1ancestor: null
3  1.0.0:
4    changes:
5      bugfixes:
6      - buildah_connection - Fix buildah debug output for py2
7      - podman_connection - Run pause=false w/o message condition
8      - podman_container - Add idempotency for user and stop signal
9      - podman_container - Fix idempotency issues with workdir and volumes
10      - podman_container - Fix image, healthcheck and other idempotency
11      - podman_container - Improve idempotency of podman_container in uts, ipc, networks,
12        cpu_shares
13      - podman_image - only set changed=true if there is a new image
14      - podman_image - use correct option for remove_signatures flag
15      minor_changes:
16      - buildah_connection - add support of specific user
17      - buildah_connection - added Buildah connection rootless
18      - podman_connection - add user flags before container id in podman exec
19      release_summary: Initial release of collection with new modules
20    modules:
21    - description: Manage Podman containers
22      name: podman_container
23      namespace: ''
24    - description: Retrieve information about Podman networks
25      name: podman_network_info module
26      namespace: ''
27    release_date: '2020-05-20'
28  1.0.1:
29    changes:
30      bugfixes:
31      - podman_container - Add inspect of image and user idempotency
32      - podman_image - Add option for tls_verify=false for images
33      release_summary: Idempotency and images improvements
34    release_date: '2020-06-01'
35  1.0.2:
36    changes:
37      bugfixes:
38      - podman_container - Add idempotency for existing local volumes
39      release_summary: Idempotency fixes
40    release_date: '2020-06-05'
41  1.0.3:
42    changes:
43      minor_changes:
44      - Relicense under GPLv3 and clean up modules
45      release_summary: Relicense under GPLv3 and clean up modules
46    release_date: '2020-06-08'
47  1.0.4:
48    changes:
49      bugfixes:
50      - podman_container - Add idempotency for ulimits and tests
51      - podman_container - Fix idempotency for podman > 2 versions
52      release_summary: Idempotency and Podman v2 fixes
53    release_date: '2020-06-29'
54  1.0.5:
55    changes:
56      bugfixes:
57      - podman_connection - Add check for empty dir for podman connection mount
58      - podman_connection - Increase verbosity for mount failure messages
59      - podman_container - Improve idempotency for volumes with slashesAdd idempotency
60        for ulimits and tests
61      - podman_container - Improve ports idempotency and support UDP
62      release_summary: Idempotency and another bugfixes for podman connection plugin.
63    release_date: '2020-07-09'
64  1.1.0:
65    changes:
66      bugfixes:
67      - podman_container - Fix idempotency for networks and add tests
68      minor_changes:
69      - Add podman pod and pod info modules
70      release_summary: New modules for pods management.
71    modules:
72    - description: Manage Podman pods
73      name: podman_pod
74      namespace: ''
75    - description: Retrieve information about Podman pods
76      name: podman_pod_info
77      namespace: ''
78    release_date: '2020-07-19'
79  1.1.1:
80    changes:
81      bugfixes:
82      - podman_volume_info - Improve podman volume info tests with new module
83      minor_changes:
84      - Create podman_volume module for volumes management
85      release_summary: New modules for volumes management.
86    modules:
87    - description: Manage Podman volumes
88      name: podman_volume
89      namespace: ''
90    release_date: '2020-07-22'
91  1.1.2:
92    changes:
93      bugfixes:
94      - podman_connection - Chown file for users when copy them to container
95      release_summary: Urgent fix for podman connection plugin.
96    release_date: '2020-07-26'
97  1.1.3:
98    changes:
99      bugfixes:
100      - podman_container - Fix idempotency for case with = in env
101      - podman_container - Fix issue with idempotency uts, ipc with pod
102      release_summary: Idempotency fixes for podman containers.
103    release_date: '2020-07-29'
104  1.1.4:
105    changes:
106      minor_changes:
107      - Add pip installation for podman collection.
108      release_summary: Pip install and minor fixes.
109    release_date: '2020-08-06'
110  1.2.0:
111    changes:
112      minor_changes:
113      - Add changelog file to collection.
