1 /*
2    BAREOS® - Backup Archiving REcovery Open Sourced
4    Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.
5    Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Planets Communications B.V.
6    Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Bareos GmbH & Co. KG
8    This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
9    modify it under the terms of version three of the GNU Affero General Public
10    License as published by the Free Software Foundation and included
11    in the file LICENSE.
13    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16    Affero General Public License for more details.
18    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
19    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
21    02110-1301, USA.
22 */
23 /*
24  * Kern Sibbald, August MMI
25  */
26 /**
27  * @file
28  * Includes specific to the Director User Agent Server
29  */
31 #ifndef BAREOS_DIRD_UA_H_
32 #define BAREOS_DIRD_UA_H_ 1
34 #include "include/bareos.h"
36 class BareosSocket;
37 class JobControlRecord;
38 class BareosDb;
39 class guid_list;
41 namespace directordaemon {
43 class CatalogResource;
44 class ConsoleResource;
45 class PoolResource;
46 class StorageResource;
47 class ClientResource;
48 class JobResource;
49 class FilesetResource;
50 class ScheduleResource;
51 struct RestoreBootstrapRecord;
52 struct ua_cmdstruct;
53 class UnifiedStorageResource;
55 class UaContext {
56 public:
57    BareosSocket *UA_sock;
58    BareosSocket *sd;
59    JobControlRecord *jcr;
60    BareosDb *db;
61    BareosDb *shared_db;               /**< Shared database connection used by multiple ua's */
62    BareosDb *private_db;              /**< Private database connection only used by this ua */
63    CatalogResource *catalog;
64    ConsoleResource *cons;             /**< Console resource */
65    POOLMEM *cmd;                      /**< Return command/name buffer */
66    POOLMEM *args;                     /**< Command line arguments */
67    POOLMEM *errmsg;                   /**< Store error message */
68    guid_list *guid;                   /**< User and Group Name mapping cache */
69    char *argk[MAX_CMD_ARGS];          /**< Argument keywords */
70    char *argv[MAX_CMD_ARGS];          /**< Argument values */
71    int argc;                          /**< Number of arguments */
72    char **prompt;                     /**< List of prompts */
73    int max_prompts;                   /**< Max size of list */
74    int num_prompts;                   /**< Current number in list */
75    int api;                           /**< For programs want an API */
76    bool auto_display_messages;        /**< If set, display messages */
77    bool user_notified_msg_pending;    /**< Set when user notified */
78    bool automount;                    /**< If set, mount after label */
79    bool quit;                         /**< If set, quit */
80    bool verbose;                      /**< Set for normal UA verbosity */
81    bool batch;                        /**< Set for non-interactive mode */
82    bool gui;                          /**< Set if talking to GUI program */
83    bool runscript;                    /**< Set if we are in runscript */
84    uint32_t pint32_val;               /**< Positive integer */
85    int32_t int32_val;                 /**< Positive/negative */
86    int64_t int64_val;                 /**< Big int */
87    OutputFormatter *send;             /**< object instance to handle output */
89 private:
90    ua_cmdstruct *cmddef;              /**< Definition of the currently executed command */
92    bool AclAccessOk(int acl, const char *item, int len, bool audit_event = false);
93    int RcodeToAcltype(int rcode);
94    void LogAuditEventAclFailure(int acl, const char *item);
95    void LogAuditEventAclSuccess(int acl, const char *item);
SetCommandDefinition(ua_cmdstruct * cmdstruct)96    void SetCommandDefinition(ua_cmdstruct *cmdstruct) { cmddef = cmdstruct; }
98 public:
99    UaContext();
signal(int sig)100    void signal(int sig) { UA_sock->signal(sig); }
101    bool execute(ua_cmdstruct *cmd);
103    /*
104     * ACL check method.
105     */
106    bool AclAccessOk(int rcode, const char *item, bool audit_event = false);
107    bool AclNoRestrictions(int acl);
AclHasRestrictions(int acl)108    bool AclHasRestrictions(int acl) { return !AclNoRestrictions(acl); }
110    /*
111     * Resource retrieval methods including check on ACL.
