1package config
3import (
4	"fmt"
5	"net"
6	"reflect"
7	"strings"
8	"time"
10	"github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs"
11	"github.com/hashicorp/consul/api"
12	"github.com/hashicorp/consul/lib"
13	"github.com/hashicorp/consul/tlsutil"
14	"github.com/hashicorp/consul/types"
15	"golang.org/x/time/rate"
18type RuntimeSOAConfig struct {
19	Refresh uint32 // 3600 by default
20	Retry   uint32 // 600
21	Expire  uint32 // 86400
22	Minttl  uint32 // 0,
25// RuntimeConfig specifies the configuration the consul agent actually
26// uses. Is is derived from one or more Config structures which can come
27// from files, flags and/or environment variables.
28type RuntimeConfig struct {
29	// non-user configurable values
30	AEInterval time.Duration
32	CheckDeregisterIntervalMin time.Duration
33	CheckReapInterval          time.Duration
34	SegmentLimit               int
35	SegmentNameLimit           int
36	SyncCoordinateRateTarget   float64
37	SyncCoordinateIntervalMin  time.Duration
38	Revision                   string
39	Version                    string
40	VersionPrerelease          string
42	// consul config
43	ConsulCoordinateUpdateMaxBatches int
44	ConsulCoordinateUpdateBatchSize  int
45	ConsulCoordinateUpdatePeriod     time.Duration
46	ConsulRaftElectionTimeout        time.Duration
47	ConsulRaftHeartbeatTimeout       time.Duration
48	ConsulRaftLeaderLeaseTimeout     time.Duration
49	ConsulServerHealthInterval       time.Duration
51	// ACLDisabledTTL is used by agents to determine how long they will
52	// wait to check again with the servers if they discover ACLs are not
53	// enabled. (not user configurable)
54	//
55	// hcl: acl.disabled_ttl = "duration"
56	ACLDisabledTTL time.Duration
58	// ACLsEnabled is used to determine whether ACLs should be enabled
59	//
60	// hcl: acl.enabled = boolean
61	ACLsEnabled bool
63	// ACLAgentMasterToken is a special token that has full read and write
64	// privileges for this agent, and can be used to call agent endpoints
65	// when no servers are available.
66	//
67	// hcl: acl.tokens.agent_master = string
68	ACLAgentMasterToken string
70	// ACLAgentToken is the default token used to make requests for the agent
71	// itself, such as for registering itself with the catalog. If not
72	// configured, the 'acl_token' will be used.
73	//
74	// hcl: acl.tokens.agent = string
75	ACLAgentToken string
77	// ACLDatacenter is the central datacenter that holds authoritative
78	// ACL records. This must be the same for the entire cluster.
79	// If this is not set, ACLs are not enabled. Off by default.
80	//
81	// hcl: acl_datacenter = string
82	ACLDatacenter string
84	// ACLDefaultPolicy is used to control the ACL interaction when
85	// there is no defined policy. This can be "allow" which means
86	// ACLs are used to black-list, or "deny" which means ACLs are
87	// white-lists.
88	//
89	// hcl: acl.default_policy = ("allow"|"deny")
90	ACLDefaultPolicy string
92	// ACLDownPolicy is used to control the ACL interaction when we cannot
93	// reach the ACLDatacenter and the token is not in the cache.
94	// There are the following modes:
95	//   * allow - Allow all requests
96	//   * deny - Deny all requests
97	//   * extend-cache - Ignore the cache expiration, and allow cached
98	//                    ACL's to be used to service requests. This
99	//                    is the default. If the ACL is not in the cache,
100	//                    this acts like deny.
101	//   * async-cache - Same behavior as extend-cache, but perform ACL
102	//                   Lookups asynchronously when cache TTL is expired.
103	//
104	// hcl: acl.down_policy = ("allow"|"deny"|"extend-cache"|"async-cache")
105	ACLDownPolicy string
107	// DEPRECATED (ACL-Legacy-Compat)
108	// ACLEnforceVersion8 is used to gate a set of ACL policy features that
109	// are opt-in prior to Consul 0.8 and opt-out in Consul 0.8 and later.
110	//
111	// hcl: acl_enforce_version_8 = (true|false)
112	ACLEnforceVersion8 bool
114	// ACLEnableKeyListPolicy is used to opt-in to the "list" policy added to
115	// KV ACLs in Consul 1.0.
116	//
117	// See https://www.consul.io/docs/guides/acl.html#list-policy-for-keys for
118	// more details.
119	//
120	// hcl: acl.enable_key_list_policy = (true|false)
121	ACLEnableKeyListPolicy bool
123	// ACLMasterToken is used to bootstrap the ACL system. It should be specified
124	// on the servers in the ACLDatacenter. When the leader comes online, it ensures
125	// that the Master token is available. This provides the initial token.
126	//
127	// hcl: acl.tokens.master = string
128	ACLMasterToken string
130	// ACLReplicationToken is used to replicate data locally from the
131	// PrimaryDatacenter. Replication is only available on servers in
132	// datacenters other than the PrimaryDatacenter
133	//
134	// DEPRECATED (ACL-Legacy-Compat): Setting this to a non-empty value
135	// also enables legacy ACL replication if ACLs are enabled and in legacy mode.
136	//
137	// hcl: acl.tokens.replication = string
138	ACLReplicationToken string
140	// ACLtokenReplication is used to indicate that both tokens and policies
141	// should be replicated instead of just policies
142	//
143	// hcl: acl.token_replication = boolean
144	ACLTokenReplication bool
146	// ACLTokenTTL is used to control the time-to-live of cached ACL tokens. This has
147	// a major impact on performance. By default, it is set to 30 seconds.
148	//
149	// hcl: acl.policy_ttl = "duration"
150	ACLTokenTTL time.Duration
152	// ACLPolicyTTL is used to control the time-to-live of cached ACL policies. This has
153	// a major impact on performance. By default, it is set to 30 seconds.
154	//
155	// hcl: acl.token_ttl = "duration"
156	ACLPolicyTTL time.Duration
158	// ACLRoleTTL is used to control the time-to-live of cached ACL roles. This has
159	// a major impact on performance. By default, it is set to 30 seconds.
160	//
161	// hcl: acl.role_ttl = "duration"
162	ACLRoleTTL time.Duration
164	// ACLToken is the default token used to make requests if a per-request
165	// token is not provided. If not configured the 'anonymous' token is used.
166	//
167	// hcl: acl.tokens.default = string
168	ACLToken string
170	// ACLEnableTokenPersistence determines whether or not tokens set via the agent HTTP API
171	// should be persisted to disk and reloaded when an agent restarts.
172	ACLEnableTokenPersistence bool
174	// AutopilotCleanupDeadServers enables the automatic cleanup of dead servers when new ones
175	// are added to the peer list. Defaults to true.
176	//
177	// hcl: autopilot { cleanup_dead_servers = (true|false) }
178	AutopilotCleanupDeadServers bool
180	// AutopilotDisableUpgradeMigration will disable Autopilot's upgrade migration
181	// strategy of waiting until enough newer-versioned servers have been added to the
182	// cluster before promoting them to voters. (Enterprise-only)
183	//
184	// hcl: autopilot { disable_upgrade_migration = (true|false)
185	AutopilotDisableUpgradeMigration bool
187	// AutopilotLastContactThreshold is the limit on the amount of time a server can go
188	// without leader contact before being considered unhealthy.
189	//
190	// hcl: autopilot { last_contact_threshold = "duration" }
191	AutopilotLastContactThreshold time.Duration
193	// AutopilotMaxTrailingLogs is the amount of entries in the Raft Log that a server can
194	// be behind before being considered unhealthy. The value must be positive.
195	//
196	// hcl: autopilot { max_trailing_logs = int }
197	AutopilotMaxTrailingLogs int
199	// AutopilotMinQuorum sets the minimum number of servers required in a cluster
200	// before autopilot can prune dead servers.
201	//
202	//hcl: autopilot { min_quorum = int }
203	AutopilotMinQuorum uint
205	// AutopilotRedundancyZoneTag is the Meta tag to use for separating servers
206	// into zones for redundancy. If left blank, this feature will be disabled.
207	// (Enterprise-only)
208	//
209	// hcl: autopilot { redundancy_zone_tag = string }
210	AutopilotRedundancyZoneTag string
212	// AutopilotServerStabilizationTime is the minimum amount of time a server must be
213	// in a stable, healthy state before it can be added to the cluster. Only
214	// applicable with Raft protocol version 3 or higher.
215	//
216	// hcl: autopilot { server_stabilization_time = "duration" }
217	AutopilotServerStabilizationTime time.Duration
219	// AutopilotUpgradeVersionTag is the node tag to use for version info when
220	// performing upgrade migrations. If left blank, the Consul version will be used.
