1// Copyright 2016 Google LLC
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15package pubsub
17import (
18	"context"
19	"errors"
20	"fmt"
21	"io"
22	"strings"
23	"sync"
24	"time"
26	"cloud.google.com/go/iam"
27	"cloud.google.com/go/internal/optional"
28	"cloud.google.com/go/pubsub/internal/scheduler"
29	"github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes"
30	durpb "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration"
31	gax "github.com/googleapis/gax-go/v2"
32	"golang.org/x/sync/errgroup"
33	pb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/pubsub/v1"
34	fmpb "google.golang.org/genproto/protobuf/field_mask"
35	"google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
36	"google.golang.org/grpc/status"
39// Subscription is a reference to a PubSub subscription.
40type Subscription struct {
41	c *Client
43	// The fully qualified identifier for the subscription, in the format "projects/<projid>/subscriptions/<name>"
44	name string
46	// Settings for pulling messages. Configure these before calling Receive.
47	ReceiveSettings ReceiveSettings
49	mu            sync.Mutex
50	receiveActive bool
53// Subscription creates a reference to a subscription.
54func (c *Client) Subscription(id string) *Subscription {
55	return c.SubscriptionInProject(id, c.projectID)
58// SubscriptionInProject creates a reference to a subscription in a given project.
59func (c *Client) SubscriptionInProject(id, projectID string) *Subscription {
60	return &Subscription{
61		c:    c,
62		name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/subscriptions/%s", projectID, id),
63	}
66// String returns the globally unique printable name of the subscription.
67func (s *Subscription) String() string {
68	return s.name
71// ID returns the unique identifier of the subscription within its project.
72func (s *Subscription) ID() string {
73	slash := strings.LastIndex(s.name, "/")
74	if slash == -1 {
75		// name is not a fully-qualified name.
76		panic("bad subscription name")
77	}
78	return s.name[slash+1:]
81// Subscriptions returns an iterator which returns all of the subscriptions for the client's project.
82func (c *Client) Subscriptions(ctx context.Context) *SubscriptionIterator {
83	it := c.subc.ListSubscriptions(ctx, &pb.ListSubscriptionsRequest{
84		Project: c.fullyQualifiedProjectName(),
85	})
86	return &SubscriptionIterator{
87		c: c,
88		next: func() (string, error) {
89			sub, err := it.Next()
90			if err != nil {
91				return "", err
92			}
93			return sub.Name, nil
94		},
95	}
98// SubscriptionIterator is an iterator that returns a series of subscriptions.
99type SubscriptionIterator struct {
100	c    *Client
101	next func() (string, error)
104// Next returns the next subscription. If there are no more subscriptions, iterator.Done will be returned.
105func (subs *SubscriptionIterator) Next() (*Subscription, error) {
106	subName, err := subs.next()
107	if err != nil {
108		return nil, err
109	}
110	return &Subscription{c: subs.c, name: subName}, nil
113// PushConfig contains configuration for subscriptions that operate in push mode.
114type PushConfig struct {
115	// A URL locating the endpoint to which messages should be pushed.
116	Endpoint string
118	// Endpoint configuration attributes. See https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/reference/rest/v1/projects.subscriptions#pushconfig for more details.
119	Attributes map[string]string
121	// AuthenticationMethod is used by push endpoints to verify the source
122	// of push requests.
123	// It can be used with push endpoints that are private by default to
124	// allow requests only from the Cloud Pub/Sub system, for example.
125	// This field is optional and should be set only by users interested in
126	// authenticated push.
127	AuthenticationMethod AuthenticationMethod
130func (pc *PushConfig) toProto() *pb.PushConfig {
131	if pc == nil {
132		return nil
133	}
134	pbCfg := &pb.PushConfig{
135		Attributes:   pc.Attributes,
136		PushEndpoint: pc.Endpoint,
137	}
138	if authMethod := pc.AuthenticationMethod; authMethod != nil {
139		switch am := authMethod.(type) {
140		case *OIDCToken:
141			pbCfg.AuthenticationMethod = am.toProto()
142		default: // TODO: add others here when GAIC adds more definitions.
