4\chapter{Configuring the Director}
6\index[general]{Director!Configuring the}
7\index[general]{Configuring the Director}
9Of all the configuration files needed to run {\bf Bacula}, the Director's is
10the most complicated, and the one that you will need to modify the most often
11as you add clients or modify the FileSets.
13For a general discussion of configuration files and resources including the
14data types recognized by {\bf Bacula}. Please see the
15\ilink{Configuration}{ConfigureChapter} chapter of this manual.
17\section{Director Resource Types}
18\index[general]{Types!Director Resource}
19\index[general]{Director Resource Types}
21Director resource type may be one of the following:
23Job, JobDefs, Client, Storage/Autochange, Catalog, Schedule, FileSet, Pool,
24Director, or Messages.  We present them here in the most logical order for
25defining them:
27Note, everything revolves around a job and is tied to a job in one
28way or another.
32   \ilink{Director}{DirectorResource4} -- to  define the Director's
33   name and its access password used for authenticating the Console program.
34   Only a single  Director resource definition may appear in the Director's
35   configuration file.  If you have either {\bf /dev/random} or  {\bf bc} on your
36   machine, Bacula will generate a random password during the configuration
37   process, otherwise it will  be left blank.
39   \ilink{Job}{JobResource} -- to define the backup/restore Jobs
40   and to tie together the Client, FileSet and Schedule resources to  be used
41   for each Job. Normally, you will Jobs of different names corresponding
42   to each client (i.e. one Job per client, but a different one with a different name
43   for each client).
45   \ilink{JobDefs}{JobDefsResource} -- optional resource for
46   providing defaults for Job resources.
48   \ilink{Schedule}{ScheduleResource} -- to define when a Job is to
49   be automatically run by {\bf Bacula's} internal scheduler. You
50   may have any number of Schedules, but each job will reference only
51   one.
53   \ilink{FileSet}{FileSetResource} -- to define the set of files
54   to be backed up for each Client. You may have any number of
55   FileSets but each Job will reference only one.
57   \ilink{Client}{ClientResource2} -- to define what Client is to be
58   backed up. You will generally have multiple Client definitions. Each
59   Job will reference only a single client.
61   \ilink{Storage}{StorageResource2} (or Autochanger) -- to define on what
62   physical device the Volumes should be mounted. The keywords Storage
63   and Autochanger are interchangable. You may have one or more
64   Storage/Autochanger definitions.
67   \ilink{Pool}{PoolResource} -- to define the pool of Volumes
68   that can be used for a particular Job. Most people use a
69   single default Pool.  However, if you have a large number
70   of clients or volumes, you may want to have multiple Pools.
71   Pools allow you to restrict a Job (or a Client) to use
72   only a particular set of Volumes.
75   \ilink{Catalog}{CatalogResource} -- to define in what database to
76   keep the list of files and the Volume names where they are backed up.
77   Most people only use a single catalog.  However, if you want to
78   scale the Director to many clients, multiple catalogs can be helpful.
79   Multiple catalogs require a bit more management because in general
80   you must know what catalog contains what data.  Currently, all
81   Pools are defined in each catalog.  This restriction will be removed
82   in a later release.
84   \ilink{Console}{ConsoleResource1} -- to define which the administrator
85   or user can use to interact with the Director.
87 \item
88   \ilink{Counter}{CounterResource} -- to define a counter variable that
89   can be accessed by variable expansion used for creating Volume labels.
92   \ilink{Messages}{MessagesChapter} -- to define where error and
93   information messages are to be sent or logged. You may define
94   multiple different message resources and hence direct particular
95   classes of messages to different users or locations (files, ...).
98\section{The Director Resource}
100\index[general]{Director Resource}
103The Director resource defines the attributes of the Directors running on the
104network. In the current implementation, there is only a single Director
105resource, but the final design will contain multiple Directors to maintain
106index and media database redundancy.
110\item [Director]
111   \index[dir]{Director}
112   Start of the Director resource. One and only one  director resource must be
115\item [Name = \lt{}name\gt{}]
116   \index[dir]{Name}
117   \index[dir]{Directive!Name}
118   The director name used by the system  administrator. This directive is
121\item [Description = \lt{}text\gt{}]
122   \index[dir]{Description}
123   \index[dir]{Directive!Description}
124   The text field contains a  description of the Director that will be displayed
125in the  graphical user interface. This directive is optional.
127\item [Password = \lt{}UA-password\gt{}]
128   \index[dir]{Password}
129   \index[dir]{Directive!Password}
130   Specifies the password that must be supplied for the default Bacula
131   Console to be authorized.  The same password must appear in the {\bf
132   Director} resource of the Console configuration file.  For added
133   security, the password is never passed across the network but instead a
134   challenge response hash code created with the password.  This directive
135   is required.  If you have either {\bf /dev/random} or {\bf bc} on your
136   machine, Bacula will generate a random password during the configuration
137   process, otherwise it will be left blank and you must manually supply
138   it.
140   The password is plain text.  It is not generated through any special
141   process but as noted above, it is better to use random text for
142   security reasons.
144\item [Messages = \lt{}Messages-resource-name\gt{}]
145   \index[dir]{Messages}
146   \index[dir]{Directive!Messages}
147   The messages resource  specifies where to deliver Director messages that are
148   not associated  with a specific Job. Most messages are specific to a job and
149   will  be directed to the Messages resource specified by the job. However,
150   there are a few messages that can occur when no job is running.  This
151   directive is required.
153\item [Working Directory = \lt{}Directory\gt{}]
154   \index[dir]{Working Directory}
155   \index[dir]{Directive!Working Directory}
156   This directive  is mandatory and specifies a directory in which the Director
157   may put its status files. This directory should be used only  by Bacula but
158   may be shared by other Bacula daemons. However, please note, if this
159   directory is shared with other Bacula daemons (the File daemon and Storage
160   daemon), you must ensure that the {\bf Name} given to each daemon is
161   unique so that the temporary filenames used do not collide.  By default
162   the Bacula configure process creates unique daemon names by postfixing them
163   with -dir, -fd, and -sd. Standard shell expansion of the {\bf
164   Directory}  is done when the configuration file is read so that values such
165   as {\bf \$HOME} will be properly expanded. This directive is required.
166   The working directory specified must already exist and be
167   readable and writable by the Bacula daemon referencing it.
169   If you have specified a Director user and/or a Director group on your
170   ./configure line with {\bf {-}{-}with-dir-user} and/or
171   {\bf {-}{-}with-dir-group} the Working Directory owner and group will
172   be set to those values.
174\item [Pid Directory = \lt{}Directory\gt{}]
175   \index[dir]{Pid Directory}
176   \index[dir]{Directive!Pid Directory}
177   This directive  is mandatory and specifies a directory in which the Director
178   may put its process Id file. The process Id file is used to  shutdown
179   Bacula and to prevent multiple copies of  Bacula from running simultaneously.
180   Standard shell expansion of the {\bf Directory}  is done when the
181   configuration file is read so that values such  as {\bf \$HOME} will be
182   properly expanded.
184   The PID directory specified must already exist and be
185   readable and writable by the Bacula daemon referencing it
187   Typically on Linux systems, you will set this to:  {\bf /var/run}. If you are
188   not installing Bacula in the  system directories, you can use the {\bf Working
189   Directory} as  defined above.  This directive is required.
191\item [Scripts Directory = \lt{}Directory\gt{}]
192   \index[dir]{Scripts Directory}
193   \index[dir]{Directive!Scripts Directory}
194   This directive is optional and, if defined, specifies a directory in
195   which the Director and the Storage daemon will look for many of the
196   scripts that it needs to use during particular operations such as
197   starting/stopping, the mtx-changer script, tape alerts, as well as
198   catalog updates.
199   This directory may be shared by other Bacula daemons.
200   Standard shell expansion of the directory is done when the configuration
201   file is read so that values such as {\bf \$HOME} will be properly
202   expanded.
204\item [QueryFile = \lt{}Path\gt{}]
205   \index[dir]{QueryFile}
206   \index[dir]{Directive!QueryFile}
207   This directive is mandatory and specifies a directory and file in which
208   the Director can find the canned SQL statements for the {\bf Query}
209   command of the Console.  Standard shell expansion of the {\bf Path} is
210   done when the configuration file is read so that values such as {\bf
211   \$HOME} will be properly expanded.  This directive is required.
213\item [Heartbeat Interval = \lt{}time-interval\gt{}]
214   \index[dir]{Heartbeat Interval}
215   \index[dir]{Directive!Heartbeat}
216   This directive is optional and if specified will cause the Director to
217   set a keepalive interval (heartbeat) in seconds on each of the sockets
218   it opens for the Client resource.  This value will override any
219   specified at the Director level.  It is implemented only on systems
220   (Linux, ...) that provide the {\bf setsockopt} TCP\_KEEPIDLE function.
221   The default vaule is 300 seconds.
224\item [Maximum Concurrent Jobs = \lt{}number\gt{}]
225   \index[dir]{Maximum Concurrent Jobs}
226   \index[dir]{Directive!Maximum Concurrent Jobs}
227   \index[general]{Simultaneous Jobs}
228   \index[general]{Concurrent Jobs}
229   where \lt{}number\gt{} is the maximum number of total Director Jobs that
230   should run concurrently.  The default is set to 20, but you may set it
231   to a larger number.  Every valid connection to any daemon (Director,
232   File daemon, or Storage daemon) results in a Job.  This includes
233   connections from {\bf bconsole}.  Thus the number of concurrent Jobs
234   must, in general, be greater than the maximum number of Jobs that you
235   wish to actually run.
237   In general, increasing the number of Concurrent Jobs increases the total
238   through put of Bacula, because the simultaneous Jobs can all feed data
239   to the Storage daemon and to the Catalog at the same time.  However,
240   keep in mind, that the Volume format becomes more complicated with
241   multiple simultaneous jobs, consequently, restores may take slightly
242   longer if Bacula must sort through interleaved volume blocks from
243   multiple simultaneous jobs.  Though normally unnecessary, interleaved
244   job data can be avoided by having each simultaneous job write to a
245   different volume or by using data spooling, which will first spool the
246   data to disk simultaneously, then write one spool file at a time to the
247   volume thus avoiding excessive interleaving of the different job blocks.
249\item [FD Connect Timeout = \lt{}time\gt{}]
250   \index[dir]{FD Connect Timeout}
251   \index[dir]{Directive!FD Connect Timeout}
252   where {\bf time} is the time that the Director should continue
253   attempting to contact the File daemon to start a job, and after which
254   the Director will cancel the job.  The default is 3 minutes.
256\item [SD Connect Timeout = \lt{}time\gt{}]
257   \index[dir]{SD Connect Timeout}
258   \index[dir]{Directive!SD Connect Timeout}
259   where {\bf time} is the time that the Director should continue
260   attempting to contact the Storage daemon to start a job, and after which
261   the Director will cancel the job.  The default is 30 minutes.
263\item [DirAddresses = \lt{}IP-address-specification\gt{}]
264   \index[dir]{DirAddresses}
265   \index[dir]{Address}
266   \index[general]{Address}
267   \index[dir]{Directive!DirAddresses}
268   Specify the ports and addresses on which the Director daemon will listen
269   for Bacula Console connections.  Probably the simplest way to explain
270   this is to show an example:
274 DirAddresses  = {
275    ip = {addr =; port = 1205;}
276    ipv4 = {
277        addr =; port = http;}
278    ipv6 = {
279        addr =;
280        port = 1205;
281    }
282    ip = {
283        addr =
284        port = 1205
285    }
286    ip = {addr = }
287    ip = {addr = 201:220:222::2 }
288    ip = {
289        addr = bluedot.thun.net
290    }
295where ip, ip4, ip6, addr, and port are all keywords. Note, that  the address
296can be specified as either a dotted quadruple, or  IPv6 colon notation, or as
297a symbolic name (only in the ip specification).  Also, port can be specified
298as a number or as the mnemonic value from  the /etc/services file.  If a port
299is not specified, the default will be used. If an ip  section is specified,
300the resolution can be made either by IPv4 or  IPv6. If ip4 is specified, then
301only IPv4 resolutions will be permitted,  and likewise with ip6.
303Please note that if you use the DirAddresses directive, you must
304not use either a DirPort or a DirAddress directive in the same
307\item [DirPort = \lt{}port-number\gt{}]
308   \index[dir]{DirPort}
309   \index[dir]{Directive!DirPort}
310   Specify the port (a positive  integer) on which the  Director daemon will
311   listen for Bacula Console connections.  This same port number must be
312   specified in the Director resource  of the Console configuration file. The
313   default is 9101, so  normally this directive need not be specified.  This
314   directive should not be used if you specify DirAddresses (N.B plural)
315   directive.
317\item [DirAddress = \lt{}IP-Address\gt{}]
318   \index[dir]{DirAddress}
319   \index[dir]{Directive!DirAddress}
320   This directive is optional, but if it is specified, it will cause the
321   Director server (for the Console program) to bind to the specified {\bf
322     IP-Address}, which is either a domain name or an IP address specified as a
323   dotted quadruple in string or quoted string format.  If this directive is
324   not specified, the Director will bind to any available address (the
325   default).  Note, unlike the DirAddresses specification noted above, this
326   directive only permits a single address to be specified.  This directive
327   should not be used if you specify a DirAddresses (N.B. plural) directive.
329\item [DirSourceAddress = \lt{}IP-Address\gt{}]
330   \index[fd]{DirSourceAddress}
331   \index[fd]{Directive!DirSourceAddress}
332   This record is optional, and if it is specified, it will cause the Director
333   server (when initiating connections to a storage or file daemon) to source
334   its connections from the specified address.  Only a single IP address may be
335   specified.  If this record is not specified, the Director server will source
336   its outgoing connections according to the system routing table (the default).
338\item[Statistics Retention = \lt{}time\gt{}]
339   \index[dir]{StatisticsRetention}
340   \index[dir]{Directive!StatisticsRetention}
341   \label{PruneStatistics}
343   The \texttt{Statistics Retention} directive defines the length of time that
344   Bacula will keep statistics job records in the Catalog database after the
345   Job End time. (In \texttt{JobHistory} table) When this time period expires,
346   and if user runs \texttt{prune stats} command, Bacula will prune (remove)
347   Job records that are older than the specified period.
349   Theses statistics records aren't use for restore purpose, but mainly for
350   capacity planning, billings, etc. See \ilink{Statistics chapter}{TO-BE-REPLACED} for
351   additional information.
353   See the \ilink{Configuration chapter}{Time} of this manual for additional
354   details of time specification.
356   The default is 5 years.
358\item[VerId = \lt{}string\gt{}]
359  \index[dir]{Directive!VerId}
360  where  \lt{}string\gt{} is an identifier which can be used for support purpose.
361  This string is displayed using the \texttt{version} command.
363\item[MaximumConsoleConnections = \lt{}number\gt{}]
364  \index[dir]{MaximumConsoleConnections}
365  \index[dir]{Directive!MaximumConsoleConnections}
366  \index[dir]{Console}
367   where \lt{}number\gt{}  is the maximum number of Console Connections that
368   could run  concurrently. The default is set to 20, but you may set it to a
369   larger number.
372 \item[MaximumReloadRequests = \lt{}number\gt{}]
377Where \lt{}number\gt{} is the maximum number of \texttt{reload} command that
378can be done while jobs are running. The default is set to 32 and is usually
383The following is an example of a valid Director resource definition:
387Director {
388  Name = HeadMan
389  WorkingDirectory = "$HOME/bacula/bin/working"
390  Password = UA_password
391  PidDirectory = "$HOME/bacula/bin/working"
392  QueryFile = "$HOME/bacula/bin/query.sql"
393  Messages = Standard
398\section{The Job Resource}
401\index[general]{Job Resource}
403The Job resource defines a Job (Backup, Restore, ...) that Bacula must
404perform. Each Job resource definition contains the name of a Client and
405a FileSet to backup, the Schedule for the Job, where the data
406are to be stored, and what media Pool can be used. In effect, each Job
407resource must specify What, Where, How, and When or FileSet, Storage,
408Backup/Restore/Level, and Schedule respectively. Note, the FileSet must
409be specified for a restore job for historical reasons, but it is no longer used.
411Only a single type ({\bf Backup}, {\bf Restore}, ...) can be specified for any
412job. If you want to backup multiple FileSets on the same Client or multiple
413Clients, you must define a Job for each one.
415Note, you define only a single Job to do the Full, Differential, and
416Incremental backups since the different backup levels are tied together by
417a unique Job name.  Normally, you will have only one Job per Client, but
418if a client has a really huge number of files (more than several million),
419you might want to split it into to Jobs each with a different FileSet
420covering only part of the total files.
422Multiple Storage daemons are not currently supported for Jobs, so if
423you do want to use multiple storage daemons, you will need to create
424a different Job and ensure that for each Job that the combination of
425Client and FileSet are unique.  The Client and FileSet are what Bacula
426uses to restore a client, so if there are multiple Jobs with the same
427Client and FileSet or multiple Storage daemons that are used, the
428restore will not work.  This problem can be resolved by defining multiple
429FileSet definitions (the names must be different, but the contents of
430the FileSets may be the same).
435\item [Job]
436   \index[dir]{Job}
437   \index[dir]{Directive!Job}
438   Start of the Job resource. At least one Job  resource is required.
440\item [Name = \lt{}name\gt{}]
441   \index[dir]{Name}
442   \index[dir]{Directive!Name}
443   The Job name. This name can be specified  on the {\bf Run} command in the
444   console program to start a job. If the  name contains spaces, it must be
445   specified between quotes. It is  generally a good idea to give your job the
446   same name as the Client  that it will backup. This permits easy
447   identification of jobs.
449   When the job actually runs, the unique Job Name will consist  of the name you
450   specify here followed by the date and time the  job was scheduled for
451   execution. This directive is required.
453\item [Enabled = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
454  \index[dir]{Enable}
455  \index[dir]{Directive!Enable}
456  This directive allows you to enable or disable automatic execution
457  via the scheduler of a Job.
458  This directive allows you to enable or disable a Job resource. When the
459  resource of the Job is disabled, the Job will no longer be scheduled and
460  it will not be available in the list of Jobs to be run.  To be able
461  to use the Job you must Enable it.
464\item [Type = \lt{}job-type\gt{}]
465   \index[dir]{Type}
466   \index[dir]{Directive!Type}
467   The {\bf Type} directive specifies  the Job type, which may be one of the
468   following: {\bf Backup},  {\bf Restore}, {\bf Verify}, or {\bf Admin}. This
469   directive  is required. Within a particular Job Type, there are also Levels
470   as discussed in the next item.
474\item [Backup]
475   \index[dir]{Backup}
476   Run a backup Job. Normally you will  have at least one Backup job for each
477   client you want  to save. Normally, unless you turn off cataloging,  most all
478   the important statistics and data concerning  files backed up will be placed
479   in the catalog.
481\item [Restore]
482   \index[dir]{Restore}
483   Run a restore Job.  Normally, you will specify only one Restore job
484   which acts as a sort of prototype that you will modify using the console
485   program in order to perform restores.  Although certain basic
486   information from a Restore job is saved in the catalog, it is very
487   minimal compared to the information stored for a Backup job -- for
488   example, no File database entries are generated since no Files are
489   saved.
491   {\bf Restore} jobs cannot be
492   automatically started by the scheduler as is the case for Backup, Verify
493   and Admin jobs. To restore files, you must use the {\bf restore} command
494   in the console.
497\item [Verify]
498   \index[dir]{Verify}
499   Run a verify Job. In general, {\bf verify}  jobs permit you to compare the
500   contents of the catalog  to the file system, or to what was backed up. In
501   addition,  to verifying that a tape that was written can be read,  you can
502   also use {\bf verify} as a sort of tripwire  intrusion detection.
504\item [Admin]
505   \index[dir]{Admin}
506   Run an admin Job. An {\bf Admin} job can be used to periodically run catalog
507   pruning, if you do not want to do it at the end of each {\bf Backup} Job.
508   Although an Admin job is recorded in the catalog, very little data is
509   saved. The Client is not involved in an Admin job, so features such as
510   ``Client Run Before Job'' are not available. Only Director's runscripts will
511   be executed.
513\item [Migration]
514   \index[dir]{Migration}
515   Run a Migration Job (similar to a backup job) that reads data that was
516   previously backed up to a Volume and writes it to another Volume. (See
517   \vref{MigrationChapter})
519\item [Copy]
520   \index[dir]{Copy}
521   Run a Copy Job that essentially creates two identical copies of the same
522   backup. The Copy process is essentially identical to the Migration feature
523   with the exception that the Job that is copied is left unchanged. (See
524   \vref{MigrationChapter})
530\item [Level = \lt{}job-level\gt{}]
533   The Level directive specifies the default Job level to be run.  Each
534   different Job Type (Backup, Restore, ...) has a different set of Levels
535   that can be specified.  The Level is normally overridden by a different
536   value that is specified in the {\bf Schedule} resource.  This directive
537   is not required, but must be specified either by a {\bf Level} directive
538   or as an override specified in the {\bf Schedule} resource.