221	//
222	// (Enterprise-only)
223	//
224	// hcl: autopilot { upgrade_version_tag = string }
225	AutopilotUpgradeVersionTag string
227	// DNSAllowStale is used to enable lookups with stale
228	// data. This gives horizontal read scalability since
229	// any Consul server can service the query instead of
230	// only the leader.
231	//
232	// hcl: dns_config { allow_stale = (true|false) }
233	DNSAllowStale bool
235	// DNSARecordLimit is used to limit the maximum number of DNS Resource
236	// Records returned in the ANSWER section of a DNS response for A or AAAA
237	// records for both UDP and TCP queries.
238	//
239	// This is not normally useful and will be limited based on the querying
240	// protocol, however systems that implemented §6 Rule 9 in RFC3484
241	// may want to set this to `1` in order to subvert §6 Rule 9 and
242	// re-obtain the effect of randomized resource records (i.e. each
243	// answer contains only one IP, but the IP changes every request).
244	// RFC3484 sorts answers in a deterministic order, which defeats the
245	// purpose of randomized DNS responses.  This RFC has been obsoleted
246	// by RFC6724 and restores the desired behavior of randomized
247	// responses, however a large number of Linux hosts using glibc(3)
248	// implemented §6 Rule 9 and may need this option (e.g. CentOS 5-6,
249	// Debian Squeeze, etc).
250	//
251	// hcl: dns_config { a_record_limit = int }
252	DNSARecordLimit int
254	// DNSDisableCompression is used to control whether DNS responses are
255	// compressed. In Consul 0.7 this was turned on by default and this
256	// config was added as an opt-out.
257	//
258	// hcl: dns_config { disable_compression = (true|false) }
259	DNSDisableCompression bool
261	// DNSDomain is the DNS domain for the records. Should end with a dot.
262	// Defaults to "consul."
263	//
264	// hcl: domain = string
265	// flag: -domain string
266	DNSDomain string
268	// DNSAltDomain can be set to support resolution on an additional
269	// consul domain. Should end with a dot.
270	// If left blank, only the primary domain will be used.
271	//
272	// hcl: alt_domain = string
273	// flag: -alt-domain string
274	DNSAltDomain string
276	// DNSEnableTruncate is used to enable setting the truncate
277	// flag for UDP DNS queries.  This allows unmodified
278	// clients to re-query the consul server using TCP
279	// when the total number of records exceeds the number
280	// returned by default for UDP.
281	//
282	// hcl: dns_config { enable_truncate = (true|false) }
283	DNSEnableTruncate bool
285	// DNSMaxStale is used to bound how stale of a result is
286	// accepted for a DNS lookup. This can be used with
287	// AllowStale to limit how old of a value is served up.
288	// If the stale result exceeds this, another non-stale
289	// stale read is performed.
290	//
291	// hcl: dns_config { max_stale = "duration" }
292	DNSMaxStale time.Duration
294	// DNSNodeTTL provides the TTL value for a node query.
295	//
296	// hcl: dns_config { node_ttl = "duration" }
297	DNSNodeTTL time.Duration
299	// DNSOnlyPassing is used to determine whether to filter nodes
300	// whose health checks are in any non-passing state. By
301	// default, only nodes in a critical state are excluded.
302	//
303	// hcl: dns_config { only_passing = "duration" }
304	DNSOnlyPassing bool
306	// DNSRecursorTimeout specifies the timeout in seconds
307	// for Consul's internal dns client used for recursion.
308	// This value is used for the connection, read and write timeout.
309	//
310	// hcl: dns_config { recursor_timeout = "duration" }
311	DNSRecursorTimeout time.Duration
313	// DNSServiceTTL provides the TTL value for a service
314	// query for given service. The "*" wildcard can be used
315	// to set a default for all services.
316	//
317	// hcl: dns_config { service_ttl = map[string]"duration" }
318	DNSServiceTTL map[string]time.Duration
320	// DNSUDPAnswerLimit is used to limit the maximum number of DNS Resource
321	// Records returned in the ANSWER section of a DNS response for UDP
322	// responses without EDNS support (limited to 512 bytes).
323	// This parameter is deprecated, if you want to limit the number of
324	// records returned by A or AAAA questions, please use DNSARecordLimit
325	// instead.
326	//
327	// hcl: dns_config { udp_answer_limit = int }
328	DNSUDPAnswerLimit int
330	// DNSNodeMetaTXT controls whether DNS queries will synthesize
331	// TXT records for the node metadata and add them when not specifically
332	// request (query type = TXT). If unset this will default to true
333	DNSNodeMetaTXT bool
335	// DNSRecursors can be set to allow the DNS servers to recursively
336	// resolve non-consul domains.
337	//
338	// hcl: recursors = []string
339	// flag: -recursor string [-recursor string]
340	DNSRecursors []string
342	// DNSUseCache whether or not to use cache for dns queries
343	//
344	// hcl: dns_config { use_cache = (true|false) }
345	DNSUseCache bool
347	// DNSUseCache whether or not to use cache for dns queries
348	//
349	// hcl: dns_config { cache_max_age = "duration" }
350	DNSCacheMaxAge time.Duration
352	// HTTPBlockEndpoints is a list of endpoint prefixes to block in the
353	// HTTP API. Any requests to these will get a 403 response.
354	//
355	// hcl: http_config { block_endpoints = []string }
356	HTTPBlockEndpoints []string
358	// AllowWriteHTTPFrom restricts the agent write endpoints to the given
359	// networks. Any request to a protected endpoint that is not mactched
360	// by one of these networks will get a 403 response.
361	// An empty slice means no restriction.
362	//
363	// hcl: http_config { allow_write_http_from = []string }
364	AllowWriteHTTPFrom []*net.IPNet
366	// HTTPResponseHeaders are used to add HTTP header response fields to the HTTP API responses.
367	//
368	// hcl: http_config { response_headers = map[string]string }
369	HTTPResponseHeaders map[string]string
371	// Embed Telemetry Config
372	Telemetry lib.TelemetryConfig
374	// Datacenter is the datacenter this node is in. Defaults to "dc1".
375	//
376	// Datacenter is exposed via /v1/agent/self from here and
377	// used in lots of places like CLI commands. Treat this as an interface
378	// that must be stable.
379	//
380	// hcl: datacenter = string
381	// flag: -datacenter string
382	Datacenter string
384	// Defines the maximum stale value for discovery path. Defaults to "0s".
385	// Discovery paths are /v1/heath/ paths
386	//
387	// If not set to 0, it will try to perform stale read and perform only a
388	// consistent read whenever the value is too old.
389	// hcl: discovery_max_stale = "duration"
390	DiscoveryMaxStale time.Duration
392	// Node name is the name we use to advertise. Defaults to hostname.
393	//
394	// NodeName is exposed via /v1/agent/self from here and
395	// used in lots of places like CLI commands. Treat this as an interface
396	// that must be stable.
397	//
398	// hcl: node_name = string
399	// flag: -node string
400	NodeName string
402	// AdvertiseAddrLAN is the address we use for advertising our Serf, and
403	// Consul RPC IP. The address can be specified as an ip address or as a
404	// go-sockaddr template which resolves to a single ip address. If not
405	// specified, the bind address is used.
406	//
407	// hcl: advertise_addr = string
408	AdvertiseAddrLAN *net.IPAddr
410	// AdvertiseAddrWAN is the address we use for advertising our Serf, and
411	// Consul RPC IP. The address can be specified as an ip address or as a
412	// go-sockaddr template which resolves to a single ip address. If not
413	// specified, the bind address is used.
414	//
415	// hcl: advertise_addr_wan = string
416	AdvertiseAddrWAN *net.IPAddr
418	// BindAddr is used to control the address we bind to.
419	// If not specified, the first private IP we find is used.
420	// This controls the address we use for cluster facing
421	// services (Gossip, Server RPC)
422	//
423	// The value can be either an ip address or a go-sockaddr
424	// template which resolves to a single ip address.
425	//
426	// hcl: bind_addr = string
427	// flag: -bind string
428	BindAddr *net.IPAddr
430	// Bootstrap is used to bring up the first Consul server, and
431	// permits that node to elect itself leader
432	//
433	// hcl: bootstrap = (true|false)
434	// flag: -bootstrap
435	Bootstrap bool
437	// BootstrapExpect tries to automatically bootstrap the Consul cluster, by
438	// having servers wait to bootstrap until enough servers join, and then
439	// performing the bootstrap process automatically. They will disable their
440	// automatic bootstrap process if they detect any servers that are part of
441	// an existing cluster, so it's safe to leave this set to a non-zero value.
442	//
443	// hcl: bootstrap_expect = int
444	// flag: -bootstrap-expect=int
445	BootstrapExpect int
447	// CAFile is a path to a certificate authority file. This is used with
448	// VerifyIncoming or VerifyOutgoing to verify the TLS connection.