143		}
144	}
145	return pbCfg
148// AuthenticationMethod is used by push points to verify the source of push requests.
149// This interface defines fields that are part of a closed alpha that may not be accessible
150// to all users.
151type AuthenticationMethod interface {
152	isAuthMethod() bool
155// OIDCToken allows PushConfigs to be authenticated using
156// the OpenID Connect protocol https://openid.net/connect/
157type OIDCToken struct {
158	// Audience to be used when generating OIDC token. The audience claim
159	// identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended for. The audience
160	// value is a single case-sensitive string. Having multiple values (array)
161	// for the audience field is not supported. More info about the OIDC JWT
162	// token audience here: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.3
163	// Note: if not specified, the Push endpoint URL will be used.
164	Audience string
166	// The service account email to be used for generating the OpenID Connect token.
167	// The caller of:
168	//  * CreateSubscription
169	//  * UpdateSubscription
170	//  * ModifyPushConfig
171	// calls must have the iam.serviceAccounts.actAs permission for the service account.
172	// See https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/understanding-roles#service-accounts-roles.
173	ServiceAccountEmail string
176var _ AuthenticationMethod = (*OIDCToken)(nil)
178func (oidcToken *OIDCToken) isAuthMethod() bool { return true }
180func (oidcToken *OIDCToken) toProto() *pb.PushConfig_OidcToken_ {
181	if oidcToken == nil {
182		return nil
183	}
184	return &pb.PushConfig_OidcToken_{
185		OidcToken: &pb.PushConfig_OidcToken{
186			Audience:            oidcToken.Audience,
187			ServiceAccountEmail: oidcToken.ServiceAccountEmail,
188		},
189	}
192// SubscriptionConfig describes the configuration of a subscription.
193type SubscriptionConfig struct {
194	Topic      *Topic
195	PushConfig PushConfig
197	// The default maximum time after a subscriber receives a message before
198	// the subscriber should acknowledge the message. Note: messages which are
199	// obtained via Subscription.Receive need not be acknowledged within this
200	// deadline, as the deadline will be automatically extended.
201	AckDeadline time.Duration
203	// Whether to retain acknowledged messages. If true, acknowledged messages
204	// will not be expunged until they fall out of the RetentionDuration window.
205	RetainAckedMessages bool
207	// How long to retain messages in backlog, from the time of publish. If
208	// RetainAckedMessages is true, this duration affects the retention of
209	// acknowledged messages, otherwise only unacknowledged messages are retained.
210	// Defaults to 7 days. Cannot be longer than 7 days or shorter than 10 minutes.
211	RetentionDuration time.Duration
213	// Expiration policy specifies the conditions for a subscription's expiration.
214	// A subscription is considered active as long as any connected subscriber is
215	// successfully consuming messages from the subscription or is issuing
216	// operations on the subscription. If `expiration_policy` is not set, a
217	// *default policy* with `ttl` of 31 days will be used. The minimum allowed
218	// value for `expiration_policy.ttl` is 1 day.
219	//
220	// Use time.Duration(0) to indicate that the subscription should never expire.
221	ExpirationPolicy optional.Duration
223	// The set of labels for the subscription.
224	Labels map[string]string
226	// EnableMessageOrdering enables message ordering.
227	//
228	// It is EXPERIMENTAL and a part of a closed alpha that may not be
229	// accessible to all users. This field is subject to change or removal
230	// without notice.
231	EnableMessageOrdering bool
233	// DeadLetterPolicy specifies the conditions for dead lettering messages in
234	// a subscription. If not set, dead lettering is disabled.
235	//
236	// It is EXPERIMENTAL and a part of a closed alpha that may not be
237	// accessible to all users. This field is subject to change or removal
238	// without notice.
