2# Copyright: Ansible Project
3# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
5from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
6__metaclass__ = type
9ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
10                    'status': ['stableinterface'],
11                    'supported_by': 'community'}
16module: ec2_elb_lb
18  - Returns information about the load balancer.
19  - Will be marked changed when called only if state is changed.
20short_description: Creates, updates or destroys an Amazon ELB.
21version_added: "1.5"
23  - "Jim Dalton (@jsdalton)"
25  state:
26    description:
27      - Create or destroy the ELB
28    type: str
29    choices: [ absent, present ]
30    required: true
31  name:
32    description:
33      - The name of the ELB
34    type: str
35    required: true
36  listeners:
37    description:
38      - List of ports/protocols for this ELB to listen on (see example)
39    type: list
40  purge_listeners:
41    description:
42      - Purge existing listeners on ELB that are not found in listeners
43    type: bool
44    default: yes
45  instance_ids:
46    description:
47      - List of instance ids to attach to this ELB
48    type: list
49    version_added: "2.1"
50  purge_instance_ids:
51    description:
52      - Purge existing instance ids on ELB that are not found in instance_ids
53    type: bool
54    default: no
55    version_added: "2.1"
56  zones:
57    description:
58      - List of availability zones to enable on this ELB
59    type: list
60  purge_zones:
61    description:
62      - Purge existing availability zones on ELB that are not found in zones
63    type: bool
64    default: no
65  security_group_ids:
66    description:
67      - A list of security groups to apply to the elb
68    type: list
69    version_added: "1.6"
70  security_group_names:
71    description:
72      - A list of security group names to apply to the elb
73    type: list
74    version_added: "2.0"
75  health_check:
76    description:
77      - An associative array of health check configuration settings (see example)
78    type: dict
79  access_logs:
80    description:
81      - An associative array of access logs configuration settings (see example)
82    type: dict
83    version_added: "2.0"
84  subnets:
85    description:
86      - A list of VPC subnets to use when creating ELB. Zones should be empty if using this.
87    type: list
88    version_added: "1.7"
89  purge_subnets:
90    description:
91      - Purge existing subnet on ELB that are not found in subnets
92    type: bool
93    default: no
94    version_added: "1.7"
95  scheme:
96    description:
97      - The scheme to use when creating the ELB. For a private VPC-visible ELB use 'internal'.
98        If you choose to update your scheme with a different value the ELB will be destroyed and
99        recreated. To update scheme you must use the option wait.
100    type: str
101    choices: ["internal", "internet-facing"]
102    default: 'internet-facing'
103    version_added: "1.7"
104  validate_certs:
105    description:
106      - When set to C(no), SSL certificates will not be validated for boto versions >= 2.6.0.
107    type: bool
108    default: yes
109    version_added: "1.5"
110  connection_draining_timeout:
111    description:
112      - Wait a specified timeout allowing connections to drain before terminating an instance
113    type: int
114    version_added: "1.8"
115  idle_timeout:
116    description:
117      - ELB connections from clients and to servers are timed out after this amount of time
118    type: int
119    version_added: "2.0"
120  cross_az_load_balancing:
121    description:
122      - Distribute load across all configured Availability Zones
123    type: bool
124    default: no
125    version_added: "1.8"
126  stickiness:
127    description:
128      - An associative array of stickiness policy settings. Policy will be applied to all listeners ( see example )
129    type: dict
130    version_added: "2.0"
131  wait:
132    description:
133      - When specified, Ansible will check the status of the load balancer to ensure it has been successfully
134        removed from AWS.
135    type: bool
136    default: no
137    version_added: "2.1"
138  wait_timeout:
139    description:
140      - Used in conjunction with wait. Number of seconds to wait for the elb to be terminated.
141        A maximum of 600 seconds (10 minutes) is allowed.
142    type: int
143    default: 60
144    version_added: "2.1"
145  tags:
146    description:
147      - An associative array of tags. To delete all tags, supply an empty dict.
148    type: dict
149    version_added: "2.1"
152    - aws
153    - ec2
156EXAMPLES = """
157# Note: None of these examples set aws_access_key, aws_secret_key, or region.
158# It is assumed that their matching environment variables are set.
160# Basic provisioning example (non-VPC)
162- local_action:
163    module: ec2_elb_lb
164    name: "test-please-delete"
165    state: present
166    zones:
167      - us-east-1a
168      - us-east-1d
169    listeners:
170      - protocol: http # options are http, https, ssl, tcp
171        load_balancer_port: 80
172        instance_port: 80
173        proxy_protocol: True
174      - protocol: https
175        load_balancer_port: 443
176        instance_protocol: http # optional, defaults to value of protocol setting
177        instance_port: 80
178        # ssl certificate required for https or ssl
179        ssl_certificate_id: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:server-certificate/company/servercerts/ProdServerCert"
181# Internal ELB example
183- local_action:
184    module: ec2_elb_lb
185    name: "test-vpc"
186    scheme: internal
187    state: present
188    instance_ids:
189      - i-abcd1234
190    purge_instance_ids: true
191    subnets:
192      - subnet-abcd1234
193      - subnet-1a2b3c4d
194    listeners:
195      - protocol: http # options are http, https, ssl, tcp
196        load_balancer_port: 80
197        instance_port: 80
199# Configure a health check and the access logs
200- local_action:
201    module: ec2_elb_lb
202    name: "test-please-delete"
203    state: present
204    zones:
205      - us-east-1d
206    listeners:
207      - protocol: http
208        load_balancer_port: 80
209        instance_port: 80
210    health_check:
211        ping_protocol: http # options are http, https, ssl, tcp
212        ping_port: 80
213        ping_path: "/index.html" # not required for tcp or ssl
214        response_timeout: 5 # seconds
215        interval: 30 # seconds
216        unhealthy_threshold: 2
217        healthy_threshold: 10
218    access_logs:
219        interval: 5 # minutes (defaults to 60)
220        s3_location: "my-bucket" # This value is required if access_logs is set
221        s3_prefix: "logs"
223# Ensure ELB is gone
224- local_action:
225    module: ec2_elb_lb
226    name: "test-please-delete"
227    state: absent
229# Ensure ELB is gone and wait for check (for default timeout)
230- local_action:
231    module: ec2_elb_lb
232    name: "test-please-delete"
233    state: absent
234    wait: yes
236# Ensure ELB is gone and wait for check with timeout value
237- local_action:
238    module: ec2_elb_lb
239    name: "test-please-delete"
240    state: absent
241    wait: yes
242    wait_timeout: 600
244# Normally, this module will purge any listeners that exist on the ELB
245# but aren't specified in the listeners parameter. If purge_listeners is
246# false it leaves them alone
247- local_action:
248    module: ec2_elb_lb
249    name: "test-please-delete"
250    state: present
251    zones:
252      - us-east-1a
253      - us-east-1d
254    listeners:
255      - protocol: http
256        load_balancer_port: 80
257        instance_port: 80
258    purge_listeners: no
260# Normally, this module will leave availability zones that are enabled
261# on the ELB alone. If purge_zones is true, then any extraneous zones
262# will be removed
263- local_action:
264    module: ec2_elb_lb
265    name: "test-please-delete"
266    state: present
267    zones:
268      - us-east-1a
269      - us-east-1d
270    listeners:
271      - protocol: http
272        load_balancer_port: 80
273        instance_port: 80
274    purge_zones: yes
276# Creates a ELB and assigns a list of subnets to it.