449	//
450	// hcl: ca_file = string
451	CAFile string
453	// CAPath is a path to a directory of certificate authority files. This is
454	// used with VerifyIncoming or VerifyOutgoing to verify the TLS connection.
455	//
456	// hcl: ca_path = string
457	CAPath string
459	// CertFile is used to provide a TLS certificate that is used for serving
460	// TLS connections. Must be provided to serve TLS connections.
461	//
462	// hcl: cert_file = string
463	CertFile string
465	// CheckUpdateInterval controls the interval on which the output of a health check
466	// is updated if there is no change to the state. For example, a check in a steady
467	// state may run every 5 second generating a unique output (timestamp, etc), forcing
468	// constant writes. This allows Consul to defer the write for some period of time,
469	// reducing the write pressure when the state is steady.
470	//
471	// See also: DiscardCheckOutput
472	//
473	// hcl: check_update_interval = "duration"
474	CheckUpdateInterval time.Duration
476	// Maximum size for the output of a healtcheck
477	// hcl check_output_max_size int
478	// flag: -check_output_max_size int
479	CheckOutputMaxSize int
481	// Checks contains the provided check definitions.
482	//
483	// hcl: checks = [
484	//   {
485	//     id = string
486	//     name = string
487	//     notes = string
488	//     service_id = string
489	//     token = string
490	//     status = string
491	//     script = string
492	//     args = string
493	//     http = string
494	//     header = map[string][]string
495	//     method = string
496	//     tcp = string
497	//     interval = string
498	//     docker_container_id = string
499	//     shell = string
500	//     tls_skip_verify = (true|false)
501	//     timeout = "duration"
502	//     ttl = "duration"
503	//     deregister_critical_service_after = "duration"
504	//   },
505	//   ...
506	// ]
507	Checks []*structs.CheckDefinition
509	// ClientAddrs contains the list of ip addresses the DNS, HTTP and HTTPS
510	// endpoints will bind to if the endpoints are enabled (ports > 0) and the
511	// addresses are not overwritten.
512	//
513	// The ip addresses must be provided as a space separated list of ip
514	// addresses and go-sockaddr templates.
515	//
516	// Client addresses cannot contain UNIX socket addresses since a socket
517	// cannot be shared across multiple endpoints (no ports). To use UNIX
518	// sockets configure it in 'addresses'.
519	//
520	// hcl: client_addr = string
521	// flag: -client string
522	ClientAddrs []*net.IPAddr
524	// ConfigEntryBootstrap contains a list of ConfigEntries to ensure are created
525	// If entries of the same Kind/Name exist already these will not update them.
526	ConfigEntryBootstrap []structs.ConfigEntry
528	// AutoEncryptTLS requires the client to acquire TLS certificates from
529	// servers.
530	AutoEncryptTLS bool
532	// Additional DNS SAN entries that clients request during auto_encrypt
533	// flow for their certificates.
534	AutoEncryptDNSSAN []string
536	// Additional IP SAN entries that clients request during auto_encrypt
537	// flow for their certificates.
538	AutoEncryptIPSAN []net.IP
540	// AutoEncryptAllowTLS enables the server to respond to
541	// AutoEncrypt.Sign requests.
542	AutoEncryptAllowTLS bool
544	// ConnectEnabled opts the agent into connect. It should be set on all clients
545	// and servers in a cluster for correct connect operation.
546	ConnectEnabled bool
548	// ConnectSidecarMinPort is the inclusive start of the range of ports
549	// allocated to the agent for asigning to sidecar services where no port is
550	// specified.
551	ConnectSidecarMinPort int
553	// ConnectSidecarMaxPort is the inclusive end of the range of ports
554	// allocated to the agent for asigning to sidecar services where no port is
555	// specified
556	ConnectSidecarMaxPort int
558	// ExposeMinPort is the inclusive start of the range of ports
559	// allocated to the agent for exposing checks through a proxy
560	ExposeMinPort int
562	// ExposeMinPort is the inclusive start of the range of ports
563	// allocated to the agent for exposing checks through a proxy
564	ExposeMaxPort int
566	// ConnectCAProvider is the type of CA provider to use with Connect.
567	ConnectCAProvider string
569	// ConnectCAConfig is the config to use for the CA provider.
570	ConnectCAConfig map[string]interface{}
572	// ConnectTestCALeafRootChangeSpread is used to control how long the CA leaf
573	// cache with spread CSRs over when a root change occurs. For now we don't
574	// expose this in public config intentionally but could later with a rename.
575	// We only set this from during tests to effectively make CA rotation tests
576	// deterministic again.
577	ConnectTestCALeafRootChangeSpread time.Duration
579	// DNSAddrs contains the list of TCP and UDP addresses the DNS server will
580	// bind to. If the DNS endpoint is disabled (ports.dns <= 0) the list is
581	// empty.
582	//
583	// The ip addresses are taken from 'addresses.dns' which should contain a
584	// space separated list of ip addresses and/or go-sockaddr templates.
585	//
586	// If 'addresses.dns' was not provided the 'client_addr' addresses are
587	// used.
588	//
589	// The DNS server cannot be bound to UNIX sockets.
590	//
591	// hcl: client_addr = string addresses { dns = string } ports { dns = int }
592	DNSAddrs []net.Addr
594	// DNSPort is the port the DNS server listens on. The default is 8600.
595	// Setting this to a value <= 0 disables the endpoint.
596	//
597	// hcl: ports { dns = int }
598	// flags: -dns-port int
599	DNSPort int
601	// DNSSOA is the settings applied for DNS SOA
602	// hcl: soa {}
603	DNSSOA RuntimeSOAConfig
605	// DataDir is the path to the directory where the local state is stored.
606	//
607	// hcl: data_dir = string
608	// flag: -data-dir string
609	DataDir string
611	// DefaultQueryTime is the amount of time a blocking query will wait before
612	// Consul will force a response. This value can be overridden by the 'wait'
613	// query parameter.
614	//
615	// hcl: default_query_time = "duration"
616	// flag: -default-query-time string
617	DefaultQueryTime time.Duration
619	// DevMode enables a fast-path mode of operation to bring up an in-memory
620	// server with minimal configuration. Useful for developing Consul.
621	//
622	// flag: -dev
623	DevMode bool
625	// DisableAnonymousSignature is used to turn off the anonymous signature
626	// send with the update check. This is used to deduplicate messages.
627	//
628	// hcl: disable_anonymous_signature = (true|false)
629	DisableAnonymousSignature bool
631	// DisableCoordinates controls features related to network coordinates.
632	//
633	// hcl: disable_coordinates = (true|false)
634	DisableCoordinates bool
636	// DisableHostNodeID will prevent Consul from using information from the
637	// host to generate a node ID, and will cause Consul to generate a
638	// random ID instead.
639	//
640	// hcl: disable_host_node_id = (true|false)
641	// flag: -disable-host-node-id
642	DisableHostNodeID bool
644	// DisableHTTPUnprintableCharFilter will bypass the filter preventing HTTP
645	// URLs from containing unprintable chars. This filter was added in 1.0.3 as a
646	// response to a vulnerability report. Disabling this is never recommended in
647	// general however some users who have keys written in older versions of
648	// Consul may use this to temporarily disable the filter such that they can
649	// delete those keys again! We do not recommend leaving it disabled long term.
650	//
651	// hcl: disable_http_unprintable_char_filter
652	DisableHTTPUnprintableCharFilter bool
654	// DisableKeyringFile disables writing the keyring to a file.
655	//
656	// hcl: disable_keyring_file = (true|false)
657	// flag: -disable-keyring-file
658	DisableKeyringFile bool
660	// DisableRemoteExec is used to turn off the remote execution
661	// feature. This is for security to prevent unknown scripts from running.
662	//
663	// hcl: disable_remote_exec = (true|false)
664	DisableRemoteExec bool
666	// DisableUpdateCheck is used to turn off the automatic update and
667	// security bulletin checking.
668	//
669	// hcl: disable_update_check = (true|false)
670	DisableUpdateCheck bool
672	// DiscardCheckOutput is used to turn off storing and comparing the
673	// output of health checks. This reduces the write rate on the server
674	// for checks with highly volatile output. (reloadable)
675	//
676	// See also: CheckUpdateInterval
677	//
678	// hcl: discard_check_output = (true|false)
679	DiscardCheckOutput bool
681	// EnableAgentTLSForChecks is used to apply the agent's TLS settings in
682	// order to configure the HTTP client used for health checks. Enabling
683	// this allows HTTP checks to present a client certificate and verify
684	// the server using the same TLS configuration as the agent (CA, cert,
685	// and key).
686	EnableAgentTLSForChecks bool
688	// EnableCentralServiceConfig controls whether the agent should incorporate
689	// centralized config such as service-defaults into local service registrations.
