1Utilities for LPRng
3README - this file
4Makefile - does various operations
5accounting.pl - accounting script in Perl
6   See the documentation in the script.  You should use this as follows:
7   printcap:
8		:af=accnt
9		:as=|/.../accounting.pl start
10		:ae=|/.../accounting.pl end
12lpr_in_perl, lpq_in_porl - perl scripts to do really simple LPQ, LPR
13   simulation.  Can also be extended  to lprm, lpc, etc.
15remote_active: script to do checking for a remote active printer
17linetest.c - test a serial line
18make_lpd_conf - makes the sample lpd.conf file from the src/vars.c file
19makeinc - makes the various dependencies.  Used by 'make depend'
20test_rw_pipe.c - tests read-write pipe support
21xlate.c        - translates xf,xc,... printcap to sy format
23update_z   - control file filter that updates the Z options according
24  to the queue name.  Replacement for apsfilter,  when used with the
25  wildcard queue name matching.
26  Example:
27    pr|pr_*:lp=%P@server
28    pr|pr_*
29     :incoming_control_filter=/.../update_z
30     :filter=/.../ifhp
31     :sd=/var/spool/lpd/%P
32     :lp=....