540For a {\bf Backup} Job, the Level may be one of the  following:
544\item [Full]
546   When the Level is set to Full all files in the FileSet whether or not
547   they have changed will be backed up.
549\item [Incremental]
550   \index[dir]{Incremental}
551   When the Level is set to Incremental all files specified in the FileSet
552   that have changed since the last successful backup of the the same Job
553   using the same FileSet and Client, will be backed up.  If the Director
554   cannot find a previous valid Full backup then the job will be upgraded
555   into a Full backup.  When the Director looks for a valid backup record
556   in the catalog database, it looks for a previous Job with:
559\item The same Job name.
560\item The same Client name.
561\item The same FileSet (any change to the definition of  the FileSet such as
562   adding or deleting a file in the  Include or Exclude sections constitutes a
563   different FileSet.
564\item The Job was a Full, Differential, or Incremental backup.
565\item The Job terminated normally (i.e. did not fail or was not  canceled).
566\item The Job started no longer ago than {\bf Max Full Interval}.
569   If all the above conditions do not hold, the Director will upgrade  the
570   Incremental to a Full save. Otherwise, the Incremental  backup will be
571   performed as requested.
573   The File daemon (Client) decides which files to backup for an
574   Incremental backup by comparing start time of the prior Job (Full,
575   Differential, or Incremental) against the time each file was last
576   "modified" (st\_mtime) and the time its attributes were last
577   "changed"(st\_ctime).  If the file was modified or its attributes
578   changed on or after this start time, it will then be backed up.
580   Some virus scanning software may change st\_ctime while
581   doing the scan.  For example, if the virus scanning program attempts to
582   reset the access time (st\_atime), which Bacula does not use, it will
583   cause st\_ctime to change and hence Bacula will backup the file during
584   an Incremental or Differential backup.  In the case of Sophos virus
585   scanning, you can prevent it from resetting the access time (st\_atime)
586   and hence changing st\_ctime by using the {\bf \verb:--:no-reset-atime}
587   option.  For other software, please see their manual.
589   When Bacula does an Incremental backup, all modified files that are
590   still on the system are backed up.  However, any file that has been
591   deleted since the last Full backup remains in the Bacula catalog,
592   which means that if between a Full save and the time you do a
593   restore, some files are deleted, those deleted files will also be
594   restored.  The deleted files will no longer appear in the catalog
595   after doing another Full save.
597   In addition, if you move a directory rather than copy it, the files in
598   it do not have their modification time (st\_mtime) or their attribute
599   change time (st\_ctime) changed.  As a consequence, those files will
600   probably not be backed up by an Incremental or Differential backup which
601   depend solely on these time stamps.  If you move a directory, and wish
602   it to be properly backed up, it is generally preferable to copy it, then
603   delete the original.
605   However, to manage deleted files or directories changes in the
606   catalog during an Incremental backup you can use \texttt{accurate}
607   mode. This is quite memory consuming process. See \ilink{Accurate mode}{accuratemode} for more details.
609\item [Differential]
610   \index[dir]{Differential}
611   When the Level is set to Differential
612   all files specified in the FileSet that have changed since the last
613   successful Full backup of the same Job will be backed up.
614   If the Director cannot find a
615   valid previous Full backup for the same Job, FileSet, and Client,
616   backup, then the Differential job will be upgraded into a Full backup.
617   When the Director looks for a valid Full backup record in the catalog
618   database, it looks for a previous Job with:
621\item The same Job name.
622\item The same Client name.
623\item The same FileSet (any change to the definition of  the FileSet such as
624   adding or deleting a file in the  Include or Exclude sections constitutes a
625   different FileSet.
626\item The Job was a FULL backup.
627\item The Job terminated normally (i.e. did not fail or was not  canceled).
628\item The Job started no longer ago than {\bf Max Full Interval}.
631   If all the above conditions do not hold, the Director will  upgrade the
632   Differential to a Full save. Otherwise, the  Differential backup will be
633   performed as requested.
635   The File daemon (Client) decides which files to backup for a
636   differential backup by comparing the start time of the prior Full backup
637   Job against the time each file was last "modified" (st\_mtime) and the
638   time its attributes were last "changed" (st\_ctime).  If the file was
639   modified or its attributes were changed on or after this start time, it
640   will then be backed up.  The start time used is displayed after the {\bf
641   Since} on the Job report.  In rare cases, using the start time of the
642   prior backup may cause some files to be backed up twice, but it ensures
643   that no change is missed.  As with the Incremental option, you should
644   ensure that the clocks on your server and client are synchronized or as
645   close as possible to avoid the possibility of a file being skipped.
646   Note, on versions 1.33 or greater Bacula automatically makes the
647   necessary adjustments to the time between the server and the client so
648   that the times Bacula uses are synchronized.
650   When Bacula does a Differential backup, all modified files that are
651   still on the system are backed up.  However, any file that has been
652   deleted since the last Full backup remains in the Bacula catalog, which
653   means that if between a Full save and the time you do a restore, some
654   files are deleted, those deleted files will also be restored.  The
655   deleted files will no longer appear in the catalog after doing another
656   Full save.  However, to remove deleted files from the catalog during a
657   Differential backup is quite a time consuming process and not currently
658   implemented in Bacula.  It is, however, a planned future feature.
660   As noted above, if you move a directory rather than copy it, the
661   files in it do not have their modification time (st\_mtime) or
662   their attribute change time (st\_ctime) changed.  As a
663   consequence, those files will probably not be backed up by an
664   Incremental or Differential backup which depend solely on these
665   time stamps.  If you move a directory, and wish it to be
666   properly backed up, it is generally preferable to copy it, then
667   delete the original. Alternatively, you can move the directory, then
668   use the {\bf touch} program to update the timestamps.
670%% TODO: merge this with incremental
671   However, to manage deleted files or directories changes in the
672   catalog during an Differential backup you can use \texttt{accurate}
673   mode. This is quite memory consuming process. See \ilink{Accurate mode}{accuratemode} for more details.
675   Every once and a while, someone asks why we need Differential
676   backups as long as Incremental backups pickup all changed files.
677   There are possibly many answers to this question, but the one
678   that is the most important for me is that a Differential backup
679   effectively merges
680   all the Incremental and Differential backups since the last Full backup
681   into a single Differential backup.  This has two effects: 1.  It gives
682   some redundancy since the old backups could be used if the merged backup
683   cannot be read.  2.  More importantly, it reduces the number of Volumes
684   that are needed to do a restore effectively eliminating the need to read
685   all the volumes on which the preceding Incremental and Differential
686   backups since the last Full are done.
688\item [VirtualFull]
689   \index[dir]{VirtualFull}
691   When the Backup Level is set to VirtualFull, Bacula will consolidate the
692   previous Full backup plus the most recent Differential backup and any
693   subsequent Incremental backups into a new Full backup.  This new Full
694   backup will then be considered as the most recent Full for any future
695   Incremental or Differential backups.  The VirtualFull backup is
696   accomplished without contacting the client by reading the previous
697   backup data and writing it to a volume in a different pool.
699   Bacula's virtual backup feature is often called Synthetic Backup or
700   Consolidation in other backup products.
704For a {\bf Restore} Job, no level needs to be specified.
706For a {\bf Verify} Job, the Level may be one of the  following:
710\item [InitCatalog]
712   does a scan of the specified {\bf FileSet} and stores the file
713   attributes in the Catalog database.  Since no file data is saved, you
714   might ask why you would want to do this.  It turns out to be a very
715   simple and easy way to have a {\bf Tripwire} like feature using {\bf
716   Bacula}.  In other words, it allows you to save the state of a set of
717   files defined by the {\bf FileSet} and later check to see if those files
718   have been modified or deleted and if any new files have been added.
719   This can be used to detect system intrusion.  Typically you would
720   specify a {\bf FileSet} that contains the set of system files that
721   should not change (e.g.  /sbin, /boot, /lib, /bin, ...).  Normally, you
722   run the {\bf InitCatalog} level verify one time when your system is
723   first setup, and then once again after each modification (upgrade) to
724   your system.  Thereafter, when your want to check the state of your
725   system files, you use a {\bf Verify} {\bf level = Catalog}.  This
726   compares the results of your {\bf InitCatalog} with the current state of
727   the files.
729\item [Catalog]
731   Compares the current state of the files against the state previously
732   saved during an {\bf InitCatalog}.  Any discrepancies are reported.  The
733   items reported are determined by the {\bf verify} options specified on
734   the {\bf Include} directive in the specified {\bf FileSet} (see the {\bf
735   FileSet} resource below for more details).  Typically this command will
736   be run once a day (or night) to check for any changes to your system
737   files.
739   Please note!  If you run two Verify Catalog jobs on the same client at
740   the same time, the results will certainly be incorrect.  This is because
741   Verify Catalog modifies the Catalog database while running in order to
742   track new files.
744\item [VolumeToCatalog]
746   This level causes Bacula to read the file attribute data written to the
747   Volume from the last backup Job for the job specified on the {\bf VerifyJob}
748   directive.  The file attribute data are compared to the
749   values saved in the Catalog database and any differences are reported.
750   This is similar to the {\bf DiskToCatalog} level except that instead of
751   comparing the disk file attributes to the catalog database, the
752   attribute data written to the Volume is read and compared to the catalog
753   database.  Although the attribute data including the signatures (MD5 or
754   SHA1) are compared, the actual file data is not compared (it is not in
755   the catalog).
757   Please note!  If you run two Verify VolumeToCatalog jobs on the same
758   client at the same time, the results will certainly be incorrect.  This
759   is because the Verify VolumeToCatalog modifies the Catalog database
760   while running.
762\item [DiskToCatalog]
764   This level causes Bacula to read the files as they currently are on
765   disk, and to compare the current file attributes with the attributes
766   saved in the catalog from the last backup for the job specified on the
767   {\bf VerifyJob} directive.  This level differs from the {\bf VolumeToCatalog}
768   level described above by the fact that it doesn't compare against a
769   previous Verify job but against a previous backup.  When you run this
770   level, you must supply the verify options on your Include statements.
771   Those options determine what attribute fields are compared.
773   This command can be very useful if you have disk problems because it
774   will compare the current state of your disk against the last successful
775   backup, which may be several jobs.
777   Note, the current implementation (1.32c) does not identify files that
778   have been deleted.
781\item [Accurate = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
783   In accurate mode, the File daemon knowns exactly which files were present
784   after the last backup. So it is able to handle deleted or renamed files.
786   When restoring a FileSet for a specified date (including "most
787   recent"), Bacula is able to restore exactly the files and
788   directories that existed at the time of the last backup prior to
789   that date including ensuring that deleted files are actually deleted,
790   and renamed directories are restored properly.
792   In this mode, the File daemon must keep data concerning all files in
793   memory.  So If you do not have sufficient memory, the backup may
794   either be terribly slow or fail.
796%%   $$ memory = \sum_{i=1}^{n}(strlen(path_i + file_i) + sizeof(CurFile))$$
798   For 500.000 files (a typical desktop linux system), it will require
799   approximately 64 Megabytes of RAM on your File daemon to hold the
800   required information.
802\item [Verify Job = \lt{}Job-Resource-Name\gt{}]
803   \index[dir]{Verify Job}
804   \index[dir]{Directive!Verify Job}
805   If you run a verify job without this directive, the last job run will be
806   compared with the catalog, which means that you must immediately follow
807   a backup by a verify command.  If you specify a {\bf Verify Job} Bacula
808   will find the last job with that name that ran.  This permits you to run
809   all your backups, then run Verify jobs on those that you wish to be
810   verified (most often a {\bf VolumeToCatalog}) so that the tape just
811   written is re-read.
813\item [JobDefs = \lt{}JobDefs-Resource-Name\gt{}]
816   If a JobDefs-Resource-Name is specified, all the values contained in the
817   named JobDefs resource will be used as the defaults for the current Job.
818   Any value that you explicitly define in the current Job resource, will
819   override any defaults specified in the JobDefs resource.  The use of
820   this directive permits writing much more compact Job resources where the
821   bulk of the directives are defined in one or more JobDefs.  This is
822   particularly useful if you have many similar Jobs but with minor
823   variations such as different Clients.  A simple example of the use of
824   JobDefs is provided in the default bacula-dir.conf file.
826\item [Bootstrap = \lt{}bootstrap-file\gt{}]
829   The Bootstrap directive specifies a bootstrap file that, if provided,
830   will be used during {\bf Restore} Jobs and is ignored in other Job
831   types.  The {\bf bootstrap} file contains the list of tapes to be used
832   in a restore Job as well as which files are to be restored.
833   Specification of this directive is optional, and if specified, it is
834   used only for a restore job.  In addition, when running a Restore job
835   from the console, this value can be changed.
837   If you use the {\bf Restore} command in the Console program, to start a
838   restore job, the {\bf bootstrap} file will be created automatically from
839   the files you select to be restored.
841   For additional details of the {\bf bootstrap} file, please see
842   \ilink{Restoring Files with the Bootstrap File}{BootstrapChapter} chapter
843   of this manual.
846\item [Write Bootstrap =  \lt{}bootstrap-file-specification\gt{}]
847\index[dir]{Write Bootstrap}
848\index[dir]{Directive!Write Bootstrap}
849   The {\bf writebootstrap} directive specifies a file name where Bacula
850   will write a {\bf bootstrap} file for each Backup job run.  This
851   directive applies only to Backup Jobs.  If the Backup job is a Full
852   save, Bacula will erase any current contents of the specified file
853   before writing the bootstrap records.  If the Job is an Incremental
854   or Differential
855   save, Bacula will append the current bootstrap record to the end of the
856   file.
858   Using this feature, permits you to constantly have a bootstrap file that
859   can recover the current state of your system.  Normally, the file
860   specified should be a mounted drive on another machine, so that if your
861   hard disk is lost, you will immediately have a bootstrap record
862   available.  Alternatively, you should copy the bootstrap file to another
863   machine after it is updated. Note, it is a good idea to write a separate
864   bootstrap file for each Job backed up including the job that backs up
865   your catalog database.
867   If the {\bf bootstrap-file-specification} begins with a vertical bar
868   (\verb+|+), Bacula will use the specification as the name of a program to which
869   it will pipe the bootstrap record.  It could for example be a shell
870   script that emails you the bootstrap record.
872   On versions 1.39.22 or greater, before opening the file or executing the
873   specified command, Bacula performs
874   \ilink{character substitution}{character substitution} like in RunScript
875   directive. To automatically manage your bootstrap files, you can use
876   this in your {\bf JobDefs} resources:
878JobDefs {
879   Write Bootstrap = "%c_%n.bsr"
880   ...
884   For more details on using this file, please see the chapter entitled
885   \ilink{The Bootstrap File}{BootstrapChapter} of this manual.
887\item [Client = \lt{}client-resource-name\gt{}]
890   The Client directive  specifies the Client (File daemon) that will be used in
891   the  current Job. Only a single Client may be specified in any one Job.  The
892   Client runs on the machine to be backed up,  and sends the requested files to
893   the Storage daemon for backup,  or receives them when restoring. For
894   additional details, see the
895   \ilink{Client Resource section}{ClientResource2} of this chapter.
896   This directive is required.
898\item [FileSet = \lt{}FileSet-resource-name\gt{}]
901   The FileSet directive specifies the FileSet that will be used in the
902   current Job.  The FileSet specifies which directories (or files) are to
903   be backed up, and what options to use (e.g.  compression, ...).  Only a
904   single FileSet resource may be specified in any one Job.  For additional
905   details, see the \ilink{FileSet Resource section}{FileSetResource} of
906   this chapter.  This directive is required.
908\item [Base = \lt{}job-resource-name, ...\gt{}]
911The Base directive permits to specify the list of jobs that will be used during
912Full backup as base. This directive is optional. See the \ilink{Base Job chapter}{basejobs} for more information.
914\item [Messages = \lt{}messages-resource-name\gt{}]
917   The Messages directive defines what Messages resource should be used for
918   this job, and thus how and where the various messages are to be
919   delivered.  For example, you can direct some messages to a log file, and
920   others can be sent by email.  For additional details, see the
921   \ilink{Messages Resource}{MessagesChapter} Chapter of this manual.  This
922   directive is required.
925\item [Snapshot Retention = \lt{}time-period-specification\gt{}]
926   \index[dir]{Snapshot Retention}
927   \index[dir]{Directive!Snapshot Retention}
929   The Snapshot Retention directive defines the length of time that Bacula
930   will keep Snapshots in the Catalog database and on the Client after the
931   Snapshot creation.  When this time period expires, and if using the
932   \texttt{snapshot prune} command, Bacula will prune (remove) Snapshot
933   records that are older than the specified Snapshot Retention period and
934   will contact the FileDaemon to delete Snapshots from the system.
936   The Snapshot retention period is specified as seconds, minutes, hours,
937   days, weeks, months, quarters, or years.  See the
938   \ilink{ Configuration chapter}{Time} of this manual for
939   additional details of  time specification.
941   The default is 0 seconds, Snapshots are deleted at the end of the
942   backup.  The Job \textbf{SnapshotRetention} directive overwrites the
943   Client \textbf{SnapshotRetention} directive.
945\item [Pool = \lt{}pool-resource-name\gt{}]
948   The Pool directive defines the pool of Volumes where your data can be
949   backed up.  Many Bacula installations will use only the {\bf Default}
950   pool.  However, if you want to specify a different set of Volumes for
951   different Clients or different Jobs, you will probably want to use
952   Pools.  For additional details, see the \ilink{Pool Resource section}{PoolResource} of this chapter.  This directive is required.
954\item [Full Backup Pool = \lt{}pool-resource-name\gt{}]
955\index[dir]{Full Backup Pool}
956\index[dir]{Directive!Full Backup Pool}
957   The {\it Full Backup Pool} specifies a Pool to be used for Full backups.
958   It will override any Pool specification during a Full backup.  This
959   directive is optional.
961\item [Differential Backup Pool = \lt{}pool-resource-name\gt{}]
962\index[dir]{Differential Backup Pool}
963\index[dir]{Directive!Differential Backup Pool}
964   The {\it Differential Backup Pool} specifies a Pool to be used for
965   Differential backups.  It will override any Pool specification during a
966   Differential backup.  This directive is optional.
968\item [Incremental Backup Pool = \lt{}pool-resource-name\gt{}]
969\index[dir]{Incremental Backup Pool}
970\index[dir]{Directive!Incremental Backup Pool}
971   The {\it Incremental Backup Pool} specifies a Pool to be used for
972   Incremental backups.  It will override any Pool specification during an
973   Incremental backup.  This directive is optional.
976\item [BackupsToKeep = \lt{}number\gt{}]
977\index[dir]{Backups to Keep}
978\index[dir]{Directive!Backups To Keep}
980When this directive is present during a Virtual Full (it is ignored for
981other Job types), it will look for a Full backup that has more subsequent
982backups than the value specified.  In the example below, the Job will
983simply terminate unless there is a Full back followed by at least 31
984backups of either level Differential or Incremental.
987   Job {
988     Name = "VFull"
989     Type = Backup
990     Level = VirtualFull
991     Client = "my-fd"
992     File Set = "FullSet"
993     Accurate = Yes
994     Backups To Keep = 30
995   }
998Assuming that the last Full backup is followed by 32 Incremental backups, a
999Virtual Full will be run that consolidates the Full with the first two
1000Incrementals that were run after the Full.  The result is that you will end
1001up with a Full followed by 30 Incremental backups.
1004\item [DeleteConsolidatedJobs = \lt{}yes/no\gt{}]
1005\index[dir]{Delete Consolidated Jobs}
1006\index[dir]{Directive!Delete Consolidated Jobs}
1008If set to {\bf yes}, it will cause any old Job that is consolidated during
1009a Virtual Full to be deleted.  In the example above we saw that a Full plus
1010one other job (either an Incremental or Differential) were consolidated
1011into a new Full backup.  The original Full plus the other Job consolidated
1012will be deleted.  The default value is {\bf no}.
1015\item [Schedule = \lt{}schedule-name\gt{}]
1018   The Schedule directive defines what schedule is to be used for the Job.
1019   The schedule in turn determines when the Job will be automatically
1020   started and what Job level (i.e.  Full, Incremental, ...) is to be run.
1021   This directive is optional, and if left out, the Job can only be started
1022   manually using the Console program.  Although you may specify only a
1023   single Schedule resource for any one job, the Schedule resource may
1024   contain multiple {\bf Run} directives, which allow you to run the Job at
1025   many different times, and each {\bf run} directive permits overriding
1026   the default Job Level Pool, Storage, and Messages resources.  This gives
1027   considerable flexibility in what can be done with a single Job.  For
1028   additional details, see the \ilink{Schedule Resource Chapter}{ScheduleResource} of this manual.