690	//
691	// hcl: enable_central_service_config = (true|false)
692	EnableCentralServiceConfig bool
694	// EnableDebug is used to enable various debugging features.
695	//
696	// hcl: enable_debug = (true|false)
697	EnableDebug bool
699	// EnableLocalScriptChecks controls whether health checks declared from the local
700	// config file which execute scripts are enabled. This includes regular script
701	// checks and Docker checks.
702	//
703	// hcl: (enable_script_checks|enable_local_script_checks) = (true|false)
704	// flag: -enable-script-checks, -enable-local-script-checks
705	EnableLocalScriptChecks bool
707	// EnableRemoeScriptChecks controls whether health checks declared from the http API
708	// which execute scripts are enabled. This includes regular script checks and Docker
709	// checks.
710	//
711	// hcl: enable_script_checks = (true|false)
712	// flag: -enable-script-checks
713	EnableRemoteScriptChecks bool
715	// EnableSyslog is used to also tee all the logs over to syslog. Only supported
716	// on linux and OSX. Other platforms will generate an error.
717	//
718	// hcl: enable_syslog = (true|false)
719	// flag: -syslog
720	EnableSyslog bool
722	// EnableUI enables the statically-compiled assets for the Consul web UI and
723	// serves them at the default /ui/ endpoint automatically.
724	//
725	// hcl: enable_ui = (true|false)
726	// flag: -ui
727	EnableUI bool
729	// EncryptKey contains the encryption key to use for the Serf communication.
730	//
731	// hcl: encrypt = string
732	// flag: -encrypt string
733	EncryptKey string
735	// EncryptVerifyIncoming enforces incoming gossip encryption and can be
736	// used to upshift to encrypted gossip on a running cluster.
737	//
738	// hcl: encrypt_verify_incoming = (true|false)
739	EncryptVerifyIncoming bool
741	// EncryptVerifyOutgoing enforces outgoing gossip encryption and can be
742	// used to upshift to encrypted gossip on a running cluster.
743	//
744	// hcl: encrypt_verify_outgoing = (true|false)
745	EncryptVerifyOutgoing bool
747	// GRPCPort is the port the gRPC server listens on. Currently this only
748	// exposes the xDS and ext_authz APIs for Envoy and it is disabled by default.
749	//
750	// hcl: ports { grpc = int }
751	// flags: -grpc-port int
752	GRPCPort int
754	// GRPCAddrs contains the list of TCP addresses and UNIX sockets the gRPC
755	// server will bind to. If the gRPC endpoint is disabled (ports.grpc <= 0)
756	// the list is empty.
757	//
758	// The addresses are taken from 'addresses.grpc' which should contain a
759	// space separated list of ip addresses, UNIX socket paths and/or
760	// go-sockaddr templates. UNIX socket paths must be written as
761	// 'unix://<full path>', e.g. 'unix:///var/run/consul-grpc.sock'.
762	//
763	// If 'addresses.grpc' was not provided the 'client_addr' addresses are
764	// used.
765	//
766	// hcl: client_addr = string addresses { grpc = string } ports { grpc = int }
767	GRPCAddrs []net.Addr
769	// HTTPAddrs contains the list of TCP addresses and UNIX sockets the HTTP
770	// server will bind to. If the HTTP endpoint is disabled (ports.http <= 0)
771	// the list is empty.
772	//
773	// The addresses are taken from 'addresses.http' which should contain a
774	// space separated list of ip addresses, UNIX socket paths and/or
775	// go-sockaddr templates. UNIX socket paths must be written as
776	// 'unix://<full path>', e.g. 'unix:///var/run/consul-http.sock'.
777	//
778	// If 'addresses.http' was not provided the 'client_addr' addresses are
779	// used.
780	//
781	// hcl: client_addr = string addresses { http = string } ports { http = int }
782	HTTPAddrs []net.Addr
784	// HTTPPort is the port the HTTP server listens on. The default is 8500.
785	// Setting this to a value <= 0 disables the endpoint.
786	//
787	// hcl: ports { http = int }
788	// flags: -http-port int
789	HTTPPort int
791	// HTTPSAddrs contains the list of TCP addresses and UNIX sockets the HTTPS
792	// server will bind to. If the HTTPS endpoint is disabled (ports.https <=
793	// 0) the list is empty.
794	//
795	// The addresses are taken from 'addresses.https' which should contain a
796	// space separated list of ip addresses, UNIX socket paths and/or
797	// go-sockaddr templates. UNIX socket paths must be written as
798	// 'unix://<full path>', e.g. 'unix:///var/run/consul-https.sock'.
799	//
800	// If 'addresses.https' was not provided the 'client_addr' addresses are
801	// used.
802	//
803	// hcl: client_addr = string addresses { https = string } ports { https = int }
804	HTTPSAddrs []net.Addr
806	// HTTPMaxConnsPerClient limits the number of concurrent TCP connections the
807	// HTTP(S) server will accept from any single source IP address.
808	//
809	// hcl: limits{ http_max_conns_per_client = 100 }
810	HTTPMaxConnsPerClient int
812	// HTTPSHandshakeTimeout is the time allowed for HTTPS client to complete the
813	// TLS handshake and send first bytes of the request.
814	//
815	// hcl: limits{ https_handshake_timeout = "5s" }
816	HTTPSHandshakeTimeout time.Duration
818	// HTTPSPort is the port the HTTP server listens on. The default is -1.
819	// Setting this to a value <= 0 disables the endpoint.
820	//
821	// hcl: ports { https = int }
822	// flags: -https-port int
823	HTTPSPort int
825	// KeyFile is used to provide a TLS key that is used for serving TLS
826	// connections. Must be provided to serve TLS connections.
827	//
828	// hcl: key_file = string
829	KeyFile string
831	// KVMaxValueSize controls the max allowed value size. If not set defaults
832	// to raft's suggested max value size.
833	//
834	// hcl: limits { kv_max_value_size = uint64 }
835	KVMaxValueSize uint64
837	// LeaveDrainTime is used to wait after a server has left the LAN Serf
838	// pool for RPCs to drain and new requests to be sent to other servers.
839	//
840	// hcl: performance { leave_drain_time = "duration" }
841	LeaveDrainTime time.Duration
843	// LeaveOnTerm controls if Serf does a graceful leave when receiving
844	// the TERM signal. Defaults true on clients, false on servers. (reloadable)
845	//
846	// hcl: leave_on_terminate = (true|false)
847	LeaveOnTerm bool
849	// LogLevel is the level of the logs to write. Defaults to "INFO".
850	//
851	// hcl: log_level = string
852	LogLevel string
854	// LogJSON controls whether to output logs as structured JSON. Defaults to false.
855	//
856	// hcl: log_json = (true|false)
857	// flag: -log-json
858	LogJSON bool
860	// LogFile is the path to the file where the logs get written to. Defaults to empty string.
861	//
862	// hcl: log_file = string
863	// flags: -log-file string
864	LogFile string
866	// LogRotateDuration is the time configured to rotate logs based on time
867	//
868	// hcl: log_rotate_duration = string
869	// flags: -log-rotate-duration string
870	LogRotateDuration time.Duration
872	// LogRotateBytes is the time configured to rotate logs based on bytes written
873	//
874	// hcl: log_rotate_bytes = int
875	// flags: -log-rotate-bytes int
876	LogRotateBytes int
878	// LogRotateMaxFiles is the maximum number of log file archives to keep
879	//
880	// hcl: log_rotate_max_files = int
881	// flags: -log-rotate-max-files int
882	LogRotateMaxFiles int
884	// MaxQueryTime is the maximum amount of time a blocking query can wait
885	// before Consul will force a response. Consul applies jitter to the wait
886	// time. The jittered time will be capped to MaxQueryTime.
887	//
888	// hcl: max_query_time = "duration"
889	// flags: -max-query-time string
890	MaxQueryTime time.Duration
892	// Node ID is a unique ID for this node across space and time. Defaults
893	// to a randomly-generated ID that persists in the data-dir.
894	//
895	// todo(fs): don't we have a requirement for this to be a UUID in a specific format?
896	//
897	// hcl: node_id = string
898	// flag: -node-id string
899	NodeID types.NodeID
901	// NodeMeta contains metadata key/value pairs. These are excluded from JSON output
902	// because they can be reloaded and might be stale when shown from the
903	// config instead of the local state.
904	// todo(fs): should the sanitizer omit them from output as well since they could be stale?
905	//
906	// hcl: node_meta = map[string]string
907	// flag: -node-meta "key:value" -node-meta "key:value" ...
908	NodeMeta map[string]string
910	// NonVotingServer is whether this server will act as a non-voting member
911	// of the cluster to help provide read scalability. (Enterprise-only)
912	//
913	// hcl: non_voting_server = (true|false)
914	// flag: -non-voting-server
915	NonVotingServer bool
917	// PidFile is the file to store our PID in.
