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mongodbatlas.goH A D28-Jun-20215.7 KiB208158

mongodbatlas_test.goH A D28-Jun-202115.3 KiB579452


1# HashiCorp Vault Database Secrets Engine - MongoDB Atlas plugin
3MongoDB Atlas is one of the supported plugins for the HashiCorp Vault Database Secrets Engine and allows for the programmatic generation of unique, ephemeral MongoDB [Database User](https://docs.atlas.mongodb.com/reference/api/database-users/) credentials in MongoDB Atlas Projects.
5**The plugin is included from version 1.4 of Vault.**
7**Please note:** If you would like to install a different version of this plugin than the one that is bundled with Vault, versions v0.2.0 onwards of this plugin are incompatible with Vault versions before 1.6.0 due to an update of the database plugin interface.
9## Support, Bugs and Feature Requests
11Support for the HashiCorp Vault Database Secrets Engine - MongoDB Atlas is provided under MongoDB Atlas support plans. Please submit support questions within the Atlas UI.  Vault support is via HashiCorp.
13Bugs should be filed under the Issues section of this repo.
15Feature requests can be submitted in the Issues section or [directly to MongoDB](https://feedback.mongodb.com/forums/924145-atlas) - just select the Vault plugin as the category or vote for an already suggested feature.
17## Quick Links
19- [Database Secrets Engine for MongoDB Atlas - Docs](https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/secrets/databases/mongodbatlas)
20- [Database Secrets Engine for MongoDB Atlas - API Docs](https://www.vaultproject.io/api-docs/secret/databases/mongodbatlas/)
21- [MongoDB Atlas Website](https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas)
22- [Vault Website](https://www.vaultproject.io)
24**Please note**: HashiCorp takes Vault's security and their users' trust very seriously, as does MongoDB.
26If you believe you have found a security issue in Vault or with this plugin, _please responsibly disclose_ by
27contacting HashiCorp at [security@hashicorp.com](mailto:security@hashicorp.com) and contact MongoDB
28directly via [security@mongodb.com](mailto:security@mongodb.com) or
29[open a ticket](https://jira.mongodb.org/plugins/servlet/samlsso?redirectTo=%2Fbrowse%2FSECURITY) (link is external).
31## Acceptance Testing
33In order to perform acceptance testing, you need to set the environment
34variable `VAULT_ACC=1` as well as provide all of the necessary information to
35connect to a MongoDB Atlas Project. All `ATLAS_*` environment variables must be
36provided in order for the acceptance tests to run properly. A cluster must be
37available during the test. A
38[free tier cluster](https://docs.atlas.mongodb.com/tutorial/deploy-free-tier-cluster/)
39can be provisioned manually to test.
41| Environment variable | Description                                                   |
43| ATLAS_PUBLIC_KEY     | The Atlas API public key                                      |
44| ATLAS_PRIVATE_KEY    | The Atlas API private key                                     |
45| ATLAS_PROJECT_ID     | The desired project ID or group ID                            |
46| ATLAS_CONN_URL       | The desired cluster's connection URL within the project       |
47| ATLAS_ALLOWLIST_IP   | The public IP of the machine that the test is being performed |