1 //! Encoding of AVIF images.
2 ///
3 /// The [AVIF] specification defines an image derivative of the AV1 bitstream, an open video codec.
4 ///
5 /// [AVIF]: https://aomediacodec.github.io/av1-avif/
6 use std::borrow::Cow;
7 use std::io::Write;
8 use std::cmp::min;
10 use crate::{ColorType, ImageBuffer, ImageFormat, Pixel};
11 use crate::{ImageError, ImageResult};
12 use crate::buffer::ConvertBuffer;
13 use crate::color::{FromColor, Luma, LumaA, Bgr, Bgra, Rgb, Rgba};
14 use crate::error::{EncodingError, ParameterError, ParameterErrorKind, UnsupportedError, UnsupportedErrorKind};
16 use bytemuck::{Pod, PodCastError, try_cast_slice, try_cast_slice_mut};
17 use num_traits::Zero;
18 use ravif::{Img, Config, RGBA8, encode_rgba};
19 use rgb::AsPixels;
21 /// AVIF Encoder.
22 ///
23 /// Writes one image into the chosen output.
24 pub struct AvifEncoder<W> {
25     inner: W,
26     fallback: Vec<u8>,
27     config: Config
28 }
30 /// An enumeration over supported AVIF color spaces
31 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
32 pub enum ColorSpace {
33     /// sRGB colorspace
34     Srgb,
35     /// BT.709 colorspace
36     Bt709,
38     #[doc(hidden)]
39     __NonExhaustive(crate::utils::NonExhaustiveMarker),
40 }
42 impl ColorSpace {
to_ravif(self) -> ravif::ColorSpace43     fn to_ravif(self) -> ravif::ColorSpace {
44         match self {
45             Self::Srgb => ravif::ColorSpace::RGB,
46             Self::Bt709 => ravif::ColorSpace::YCbCr,
47             Self::__NonExhaustive(marker) => match marker._private {},
48         }
49     }
50 }
52 impl<W: Write> AvifEncoder<W> {
53     /// Create a new encoder that writes its output to `w`.
new(w: W) -> Self54     pub fn new(w: W) -> Self {
55         AvifEncoder::new_with_speed_quality(w, 1, 100)
56     }
58     /// Create a new encoder with specified speed and quality, that writes its output to `w`.
59     /// `speed` accepts a value in the range 0-10, where 0 is the slowest and 10 is the fastest.
60     /// `quality` accepts a value in the range 0-100, where 0 is the worst and 100 is the best.
new_with_speed_quality(w: W, speed: u8, quality: u8) -> Self61     pub fn new_with_speed_quality(w: W, speed: u8, quality: u8) -> Self {
62         // Clamp quality and speed to range
63         let quality = min(quality, 100);
64         let speed = min(speed, 10);
66         AvifEncoder {
67             inner: w,
68             fallback: vec![],
69             config: Config {
70                 quality,
71                 alpha_quality: quality,
72                 speed,
73                 premultiplied_alpha: false,
74                 color_space: ravif::ColorSpace::RGB,
75             }
76         }
77     }
79     /// Encode with the specified `color_space`.
with_colorspace(mut self, color_space: ColorSpace) -> Self80     pub fn with_colorspace(mut self, color_space: ColorSpace) -> Self {
81         self.config.color_space = color_space.to_ravif();
82         self
83     }
85     /// Encode image data with the indicated color type.
86     ///
87     /// The encoder currently requires all data to be RGBA8, it will be converted internally if
88     /// necessary. When data is suitably aligned, i.e. u16 channels to two bytes, then the
89     /// conversion may be more efficient.
write_image(mut self, data: &[u8], width: u32, height: u32, color: ColorType) -> ImageResult<()>90     pub fn write_image(mut self, data: &[u8], width: u32, height: u32, color: ColorType) -> ImageResult<()> {
91         self.set_color(color);
92         let config = self.config;
93         // `ravif` needs strongly typed data so let's convert. We can either use a temporarily
94         // owned version in our own buffer or zero-copy if possible by using the input buffer.
95         // This requires going through `rgb`.
96         let buffer = self.encode_as_img(data, width, height, color)?;
97         let (data, _color_size, _alpha_size) = encode_rgba(buffer, &config)
98             .map_err(|err| ImageError::Encoding(
99                 EncodingError::new(ImageFormat::Avif.into(), err)
100             ))?;
101         self.inner.write_all(&data)?;
102         Ok(())
103     }
105     // Does not currently do anything. Mirrors behaviour of old config function.
set_color(&mut self, _color: ColorType)106     fn set_color(&mut self, _color: ColorType) {
107         // self.config.color_space = ColorSpace::RGB;
108     }
encode_as_img<'buf>(&'buf mut self, data: &'buf [u8], width: u32, height: u32, color: ColorType) -> ImageResult<Img<&'buf [RGBA8]>>110     fn encode_as_img<'buf>(&'buf mut self, data: &'buf [u8], width: u32, height: u32, color: ColorType)
111         -> ImageResult<Img<&'buf [RGBA8]>>
112     {
113         // Error wrapping utility for color dependent buffer dimensions.
114         fn try_from_raw<P: Pixel + 'static>(data: &[P::Subpixel], width: u32, height: u32)
115             -> ImageResult<ImageBuffer<P, &[P::Subpixel]>>
116         {
117             ImageBuffer::from_raw(width, height, data).ok_or_else(|| {
118                 ImageError::Parameter(ParameterError::from_kind(ParameterErrorKind::DimensionMismatch))
119             })
120         };
122         // Convert to target color type using few buffer allocations.