277- local_action:
278    module: ec2_elb_lb
279    state: present
280    name: 'New ELB'
281    security_group_ids: 'sg-123456, sg-67890'
282    region: us-west-2
283    subnets: 'subnet-123456,subnet-67890'
284    purge_subnets: yes
285    listeners:
286      - protocol: http
287        load_balancer_port: 80
288        instance_port: 80
290# Create an ELB with connection draining, increased idle timeout and cross availability
291# zone load balancing
292- local_action:
293    module: ec2_elb_lb
294    name: "New ELB"
295    state: present
296    connection_draining_timeout: 60
297    idle_timeout: 300
298    cross_az_load_balancing: "yes"
299    region: us-east-1
300    zones:
301      - us-east-1a
302      - us-east-1d
303    listeners:
304      - protocol: http
305        load_balancer_port: 80
306        instance_port: 80
308# Create an ELB with load balancer stickiness enabled
309- local_action:
310    module: ec2_elb_lb
311    name: "New ELB"
312    state: present
313    region: us-east-1
314    zones:
315      - us-east-1a
316      - us-east-1d
317    listeners:
318      - protocol: http
319        load_balancer_port: 80
320        instance_port: 80
321    stickiness:
322      type: loadbalancer
323      enabled: yes
324      expiration: 300
326# Create an ELB with application stickiness enabled
327- local_action:
328    module: ec2_elb_lb
329    name: "New ELB"
330    state: present
331    region: us-east-1
332    zones:
333      - us-east-1a
334      - us-east-1d
335    listeners:
336      - protocol: http
337        load_balancer_port: 80
338        instance_port: 80
339    stickiness:
340      type: application
341      enabled: yes
342      cookie: SESSIONID
344# Create an ELB and add tags
345- local_action:
346    module: ec2_elb_lb
347    name: "New ELB"
348    state: present
349    region: us-east-1
350    zones:
351      - us-east-1a
352      - us-east-1d
353    listeners:
354      - protocol: http
355        load_balancer_port: 80
356        instance_port: 80
357    tags:
358      Name: "New ELB"
359      stack: "production"
360      client: "Bob"
362# Delete all tags from an ELB
363- local_action:
364    module: ec2_elb_lb
365    name: "New ELB"
366    state: present
367    region: us-east-1
368    zones:
369      - us-east-1a
370      - us-east-1d
371    listeners:
372      - protocol: http
373        load_balancer_port: 80
374        instance_port: 80
375    tags: {}
378import random
379import time
380import traceback
383    import boto
384    import boto.ec2.elb
385    import boto.ec2.elb.attributes
386    import boto.vpc
387    from boto.ec2.elb.healthcheck import HealthCheck
388    from boto.ec2.tag import Tag
389    HAS_BOTO = True
390except ImportError:
391    HAS_BOTO = False
393from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
394from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import ec2_argument_spec, connect_to_aws, AnsibleAWSError, get_aws_connection_info
395from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
396from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
399def _throttleable_operation(max_retries):
400    def _operation_wrapper(op):
401        def _do_op(*args, **kwargs):
402            retry = 0
403            while True:
404                try:
405                    return op(*args, **kwargs)
406                except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
407                    if retry < max_retries and e.code in \
408                            ("Throttling", "RequestLimitExceeded"):
409                        retry = retry + 1
410                        time.sleep(min(random.random() * (2 ** retry), 300))
411                        continue
412                    else:
413                        raise
414        return _do_op
415    return _operation_wrapper
418def _get_vpc_connection(module, region, aws_connect_params):
419    try:
420        return connect_to_aws(boto.vpc, region, **aws_connect_params)
421    except (boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound, AnsibleAWSError) as e:
422        module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
428class ElbManager(object):
429    """Handles ELB creation and destruction"""
431    def __init__(self, module, name, listeners=None, purge_listeners=None,
432                 zones=None, purge_zones=None, security_group_ids=None,
433                 health_check=None, subnets=None, purge_subnets=None,
434                 scheme="internet-facing", connection_draining_timeout=None,
435                 idle_timeout=None,
436                 cross_az_load_balancing=None, access_logs=None,
437                 stickiness=None, wait=None, wait_timeout=None, tags=None,
438                 region=None,
439                 instance_ids=None, purge_instance_ids=None, **aws_connect_params):
441        self.module = module
442        self.name = name
443        self.listeners = listeners
444        self.purge_listeners = purge_listeners
445        self.instance_ids = instance_ids
446        self.purge_instance_ids = purge_instance_ids
447        self.zones = zones
448        self.purge_zones = purge_zones
449        self.security_group_ids = security_group_ids
450        self.health_check = health_check
451        self.subnets = subnets
452        self.purge_subnets = purge_subnets
453        self.scheme = scheme
454        self.connection_draining_timeout = connection_draining_timeout
455        self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
456        self.cross_az_load_balancing = cross_az_load_balancing
457        self.access_logs = access_logs
458        self.stickiness = stickiness
459        self.wait = wait
460        self.wait_timeout = wait_timeout
461        self.tags = tags
463        self.aws_connect_params = aws_connect_params
464        self.region = region
466        self.changed = False
467        self.status = 'gone'
468        self.elb_conn = self._get_elb_connection()
470        try:
471            self.elb = self._get_elb()
472        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
473            module.fail_json(msg='unable to get all load balancers: %s' % e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc())
475        self.ec2_conn = self._get_ec2_connection()
477    @_throttleable_operation(_THROTTLING_RETRIES)
478    def ensure_ok(self):
479        """Create the ELB"""
480        if not self.elb:
481            # Zones and listeners will be added at creation
482            self._create_elb()
483        else:
484            if self._get_scheme():
485                # the only way to change the scheme is by recreating the resource
486                self.ensure_gone()