114      release_summary: Add changelog file.
115    release_date: '2020-08-17'
116  1.3.0:
117    changes:
118      bugfixes:
119      - podman_volume - Fix return data from podman_volume module
120      minor_changes:
121      - Create podman_network module for podman networks management
122      release_summary: New podman_network module and bugfixes
123    modules:
124    - description: Manage Podman networks
125      name: podman_network
126      namespace: ''
127    release_date: '2020-09-03'
128  1.3.1:
129    changes:
130      bugfixes:
131      - multiple modules - fix diff calculation for lower/upper cases
132      - podman_container - Add note about containerPort setting
133      - podman_container - Fix init option it's boolean not string
134      - podman_container - Remove pyyaml from requirements
135      - podman_network - Check if dnsname plugin installed for CNI
136      - podman_volume - Set options for a volume as list and fix idempotency
137      release_summary: bugfixes
138    release_date: '2020-10-09'
139  1.3.2:
140    changes:
141      bugfixes:
142      - podman_container - Fix signals case for podman_container
143      release_summary: bugfixes
144    release_date: '2020-10-20'
145  1.4.0:
146    changes:
147      bugfixes:
148      - podman_container - Fix force restart option for containers
149      - podman_container - Fix idempotency for volume GID and UID
150      - podman_container - Fix no_hosts idempotency for newer version
151      - podman_container - Remove 'detach' when creating container
152      - podman_image - Fix doc defaults for podman_image
153      - podman_logout - Handle podman logout not logging out when logged in via different
154        tool
155      - podman_network - Correct IP range example for podman_network
156      minor_changes:
157      - podman_container - Add log level for Podman in module
158      - podman_container - Add mac_address field to podman_container module
159      - podman_container - Add strict image compare with hashes
160      - podman_container - Improve compatibility with docker_container by adding aliases
161      - podman_container - Move containers logic to module utils
162      - podman_image - reuse existing results in present()
163      - podman_network - Add IPv6 to network
164      - podman_network - Add support of network options like MTU, VLAN
165      - podman_pod - Move pod logic to separate library
166      release_summary: New modules and bugfixes, new network options
167    modules:
168    - description: Manage multiple Podman containers at once
169      name: podman_containers
170      namespace: ''
171    - description: Get info about Podman logged in registries
172      name: podman_login_info
173      namespace: ''
174    - description: Log out with Podman from registries
175      name: podman_logout
176      namespace: ''
177    release_date: '2020-09-03'
178  1.4.1:
179    changes:
180      bugfixes:
181      - podman_container - Convert gidmap to list for podman_container
182      - podman_container - Convert log-opts to dictionary and idempotent
183      release_summary: Bugfixes for podman container
184    release_date: '2020-12-21'
185  1.4.2:
186    changes:
187      bugfixes:
188      - documentation - Add docs to Github
189      - podman_container - Add 'created' state for podman_container
190      - podman_container - Change default log level for 3+ versions
191      - podman_container - Convert systemd option to a string
192      - podman_container - Don't recreate container if env_file is specified
193      - podman_container - Fix 'cap_add' and 'cap_drop' idempotency
194      - podman_container - Fix idempotency for multiple ports
195      - podman_container - Fix slirp4netns options idempotency
196      - podman_container - Fix uid/gid checks for podman 1.6.4 volumes
197      - podman_container - Handle slash removals for root volumes mount
198      - podman_container - Restart container in a simple manner
199      - podman_container - podman_container_lib - fix command idempotency
200      - podman_image - Add debug log and podman_actions to podman_image
201      - podman_image - Don't set default for validate-certs in podman_image
202      release_summary: Bugfixes for podman container
203    release_date: '2021-02-14'
204  1.4.3:
205    changes:
206      bugfixes:
207      - Add docs generation
208      - Update documentation
209      release_summary: Documentation fixes and updates