1031\item [Storage = \lt{}storage-resource-name\gt{}]
1034   The Storage directive defines the name of the storage services where you
1035   want to backup the FileSet data.  For additional details, see the
1036   \ilink{Storage Resource Chapter}{StorageResource2} of this manual.
1037   The Storage resource may also be specified in the Job's Pool resource,
1038   in which case the value in the Pool resource overrides any value
1039   in the Job. This Storage resource definition is not required by either
1040   the Job resource or in the Pool, but it must be specified in
1041   one or the other, if not an error will result.
1043\item [Max Start Delay = \lt{}time\gt{}]
1044\index[dir]{Max Start Delay}
1045\index[dir]{Directive!Max Start Delay}
1046   The time specifies the maximum delay between the scheduled time and the
1047   actual start time for the Job.  For example, a job can be scheduled to
1048   run at 1:00am, but because other jobs are running, it may wait to run.
1049   If the delay is set to 3600 (one hour) and the job has not begun to run
1050   by 2:00am, the job will be canceled.  This can be useful, for example,
1051   to prevent jobs from running during day time hours.  The default is 0
1052   which indicates no limit.
1054\item [Max Run Time = \lt{}time\gt{}]
1055\index[dir]{Max Run Time}
1056\index[dir]{Directive!Max Run Time}
1057   The time specifies the maximum allowed time that a job may run, counted
1058   from when the job starts, ({\bf not} necessarily the same as when the
1059   job was scheduled).
1061   By default, the the watchdog thread will kill any Job that has run more
1062   than 200 days.  The maximum watchdog timeout is independent of MaxRunTime
1063   and cannot be changed.
1066\item [Incremental|Differential Max Wait Time = \lt{}time\gt{}]
1067\index[dir]{Incremental Wait Run Time}
1068\index[dir]{Differential Wait Run Time}
1069\index[dir]{Directive!Differential Max Wait Time}
1070    Theses directives have been deprecated in favor of
1071    \texttt{Incremental|Differential Max Run Time} since bacula 2.3.18.
1073\item [Incremental Max Run Time = \lt{}time\gt{}]
1074\index[dir]{Incremental Max Run Time}
1075\index[dir]{Directive!Incremental Max Run Time}
1076The time specifies the maximum allowed time that an Incremental backup job may
1077run, counted from when the job starts, ({\bf not} necessarily the same as when
1078the job was scheduled).
1080\item [Differential Max Wait Time = \lt{}time\gt{}]
1081\index[dir]{Differential Max Run Time}
1082\index[dir]{Directive!Differential Max Run Time}
1083The time specifies the maximum allowed time that a Differential backup job may
1084run, counted from when the job starts, ({\bf not} necessarily the same as when
1085the job was scheduled).
1087\item [Max Run Sched Time = \lt{}time\gt{}]
1088\index[dir]{Max Run Sched Time}
1089\index[dir]{Directive!Max Run Sched Time}
1091The time specifies the maximum allowed time that a job may run, counted from
1092when the job was scheduled. This can be useful to prevent jobs from running
1093during working hours. We can see it like \texttt{Max Start Delay + Max Run
1094  Time}.
1096\item [Max Wait Time = \lt{}time\gt{}]
1097\index[dir]{Max Wait Time}
1098\index[dir]{Directive!Max Wait Time}
1099   The time specifies the maximum allowed time that a job may block waiting
1100   for a resource (such as waiting for a tape to be mounted, or waiting for
1101   the storage or file daemons to perform their duties), counted from the
1102   when the job starts, ({\bf not} necessarily the same as when the job was
1103   scheduled). This directive works as expected since bacula 2.3.18.
1106  \centering
1107  \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{different_time}
1108  \caption{Job time control directives}
1109  \label{fig:differenttime}
1113\item [Maximum Spawned Jobs = \lt{}nb\gt{}]
1114\index[dir]{Maximum Spawned Jobs}
1115\index[dir]{Directive!Maximum Spawned Jobs}
1117The Job resource now permits specifying a number of {\bf Maximum Spawn
1118Jobs}. The default is 300.  This directive can be useful if you have
1119big hardware and you do a lot of Migration/Copy jobs which start
1120at the same time.
1122\item [Maximum Bandwidth = \lt{}speed\gt{}]
1123\index[dir]{Maximum Bandwidth}
1124\index[dir]{Directive!Maximum Bandwidth}
1126The speed parameter specifies the maximum allowed bandwidth that a job may
1127use. The speed parameter should be specified in k/s, kb/s, m/s or mb/s.
1129\item [Max Full Interval = \lt{}time\gt{}]
1130\index[dir]{Max Full Interval}
1131\index[dir]{Directive!Max Full Interval}
1132   The time specifies the maximum allowed age (counting from start time) of
1133   the most recent successful Full backup that is required in order to run
1134   Incremental or Differential backup jobs. If the most recent Full backup
1135   is older than this interval, Incremental and Differential backups will be
1136   upgraded to Full backups automatically. If this directive is not present,
1137   or specified as 0, then the age of the previous Full backup is not
1138   considered.
1141\item [Prefer Mounted Volumes = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1142\index[dir]{Prefer Mounted Volumes}
1143\index[dir]{Directive!Prefer Mounted Volumes}
1144   If the Prefer Mounted Volumes directive is set to {\bf yes} (default
1145   yes), the Storage daemon is requested to select either an Autochanger or
1146   a drive with a valid Volume already mounted in preference to a drive
1147   that is not ready.  This means that all jobs will attempt to append
1148   to the same Volume (providing the Volume is appropriate -- right Pool,
1149   ... for that job), unless you are using multiple pools.
1150   If no drive with a suitable Volume is available, it
1151   will select the first available drive.  Note, any Volume that has
1152   been requested to be mounted, will be considered valid as a mounted
1153   volume by another job.  This if multiple jobs start at the same time
1154   and they all prefer mounted volumes, the first job will request the
1155   mount, and the other jobs will use the same volume.
1157   If the directive is set to {\bf no}, the Storage daemon will prefer
1158   finding an unused drive, otherwise, each job started will append to the
1159   same Volume (assuming the Pool is the same for all jobs).  Setting
1160   Prefer Mounted Volumes to no can be useful for those sites
1161   with multiple drive autochangers that prefer to maximize backup
1162   throughput at the expense of using additional drives and Volumes.
1163   This means that the job will prefer to use an unused drive rather
1164   than use a drive that is already in use.
1166   Despite the above, we recommend against setting this directive to
1167   {\bf no} since
1168   it tends to add a lot of swapping of Volumes between the different
1169   drives and can easily lead to deadlock situations in the Storage
1170   daemon. We will accept bug reports against it, but we cannot guarantee
1171   that we will be able to fix the problem in a reasonable time.
1173   A better alternative for using multiple drives is to use multiple
1174   pools so that Bacula will be forced to mount Volumes from those Pools
1175   on different drives.
1177\item [Prune Jobs = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1178\index[dir]{Prune Jobs}
1179\index[dir]{Directive!Prune Jobs}
1180   Normally, pruning of Jobs from the Catalog is specified on a Client by
1181   Client basis in the Client resource with the {\bf AutoPrune} directive.
1182   If this directive is specified (not normally) and the value is {\bf
1183   yes}, it will override the value specified in the Client resource.  The
1184   default is {\bf no}.
1187\item [Prune Files = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1188\index[dir]{Prune Files}
1189\index[dir]{Directive!Prune Files}
1190   Normally, pruning of Files from the Catalog is specified on a Client by
1191   Client basis in the Client resource with the {\bf AutoPrune} directive.
1192   If this directive is specified (not normally) and the value is {\bf
1193   yes}, it will override the value specified in the Client resource.  The
1194   default is {\bf no}.
1196\item [Prune Volumes = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1197\index[dir]{Prune Volumes}
1198\index[dir]{Directive!Prune Volumes}
1199   Normally, pruning of Volumes from the Catalog is specified on a Pool by
1200   Pool basis in the Pool resource with the {\bf AutoPrune} directive.
1201   Note, this is different from File and Job pruning which is done on a
1202   Client by Client basis.  If this directive is specified (not normally)
1203   and the value is {\bf yes}, it will override the value specified in the
1204   Pool resource.  The default is {\bf no}.
1206\item [RunScript \{\lt{}body-of-runscript\gt{}\}]
1207   \index[dir]{RunScript}
1208   \index[dir]{Directive!Run Script}
1210   The RunScript directive behaves like a resource in that it
1211   requires opening and closing braces around a number of directives
1212   that make up the body of the runscript.
1214   The specified {\bf Command} (see below for details) is run as an external
1215   program prior or after the current Job.  This is optional.  By default, the
1216   program is executed on the Client side like in \texttt{ClientRunXXXJob}.
1218   \textbf{Console} options are special commands that are sent to the director instead
1219   of the OS. At this time, console command ouputs are redirected to log with
1220   the jobid 0.
1222   You can use following console command : \texttt{delete}, \texttt{disable},
1223   \texttt{enable}, \texttt{estimate}, \texttt{list}, \texttt{llist},
1224   \texttt{memory}, \texttt{prune}, \texttt{purge}, \texttt{reload},
1225   \texttt{status}, \texttt{setdebug}, \texttt{show}, \texttt{time},
1226   \texttt{trace}, \texttt{update}, \texttt{version}, \texttt{.client},
1227   \texttt{.jobs}, \texttt{.pool}, \texttt{.storage}.  See console chapter for
1228   more information. You need to specify needed information on command line, nothing
1229   will be prompted. Example :
1232   Console = "prune files client=%c"
1233   Console = "update stats age=3"
1236   You can specify more than one Command/Console option per RunScript.
1238   You can use following options may be specified in the body
1239   of the runscript:\\
1243   Any output sent by the command to standard output will be included in the
1244   Bacula job report.  The command string must be a valid program name or name
1245   of a shell script.
1247   In addition, the command string is parsed then fed to the OS,
1248   which means that the path will be searched to execute your specified
1249   command, but there is no shell interpretation, as a consequence, if you
1250   invoke complicated commands or want any shell features such as redirection
1251   or piping, you must call a shell script and do it inside that script.
1253   Before submitting the specified command to the operating system, Bacula
1254   performs character substitution of the following characters:
1256\label{character substitution}
1259    %% = %
1260    %b = Job Bytes
1261    %c = Client's name
1262    %C = If the job is a Cloned job (Only on director side)
1263    %d = Daemon's name (Such as host-dir or host-fd)
1264    %D = Director's name (Also valid on file daemon)
1265    %e = Job Exit Status
1266    %E = Non-fatal Job Errors
1267    %f = Job FileSet (Only on director side)
1268    %F = Job Files
1269    %h = Client address
1270    %i = JobId
1271    %I = Migration/Copy JobId (Only in Copy/Migrate Jobs)
1272    %j = Unique Job id
1273    %l = Job Level
1274    %n = Job name
1275    %p = Pool name (Only on director side)
1276    %P = Current PID process
1277    %o = Job Priority
1278    %R = Read Bytes
1279    %S = Previous Job name (Only on file daemon side)
1280    %s = Since time
1281    %t = Job type (Backup, ...)
1282    %v = Volume name (Only on director side)
1283    %w = Storage name (Only on director side)
1284    %x = Spooling enabled? ("yes" or "no")
1289Some character substitutions are not available in all situations. The Job Exit
1290Status code \%e edits the following values:
1292\index[dir]{Exit Status}
1294\item OK
1295\item Error
1296\item Fatal Error
1297\item Canceled
1298\item Differences
1299\item Unknown term code
1302   Thus if you edit it on a command line, you will need to enclose
1303   it within some sort of quotes.
1306You can use these following shortcuts:\\
1311RunScript {
1312    RunsWhen = Before
1313    FailJobOnError = No
1314    Command = "/etc/init.d/apache stop"
1317RunScript {
1318    RunsWhen = After
1319    RunsOnFailure = yes
1320    Command = "/etc/init.d/apache start"
1324   {\bf Notes about ClientRunBeforeJob}
1326   For compatibility reasons, with this shortcut, the command is executed
1327   directly when the client recieve it. And if the command is in error, other
1328   remote runscripts will be discarded. To be sure that all commands will be
1329   sent and executed, you have to use RunScript syntax.
1331   {\bf Special Shell Considerations}
1333   A "Command =" can be one of:
1335\item The full path to an executable program
1336\item The name of an executable program that can be found in the \$PATH
1337\item A \textsl{complex} shell command in the form of: "sh -c \"your commands go here\""
1340   {\bf Special Windows Considerations}
1342   You can run scripts just after snapshots initializations with
1343   \textsl{AfterVSS} keyword.
1345   In addition, for a Windows client, please take
1346   note that you must ensure a correct path to your script.  The script or
1347   program can be a .com, .exe or a .bat file.  If you just put the program
1348   name in then Bacula will search using the same rules that cmd.exe uses
1349   (current directory, Bacula bin directory, and PATH).  It will even try the
1350   different extensions in the same order as cmd.exe.
1351   The command can be anything that cmd.exe or command.com will recognize
1352   as an executable file.
1354   However, if you have slashes in the program name then Bacula figures you
1355   are fully specifying the name, so you must also explicitly add the three
1356   character extension.
1358   The command is run in a Win32 environment, so Unix like commands will not
1359   work unless you have installed and properly configured Cygwin in addition
1360   to and separately from Bacula.
1362   The System \%Path\% will be searched for the command.  (under the
1363   environment variable dialog you have have both System Environment and
1364   User Environment, we believe that only the System environment will be
1365   available to bacula-fd, if it is running as a service.)
1367   System environment variables can be referenced with \%var\% and
1368   used as either part of the command name or arguments.
1370   So if you have a script in the Bacula\\bin directory then the following lines
1371   should work fine:
1375        Client Run Before Job = systemstate
1377        Client Run Before Job = systemstate.bat
1379        Client Run Before Job = "systemstate"
1381        Client Run Before Job = "systemstate.bat"
1383        ClientRunBeforeJob = "\"C:/Program Files/Bacula/systemstate.bat\""
1387The outer set of quotes is removed when the configuration file is parsed.
1388You need to escape the inner quotes so that they are there when the code
1389that parses the command line for execution runs so it can tell what the
1390program name is.
1395ClientRunBeforeJob = "\"C:/Program Files/Software
1396     Vendor/Executable\" /arg1 /arg2 \"foo bar\""
1400   The special characters
1404   will need to be quoted,
1405   if they are part of a filename or argument.
1407   If someone is logged in, a blank "command" window running the commands
1408   will be present during the execution of the command.
1410   Some Suggestions from Phil Stracchino for running on Win32 machines with
1411   the native Win32 File daemon:
1413   \begin{enumerate}
1414   \item You might want the ClientRunBeforeJob directive to specify a .bat
1415      file which runs the actual client-side commands, rather than trying
1416      to run (for example) regedit /e directly.
1417   \item The batch file should explicitly 'exit 0' on successful completion.
1418   \item The path to the batch file should be specified in Unix form:
1420      ClientRunBeforeJob = "c:/bacula/bin/systemstate.bat"
1422   rather than DOS/Windows form:
1424   ClientRunBeforeJob =
1428   \end{enumerate}
1430For Win32, please note that there are certain limitations:
1432ClientRunBeforeJob = "C:/Program Files/Bacula/bin/pre-exec.bat"
1434Lines like the above do not work because there are limitations of
1435cmd.exe that is used to execute the command.
1436Bacula prefixes the string you supply with {\bf cmd.exe /c }.  To test that
1437your command works you should type {\bf cmd /c "C:/Program Files/test.exe"} at a
1438cmd prompt and see what happens.  Once the command is correct insert a
1439backslash (\textbackslash{}) before each double quote ("), and
1440then put quotes around the whole thing when putting it in
1441the director's .conf file.  You either need to have only one set of quotes
1442or else use the short name and don't put quotes around the command path.
1444Below is the output from cmd's help as it relates to the command line
1445passed to the /c option.
1448 If /C or /K is specified, then the remainder of the command line after
1449 the switch is processed as a command line, where the following logic is
1450 used to process quote (") characters:
1454     If all of the following conditions are met, then quote characters
1455         on the command line are preserved:
1456    \begin{itemize}
1457       \item no /S switch.
1458       \item exactly two quote characters.
1459       \item no special characters between the two quote characters,
1460           where special is one of:
1464       \item there are one or more whitespace characters between the
1465           the two quote characters.
1466       \item the string between the two quote characters is the name
1467           of an executable file.
1468    \end{itemize}
1470\item  Otherwise, old behavior is to see if the first character is
1471         a quote character and if so, strip the leading character and
1472         remove the last quote character on the command line, preserving
1473         any text after the last quote character.
1478The following example of the use of the Client Run Before Job directive was
1479submitted by a user:\\
1480You could write a shell script to back up a DB2 database to a FIFO. The shell
1481script is:
1485 #!/bin/sh
1486 # ===== backupdb.sh
1487 DIR=/u01/mercuryd
1489 mkfifo $DIR/dbpipe
1491 sleep 1
1495The following line in the Job resource in the bacula-dir.conf file:
1498 Client Run Before Job = "su - mercuryd -c \"/u01/mercuryd/backupdb.sh '%t'
1503When the job is run, you will get messages from the output of the script
1504stating that the backup has started. Even though the command being run is
1505backgrounded with \&, the job will block until the "db2 BACKUP DATABASE"
1506command, thus the backup stalls.
1508To remedy this situation, the "db2 BACKUP DATABASE" line should be changed to
1509the following:
1513 db2 BACKUP DATABASE mercuryd TO $DIR/dbpipe WITHOUT PROMPTING > $DIR/backup.log
15142>&1 < /dev/null &
1518It is important to redirect the input and outputs of a backgrounded command to
1519/dev/null to prevent the script from blocking.
1521\item [Run Before Job = \lt{}command\gt{}]
1522\index[dir]{Run Before Job}
1523\index[dir]{Directive!Run Before Job}
1524\index[dir]{Directive!Run Before Job}
1525The specified {\bf command} is run as an external program prior to running the
1526current Job.  This directive is not required, but if it is defined, and if the
1527exit code of the program run is non-zero, the current Bacula job will be
1531Run Before Job = "echo test"
1533   it's equivalent to :
1535RunScript {
1536 Command = "echo test"
1537 RunsOnClient = No
1538 RunsWhen = Before
1542   Lutz Kittler has pointed out that using the RunBeforeJob directive can be a
1543   simple way to modify your schedules during a holiday.  For example, suppose
1544   that you normally do Full backups on Fridays, but Thursday and Friday are
1545   holidays.  To avoid having to change tapes between Thursday and Friday when
1546   no one is in the office, you can create a RunBeforeJob that returns a
1547   non-zero status on Thursday and zero on all other days.  That way, the
1548   Thursday job will not run, and on Friday the tape you inserted on Wednesday
1549   before leaving will be used.
1551\item [Run After Job = \lt{}command\gt{}]
1552\index[dir]{Run After Job}
1553\index[dir]{Directive!Run After Job}
1554   The specified {\bf command} is run as an external program if the current
1555   job terminates normally (without error or without being canceled).  This
1556   directive is not required.  If the exit code of the program run is
1557   non-zero, Bacula will print a warning message.  Before submitting the
1558   specified command to the operating system, Bacula performs character
1559   substitution as described above for the {\bf RunScript} directive.
1561   An example of the use of this directive is given in the
1562   \borgxrlink{Tips}{JobNotification}{problems}{chapter} of the \problemsman{}.
1564   See the {\bf Run After Failed Job} if you
1565   want to run a script after the job has terminated with any
1566   non-normal status.
1568\item [Run After Failed Job = \lt{}command\gt{}]
1569\index[dir]{Run After Job}
1570\index[dir]{Directive!Run After Job}
1571   The specified {\bf command} is run as an external program after the current
1572   job terminates with any error status.  This directive is not required.  The
1573   command string must be a valid program name or name of a shell script. If
1574   the exit code of the program run is non-zero, Bacula will print a
1575   warning message. Before submitting the specified command to the
1576   operating system, Bacula performs character substitution as described above
1577   for the {\bf RunScript} directive. Note, if you wish that your script
1578   will run regardless of the exit status of the Job, you can use this :
1580RunScript {
1581 Command = "echo test"
1582 RunsWhen = After
1583 RunsOnFailure = yes
1584 RunsOnClient  = no
1585 RunsOnSuccess = yes    # default, you can drop this line
1589   An example of the use of this directive is given in the
1590   \borgxrlink{Tips}{JobNotification}{problems}{chapter} of the \problemsman{}.