487                self._create_elb()
488            else:
489                self._set_zones()
490                self._set_security_groups()
491                self._set_elb_listeners()
492                self._set_subnets()
493        self._set_health_check()
494        # boto has introduced support for some ELB attributes in
495        # different versions, so we check first before trying to
496        # set them to avoid errors
497        if self._check_attribute_support('connection_draining'):
498            self._set_connection_draining_timeout()
499        if self._check_attribute_support('connecting_settings'):
500            self._set_idle_timeout()
501        if self._check_attribute_support('cross_zone_load_balancing'):
502            self._set_cross_az_load_balancing()
503        if self._check_attribute_support('access_log'):
504            self._set_access_log()
505        # add sticky options
506        self.select_stickiness_policy()
508        # ensure backend server policies are correct
509        self._set_backend_policies()
510        # set/remove instance ids
511        self._set_instance_ids()
513        self._set_tags()
515    def ensure_gone(self):
516        """Destroy the ELB"""
517        if self.elb:
518            self._delete_elb()
519            if self.wait:
520                elb_removed = self._wait_for_elb_removed()
521                # Unfortunately even though the ELB itself is removed quickly
522                # the interfaces take longer so reliant security groups cannot
523                # be deleted until the interface has registered as removed.
524                elb_interface_removed = self._wait_for_elb_interface_removed()
525                if not (elb_removed and elb_interface_removed):
526                    self.module.fail_json(msg='Timed out waiting for removal of load balancer.')
528    def get_info(self):
529        try:
530            check_elb = self.elb_conn.get_all_load_balancers(self.name)[0]
531        except Exception:
532            check_elb = None
534        if not check_elb:
535            info = {
536                'name': self.name,
537                'status': self.status,
538                'region': self.region
539            }
540        else:
541            try:
542                lb_cookie_policy = check_elb.policies.lb_cookie_stickiness_policies[0].__dict__['policy_name']
543            except Exception:
544                lb_cookie_policy = None
545            try:
546                app_cookie_policy = check_elb.policies.app_cookie_stickiness_policies[0].__dict__['policy_name']
547            except Exception:
548                app_cookie_policy = None
550            info = {
551                'name': check_elb.name,
552                'dns_name': check_elb.dns_name,
553                'zones': check_elb.availability_zones,
554                'security_group_ids': check_elb.security_groups,
555                'status': self.status,
556                'subnets': self.subnets,
557                'scheme': check_elb.scheme,
558                'hosted_zone_name': check_elb.canonical_hosted_zone_name,
559                'hosted_zone_id': check_elb.canonical_hosted_zone_name_id,
560                'lb_cookie_policy': lb_cookie_policy,
561                'app_cookie_policy': app_cookie_policy,
562                'proxy_policy': self._get_proxy_protocol_policy(),
563                'backends': self._get_backend_policies(),
564                'instances': [instance.id for instance in check_elb.instances],
565                'out_of_service_count': 0,
566                'in_service_count': 0,
567                'unknown_instance_state_count': 0,
568                'region': self.region
569            }
571            # status of instances behind the ELB
572            if info['instances']:
573                info['instance_health'] = [dict(
574                    instance_id=instance_state.instance_id,
575                    reason_code=instance_state.reason_code,
576                    state=instance_state.state
577                ) for instance_state in self.elb_conn.describe_instance_health(self.name)]
578            else:
579                info['instance_health'] = []
581            # instance state counts: InService or OutOfService
582            if info['instance_health']:
583                for instance_state in info['instance_health']:
584                    if instance_state['state'] == "InService":
585                        info['in_service_count'] += 1
586                    elif instance_state['state'] == "OutOfService":
587                        info['out_of_service_count'] += 1
588                    else:
589                        info['unknown_instance_state_count'] += 1
591            if check_elb.health_check:
592                info['health_check'] = {
593                    'target': check_elb.health_check.target,
594                    'interval': check_elb.health_check.interval,
595                    'timeout': check_elb.health_check.timeout,
596                    'healthy_threshold': check_elb.health_check.healthy_threshold,
597                    'unhealthy_threshold': check_elb.health_check.unhealthy_threshold,
598                }
600            if check_elb.listeners:
601                info['listeners'] = [self._api_listener_as_tuple(l)
602                                     for l in check_elb.listeners]
603            elif self.status == 'created':
604                # When creating a new ELB, listeners don't show in the
605                # immediately returned result, so just include the
606                # ones that were added
607                info['listeners'] = [self._listener_as_tuple(l)
608                                     for l in self.listeners]
609            else:
610                info['listeners'] = []
612            if self._check_attribute_support('connection_draining'):
613                info['connection_draining_timeout'] = int(self.elb_conn.get_lb_attribute(self.name, 'ConnectionDraining').timeout)
615            if self._check_attribute_support('connecting_settings'):
616                info['idle_timeout'] = self.elb_conn.get_lb_attribute(self.name, 'ConnectingSettings').idle_timeout
618            if self._check_attribute_support('cross_zone_load_balancing'):
619                is_cross_az_lb_enabled = self.elb_conn.get_lb_attribute(self.name, 'CrossZoneLoadBalancing')
620                if is_cross_az_lb_enabled:
621                    info['cross_az_load_balancing'] = 'yes'
622                else:
623                    info['cross_az_load_balancing'] = 'no'
625            # return stickiness info?
