1 use core::mem::size_of;
3 use bytemuck::*;
5 #[test]
test_try_cast_slice()6 fn test_try_cast_slice() {
7   // some align4 data
8   let u32_slice: &[u32] = &[4, 5, 6];
9   // the same data as align1
10   let the_bytes: &[u8] = try_cast_slice(u32_slice).unwrap();
12   assert_eq!(
13     u32_slice.as_ptr() as *const u32 as usize,
14     the_bytes.as_ptr() as *const u8 as usize
15   );
16   assert_eq!(
17     u32_slice.len() * size_of::<u32>(),
18     the_bytes.len() * size_of::<u8>()
19   );
21   // by taking one byte off the front, we're definitely mis-aligned for u32.
22   let mis_aligned_bytes = &the_bytes[1..];
23   assert_eq!(
24     try_cast_slice::<u8, u32>(mis_aligned_bytes),
25     Err(PodCastError::TargetAlignmentGreaterAndInputNotAligned)
26   );
28   // by taking one byte off the end, we're aligned but would have slop bytes for
29   // u32
30   let the_bytes_len_minus1 = the_bytes.len() - 1;
31   let slop_bytes = &the_bytes[..the_bytes_len_minus1];
32   assert_eq!(
33     try_cast_slice::<u8, u32>(slop_bytes),
34     Err(PodCastError::OutputSliceWouldHaveSlop)
35   );
37   // if we don't mess with it we can up-alignment cast
38   try_cast_slice::<u8, u32>(the_bytes).unwrap();
39 }
41 #[test]
test_try_cast_slice_mut()42 fn test_try_cast_slice_mut() {
43   // some align4 data
44   let u32_slice: &mut [u32] = &mut [4, 5, 6];
45   let u32_len = u32_slice.len();
46   let u32_ptr = u32_slice.as_ptr();
48   // the same data as align1
49   let the_bytes: &mut [u8] = try_cast_slice_mut(u32_slice).unwrap();
50   let the_bytes_len = the_bytes.len();
51   let the_bytes_ptr = the_bytes.as_ptr();
53   assert_eq!(
54     u32_ptr as *const u32 as usize,
55     the_bytes_ptr as *const u8 as usize
56   );
57   assert_eq!(u32_len * size_of::<u32>(), the_bytes_len * size_of::<u8>());
59   // by taking one byte off the front, we're definitely mis-aligned for u32.
60   let mis_aligned_bytes = &mut the_bytes[1..];
61   assert_eq!(
62     try_cast_slice_mut::<u8, u32>(mis_aligned_bytes),
63     Err(PodCastError::TargetAlignmentGreaterAndInputNotAligned)
64   );
66   // by taking one byte off the end, we're aligned but would have slop bytes for
67   // u32
68   let the_bytes_len_minus1 = the_bytes.len() - 1;
69   let slop_bytes = &mut the_bytes[..the_bytes_len_minus1];
70   assert_eq!(
71     try_cast_slice_mut::<u8, u32>(slop_bytes),
72     Err(PodCastError::OutputSliceWouldHaveSlop)
73   );
75   // if we don't mess with it we can up-alignment cast
76   try_cast_slice_mut::<u8, u32>(the_bytes).unwrap();
77 }
79 #[test]
test_types()80 fn test_types() {
81   let _: i32 = cast(1.0_f32);
82   let _: &mut i32 = cast_mut(&mut 1.0_f32);
83   let _: &i32 = cast_ref(&1.0_f32);
84   let _: &[i32] = cast_slice(&[1.0_f32]);
85   let _: &mut [i32] = cast_slice_mut(&mut [1.0_f32]);
86   //
87   let _: Result<i32, PodCastError> = try_cast(1.0_f32);
88   let _: Result<&mut i32, PodCastError> = try_cast_mut(&mut 1.0_f32);
89   let _: Result<&i32, PodCastError> = try_cast_ref(&1.0_f32);
90   let _: Result<&[i32], PodCastError> = try_cast_slice(&[1.0_f32]);
91   let _: Result<&mut [i32], PodCastError> = try_cast_slice_mut(&mut [1.0_f32]);
92 }
94 #[test]
test_bytes_of()95 fn test_bytes_of() {
96   assert_eq!(bytes_of(&0xaabbccdd_u32), &0xaabbccdd_u32.to_ne_bytes());
97   assert_eq!(
98     bytes_of_mut(&mut 0xaabbccdd_u32),
99     &mut 0xaabbccdd_u32.to_ne_bytes()
100   );
101   let mut a = 0xaabbccdd_u32;
102   let a_addr = &a as *const _ as usize;
103   // ensure addresses match.