239	DeadLetterPolicy *DeadLetterPolicy
242func (cfg *SubscriptionConfig) toProto(name string) *pb.Subscription {
243	var pbPushConfig *pb.PushConfig
244	if cfg.PushConfig.Endpoint != "" || len(cfg.PushConfig.Attributes) != 0 || cfg.PushConfig.AuthenticationMethod != nil {
245		pbPushConfig = cfg.PushConfig.toProto()
246	}
247	var retentionDuration *durpb.Duration
248	if cfg.RetentionDuration != 0 {
249		retentionDuration = ptypes.DurationProto(cfg.RetentionDuration)
250	}
251	var pbDeadLetter *pb.DeadLetterPolicy
252	if cfg.DeadLetterPolicy != nil {
253		pbDeadLetter = cfg.DeadLetterPolicy.toProto()
254	}
255	return &pb.Subscription{
256		Name:                     name,
257		Topic:                    cfg.Topic.name,
258		PushConfig:               pbPushConfig,
259		AckDeadlineSeconds:       trunc32(int64(cfg.AckDeadline.Seconds())),
260		RetainAckedMessages:      cfg.RetainAckedMessages,
261		MessageRetentionDuration: retentionDuration,
262		Labels:                   cfg.Labels,
263		ExpirationPolicy:         expirationPolicyToProto(cfg.ExpirationPolicy),
264		EnableMessageOrdering:    cfg.EnableMessageOrdering,
265		DeadLetterPolicy:         pbDeadLetter,
266	}
269func protoToSubscriptionConfig(pbSub *pb.Subscription, c *Client) (SubscriptionConfig, error) {
270	rd := time.Hour * 24 * 7
271	var err error
272	if pbSub.MessageRetentionDuration != nil {
273		rd, err = ptypes.Duration(pbSub.MessageRetentionDuration)
274		if err != nil {
275			return SubscriptionConfig{}, err
276		}
277	}
278	var expirationPolicy time.Duration
279	if ttl := pbSub.ExpirationPolicy.GetTtl(); ttl != nil {
280		expirationPolicy, err = ptypes.Duration(ttl)
281		if err != nil {
282			return SubscriptionConfig{}, err
283		}
284	}
285	dlp := protoToDLP(pbSub.DeadLetterPolicy)
286	subC := SubscriptionConfig{
287		Topic:               newTopic(c, pbSub.Topic),
288		AckDeadline:         time.Second * time.Duration(pbSub.AckDeadlineSeconds),
289		RetainAckedMessages: pbSub.RetainAckedMessages,
290		RetentionDuration:   rd,
291		Labels:              pbSub.Labels,
292		ExpirationPolicy:    expirationPolicy,
293		DeadLetterPolicy:    dlp,
294	}
295	pc := protoToPushConfig(pbSub.PushConfig)
296	if pc != nil {
297		subC.PushConfig = *pc
298	}
299	return subC, nil
302func protoToPushConfig(pbPc *pb.PushConfig) *PushConfig {
303	if pbPc == nil {
304		return nil
305	}
306	pc := &PushConfig{
307		Endpoint:   pbPc.PushEndpoint,
308		Attributes: pbPc.Attributes,
309	}
310	if am := pbPc.AuthenticationMethod; am != nil {
311		if oidcToken, ok := am.(*pb.PushConfig_OidcToken_); ok && oidcToken != nil && oidcToken.OidcToken != nil {
312			pc.AuthenticationMethod = &OIDCToken{
313				Audience:            oidcToken.OidcToken.GetAudience(),
314				ServiceAccountEmail: oidcToken.OidcToken.GetServiceAccountEmail(),
315			}
316		}
317	}
318	return pc
321// DeadLetterPolicy specifies the conditions for dead lettering messages in
322// a subscription.
324// It is EXPERIMENTAL and a part of a closed alpha that may not be
325// accessible to all users.
326type DeadLetterPolicy struct {
327	DeadLetterTopic     string
328	MaxDeliveryAttempts int
331func (dlp *DeadLetterPolicy) toProto() *pb.DeadLetterPolicy {
332	if dlp == nil || dlp.DeadLetterTopic == "" {
333		return nil
334	}
335	return &pb.DeadLetterPolicy{
336		DeadLetterTopic:     dlp.DeadLetterTopic,
337		MaxDeliveryAttempts: int32(dlp.MaxDeliveryAttempts),
338	}
340func protoToDLP(pbDLP *pb.DeadLetterPolicy) *DeadLetterPolicy {
341	if pbDLP == nil {
342		return nil
343	}
344	return &DeadLetterPolicy{
345		DeadLetterTopic:     pbDLP.GetDeadLetterTopic(),
346		MaxDeliveryAttempts: int(pbDLP.MaxDeliveryAttempts),
347	}
350// ReceiveSettings configure the Receive method.