627            info['tags'] = self.tags
629        return info
631    @_throttleable_operation(_THROTTLING_RETRIES)
632    def _wait_for_elb_removed(self):
633        polling_increment_secs = 15
634        max_retries = (self.wait_timeout // polling_increment_secs)
635        status_achieved = False
637        for x in range(0, max_retries):
638            try:
639                self.elb_conn.get_all_lb_attributes(self.name)
640            except (boto.exception.BotoServerError, Exception) as e:
641                if "LoadBalancerNotFound" in e.code:
642                    status_achieved = True
643                    break
644                else:
645                    time.sleep(polling_increment_secs)
647        return status_achieved
649    @_throttleable_operation(_THROTTLING_RETRIES)
650    def _wait_for_elb_interface_removed(self):
651        polling_increment_secs = 15
652        max_retries = (self.wait_timeout // polling_increment_secs)
653        status_achieved = False
655        elb_interfaces = self.ec2_conn.get_all_network_interfaces(
656            filters={'attachment.instance-owner-id': 'amazon-elb',
657                     'description': 'ELB {0}'.format(self.name)})
659        for x in range(0, max_retries):
660            for interface in elb_interfaces:
661                try:
662                    result = self.ec2_conn.get_all_network_interfaces(interface.id)
663                    if result == []:
664                        status_achieved = True
665                        break
666                    else:
667                        time.sleep(polling_increment_secs)
668                except (boto.exception.BotoServerError, Exception) as e:
669                    if 'InvalidNetworkInterfaceID' in e.code:
670                        status_achieved = True
671                        break
672                    else:
673                        self.module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
675        return status_achieved
677    @_throttleable_operation(_THROTTLING_RETRIES)
678    def _get_elb(self):
679        elbs = self.elb_conn.get_all_load_balancers()
680        for elb in elbs:
681            if self.name == elb.name:
682                self.status = 'ok'
683                return elb
685    def _get_elb_connection(self):
686        try:
687            return connect_to_aws(boto.ec2.elb, self.region,
688                                  **self.aws_connect_params)
689        except (boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound, AnsibleAWSError) as e:
690            self.module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
692    def _get_ec2_connection(self):
693        try:
694            return connect_to_aws(boto.ec2, self.region,
695                                  **self.aws_connect_params)
696        except (boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound, Exception) as e:
697            self.module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
699    @_throttleable_operation(_THROTTLING_RETRIES)
700    def _delete_elb(self):
701        # True if succeeds, exception raised if not
702        result = self.elb_conn.delete_load_balancer(name=self.name)
703        if result:
704            self.changed = True
705            self.status = 'deleted'
707    def _create_elb(self):
708        listeners = [self._listener_as_tuple(l) for l in self.listeners]
709        self.elb = self.elb_conn.create_load_balancer(name=self.name,
710                                                      zones=self.zones,
711                                                      security_groups=self.security_group_ids,
712                                                      complex_listeners=listeners,
713                                                      subnets=self.subnets,
714                                                      scheme=self.scheme)
715        if self.elb:
716            # HACK: Work around a boto bug in which the listeners attribute is
717            # always set to the listeners argument to create_load_balancer, and
718            # not the complex_listeners
719            # We're not doing a self.elb = self._get_elb here because there
720            # might be eventual consistency issues and it doesn't necessarily
721            # make sense to wait until the ELB gets returned from the EC2 API.
722            # This is necessary in the event we hit the throttling errors and
723            # need to retry ensure_ok
724            # See https://github.com/boto/boto/issues/3526
725            self.elb.listeners = self.listeners
726            self.changed = True
727            self.status = 'created'
729    def _create_elb_listeners(self, listeners):
730        """Takes a list of listener tuples and creates them"""
731        # True if succeeds, exception raised if not
732        self.changed = self.elb_conn.create_load_balancer_listeners(self.name,
733                                                                    complex_listeners=listeners)
735    def _delete_elb_listeners(self, listeners):
736        """Takes a list of listener tuples and deletes them from the elb"""
737        ports = [l[0] for l in listeners]
739        # True if succeeds, exception raised if not
740        self.changed = self.elb_conn.delete_load_balancer_listeners(self.name,
741                                                                    ports)
743    def _set_elb_listeners(self):
744        """
745        Creates listeners specified by self.listeners; overwrites existing
746        listeners on these ports; removes extraneous listeners
747        """
748        listeners_to_add = []
749        listeners_to_remove = []
750        listeners_to_keep = []
752        # Check for any listeners we need to create or overwrite
753        for listener in self.listeners:
754            listener_as_tuple = self._listener_as_tuple(listener)
756            # First we loop through existing listeners to see if one is
757            # already specified for this port
758            existing_listener_found = None
759            for existing_listener in self.elb.listeners:
760                # Since ELB allows only one listener on each incoming port, a
761                # single match on the incoming port is all we're looking for
762                if existing_listener[0] == int(listener['load_balancer_port']):
763                    existing_listener_found = self._api_listener_as_tuple(existing_listener)
764                    break
766            if existing_listener_found:
767                # Does it match exactly?
