3# Copyright (c) 2017 Bruno Medina Bolanos Cacho <bruno.medina@microsoft.com>
5# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
7from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
8__metaclass__ = type
11ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
12                    'status': ['preview'],
13                    'supported_by': 'community'}
18module: azure_rm_manageddisk
21short_description: Manage Azure Manage Disks
24    - Create, update and delete an Azure Managed Disk.
27    - This module was called M(community.azure.azure_rm_managed_disk) before Ansible 2.8. The usage did not change.
30    resource_group:
31        description:
32            - Name of a resource group where the managed disk exists or will be created.
33        required: true
34    name:
35        description:
36            - Name of the managed disk.
37        required: true
38    state:
39        description:
40            - Assert the state of the managed disk. Use C(present) to create or update a managed disk and C(absent) to delete a managed disk.
41        default: present
42        choices:
43            - absent
44            - present
45    location:
46        description:
47            - Valid Azure location. Defaults to location of the resource group.
48    storage_account_type:
49        description:
50            - Type of storage for the managed disk.
51            - If not specified, the disk is created as C(Standard_LRS).
52            - C(Standard_LRS) is for Standard HDD.
53            - C(StandardSSD_LRS) (added in 2.8) is for Standard SSD.
54            - C(Premium_LRS) is for Premium SSD.
55            - C(UltraSSD_LRS) (added in 2.8) is for Ultra SSD, which is in preview mode, and only available on select instance types.
56            - See U(https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/disks-types) for more information about disk types.
57        choices:
58            - Standard_LRS
59            - StandardSSD_LRS
60            - Premium_LRS
61            - UltraSSD_LRS
62    create_option:
63        description:
64            - C(import) from a VHD file in I(source_uri) and C(copy) from previous managed disk I(source_uri).
65        choices:
66            - empty
67            - import
68            - copy
69    source_uri:
70        description:
71            - URI to a valid VHD file to be used or the resource ID of the managed disk to copy.
72        aliases:
73            - source_resource_uri
74    os_type:
75        description:
76            - Type of Operating System.
77            - Used when I(create_option=copy) or I(create_option=import) and the source is an OS disk.
78            - If omitted during creation, no value is set.
79            - If omitted during an update, no change is made.
80            - Once set, this value cannot be cleared.
81        choices:
82            - linux
83            - windows
84    disk_size_gb:
85        description:
86            - Size in GB of the managed disk to be created.
87            - If I(create_option=copy) then the value must be greater than or equal to the source's size.
88    managed_by:
89        description:
90            - Name of an existing virtual machine with which the disk is or will be associated, this VM should be in the same resource group.
91            - To detach a disk from a vm, explicitly set to ''.
92            - If this option is unset, the value will not be changed.
93    attach_caching:
94        description:
95            - Disk caching policy controlled by VM. Will be used when attached to the VM defined by C(managed_by).
96            - If this option is different from the current caching policy, the managed disk will be deattached and attached with current caching option again.
97        choices:
98            - ''
99            - read_only
100            - read_write
101    tags:
102        description:
103            - Tags to assign to the managed disk.
104            - Format tags as 'key' or 'key:value'.
105    zone:
106        description:
107            - The Azure managed disk's zone.
108            - Allowed values are C(1), C(2), C(3) and C(' ').
109        choices:
110            - 1
111            - 2
112            - 3
113            - ''
114    lun:
115        description:
116            - The logical unit number for data disk.
117            - This value is used to identify data disks within the VM and therefore must be unique for each data disk attached to a VM.