104   assert_eq!(bytes_of(&a).as_ptr() as usize, a_addr);
105   assert_eq!(bytes_of_mut(&mut a).as_ptr() as usize, a_addr);
106 }
108 #[test]
test_try_from_bytes()109 fn test_try_from_bytes() {
110   let u32s = [0xaabbccdd, 0x11223344_u32];
111   let bytes = bytemuck::cast_slice::<u32, u8>(&u32s);
112   assert_eq!(try_from_bytes::<u32>(&bytes[..4]), Ok(&u32s[0]));
113   assert_eq!(
114     try_from_bytes::<u32>(&bytes[..5]),
115     Err(PodCastError::SizeMismatch)
116   );
117   assert_eq!(
118     try_from_bytes::<u32>(&bytes[..3]),
119     Err(PodCastError::SizeMismatch)
120   );
121   assert_eq!(
122     try_from_bytes::<u32>(&bytes[1..5]),
123     Err(PodCastError::TargetAlignmentGreaterAndInputNotAligned)
124   );
125 }
127 #[test]
test_try_from_bytes_mut()128 fn test_try_from_bytes_mut() {
129   let mut abcd = 0xaabbccdd;
130   let mut u32s = [abcd, 0x11223344_u32];
131   let bytes = bytemuck::cast_slice_mut::<u32, u8>(&mut u32s);
132   assert_eq!(try_from_bytes_mut::<u32>(&mut bytes[..4]), Ok(&mut abcd));
133   assert_eq!(try_from_bytes_mut::<u32>(&mut bytes[..4]), Ok(&mut abcd));
134   assert_eq!(
135     try_from_bytes_mut::<u32>(&mut bytes[..5]),
136     Err(PodCastError::SizeMismatch)
137   );
138   assert_eq!(
139     try_from_bytes_mut::<u32>(&mut bytes[..3]),
140     Err(PodCastError::SizeMismatch)
141   );
142   assert_eq!(
143     try_from_bytes::<u32>(&mut bytes[1..5]),
144     Err(PodCastError::TargetAlignmentGreaterAndInputNotAligned)
145   );
146 }
148 #[test]
test_from_bytes()149 fn test_from_bytes() {
150   let abcd = 0xaabbccdd_u32;
151   let aligned_bytes = bytemuck::bytes_of(&abcd);
152   assert_eq!(from_bytes::<u32>(aligned_bytes), &abcd);
153   assert!(core::ptr::eq(from_bytes(aligned_bytes), &abcd));
154 }
156 #[test]
test_from_bytes_mut()157 fn test_from_bytes_mut() {
158   let mut a = 0xaabbccdd_u32;
159   let a_addr = &a as *const _ as usize;
160   let aligned_bytes = bytemuck::bytes_of_mut(&mut a);
161   assert_eq!(*from_bytes_mut::<u32>(aligned_bytes), 0xaabbccdd_u32);
162   assert_eq!(
163     from_bytes_mut::<u32>(aligned_bytes) as *const u32 as usize,
164     a_addr
165   );
166 }
168 // like #[should_panic], but can be a part of another test, instead of requiring
169 // it to be it's own test.
170 macro_rules! should_panic {
171   ($ex:expr) => {
172     assert!(
173       std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
174         let _ = $ex;
175       })
176       .is_err(),
177       concat!("should have panicked: `", stringify!($ex), "`")
178     );
179   };
180 }
182 #[test]
test_panics()183 fn test_panics() {
184   should_panic!(cast_slice::<u8, u32>(&[1u8, 2u8]));
185   should_panic!(cast_slice_mut::<u8, u32>(&mut [1u8, 2u8]));
186   should_panic!(from_bytes::<u32>(&[1u8, 2]));
187   should_panic!(from_bytes::<u32>(&[1u8, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
188   should_panic!(from_bytes_mut::<u32>(&mut [1u8, 2]));
189   should_panic!(from_bytes_mut::<u32>(&mut [1u8, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
190   // use cast_slice on some u32s to get some align>=4 bytes, so we can know
191   // we'll give from_bytes unaligned ones.
192   let aligned_bytes = bytemuck::cast_slice::<u32, u8>(&[0, 0]);
193   should_panic!(from_bytes::<u32>(&aligned_bytes[1..5]));
194 }