768                if listener_as_tuple != existing_listener_found:
769                    # The ports are the same but something else is different,
770                    # so we'll remove the existing one and add the new one
771                    listeners_to_remove.append(existing_listener_found)
772                    listeners_to_add.append(listener_as_tuple)
773                else:
774                    # We already have this listener, so we're going to keep it
775                    listeners_to_keep.append(existing_listener_found)
776            else:
777                # We didn't find an existing listener, so just add the new one
778                listeners_to_add.append(listener_as_tuple)
780        # Check for any extraneous listeners we need to remove, if desired
781        if self.purge_listeners:
782            for existing_listener in self.elb.listeners:
783                existing_listener_tuple = self._api_listener_as_tuple(existing_listener)
784                if existing_listener_tuple in listeners_to_remove:
785                    # Already queued for removal
786                    continue
787                if existing_listener_tuple in listeners_to_keep:
788                    # Keep this one around
789                    continue
790                # Since we're not already removing it and we don't need to keep
791                # it, let's get rid of it
792                listeners_to_remove.append(existing_listener_tuple)
794        if listeners_to_remove:
795            self._delete_elb_listeners(listeners_to_remove)
797        if listeners_to_add:
798            self._create_elb_listeners(listeners_to_add)
800    def _api_listener_as_tuple(self, listener):
801        """Adds ssl_certificate_id to ELB API tuple if present"""
802        base_tuple = listener.get_complex_tuple()
803        if listener.ssl_certificate_id and len(base_tuple) < 5:
804            return base_tuple + (listener.ssl_certificate_id,)
805        return base_tuple
807    def _listener_as_tuple(self, listener):
808        """Formats listener as a 4- or 5-tuples, in the order specified by the
809        ELB API"""
810        # N.B. string manipulations on protocols below (str(), upper()) is to
811        # ensure format matches output from ELB API
812        listener_list = [
813            int(listener['load_balancer_port']),
814            int(listener['instance_port']),
815            str(listener['protocol'].upper()),
816        ]
818        # Instance protocol is not required by ELB API; it defaults to match
819        # load balancer protocol. We'll mimic that behavior here
820        if 'instance_protocol' in listener:
821            listener_list.append(str(listener['instance_protocol'].upper()))
822        else:
823            listener_list.append(str(listener['protocol'].upper()))
825        if 'ssl_certificate_id' in listener:
826            listener_list.append(str(listener['ssl_certificate_id']))
828        return tuple(listener_list)
830    def _enable_zones(self, zones):
831        try:
832            self.elb.enable_zones(zones)
833        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
834            self.module.fail_json(msg='unable to enable zones: %s' % e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc())
836        self.changed = True
838    def _disable_zones(self, zones):
839        try:
840            self.elb.disable_zones(zones)
841        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
842            self.module.fail_json(msg='unable to disable zones: %s' % e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc())
843        self.changed = True
845    def _attach_subnets(self, subnets):
846        self.elb_conn.attach_lb_to_subnets(self.name, subnets)
847        self.changed = True
849    def _detach_subnets(self, subnets):
850        self.elb_conn.detach_lb_from_subnets(self.name, subnets)
851        self.changed = True
853    def _set_subnets(self):
854        """Determine which subnets need to be attached or detached on the ELB"""
855        if self.subnets:
856            if self.purge_subnets:
857                subnets_to_detach = list(set(self.elb.subnets) - set(self.subnets))
858                subnets_to_attach = list(set(self.subnets) - set(self.elb.subnets))
859            else:
860                subnets_to_detach = None
861                subnets_to_attach = list(set(self.subnets) - set(self.elb.subnets))
863            if subnets_to_attach:
864                self._attach_subnets(subnets_to_attach)
865            if subnets_to_detach:
866                self._detach_subnets(subnets_to_detach)
868    def _get_scheme(self):
869        """Determine if the current scheme is different than the scheme of the ELB"""
870        if self.scheme:
871            if self.elb.scheme != self.scheme:
872                if not self.wait:
873                    self.module.fail_json(msg="Unable to modify scheme without using the wait option")
874                return True
875        return False
877    def _set_zones(self):
878        """Determine which zones need to be enabled or disabled on the ELB"""
879        if self.zones:
880            if self.purge_zones:
881                zones_to_disable = list(set(self.elb.availability_zones) -
882                                        set(self.zones))
883                zones_to_enable = list(set(self.zones) -
884                                       set(self.elb.availability_zones))
885            else:
886                zones_to_disable = None
887                zones_to_enable = list(set(self.zones) -
888                                       set(self.elb.availability_zones))
889            if zones_to_enable:
890                self._enable_zones(zones_to_enable)
891            # N.B. This must come second, in case it would have removed all zones
892            if zones_to_disable:
893                self._disable_zones(zones_to_disable)
895    def _set_security_groups(self):
896        if self.security_group_ids is not None and set(self.elb.security_groups) != set(self.security_group_ids):
897            self.elb_conn.apply_security_groups_to_lb(self.name, self.security_group_ids)
898            self.changed = True
900    def _set_health_check(self):
901        """Set health check values on ELB as needed"""
902        if self.health_check:
903            # This just makes it easier to compare each of the attributes
904            # and look for changes. Keys are attributes of the current
905            # health_check; values are desired values of new health_check
906            health_check_config = {
907                "target": self._get_health_check_target(),
908                "timeout": self.health_check['response_timeout'],
909                "interval": self.health_check['interval'],
910                "unhealthy_threshold": self.health_check['unhealthy_threshold'],
911                "healthy_threshold": self.health_check['healthy_threshold'],
912            }
914            update_health_check = False
916            # The health_check attribute is *not* set on newly created
917            # ELBs! So we have to create our own.