210    release_date: '2021-02-14'
211  1.4.4:
212    changes:
213      bugfixes:
214      - Attempt graceful stop when recreating container
215      - Don't calculate image digest in check mode
216      - Fix internal networks and DNS plugin for v3
217      - Fix podman_pod* modules for Podman v3
218      - Fixes for podman_container for Podman v3
219      release_summary: Fixes for newest version 3 of Podman
220    release_date: '2021-03-01'
221  1.4.5:
222    changes:
223      bugfixes:
224      - Add IPv6 support for publishing ports
225      - Add sigrtmin+3 signal (required for systemd containers)
226      - Add support for Podman Pod restart
227      - Convert IPv6 to shorten form
228      - Fix error with images info where no images
229      - Fix idempotency for rootless networks from v3
230      - Fix no_log for newer ansible-test
231      - Fix uppercase labels idempotency issue
232      - Stop pods without recreating them
233      release_summary: Additional fixes for newest version 3 of Podman
234    release_date: '2021-04-02'
235  1.5.0:
236    changes:
237      minor_changes:
238      - Podman login module
239      release_summary: New module - Podman login
240    modules:
241    - description: Login to a container registry using podman
242      name: podman_login
243      namespace: ''
244    release_date: '2021-04-05'
245  1.6.0:
246    changes:
247      bugfixes:
248      - Fix ansible-test issues for CI
249      - Fix idempotency for environment
250      - Fix ipv6=false issue
251      - Fix multi-containers options
252      - Fix overlayfs issue in CI for buildah connection
253      minor_changes:
254      - Add Ansible 2.11 to all tests and use Ubuntu 20.04
255      - Add Ansible 2.11 to testing
256      - Add RPM building scripts
257      - Add support for timezones in containers
258      release_summary: New module podman_play for playing Kubernetes YAML and bugfixes
259    modules:
260    - description: Play Kubernetes YAML files with Podman
261      name: podman_play
262      namespace: ''
263    release_date: '2021-06-03'
264  1.6.1:
265    changes:
266      bugfixes:
267      - Fix failure when listing containers
268      release_summary: Bugfix for podman_container_info
269    release_date: '2021-06-08'
270  1.6.2:
271    changes:
272      bugfixes:
273      - Add meta/runtime.yml which is required for Galaxy now
274      - Avoid exposing pipelining support for podman connections
275      - Change present state to be as created state
276      - Disable no-hosts idempotency
277      - Fix idempotency with systemd podman files
278      - Remove idempotency for volume UID/GID
279      release_summary: Bugfixes for idempotency and pipelining
280    release_date: '2021-08-02'
281  1.7.0:
282    changes:
283      minor_changes:
284      - Podman secret module
285      release_summary: New module - Podman secret
286    modules:
287    - description: Manage podman secrets
288      name: podman_secret
289      namespace: ''
290    release_date: '2021-08-15'
291  1.7.1:
292    changes:
293      bugfixes:
294      - Add support for podman pod create --infra-name
295      - Fix idempotency when containers have a common network
296      - Remove idempotency leftovers of volumes GID,UID
297      release_summary: Bugfixes and new features
298    release_date: '2021-09-01'
299  1.8.0:
300    changes:
301      major_changes:
302      - Add systemd generation for pods
303      - Generate systemd service files for containers
304      release_summary: New modules for images and containers
305    modules:
306    - description: Export a podman container to tar file
307      name: podman_export
308      namespace: ''
309    - description: Import Podman container from a tar file
310      name: podman_import
311      namespace: ''
312    - description: Load image from a tar file
313      name: podman_load
314      namespace: ''
315    - description: Saves podman image to tar file
316      name: podman_save
317      namespace: ''
318    release_date: '2021-09-17'
319  1.8.1:
320    changes:
321      bugfixes:
322      - Add .service extension to systemd files
323      - Add aliases for image load/save
324      - Change python version for ansible-core to 3.9
325      - Fix suboption key in podman_container/podman_pod for generate_systemd documentation
326      release_summary: Fixes for systemd units generation
327    release_date: '2021-09-24'