351// A zero ReceiveSettings will result in values equivalent to DefaultReceiveSettings.
352type ReceiveSettings struct {
353	// MaxExtension is the maximum period for which the Subscription should
354	// automatically extend the ack deadline for each message.
355	//
356	// The Subscription will automatically extend the ack deadline of all
357	// fetched Messages up to the duration specified. Automatic deadline
358	// extension beyond the initial receipt may be disabled by specifying a
359	// duration less than 0.
360	MaxExtension time.Duration
362	// MaxExtensionPeriod is the maximum duration by which to extend the ack
363	// deadline at a time. The ack deadline will continue to be extended by up
364	// to this duration until MaxExtension is reached. Setting MaxExtensionPeriod
365	// bounds the maximum amount of time before a message redelivery in the
366	// event the subscriber fails to extend the deadline.
367	//
368	// MaxExtensionPeriod configuration can be disabled by specifying a
369	// duration less than (or equal to) 0.
370	MaxExtensionPeriod time.Duration
372	// MaxOutstandingMessages is the maximum number of unprocessed messages
373	// (unacknowledged but not yet expired). If MaxOutstandingMessages is 0, it
374	// will be treated as if it were DefaultReceiveSettings.MaxOutstandingMessages.
375	// If the value is negative, then there will be no limit on the number of
376	// unprocessed messages.
377	MaxOutstandingMessages int
379	// MaxOutstandingBytes is the maximum size of unprocessed messages
380	// (unacknowledged but not yet expired). If MaxOutstandingBytes is 0, it will
381	// be treated as if it were DefaultReceiveSettings.MaxOutstandingBytes. If
382	// the value is negative, then there will be no limit on the number of bytes
383	// for unprocessed messages.
384	MaxOutstandingBytes int
386	// NumGoroutines is the number of goroutines that each datastructure along
387	// the Receive path will spawn. Adjusting this value adjusts concurrency
388	// along the receive path.
389	//
390	// NumGoroutines defaults to DefaultReceiveSettings.NumGoroutines.
391	//
392	// NumGoroutines does not limit the number of messages that can be processed
393	// concurrently. Even with one goroutine, many messages might be processed at
394	// once, because that goroutine may continually receive messages and invoke the
395	// function passed to Receive on them. To limit the number of messages being
396	// processed concurrently, set MaxOutstandingMessages.
397	NumGoroutines int
399	// If Synchronous is true, then no more than MaxOutstandingMessages will be in
400	// memory at one time. (In contrast, when Synchronous is false, more than
401	// MaxOutstandingMessages may have been received from the service and in memory
402	// before being processed.) MaxOutstandingBytes still refers to the total bytes
403	// processed, rather than in memory. NumGoroutines is ignored.
404	// The default is false.
405	Synchronous bool
408// For synchronous receive, the time to wait if we are already processing
409// MaxOutstandingMessages. There is no point calling Pull and asking for zero
410// messages, so we pause to allow some message-processing callbacks to finish.
412// The wait time is large enough to avoid consuming significant CPU, but
413// small enough to provide decent throughput. Users who want better
414// throughput should not be using synchronous mode.
416// Waiting might seem like polling, so it's natural to think we could do better by
417// noticing when a callback is finished and immediately calling Pull. But if
418// callbacks finish in quick succession, this will result in frequent Pull RPCs that
419// request a single message, which wastes network bandwidth. Better to wait for a few
420// callbacks to finish, so we make fewer RPCs fetching more messages.
422// This value is unexported so the user doesn't have another knob to think about. Note that
423// it is the same value as the one used for nackTicker, so it matches this client's
424// idea of a duration that is short, but not so short that we perform excessive RPCs.
