1 #![warn(clippy::all)]
3 //! Filesystem walk.
4 //!
5 //! - Performed in parallel using rayon
6 //! - Entries streamed in sorted order
7 //! - Custom sort/filter/skip/state
8 //!
9 //! # Example
10 //!
11 //! Recursively iterate over the "foo" directory sorting by name:
12 //!
13 //! ```no_run
14 //! # use std::io::Error;
15 //! use jwalk::{WalkDir};
16 //!
17 //! # fn try_main() -> Result<(), Error> {
18 //! for entry in WalkDir::new("foo").sort(true) {
19 //!   println!("{}", entry?.path().display());
20 //! }
21 //! # Ok(())
22 //! # }
23 //! ```
24 //! # Extended Example
25 //!
26 //! This example uses the
27 //! [`process_read_dir`](struct.WalkDirGeneric.html#method.process_read_dir)
28 //! callback for custom:
29 //! 1. **Sort** Entries by name
30 //! 2. **Filter** Errors and hidden files
31 //! 3. **Skip** Content of directories at depth 2
32 //! 4. **State** Track depth `read_dir_state`. Mark first entry in each
33 //!    directory with [`client_state`](struct.DirEntry.html#field.client_state)
34 //!    `= true`.
35 //!
36 //! ```no_run
37 //! # use std::io::Error;
38 //! use std::cmp::Ordering;
39 //! use jwalk::{ WalkDirGeneric };
40 //!
41 //! # fn try_main() -> Result<(), Error> {
42 //! let walk_dir = WalkDirGeneric::<((usize),(bool))>::new("foo")
43 //!     .process_read_dir(|depth, path, read_dir_state, children| {
44 //!         // 1. Custom sort
45 //!         children.sort_by(|a, b| match (a, b) {
46 //!             (Ok(a), Ok(b)) => a.file_name.cmp(&b.file_name),
47 //!             (Ok(_), Err(_)) => Ordering::Less,
48 //!             (Err(_), Ok(_)) => Ordering::Greater,
49 //!             (Err(_), Err(_)) => Ordering::Equal,
50 //!         });
51 //!         // 2. Custom filter
52 //!         children.retain(|dir_entry_result| {
53 //!             dir_entry_result.as_ref().map(|dir_entry| {
54 //!                 dir_entry.file_name
55 //!                     .to_str()
56 //!                     .map(|s| s.starts_with('.'))
57 //!                     .unwrap_or(false)
58 //!             }).unwrap_or(false)
59 //!         });
60 //!         // 3. Custom skip
61 //!         children.iter_mut().for_each(|dir_entry_result| {
62 //!             if let Ok(dir_entry) = dir_entry_result {
63 //!                 if dir_entry.depth == 2 {
64 //!                     dir_entry.read_children_path = None;
65 //!                 }
66 //!             }
67 //!         });
68 //!         // 4. Custom state
69 //!         *read_dir_state += 1;
70 //!         children.first_mut().map(|dir_entry_result| {
71 //!             if let Ok(dir_entry) = dir_entry_result {
72 //!                 dir_entry.client_state = true;
73 //!             }
74 //!         });
75 //!     });
76 //!
77 //! for entry in walk_dir {
78 //!   println!("{}", entry?.path().display());
79 //! }
80 //! # Ok(())
81 //! # }
82 //! ```
83 //! # Inspiration
84 //!
85 //! This crate is inspired by both [`walkdir`](https://crates.io/crates/walkdir)
86 //! and [`ignore`](https://crates.io/crates/ignore). It attempts to combine the
87 //! parallelism of `ignore` with `walkdir`'s streaming iterator API. Some code,
88 //! comments, and test are copied directly from `walkdir`.
89 //!
90 //! # Implementation
91 //!
92 //! The following structures are central to the implementation:
93 //!
94 //! ## `ReadDirSpec`
95 //!