1593\item [Client Run Before Job = \lt{}command\gt{}]
1594\index[dir]{Client Run Before Job}
1595\index[dir]{Directive!Client Run Before Job}
1596   This directive is the same as {\bf Run Before Job} except that the
1597   program is run on the client machine.  The same restrictions apply to
1598   Unix systems as noted above for the {\bf RunScript}.
1599   \textbf{ClientRunBeforeJob} can be used with Backup and Restore jobs.
1601\item [Client Run After Job = \lt{}command\gt{}]
1602   \index[dir]{Client Run After Job}
1603   \index[dir]{Directive!Client Run After Job}
1604   The specified {\bf command} is run on the client machine as soon
1605   as data spooling is complete in order to allow restarting applications
1606   on the client as soon as possible. \textbf{ClientRunBeforeJob} can be
1607   used with Backup and Restore jobs.
1609   Note, please see the notes above in {\bf RunScript}
1610   concerning Windows clients.
1612\item [Rerun Failed Levels = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1613   \index[dir]{Rerun Failed Levels}
1614   \index[dir]{Directive!Rerun Failed Levels}
1615   If this directive is set to {\bf yes} (default no), and Bacula detects that
1616   a previous job at a higher level (i.e.  Full or Differential) has failed,
1617   the current job level will be upgraded to the higher level.  This is
1618   particularly useful for Laptops where they may often be unreachable, and if
1619   a prior Full save has failed, you wish the very next backup to be a Full
1620   save rather than whatever level it is started as.
1622   There are several points that must be taken into account when using this
1623   directive: first, a failed job is defined as one that has not terminated
1624   normally, which includes any running job of the same name (you need to
1625   ensure that two jobs of the same name do not run simultaneously);
1626   secondly, the {\bf Ignore FileSet Changes} directive is not considered
1627   when checking for failed levels, which means that any FileSet change will
1628   trigger a rerun.
1630\item [Spool Data = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1631   \index[dir]{Spool Data}
1632   \index[dir]{Directive!Spool Data}
1634   If this directive is set  to {\bf yes} (default no), the Storage daemon will
1635   be requested  to spool the data for this Job to disk rather than write it
1636   directly to the Volume (normally a tape).
1638   Thus the data is written in large blocks to the Volume rather than small
1639   blocks.  This directive is particularly useful when running multiple
1640   simultaneous backups to tape.  Once all the data arrives or the spool
1641   files' maximum sizes are reached, the data will be despooled and written
1642   to tape.
1644   Spooling data prevents interleaving date from several job and reduces or
1645   eliminates tape drive stop and start commonly known as "shoe-shine".
1647   We don't recommend using this option if you are writing to a disk file
1648   using this option will probably just slow down the backup jobs.
1650   NOTE: When this directive is set to yes, Spool Attributes is also
1651   automatically set to yes.
1653\item [Spool Attributes = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1654   \index[dir]{Spool Attributes}
1655   \index[dir]{Directive!Spool Attributes}
1656   \index[dir]{slow}
1657   \index[general]{slow}
1658   \index[dir]{Backups!slow}
1659   \index[general]{Backups!slow}
1660   The default is set to {\bf no}, which means that the File attributes are
1661   sent by the Storage daemon to the Director as they are stored on tape.
1662   However, if you want to avoid the possibility that database updates will
1663   slow down writing to the tape, you may want to set the value to {\bf
1664   yes}, in which case the Storage daemon will buffer the File attributes
1665   and Storage coordinates to a temporary file in the Working Directory,
1666   then when writing the Job data to the tape is completed, the attributes
1667   and storage coordinates will be sent to the Director.
1669   NOTE: When Spool Data is set to yes, Spool Attributes is also
1670   automatically set to yes.
1672\item [SpoolSize={\it bytes}]
1673   \index[dir]{SpoolSize}
1674   \index[dir]{Directive!SpoolSize}
1675   where the bytes specify the maximum spool size for this job.
1676   The default is take from Device Maximum Spool Size limit.
1677   This directive is available only in Bacula version 2.3.5 or
1678   later.
1681\item [Where = \lt{}directory\gt{}]
1682   \index[dir]{Where}
1683   \index[dir]{Directive!Where}
1684   This directive applies only to a Restore job and specifies a prefix to
1685   the directory name of all files being restored.  This permits files to
1686   be restored in a different location from which they were saved.  If {\bf
1687   Where} is not specified or is set to backslash ({\bf /}), the files will
1688   be restored to their original location.  By default, we have set {\bf
1689   Where} in the example configuration files to be {\bf
1690   /tmp/bacula-restores}.  This is to prevent accidental overwriting of
1691   your files.
1693\item [Add Prefix = \lt{}directory\gt{}]
1694  \label{confaddprefix}
1695  \index[dir]{AddPrefix}
1696  \index[dir]{Directive!AddPrefix}
1697  This directive applies only to a Restore job and specifies a prefix to the
1698  directory name of all files being restored.  This will use \ilink{File Relocation}{filerelocation} feature implemented in Bacula 2.1.8 or later.
1700\item [Add Suffix = \lt{}extention\gt{}]
1701  \index[dir]{AddSuffix}
1702  \index[dir]{Directive!AddSuffix}
1703  This directive applies only to a Restore job and specifies a suffix to all
1704  files being restored.  This will use \ilink{File Relocation}{filerelocation}
1705  feature implemented in Bacula 2.1.8 or later.
1707  Using \texttt{Add Suffix=.old}, \texttt{/etc/passwd} will be restored to
1708  \texttt{/etc/passwsd.old}
1710\item [Strip Prefix = \lt{}directory\gt{}]
1711  \index[dir]{StripPrefix}
1712  \index[dir]{Directive!StripPrefix}
1713  This directive applies only to a Restore job and specifies a prefix to remove
1714  from the directory name of all files being restored.  This will use the
1715  \ilink{File Relocation}{filerelocation} feature implemented in Bacula 2.1.8
1716  or later.
1718  Using \texttt{Strip Prefix=/etc}, \texttt{/etc/passwd} will be restored to
1719  \texttt{/passwd}
1721  Under Windows, if you want to restore \texttt{c:/files} to \texttt{d:/files},
1722  you can use :
1725 Strip Prefix = c:
1726 Add Prefix = d:
1729\item [RegexWhere = \lt{}expressions\gt{}]
1730  \index[dir]{RegexWhere}
1731  \index[dir]{Directive!RegexWhere}
1732  This directive applies only to a Restore job and specifies a regex filename
1733  manipulation of all files being restored.  This will use \ilink{File Relocation}{filerelocation} feature implemented in Bacula 2.1.8 or later.
1735  For more informations about how use this option, see
1736  \ilink{this}{useregexwhere}.
1738\item [Replace = \lt{}replace-option\gt{}]
1739   \index[dir]{Replace}
1740   \index[dir]{Directive!Replace}
1741   This directive applies only to a Restore job and specifies what happens
1742   when Bacula wants to restore a file or directory that already exists.
1743   You have the following options for {\bf replace-option}:
1747\item [always]
1748   \index[dir]{always}
1749  when the file to be restored already exists, it is deleted and then
1750  replaced by the copy that was backed up.  This is the default value.
1752\item [ifnewer]
1754  if the backed up file (on tape) is newer than the existing file, the
1755  existing file is deleted and replaced by the back up.
1757\item [ifolder]
1758   \index[dir]{ifolder}
1759  if the backed up file (on tape) is older than the existing file, the
1760  existing file is deleted and replaced by the back up.
1762\item [never]
1763   \index[dir]{never}
1764  if the backed up file already exists, Bacula skips  restoring this file.
1767\item [Prefix Links=\lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1768   \index[dir]{Prefix Links}
1769   \index[dir]{Directive!Prefix Links}
1770   If a {\bf Where} path prefix is specified for a recovery job, apply it
1771   to absolute links as well.  The default is {\bf No}.  When set to {\bf
1772   Yes} then while restoring files to an alternate directory, any absolute
1773   soft links will also be modified to point to the new alternate
1774   directory.  Normally this is what is desired -- i.e.  everything is self
1775   consistent.  However, if you wish to later move the files to their
1776   original locations, all files linked with absolute names will be broken.
1778\item [Maximum Concurrent Jobs = \lt{}number\gt{}]
1779   \index[dir]{Maximum Concurrent Jobs}
1780   \index[dir]{Directive!Maximum Concurrent Jobs}
1781   where \lt{}number\gt{} is the maximum number of Jobs from the current
1782   Job resource that can run concurrently.  Note, this directive limits
1783   only Jobs with the same name as the resource in which it appears.  Any
1784   other restrictions on the maximum concurrent jobs such as in the
1785   Director, Client, or Storage resources will also apply in addition to
1786   the limit specified here.
1787   The default is set to 1, but you may set it to a larger number.  If set
1788   to a large value, please be careful to not have this value higher than
1789   the Maximum Concurrent Jobs configured in the Client resource in the
1790   Client/File daemon configuration file.  Otherwise, the File daemon
1791   may fail backup jobs because the File daemon's Maximum Concurrent
1792   Jobs is exceeded.
1793   We recommend that you read the WARNING
1794   documented under \ilink{Maximum Concurrent Jobs}{DirMaxConJobs} in the
1795   Director's resource.
1797\item [Reschedule On Error = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1798   \index[dir]{Reschedule On Error}
1799   \index[dir]{Directive!Reschedule On Error}
1800   If this directive is enabled, and the job terminates in error, the job
1801   will be rescheduled as determined by the {\bf Reschedule Interval} and
1802   {\bf Reschedule Times} directives.  If you cancel the job, it will not
1803   be rescheduled.  The default is {\bf no} (i.e.  the job will not be
1804   rescheduled).
1806   This specification can be useful for portables, laptops, or other
1807   machines that are not always connected to the network or switched on.
1809\item [Reschedule Incomplete Jobs = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1810   \index[dir]{Reschedule Incomplete Jobs}
1811   \index[dir]{Directive!Reschedule Incomplete Jobs}
1813   If this directive is enabled, and the job terminates in incomplete
1814   status, the job will be rescheduled as determined by the {\bf Reschedule
1815   Interval} and {\bf Reschedule Times} directives.  If you cancel the job,
1816   it will not be rescheduled.  The default is {\bf yes} (i.e.  Incomplete
1817   jobs will be rescheduled).
1819\item [Reschedule Interval = \lt{}time-specification\gt{}]
1820   \index[dir]{Reschedule Interval}
1821   \index[dir]{Directive!Reschedule Interval}
1822   If you have specified {\bf Reschedule On Error = yes} and the job
1823   terminates in error, it will be rescheduled after the interval of time
1824   specified by {\bf time-specification}.  See \ilink{the time specification formats}{Time} in the Configure chapter for details of
1825   time specifications.  If no interval is specified, the job will not be
1826   rescheduled on error. The default Reschedule Interval
1827   is 30 minutes (1800 seconds).
1829\item [Reschedule Times = \lt{}count\gt{}]
1830   \index[dir]{Reschedule Times}
1831   \index[dir]{Directive!Reschedule Times}
1832   This directive specifies the maximum number of times to reschedule the
1833   job.  If it is set to zero (the default) the job will be rescheduled an
1834   indefinite number of times.
1836\item [Allow Duplicate Jobs = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1837\index[general]{Allow Duplicate Jobs}
1840  \centering
1841  \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{duplicate-real}
1842  \caption{Allow Duplicate Jobs usage}
1843  \label{fig:allowduplicatejobs}
1846  A duplicate job in the sense we use it here means a second or subsequent
1847  job with the same name starts.  This happens most frequently when the
1848  first job runs longer than expected because no tapes are available.  The
1849  default is {\bf yes}.
1851  If this directive is enabled duplicate jobs will be run.  If
1852  the directive is set to {\bf no} (default) then only one job of a given name
1853  may run at one time, and the action that Bacula takes to ensure only
1854  one job runs is determined by the other directives (see below).
1856  If {\bf Allow Duplicate Jobs} is set to {\bf no} and two jobs
1857  are present and none of the three directives given below permit
1858  cancelling a job, then the current job (the second one started)
1859  will be cancelled.
1861\item [Allow Higher Duplicates = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1862\index[general]{Allow Higher Duplicates}
1863  This directive was implemented in version 5.0.0, but does not work
1864  as expected. If used, it should always be set to no.  In later versions
1865  of Bacula the directive is disabled (disregarded).
1868\item [Cancel Lower Level Duplicates = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1869\index[general]{Cancel Lower Level Duplicates}
1870  If \textbf{Allow Duplicate Jobs} is set to \textbf{no} and this
1871  directive is set to \textbf{yes}, Bacula will choose between duplicated
1872  jobs the one with the highest level.  For example, it will cancel a
1873  previous Incremental to run a Full backup.  It works only for Backup
1874  jobs.  The default is \texttt{no}. If the levels of the duplicated
1875  jobs are the same, nothing is done and the other
1876  Cancel XXX Duplicate directives will be examined.
1878\item [Cancel Queued Duplicates = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1879\index[general]{Cancel Queued Duplicates}
1880  If {\bf Allow Duplicate Jobs} is set to {\bf no} and
1881  if this directive is set to {\bf yes} any job that is
1882  already queued to run but not yet running will be canceled.
1883  The default is {\bf no}.
1885\item[Cancel Running Duplicates = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1886\index[general]{Cancel Running Duplicates}
1887  If {\bf Allow Duplicate Jobs} is set to {\bf no} and
1888  if this directive is set to {\bf yes} any job that is already running
1889  will be canceled.  The default is {\bf no}.
1892%%\item[DuplicateJobProximity = \lt{}time-specification\gt{}]
1893%%\index[general]{Duplicate Job Proximity}
1894%%  This directive permits to determine if two jobs are really duplicated.
1895%%  If the first one is running for long time, this is probably not a good
1896%%  idea to cancel it.
1898\item [Run = \lt{}job-name\gt{}]
1899   \index[dir]{Run}
1900   \index[dir]{Directive!Run}
1901   \index[dir]{Clone a Job}
1902   The Run directive (not to be confused with the Run option in a
1903   Schedule) allows you to start other jobs or to clone jobs. By using the
1904   cloning keywords (see below), you can backup
1905   the same data (or almost the same data) to two or more drives
1906   at the same time. The {\bf job-name} is normally the same name
1907   as the current Job resource (thus creating a clone). However, it
1908   may be any Job name, so one job may start other related jobs.
1910   The part after the equal sign must be enclosed in double quotes,
1911   and can contain any string or set of options (overrides) that you
1912   can specify when entering the Run command from the console. For
1913   example {\bf storage=DDS-4 ...}.  In addition, there are two special
1914   keywords that permit you to clone the current job. They are {\bf level=\%l}
1915   and {\bf since=\%s}. The \%l in the level keyword permits
1916   entering the actual level of the current job and the \%s in the since
1917   keyword permits putting the same time for comparison as used on the
1918   current job.  Note, in the case of the since keyword, the \%s must be
1919   enclosed in double quotes, and thus they must be preceded by a backslash
1920   since they are already inside quotes. For example:
1923   run = "Nightly-backup level=%l since=\"%s\" storage=DDS-4"
1926   A cloned job will not start additional clones, so it is not
1927   possible to recurse.
1929   Please note that all cloned jobs, as specified in the Run directives are
1930   submitted for running before the original job is run (while it is being
1931   initialized). This means that any clone job will actually start before
1932   the original job, and may even block the original job from starting
1933   until the original job finishes unless you allow multiple simultaneous
1934   jobs.  Even if you set a lower priority on the clone job, if no other
1935   jobs are running, it will start before the original job.
1937   If you are trying to prioritize jobs by using the clone feature (Run
1938   directive), you will find it much easier to do using a RunScript
1939   resource, or a RunBeforeJob directive.
1942\item [Priority = \lt{}number\gt{}]
1943   \index[dir]{Priority}
1944   \index[dir]{Directive!Priority}
1945   This directive permits you to control the order in which your jobs will
1946   be run by specifying a positive non-zero number. The higher the number,
1947   the lower the job priority. Assuming you are not running concurrent jobs,
1948   all queued jobs of priority 1 will run before queued jobs of priority 2
1949   and so on, regardless of the original scheduling order.
1951   The priority only affects waiting jobs that are queued to run, not jobs
1952   that are already running.  If one or more jobs of priority 2 are already
1953   running, and a new job is scheduled with priority 1, the currently
1954   running priority 2 jobs must complete before the priority 1 job is
1955   run, unless Allow Mixed Priority is set.
1957   The default priority is 10.
1959   If you want to run concurrent jobs you should
1960   keep these points in mind:
1963\item See \borgxrlink{Running Concurrent Jobs}{ConcurrentJobs}{problems}{section} on how to setup
1964   concurrent jobs in the \problemsman{}.
1966\item Bacula concurrently runs jobs of only one priority at a time.  It
1967   will not simultaneously run a priority 1 and a priority 2 job.
1969\item If Bacula is running a priority 2 job and a new priority 1 job is
1970   scheduled, it will wait until the running priority 2 job terminates even
1971   if the Maximum Concurrent Jobs settings would otherwise allow two jobs
1972   to run simultaneously.
1974\item Suppose that bacula is running a priority 2 job and a new priority 1
1975   job is scheduled and queued waiting for the running priority 2 job to
1976   terminate.  If you then start a second priority 2 job, the waiting
1977   priority 1 job will prevent the new priority 2 job from running
1978   concurrently with the running priority 2 job.  That is: as long as there
1979   is a higher priority job waiting to run, no new lower priority jobs will
1980   start even if the Maximum Concurrent Jobs settings would normally allow
1981   them to run.  This ensures that higher priority jobs will be run as soon
1982   as possible.
1985If you have several jobs of different priority, it may not best to start
1986them at exactly the same time, because Bacula must examine them one at a
1987time.  If by Bacula starts a lower priority job first, then it will run
1988before your high priority jobs.  If you experience this problem, you may
1989avoid it by starting any higher priority jobs a few seconds before lower
1990priority ones.  This insures that Bacula will examine the jobs in the
1991correct order, and that your priority scheme will be respected.
1994\item [Allow Mixed Priority = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
1995\index[dir]{Allow Mixed Priority}
1996   This directive is only implemented in version 2.5 and later.  When
1997   set to {\bf yes} (default {\bf no}), this job may run even if lower
1998   priority jobs are already running.  This means a high priority job
1999   will not have to wait for other jobs to finish before starting.
2000   The scheduler will only mix priorities when all running jobs have
2001   this set to true.
2003   Note that only higher priority jobs will start early.  Suppose the
2004   director will allow two concurrent jobs, and that two jobs with
2005   priority 10 are running, with two more in the queue.  If a job with
2006   priority 5 is added to the queue, it will be run as soon as one of
2007   the running jobs finishes.  However, new priority 10 jobs will not
2008   be run until the priority 5 job has finished.
2010%% \label{WritePartAfterJob}
2011%% \item [Write Part After Job = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
2012%% \index[dir]{Write Part After Job}
2013%% \index[dir]{Directive!Write Part After Job}
2014%%    This directive is only implemented in version 1.37 and later.
2015%%    If this directive is set to {\bf yes} (default {\bf no}), a new part file
2016%%    will be created after the job is finished.
2018%%    It should be set to {\bf yes} when writing to devices that require mount
2019%%    (for example DVD), so you are sure that the current part, containing
2020%%    this job's data, is written to the device, and that no data is left in
2021%%    the temporary file on the hard disk.  However, on some media, like DVD+R
2022%%    and DVD-R, a lot of space (about 10Mb) is lost every time a part is
2023%%    written.  So, if you run several jobs each after another, you could set
2024%%    this directive to {\bf no} for all jobs, except the last one, to avoid
2025%%    wasting too much space, but to ensure that the data is written to the
2026%%    medium when all jobs are finished.
2028%%    This directive is ignored with tape and FIFO devices.
2032The following is an example of a valid Job resource definition:
2036Job {
2037  Name = "Minou"
2038  Type = Backup
2039  Level = Incremental                 # default
2040  Client = Minou
2041  FileSet="Minou Full Set"
2042  Storage = DLTDrive
2043  Pool = Default
2044  Schedule = "MinouWeeklyCycle"
2045  Messages = Standard
2050\section{The JobDefs Resource}
2052\index[general]{JobDefs Resource}
2055The JobDefs resource permits all the same directives that can appear in a Job
2056resource. However, a JobDefs resource does not create a Job, rather it can be
2057referenced within a Job to provide defaults for that Job. This permits you to
2058concisely define several nearly identical Jobs, each one referencing a JobDefs
2059resource which contains the defaults. Only the changes from the defaults need to
2060be mentioned in each Job.
2062\section{The Schedule Resource}
2065\index[general]{Schedule Resource}
2067The Schedule resource provides a means of automatically scheduling a Job as
2068well as the ability to override the default Level, Pool, Storage and Messages
2069resources. If a Schedule resource is not referenced in a Job, the Job can only
2070be run manually. In general, you specify an action to be taken and when.
