated data records to shards. As a result of this
151	// hashing mechanism, all data records with the same partition key map to the same
152	// shard within the stream.
153	//
154	// This member is required.
155	PartitionKey *string
157	// The hash value used to determine explicitly the shard that the data record is
158	// assigned to by overriding the partition key hash.
159	ExplicitHashKey *string
162// Represents the result of an individual record from a PutRecords request. A
163// record that is successfully added to a stream includes SequenceNumber and
164// ShardId in the result. A record that fails to be added to the stream includes
165// ErrorCode and ErrorMessage in the result.
166type PutRecordsResultEntry struct {
168	// The error code for an individual record result. ErrorCodes can be either
169	// ProvisionedThroughputExceededException or InternalFailure.
170	ErrorCode *string
172	// The error message for an individual record result. An ErrorCode value of
173	// ProvisionedThroughputExceededException has an error message that includes the
174	// account ID, stream name, and shard ID. An ErrorCode value of InternalFailure has
175	// the error message "Internal Service Failure".
176	ErrorMessage *string
178	// The sequence number for an individual record result.
179	SequenceNumber *string
181	// The shard ID for an individual record result.
182	ShardId *string
185// The unit of data of the Kinesis data stream, which is composed of a sequence
186// number, a partition key, and a data blob.
187type Record struct {
189	// The data blob. The data in the blob is both opaque and immutable to Kinesis Data
190	// Streams, which does not inspect, interpret, or change the data in the blob in
191	// any way. When the data blob (the payload before base64-encoding) is added to the
192	// partition key size, the total size must not exceed the maximum record size (1
193	// MiB).
194	//
195	// This member is required.
196	Data []byte
198	// Identifies which shard in the stream the data record is assigned to.
199	//
200	// This member is required.
201	PartitionKey *string
203	// The unique identifier of the record within its shard.
204	//
205	// This member is required.
206	SequenceNumber *string
208	// The approximate time that the record was inserted into the stream.
209	ApproximateArrivalTimestamp *time.Time
211	// The encryption type used on the record. This parameter can be one of the
212	// following values:
213	//
214	// * NONE: Do not encrypt the records in the stream.
215	//
216	// * KMS: Use
217	// server-side encryption on the records in the stream using a customer-managed AWS
218	// KMS key.
219	EncryptionType EncryptionType
222// The range of possible sequence numbers for the shard.
223type SequenceNumberRange struct {
225	// The starting sequence number for the range.
226	//
227	// This member is required.
228	StartingSequenceNumber *string
230	// The ending sequence number for the range. Shards that are in the OPEN state have
231	// an ending sequence number of null.
232	EndingSequenceNumber *string
235// A uniquely identified group of data records in a Kinesis data stream.
236type Shard struct {
238	// The range of possible hash key values for the shard, which is a set of ordered
239	// contiguous positive integers.
240	//
241	// This member is required.
242	HashKeyRange *HashKeyRange
244	// The range of possible sequence numbers for the shard.
245	//
246	// This member is required.
247	SequenceNumberRange *SequenceNumberRange
249	// The unique identifier of the shard within the stream.
250	//
251	// This member is required.
252	ShardId *string
254	// The shard ID of the shard adjacent to the shard's parent.
255	AdjacentParentShardId *string
257	// The shard ID of the shard's parent.
258	ParentShardId *string
261type ShardFilter struct {
263	// This member is required.
264	Type ShardFilterType
266	ShardId *string
268	Timestamp *time.Time
271// Represents the output for DescribeStream.
272type StreamDescription struct {
274	// Represents the current enhanced monitoring settings of the stream.
275	//
276	// This member is required.
277	EnhancedMonitoring []EnhancedMetrics
279	// If set to true, more shards in the stream are available to describe.
280	//
281	// This member is required.
282	HasMoreShards *bool
284	// The current retention period, in hours. Minimum value of 24. Maximum value of
285	// 168.
286	//
287	// This member is required.
288	RetentionPeriodHours *int32
290	// The shards that comprise the stream.
291	//
292	// This member is required.
293	Shards []Shard
295	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the stream being described.
296	//
297	// This member is required.
298	StreamARN *string
300	// The approximate time that the stream was created.
301	//
302	// This member is required.
303	StreamCreationTimestamp *time.Time
305	// The name of the stream being described.
306	//
307	// This member is required.
308	StreamName *string
310	// The current status of the stream being described. The stream status is one of
311	// the following states:
312	//
313	// * CREATING - The stream is being created. Kinesis Data
314	// Streams immediately returns and sets StreamStatus to CREATING.