918	//
919	// hcl: pid_file = string
920	PidFile string
922	// PrimaryDatacenter is the central datacenter that holds authoritative
923	// ACL records, replicates intentions and holds the root CA for Connect.
924	// This must be the same for the entire cluster. Off by default.
925	//
926	// hcl: primary_datacenter = string
927	PrimaryDatacenter string
929	// RPCAdvertiseAddr is the TCP address Consul advertises for its RPC endpoint.
930	// By default this is the bind address on the default RPC Server port. If the
931	// advertise address is specified then it is used.
932	//
933	// hcl: bind_addr = string advertise_addr = string ports { server = int }
934	RPCAdvertiseAddr *net.TCPAddr
936	// RPCBindAddr is the TCP address Consul will bind to for its RPC endpoint.
937	// By default this is the bind address on the default RPC Server port.
938	//
939	// hcl: bind_addr = string ports { server = int }
940	RPCBindAddr *net.TCPAddr
942	// RPCHandshakeTimeout is the timeout for reading the initial magic byte on a
943	// new RPC connection. If this is set high it may allow unauthenticated users
944	// to hold connections open arbitrarily long, even when mutual TLS is being
945	// enforced. It may be set to 0 explicitly to disable the timeout but this
946	// should never be used in production. Default is 5 seconds.
947	//
948	// hcl: limits { rpc_handshake_timeout = "duration" }
949	RPCHandshakeTimeout time.Duration
951	// RPCHoldTimeout is how long an RPC can be "held" before it is errored.
952	// This is used to paper over a loss of leadership by instead holding RPCs,
953	// so that the caller experiences a slow response rather than an error.
954	// This period is meant to be long enough for a leader election to take
955	// place, and a small jitter is applied to avoid a thundering herd.
956	//
957	// hcl: performance { rpc_hold_timeout = "duration" }
958	RPCHoldTimeout time.Duration
960	// RPCRateLimit and RPCMaxBurst control how frequently RPC calls are allowed
961	// to happen. In any large enough time interval, rate limiter limits the
962	// rate to RPCRate tokens per second, with a maximum burst size of
963	// RPCMaxBurst events. As a special case, if RPCRate == Inf (the infinite
964	// rate), RPCMaxBurst is ignored.
965	//
966	// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_bucket for more about token
967	// buckets.
968	//
969	// hcl: limit { rpc_rate = (float64|MaxFloat64) rpc_max_burst = int }
970	RPCRateLimit rate.Limit
971	RPCMaxBurst  int
973	// RPCMaxConnsPerClient limits the number of concurrent TCP connections the
974	// RPC server will accept from any single source IP address.
975	//
976	// hcl: limits{ rpc_max_conns_per_client = 100 }
977	RPCMaxConnsPerClient int
979	// RPCProtocol is the Consul protocol version to use.
980	//
981	// hcl: protocol = int
982	RPCProtocol int
984	// RaftProtocol sets the Raft protocol version to use on this server.
985	// Defaults to 3.
986	//
987	// hcl: raft_protocol = int
988	RaftProtocol int
990	// RaftSnapshotThreshold sets the minimum threshold of raft commits after which
991	// a snapshot is created. Defaults to 8192
992	//
993	// hcl: raft_snapshot_threshold = int
994	RaftSnapshotThreshold int
996	// RaftSnapshotInterval sets the interval to use when checking whether to create
997	// a new snapshot. Defaults to 5 seconds.
998	// hcl: raft_snapshot_threshold = int
999	RaftSnapshotInterval time.Duration
1001	// RaftTrailingLogs sets the number of log entries that will be left in the
1002	// log store after a snapshot. This must be large enough that a follower can
1003	// transfer and restore an entire snapshot of the state before this many new
1004	// entries have been appended. In vast majority of cases the default is plenty
1005	// but if there is a sustained high write throughput coupled with a huge
1006	// multi-gigabyte snapshot setting this higher may be necessary to allow
1007	// followers time to reload from snapshot without becoming unhealthy. If it's
1008	// too low then followers are unable to ever recover from a restart and will
1009	// enter a loop of constantly downloading full snapshots and never catching
1010	// up. If you need to change this you should reconsider your usage of Consul
1011	// as it is not designed to store multiple-gigabyte data sets with high write
1012	// throughput. Defaults to 10000.
1013	//
1014	// hcl: raft_trailing_logs = int
1015	RaftTrailingLogs int
1017	// ReconnectTimeoutLAN specifies the amount of time to wait to reconnect with
1018	// another agent before deciding it's permanently gone. This can be used to
1019	// control the time it takes to reap failed nodes from the cluster.
1020	//
1021	// hcl: reconnect_timeout = "duration"
1022	ReconnectTimeoutLAN time.Duration
1024	// ReconnectTimeoutWAN specifies the amount of time to wait to reconnect with
1025	// another agent before deciding it's permanently gone. This can be used to
1026	// control the time it takes to reap failed nodes from the cluster.
1027	//
1028	// hcl: reconnect_timeout = "duration"
1029	ReconnectTimeoutWAN time.Duration
1031	// RejoinAfterLeave controls our interaction with the cluster after leave.
1032	// When set to false (default), a leave causes Consul to not rejoin
1033	// the cluster until an explicit join is received. If this is set to
1034	// true, we ignore the leave, and rejoin the cluster on start.
1035	//
1036	// hcl: rejoin_after_leave = (true|false)
1037	// flag: -rejoin
1038	RejoinAfterLeave bool
1040	// RetryJoinIntervalLAN specifies the amount of time to wait in between join
1041	// attempts on agent start. The minimum allowed value is 1 second and
1042	// the default is 30s.
1043	//
1044	// hcl: retry_join = "duration"
1045	RetryJoinIntervalLAN time.Duration
1047	// RetryJoinIntervalWAN specifies the amount of time to wait in between join
1048	// attempts on agent start. The minimum allowed value is 1 second and
1049	// the default is 30s.
1050	//
1051	// hcl: retry_join_wan = "duration"
1052	RetryJoinIntervalWAN time.Duration
1054	// RetryJoinLAN is a list of addresses and/or go-discover expressions to
1055	// join with retry enabled. See
1056	// https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/options.html#cloud-auto-joining for
1057	// details.
1058	//
1059	// hcl: retry_join = []string
1060	// flag: -retry-join string -retry-join string
1061	RetryJoinLAN []string
1063	// RetryJoinMaxAttemptsLAN specifies the maximum number of times to retry
1064	// joining a host on startup. This is useful for cases where we know the
1065	// node will be online eventually.
1066	//
1067	// hcl: retry_max = int
1068	// flag: -retry-max int
1069	RetryJoinMaxAttemptsLAN int
1071	// RetryJoinMaxAttemptsWAN specifies the maximum number of times to retry
1072	// joining a host on startup. This is useful for cases where we know the
1073	// node will be online eventually.
1074	//
1075	// hcl: retry_max_wan = int
1076	// flag: -retry-max-wan int
1077	RetryJoinMaxAttemptsWAN int
1079	// RetryJoinWAN is a list of addresses and/or go-discover expressions to
1080	// join -wan with retry enabled. See
1081	// https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/options.html#cloud-auto-joining for
1082	// details.
1083	//
1084	// hcl: retry_join_wan = []string
1085	// flag: -retry-join-wan string -retry-join-wan string
1086	RetryJoinWAN []string
1088	// SegmentName is the network segment for this client to join.
1089	// (Enterprise-only)
1090	//
1091	// hcl: segment = string
1092	SegmentName string
1094	// Segments is the list of network segments for this server to
1095	// initialize.
1096	//
1097	// hcl: segment = [
1098	//   {
1099	//     # name is the name of the segment
1100	//     name = string
1101	//
1102	//     # bind is the bind ip address for this segment.
1103	//     bind = string
1104	//
1105	//     # port is the bind port for this segment.
1106	//     port = int
1107	//
1108	//     # advertise is the advertise ip address for this segment.
1109	//     # Defaults to the bind address if not set.
1110	//     advertise = string
1111	//
1112	//     # rpc_listener controls whether or not to bind a separate
1113	//     # RPC listener to the bind address.
1114	//     rpc_listener = (true|false)
1115	//   },
1116	//   ...
1117	// ]
1118	Segments []structs.NetworkSegment
1120	// SerfAdvertiseAddrLAN is the TCP address which is used for advertising
1121	// the LAN Gossip pool for both client and server. The address is the
1122	// combination of AdvertiseAddrLAN and the SerfPortLAN. If the advertise
1123	// address is not given the bind address is used.