425const synchronousWaitTime = 100 * time.Millisecond
427// This is a var so that tests can change it.
428var minAckDeadline = 10 * time.Second
430// DefaultReceiveSettings holds the default values for ReceiveSettings.
431var DefaultReceiveSettings = ReceiveSettings{
432	MaxExtension:           60 * time.Minute,
433	MaxExtensionPeriod:     0,
434	MaxOutstandingMessages: 1000,
435	MaxOutstandingBytes:    1e9, // 1G
436	NumGoroutines:          10,
439// Delete deletes the subscription.
440func (s *Subscription) Delete(ctx context.Context) error {
441	return s.c.subc.DeleteSubscription(ctx, &pb.DeleteSubscriptionRequest{Subscription: s.name})
444// Exists reports whether the subscription exists on the server.
445func (s *Subscription) Exists(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
446	_, err := s.c.subc.GetSubscription(ctx, &pb.GetSubscriptionRequest{Subscription: s.name})
447	if err == nil {
448		return true, nil
449	}
450	if status.Code(err) == codes.NotFound {
451		return false, nil
452	}
453	return false, err
456// Config fetches the current configuration for the subscription.
457func (s *Subscription) Config(ctx context.Context) (SubscriptionConfig, error) {
458	pbSub, err := s.c.subc.GetSubscription(ctx, &pb.GetSubscriptionRequest{Subscription: s.name})
459	if err != nil {
460		return SubscriptionConfig{}, err
461	}
462	cfg, err := protoToSubscriptionConfig(pbSub, s.c)
463	if err != nil {
464		return SubscriptionConfig{}, err
465	}
466	return cfg, nil
469// SubscriptionConfigToUpdate describes how to update a subscription.
470type SubscriptionConfigToUpdate struct {
471	// If non-nil, the push config is changed.
472	PushConfig *PushConfig
474	// If non-zero, the ack deadline is changed.
475	AckDeadline time.Duration
477	// If set, RetainAckedMessages is changed.
478	RetainAckedMessages optional.Bool
480	// If non-zero, RetentionDuration is changed.
481	RetentionDuration time.Duration
483	// If non-zero, Expiration is changed.
484	ExpirationPolicy optional.Duration
486	// If non-nil, DeadLetterPolicy is changed. To remove dead lettering from
487	// a subscription, use the zero value for this struct.
488	//
489	// It is EXPERIMENTAL and a part of a closed alpha that may not be
490	// accessible to all users.
491	DeadLetterPolicy *DeadLetterPolicy
493	// If non-nil, the current set of labels is completely
494	// replaced by the new set.
495	// This field has beta status. It is not subject to the stability guarantee
496	// and may change.
497	Labels map[string]string
500// Update changes an existing subscription according to the fields set in cfg.
501// It returns the new SubscriptionConfig.
503// Update returns an error if no fields were modified.
