1 use crate::error::CalcError;
2 use crate::token::*;
3 use crate::value::{Value, IR};
4 use decimal::d128;
5 use rand::Rng;
7 const RECURSION_LIMIT: usize = 10;
9 /// Represents an environment for evaluating a mathematical expression
10 pub trait Environment {
11     /// Look up the arity of an atom:
12     /// - Variables have an implicit arity of zero
13     /// - This library currently does not support varadic functions
14     /// - If a symbol is not defined, return None
arity(&self, atom: &str) -> Option<usize>15     fn arity(&self, atom: &str) -> Option<usize>;
17     /// Resolve an atom given the name of the atom and some number of
18     /// arguments
19     /// Precondition: `args.len() == self.arity(atom)`
resolve( &mut self, atom: &str, args: &[Value], ) -> Result<Value, CalcError>20     fn resolve(
21         &mut self,
22         atom: &str,
23         args: &[Value],
24     ) -> Result<Value, CalcError>;
add_recursion_level(&mut self)26     fn add_recursion_level(&mut self);
subtract_recursion_level(&mut self)27     fn subtract_recursion_level(&mut self);
get_recursion_level(&self) -> usize28     fn get_recursion_level(&self) -> usize;
ans(&self) -> &Option<Value>30     fn ans(&self) -> &Option<Value>;
31 }
d_expr<E>(token_list: &[Token], env: &mut E) -> Result<IR, CalcError> where E: Environment,33 fn d_expr<E>(token_list: &[Token], env: &mut E) -> Result<IR, CalcError>
34 where
35     E: Environment,
36 {
37     if !token_list.is_empty() && token_list[0] == Token::BitWiseNot {
38         let mut e = d_expr(&token_list[1..], env)?;
39         e.value = (!e.value)?;
40         e.tokens += 1;
41         return Ok(e);
42     }
44     let mut e1 = e_expr(token_list, env)?;
45     let mut index = e1.tokens;
47     while index < token_list.len() {
48         match token_list[index] {
49             Token::BitWiseAnd => {
50                 let e2 = e_expr(&token_list[index + 1..], env)?;
51                 e1.value = (e1.value & e2.value)?;
52                 e1.tokens += e2.tokens + 1;
53             }
54             Token::BitWiseOr => {
55                 let e2 = e_expr(&token_list[index + 1..], env)?;
56                 e1.value = (e1.value | e2.value)?;
57                 e1.tokens += e2.tokens + 1;
58             }
59             Token::BitWiseXor => {
60                 let e2 = e_expr(&token_list[index + 1..], env)?;
61                 e1.value = (e1.value ^ e2.value)?;
62                 e1.tokens += e2.tokens + 1;
63             }
64             Token::BitWiseLShift => {
65                 let e2 = e_expr(&token_list[index + 1..], env)?;
66                 e1.value = (e1.value << e2.value)?;
67                 e1.tokens += e2.tokens + 1;
68             }
69             Token::BitWiseRShift => {
70                 let e2 = e_expr(&token_list[index + 1..], env)?;
71                 e1.value = (e1.value >> e2.value)?;
72                 e1.tokens += e2.tokens + 1;
73             }
74             Token::Number(ref n) => {
75                 return Err(CalcError::UnexpectedToken(
76                     n.to_string(),
77                     "operator",
78                 ));
79             }
80             _ => break,
81         };
82         index = e1.tokens;
83     }
84     Ok(e1)
85 }
86 // Addition and subtraction
e_expr<E>(token_list: &[Token], env: &mut E) -> Result<IR, CalcError> where E: Environment,87 fn e_expr<E>(token_list: &[Token], env: &mut E) -> Result<IR, CalcError>
88 where
89     E: Environment,
90 {
91     let mut t1 = t_expr(token_list, env)?;
92     let mut index = t1.tokens;
94     while index < token_list.len() {
95         match token_list[index] {
96             Token::Plus => {
97                 let t2 = t_expr(&token_list[index + 1..], env)?;
98                 t1.value = (t1.value + t2.value)?;
99                 t1.tokens += t2.tokens + 1;
100             }
101             Token::Minus => {
102                 let t2 = t_expr(&token_list[index + 1..], env)?;
103                 t1.value = (t1.value - t2.value)?;
104                 t1.tokens += t2.tokens + 1;
105             }
106             Token::Number(ref n) => {
107                 return Err(CalcError::UnexpectedToken(
108                     n.to_string(),
109                     "operator",
110                 ))
111             }
112             _ => break,
113         };
114         index = t1.tokens;
115     }
116     Ok(t1)
117 }
119 // Multiplication and division
t_expr<E>(token_list: &[Token], env: &mut E) -> Result<IR, CalcError> where E: Environment,120 fn t_expr<E>(token_list: &[Token], env: &mut E) -> Result<IR, CalcError>
121 where
122     E: Environment,
123 {
124     let mut f1 = f_expr(token_list, env)?;
125     let mut index = f1.tokens;
127     while index < token_list.len() {
128         match token_list[index] {
129             Token::Multiply => {
130                 let f2 = f_expr(&token_list[index + 1..], env)?;