123         fn convert_into<'buf, P>(buf: &'buf mut Vec<u8>, image: ImageBuffer<P, &[P::Subpixel]>)
124             -> Img<&'buf [RGBA8]>
125         where
126             P: Pixel + 'static,
127             Rgba<u8>: FromColor<P>,
128         {
129             let (width, height) = image.dimensions();
130             // TODO: conversion re-using the target buffer?
131             let image: ImageBuffer<Rgba<u8>, _> = image.convert();
132             *buf = image.into_raw();
133             Img::new(buf.as_pixels(), width as usize, height as usize)
134         }
136         // Cast the input slice using few buffer allocations if possible.
137         // In particular try not to allocate if the caller did the infallible reverse.
138         fn cast_buffer<Channel>(buf: &[u8]) -> ImageResult<Cow<[Channel]>>
139         where
140             Channel: Pod + Zero,
141         {
142             match try_cast_slice(buf) {
143                 Ok(slice) => Ok(Cow::Borrowed(slice)),
144                 Err(PodCastError::OutputSliceWouldHaveSlop) => {
145                     Err(ImageError::Parameter(ParameterError::from_kind(ParameterErrorKind::DimensionMismatch)))
146                 }
147                 Err(PodCastError::TargetAlignmentGreaterAndInputNotAligned) => {
148                     // Sad, but let's allocate.
149                     // bytemuck checks alignment _before_ slop but size mismatch before this..
150                     if buf.len() % std::mem::size_of::<Channel>() != 0 {
151                         Err(ImageError::Parameter(ParameterError::from_kind(ParameterErrorKind::DimensionMismatch)))
152                     } else {
153                         let len = buf.len() / std::mem::size_of::<Channel>();
154                         let mut data = vec![Channel::zero(); len];
155                         let view = try_cast_slice_mut::<_, u8>(data.as_mut_slice()).unwrap();
156                         view.copy_from_slice(buf);
157                         Ok(Cow::Owned(data))
158                     }
159                 }
160                 Err(err) => { // Are you trying to encode a ZST??
161                     Err(ImageError::Parameter(ParameterError::from_kind(
162                         ParameterErrorKind::Generic(format!("{:?}", err))
163                     )))
164                 }
165             }
166         }
168         match color {
169             ColorType::Rgba8 => {
170                 // ravif doesn't do any checks but has some asserts, so we do the checks.
171                 let img = try_from_raw::<Rgba<u8>>(data, width, height)?;
172                 // Now, internally ravif uses u32 but it takes usize. We could do some checked
173                 // conversion but instead we use that a non-empty image must be addressable.
174                 if img.pixels().len() == 0 {
175                     return Err(ImageError::Parameter(ParameterError::from_kind(ParameterErrorKind::DimensionMismatch)));
176                 }
178                 Ok(Img::new(rgb::AsPixels::as_pixels(data), width as usize, height as usize))
179             },
180             // we need a separate buffer..
181             ColorType::L8 => {
182                 let image = try_from_raw::<Luma<u8>>(data, width, height)?;
183                 Ok(convert_into(&mut self.fallback, image))
184             }
185             ColorType::La8 => {
186                 let image = try_from_raw::<LumaA<u8>>(data, width, height)?;
187                 Ok(convert_into(&mut self.fallback, image))
188             }
189             ColorType::Rgb8 => {
190                 let image = try_from_raw::<Rgb<u8>>(data, width, height)?;
191                 Ok(convert_into(&mut self.fallback, image))
192             }
193             ColorType::Bgr8 => {
194                 let image = try_from_raw::<Bgr<u8>>(data, width, height)?;
195                 Ok(convert_into(&mut self.fallback, image))
196             }
197             ColorType::Bgra8 => {
198                 let image = try_from_raw::<Bgra<u8>>(data, width, height)?;
199                 Ok(convert_into(&mut self.fallback, image))
200             }
201             // we need to really convert data..
202             ColorType::L16 => {
203                 let buffer = cast_buffer(data)?;
204                 let image = try_from_raw::<Luma<u16>>(&buffer, width, height)?;
205                 Ok(convert_into(&mut self.fallback, image))
206             }
207             ColorType::La16 => {
208                 let buffer = cast_buffer(data)?;
209                 let image = try_from_raw::<LumaA<u16>>(&buffer, width, height)?;
210                 Ok(convert_into(&mut self.fallback, image))
211             }
212             ColorType::Rgb16 => {
213                 let buffer = cast_buffer(data)?;
214                 let image = try_from_raw::<Rgb<u16>>(&buffer, width, height)?;
215                 Ok(convert_into(&mut self.fallback, image))
216             }
217             ColorType::Rgba16 => {
218                 let buffer = cast_buffer(data)?;
219                 let image = try_from_raw::<Rgba<u16>>(&buffer, width, height)?;
220                 Ok(convert_into(&mut self.fallback, image))
221             }
222             // for cases we do not support at all?
223             _ => Err(ImageError::Unsupported(UnsupportedError::from_format_and_kind(
224                     ImageFormat::Avif.into(),
225                     UnsupportedErrorKind::Color(color.into()),
226                 )))
227         }
228     }
229 }