918            if not self.elb.health_check:
919                self.elb.health_check = HealthCheck()
921            for attr, desired_value in health_check_config.items():
922                if getattr(self.elb.health_check, attr) != desired_value:
923                    setattr(self.elb.health_check, attr, desired_value)
924                    update_health_check = True
926            if update_health_check:
927                self.elb.configure_health_check(self.elb.health_check)
928                self.changed = True
930    def _check_attribute_support(self, attr):
931        return hasattr(boto.ec2.elb.attributes.LbAttributes(), attr)
933    def _set_cross_az_load_balancing(self):
934        attributes = self.elb.get_attributes()
935        if self.cross_az_load_balancing:
936            if not attributes.cross_zone_load_balancing.enabled:
937                self.changed = True
938            attributes.cross_zone_load_balancing.enabled = True
939        else:
940            if attributes.cross_zone_load_balancing.enabled:
941                self.changed = True
942            attributes.cross_zone_load_balancing.enabled = False
943        self.elb_conn.modify_lb_attribute(self.name, 'CrossZoneLoadBalancing',
944                                          attributes.cross_zone_load_balancing.enabled)
946    def _set_access_log(self):
947        attributes = self.elb.get_attributes()
948        if self.access_logs:
949            if 's3_location' not in self.access_logs:
950                self.module.fail_json(msg='s3_location information required')
952            access_logs_config = {
953                "enabled": True,
954                "s3_bucket_name": self.access_logs['s3_location'],
955                "s3_bucket_prefix": self.access_logs.get('s3_prefix', ''),
956                "emit_interval": self.access_logs.get('interval', 60),
957            }
959            update_access_logs_config = False
960            for attr, desired_value in access_logs_config.items():
961                if getattr(attributes.access_log, attr) != desired_value:
962                    setattr(attributes.access_log, attr, desired_value)
963                    update_access_logs_config = True
964            if update_access_logs_config:
965                self.elb_conn.modify_lb_attribute(self.name, 'AccessLog', attributes.access_log)
966                self.changed = True
967        elif attributes.access_log.enabled:
968            attributes.access_log.enabled = False
969            self.changed = True
970            self.elb_conn.modify_lb_attribute(self.name, 'AccessLog', attributes.access_log)
972    def _set_connection_draining_timeout(self):
973        attributes = self.elb.get_attributes()
974        if self.connection_draining_timeout is not None:
975            if not attributes.connection_draining.enabled or \
976                    attributes.connection_draining.timeout != self.connection_draining_timeout:
977                self.changed = True
978            attributes.connection_draining.enabled = True
979            attributes.connection_draining.timeout = self.connection_draining_timeout
980            self.elb_conn.modify_lb_attribute(self.name, 'ConnectionDraining', attributes.connection_draining)
981        else:
982            if attributes.connection_draining.enabled:
983                self.changed = True
984            attributes.connection_draining.enabled = False
985            self.elb_conn.modify_lb_attribute(self.name, 'ConnectionDraining', attributes.connection_draining)
987    def _set_idle_timeout(self):
988        attributes = self.elb.get_attributes()
989        if self.idle_timeout is not None:
990            if attributes.connecting_settings.idle_timeout != self.idle_timeout:
991                self.changed = True
992            attributes.connecting_settings.idle_timeout = self.idle_timeout
993            self.elb_conn.modify_lb_attribute(self.name, 'ConnectingSettings', attributes.connecting_settings)
995    def _policy_name(self, policy_type):
996        return 'ec2-elb-lb-{0}'.format(to_native(policy_type, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
998    def _create_policy(self, policy_param, policy_meth, policy):
999        getattr(self.elb_conn, policy_meth)(policy_param, self.elb.name, policy)
1001    def _delete_policy(self, elb_name, policy):
1002        self.elb_conn.delete_lb_policy(elb_name, policy)
1004    def _update_policy(self, policy_param, policy_meth, policy_attr, policy):
1005        self._delete_policy(self.elb.name, policy)
1006        self._create_policy(policy_param, policy_meth, policy)
1008    def _set_listener_policy(self, listeners_dict, policy=None):
1009        policy = [] if policy is None else policy
1011        for listener_port in listeners_dict:
1012            if listeners_dict[listener_port].startswith('HTTP'):
1013                self.elb_conn.set_lb_policies_of_listener(self.elb.name, listener_port, policy)
1015    def _set_stickiness_policy(self, elb_info, listeners_dict, policy, **policy_attrs):
1016        for p in getattr(elb_info.policies, policy_attrs['attr']):
1017            if str(p.__dict__['policy_name']) == str(policy[0]):
1018                if str(p.__dict__[policy_attrs['dict_key']]) != str(policy_attrs['param_value'] or 0):
1019                    self._set_listener_policy(listeners_dict)
1020                    self._update_policy(policy_attrs['param_value'], policy_attrs['method'], policy_attrs['attr'], policy[0])
1021                    self.changed = True
1022                break
1023        else:
1024            self._create_policy(policy_attrs['param_value'], policy_attrs['method'], policy[0])
1025            self.changed = True
1027        self._set_listener_policy(listeners_dict, policy)
1029    def select_stickiness_policy(self):
1030        if self.stickiness:
1032            if 'cookie' in self.stickiness and 'expiration' in self.stickiness:
1033                self.module.fail_json(msg='\'cookie\' and \'expiration\' can not be set at the same time')
1035            elb_info = self.elb_conn.get_all_load_balancers(self.elb.name)[0]
1036            d = {}
1037            for listener in elb_info.listeners:
1038                d[listener[0]] = listener[2]
1039            listeners_dict = d
1041            if self.stickiness['type'] == 'loadbalancer':
1042                policy = []
1043                policy_type = 'LBCookieStickinessPolicyType'
1045                if self.module.boolean(self.stickiness['enabled']):
1047                    if 'expiration' not in self.stickiness:
1048                        self.module.fail_json(msg='expiration must be set when type is loadbalancer')
1050                    try:
1051                        expiration = self.stickiness['expiration'] if int(self.stickiness['expiration']) else None
1052                    except ValueError:
1053                        self.module.fail_json(msg='expiration must be set to an integer')
1055                    policy_attrs = {
1056                        'type': policy_type,
1057                        'attr': 'lb_cookie_stickiness_policies',
1058                        'method': 'create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy',
1059                        'dict_key': 'cookie_expiration_period',
1060                        'param_value': expiration