131                 f1.value = (f1.value * f2.value)?;
132                 f1.tokens += f2.tokens + 1;
133             }
134             Token::Divide => {
135                 let f2 = f_expr(&token_list[index + 1..], env)?;
136                 f1.value = (f1.value / f2.value)?;
137                 f1.tokens += f2.tokens + 1;
138             }
139             Token::Modulo => {
140                 let f2 = f_expr(&token_list[index + 1..], env)?;
141                 f1.value = (f1.value % f2.value)?;
142                 f1.tokens += f2.tokens + 1;
143             }
144             Token::Dice => {
145                 let f2 = f_expr(&token_list[index + 1..], env)?;
146                 let dice_rolls: i32 = f1.value.as_float()?.into();
147                 let dice_max: i32 = f2.value.as_float()?.into();
148                 if dice_rolls < 1 || dice_max < 1 {
149                     return Err(CalcError::ImpossibleDice);
150                 }
151                 let mut dice_result = 0;
152                 let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
153                 for _i in 0..dice_rolls {
154                     dice_result += rng.gen_range(1, dice_max + 1);
155                 }
156                 f1.value = Value::dec(dice_result);
157                 f1.tokens += f2.tokens + 1;
158             }
159             Token::Number(ref n) => {
160                 return Err(CalcError::UnexpectedToken(
161                     n.to_string(),
162                     "operator",
163                 ));
164             }
165             _ => break,
166         }
167         index = f1.tokens;
168     }
169     Ok(f1)
170 }
172 // Exponentiation
f_expr<E>(token_list: &[Token], env: &mut E) -> Result<IR, CalcError> where E: Environment,173 fn f_expr<E>(token_list: &[Token], env: &mut E) -> Result<IR, CalcError>
174 where
175     E: Environment,
176 {
177     let mut g1 = g_expr(token_list, env)?; // was g1
178     let mut index = g1.tokens;
179     let token_len = token_list.len();
180     while index < token_len {
181         match token_list[index] {
182             Token::Exponent => {
183                 let f = f_expr(&token_list[index + 1..], env)?;
184                 g1.value = g1.value.pow(f.value)?;
185                 g1.tokens += f.tokens + 1;
186             }
187             Token::Square => {
188                 g1.value = (g1.value.clone() * g1.value)?;
189                 g1.tokens += 1;
190             }
191             Token::Cube => {
192                 g1.value = ((g1.value.clone() * g1.value.clone())? * g1.value)?;
193                 g1.tokens += 1;
194             }
195             Token::Number(ref n) => {
196                 return Err(CalcError::UnexpectedToken(
197                     n.to_string(),
198                     "operator",
199                 ));
200             }
201             _ => break,
202         }
203         index = g1.tokens;
204     }
205     Ok(g1)
206 }
208 // Numbers, parenthesized expressions, and atoms
g_expr<E>(token_list: &[Token], env: &mut E) -> Result<IR, CalcError> where E: Environment,209 fn g_expr<E>(token_list: &[Token], env: &mut E) -> Result<IR, CalcError>
210 where
211     E: Environment,
212 {
213     if !token_list.is_empty() {
214         match token_list[0] {
215             Token::Ans => match env.ans() {
216                 Some(v) => Ok(IR::new(v.clone(), 1)),
217                 None => Err(CalcError::MissingAns),
218             },
219             Token::Number(ref n) => Ok(IR::new(n.clone(), 1)),
220             Token::Atom(ref s) => {
221                 if let Some(nargs) = env.arity(s) {
222                     let mut args: Vec<Value> = Vec::new();
223                     let mut start = 1;
224                     for _ in 0..nargs {
225                         let ir = g_expr(&token_list[start..], env)?;
226                         start += ir.tokens;
227                         args.push(ir.value);
228                     }
229                     let res = env.resolve(s, &args);
230                     Ok(IR::new(res?, start))
231                 } else {
232                     Err(CalcError::UnknownAtom(s.clone()))
233                 }
234             }
235             Token::Minus => {
236                 if token_list.len() >= 2 {
237                     if let Token::Number(ref n) = token_list[1] {
238                         Ok(IR::new(-n.clone(), 2))
239                     } else {
240                         let mut ir = d_expr(&token_list[1..], env)?;
241                         ir.value = -ir.value;
242                         ir.tokens += 1;
243                         Ok(ir)
244                     }
245                 } else {
246                     Err(CalcError::UnexpectedEndOfInput)
247                 }
248             }
249             Token::OpenParen => {
250                 env.add_recursion_level();