96 //! Specification of a future `read_dir` operation. These are stored in the
97 //! `read_dir_spec_queue` in depth first order. When a rayon thread is ready for
98 //! work it pulls the first availible `ReadDirSpec` from this queue.
99 //!
100 //! ## `ReadDir`
101 //!
102 //! Result of a `read_dir` operation generated by rayon thread. These results
103 //! are stored in the `read_dir_result_queue`, also depth first ordered.
104 //!
105 //! ## `ReadDirIter`
106 //!
107 //! Pulls `ReadDir` results from the `read_dir_result_queue`. This iterator is
108 //! driven by calling thread. Results are returned in strict depth first order.
109 //!
110 //! ## `DirEntryIter`
111 //!
112 //! Wraps a `ReadDirIter` and yields individual `DirEntry` results in strict
113 //! depth first order.
115 mod core;
117 use rayon::{ThreadPool, ThreadPoolBuilder};
118 use std::cmp::Ordering;
119 use std::default::Default;
120 use std::ffi::OsStr;
121 use std::fmt::Debug;
122 use std::fs;
123 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
124 use std::sync::Arc;
126 use crate::core::{ReadDir, ReadDirSpec};
128 pub use crate::core::{DirEntry, DirEntryIter, Error};
130 /// Builder for walking a directory.
131 pub type WalkDir = WalkDirGeneric<((), ())>;
133 /// A specialized Result type for WalkDir.
134 pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
136 /// Client state maintained while performing walk.
137 ///
138 /// for state stored in DirEntry's
139 /// [`client_state`](struct.DirEntry.html#field.client_state) field.
140 ///
141 /// Client state can be stored from within the
142 /// [`process_read_dir`](struct.WalkDirGeneric.html#method.process_read_dir) callback.
143 /// The type of ClientState is determined by WalkDirGeneric type parameter.
144 pub trait ClientState: Send + Default + Debug + 'static {
145     type ReadDirState: Clone + Send + Default + Debug + 'static;
146     type DirEntryState: Send + Default + Debug + 'static;
147 }
149 /// Generic builder for walking a directory.
150 ///
151 /// [`ClientState`](trait.ClientState.html) type parameter allows you to specify
152 /// state to be stored with each DirEntry from within the
153 /// [`process_read_dir`](struct.WalkDirGeneric.html#method.process_read_dir)
154 /// callback.
155 ///
156 /// Use [`WalkDir`](type.WalkDir.html) if you don't need to store client state
157 /// into yeilded DirEntries.
158 pub struct WalkDirGeneric<C: ClientState> {
159     root: PathBuf,
160     options: WalkDirOptions<C>,
161 }
163 type ProcessReadDirFunction<C> = dyn Fn(Option<usize>, &Path, &mut <C as ClientState>::ReadDirState, &mut Vec<Result<DirEntry<C>>>)
164     + Send
165     + Sync
166     + 'static;
168 /// Degree of parallelism to use when performing walk.
169 ///
170 /// Parallelism happens at the directory level. It will help when walking deep
171 /// filesystems with many directories. It wont help when reading a single
172 /// directory with many files.
173 ///
174 /// If you plan to perform lots of per file processing you might want to use Rayon to
175 #[derive(Clone)]
176 pub enum Parallelism {
177     /// Run on calling thread
178     Serial,
179     /// Run in default rayon thread pool
180     RayonDefaultPool,
181     /// Run in existing rayon thread pool
182     RayonExistingPool(Arc<ThreadPool>),
183     /// Run in new rayon thread pool with # threads
184     RayonNewPool(usize),
185 }
187 struct WalkDirOptions<C: ClientState> {
188     sort: bool,
189     min_depth: usize,
190     max_depth: usize,
191     skip_hidden: bool,
192     follow_links: bool,
193     parallelism: Parallelism,
194     root_read_dir_state: C::ReadDirState,
195     process_read_dir: Option<Arc<ProcessReadDirFunction<C>>>,
196 }
198 impl<C: ClientState> WalkDirGeneric<C> {
199     /// Create a builder for a recursive directory iterator starting at the file
200     /// path root. If root is a directory, then it is the first item yielded by
201     /// the iterator. If root is a file, then it is the first and only item
202     /// yielded by the iterator.