1061                    }
1062                    policy.append(self._policy_name(policy_attrs['type']))
1064                    self._set_stickiness_policy(elb_info, listeners_dict, policy, **policy_attrs)
1065                elif not self.module.boolean(self.stickiness['enabled']):
1066                    if len(elb_info.policies.lb_cookie_stickiness_policies):
1067                        if elb_info.policies.lb_cookie_stickiness_policies[0].policy_name == self._policy_name(policy_type):
1068                            self.changed = True
1069                    else:
1070                        self.changed = False
1071                    self._set_listener_policy(listeners_dict)
1072                    self._delete_policy(self.elb.name, self._policy_name(policy_type))
1074            elif self.stickiness['type'] == 'application':
1075                policy = []
1076                policy_type = 'AppCookieStickinessPolicyType'
1077                if self.module.boolean(self.stickiness['enabled']):
1079                    if 'cookie' not in self.stickiness:
1080                        self.module.fail_json(msg='cookie must be set when type is application')
1082                    policy_attrs = {
1083                        'type': policy_type,
1084                        'attr': 'app_cookie_stickiness_policies',
1085                        'method': 'create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy',
1086                        'dict_key': 'cookie_name',
1087                        'param_value': self.stickiness['cookie']
1088                    }
1089                    policy.append(self._policy_name(policy_attrs['type']))
1090                    self._set_stickiness_policy(elb_info, listeners_dict, policy, **policy_attrs)
1091                elif not self.module.boolean(self.stickiness['enabled']):
1092                    if len(elb_info.policies.app_cookie_stickiness_policies):
1093                        if elb_info.policies.app_cookie_stickiness_policies[0].policy_name == self._policy_name(policy_type):
1094                            self.changed = True
1095                    self._set_listener_policy(listeners_dict)
1096                    self._delete_policy(self.elb.name, self._policy_name(policy_type))
1098            else:
1099                self._set_listener_policy(listeners_dict)
1101    def _get_backend_policies(self):
1102        """Get a list of backend policies"""
1103        policies = []
1104        if self.elb.backends is not None:
1105            for backend in self.elb.backends:
1106                if backend.policies is not None:
1107                    for policy in backend.policies:
1108                        policies.append(str(backend.instance_port) + ':' + policy.policy_name)
1110        return policies
1112    def _set_backend_policies(self):
1113        """Sets policies for all backends"""
1114        ensure_proxy_protocol = False
1115        replace = []
1116        backend_policies = self._get_backend_policies()
1118        # Find out what needs to be changed
1119        for listener in self.listeners:
1120            want = False
1122            if 'proxy_protocol' in listener and listener['proxy_protocol']:
1123                ensure_proxy_protocol = True
1124                want = True
1126            if str(listener['instance_port']) + ':ProxyProtocol-policy' in backend_policies:
1127                if not want:
1128                    replace.append({'port': listener['instance_port'], 'policies': []})
1129            elif want:
1130                replace.append({'port': listener['instance_port'], 'policies': ['ProxyProtocol-policy']})
1132        # enable or disable proxy protocol
1133        if ensure_proxy_protocol:
1134            self._set_proxy_protocol_policy()
1136        # Make the backend policies so
1137        for item in replace:
1138            self.elb_conn.set_lb_policies_of_backend_server(self.elb.name, item['port'], item['policies'])
1139            self.changed = True
1141    def _get_proxy_protocol_policy(self):
1142        """Find out if the elb has a proxy protocol enabled"""
1143        if self.elb.policies is not None and self.elb.policies.other_policies is not None:
1144            for policy in self.elb.policies.other_policies:
1145                if policy.policy_name == 'ProxyProtocol-policy':
1146                    return policy.policy_name
1148        return None
1150    def _set_proxy_protocol_policy(self):
1151        """Install a proxy protocol policy if needed"""
1152        proxy_policy = self._get_proxy_protocol_policy()
1154        if proxy_policy is None:
1155            self.elb_conn.create_lb_policy(
1156                self.elb.name, 'ProxyProtocol-policy', 'ProxyProtocolPolicyType', {'ProxyProtocol': True}
1157            )
1158            self.changed = True
1160        # TODO: remove proxy protocol policy if not needed anymore? There is no side effect to leaving it there
1162    def _diff_list(self, a, b):
1163        """Find the entries in list a that are not in list b"""
1164        b = set(b)
1165        return [aa for aa in a if aa not in b]
1167    def _get_instance_ids(self):
1168        """Get the current list of instance ids installed in the elb"""
1169        instances = []
1170        if self.elb.instances is not None:
1171            for instance in self.elb.instances:
1172                instances.append(instance.id)
1174        return instances
1176    def _set_instance_ids(self):
1177        """Register or deregister instances from an lb instance"""
1178        assert_instances = self.instance_ids or []
1180        has_instances = self._get_instance_ids()
1182        add_instances = self._diff_list(assert_instances, has_instances)
1183        if add_instances:
1184            self.elb_conn.register_instances(self.elb.name, add_instances)
1185            self.changed = True
1187        if self.purge_instance_ids:
1188            remove_instances = self._diff_list(has_instances, assert_instances)
1189            if remove_instances:
1190                self.elb_conn.deregister_instances(self.elb.name, remove_instances)
1191                self.changed = True
1193    def _set_tags(self):
1194        """Add/Delete tags"""
1195        if self.tags is None:
1196            return
1198        params = {'LoadBalancerNames.member.1': self.name}
1200        tagdict = dict()
1202        # get the current list of tags from the ELB, if ELB exists
1203        if self.elb:
1204            current_tags = self.elb_conn.get_list('DescribeTags', params,
1205                                                  [('member', Tag)])
1206            tagdict = dict((tag.Key, tag.Value) for tag in current_tags
1207                           if hasattr(tag, 'Key'))
1209        # Add missing tags
1210        dictact = dict(set(self.tags.items()) - set(tagdict.items()))
1211        if dictact:
1212            for i, key in enumerate(dictact):
1213                params['Tags.member.%d.Key' % (i + 1)] = key
1214                params['Tags.member.%d.Value' % (i + 1)] = dictact[key]
1216            self.elb_conn.make_request('AddTags', params)
1217            self.changed = True
1219        # Remove extra tags
1220        dictact = dict(set(tagdict.items()) - set(self.tags.items()))
1221        if dictact:
1222            for i, key in enumerate(dictact):