251                 if env.get_recursion_level() > RECURSION_LIMIT {
252                     Err(CalcError::RecursionLimitReached)?
253                 }
254                 let mut ir = d_expr(&token_list[1..], env)?;
255                 let close_paren = ir.tokens + 1;
256                 if close_paren < token_list.len() {
257                     match token_list[close_paren] {
258                         Token::CloseParen => {
259                             env.subtract_recursion_level();
260                             ir.tokens = close_paren + 1;
261                             Ok(ir)
262                         }
263                         _ => Err(CalcError::UnexpectedToken(
264                             token_list[close_paren].to_string(),
265                             ")",
266                         )),
267                     }
268                 } else {
269                     Err(CalcError::UnmatchedParenthesis)
270                 }
271             }
272             _ => Err(CalcError::UnexpectedToken(
273                 token_list[0].to_string(),
274                 "number",
275             )),
276         }
277     } else {
278         Err(CalcError::UnexpectedEndOfInput)
279     }
280 }
282 pub struct DefaultEnvironment {
283     recursion_level: usize,
284     ans: Option<Value>,
285 }
287 impl DefaultEnvironment {
new() -> DefaultEnvironment288     pub fn new() -> DefaultEnvironment {
289         DefaultEnvironment {
290             recursion_level: 0,
291             ans: None,
292         }
293     }
with_ans(ans: Option<Value>) -> DefaultEnvironment295     pub fn with_ans(ans: Option<Value>) -> DefaultEnvironment {
296         DefaultEnvironment {
297             recursion_level: 0,
298             ans,
299         }
300     }
301 }
303 impl Environment for DefaultEnvironment {
arity(&self, atom: &str) -> Option<usize>304     fn arity(&self, atom: &str) -> Option<usize> {
305         match atom {
306             "pi" | "tau" => Some(0),
307             "log" => Some(1),
308             _ => None,
309         }
310     }
resolve( &mut self, atom: &str, args: &[Value], ) -> Result<Value, CalcError>312     fn resolve(
313         &mut self,
314         atom: &str,
315         args: &[Value],
316     ) -> Result<Value, CalcError> {
317         match atom {
318             "pi" => {
319                 Ok(Value::Float(d128!(3.1415926535897932384626433832795028)))
320             }
321             "tau" => Ok(Value::Float(
322                 d128!(3.1415926535897932384626433832795028) * d128!(2.0),
323             )),
324             "log" => Ok(Value::Float(args[0].as_float()?.log10())),
325             // "sin" => Ok(Value::Float(args[0].as_float().sin())),
326             // "cos" => Ok(Value::Float(args[0].as_float().cos())),
327             // "tan" => Ok(Value::Float(args[0].as_float().tan())),
328             _ => Err(CalcError::UnknownAtom(atom.to_owned())),
329         }
330     }
get_recursion_level(&self) -> usize332     fn get_recursion_level(&self) -> usize {
333         self.recursion_level
334     }
add_recursion_level(&mut self)336     fn add_recursion_level(&mut self) {
337         self.recursion_level += 1;
338     }
subtract_recursion_level(&mut self)339     fn subtract_recursion_level(&mut self) {
340         self.recursion_level -= 1;
341     }
ans(&self) -> &Option<Value>343     fn ans(&self) -> &Option<Value> {
344         &self.ans
345     }
346 }
parse<E>(tokens: &[Token], env: &mut E) -> Result<Value, CalcError> where E: Environment,348 pub fn parse<E>(tokens: &[Token], env: &mut E) -> Result<Value, CalcError>
349 where
350     E: Environment,
351 {
352     d_expr(tokens, env).map(|answer| answer.value)
353 }
355 #[cfg(test)]
356 mod tests {
358     use super::*;
360     #[test]
unary_minus()361     fn unary_minus() {
362         let expr = [
363             Token::Minus,
364             Token::Number(Value::dec(1)),
365             Token::Plus,
366             Token::Number(Value::dec(1)),
367         ];
368         let expected = Value::dec(0);
369         let mut env = DefaultEnvironment::new();
370         assert_eq!(super::parse(&expr, &mut env), Ok(expected));
371     }
373     #[test]
dice_parse()374     fn dice_parse() {
375         let expr = [
376             Token::Number(Value::dec(3)),
377             Token::Dice,
378             Token::Number(Value::dec(6)),
379         ];
380         let mut env = DefaultEnvironment::new();
381         let out = super::parse(&expr, &mut env);
382         let out_float = out.unwrap().as_float().unwrap();
383         assert!(out_float >= d128!(3.0) && out_float <= d128!(18.0));
384     }
386     #[test]
ans_calculation()387     fn ans_calculation() {
388         let expr = [Token::Ans, Token::Multiply, Token::Number(Value::dec(3))];
389         let expected = Value::dec(12);
390         let mut env = DefaultEnvironment::with_ans(Some(Value::dec(4)));
391         assert_eq!(super::parse(&expr, &mut env), Ok(expected));
392     }
394     #[test]
function_binding()395     fn function_binding() {
396         let expr = [
397             Token::Atom("log".into()),
398             Token::Number(Value::Float(d128!(4.0))),
399             Token::Divide,
400             Token::Atom("log".into()),
401             Token::Number(Value::Float(d128!(2.0))),
402         ];
403         let expected = Value::Float(d128!(2.0));
404         let mut env = DefaultEnvironment::new();
405         assert_eq!(super::parse(&expr, &mut env), Ok(expected));
406     }
407 }