118        type: int
121- azure.azcollection.azure
122- azure.azcollection.azure_tags
125    - Bruno Medina (@brusMX)
128EXAMPLES = '''
129    - name: Create managed disk
130      community.azure.azure_rm_manageddisk:
131        name: mymanageddisk
132        location: eastus
133        resource_group: myResourceGroup
134        disk_size_gb: 4
136    - name: Create managed operating system disk from page blob
137      community.azure.azure_rm_manageddisk:
138        name: mymanageddisk
139        location: eastus2
140        resource_group: myResourceGroup
141        create_option: import
142        source_uri: https://storageaccountname.blob.core.windows.net/containername/blob-name.vhd
143        os_type: windows
144        storage_account_type: Premium_LRS
146    - name: Mount the managed disk to VM
147      community.azure.azure_rm_manageddisk:
148        name: mymanageddisk
149        location: eastus
150        resource_group: myResourceGroup
151        disk_size_gb: 4
152        managed_by: testvm001
153        attach_caching: read_only
155    - name: Unmount the managed disk to VM
156      community.azure.azure_rm_manageddisk:
157        name: mymanageddisk
158        location: eastus
159        resource_group: myResourceGroup
160        disk_size_gb: 4
162    - name: Delete managed disk
163      community.azure.azure_rm_manageddisk:
164        name: mymanageddisk
165        location: eastus
166        resource_group: myResourceGroup
167        state: absent
170RETURN = '''
172    description:
173        - The managed disk resource ID.
174    returned: always
175    type: dict
177    description:
178        - Current state of the managed disk.
179    returned: always
180    type: dict
182    description:
183        - Whether or not the resource has changed.
184    returned: always
185    type: bool
188import re
191from ansible_collections.azure.azcollection.plugins.module_utils.azure_rm_common import AzureRMModuleBase
193    from msrestazure.tools import parse_resource_id
194    from msrestazure.azure_exceptions import CloudError
195except ImportError:
196    # This is handled in azure_rm_common
197    pass
200# duplicated in azure_rm_manageddisk_facts
201def managed_disk_to_dict(managed_disk):
202    create_data = managed_disk.creation_data
203    return dict(
204        id=managed_disk.id,
205        name=managed_disk.name,
206        location=managed_disk.location,
207        tags=managed_disk.tags,
208        create_option=create_data.create_option.lower(),
209        source_uri=create_data.source_uri or create_data.source_resource_id,
210        disk_size_gb=managed_disk.disk_size_gb,
211        os_type=managed_disk.os_type.lower() if managed_disk.os_type else None,
212        storage_account_type=managed_disk.sku.name if managed_disk.sku else None,
213        managed_by=managed_disk.managed_by,
214        zone=managed_disk.zones[0] if managed_disk.zones and len(managed_disk.zones) > 0 else ''
215    )
218class AzureRMManagedDisk(AzureRMModuleBase):
219    """Configuration class for an Azure RM Managed Disk resource"""
221    def __init__(self):
222        self.module_arg_spec = dict(
223            resource_group=dict(
224                type='str',
225                required=True
226            ),
227            name=dict(
228                type='str',
229                required=True
230            ),
231            state=dict(
232                type='str',
233                default='present',
234                choices=['present', 'absent']
235            ),
236            location=dict(
237                type='str'
238            ),
239            storage_account_type=dict(
240                type='str',
241                choices=['Standard_LRS', 'StandardSSD_LRS', 'Premium_LRS', 'UltraSSD_LRS']
242            ),
243            create_option=dict(
244                type='str',
245                choices=['empty', 'import', 'copy']
246            ),
247            source_uri=dict(
248                type='str',
249                aliases=['source_resource_uri']
250            ),
251            os_type=dict(
252                type='str',
253                choices=['linux', 'windows']
254            ),
255            disk_size_gb=dict(
256                type='int'
257            ),
258            managed_by=dict(
259                type='str'
260            ),
261            zone=dict(
262                type='str',
263                choices=['', '1', '2', '3']
264            ),
265            attach_caching=dict(
266                type='str',
267                choices=['', 'read_only', 'read_write']
268            ),
269            lun=dict(
270                type='int'
271            )
272        )
273        required_if = [