315	//
316	// * DELETING - The
317	// stream is being deleted. The specified stream is in the DELETING state until
318	// Kinesis Data Streams completes the deletion.
319	//
320	// * ACTIVE - The stream exists and
321	// is ready for read and write operations or deletion. You should perform read and
322	// write operations only on an ACTIVE stream.
323	//
324	// * UPDATING - Shards in the stream
325	// are being merged or split. Read and write operations continue to work while the
326	// stream is in the UPDATING state.
327	//
328	// This member is required.
329	StreamStatus StreamStatus
331	// The server-side encryption type used on the stream. This parameter can be one of
332	// the following values:
333	//
334	// * NONE: Do not encrypt the records in the stream.
335	//
336	// * KMS:
337	// Use server-side encryption on the records in the stream using a customer-managed
338	// AWS KMS key.
339	EncryptionType EncryptionType
341	// The GUID for the customer-managed AWS KMS key to use for encryption. This value
342	// can be a globally unique identifier, a fully specified ARN to either an alias or
343	// a key, or an alias name prefixed by "alias/".You can also use a master key owned
344	// by Kinesis Data Streams by specifying the alias aws/kinesis.
345	//
346	// * Key ARN example:
347	// arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:key/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012
348	//
349	// *
350	// Alias ARN example: arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:alias/MyAliasName
351	//
352	// *
353	// Globally unique key ID example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012
354	//
355	// * Alias
356	// name example: alias/MyAliasName
357	//
358	// * Master key owned by Kinesis Data Streams:
359	// alias/aws/kinesis
360	KeyId *string
363// Represents the output for DescribeStreamSummary
364type StreamDescriptionSummary struct {
366	// Represents the current enhanced monitoring settings of the stream.
367	//
368	// This member is required.
369	EnhancedMonitoring []EnhancedMetrics
371	// The number of open shards in the stream.
372	//
373	// This member is required.
374	OpenShardCount *int32
376	// The current retention period, in hours.
377	//
378	// This member is required.
379	RetentionPeriodHours *int32
381	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the stream being described.
382	//
383	// This member is required.
384	StreamARN *string
386	// The approximate time that the stream was created.
387	//
388	// This member is required.
389	StreamCreationTimestamp *time.Time
391	// The name of the stream being described.
392	//
393	// This member is required.
394	StreamName *string
396	// The current status of the stream being described. The stream status is one of
397	// the following states:
398	//
399	// * CREATING - The stream is being created. Kinesis Data
400	// Streams immediately returns and sets StreamStatus to CREATING.
401	//
402	// * DELETING - The
403	// stream is being deleted. The specified stream is in the DELETING state until
404	// Kinesis Data Streams completes the deletion.
405	//
406	// * ACTIVE - The stream exists and
407	// is ready for read and write operations or deletion. You should perform read and
408	// write operations only on an ACTIVE stream.
409	//
410	// * UPDATING - Shards in the stream
411	// are being merged or split. Read and write operations continue to work while the
412	// stream is in the UPDATING state.
413	//
414	// This member is required.
415	StreamStatus StreamStatus
417	// The number of enhanced fan-out consumers registered with the stream.
418	ConsumerCount *int32
420	// The encryption type used. This value is one of the following:
421	//
422	// * KMS
423	//
424	// * NONE
425	EncryptionType EncryptionType
427	// The GUID for the customer-managed AWS KMS key to use for encryption. This value
428	// can be a globally unique identifier, a fully specified ARN to either an alias or
429	// a key, or an alias name prefixed by "alias/".You can also use a master key owned
430	// by Kinesis Data Streams by specifying the alias aws/kinesis.
431	//
432	// * Key ARN example:
433	// arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:key/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012
434	//
435	// *
436	// Alias ARN example:  arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:alias/MyAliasName
437	//
438	// *
439	// Globally unique key ID example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012
440	//
441	// * Alias
442	// name example: alias/MyAliasName
443	//
444	// * Master key owned by Kinesis Data Streams:
445	// alias/aws/kinesis
446	KeyId *string
449// Metadata assigned to the stream, consisting of a key-value pair.
450type Tag struct {
452	// A unique identifier for the tag. Maximum length: 128 characters. Valid
453	// characters: Unicode letters, digits, white space, _ . / = + - % @
454	//
455	// This member is required.
456	Key *string
458	// An optional string, typically used to describe or define the tag. Maximum
459	// length: 256 characters. Valid characters: Unicode letters, digits, white space,
460	// _ . / = + - % @
461	Value *string