504func (s *Subscription) Update(ctx context.Context, cfg SubscriptionConfigToUpdate) (SubscriptionConfig, error) {
505	req := s.updateRequest(&cfg)
506	if err := cfg.validate(); err != nil {
507		return SubscriptionConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("pubsub: UpdateSubscription %v", err)
508	}
509	if len(req.UpdateMask.Paths) == 0 {
510		return SubscriptionConfig{}, errors.New("pubsub: UpdateSubscription call with nothing to update")
511	}
512	rpsub, err := s.c.subc.UpdateSubscription(ctx, req)
513	if err != nil {
514		return SubscriptionConfig{}, err
515	}
516	return protoToSubscriptionConfig(rpsub, s.c)
519func (s *Subscription) updateRequest(cfg *SubscriptionConfigToUpdate) *pb.UpdateSubscriptionRequest {
520	psub := &pb.Subscription{Name: s.name}
521	var paths []string
522	if cfg.PushConfig != nil {
523		psub.PushConfig = cfg.PushConfig.toProto()
524		paths = append(paths, "push_config")
525	}
526	if cfg.AckDeadline != 0 {
527		psub.AckDeadlineSeconds = trunc32(int64(cfg.AckDeadline.Seconds()))
528		paths = append(paths, "ack_deadline_seconds")
529	}
530	if cfg.RetainAckedMessages != nil {
531		psub.RetainAckedMessages = optional.ToBool(cfg.RetainAckedMessages)
532		paths = append(paths, "retain_acked_messages")
533	}
534	if cfg.RetentionDuration != 0 {
535		psub.MessageRetentionDuration = ptypes.DurationProto(cfg.RetentionDuration)
536		paths = append(paths, "message_retention_duration")
537	}
538	if cfg.ExpirationPolicy != nil {
539		psub.ExpirationPolicy = expirationPolicyToProto(cfg.ExpirationPolicy)
540		paths = append(paths, "expiration_policy")
541	}
542	if cfg.DeadLetterPolicy != nil {
543		psub.DeadLetterPolicy = cfg.DeadLetterPolicy.toProto()
544		paths = append(paths, "dead_letter_policy")
545	}
546	if cfg.Labels != nil {
547		psub.Labels = cfg.Labels
548		paths = append(paths, "labels")
549	}
550	return &pb.UpdateSubscriptionRequest{
551		Subscription: psub,
552		UpdateMask:   &fmpb.FieldMask{Paths: paths},
553	}
556const (
557	// The minimum expiration policy duration is 1 day as per:
558	//    https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/51145ff7812d2bb44c1219d0b76dac92a8bd94b2/google/pubsub/v1/pubsub.proto#L606-L607
559	minExpirationPolicy = 24 * time.Hour
561	// If an expiration policy is not specified, the default of 31 days is used as per:
562	//    https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/51145ff7812d2bb44c1219d0b76dac92a8bd94b2/google/pubsub/v1/pubsub.proto#L605-L606
563	defaultExpirationPolicy = 31 * 24 * time.Hour
566func (cfg *SubscriptionConfigToUpdate) validate() error {
567	if cfg == nil || cfg.ExpirationPolicy == nil {
568		return nil
569	}
570	policy, min := optional.ToDuration(cfg.ExpirationPolicy), minExpirationPolicy
571	if policy == 0 || policy >= min {
572		return nil
573	}
574	return fmt.Errorf("invalid expiration policy(%q) < minimum(%q)", policy, min)
577func expirationPolicyToProto(expirationPolicy optional.Duration) *pb.ExpirationPolicy {
578	if expirationPolicy == nil {
579		return nil
580	}
582	dur := optional.ToDuration(expirationPolicy)
583	var ttl *durpb.Duration
584	// As per:
585	//    https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/pubsub/v1#ExpirationPolicy.Ttl
586	// if ExpirationPolicy.Ttl is set to nil, the expirationPolicy is toggled to NEVER expire.
587	if dur != 0 {
588		ttl = ptypes.DurationProto(dur)
589	}
590	return &pb.ExpirationPolicy{
591		Ttl: ttl,
592	}
595// IAM returns the subscription's IAM handle.
596func (s *Subscription) IAM() *iam.Handle {
597	return iam.InternalNewHandle(s.c.subc.Connection(), s.name)
600// CreateSubscription creates a new subscription on a topic.
602// id is the name of the subscription to create. It must start with a letter,
603// and contain only letters ([A-Za-z]), numbers ([0-9]), dashes (-),
604// underscores (_), periods (.), tildes (~), plus (+) or percent signs (%). It
605// must be between 3 and 255 characters in length, and must not start with
606// "goog".
608// cfg.Topic is the topic from which the subscription should receive messages. It
609// need not belong to the same project as the subscription. This field is required.
611// cfg.AckDeadline is the maximum time after a subscriber receives a message before
612// the subscriber should acknowledge the message. It must be between 10 and 600
613// seconds (inclusive), and is rounded down to the nearest second. If the
614// provided ackDeadline is 0, then the default value of 10 seconds is used.
615// Note: messages which are obtained via Subscription.Receive need not be
616// acknowledged within this deadline, as the deadline will be automatically
617// extended.
619// cfg.PushConfig may be set to configure this subscription for push delivery.