2074\item [Schedule]
2077   Start of the Schedule directives.  No {\bf Schedule} resource is
2078   required, but you will need at least one if you want Jobs to be
2079   automatically started.
2081\item [Name = \lt{}name\gt{}]
2082   \index[dir]{Name}
2083   \index[dir]{Directive!Name}
2084   The name of the schedule being defined.  The Name directive is required.
2086\item [Enabled = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
2087  \index[dir]{Enabled}
2088  \index[dir]{Directive!Enabled}
2089  This directive allows you to enable or disable the Schedule resource.
2091\item [Run = \lt{}Job-overrides\gt{} \lt{}Date-time-specification\gt{}]
2092   \index[dir]{Run}
2093   \index[dir]{Directive!Run}
2094   The Run directive defines when a Job is to be run, and what overrides if
2095   any to apply.  You may specify multiple {\bf run} directives within a
2096   {\bf Schedule} resource.  If you do, they will all be applied (i.e.
2097   multiple schedules).  If you have two {\bf Run} directives that start at
2098   the same time, two Jobs will start at the same time (well, within one
2099   second of each other).
2101   The {\bf Job-overrides} permit overriding the Level, the Storage, the
2102   Messages, and the Pool specifications provided in the Job resource.  In
2103   addition, the FullPool, the IncrementalPool, and the DifferentialPool
2104   specifications permit overriding the Pool specification according to
2105   what backup Job Level is in effect.
2107   By the use of overrides, you may customize a particular Job.  For
2108   example, you may specify a Messages override for your Incremental
2109   backups that outputs messages to a log file, but for your weekly or
2110   monthly Full backups, you may send the output by email by using a
2111   different Messages override.
2113   {\bf Job-overrides} are specified as: {\bf keyword=value} where the
2114   keyword is Level, Storage, Messages, Pool, FullPool, DifferentialPool,
2115   or IncrementalPool, and the {\bf value} is as defined on the respective
2116   directive formats for the Job resource.  You may specify multiple {\bf
2117   Job-overrides} on one {\bf Run} directive by separating them with one or
2118   more spaces or by separating them with a trailing comma.  For example:
2122\item [Level=Full]
2123   \index[dir]{Level}
2124   \index[dir]{Directive!Level}
2125   is all files in the FileSet whether or not  they have changed.
2127\item [Level=Incremental]
2128   \index[dir]{Level}
2129   \index[dir]{Directive!Level}
2130   is all files that have changed since  the last backup.
2132\item [Pool=Weekly]
2133   \index[dir]{Pool}
2134   \index[dir]{Directive!Pool}
2135   specifies to use the Pool named {\bf Weekly}.
2137\item [Storage=DLT\_Drive]
2138   \index[dir]{Storage}
2139   \index[dir]{Directive!Storage}
2140   specifies to use {\bf DLT\_Drive} for  the storage device.
2142\item [Messages=Verbose]
2143   \index[dir]{Messages}
2144   \index[dir]{Directive!Messages}
2145   specifies to use the {\bf Verbose}  message resource for the Job.
2147\item [FullPool=Full]
2148   \index[dir]{FullPool}
2149   \index[dir]{Directive!FullPool}
2150   specifies to use the Pool named {\bf Full}  if the job is a full backup, or
2152upgraded from another type  to a full backup.
2154\item [DifferentialPool=Differential]
2155   \index[dir]{DifferentialPool}
2156   \index[dir]{Directive!DifferentialPool}
2157   specifies to use the Pool named {\bf Differential} if the job is a
2158   differential  backup.
2160\item [IncrementalPool=Incremental]
2161   \index[dir]{IncrementalPool}
2162   \index[dir]{Directive!IncrementalPool}
2163   specifies to use the Pool  named {\bf Incremental} if the job is an
2164   incremental  backup.
2166\item [NextPool=\lt{}pool-specification\gt{}]
2167   The {\bf Next Pool} directive specifies the pool to which Jobs will be
2168   migrated. This directive is used to define the Pool into which
2169   the data will be migrated. The Next Pool specified in the Run
2170   resource will take precidence over any specification in the Job
2171   or Pool resources.
2173\item [Accurate=lt{}yes\vb{}no\lt{}]
2174   \index[dir]{Accurate}
2175   \index[dir]{Directive!Accurate}
2176   tells Bacula to use or not the Accurate code for the specific job.  It
2177   can allow you to save memory and and CPU resources on the catalog server
2178   in some cases.
2183{\bf Date-time-specification} determines when the  Job is to be run. The
2184specification is a repetition, and as  a default Bacula is set to run a job at
2185the beginning of the  hour of every hour of every day of every week of every
2186month  of every year. This is not normally what you want, so you  must specify
2187or limit when you want the job to run. Any  specification given is assumed to
2188be repetitive in nature and  will serve to override or limit the default
2189repetition. This  is done by specifying masks or times for the hour, day of the
2190month, day of the week, week of the month, week of the year,  and month when
2191you want the job to run. By specifying one or  more of the above, you can
2192define a schedule to repeat at  almost any frequency you want.
2194Basically, you must supply a {\bf month}, {\bf day}, {\bf hour}, and  {\bf
2195minute} the Job is to be run. Of these four items to be specified,  {\bf day}
2196is special in that you may either specify a day of the month  such as 1, 2,
2197... 31, or you may specify a day of the week such  as Monday, Tuesday, ...
2198Sunday. Finally, you may also specify a  week qualifier to restrict the
2199schedule to the first, second, third,  fourth, or fifth week of the month.
2201For example, if you specify only a day of the week, such as {\bf Tuesday}  the
2202Job will be run every hour of every Tuesday of every Month. That  is the {\bf
2203month} and {\bf hour} remain set to the defaults of  every month and all
2206Note, by default with no other specification, your job will run  at the
2207beginning of every hour. If you wish your job to run more than  once in any
2208given hour, you will need to specify multiple {\bf run}  specifications each
2209with a different minute.
2211The date/time to run the Job can be specified in the following way  in
2216<void-keyword>    = on
2217<at-keyword>      = at
2218<week-keyword>    = 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | first |
2219                    second | third | fourth | fifth | sixth
2220<wday-keyword>    = sun | mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat |
2221                    sunday | monday | tuesday | wednesday |
2222                    thursday | friday | saturday
2223<week-of-year-keyword> = w00 | w01 | ... w52 | w53
2224<month-keyword>   = jan | feb | mar | apr | may | jun | jul |
2225                    aug | sep | oct | nov | dec | january |
2226                    february | ... | december
2227<daily-keyword>   = daily
2228<weekly-keyword>  = weekly
2229<monthly-keyword> = monthly
2230<hourly-keyword>  = hourly
2231<digit>           = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0
2232<number>          = <digit> | <digit><number>
2233<12hour>          = 0 | 1 | 2 | ... 12
2234<hour>            = 0 | 1 | 2 | ... 23
2235<minute>          = 0 | 1 | 2 | ... 59
2236<day>             = 1 | 2 | ... 31 | lastday
2237<time>            = <hour>:<minute> |
2238                    <12hour>:<minute>am |
2239                    <12hour>:<minute>pm
2240<time-spec>       = <at-keyword> <time> |
2241                    <hourly-keyword>
2242<date-keyword>    = <void-keyword>  <weekly-keyword>
2243<day-range>       = <day>-<day>
2244<month-range>     = <month-keyword>-<month-keyword>
2245<wday-range>      = <wday-keyword>-<wday-keyword>
2246<range>           = <day-range> | <month-range> |
2247                          <wday-range>
2248<date>            = <date-keyword> | <day> | <range>
2249<date-spec>       = <date> | <date-spec>
2250<day-spec>        = <day> | <wday-keyword> |
2251                    <day> | <wday-range> |
2252                    <week-keyword> <wday-keyword> |
2253                    <week-keyword> <wday-range> |
2254                    <daily-keyword>
2255<month-spec>      = <month-keyword> | <month-range> |
2256                    <monthly-keyword>
2257<date-time-spec>  = <month-spec> <day-spec> <time-spec>
2263Note, the Week of Year specification wnn follows the ISO standard definition
2264of the week of the year, where Week 1 is the week in which the first Thursday
2265of the year occurs, or alternatively, the week which contains the 4th of
2266January. Weeks are numbered w01 to w53. w00 for Bacula is the week that
2267precedes the first ISO week (i.e. has the first few days of the year if any
2268occur before Thursday). w00 is not defined by the ISO specification. A week
2269starts with Monday and ends with Sunday.
2271According to the NIST (US National Institute of Standards and Technology),
227212am and 12pm are ambiguous and can be defined to anything.  However,
227312:01am is the same as 00:01 and 12:01pm is the same as 12:01, so Bacula
2274defines 12am as 00:00 (midnight) and 12pm as 12:00 (noon).  You can avoid
2275this abiguity (confusion) by using 24 hour time specifications (i.e.  no
2276am/pm). This is the definition in Bacula version 2.0.3 and later.
2278An example schedule resource that is named {\bf WeeklyCycle} and runs a job
2279with level full each Sunday at 2:05am and an incremental job Monday through
2280Saturday at 2:05am is:
2284Schedule {
2285  Name = "WeeklyCycle"
2286  Run = Level=Full sun at 2:05
2287  Run = Level=Incremental mon-sat at 2:05
2292An example of a possible monthly cycle is as follows:
2296Schedule {
2297  Name = "MonthlyCycle"
2298  Run = Level=Full Pool=Monthly 1st sun at 2:05
2299  Run = Level=Differential 2nd-5th sun at 2:05
2300  Run = Level=Incremental Pool=Daily mon-sat at 2:05
2305The first of every month:
2309Schedule {
2310  Name = "First"
2311  Run = Level=Full on 1 at 2:05
2312  Run = Level=Incremental on 2-31 at 2:05
2317Every 10 minutes:
2321Schedule {
2322  Name = "TenMinutes"
2323  Run = Level=Full hourly at 0:05
2324  Run = Level=Full hourly at 0:15
2325  Run = Level=Full hourly at 0:25
2326  Run = Level=Full hourly at 0:35
2327  Run = Level=Full hourly at 0:45
2328  Run = Level=Full hourly at 0:55
2333\section{Technical Notes on Schedules}
2334\index[general]{Schedules!Technical Notes on}
2335\index[general]{Technical Notes on Schedules}
2337Internally Bacula keeps a schedule as a bit mask. There are six masks and a
2338minute field to each schedule. The masks are hour, day of the month (mday),
2339month, day of the week (wday), week of the month (wom), and week of the year
2340(woy). The schedule is initialized to have the bits of each of these masks
2341set, which means that at the beginning of every hour, the job will run. When
2342you specify a month for the first time, the mask will be cleared and the bit
2343corresponding to your selected month will be selected. If you specify a second
2344month, the bit corresponding to it will also be added to the mask. Thus when
2345Bacula checks the masks to see if the bits are set corresponding to the
2346current time, your job will run only in the two months you have set. Likewise,
2347if you set a time (hour), the hour mask will be cleared, and the hour you
2348specify will be set in the bit mask and the minutes will be stored in the
2349minute field.
2351For any schedule you have defined, you can see how these bits are set by doing
2352a {\bf show schedules} command in the Console program. Please note that the
2353bit mask is zero based, and Sunday is the first day of the week (bit zero).
2357\section{The Client Resource}
2360\index[general]{Client Resource}
2362The Client resource defines the attributes of the Clients that are served by
2363this Director; that is the machines that are to be backed up. You will need
2364one Client resource definition for each machine to be backed up.
2368\item [Client (or FileDaemon)]
2369   \index[dir]{Client (or FileDaemon)}
2370   \index[dir]{Directive!Client (or FileDaemon)}
2371   Start of the Client directives.
2373\item [Name = \lt{}name\gt{}]
2374   \index[dir]{Name}
2375   \index[dir]{Directive!Name}
2376   The client name which will be used in the  Job resource directive or in the
2377console run command.  This directive is required.
2379\item [Enabled = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
2380  \index[dir]{Enable}
2381  \index[dir]{Directive!Enable}
2382  This directive allows you to enable or disable the Client resource.
2383  If the resource is disabled, the Client will not be used.
2385\item [Address = \lt{}address\gt{}]
2386   \index[dir]{Address}
2387   \index[dir]{Directive!FD Address}
2388   \index[dir]{File Daemon Address}
2389   \index[dir]{Client Address}
2390   Where the address is a host name, a fully qualified domain name, or a
2391   network address in dotted quad notation for a Bacula File server daemon.
2392   This directive is required.
2394\item [FD Port = \lt{}port-number\gt{}]
2395   \index[dir]{FD Port}
2396   \index[dir]{Directive!FD Port}
2397   Where the port is a port  number at which the Bacula File server daemon can
2398   be contacted.  The default is 9102.
2400\item [Catalog = \lt{}Catalog-resource-name\gt{}]
2401   \index[dir]{Catalog}
2402   \index[dir]{Directive!Catalog}
2403   This specifies the  name of the catalog resource to be used for this Client.
2404   This directive is required.
2406\item [Password = \lt{}password\gt{}]
2407   \index[dir]{Password}
2408   \index[dir]{Directive!Password}
2409   This is the password to be  used when establishing a connection with the File
2410   services, so  the Client configuration file on the machine to be backed up
2411   must  have the same password defined for this Director. This directive is
2412   required.  If you have either {\bf /dev/random}  {\bf bc} on your machine,
2413   Bacula will generate a random  password during the configuration process,
2414   otherwise it will  be left blank.
2416   The password is plain text.  It is not generated through any special
2417   process, but it is preferable for security reasons to make the text
2418   random.
2420\item [Snapshot Retention = \lt{}time-period-specification\gt{}]
2421   \index[dir]{Snapshot Retention}
2422   \index[dir]{Directive!Snapshot Retention}
2424   The Snapshot Retention directive defines the length of time that Bacula
2425   will keep Snapshots in the Catalog database and on the Client after the
2426   Snapshot creation.  When this time period expires, and if using the
2427   \texttt{snapshot prune} command, Bacula will prune (remove) Snapshot
2428   records that are older than the specified Snapshot Retention period and
2429   will contact the FileDaemon to delete Snapshots from the system.
2431   The Snapshot retention period is specified as seconds, minutes, hours,
2432   days, weeks, months, quarters, or years.  See the \ilink{ Configuration
2433   chapter}{Time} of this manual for additional details of time
2434   specification.
2436   The default is 0 seconds, Snapshots are deleted at the end of the
2437   backup.  The Job \textbf{SnapshotRetention} directive overwrites the
2438   Client \textbf{SnapshotRetention} directive.
2440\item [File Retention = \lt{}time-period-specification\gt{}]
2441   \label{FileRetention}
2442   \index[dir]{File Retention}
2443   \index[dir]{Directive!File Retention}
2444   The File Retention directive defines the length of time that  Bacula will
2445   keep File records in the Catalog database after the End time of the
2446   Job corresponding to the File records.
2447   When this time period expires, and if
2448   {\bf AutoPrune} is set to {\bf yes} Bacula will prune (remove) File
2449   records that are older than the specified File Retention period.  Note,
2450   this affects only records in the catalog database.  It does not affect
2451   your archive backups.
2453   File records may actually be retained for a shorter period than you
2454   specify on this directive if you specify either a shorter {\bf Job
2455   Retention} or a shorter {\bf Volume Retention} period.  The shortest
2456   retention period of the three takes precedence.  The time may be
2457   expressed in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, quarters, or
2458   years.  See the \ilink{Configuration chapter}{Time} of this manual for
2459   additional details of time specification.
2461   The  default is 60 days.
2463\item [Job Retention = \lt{}time-period-specification\gt{}]
2464   \label{JobRetention}
2465   \index[dir]{Job Retention}
2466   \index[dir]{Directive!Job Retention}
2467   The Job Retention directive defines the length of time that  Bacula will keep
2468   Job records in the Catalog database after the Job End time.  When
2469   this time period expires, and if {\bf AutoPrune} is set to {\bf yes}
2470   Bacula will prune (remove) Job records that are older than the specified
2471   File Retention period.  As with the other retention periods, this
2472   affects only records in the catalog and not data in your archive backup.
2474   If a Job record is selected for pruning, all associated File and JobMedia
2475   records will also be pruned regardless of the File Retention period set.
2476   As a consequence, you normally will set the File retention period to be
2477   less than the Job retention period.  The Job retention period can actually
2478   be less than the value you specify here if you set the {\bf Volume
2479   Retention} directive in the Pool resource to a smaller duration.  This is
2480   because the Job retention period and the Volume retention period are
2481   independently applied, so the smaller of the two takes precedence.
2483   The Job retention period is specified as seconds,  minutes, hours, days,
2484   weeks, months,  quarters, or years.  See the
2485   \ilink{Configuration chapter}{Time} of this manual for
2486   additional details of  time specification.
2488   The default is 180 days.
2491\item [AutoPrune = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
2492   \index[dir]{AutoPrune}
2493   \index[dir]{Directive!AutoPrune}
2494   If AutoPrune is set to  {\bf yes} (default), Bacula (version 1.20 or greater)
2495   will  automatically apply the File retention period and the Job  retention
2496   period for the Client at the end of the Job.  If you set {\bf AutoPrune = no},
2497   pruning will not be done,  and your Catalog will grow in size each time you
2498   run a Job.  Pruning affects only information in the catalog and not data
2499   stored in the backup archives (on Volumes).
2501\item [Maximum Concurrent Jobs = \lt{}number\gt{}]
2502   \index[dir]{Maximum Concurrent Jobs}
2503   \index[dir]{Directive!Maximum Concurrent Jobs}
2504   where \lt{}number\gt{}  is the maximum number of Jobs with the current Client
2505   that  can run concurrently. Note, this directive limits only Jobs  for Clients
2506   with the same name as the resource in which it appears. Any  other
2507   restrictions on the maximum concurrent jobs such as in  the Director, Job, or
2508   Storage resources will also apply in addition to  any limit specified here.
2509   The  default is set to 1, but you may set it to a larger number.
2511\item [Maximum Bandwidth Per Job = \lt{}speed\gt{}]
2512\index[dir]{Maximum Bandwidth Per Job}
2513\index[dir]{Directive!Maximum Bandwidth Per Job}
2515The speed parameter specifies the maximum allowed bandwidth that a job may
2516use when started for this Client.  The speed parameter should be specified
2517in k/s, Kb/s, m/s or Mb/s, which are respective 1,000 bytes per second,
25181,024 bytes per second, 1,000,000 bytes per second, or 1,048,576 bytes per
2521\item [Priority = \lt{}number\gt{}]
2522   \index[dir]{Priority}
2523   \index[dir]{Directive!Priority}
2524   The number specifies the  priority of this client relative to other clients
2525   that the  Director is processing simultaneously. The priority can range  from
2526   1 to 1000. The clients are ordered such that the smaller  number priorities
2527   are performed first (not currently  implemented).
2530\item [SD Calls Client = \lt{}yes/no\gt{}]
2531\index[dir]{SD Calls Client}
2532\index[dir]{Directive!SD Calls Client}
2534If the {\bf SD Calls Client} directive is set to true in a Client resource
2535any Backup, Restore, Verify, Copy, or Migration Job where the client
2536is involved, the client will wait for the Storage daemon to contact it.
2537By default this directive is set to false, and the Client will call
2538the Storage daemon.  This directive can be useful if your Storage daemon
2539is behind a firewall that permits outgoing connections but not incoming
2540one. The following picture shows the communications connection paths in
2541both cases.
2548   The following is an example of a valid Client resource definition:
2552Client {
2553  Name = Minimatou
2554  Address = minimatou
2555  Catalog = MySQL
2556  Password = very_good
2561\section{The Storage Resource}
2564\index[general]{Storage Resource}
2566The Storage resource defines which Storage daemons are available for use by
2567the Director.
2571\item [Storage]
2572   \index[dir]{Storage}
2573   \index[dir]{Directive!Storage}
2574   Start of the Storage resources. At least one  storage resource must be
2575   specified.
2577\item [Name = \lt{}name\gt{}]
2578   \index[dir]{Name}
2579   \index[dir]{Directive!Name}
2580   The name of the storage resource. This  name appears on the Storage directive
2581   specified in the Job resource and is required.
2583\item [Enabled = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
2584  \index[dir]{Enable}
2585  \index[dir]{Directive!Enable}
2586  This directive allows you to enable or disable a Storage resource. When the
2587  resource is disabled, the storage device will not be used. To reuse it
2588  you must re-enable the Storage resource.