1124	//
1125	// hcl: bind_addr = string advertise_addr = string ports { serf_lan = int }
1126	SerfAdvertiseAddrLAN *net.TCPAddr
1128	// SerfAdvertiseAddrWAN is the TCP address which is used for advertising
1129	// the WAN Gossip pool on the server only. The address is the combination
1130	// of AdvertiseAddrWAN and the SerfPortWAN. If the advertise address is not
1131	// given the bind address is used.
1132	//
1133	// hcl: bind_addr = string advertise_addr_wan = string ports { serf_wan = int }
1134	SerfAdvertiseAddrWAN *net.TCPAddr
1136	// SerfBindAddrLAN is the address to bind the Serf LAN TCP and UDP
1137	// listeners to. The ip address is either the default bind address or the
1138	// 'serf_lan' address which can be either an ip address or a go-sockaddr
1139	// template which resolves to a single ip address.
1140	//
1141	// hcl: bind_addr = string serf_lan = string ports { serf_lan = int }
1142	// flag: -serf-lan string
1143	SerfBindAddrLAN *net.TCPAddr
1145	// SerfBindAddrWAN is the address to bind the Serf WAN TCP and UDP
1146	// listeners to. The ip address is either the default bind address or the
1147	// 'serf_wan' address which can be either an ip address or a go-sockaddr
1148	// template which resolves to a single ip address.
1149	//
1150	// hcl: bind_addr = string serf_wan = string ports { serf_wan = int }
1151	// flag: -serf-wan string
1152	SerfBindAddrWAN *net.TCPAddr
1154	// SerfPortLAN is the port used for the LAN Gossip pool for both client and server.
1155	// The default is 8301.
1156	//
1157	// hcl: ports { serf_lan = int }
1158	SerfPortLAN int
1160	// SerfPortWAN is the port used for the WAN Gossip pool for the server only.
1161	// The default is 8302.
1162	//
1163	// hcl: ports { serf_wan = int }
1164	SerfPortWAN int
1166	// GossipLANGossipInterval is the interval between sending messages that need
1167	// to be gossiped that haven't been able to piggyback on probing messages.
1168	// If this is set to zero, non-piggyback gossip is disabled. By lowering
1169	// this value (more frequent) gossip messages are propagated across
1170	// the cluster more quickly at the expense of increased bandwidth. This
1171	// configuration only applies to LAN gossip communications
1172	//
1173	// The default is: 200ms
1174	//
1175	// hcl: gossip_lan { gossip_interval = duration}
1176	GossipLANGossipInterval time.Duration
1178	// GossipLANGossipNodes is the number of random nodes to send gossip messages to
1179	// per GossipInterval. Increasing this number causes the gossip messages to
1180	// propagate across the cluster more quickly at the expense of increased
1181	// bandwidth. This configuration only applies to LAN gossip communications
1182	//
1183	// The default is: 3
1184	//
1185	// hcl: gossip_lan { gossip_nodes = int }
1186	GossipLANGossipNodes int
1188	// GossipLANProbeInterval is the interval between random node probes. Setting
1189	// this lower (more frequent) will cause the memberlist cluster to detect
1190	// failed nodes more quickly at the expense of increased bandwidth usage.
1191	// This configuration only applies to LAN gossip communications
1192	//
1193	// The default is: 1s
1194	//
1195	// hcl: gossip_lan { probe_interval = duration }
1196	GossipLANProbeInterval time.Duration
1198	// GossipLANProbeTimeout is the timeout to wait for an ack from a probed node
1199	// before assuming it is unhealthy. This should be set to 99-percentile
1200	// of RTT (round-trip time) on your network. This configuration
1201	// only applies to the LAN gossip communications
1202	//
1203	// The default is: 500ms
1204	//
1205	// hcl: gossip_lan { probe_timeout = duration }
1206	GossipLANProbeTimeout time.Duration
1208	// GossipLANSuspicionMult is the multiplier for determining the time an
1209	// inaccessible node is considered suspect before declaring it dead. This
1210	// configuration only applies to LAN gossip communications
1211	//
1212	// The actual timeout is calculated using the formula:
1213	//
1214	//   SuspicionTimeout = SuspicionMult * log(N+1) * ProbeInterval
1215	//
1216	// This allows the timeout to scale properly with expected propagation
1217	// delay with a larger cluster size. The higher the multiplier, the longer
1218	// an inaccessible node is considered part of the cluster before declaring
1219	// it dead, giving that suspect node more time to refute if it is indeed
1220	// still alive.
1221	//
1222	// The default is: 4
1223	//
1224	// hcl: gossip_lan { suspicion_mult = int }
1225	GossipLANSuspicionMult int
1227	// GossipLANRetransmitMult is the multiplier for the number of retransmissions
1228	// that are attempted for messages broadcasted over gossip. This
1229	// configuration only applies to LAN gossip communications. The actual
1230	// count of retransmissions is calculated using the formula:
1231	//
1232	//   Retransmits = RetransmitMult * log(N+1)
1233	//
1234	// This allows the retransmits to scale properly with cluster size. The
1235	// higher the multiplier, the more likely a failed broadcast is to converge
1236	// at the expense of increased bandwidth.
1237	//
1238	// The default is: 4
1239	//
1240	// hcl: gossip_lan { retransmit_mult = int }
1241	GossipLANRetransmitMult int
1243	// GossipWANGossipInterval  is the interval between sending messages that need
1244	// to be gossiped that haven't been able to piggyback on probing messages.
1245	// If this is set to zero, non-piggyback gossip is disabled. By lowering
1246	// this value (more frequent) gossip messages are propagated across
1247	// the cluster more quickly at the expense of increased bandwidth. This
1248	// configuration only applies to WAN gossip communications
1249	//
1250	// The default is: 200ms
1251	//
1252	// hcl: gossip_wan { gossip_interval = duration}
1253	GossipWANGossipInterval time.Duration
1255	// GossipWANGossipNodes is the number of random nodes to send gossip messages to
1256	// per GossipInterval. Increasing this number causes the gossip messages to
1257	// propagate across the cluster more quickly at the expense of increased
1258	// bandwidth. This configuration only applies to WAN gossip communications
1259	//
1260	// The default is: 3
1261	//
1262	// hcl: gossip_wan { gossip_nodes = int }
1263	GossipWANGossipNodes int
1265	// GossipWANProbeInterval is the interval between random node probes. Setting
1266	// this lower (more frequent) will cause the memberlist cluster to detect
1267	// failed nodes more quickly at the expense of increased bandwidth usage.
1268	// This configuration only applies to WAN gossip communications
1269	//
1270	// The default is: 1s
1271	//
1272	// hcl: gossip_wan { probe_interval = duration }
1273	GossipWANProbeInterval time.Duration
1275	// GossipWANProbeTimeout is the timeout to wait for an ack from a probed node
1276	// before assuming it is unhealthy. This should be set to 99-percentile
1277	// of RTT (round-trip time) on your network. This configuration
1278	// only applies to the WAN gossip communications
1279	//
1280	// The default is: 500ms
1281	//
1282	// hcl: gossip_wan { probe_timeout = duration }
1283	GossipWANProbeTimeout time.Duration
1285	// GossipWANSuspicionMult is the multiplier for determining the time an
1286	// inaccessible node is considered suspect before declaring it dead. This
1287	// configuration only applies to WAN gossip communications
1288	//
1289	// The actual timeout is calculated using the formula:
1290	//
1291	//   SuspicionTimeout = SuspicionMult * log(N+1) * ProbeInterval
1292	//
1293	// This allows the timeout to scale properly with expected propagation
1294	// delay with a larger cluster size. The higher the multiplier, the longer
1295	// an inaccessible node is considered part of the cluster before declaring
1296	// it dead, giving that suspect node more time to refute if it is indeed
1297	// still alive.
1298	//
1299	// The default is: 4
1300	//
1301	// hcl: gossip_wan { suspicion_mult = int }
1302	GossipWANSuspicionMult int
1304	// GossipWANRetransmitMult is the multiplier for the number of retransmissions
1305	// that are attempted for messages broadcasted over gossip. This
1306	// configuration only applies to WAN gossip communications. The actual
1307	// count of retransmissions is calculated using the formula:
1308	//
1309	//   Retransmits = RetransmitMult * log(N+1)
1310	//
1311	// This allows the retransmits to scale properly with cluster size. The
1312	// higher the multiplier, the more likely a failed broadcast is to converge
1313	// at the expense of increased bandwidth.
1314	//
1315	// The default is: 4
1316	//
1317	// hcl: gossip_wan { retransmit_mult = int }
1318	GossipWANRetransmitMult int
1320	// ServerMode controls if this agent acts like a Consul server,
1321	// or merely as a client. Servers have more state, take part
1322	// in leader election, etc.
1323	//
1324	// hcl: server = (true|false)
1325	// flag: -server
1326	ServerMode bool
1328	// ServerName is used with the TLS certificates to ensure the name we
1329	// provide matches the certificate.