203     pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(root: P) -> Self {
204         WalkDirGeneric {
205             root: root.as_ref().to_path_buf(),
206             options: WalkDirOptions {
207                 sort: false,
208                 min_depth: 0,
209                 max_depth: ::std::usize::MAX,
210                 skip_hidden: true,
211                 follow_links: false,
212                 parallelism: Parallelism::RayonDefaultPool,
213                 root_read_dir_state: C::ReadDirState::default(),
214                 process_read_dir: None,
215             },
216         }
217     }
219     /// Root path of the walk.
220     pub fn root(&self) -> &Path {
221         &self.root
222     }
224     /// Sort entries by `file_name` per directory. Defaults to `false`. Use
225     /// [`process_read_dir`](struct.WalkDirGeneric.html#method.process_read_dir) for custom
226     /// sorting or filtering.
227     pub fn sort(mut self, sort: bool) -> Self {
228         self.options.sort = sort;
229         self
230     }
232     /// Skip hidden entries. Enabled by default.
233     pub fn skip_hidden(mut self, skip_hidden: bool) -> Self {
234         self.options.skip_hidden = skip_hidden;
235         self
236     }
238     /// Follow symbolic links. By default, this is disabled.
239     ///
240     /// When `yes` is `true`, symbolic links are followed as if they were normal
241     /// directories and files. If a symbolic link is broken or is involved in a
242     /// loop, an error is yielded.
243     ///
244     /// When enabled, the yielded [`DirEntry`] values represent the target of
245     /// the link while the path corresponds to the link. See the [`DirEntry`]
246     /// type for more details.
247     ///
248     /// [`DirEntry`]: struct.DirEntry.html
249     pub fn follow_links(mut self, follow_links: bool) -> Self {
250         self.options.follow_links = follow_links;
251         self
252     }
254     /// Set the minimum depth of entries yielded by the iterator.
255     ///
256     /// The smallest depth is `0` and always corresponds to the path given
257     /// to the `new` function on this type. Its direct descendents have depth
258     /// `1`, and their descendents have depth `2`, and so on.
259     pub fn min_depth(mut self, depth: usize) -> Self {
260         self.options.min_depth = depth;
261         if self.options.min_depth > self.options.max_depth {
262             self.options.min_depth = self.options.max_depth;
263         }
264         self
265     }
267     /// Set the maximum depth of entries yield by the iterator.
268     ///
269     /// The smallest depth is `0` and always corresponds to the path given
270     /// to the `new` function on this type. Its direct descendents have depth
271     /// `1`, and their descendents have depth `2`, and so on.
272     ///
273     /// A depth < 2 will automatically change `parallelism` to
274     /// `Parallelism::Serial`. Parrallelism happens at the `fs::read_dir` level.
275     /// It only makes sense to use multiple threads when reading more then one
276     /// directory.
277     ///
278     /// Note that this will not simply filter the entries of the iterator, but
279     /// it will actually avoid descending into directories when the depth is
280     /// exceeded.
281     pub fn max_depth(mut self, depth: usize) -> Self {
282         self.options.max_depth = depth;
283         if self.options.max_depth < self.options.min_depth {
284             self.options.max_depth = self.options.min_depth;
285         }
286         if self.options.max_depth < 2 {
287             self.options.parallelism = Parallelism::Serial;
288         }
289         self
290     }
292     /// Degree of parallelism to use when performing walk. Defaults to
293     /// [`Parallelism::RayonDefaultPool`](enum.Parallelism.html#variant.RayonDefaultPool).
294     pub fn parallelism(mut self, parallelism: Parallelism) -> Self {
295         self.options.parallelism = parallelism;
296         self
297     }
299     /// Initial ClientState::ReadDirState that is passed to
300     /// [`process_read_dir`](struct.WalkDirGeneric.html#method.process_read_dir)
301     /// when processing root. Defaults to ClientState::ReadDirState::default().