2590\item [Address = \lt{}address\gt{}]
2591   \index[dir]{Address}
2592   \index[dir]{Directive!SD Address}
2593   \index[dir]{Storage daemon Address}
2594   Where the address is a host name, a {\bf fully qualified domain name},
2595   or an {\bf IP address}.  Please note that the \lt{}address\gt{} as
2596   specified here will be transmitted to the File daemon who will then use
2597   it to contact the Storage daemon.  Hence, it is {\bf not}, a good idea
2598   to use {\bf localhost} as the name but rather a fully qualified machine
2599   name or an IP address.  This directive is required.
2601\item [FD Storage Address = \lt{}address\gt{}]
2602   \index[dir]{FDStorageAddress}
2603   \index[dir]{Directive!FD Storage Address}
2604   \index[dir]{Storage daemon Address}
2605   Where the address is a host name, a {\bf fully qualified domain name},
2606   or an {\bf IP address}.  The \lt{}address\gt{} specified here will be
2607   transmitted to the File daemon instead of the IP address that the
2608   Director uses to contact the Storage daemon.  This FDStorageAddress
2609   will then be used by the File daemon to contact the Storage daemon.
2610   This directive particularly useful if the File daemon is in a
2611   different network domain than the Director or Storage daemon.
2612   It is also useful in NAT or firewal environments.
2615  \centering
2616  \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{BackupOverWan1}
2617  \caption{Backup over WAN using FD Storage Address}
2618  \label{fig:backupwan}
2621\item [SD Port = \lt{}port\gt{}]
2622   \index[dir]{SD Port}
2623   \index[dir]{Directive!SD Port}
2624   Where port is the port to use to contact the storage daemon for
2625   information and to start jobs.  This same port number must appear in the
2626   Storage resource of the Storage daemon's configuration file.  The
2627   default is 9103.
2629\item [Password = \lt{}password\gt{}]
2630   \index[dir]{Password}
2631   \index[dir]{Directive!Password}
2632   This is the password to be used  when establishing a connection with the
2633   Storage services. This  same password also must appear in the Director
2634   resource of the Storage  daemon's configuration file. This directive is
2635   required.  If you have either {\bf /dev/random}  {\bf bc} on your machine,
2636   Bacula will generate a random  password during the configuration process,
2637   otherwise it will  be left blank.
2639   The password is plain text.  It is not generated through any special
2640   process, but it is preferable for security reasons to use random text.
2642\item [Device = \lt{}device-name\gt{}]
2643   \index[dir]{Device}
2644   \index[dir]{Directive!Device}
2645   This directive specifies the Storage daemon's name of the device
2646   resource to be used for the storage.  If you are using an Autochanger,
2647   the name specified here should be the name of the Storage daemon's
2648   Autochanger resource rather than the name of an individual device.  This
2649   name is not the physical device name, but the logical device name as
2650   defined on the {\bf Name} directive contained in the {\bf Device} or the
2651   {\bf Autochanger} resource definition of the {\bf Storage daemon}
2652   configuration file.  You can specify any name you would like (even the
2653   device name if you prefer) up to a maximum of 127 characters in length.
2654   The physical device name associated with this device is specified in the
2655   {\bf Storage daemon} configuration file (as {\bf Archive Device}).
2656   Please take care not to define two different Storage resource directives
2657   in the Director that point to the same Device in the Storage daemon.
2658   Doing so may cause the Storage daemon to block (or hang) attempting to
2659   open the same device that is already open.  This directive is required.
2662\item [Media Type = \lt{}MediaType\gt{}]
2663   \index[dir]{Media Type}
2664   \index[dir]{Directive!Media Type}
2665   This directive specifies the Media Type to be used to store the data.
2666   This is an arbitrary string of characters up to 127 maximum that you
2667   define.  It can be anything you want.  However, it is best to make it
2668   descriptive of the storage media (e.g.  File, DAT, "HP DLT8000", 8mm,
2669   ...).
2672   In addition, it is essential that you make the {\bf Media Type}
2673   specification unique for each storage Device in the bacula-sd.conf file.
2674   If you have two DDS-4 drives that have incompatible formats, or if you
2675   have a DDS-4 drive and a DDS-4 autochanger, you almost certainly should
2676   specify different {\bf Media Types}.  During a restore, assuming a {\bf
2677   DDS-4} Media Type is associated with the Job, Bacula can decide to use
2678   any Storage daemon that supports Media Type {\bf DDS-4} and on any drive
2679   that supports it.
2682   If you are writing to disk Volumes, please make doubly sure that each
2683   Device resource defined in the Storage daemon (and hence in the
2684   Director's conf file) has a unique media type.  Otherwise for Bacula
2685   your restores may not work because Bacula will assume that you can mount
2686   any Media Type with the same name on any Device associated with that
2687   Media Type.  This is possible with tape drives, but with disk drives,
2688   unless you are very clever you cannot mount a Volume in any directory --
2689   this can be done by creating an appropriate soft link.
2692   Currently Bacula permits only a single Media Type per Storage Device
2693   definition.  Consequently, if you have a drive that supports more than
2694   one Media Type, you can give a unique string to Volumes with different
2695   intrinsic Media Type (Media Type = DDS-3-4 for DDS-3 and DDS-4 types),
2696   but then those volumes will only be mounted on drives indicated with the
2697   dual type (DDS-3-4).
2700   If you want to tie Bacula to using a single Storage daemon or drive, you
2701   must specify a unique Media Type for that drive.  This is an important
2702   point that should be carefully understood.  Note, this applies equally
2703   to Disk Volumes.  If you define more than one disk Device resource in
2704   your Storage daemon's conf file, the Volumes on those two devices are in
2705   fact incompatible because one can not physically be mounted on the other
2706   device since they are found in different directories.  For this reason,
2707   you probably should use two different Media Types for your two disk
2708   Devices (even though you might think of them as both being File types).
2709   You can find more on this subject in the \ilink{Basic Volume
2710   Management}{DiskChapter} chapter of this manual.
2713   The {\bf MediaType} specified in the Director's Storage resource, {\bf
2714   must} correspond to the {\bf Media Type} specified in the {\bf Device}
2715   resource of the {\bf Storage daemon} configuration file.  This directive
2716   is required, and it is used by the Director and the Storage daemon to
2717   ensure that a Volume automatically selected from the Pool corresponds to
2718   the physical device.  If a Storage daemon handles multiple devices (e.g.
2719   will write to various file Volumes on different partitions), this
2720   directive allows you to specify exactly which device.
2723   As mentioned above, the value specified in the Director's Storage
2724   resource must agree with the value specified in the Device resource in
2725   the {\bf Storage daemon's} configuration file.  It is also an additional
2726   check so that you don't try to write data for a DLT onto an 8mm device.
2729\item [Autochanger = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
2730   \index[dir]{Autochanger}
2731   \index[dir]{Directive!Autochanger}
2732   If you specify {\bf yes} for this command (the default is {\bf no}),
2733   when you use the {\bf label} command or the {\bf add} command to create
2734   a new Volume, {\bf Bacula} will also request the Autochanger Slot
2735   number.  This simplifies creating database entries for Volumes in an
2736   autochanger.  If you forget to specify the Slot, the autochanger will
2737   not be used.  However, you may modify the Slot associated with a Volume
2738   at any time by using the {\bf update volume} or {\bf update slots}
2739   command in the console program.  When {\bf autochanger} is enabled, the
2740   algorithm used by Bacula to search for available volumes will be
2741   modified to consider only Volumes that are known to be in the
2742   autochanger's magazine.  If no {\bf in changer} volume is found, Bacula
2743   will attempt recycling, pruning, ..., and if still no volume is found,
2744   Bacula will search for any volume whether or not in the magazine.  By
2745   privileging in changer volumes, this procedure minimizes operator
2746   intervention.  The default is {\bf no}.
2749   For the autochanger to be used, you must also specify {\bf Autochanger =
2750   yes} in the \ilink{Device Resource}{Autochanger} in the Storage daemon's
2751   configuration file as well as other important Storage daemon
2752   configuration information.  To help Bacula understand your
2753   Autochanger setup, instead of using the Directive {\bf Autochanger =
2754   yes}, it is preferable to specify the name of the Autochanger in place
2755   of the word {\bf yes}.
2756   Please consult the \ilink{Using
2757   Autochangers}{AutochangersChapter} manual of this chapter for the
2758   details of using autochangers.
2760\item [Maximum Concurrent Jobs = \lt{}number\gt{}]
2761   \index[dir]{Maximum Concurrent Jobs}
2762   \index[dir]{Directive!Maximum Concurrent Jobs}
2763   where \lt{}number\gt{} is the maximum number of Jobs with the current
2764   Storage resource that can run concurrently.  Note, this directive limits
2765   only Jobs for Jobs using this Storage daemon.  Any other restrictions on
2766   the maximum concurrent jobs such as in the Director, Job, or Client
2767   resources will also apply in addition to any limit specified here.  The
2768   default is set to 1, but you may set it to a larger number.  However, if
2769   you set the Storage daemon's number of concurrent jobs greater than one,
2770   we recommend that you read the warning documented under \ilink{Maximum
2771   Concurrent Jobs}{DirMaxConJobs} in the Director's resource or simply
2772   turn data spooling on as documented in the \ilink{Data
2773   Spooling}{SpoolingChapter} chapter of this manual.
2775\item [Maximum Concurrent Read Jobs = \lt{}number\gt{}]
2776  \index[dir]{MaximumConcurrentReadJobs}
2777  \index[dir]{Directive!MaximumConcurrentReadJobs}
2778  The main purpose of this directive is to limit the number of concurrent
2779  Copy, Migration, and VirtualFull jobs so that they don't monopolize all
2780  the Storage drives causing a deadlock situation where all the drives are
2781  allocated for reading but none remain for writing.  This deadlock
2782  situation can occur when running multiple simultaneous Copy, Migration,
2783  and VirtualFull jobs.
2786  The default value is set to 0 (zero), which means there is no limit on
2787  the number of read jobs.  Note, limiting the read jobs does not apply to
2788  Restore jobs, which are normally started by hand.  A reasonable value for
2789  this directive is one half the number of drives that the Storage resource
2790  has rounded down.  Doing so, will leave the same number of drives for
2791  writing and will generally avoid over committing drives and a deadlock.
2793\item [AllowCompression = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
2794  \label{AllowCompression}
2795   \index[dir]{AllowCompression}
2796   \index[dir]{Directive!AllowCompression}
2798   This directive is optional, and if you specify {\bf No} (the default is
2799   {\bf Yes}), it will cause backups jobs running on this storage resource
2800   to run without client File Daemon compression.  This effectively
2801   overrides compression options in FileSets used by jobs which use this
2802   storage resource.
2804\item [Heartbeat Interval = \lt{}time-interval\gt{}]
2805   \index[dir]{Heartbeat Interval}
2806   \index[dir]{Directive!Heartbeat}
2807   This directive is optional and if specified will cause the Director to
2808   set a keepalive interval (heartbeat) in seconds on each of the sockets
2809   it opens for the Storage resource.  This value will override any
2810   specified at the Director level.  It is implemented only on systems
2811   (Linux, ...) that provide the {\bf setsockopt} TCP\_KEEPIDLE function.
2812   The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
2816The following is an example of a valid Storage resource definition:
2820# Definition of tape storage device
2821Storage {
2822  Name = DLTDrive
2823  Address = lpmatou
2824  Password = storage_password # password for Storage daemon
2825  Device = "HP DLT 80"    # same as Device in Storage daemon
2826  Media Type = DLT8000    # same as MediaType in Storage daemon
2831\section{The Autochanger Resources}
2833\index[general]{Autochanger Resource}
2835Each autochanger that you have defined in an {\bf Autochanger} resource in
2836the Storage daemon's {\bf bacula-sd.conf} file, must have a corresponding
2837{\bf Autochanger} resource defined in the Director's {\bf bacula-dir.conf} file.
2838The {\bf Autochanger} resource uses the same directives as the {\bf Storage}
2839resource defined \vref{StorageResource}.
2841Normally you will already have a {\bf Storage} resource that points to the
2842Storage daemon's {\bf Autochanger} resource.  Thus you need only to change
2843the name of the {\bf Storage} resource to {\bf Autochanger}.  In addition
2844the {\bf Autochanger = yes} directive is not needed in the Director's {\bf
2845 Autochanger} resource, since the resource name is {\bf Autochanger}, the
2846Director already knows that it represents an autochanger.
2849In addition to the above change ({\bf Storage} to {\bf Autochanger}),
2850you must modify any additional {\bf Storage} resources that correspond
2851to devices that are part of the {\bf Autochanger} device.
2852Instead of the previous {\bf Autochanger = yes} directive they
2853should be modified to be {\bf Autochanger = xxx} where you
2854replace the {\bf xxx} with the name of the Autochanger.
2857For example, in the bacula-dir.conf file:
2860Autochanger {             # New resource
2861  Name = Changer-1
2862  Address = cibou.company.com
2863  SDPort = 9103
2864  Password = "xxxxxxxxxx"
2865  Device = LTO-Changer-1
2866  Media Type = LTO-4
2867  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 50
2870Storage {
2871  Name = Changer-1-Drive0
2872  Address = cibou.company.com
2873  SDPort = 9103
2874  Password = "xxxxxxxxxx"
2875  Device = LTO4_1_Drive0
2876  Media Type = LTO-4
2877  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5
2878  Autochanger = Changer-1  # New directive
2881Storage {
2882  Name = Changer-1-Drive1
2883  Address = cibou.company.com
2884  SDPort = 9103
2885  Password = "xxxxxxxxxx"
2886  Device = LTO4_1_Drive1
2887  Media Type = LTO-4
2888  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5
2889  Autochanger = Changer-1  # New directive
2895Note that Storage resources {\bf Changer-1-Drive0} and {\bf
2896Changer-1-Drive1} are not required since they make up part of an
2897autochanger, and normally, Jobs refer only to the Autochanger resource.
2898However, by referring to those Storage definitions in a Job, you will use
2899only the indicated drive.  This is not normally what you want to do, but it
2900is very useful and often used for reserving a drive for restores.  See the
2901Storage daemon example .conf below and the use of {\bf AutoSelect = no}.
2904\section{The Pool Resource}
2907\index[general]{Pool Resource}
2909The Pool resource defines the set of storage Volumes (tapes or files) to be
2910used by Bacula to write the data. By configuring different Pools, you can
2911determine which set of Volumes (media) receives the backup data. This permits,
2912for example, to store all full backup data on one set of Volumes and all
2913incremental backups on another set of Volumes. Alternatively, you could assign
2914a different set of Volumes to each machine that you backup. This is most
2915easily done by defining multiple Pools.
2917Another important aspect of a Pool is that it contains the default attributes
2918(Maximum Jobs, Retention Period, Recycle flag, ...) that will be given to a
2919Volume when it is created. This avoids the need for you to answer a large
2920number of questions when labeling a new Volume. Each of these attributes can
2921later be changed on a Volume by Volume basis using the {\bf update} command in
2922the console program. Note that you must explicitly specify which Pool Bacula
2923is to use with each Job. Bacula will not automatically search for the correct
2926Most often in Bacula installations all backups for all machines (Clients) go
2927to a single set of Volumes. In this case, you will probably only use the {\bf
2928Default} Pool. If your backup strategy calls for you to mount a different tape
2929each day, you will probably want to define a separate Pool for each day. For
2930more information on this subject, please see the
2931\ilink{Backup Strategies}{StrategiesChapter} chapter of this
2934To use a Pool, there are three distinct steps. First the Pool must be defined
2935in the Director's configuration file. Then the Pool must be written to the
2936Catalog database. This is done automatically by the Director each time that it
2937starts, or alternatively can be done using the {\bf create} command in the
2938console program. Finally, if you change the Pool definition in the Director's
2939configuration file and restart Bacula, the pool will be updated alternatively
2940you can use the {\bf update pool} console command to refresh the database
2941image. It is this database image rather than the Director's resource image
2942that is used for the default Volume attributes. Note, for the pool to be
2943automatically created or updated, it must be explicitly referenced by a Job
2946Next the physical media must be labeled. The labeling can either be done with
2947the {\bf label} command in the {\bf console} program or using the {\bf btape}
2948program. The preferred method is to use the {\bf label} command in the {\bf
2949console} program.
2951Finally, you must add Volume names (and their attributes) to the Pool. For
2952Volumes to be used by Bacula they must be of the same {\bf Media Type} as the
2953archive device specified for the job (i.e. if you are going to back up to a
2954DLT device, the Pool must have DLT volumes defined since 8mm volumes cannot be
2955mounted on a DLT drive). The {\bf Media Type} has particular importance if you
2956are backing up to files. When running a Job, you must explicitly specify which
2957Pool to use. Bacula will then automatically select the next Volume to use from
2958the Pool, but it will ensure that the {\bf Media Type} of any Volume selected
2959from the Pool is identical to that required by the Storage resource you have
2960specified for the Job.
2962If you use the {\bf label} command in the console program to label the
2963Volumes, they will automatically be added to the Pool, so this last step is
2964not normally required.
2966It is also possible to add Volumes to the database without explicitly labeling
2967the physical volume. This is done with the {\bf add} console command.
2969As previously mentioned, each time Bacula starts, it scans all the Pools
2970associated with each Catalog, and if the database record does not already
2971exist, it will be created from the Pool Resource definition. {\bf Bacula}
2972probably should do an {\bf update pool} if you change the Pool definition, but
2973currently, you must do this manually using the {\bf update pool} command in
2974the Console program.
2976The Pool Resource defined in the Director's configuration file
2977(bacula-dir.conf) may contain the following directives:
2981\item [Pool]
2982   \index[dir]{Pool}
2983   \index[dir]{Directive!Pool}
2984   Start of the Pool resource.  There must be at least one Pool resource
2985   defined.
2988\item [Name = \lt{}name\gt{}]
2989   \index[dir]{Name}
2990   \index[dir]{Directive!Name}
2991   The name of the pool.  For most applications, you will use the default
2992   pool name {\bf Default}.  This directive is required.
2995\item [Maximum Volumes = \lt{}number\gt{}]
2996   \index[dir]{Maximum Volumes}
2997   \index[dir]{Directive!Maximum Volumes}
2998   This directive specifies the maximum number of volumes (tapes or files)
2999   contained in the pool.  This directive is optional, if omitted or set to
3000   zero, any number of volumes will be permitted.  In general, this
3001   directive is useful for Autochangers where there is a fixed number of
3002   Volumes, or for File storage where you wish to ensure that the backups
3003   made to disk files do not become too numerous or consume too much space.
3005   This directive is only applied to case of volumes automatically created
3006   by Bacula.  If you add volumes to a pool manually with the {\bf label}
3007   command, it is possible to have more volumes in a pool than specified by
3008   {\bf Maximum Volumes}.
3010\item [Pool Type = \lt{}type\gt{}]
3011   \index[dir]{Pool Type}
3012   \index[dir]{Directive!Pool Type}
3013   This directive defines the pool type, which corresponds to the type of
3014   Job being run.  It is required and may be one of the following:
3017  \item [Backup]
3018  \item [*Archive]
3019  \item [*Cloned]
3020  \item [*Migration]
3021  \item [*Copy]
3022  \item [*Save]
3024   Note, only Backup is current implemented.
3026\item [Storage = \lt{}storage-resource-name\gt{}]
3029   The Storage directive defines the name of the storage services where you
3030   want to backup the FileSet data.  For additional details, see the
3031   \ilink{Storage Resource Chapter}{StorageResource2} of this manual.
3032   The Storage resource may also be specified in the Job resource,
3033   but the value, if any, in the Pool resource overrides any value
3034   in the Job. This Storage resource definition is not required by either
3035   the Job resource or in the Pool, but it must be specified in
3036   one or the other.  If not configuration error will result.
3038\item [Use Volume Once = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
3039   \index[dir]{Use Volume Once}
3040   \index[dir]{Directive!Use Volume Once}
3041   This directive if set to {\bf yes} specifies that each volume is to be
3042   used only once.  This is most useful when the Media is a file and you
3043   want a new file for each backup that is done.  The default is {\bf no}
3044   (i.e.  use volume any number of times).  This directive will most likely
3045   be phased out (deprecated), so you are recommended to use {\bf Maximum
3046   Volume Jobs = 1} instead.
3048   The value defined by this directive in the bacula-dir.conf file is the
3049   default value used when a Volume is created.  Once the volume is
3050   created, changing the value in the bacula-dir.conf file will not change
3051   what is stored for the Volume.  To change the value for an existing
3052   Volume you must use the {\bf update} command in the Console.
3054   Please see the notes below under {\bf Maximum Volume Jobs} concerning
3055   using this directive with multiple simultaneous jobs.
3057\item [Maximum Volume Jobs = \lt{}positive-integer\gt{}]
3058   \index[dir]{Maximum Volume Jobs}
3059   \index[dir]{Directive!Maximum Volume Jobs}
3060   This directive specifies the maximum number of Jobs that can be written
3061   to the Volume.  If you specify zero (the default), there is no limit.