1330	//
1331	// hcl: server_name = string
1332	ServerName string
1334	// ServerPort is the port the RPC server will bind to.
1335	// The default is 8300.
1336	//
1337	// hcl: ports { server = int }
1338	ServerPort int
1340	// Services contains the provided service definitions:
1341	//
1342	// hcl: services = [
1343	//   {
1344	//     id = string
1345	//     name = string
1346	//     tags = []string
1347	//     address = string
1348	//     check = { check definition }
1349	//     checks = [ { check definition}, ... ]
1350	//     token = string
1351	//     enable_tag_override = (true|false)
1352	//   },
1353	//   ...
1354	// ]
1355	Services []*structs.ServiceDefinition
1357	// Minimum Session TTL.
1358	//
1359	// hcl: session_ttl_min = "duration"
1360	SessionTTLMin time.Duration
1362	// SkipLeaveOnInt controls if Serf skips a graceful leave when
1363	// receiving the INT signal. Defaults false on clients, true on
1364	// servers. (reloadable)
1365	//
1366	// hcl: skip_leave_on_interrupt = (true|false)
1367	SkipLeaveOnInt bool
1369	// StartJoinAddrsLAN is a list of addresses to attempt to join -lan when the
1370	// agent starts. If Serf is unable to communicate with any of these
1371	// addresses, then the agent will error and exit.
1372	//
1373	// hcl: start_join = []string
1374	// flag: -join string -join string
1375	StartJoinAddrsLAN []string
1377	// StartJoinWAN is a list of addresses to attempt to join -wan when the
1378	// agent starts. If Serf is unable to communicate with any of these
1379	// addresses, then the agent will error and exit.
1380	//
1381	// hcl: start_join_wan = []string
1382	// flag: -join-wan string -join-wan string
1383	StartJoinAddrsWAN []string
1385	// SyslogFacility is used to control where the syslog messages go
1386	// By default, goes to LOCAL0
1387	//
1388	// hcl: syslog_facility = string
1389	SyslogFacility string
1391	// TLSCipherSuites is used to specify the list of supported ciphersuites.
1392	//
1393	// The values should be a list of the following values:
1394	//
1407	//   TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
1408	//   TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
1409	//   TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
1410	//   TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
1411	//   TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
1414	//   TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
1415	//   TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
1417	//
1418	// todo(fs): IMHO, we should also support the raw 0xNNNN values from
1419	// todo(fs): https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/tls/#pkg-constants
1420	// todo(fs): since they are standardized by IANA.
1421	//
1422	// hcl: tls_cipher_suites = []string
1423	TLSCipherSuites []uint16
1425	// TLSMinVersion is used to set the minimum TLS version used for TLS
1426	// connections. Should be either "tls10", "tls11", or "tls12".
1427	//
1428	// hcl: tls_min_version = string
1429	TLSMinVersion string
1431	// TLSPreferServerCipherSuites specifies whether to prefer the server's
1432	// cipher suite over the client cipher suites.
1433	//
1434	// hcl: tls_prefer_server_cipher_suites = (true|false)
1435	TLSPreferServerCipherSuites bool
1437	// TaggedAddresses are used to publish a set of addresses for
1438	// for a node, which can be used by the remote agent. We currently
1439	// populate only the "wan" tag based on the SerfWan advertise address,
1440	// but this structure is here for possible future features with other
1441	// user-defined tags. The "wan" tag will be used by remote agents if
1442	// they are configured with TranslateWANAddrs set to true.
1443	//
1444	// hcl: tagged_addresses = map[string]string
1445	TaggedAddresses map[string]string
1447	// TranslateWANAddrs controls whether or not Consul should prefer
1448	// the "wan" tagged address when doing lookups in remote datacenters.
1449	// See TaggedAddresses below for more details.
1450	//
1451	// hcl: translate_wan_addrs = (true|false)
1452	TranslateWANAddrs bool
1454	// UIDir is the directory containing the Web UI resources.
1455	// If provided, the UI endpoints will be enabled.
1456	//
1457	// hcl: ui_dir = string
1458	// flag: -ui-dir string
1459	UIDir string
1461	//UIContentPath is a string that sets the external
1462	// path to a string. Default: /ui/
1463	UIContentPath string
1465	// UnixSocketGroup contains the group of the file permissions when
1466	// Consul binds to UNIX sockets.
1467	//
1468	// hcl: unix_sockets { group = string }
1469	UnixSocketGroup string
1471	// UnixSocketMode contains the mode of the file permissions when
1472	// Consul binds to UNIX sockets.
1473	//
1474	// hcl: unix_sockets { mode = string }
1475	UnixSocketMode string
1477	// UnixSocketUser contains the user of the file permissions when
1478	// Consul binds to UNIX sockets.
1479	//
1480	// hcl: unix_sockets { user = string }
1481	UnixSocketUser string
1483	// VerifyIncoming is used to verify the authenticity of incoming
1484	// connections. This means that TCP requests are forbidden, only allowing
1485	// for TLS. TLS connections must match a provided certificate authority.
1486	// This can be used to force client auth.
1487	//
1488	// hcl: verify_incoming = (true|false)
1489	VerifyIncoming bool
1491	// VerifyIncomingHTTPS is used to verify the authenticity of incoming HTTPS
1492	// connections. This means that TCP requests are forbidden, only allowing
1493	// for TLS. TLS connections must match a provided certificate authority.
1494	// This can be used to force client auth.
1495	//
1496	// hcl: verify_incoming_https = (true|false)
1497	VerifyIncomingHTTPS bool
1499	// VerifyIncomingRPC is used to verify the authenticity of incoming RPC
1500	// connections. This means that TCP requests are forbidden, only allowing
1501	// for TLS. TLS connections must match a provided certificate authority.
1502	// This can be used to force client auth.
1503	//
1504	// hcl: verify_incoming_rpc = (true|false)
1505	VerifyIncomingRPC bool
1507	// VerifyOutgoing is used to verify the authenticity of outgoing
1508	// connections. This means that TLS requests are used. TLS connections must
1509	// match a provided certificate authority. This is used to verify
1510	// authenticity of server nodes.
1511	//
1512	// hcl: verify_outgoing = (true|false)
1513	VerifyOutgoing bool
1515	// VerifyServerHostname is used to enable hostname verification of servers.
1516	// This ensures that the certificate presented is valid for
1517	// server.<datacenter>.<domain>. This prevents a compromised client from
1518	// being restarted as a server, and then intercepting request traffic as
1519	// well as being added as a raft peer. This should be enabled by default
1520	// with VerifyOutgoing, but for legacy reasons we cannot break existing
1521	// clients.
1522	//
1523	// hcl: verify_server_hostname = (true|false)
1524	VerifyServerHostname bool
1526	// Watches are used to monitor various endpoints and to invoke a
1527	// handler to act appropriately. These are managed entirely in the
1528	// agent layer using the standard APIs.
1529	//
1530	// See https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/watches.html for details.
1531	//
1532	// hcl: watches = [
1533	//   { type=string ... },
1534	//   { type=string ... },
1535	//   ...