621// If the subscription already exists an error will be returned.
622func (c *Client) CreateSubscription(ctx context.Context, id string, cfg SubscriptionConfig) (*Subscription, error) {
623	if cfg.Topic == nil {
624		return nil, errors.New("pubsub: require non-nil Topic")
625	}
626	if cfg.AckDeadline == 0 {
627		cfg.AckDeadline = 10 * time.Second
628	}
629	if d := cfg.AckDeadline; d < 10*time.Second || d > 600*time.Second {
630		return nil, fmt.Errorf("ack deadline must be between 10 and 600 seconds; got: %v", d)
631	}
633	sub := c.Subscription(id)
634	_, err := c.subc.CreateSubscription(ctx, cfg.toProto(sub.name))
635	if err != nil {
636		return nil, err
637	}
638	return sub, nil
641var errReceiveInProgress = errors.New("pubsub: Receive already in progress for this subscription")
643// Receive calls f with the outstanding messages from the subscription.
644// It blocks until ctx is done, or the service returns a non-retryable error.
646// The standard way to terminate a Receive is to cancel its context:
648//   cctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
649//   err := sub.Receive(cctx, callback)
650//   // Call cancel from callback, or another goroutine.
652// If the service returns a non-retryable error, Receive returns that error after
653// all of the outstanding calls to f have returned. If ctx is done, Receive
654// returns nil after all of the outstanding calls to f have returned and
655// all messages have been acknowledged or have expired.
657// Receive calls f concurrently from multiple goroutines. It is encouraged to
658// process messages synchronously in f, even if that processing is relatively
659// time-consuming; Receive will spawn new goroutines for incoming messages,
660// limited by MaxOutstandingMessages and MaxOutstandingBytes in ReceiveSettings.
662// The context passed to f will be canceled when ctx is Done or there is a
663// fatal service error.
665// Receive will send an ack deadline extension on message receipt, then
666// automatically extend the ack deadline of all fetched Messages up to the
667// period specified by s.ReceiveSettings.MaxExtension.
669// Each Subscription may have only one invocation of Receive active at a time.
670func (s *Subscription) Receive(ctx context.Context, f func(context.Context, *Message)) error {
671	s.mu.Lock()
672	if s.receiveActive {
673		s.mu.Unlock()
674		return errReceiveInProgress
675	}
676	s.receiveActive = true
677	s.mu.Unlock()
678	defer func() { s.mu.Lock(); s.receiveActive = false; s.mu.Unlock() }()
680	maxCount := s.ReceiveSettings.MaxOutstandingMessages
681	if maxCount == 0 {
682		maxCount = DefaultReceiveSettings.MaxOutstandingMessages
683	}
684	maxBytes := s.ReceiveSettings.MaxOutstandingBytes
685	if maxBytes == 0 {
686		maxBytes = DefaultReceiveSettings.MaxOutstandingBytes
687	}
688	maxExt := s.ReceiveSettings.MaxExtension
689	if maxExt == 0 {
690		maxExt = DefaultReceiveSettings.MaxExtension
691	} else if maxExt < 0 {
692		// If MaxExtension is negative, disable automatic extension.
693		maxExt = 0
694	}
695	var numGoroutines int
696	switch {
697	case s.ReceiveSettings.Synchronous:
698		numGoroutines = 1
699	case s.ReceiveSettings.NumGoroutines >= 1:
700		numGoroutines = s.ReceiveSettings.NumGoroutines
701	default:
702		numGoroutines = DefaultReceiveSettings.NumGoroutines
703	}
704	// TODO(jba): add tests that verify that ReceiveSettings are correctly processed.
705	po := &pullOptions{
706		maxExtension: maxExt,
707		maxPrefetch:  trunc32(int64(maxCount)),
708		synchronous:  s.ReceiveSettings.Synchronous,
709	}
710	fc := newFlowController(maxCount, maxBytes)
712	sched := scheduler.NewReceiveScheduler(maxCount)
714	// Wait for all goroutines started by Receive to return, so instead of an
715	// obscure goroutine leak we have an obvious blocked call to Receive.