112     */
113    bool IsResAllowed(CommonResourceHeader *res);
114    CommonResourceHeader *GetResWithName(int rcode, const char *name, bool audit_event = false, bool lock = true);
115    PoolResource *GetPoolResWithName(const char *name, bool audit_event = true, bool lock = true);
116    StorageResource *GetStoreResWithName(const char *name, bool audit_event = true, bool lock = true);
117    StorageResource *GetStoreResWithId(DBId_t id, bool audit_event = true, bool lock = true);
118    ClientResource *GetClientResWithName(const char *name, bool audit_event = true, bool lock = true);
119    JobResource *GetJobResWithName(const char *name, bool audit_event = true, bool lock = true);
120    FilesetResource *GetFileSetResWithName(const char *name, bool audit_event = true, bool lock = true);
121    CatalogResource *GetCatalogResWithName(const char *name, bool audit_event = true, bool lock = true);
122    ScheduleResource *GetScheduleResWithName(const char *name, bool audit_event = true, bool lock = true);
124    /*
125     * Audit event methods.
126     */
127    bool AuditEventWanted(bool audit_event_enabled);
128    void LogAuditEventCmdline();
130    /*
131     * The below are in ua_output.c
132     */
133    void SendRawMsg(const char *msg);
134    void SendMsg(const char *fmt, ...);
135    void ErrorMsg(const char *fmt, ...);
136    void WarningMsg(const char *fmt, ...);
137    void InfoMsg(const char *fmt, ...);
138    void SendCmdUsage(const char *fmt, ...);
139 };
141 /*
142  * Context for InsertTreeHandler()
143  */
144 struct TreeContext {
145    TREE_ROOT *root;                   /**< Root */
146    TREE_NODE *node;                   /**< Current node */
147    TREE_NODE *avail_node;             /**< Unused node last insert */
148    int cnt;                           /**< Count for user feedback */
149    bool all;                          /**< If set mark all as default */
150    UaContext *ua;
151    uint32_t FileEstimate;             /**< Estimate of number of files */
152    uint32_t FileCount;                /**< Current count of files */
153    uint32_t LastCount;                /**< Last count of files */
154    uint32_t DeltaCount;               /**< Trigger for printing */
155 };
157 struct NameList {
158    char **name;                       /**< List of names */
159    int num_ids;                       /**< Ids stored */
160    int max_ids;                       /**< Size of array */
161    int num_del;                       /**< Number deleted */
162    int tot_ids;                       /**< Total to process */
163 };
165 /*
166  * Context for restore job.
167  */
168 struct RestoreContext {
169    utime_t JobTDate;
170    uint32_t TotalFiles;
171    JobId_t JobId;
172    char *backup_format;
173    char *ClientName;                  /**< Backup client */
174    char *RestoreClientName;           /**< Restore client */
175    char last_jobid[20];
176    POOLMEM *JobIds;                   /**< User entered string of JobIds */
177    POOLMEM *BaseJobIds;               /**< Base jobids */
178    StorageResource *store;
179    JobResource *restore_job;
180    PoolResource *pool;
181    int restore_jobs;
182    uint32_t selected_files;
183    char *comment;
184    char *where;
185    char *RegexWhere;
186    char *replace;
187    char *plugin_options;
188    RestoreBootstrapRecord *bsr;
189    POOLMEM *fname;                    /**< Filename only */
190    POOLMEM *path;                     /**< Path only */
191    POOLMEM *query;
192    int fnl;                           /**< Filename length */
193    int pnl;                           /**< Path length */
194    bool found;
195    bool all;                          /**< Mark all as default */
196    NameList name_list;
197 };
199 /*
200  * Context for run job.
201  */
202 class RunContext {
203 public:
204    char *backup_format;
205    char *bootstrap;
206    char *catalog_name;
207    char *client_name;
208    char *comment;
209    char *fileset_name;
210    char *jid;
211    char *job_name;
212    char *level_name;
213    char *next_pool_name;
214    char *plugin_options;
215    char *pool_name;
216    char *previous_job_name;
217    char *regexwhere;
218    char *restore_client_name;
219    char *since;
220    char *StoreName;
221    char *verify_job_name;
222    char *when;
223    char *where;
224    const char *replace;
225    const char *verify_list;
226    JobResource *job;
227    JobResource *verify_job;
228    JobResource *previous_job;
229    UnifiedStorageResource *store;
230    ClientResource *client;
231    FilesetResource *fileset;
232    PoolResource *pool;
233    PoolResource *next_pool;
234    CatalogResource *catalog;
235    int Priority;
236    int files;
237    bool level_override;
238    bool pool_override;
239    bool spool_data;
240    bool accurate;
241    bool ignoreduplicatecheck;
242    bool cloned;
243    bool mod;
244    bool spool_data_set;
245    bool nextpool_set;
246    bool accurate_set;
247    bool ignoreduplicatecheck_set;
249    /*
250     * Methods
251     */
252    RunContext();
253    ~RunContext();
254 };
256 } /* namespace directordaemon */
257 #endif /* BAREOS_DIRD_UA_H_ */