1536	// ]
1537	//
1538	Watches []map[string]interface{}
1540	EnterpriseRuntimeConfig
1543func (c *RuntimeConfig) apiAddresses(maxPerType int) (unixAddrs, httpAddrs, httpsAddrs []string) {
1544	if len(c.HTTPSAddrs) > 0 {
1545		for i, addr := range c.HTTPSAddrs {
1546			if maxPerType < 1 || i < maxPerType {
1547				httpsAddrs = append(httpsAddrs, addr.String())
1548			} else {
1549				break
1550			}
1551		}
1552	}
1553	if len(c.HTTPAddrs) > 0 {
1554		unix_count := 0
1555		http_count := 0
1556		for _, addr := range c.HTTPAddrs {
1557			switch addr.(type) {
1558			case *net.UnixAddr:
1559				if maxPerType < 1 || unix_count < maxPerType {
1560					unixAddrs = append(unixAddrs, addr.String())
1561					unix_count += 1
1562				}
1563			default:
1564				if maxPerType < 1 || http_count < maxPerType {
1565					httpAddrs = append(httpAddrs, addr.String())
1566					http_count += 1
1567				}
1568			}
1569		}
1570	}
1572	return
1575func (c *RuntimeConfig) ClientAddress() (unixAddr, httpAddr, httpsAddr string) {
1576	unixAddrs, httpAddrs, httpsAddrs := c.apiAddresses(0)
1578	if len(unixAddrs) > 0 {
1579		unixAddr = "unix://" + unixAddrs[0]
1580	}
1582	http_any := ""
1583	if len(httpAddrs) > 0 {
1584		for _, addr := range httpAddrs {
1585			host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
1586			if err != nil {
1587				continue
1588			}
1590			if host == "" || host == "::" {
1591				if http_any == "" {
1592					if host == "" {
1593						http_any = net.JoinHostPort("", port)
1594					} else {
1595						http_any = net.JoinHostPort("::1", port)
1596					}
1597				}
1598				continue
1599			}
1601			httpAddr = addr
1602			break
1603		}
1605		if httpAddr == "" && http_any != "" {
1606			httpAddr = http_any
1607		}
1608	}
1610	https_any := ""
1611	if len(httpsAddrs) > 0 {
1612		for _, addr := range httpsAddrs {
1613			host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
1614			if err != nil {
1615				continue
1616			}
1618			if host == "" || host == "::" {
1619				if https_any == "" {
1620					if host == "" {
1621						https_any = net.JoinHostPort("", port)
1622					} else {
1623						https_any = net.JoinHostPort("::1", port)
1624					}
1625				}
1626				continue
1627			}
1629			httpsAddr = addr
1630			break
1631		}
1633		if httpsAddr == "" && https_any != "" {
1634			httpsAddr = https_any
1635		}
1636	}
1638	return
1641func (c *RuntimeConfig) APIConfig(includeClientCerts bool) (*api.Config, error) {
1642	cfg := &api.Config{
1643		Datacenter: c.Datacenter,
1644		TLSConfig:  api.TLSConfig{InsecureSkipVerify: !c.VerifyOutgoing},
1645	}
1647	unixAddr, httpAddr, httpsAddr := c.ClientAddress()
1649	if httpsAddr != "" {
1650		cfg.Address = httpsAddr
1651		cfg.Scheme = "https"
1652		cfg.TLSConfig.CAFile = c.CAFile
1653		cfg.TLSConfig.CAPath = c.CAPath
1654		if includeClientCerts {
1655			cfg.TLSConfig.CertFile = c.CertFile
1656			cfg.TLSConfig.KeyFile = c.KeyFile
1657		}
1658	} else if httpAddr != "" {
1659		cfg.Address = httpAddr
1660		cfg.Scheme = "http"
1661	} else if unixAddr != "" {
1662		cfg.Address = unixAddr
1663		// this should be ignored - however we are still talking http over a unix socket
1664		// so it makes sense to set it like this
1665		cfg.Scheme = "http"
1666	} else {
1667		return nil, fmt.Errorf("No suitable client address can be found")
1668	}
1670	return cfg, nil
1673// Sanitized returns a JSON/HCL compatible representation of the runtime
1674// configuration where all fields with potential secrets had their
1675// values replaced by 'hidden'. In addition, network addresses and
1676// time.Duration values are formatted to improve readability.
1677func (c *RuntimeConfig) Sanitized() map[string]interface{} {
1678	return sanitize("rt", reflect.ValueOf(c)).Interface().(map[string]interface{})
1681func (c *RuntimeConfig) ToTLSUtilConfig() tlsutil.Config {
1682	return tlsutil.Config{
1683		VerifyIncoming:           c.VerifyIncoming,
1684		VerifyIncomingRPC:        c.VerifyIncomingRPC,
1685		VerifyIncomingHTTPS:      c.VerifyIncomingHTTPS,
1686		VerifyOutgoing:           c.VerifyOutgoing,
1687		VerifyServerHostname:     c.VerifyServerHostname,
1688		CAFile:                   c.CAFile,
1689		CAPath:                   c.CAPath,
1690		CertFile:                 c.CertFile,
1691		KeyFile:                  c.KeyFile,
1692		NodeName:                 c.NodeName,
1693		Domain:                   c.DNSDomain,
1694		ServerName:               c.ServerName,
1695		TLSMinVersion:            c.TLSMinVersion,
1696		CipherSuites:             c.TLSCipherSuites,
1697		PreferServerCipherSuites: c.TLSPreferServerCipherSuites,
1698		EnableAgentTLSForChecks:  c.EnableAgentTLSForChecks,
1699		AutoEncryptTLS:           c.AutoEncryptTLS,
1700	}
1703// isSecret determines whether a field name represents a field which
1704// may contain a secret.
1705func isSecret(name string) bool {
1706	name = strings.ToLower(name)
1707	return strings.Contains(name, "key") || strings.Contains(name, "token") || strings.Contains(name, "secret")
1710// cleanRetryJoin sanitizes the go-discover config strings key=val key=val...
1711// by scrubbing the individual key=val combinations.
1712func cleanRetryJoin(a string) string {
1713	var fields []string
1714	for _, f := range strings.Fields(a) {
1715		if isSecret(f) {
1716			kv := strings.SplitN(f, "=", 2)
1717			fields = append(fields, kv[0]+"=hidden")
1718		} else {
1719			fields = append(fields, f)
1720		}
1721	}
1722	return strings.Join(fields, " ")
1725func sanitize(name string, v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
1726	typ := v.Type()
1727	switch {
1728	// check before isStruct and isPtr
1729	case isNetAddr(typ):
1730		if v.IsNil() {
1731			return reflect.ValueOf("")
1732		}
1733		switch x := v.Interface().(type) {
1734		case *net.TCPAddr:
1735			return reflect.ValueOf("tcp://" + x.String())
1736		case *net.UDPAddr:
1737			return reflect.ValueOf("udp://" + x.String())
1738		case *net.UnixAddr:
1739			return reflect.ValueOf("unix://" + x.String())
1740		case *net.IPAddr:
1741			return reflect.ValueOf(x.IP.String())
1742		case *net.IPNet:
1743			return reflect.ValueOf(x.String())
1744		default:
1745			return v
1746		}
1748	// check before isNumber
1749	case isDuration(typ):
1750		x := v.Interface().(time.Duration)
1751		return reflect.ValueOf(x.String())
1753	case isString(typ):
1754		if strings.HasPrefix(name, "RetryJoinLAN[") || strings.HasPrefix(name, "RetryJoinWAN[") {
1755			x := v.Interface().(string)
1756			return reflect.ValueOf(cleanRetryJoin(x))
1757		}
1758		if isSecret(name) {
1759			return reflect.ValueOf("hidden")
1760		}
1761		return v
1763	case isNumber(typ) || isBool(typ):
1764		return v
1766	case isPtr(typ):
1767		if v.IsNil() {
1768			return v
1769		}
1770		return sanitize(name, v.Elem())
1772	case isStruct(typ):
1773		m := map[string]interface{}{}
1774		for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
1775			key := typ.Field(i).Name
1776			m[key] = sanitize(key, v.Field(i)).Interface()
1777		}
1778		return reflect.ValueOf(m)
1780	case isArray(typ) || isSlice(typ):
1781		ma := make([]interface{}, 0)
1782		for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
1783			ma = append(ma, sanitize(fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", name, i), v.Index(i)).Interface())
1784		}
1785		return reflect.ValueOf(ma)
1787	case isMap(typ):
1788		m := map[string]interface{}{}
1789		for _, k := range v.MapKeys() {
1790			key := k.String()
1791			m[key] = sanitize(key, v.MapIndex(k)).Interface()
1792		}
1793		return reflect.ValueOf(m)
1795	default:
1796		return v
1797	}
1800func isDuration(t reflect.Type) bool { return t == reflect.TypeOf(time.Second) }
1801func isMap(t reflect.Type) bool      { return t.Kind() == reflect.Map }
1802func isNetAddr(t reflect.Type) bool  { return t.Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*net.Addr)(nil)).Elem()) }
1803func isPtr(t reflect.Type) bool      { return t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr }
1804func isArray(t reflect.Type) bool    { return t.Kind() == reflect.Array }
1805func isSlice(t reflect.Type) bool    { return t.Kind() == reflect.Slice }
1806func isString(t reflect.Type) bool   { return t.Kind() == reflect.String }
1807func isStruct(t reflect.Type) bool   { return t.Kind() == reflect.Struct }
1808func isBool(t reflect.Type) bool     { return t.Kind() == reflect.Bool }
1809func isNumber(t reflect.Type) bool   { return isInt(t) || isUint(t) || isFloat(t) || isComplex(t) }
1810func isInt(t reflect.Type) bool {
1811	return t.Kind() == reflect.Int ||
1812		t.Kind() == reflect.Int8 ||
1813		t.Kind() == reflect.Int16 ||
1814		t.Kind() == reflect.Int32 ||
1815		t.Kind() == reflect.Int64
1817func isUint(t reflect.Type) bool {
1818	return t.Kind() == reflect.Uint ||
1819		t.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 ||
1820		t.Kind() == reflect.Uint16 ||
1821		t.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 ||
1822		t.Kind() == reflect.Uint64
1824func isFloat(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Kind() == reflect.Float32 || t.Kind() == reflect.Float64 }
1825func isComplex(t reflect.Type) bool {
1826	return t.Kind() == reflect.Complex64 || t.Kind() == reflect.Complex128