716	group, gctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
718	type closeablePair struct {
719		wg   *sync.WaitGroup
720		iter *messageIterator
721	}
723	var pairs []closeablePair
725	// Cancel a sub-context which, when we finish a single receiver, will kick
726	// off the context-aware callbacks and the goroutine below (which stops
727	// all receivers, iterators, and the scheduler).
728	ctx2, cancel2 := context.WithCancel(gctx)
729	defer cancel2()
731	for i := 0; i < numGoroutines; i++ {
732		// The iterator does not use the context passed to Receive. If it did,
733		// canceling that context would immediately stop the iterator without
734		// waiting for unacked messages.
735		iter := newMessageIterator(s.c.subc, s.name, &s.ReceiveSettings.MaxExtension, po)
737		// We cannot use errgroup from Receive here. Receive might already be
738		// calling group.Wait, and group.Wait cannot be called concurrently with
739		// group.Go. We give each receive() its own WaitGroup instead.
740		//
741		// Since wg.Add is only called from the main goroutine, wg.Wait is
742		// guaranteed to be called after all Adds.
743		var wg sync.WaitGroup
744		wg.Add(1)
745		pairs = append(pairs, closeablePair{wg: &wg, iter: iter})
747		group.Go(func() error {
748			defer wg.Wait()
749			defer cancel2()
750			for {
751				var maxToPull int32 // maximum number of messages to pull
752				if po.synchronous {
753					if po.maxPrefetch < 0 {
754						// If there is no limit on the number of messages to
755						// pull, use a reasonable default.
756						maxToPull = 1000
757					} else {
758						// Limit the number of messages in memory to MaxOutstandingMessages
759						// (here, po.maxPrefetch). For each message currently in memory, we have
760						// called fc.acquire but not fc.release: this is fc.count(). The next
761						// call to Pull should fetch no more than the difference between these
762						// values.
763						maxToPull = po.maxPrefetch - int32(fc.count())
764						if maxToPull <= 0 {
765							// Wait for some callbacks to finish.
766							if err := gax.Sleep(ctx, synchronousWaitTime); err != nil {
767								// Return nil if the context is done, not err.
768								return nil
769							}
770							continue
771						}
772					}
773				}
774				msgs, err := iter.receive(maxToPull)
775				if err == io.EOF {
776					return nil
777				}
778				if err != nil {
779					return err
780				}
781				for i, msg := range msgs {
782					msg := msg
783					// TODO(jba): call acquire closer to when the message is allocated.
784					if err := fc.acquire(ctx, len(msg.Data)); err != nil {
785						// TODO(jba): test that these "orphaned" messages are nacked immediately when ctx is done.
786						for _, m := range msgs[i:] {
787							m.Nack()
788						}
789						// Return nil if the context is done, not err.
790						return nil
791					}
792					old := msg.doneFunc
793					msgLen := len(msg.Data)
794					msg.doneFunc = func(ackID string, ack bool, receiveTime time.Time) {
795						defer fc.release(msgLen)
796						old(ackID, ack, receiveTime)
797					}
798					wg.Add(1)
799					// TODO(deklerk): Can we have a generic handler at the
800					// constructor level?
801					if err := sched.Add(msg.OrderingKey, msg, func(msg interface{}) {
802						defer wg.Done()
803						f(ctx2, msg.(*Message))
804					}); err != nil {
805						wg.Done()
806						return err
807					}
808				}
809			}
810		})
811	}
813	go func() {
814		<-ctx2.Done()
816		// Wait for all iterators to stop.
817		for _, p := range pairs {
818			p.iter.stop()
819			p.wg.Done()
820		}
822		// This _must_ happen after every iterator has stopped, or some
823		// iterator will still have undelivered messages but the scheduler will
824		// already be shut down.
825		sched.Shutdown()
826	}()
828	return group.Wait()
831type pullOptions struct {
832	maxExtension time.Duration
833	maxPrefetch  int32
834	// If true, use unary Pull instead of StreamingPull, and never pull more
835	// than maxPrefetch messages.
836	synchronous bool