1223                params['Tags.member.%d.Key' % (i + 1)] = key
1225            self.elb_conn.make_request('RemoveTags', params)
1226            self.changed = True
1228    def _get_health_check_target(self):
1229        """Compose target string from healthcheck parameters"""
1230        protocol = self.health_check['ping_protocol'].upper()
1231        path = ""
1233        if protocol in ['HTTP', 'HTTPS'] and 'ping_path' in self.health_check:
1234            path = self.health_check['ping_path']
1236        return "%s:%s%s" % (protocol, self.health_check['ping_port'], path)
1239def main():
1240    argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec()
1241    argument_spec.update(dict(
1242        state={'required': True, 'choices': ['present', 'absent']},
1243        name={'required': True},
1244        listeners={'default': None, 'required': False, 'type': 'list'},
1245        purge_listeners={'default': True, 'required': False, 'type': 'bool'},
1246        instance_ids={'default': None, 'required': False, 'type': 'list'},
1247        purge_instance_ids={'default': False, 'required': False, 'type': 'bool'},
1248        zones={'default': None, 'required': False, 'type': 'list'},
1249        purge_zones={'default': False, 'required': False, 'type': 'bool'},
1250        security_group_ids={'default': None, 'required': False, 'type': 'list'},
1251        security_group_names={'default': None, 'required': False, 'type': 'list'},
1252        health_check={'default': None, 'required': False, 'type': 'dict'},
1253        subnets={'default': None, 'required': False, 'type': 'list'},
1254        purge_subnets={'default': False, 'required': False, 'type': 'bool'},
1255        scheme={'default': 'internet-facing', 'required': False, 'choices': ['internal', 'internet-facing']},
1256        connection_draining_timeout={'default': None, 'required': False, 'type': 'int'},
1257        idle_timeout={'default': None, 'type': 'int', 'required': False},
1258        cross_az_load_balancing={'default': None, 'type': 'bool', 'required': False},
1259        stickiness={'default': None, 'required': False, 'type': 'dict'},
1260        access_logs={'default': None, 'required': False, 'type': 'dict'},
1261        wait={'default': False, 'type': 'bool', 'required': False},
1262        wait_timeout={'default': 60, 'type': 'int', 'required': False},
1263        tags={'default': None, 'required': False, 'type': 'dict'}
1264    )
1265    )
1267    module = AnsibleModule(
1268        argument_spec=argument_spec,
1269        mutually_exclusive=[['security_group_ids', 'security_group_names']]
1270    )
1272    if not HAS_BOTO:
1273        module.fail_json(msg='boto required for this module')
1275    region, ec2_url, aws_connect_params = get_aws_connection_info(module)
1276    if not region:
1277        module.fail_json(msg="Region must be specified as a parameter, in EC2_REGION or AWS_REGION environment variables or in boto configuration file")
1279    name = module.params['name']
1280    state = module.params['state']
1281    listeners = module.params['listeners']
1282    purge_listeners = module.params['purge_listeners']
1283    instance_ids = module.params['instance_ids']
1284    purge_instance_ids = module.params['purge_instance_ids']
1285    zones = module.params['zones']
1286    purge_zones = module.params['purge_zones']
1287    security_group_ids = module.params['security_group_ids']
1288    security_group_names = module.params['security_group_names']
1289    health_check = module.params['health_check']
1290    access_logs = module.params['access_logs']
1291    subnets = module.params['subnets']
1292    purge_subnets = module.params['purge_subnets']
1293    scheme = module.params['scheme']
1294    connection_draining_timeout = module.params['connection_draining_timeout']
1295    idle_timeout = module.params['idle_timeout']
1296    cross_az_load_balancing = module.params['cross_az_load_balancing']
1297    stickiness = module.params['stickiness']
1298    wait = module.params['wait']
1299    wait_timeout = module.params['wait_timeout']
1300    tags = module.params['tags']
1302    if state == 'present' and not listeners:
1303        module.fail_json(msg="At least one listener is required for ELB creation")
1305    if state == 'present' and not (zones or subnets):
1306        module.fail_json(msg="At least one availability zone or subnet is required for ELB creation")
1308    if wait_timeout > 600:
1309        module.fail_json(msg='wait_timeout maximum is 600 seconds')
1311    if security_group_names:
1312        security_group_ids = []
1313        try:
1314            ec2 = connect_to_aws(boto.ec2, region, **aws_connect_params)
1315            if subnets:  # We have at least one subnet, ergo this is a VPC
1316                vpc_conn = _get_vpc_connection(module=module, region=region, aws_connect_params=aws_connect_params)
1317                vpc_id = vpc_conn.get_all_subnets([subnets[0]])[0].vpc_id
1318                filters = {'vpc_id': vpc_id}
1319            else:
1320                filters = None
1321            grp_details = ec2.get_all_security_groups(filters=filters)
1323            for group_name in security_group_names:
1324                if isinstance(group_name, string_types):
1325                    group_name = [group_name]
1327                group_id = [str(grp.id) for grp in grp_details if str(grp.name) in group_name]
1328                security_group_ids.extend(group_id)
1329        except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound as e:
1330            module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
1332    elb_man = ElbManager(module, name, listeners, purge_listeners, zones,
1333                         purge_zones, security_group_ids, health_check,
1334                         subnets, purge_subnets, scheme,
1335                         connection_draining_timeout, idle_timeout,
1336                         cross_az_load_balancing,
1337                         access_logs, stickiness, wait, wait_timeout, tags,
1338                         region=region, instance_ids=instance_ids, purge_instance_ids=purge_instance_ids,
1339                         **aws_connect_params)
1341    # check for unsupported attributes for this version of boto
1342    if cross_az_load_balancing and not elb_man._check_attribute_support('cross_zone_load_balancing'):
1343        module.fail_json(msg="You must install boto >= 2.18.0 to use the cross_az_load_balancing attribute")
1345    if connection_draining_timeout and not elb_man._check_attribute_support('connection_draining'):
1346        module.fail_json(msg="You must install boto >= 2.28.0 to use the connection_draining_timeout attribute")
1348    if idle_timeout and not elb_man._check_attribute_support('connecting_settings'):
1349        module.fail_json(msg="You must install boto >= 2.33.0 to use the idle_timeout attribute")
1351    if state == 'present':
1352        elb_man.ensure_ok()
1353    elif state == 'absent':
1354        elb_man.ensure_gone()
1356    ansible_facts = {'ec2_elb': 'info'}
1357    ec2_facts_result = dict(changed=elb_man.changed,
1358                            elb=elb_man.get_info(),
1359                            ansible_facts=ansible_facts)
1361    module.exit_json(**ec2_facts_result)
1364if __name__ == '__main__':
1365    main()