3062   Otherwise, when the number of Jobs backed up to the Volume equals {\bf
3063   positive-integer} the Volume will be marked {\bf Used}.  When the Volume
3064   is marked {\bf Used} it can no longer be used for appending Jobs, much
3065   like the {\bf Full} status, but it can be recycled if recycling is
3066   enabled, and thus used again.  By setting {\bf MaximumVolumeJobs} to
3067   one, you get the same effect as setting {\bf UseVolumeOnce = yes}.
3069   The value defined by this directive in the  bacula-dir.conf
3070   file is the default value used when a Volume  is created. Once the volume is
3071   created, changing the value  in the bacula-dir.conf file will not change what
3072   is stored  for the Volume. To change the value for an existing Volume  you
3073   must use the {\bf update} command in the Console.
3075   If you are running multiple simultaneous jobs, this directive may not
3076   work correctly because when a drive is reserved for a job, this
3077   directive is not taken into account, so multiple jobs may try to
3078   start writing to the Volume. At some point, when the Media record is
3079   updated, multiple simultaneous jobs may fail since the Volume can no
3080   longer be written.
3082\item [Maximum Volume Files = \lt{}positive-integer\gt{}]
3083   \index[dir]{Maximum Volume Files}
3084   \index[dir]{Directive!Maximum Volume Files}
3085   This directive specifies the maximum number of files that can be written
3086   to the Volume.  If you specify zero (the default), there is no limit.
3087   Otherwise, when the number of files written to the Volume equals {\bf
3088   positive-integer} the Volume will be marked {\bf Used}.  When the Volume
3089   is marked {\bf Used} it can no longer be used for appending Jobs, much
3090   like the {\bf Full} status but it can be recycled if recycling is
3091   enabled and thus used again.  This value is checked and the {\bf Used}
3092   status is set only at the end of a job that writes to the particular
3093   volume.
3095   The value defined by this directive in the bacula-dir.conf file is the
3096   default value used when a Volume is created.  Once the volume is
3097   created, changing the value in the bacula-dir.conf file will not change
3098   what is stored for the Volume.  To change the value for an existing
3099   Volume you must use the {\bf update} command in the Console.
3101\item [Maximum Volume Bytes = \lt{}size\gt{}]
3102   \index[dir]{Maximum Volume Bytes}
3103   \index[dir]{Directive!Maximum Volume Bytes}
3104   This directive specifies the maximum number of bytes that can be written
3105   to the Volume.  If you specify zero (the default), there is no limit
3106   except the physical size of the Volume.  Otherwise, when the number of
3107   bytes written to the Volume equals {\bf size} the Volume will be marked
3108   {\bf Full}.  When the Volume is marked {\bf Full} it can no longer be
3109   used for appending Jobs, but it can be
3110   recycled if recycling is enabled, and thus the Volume can be re-used
3111   after recycling.  The size specified is checked just before each
3112   block is written to the Volume and if the Volume size would exceed the
3113   specified Maximum Volume Bytes the {\bf Full} status will be set and
3114   the Job will request the next available Volume to continue.
3116   This directive is particularly useful for restricting the size
3117   of disk volumes, and will work correctly even in the case of
3118   multiple simultaneous jobs writing to the volume.
3120   The value defined by this directive in the bacula-dir.conf file is the
3121   default value used when a Volume is created.  Once the volume is
3122   created, changing the value in the bacula-dir.conf file will not change
3123   what is stored for the Volume.  To change the value for an existing
3124   Volume you must use the {\bf update} command in the Console.
3126\item [Volume Use Duration = \lt{}time-period-specification\gt{}]
3127   \index[dir]{Volume Use Duration}
3128   \index[dir]{Directive!Volume Use Duration}
3129   The Volume Use Duration directive defines the time period that the
3130   Volume can be written beginning from the time of first data write to the
3131   Volume.  If the time-period specified is zero (the default), the Volume
3132   can be written indefinitely.  Otherwise, the next time a job
3133   runs that wants to access this Volume, and the time period from the
3134   first write to the volume (the first Job written) exceeds the
3135   time-period-specification, the Volume will be marked {\bf Used}, which
3136   means that no more Jobs can be appended to the Volume, but it may be
3137   recycled if recycling is enabled. Using the command {\bf
3138   status dir} applies algorithms similar to running jobs, so
3139   during such a command, the Volume status may also be changed.
3140   Once the Volume is
3141   recycled, it will be available for use again.
3143   You might use this directive, for example, if you have a Volume used for
3144   Incremental backups, and Volumes used for Weekly Full backups.  Once the
3145   Full backup is done, you will want to use a different Incremental
3146   Volume.  This can be accomplished by setting the Volume Use Duration for
3147   the Incremental Volume to six days.  I.e.  it will be used for the 6
3148   days following a Full save, then a different Incremental volume will be
3149   used.  Be careful about setting the duration to short periods such as 23
3150   hours, or you might experience problems of Bacula waiting for a tape
3151   over the weekend only to complete the backups Monday morning when an
3152   operator mounts a new tape.
3154   The use duration is checked and the {\bf Used} status is set only at the
3155   end of a job that writes to the particular volume, which means that even
3156   though the use duration may have expired, the catalog entry will not be
3157   updated until the next job that uses this volume is run. This
3158   directive is not intended to be used to limit volume sizes
3159   and will not work correctly (i.e. will fail jobs) if the use
3160   duration expires while multiple simultaneous jobs are writing
3161   to the volume.
3163   Please note that the value defined by this directive in the  bacula-dir.conf
3164   file is the default value used when a Volume  is created. Once the volume is
3165   created, changing the value  in the bacula-dir.conf file will not change what
3166   is stored  for the Volume. To change the value for an existing Volume  you
3167   must use the
3168   \borgxrlink{update volume}{UpdateCommand}{console}{command} in the \consoleman{}.
3170\item [Catalog Files = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
3171   \index[dir]{Catalog Files}
3172   \index[dir]{Directive!Catalog Files}
3173   This directive defines whether or not you want the names of the files
3174   that were saved to be put into the catalog.  The default is {\bf yes}.
3175   The advantage of specifying {\bf Catalog Files = No} is that you will
3176   have a significantly smaller Catalog database.  The disadvantage is that
3177   you will not be able to produce a Catalog listing of the files backed up
3178   for each Job (this is often called Browsing).  Also, without the File
3179   entries in the catalog, you will not be able to use the Console {\bf
3180   restore} command nor any other command that references File entries.
3183\item [AutoPrune = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
3184   \index[dir]{AutoPrune}
3185   \index[dir]{Directive!AutoPrune}
3186   If AutoPrune is set to {\bf yes} (default), Bacula (version 1.20 or
3187   greater) will automatically apply the Volume Retention period when new
3188   Volume is needed and no appendable Volumes exist in the Pool.  Volume
3189   pruning causes expired Jobs (older than the {\bf Volume Retention}
3190   period) to be deleted from the Catalog and permits possible recycling of
3191   the Volume.
3194\item [Volume Retention = \lt{}time-period-specification\gt{}]
3195   \index[dir]{Volume Retention}
3196   \index[dir]{Directive!Volume Retention}
3197   The Volume Retention directive defines the longest amount of time that
3198   {\bf Bacula} will keep records associated with the Volume in the Catalog
3199   database after the End time of each Job written to the Volume.  When
3200   this time period expires, and if {\bf AutoPrune} is set to {\bf yes}
3201   Bacula may prune (remove) Job records that are older than the specified
3202   Volume Retention period if it is necessary to free up a Volume.  Note,
3203   it is also possible for all the Job and File records to be pruned before
3204   the Volume Retention period is reached.  In that case the Volume can
3205   then be marked Pruned and subsequently recycled prior to expiration of
3206   the Volume Retention period.
3209   Recycling will not occur until it is absolutely necessary to
3210   free up a volume (i.e. no other writable volume exists).
3211   All File records associated with pruned Jobs are also
3212   pruned.  The time may be specified as seconds, minutes, hours, days,
3213   weeks, months, quarters, or years.  The {\bf Volume Retention} is
3214   applied independently of the {\bf Job Retention} and the {\bf File
3215   Retention} periods defined in the Client resource.  This means that all
3216   the retention periods are applied in turn and that the shorter period
3217   is the one that effectively takes precedence.  Note, that when the {\bf
3218   Volume Retention} period has been reached, and it is necessary to obtain
3219   a new volume, Bacula will prune both the Job and the File records. And
3220   the inverse is also true that if all the Job and File records that
3221   refer to a Volume are pruned, then the Volume may be pruned and recycled
3222   regardless of its retention period.  Pruning may also occur during a
3223   {\bf status dir} command because it uses similar algorithms for finding
3224   the next available Volume.
3226   It is important to know that when the Volume Retention period expires,
3227   or all the Job and File records have been pruned that refer to a Volume,
3228   Bacula does not automatically recycle a Volume. It attempts to keep the
3229   Volume data intact as long as possible before over writing the Volume.
3231   By defining multiple Pools with different Volume Retention periods, you
3232   may effectively have a set of tapes that is recycled weekly, another
3233   Pool of tapes that is recycled monthly and so on.  However, one must
3234   keep in mind that if your {\bf Volume Retention} period is too short, it
3235   may prune the last valid Full backup, and hence until the next Full
3236   backup is done, you will not have a complete backup of your system, and
3237   in addition, the next Incremental or Differential backup will be
3238   promoted to a Full backup.  As a consequence, the minimum {\bf Volume
3239   Retention} period should be at twice the interval of your Full backups.
3240   This means that if you do a Full backup once a month, the minimum Volume
3241   retention period should be two months.
3243   The default Volume retention period is 365 days, and either the default
3244   or the value defined by this directive in the bacula-dir.conf file is
3245   the default value used when a Volume is created.  Once the volume is
3246   created, changing the value in the bacula-dir.conf file will not change
3247   what is stored for the Volume.  To change the value for an existing
3248   Volume you must use the {\bf update} command in the Console.
3250\item [Cache Retention = \lt{}time-period-specification\gt{}]
3251   \index[dir]{Directive!Cache Retention}
3252   The Cache Retention directive defines the longest amount of time that
3253   {\bf Bacula} will keep Parts associated with the Volume in the Storage
3254   daemon Cache directory after a successful upload to the Cloud.
3255   When this time period expires, and if the \texttt{cloud prune} command
3256   is issued, Bacula may prune (remove) Parts that are older than the specified
3257   Cache Retention period.
3259   Note, it is also possible for all the Parts to be removed before the Cache
3260   Retention period is reached.  In that case the \texttt{cloud truncate} command
3261   must be used.
3264\item [Action On Purge = \lt{Truncate}]
3267The directive \textbf{ActionOnPurge=Truncate} instructs Bacula to
3268permit the Volume to be truncated after it has been purged.
3269Note: the ActionOnPurge is a bit misleading since the volume
3270is not actually truncated when it is purged, but is enabled
3271to be truncated. The actual truncation is done with the Truncate
3274To actually truncate a Volume, you must first set the ActionOnPurge
3275to Truncate in the Pool, then you must ensure that any existing
3276Volumes also have this information in them, by doing an
3277{\bf update Volumes}  comand.  Finally, after the Volume
3278has been purged, you may then truncate it.
3279It is useful to prevent disk based volumes from consuming too much
3280space.  See below for more details of how to ensure Volumes are
3281truncated after being purged.
3283First set the Pool to permit truncation.
3285Pool {
3286  Name = Default
3287  Action On Purge = Truncate
3288  ...
3292Then assuming a Volume has been Purged, you can schedule
3293truncate operation at the end of your CatalogBackup job
3294like in this example:
3297Job {
3298 Name = CatalogBackup
3299 ...
3300 RunScript {
3301   RunsWhen=After
3302   RunsOnClient=No
3303   Console = "purge volume action=all allpools storage=File"
3304 }
3309\item [ScratchPool = \lt{}pool-resource-name\gt{}]
3310   \index[dir]{ScrachPool}
3311   \index[dir]{Directive!ScrachPool}
3312   This directive permits to specify a dedicate \textsl{Scratch} for the
3313   current pool. This pool will replace the special pool named \textsl{Scrach}
3314   for volume selection. For more information about \textsl{Scratch} see
3315   \ilink{Scratch Pool}{TheScratchPool} section of this manual. This is useful
3316   when using multiple storage sharing the same mediatype or when you want to
3317   dedicate volumes to a particular set of pool.
3320\item [RecyclePool = \lt{}pool-resource-name\gt{}]
3321   \index[dir]{RecyclePool}
3322   \index[dir]{Directive!RecyclePool}
3323   This directive defines to which pool
3324   the Volume will be placed (moved) when it is recycled. Without
3325   this directive, a Volume will remain in the same pool when it is
3326   recycled. With this directive, it can be moved automatically to any
3327   existing pool during a recycle. This directive is probably most
3328   useful when defined in the Scratch pool, so that volumes will
3329   be recycled back into the Scratch pool. For more on the see the
3330   \ilink{Scratch Pool}{TheScratchPool} section of this manual.
3332   Although this directive is called RecyclePool, the Volume in
3333   question is actually moved from its current pool to the one
3334   you specify on this directive when Bacula prunes the Volume and
3335   discovers that there are no records left in the catalog and hence
3336   marks it as {\bf Purged}.
3340\item [Recycle = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
3341   \index[dir]{Recycle}
3342   \index[dir]{Directive!Recycle}
3343   This directive specifies whether or not Purged Volumes may be recycled.
3344   If it is set to {\bf yes} (default) and Bacula needs a volume but finds
3345   none that are appendable, it will search for and recycle (reuse) Purged
3346   Volumes (i.e.  volumes with all the Jobs and Files expired and thus
3347   deleted from the Catalog).  If the Volume is recycled, all previous data
3348   written to that Volume will be overwritten. If Recycle is set to {\bf
3349   no}, the Volume will not be recycled, and hence, the data will remain
3350   valid.  If you want to reuse (re-write) the Volume, and the recycle flag
3351   is no (0 in the catalog), you may manually set the recycle flag (update
3352   command) for a Volume to be reused.
3354   Please note that the value defined by this directive in the
3355   bacula-dir.conf file is the default value used when a Volume is created.
3356   Once the volume is created, changing the value in the bacula-dir.conf
3357   file will not change what is stored for the Volume.  To change the value
3358   for an existing Volume you must use the {\bf update} command in the
3359   Console.
3361   When all Job and File records have been pruned or purged from the
3362   catalog for a particular Volume, if that Volume is marked as
3363   Full or Used, it will then be marked as Purged. Only
3364   Volumes marked as Purged will be considered to be converted to the
3365   Recycled state if the {\bf Recycle} directive is set to {\bf yes}.
3369\item [Recycle Oldest Volume = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
3370   \index[dir]{Recycle Oldest Volume}
3371   \index[dir]{Directive!Recycle Oldest Volume}
3372   This directive instructs the Director to search for the oldest used
3373   Volume in the Pool when another Volume is requested by the Storage
3374   daemon and none are available.  The catalog is then {\bf pruned}
3375   respecting the retention periods of all Files and Jobs written to this
3376   Volume.  If all Jobs are pruned (i.e. the volume is Purged), then the
3377   Volume is recycled and will be used as the next Volume to be written.
3378   This directive respects any Job, File, or Volume retention periods that
3379   you may have specified, and as such it is {\bf much} better to use this
3380   directive than the Purge Oldest Volume.
3382   This directive can be useful if you have a fixed number of Volumes in the
3383   Pool and you want to cycle through them and you have specified the correct
3384   retention periods.
3386   However, if you use this directive and have only one
3387   Volume in the Pool, you will immediately recycle your Volume if you fill
3388   it and Bacula needs another one. Thus your backup will be totally invalid.
3389   Please use this directive with care. The default is {\bf no}.
3393\item [Recycle Current Volume = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
3394   \index[dir]{Recycle Current Volume}
3395   \index[dir]{Directive!Recycle Current Volume}
3396   If Bacula needs a new Volume, this directive instructs Bacula to Prune
3397   the volume respecting the Job and File retention periods.  If all Jobs
3398   are pruned (i.e.  the volume is Purged), then the Volume is recycled and
3399   will be used as the next Volume to be written.  This directive respects
3400   any Job, File, or Volume retention periods that you may have specified,
3401   and thus it is {\bf much} better to use it rather than the Purge Oldest
3402   Volume directive.
3404   This directive can be useful if you have: a fixed number of Volumes in
3405   the Pool, you want to cycle through them, and you have specified
3406   retention periods that prune Volumes before you have cycled through the
3407   Volume in the Pool.
3409   However, if you use this directive and have only one Volume in the Pool,
3410   you will immediately recycle your Volume if you fill it and Bacula needs
3411   another one.  Thus your backup will be totally invalid.  Please use this
3412   directive with care.  The default is {\bf no}.
3415\item [Purge Oldest Volume = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
3416   \index[dir]{Purge Oldest Volume}
3417   \index[dir]{Directive!Purge Oldest Volume}
3418   This directive instructs the Director to search for the oldest used
3419   Volume in the Pool when another Volume is requested by the Storage
3420   daemon and none are available.  The catalog is then {\bf purged}
3421   irrespective of retention periods of all Files and Jobs written to this
3422   Volume.  The Volume is then recycled and will be used as the next Volume
3423   to be written.  This directive overrides any Job, File, or Volume
3424   retention periods that you may have specified.
3426   This directive can be useful if you have a fixed number of Volumes in
3427   the Pool and you want to cycle through them and reusing the oldest one
3428   when all Volumes are full, but you don't want to worry about setting
3429   proper retention periods.  However, by using this option you risk losing
3430   valuable data.
3432   Please be aware that {\bf Purge Oldest Volume} disregards all retention
3433   periods. If you have only a single Volume defined and you turn this
3434   variable on, that Volume will always be immediately overwritten when it
3435   fills!  So at a minimum, ensure that you have a decent number of Volumes
3436   in your Pool before running any jobs.  If you want retention periods to
3437   apply do not use this directive.  To specify a retention period, use the
3438   {\bf Volume Retention} directive (see above).
3440   We {\bf highly} recommend against using this directive, because it is
3441   sure that some day, Bacula will recycle a Volume that contains current
3442   data.  The default is {\bf no}.
3444\item [File Retention = \lt{}time-period-specification\gt{}]
3445   \index[dir]{File Retention}
3446   \index[dir]{Directive!File Retention}
3447   The File Retention directive defines the length of time that  Bacula will
3448   keep File records in the Catalog database after the End time of the
3449   Job corresponding to the File records.
3451   This directive takes precedence over Client directives of the same name. For
3452   example, you can decide to increase Retention times for Archive or OffSite
3453   Pool.
3455   Note, this affects only records in the catalog database. It does not affect
3456   your archive backups.
3458   For more information see Client documentation about
3459   \ilink{FileRetention}{FileRetention}
3461\item [Job Retention = \lt{}time-period-specification\gt{}]
3462   \index[dir]{Job Retention}
3463   \index[dir]{Directive!Job Retention}
3465   The Job Retention directive defines the length of time that Bacula will keep
3466   Job records in the Catalog database after the Job End time.  As with the
3467   other retention periods, this affects only records in the catalog and not
3468   data in your archive backup.
3470   This directive takes precedence over Client directives of the same name.
3471   For example, you can decide to increase Retention times for Archive or
3472   OffSite Pool.
3474   For more information see Client side documentation
3475   \ilink{JobRetention}{JobRetention}
3477\item [Cleaning Prefix = \lt{}string\gt{}]
3478   \index[dir]{Cleaning Prefix}
3479   \index[dir]{Directive!Cleaning Prefix}
3480   This directive defines a prefix string, which if it matches the
3481   beginning of a Volume name during labeling of a Volume, the Volume will
3482   be defined with the VolStatus set to {\bf Cleaning} and thus Bacula will
3483   never attempt to use this tape.  This is primarily for use with
3484   autochangers that accept barcodes where the convention is that barcodes
3485   beginning with {\bf CLN} are treated as cleaning tapes.
3488\item [Label Format = \lt{}format\gt{}]
3489   \index[dir]{Label Format}
3490   \index[dir]{Directive!Label Format}
3491   This directive specifies the format of the labels contained in this
3492   pool.  The format directive is used as a sort of template to create new
3493   Volume names during automatic Volume labeling.
3495   The {\bf format} should be specified in double quotes, and consists of
3496   letters, numbers and the special characters hyphen ({\bf -}), underscore
3497   ({\bf \_}), colon ({\bf :}), and period ({\bf .}), which are the legal
3498   characters for a Volume name.  The {\bf format} should be enclosed in
3499   double quotes (").