274            ('create_option', 'import', ['source_uri']),
275            ('create_option', 'copy', ['source_uri']),
276            ('create_option', 'empty', ['disk_size_gb'])
277        ]
278        self.results = dict(
279            changed=False,
280            state=dict())
282        self.resource_group = None
283        self.name = None
284        self.location = None
285        self.storage_account_type = None
286        self.create_option = None
287        self.source_uri = None
288        self.os_type = None
289        self.disk_size_gb = None
290        self.tags = None
291        self.zone = None
292        self.managed_by = None
293        self.attach_caching = None
294        self.lun = None
295        super(AzureRMManagedDisk, self).__init__(
296            derived_arg_spec=self.module_arg_spec,
297            required_if=required_if,
298            supports_check_mode=True,
299            supports_tags=True)
301    def exec_module(self, **kwargs):
302        """Main module execution method"""
303        for key in list(self.module_arg_spec.keys()) + ['tags']:
304            setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
306        result = None
307        changed = False
309        resource_group = self.get_resource_group(self.resource_group)
310        if not self.location:
311            self.location = resource_group.location
313        disk_instance = self.get_managed_disk()
314        result = disk_instance
316        # need create or update
317        if self.state == 'present':
318            parameter = self.generate_managed_disk_property()
319            if not disk_instance or self.is_different(disk_instance, parameter):
320                changed = True
321                if not self.check_mode:
322                    result = self.create_or_update_managed_disk(parameter)
323                else:
324                    result = True
326        # unmount from the old virtual machine and mount to the new virtual machine
327        if self.managed_by or self.managed_by == '':
328            vm_name = parse_resource_id(disk_instance.get('managed_by', '')).get('name') if disk_instance else None
329            vm_name = vm_name or ''
330            if self.managed_by != vm_name or self.is_attach_caching_option_different(vm_name, result):
331                changed = True
332                if not self.check_mode:
333                    if vm_name:
334                        self.detach(vm_name, result)
335                    if self.managed_by:
336                        self.attach(self.managed_by, result)
337                    result = self.get_managed_disk()
339        if self.state == 'absent' and disk_instance:
340            changed = True
341            if not self.check_mode:
342                self.delete_managed_disk()
343            result = True
345        self.results['changed'] = changed
346        self.results['state'] = result
347        return self.results
349    def attach(self, vm_name, disk):
350        vm = self._get_vm(vm_name)
351        # find the lun
352        if self.lun:
353            lun = self.lun
354        else:
355            luns = ([d.lun for d in vm.storage_profile.data_disks]
356                    if vm.storage_profile.data_disks else [])
357            lun = max(luns) + 1 if luns else 0
359        # prepare the data disk
360        params = self.compute_models.ManagedDiskParameters(id=disk.get('id'), storage_account_type=disk.get('storage_account_type'))
361        caching_options = self.compute_models.CachingTypes[self.attach_caching] if self.attach_caching and self.attach_caching != '' else None
362        data_disk = self.compute_models.DataDisk(lun=lun,
363                                                 create_option=self.compute_models.DiskCreateOptionTypes.attach,
364                                                 managed_disk=params,
365                                                 caching=caching_options)
366        vm.storage_profile.data_disks.append(data_disk)
367        self._update_vm(vm_name, vm)
369    def detach(self, vm_name, disk):
370        vm = self._get_vm(vm_name)
371        leftovers = [d for d in vm.storage_profile.data_disks if d.name.lower() != disk.get('name').lower()]
372        if len(vm.storage_profile.data_disks) == len(leftovers):
373            self.fail("No disk with the name '{0}' was found".format(disk.get('name')))
374        vm.storage_profile.data_disks = leftovers
375        self._update_vm(vm_name, vm)
377    def _update_vm(self, name, params):
378        try:
379            poller = self.compute_client.virtual_machines.create_or_update(self.resource_group, name, params)
380            self.get_poller_result(poller)
381        except Exception as exc:
382            self.fail("Error updating virtual machine {0} - {1}".format(name, str(exc)))
384    def _get_vm(self, name):
385        try:
386            return self.compute_client.virtual_machines.get(self.resource_group, name, expand='instanceview')
387        except Exception as exc:
388            self.fail("Error getting virtual machine {0} - {1}".format(name, str(exc)))
390    def generate_managed_disk_property(self):
391        # TODO: Add support for EncryptionSettings, DiskIOPSReadWrite, DiskMBpsReadWrite
392        disk_params = {}
393        creation_data = {}
394        disk_params['location'] = self.location
395        disk_params['tags'] = self.tags
396        if self.zone:
397            disk_params['zones'] = [self.zone]
398        if self.storage_account_type:
399            storage_account_type = self.compute_models.DiskSku(name=self.storage_account_type)
400            disk_params['sku'] = storage_account_type
401        disk_params['disk_size_gb'] = self.disk_size_gb
402        creation_data['create_option'] = self.compute_models.DiskCreateOption.empty
403        if self.create_option == 'import':
404            creation_data['create_option'] = self.compute_models.DiskCreateOption.import_enum
405            creation_data['source_uri'] = self.source_uri
406        elif self.create_option == 'copy':
407            creation_data['create_option'] = self.compute_models.DiskCreateOption.copy
408            creation_data['source_resource_id'] = self.source_uri
409        if self.os_type:
410            typecon = {
411                'linux': self.compute_models.OperatingSystemTypes.linux,
412                'windows': self.compute_models.OperatingSystemTypes.windows
413            }
414            disk_params['os_type'] = typecon[self.os_type]
415        else:
416            disk_params['os_type'] = None
417        disk_params['creation_data'] = creation_data
418        return disk_params
420    def create_or_update_managed_disk(self, parameter):
421        try:
422            poller = self.compute_client.disks.create_or_update(
423                self.resource_group,
424                self.name,
425                parameter)
426            aux = self.get_poller_result(poller)
427            return managed_disk_to_dict(aux)
428        except CloudError as e:
429            self.fail("Error creating the managed disk: {0}".format(str(e)))
431    # This method accounts for the difference in structure between the
432    # Azure retrieved disk and the parameters for the new disk to be created.
433    def is_different(self, found_disk, new_disk):
434        resp = False
435        if new_disk.get('disk_size_gb'):
436            if not found_disk['disk_size_gb'] == new_disk['disk_size_gb']:
437                resp = True
438        if new_disk.get('os_type'):
439            if not found_disk['os_type'] == new_disk['os_type']:
440                resp = True
441        if new_disk.get('sku'):
442            if not found_disk['storage_account_type'] == new_disk['sku'].name:
443                resp = True
444        # Check how to implement tags
445        if new_disk.get('tags') is not None:
446            if not found_disk['tags'] == new_disk['tags']:
447                resp = True
448        if self.zone is not None:
449            if not found_disk['zone'] == self.zone:
450                resp = True
451        return resp
453    def delete_managed_disk(self):
454        try:
455            poller = self.compute_client.disks.delete(
456                self.resource_group,
457                self.name)
458            return self.get_poller_result(poller)
459        except CloudError as e:
460            self.fail("Error deleting the managed disk: {0}".format(str(e)))
462    def get_managed_disk(self):
463        try:
464            resp = self.compute_client.disks.get(
465                self.resource_group,
466                self.name)
467            return managed_disk_to_dict(resp)
468        except CloudError as e:
469            self.log('Did not find managed disk')
471    def is_attach_caching_option_different(self, vm_name, disk):
472        resp = False
473        if vm_name:
474            vm = self._get_vm(vm_name)
475            correspondence = next((d for d in vm.storage_profile.data_disks if d.name.lower() == disk.get('name').lower()), None)
476            if correspondence and correspondence.caching.name != self.attach_caching:
477                resp = True
478                if correspondence.caching.name == 'none' and self.attach_caching == '':
479                    resp = False
480        return resp
483def main():
484    """Main execution"""
485    AzureRMManagedDisk()
488if __name__ == '__main__':
489    main()