3501   In addition, the format may contain a number of variable expansion
3502   characters which will be expanded by a complex algorithm allowing you to
3503   create Volume names of many different formats.  In all cases, the
3504   expansion process must resolve to the set of characters noted above that
3505   are legal Volume names.  Generally, these variable expansion characters
3506   begin with a dollar sign ({\bf \$}) or a left bracket ({\bf [}).  If you
3507   specify variable expansion characters, you should always enclose the
3508   format with double quote characters ({\bf "}).  For more details on
3509   variable expansion, please see the \borgxrlink{Variable Expansion}{VarsChapter}{misc}{chapter} of the \miscman{}.
3511   If no variable expansion characters are found in the string, the Volume
3512   name will be formed from the {\bf format} string appended with the
3513   a unique number that increases.  If you do not remove volumes from the
3514   pool, this number should be the number of volumes plus one, but this
3515   is not guaranteed. The unique number will be edited as four
3516   digits with leading zeros.  For example, with a {\bf Label Format =
3517   "File-"}, the first volumes will be named {\bf File-0001}, {\bf
3518   File-0002}, ...
3520   With the exception of Job specific variables, you can test your {\bf
3521   LabelFormat} by using the \borgxrlink{var}{var}{console}{command} in the
3522 \consoleman{}.
3526 Label Format="${Level}_${Type}_${Client}_${Year}-${Month:p/2/0/r}-${Day:p/2/0/r}"
3529   Once defined, the name of the volume cannot be changed. When the volume is
3530   recycled, the volume can be used by an other Job at an other time, and
3531   possibly from an other Pool. In the example above, the volume defined
3532   with such name is probably not supposed to be recycled or reused.
3535   In almost all cases, you should enclose the format specification (part
3536   after the equal sign) in double quotes.
3539In order for a Pool to be used during a Backup Job, the Pool must have at
3540least one Volume associated with it.  Volumes are created for a Pool using
3541the {\bf label} or the {\bf add} commands in the {\bf Bacula Console},
3542program.  In addition to adding Volumes to the Pool (i.e.  putting the
3543Volume names in the Catalog database), the physical Volume must be labeled
3544with a valid Bacula software volume label before {\bf Bacula} will accept
3545the Volume.  This will be automatically done if you use the {\bf label}
3546command.  Bacula can automatically label Volumes if instructed to do so,
3547but this feature is not yet fully implemented.
3549The following is an example of a valid Pool resource definition:
3554Pool {
3555  Name = Default
3556  Pool Type = Backup
3561\subsection{The Scratch Pool}
3563\index[general]{Scratch Pool}
3564In general, you can give your Pools any name you wish, but there is one
3565important restriction: the Pool named {\bf Scratch}, if it exists behaves
3566like a scratch pool of Volumes in that when Bacula needs a new Volume for
3567writing and it cannot find one, it will look in the Scratch pool, and if
3568it finds an available Volume, it will move it out of the Scratch pool into
3569the Pool currently being used by the job.
3572\section{The Catalog Resource}
3575\index[general]{Catalog Resource}
3577The Catalog Resource defines what catalog to use for the current job.
3578Currently, Bacula can only handle a single database server (MySQL or
3579PostgreSQL) that is defined when configuring {\bf Bacula}.  However, there
3580may be as many Catalogs (databases) defined as you wish.  For example, you
3581may want each Client to have its own Catalog database, or you may want
3582backup jobs to use one database and verify or restore jobs to use another
3585Since both MySQL and PostgreSQL are networked
3586databases, they may reside either on the same machine as the Director
3587or on a different machine on the network.  See below for more details.
3591\item [Catalog]
3592   \index[dir]{Catalog}
3593   \index[dir]{Directive!Catalog}
3594   Start of the Catalog resource.  At least one Catalog resource must be
3598\item [Name = \lt{}name\gt{}]
3599   \index[dir]{Name}
3600   \index[dir]{Directive!Name}
3601   The name of the Catalog.  No necessary relation to the database server
3602   name.  This name will be specified in the Client resource directive
3603   indicating that all catalog data for that Client is maintained in this
3604   Catalog.  This directive is required.
3606\item [password = \lt{}password\gt{}]
3607   \index[dir]{password}
3608   \index[dir]{Directive!password}
3609   This specifies the password to use when logging into the database.  This
3610   directive is required.
3612\item [DB Name = \lt{}name\gt{}]
3613   \index[dir]{DB Name}
3614   \index[dir]{Directive!DB Name}
3615   This specifies the name of the database.  If you use multiple catalogs
3616   (databases), you specify which one here.  If you are using an external
3617   database server rather than the internal one, you must specify a name
3618   that is known to the server (i.e.  you explicitly created the Bacula
3619   tables using this name.  This directive is required.
3621\item [user = \lt{}user\gt{}]
3622   \index[dir]{user}
3623   \index[dir]{Directive!user}
3624   This specifies what user name to use to log into the database.  This
3625   directive is required.
3627\item [DB Socket = \lt{}socket-name\gt{}]
3628   \index[dir]{DB Socket}
3629   \index[dir]{Directive!DB Socket}
3630   This is the name of  a socket to use on the local host to connect to the
3631   database. This directive is used only by MySQL.
3632   Normally, if neither {\bf DB Socket} or {\bf DB Address}  are specified, MySQL
3633   will use the default socket. If the DB Socket is specified, the
3634   MySQL server must reside on the same machine as the Director.
3636\item [DB Address = \lt{}address\gt{}]
3637   \index[dir]{DB Address}
3638   \index[dir]{Directive!DB Address}
3639   This is the host address  of the database server. Normally, you would specify
3640   this instead  of {\bf DB Socket} if the database server is on another machine.
3641   In that case, you will also specify {\bf DB Port}. This directive  is used
3642   only by MySQL and PostgreSQL.
3643   This directive is optional.
3645\item [DB Port = \lt{}port\gt{}]
3646   \index[dir]{DB Port}
3647   \index[dir]{Directive!DBPort}
3648   This defines the port to  be used in conjunction with {\bf DB Address} to
3649   access the  database if it is on another machine. This directive is used  only
3650   by MySQL and PostgreSQL.
3651   directive is optional.
3653%% \item [Multiple Connections = \lt{}yes\vb{}no\gt{}]
3654%% \index[dir]{Multiple Connections}
3655%% \index[dir]{Directive!Multiple Connections}
3656%% By default, this  directive is set to no. In that case, each job that uses
3658%% same Catalog will use a single connection to the catalog. It will  be shared,
3659%% and Bacula will allow only one Job at a time to  communicate. If you set this
3660%% directive to yes, Bacula will  permit multiple connections to the database,
3661%% and the database  must be multi-thread capable. For and PostgreSQL,
3662%% this is  no problem. For MySQL, you must be *very* careful to have the
3663%% multi-thread version of the client library loaded on your system.  When this
3664%% directive is set yes, each Job will have a separate  connection to the
3665%% database, and the database will control the  interaction between the
3667%% Jobs. This can significantly  speed up the database operations if you are
3668%% running multiple  simultaneous jobs. In addition, for and PostgreSQL,
3669%% Bacula  will automatically enable transactions. This can significantly  speed
3670%% up insertion of attributes in the database either for  a single Job or
3671%% multiple simultaneous Jobs.
3673%% This directive has not been tested. Please test carefully  before running it
3674%% in production and report back your results.
3678The following is an example of a valid Catalog resource definition:
3684  Name = MySQL
3685  dbname = bacula;
3686  user = bacula;
3687  password = ""                       # no password = no security
3692or for a Catalog on another machine:
3698  Name = MySQL
3699  dbname = bacula
3700  user = bacula
3701  password = ""
3702  DB Address = remote.acme.com
3703  DB Port = 1234
3708\section{The Messages Resource}
3711\index[general]{Messages Resource}
3713For the details of the Messages Resource, please see the
3714\ilink{Messages Resource Chapter}{MessagesChapter} of this
3717\section{The Console Resource}
3719\index[general]{Console Resource}
3722As of Bacula version 1.33 and higher, there are three different kinds of
3723consoles, which the administrator or user can use to interact with the
3724Director. These three kinds of consoles comprise three different security
3728\item The first console type is an {\bf anonymous} or {\bf default}  console,
3729   which has full privileges.  There is no console resource necessary for
3730   this type since the password is specified in the Director's resource and
3731   consequently such consoles do not have a name as defined on a {\bf Name
3732   =} directive.  This is the kind of console that was initially
3733   implemented in versions prior to 1.33 and remains valid.  Typically you
3734   would use it only for  administrators.
3736\item The second type of console, and new to version 1.33 and  higher is a
3737   "named" console defined within a Console resource in both the Director's
3738   configuration file and in the Console's configuration file.  Both the
3739   names and the passwords in these two entries must match much as is the
3740   case for Client programs.
3742   This second type of console begins with absolutely no privileges except
3743   those explicitly specified in the Director's Console resource.  Thus you
3744   can have multiple Consoles with different names and passwords, sort of
3745   like multiple users, each with different privileges.  As a default,
3746   these consoles can do absolutely nothing -- no commands whatsoever.  You
3747   give them privileges or rather access to commands and resources by
3748   specifying access control lists in the Director's Console resource.  The
3749   ACLs are specified by a directive followed by a list of access names.
3750   Examples of this are shown below.
3752\item The third type of console is similar to the above mentioned  one in that
3753   it requires a Console resource definition in both the Director and the
3754   Console.  In addition, if the console name, provided on the {\bf Name =}
3755   directive, is the same as a Client name, that console is permitted to
3756   use the {\bf SetIP} command to change the Address directive in the
3757   Director's client resource to the IP address of the Console.  This
3758   permits portables or other machines using DHCP (non-fixed IP addresses)
3759   to "notify" the Director of their current IP address.
3762The Console resource is optional and need not be specified. The following
3763directives are permitted within the Director's configuration resource:
3767\item [Name = \lt{}name\gt{}]
3768   \index[dir]{Name}
3769   \index[dir]{Directive!Name}
3770   The name of the console. This  name must match the name specified in the
3771Console's configuration  resource (much as is the case with Client
3774\item [Password = \lt{}password\gt{}]
3775   \index[dir]{Password}
3776   \index[dir]{Directive!Password}
3777   Specifies the password that must be supplied for a named Bacula Console
3778   to be authorized.  The same password must appear in the {\bf Console}
3779   resource of the Console configuration file.  For added security, the
3780   password is never actually passed across the network but rather a
3781   challenge response hash code created with the password.  This directive
3782   is required.  If you have either {\bf /dev/random} {\bf bc} on your
3783   machine, Bacula will generate a random password during the configuration
3784   process, otherwise it will be left blank.
3786   The password is plain text.  It is not generated through any special
3787   process.  However, it is preferable for security reasons to choose
3788   random text.
3790\item [JobACL = \lt{}name-list\gt{}]
3791   \index[dir]{JobACL}
3792   \index[dir]{Directive!JobACL}
3793   This directive is used to specify a list of Job resource names that can
3794   be accessed by the console.  Without this directive, the console cannot
3795   access any of the Director's Job resources.  Multiple Job resource names
3796   may be specified by separating them with commas, and/or by specifying
3797   multiple JobACL directives.  For example, the directive may be specified
3798   as:
3802    JobACL = kernsave, "Backup client 1", "Backup client 2"
3803    JobACL = "RestoreFiles"
3808With the above specification, the console can access the Director's  resources
3809for the four jobs named on the JobACL directives,  but for no others.
3811\item [ClientACL = \lt{}name-list\gt{}]
3812   \index[dir]{ClientACL}
3813   \index[dir]{Directive!ClientACL}
3814   This directive is used to  specify a list of Client resource names that can
3816accessed by  the console.
3818\item [StorageACL = \lt{}name-list\gt{}]
3819   \index[dir]{StorageACL}
3820   \index[dir]{Directive!StorageACL}
3821   This directive is used to  specify a list of Storage resource names that can
3822be accessed by  the console.
3824\item [ScheduleACL = \lt{}name-list\gt{}]
3825   \index[dir]{ScheduleACL}
3826   \index[dir]{Directive!ScheduleACL}
3827   This directive is used to  specify a list of Schedule resource names that can
3828   be accessed by the console.
3830\item [PoolACL = \lt{}name-list\gt{}]
3831   \index[dir]{PoolACL}
3832   \index[dir]{Directive!PoolACL}
3833   This directive is used to  specify a list of Pool resource names that can be
3834   accessed by the console.
3836\item [FileSetACL = \lt{}name-list\gt{}]
3837   \index[dir]{FileSetACL}
3838   \index[dir]{Directive!FileSetACL}
3839   This directive is used to specify a list of FileSet resource names that
3840   can be accessed by the console.
3842\item [CatalogACL = \lt{}name-list\gt{}]
3843   \index[dir]{CatalogACL}
3844   \index[dir]{Directive!CatalogACL}
3845   This directive is used to specify a list of Catalog resource names that
3846   can be accessed by the console.
3848\item [CommandACL = \lt{}name-list\gt{}]
3849   \index[dir]{CommandACL}
3850   \index[dir]{Directive!CommandACL}
3851   This directive is used to specify a list of of console commands that can
3852   be executed by the console.
3854\item [WhereACL = \lt{}string\gt{}]
3855   \index[dir]{WhereACL}
3856   \index[dir]{Directive!WhereACL}
3857   This directive permits you to specify where a restricted console
3858   can restore files. If this directive is not specified, only the
3859   default restore location is permitted (normally {\bf
3860   /tmp/bacula-restores}. If {\bf *all*} is specified any path the
3861   user enters will be accepted (not very secure), any other
3862   value specified (there may be multiple WhereACL directives) will
3863   restrict the user to use that path. For example, on a Unix system,
3864   if you specify "/", the file will be restored to the original
3865   location.  This directive is untested.
3869Aside from Director resource names and console command names, the special
3870keyword {\bf *all*} can be specified in any of the above access control lists.
3871When this keyword is present, any resource or command name (which ever is
3872appropriate) will be accepted. For an example configuration file, please see
3874\ilink{Console Configuration}{ConsoleConfChapter} chapter of this
3877\section{The Counter Resource}
3880\index[general]{Counter Resource}
3882The Counter Resource defines a counter variable that can be accessed by
3883variable expansion used for creating Volume labels with the {\bf LabelFormat}
3884directive. See the
3885\ilink{LabelFormat}{Label} directive in this chapter for more
3890\item [Counter]
3891   \index[dir]{Counter}
3892   \index[dir]{Directive!Counter}
3893   Start of the Counter resource.  Counter directives are optional.
3895\item [Name = \lt{}name\gt{}]
3896   \index[dir]{Name}
3897   \index[dir]{Directive!Name}
3898   The name of the Counter.  This is the name you will use in the variable
3899expansion  to reference the counter value.
3901\item [Minimum = \lt{}integer\gt{}]
3902   \index[dir]{Minimum}
3903   \index[dir]{Directive!Minimum}
3904   This specifies the minimum  value that the counter can have. It also becomes
3905the default.  If not supplied, zero is assumed.
3907\item [Maximum = \lt{}integer\gt{}]
3908   \index[dir]{Maximum}
3909   \index[dir]{Directive!Maximum}
3910   \index[dir]{Directive!Maximum}
3911   This is the maximum value  value that the counter can have. If not specified
3912or set to  zero, the counter can have a maximum value of 2,147,483,648  (2 to
3913the 31 power). When the counter is incremented past  this value, it is reset
3914to the Minimum.
3916\item [*WrapCounter = \lt{}counter-name\gt{}]
3917   \index[dir]{*WrapCounter}
3918   \index[dir]{Directive!*WrapCounter}
3919   If this value  is specified, when the counter is incremented past the
3921and thus reset to the minimum, the counter specified on the  {\bf WrapCounter}
3922is incremented. (This is not currently  implemented).
3924\item [Catalog = \lt{}catalog-name\gt{}]
3925   \index[dir]{Catalog}
3926   \index[dir]{Directive!Catalog}
3927   If this directive is  specified, the counter and its values will be saved in
3928the specified catalog. If this directive is not present, the  counter will be
3929redefined each time that Bacula is started.
3932\section{Example Director Configuration File}
3934\index[general]{File!Example Director Configuration}
3935\index[general]{Example Director Configuration File}
3937An example Director configuration file might be the following:
3942# Default Bacula Director Configuration file
3944#  The only thing that MUST be changed is to add one or more
3945#   file or directory names in the Include directive of the
3946#   FileSet resource.
3948#  For Bacula release 1.15 (5 March 2002) -- redhat
3950#  You might also want to change the default email address
3951#   from root to your address.  See the "mail" and "operator"
3952#   directives in the Messages resource.
3954Director {                           # define myself
3955  Name = rufus-dir
3956  QueryFile = "/home/kern/bacula/bin/query.sql"
3957  WorkingDirectory = "/home/kern/bacula/bin/working"
3958  PidDirectory = "/home/kern/bacula/bin/working"
3959  Password = "XkSfzu/Cf/wX4L8Zh4G4/yhCbpLcz3YVdmVoQvU3EyF/"
3961# Define the backup Job
3962Job {
3963  Name = "NightlySave"
3964  Type = Backup
3965  Level = Incremental                 # default
3966  Client=rufus-fd
3967  FileSet="Full Set"
3968  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
3969  Storage = DLTDrive
3970  Messages = Standard
3971  Pool = Default
3973Job {
3974  Name = "Restore"
3975  Type = Restore
3976  Client=rufus-fd
3977  FileSet="Full Set"
3978  Where = /tmp/bacula-restores
3979  Storage = DLTDrive
3980  Messages = Standard
3981  Pool = Default
3984# List of files to be backed up
3985FileSet {
3986  Name = "Full Set"
3987  Include {
3988    Options {signature=SHA1}
3990#  Put your list of files here, one per line or include an
3991#    external list with:
3993#    @file-name
3995#  Note: / backs up everything
3996  File = /
3998  Exclude {}
4000# When to do the backups
4001Schedule {
4002  Name = "WeeklyCycle"
4003  Run = level=Full sun at 2:05
4004  Run = level=Incremental mon-sat at 2:05
4006# Client (File Services) to backup
4007Client {
4008  Name = rufus-fd
4009  Address = rufus
4010  Catalog = MyCatalog
4011  Password = "MQk6lVinz4GG2hdIZk1dsKE/LxMZGo6znMHiD7t7vzF+"
4012  File Retention = 60d      # sixty day file retention
4013  Job Retention = 1y        # 1 year Job retention
4014  AutoPrune = yes           # Auto apply retention periods
4016# Definition of DLT tape storage device
4017Storage {
4018  Name = DLTDrive
4019  Address = rufus
4020  Password = "jMeWZvfikUHvt3kzKVVPpQ0ccmV6emPnF2cPYFdhLApQ"
4021  Device = "HP DLT 80"      # same as Device in Storage daemon
4022  Media Type = DLT8000      # same as MediaType in Storage daemon
4024# Definition for a DLT autochanger device
4025Storage {
4026  Name = Autochanger
4027  Address = rufus
4028  Password = "jMeWZvfikUHvt3kzKVVPpQ0ccmV6emPnF2cPYFdhLApQ"
4029  Device = "Autochanger"    # same as Device in Storage daemon
4030  Media Type = DLT-8000     # Different from DLTDrive
4031  Autochanger = yes
4033# Definition of DDS tape storage device
4034Storage {
4035  Name = SDT-10000
4036  Address = rufus
4037  Password = "jMeWZvfikUHvt3kzKVVPpQ0ccmV6emPnF2cPYFdhLApQ"
4038  Device = SDT-10000        # same as Device in Storage daemon
4039  Media Type = DDS-4        # same as MediaType in Storage daemon
4041# Definition of 8mm tape storage device
4042Storage {
4043  Name = "8mmDrive"
4044  Address = rufus
4045  Password = "jMeWZvfikUHvt3kzKVVPpQ0ccmV6emPnF2cPYFdhLApQ"
4046  Device = "Exabyte 8mm"
4047  MediaType = "8mm"
4049# Definition of file storage device
4050Storage {
4051  Name = File
4052  Address = rufus
4053  Password = "jMeWZvfikUHvt3kzKVVPpQ0ccmV6emPnF2cPYFdhLApQ"
4054  Device = FileStorage
4055  Media Type = File
4057# Generic catalog service
4058Catalog {
4059  Name = MyCatalog
4060  dbname = bacula; user = bacula; password = ""
4062# Reasonable message delivery -- send most everything to
4063#   the email address and to the console
4064Messages {
4065  Name = Standard
4066  mail = root@localhost = all, !skipped, !terminate
4067  operator = root@localhost = mount
4068  console = all, !skipped, !saved
4071# Default pool definition
4072Pool {
4073  Name = Default
4074  Pool Type = Backup
4075  AutoPrune = yes
4076  Recycle = yes
4079# Restricted console used by tray-monitor to get the status of the director
4081Console {
4082  Name = Monitor
4083  Password = "GN0uRo7PTUmlMbqrJ2Gr1p0fk0HQJTxwnFyE4WSST3MWZseR"
4084  CommandACL = status, .status