302     pub fn root_read_dir_state(mut self, read_dir_state: C::ReadDirState) -> Self {
303         self.options.root_read_dir_state = read_dir_state;
304         self
305     }
307     /// A callback function to process (sort/filter/skip/state) each directory
308     /// of entries before they are yielded. Modify the given array to
309     /// sort/filter entries. Use [`entry.read_children_path =
310     /// None`](struct.DirEntry.html#field.read_children_path) to yield a
311     /// directory entry but skip reading its contents. Use
312     /// [`entry.client_state`](struct.DirEntry.html#field.client_state)
313     /// to store custom state with an entry.
314     pub fn process_read_dir<F>(mut self, process_by: F) -> Self
315     where
316         F: Fn(Option<usize>, &Path, &mut C::ReadDirState, &mut Vec<Result<DirEntry<C>>>)
317             + Send
318             + Sync
319             + 'static,
320     {
321         self.options.process_read_dir = Some(Arc::new(process_by));
322         self
323     }
324 }
326 fn process_dir_entry_result<C: ClientState>(
327     dir_entry_result: Result<DirEntry<C>>,
328     follow_links: bool,
329 ) -> Result<DirEntry<C>> {
330     match dir_entry_result {
331         Ok(mut dir_entry) => {
332             if follow_links && dir_entry.file_type.is_symlink() {
333                 dir_entry = dir_entry.follow_symlink()?;
334             }
336             if dir_entry.depth == 0 && dir_entry.file_type.is_symlink() {
337                 // As a special case, if we are processing a root entry, then we
338                 // always follow it even if it's a symlink and follow_links is
339                 // false. We are careful to not let this change the semantics of
340                 // the DirEntry however. Namely, the DirEntry should still
341                 // respect the follow_links setting. When it's disabled, it
342                 // should report itself as a symlink. When it's enabled, it
343                 // should always report itself as the target.
344                 let metadata = fs::metadata(dir_entry.path())
345                     .map_err(|err| Error::from_path(0, dir_entry.path(), err))?;
346                 if metadata.file_type().is_dir() {
347                     dir_entry.read_children_path = Some(Arc::from(dir_entry.path()));
348                 }
349             }
351             Ok(dir_entry)
352         }
353         Err(err) => Err(err),
354     }
355 }
357 impl<C: ClientState> IntoIterator for WalkDirGeneric<C> {
358     type Item = Result<DirEntry<C>>;
359     type IntoIter = DirEntryIter<C>;
361     fn into_iter(self) -> DirEntryIter<C> {
362         let sort = self.options.sort;
363         let max_depth = self.options.max_depth;
364         let min_depth = self.options.min_depth;
365         let parallelism = self.options.parallelism;
366         let skip_hidden = self.options.skip_hidden;
367         let follow_links = self.options.follow_links;
368         let process_read_dir = self.options.process_read_dir.clone();
369         let mut root_read_dir_state = self.options.root_read_dir_state;
370         let follow_link_ancestors = if follow_links {
371             Arc::new(vec![Arc::from(self.root.clone()) as Arc<Path>])
372         } else {
373             Arc::new(vec![])
374         };
376         let root_entry = DirEntry::from_path(0, &self.root, false, follow_link_ancestors);
377         let root_parent_path = root_entry
378             .as_ref()
379             .map(|root| root.parent_path().to_owned())
380             .unwrap_or_default();
381         let mut root_entry_results = vec![process_dir_entry_result(root_entry, follow_links)];
382         if let Some(process_read_dir) = process_read_dir.as_ref() {
383             process_read_dir(
384                 None,
385                 &root_parent_path,
386                 &mut root_read_dir_state,
387                 &mut root_entry_results,
388             );
389         }
391         DirEntryIter::new(
392             root_entry_results,
393             parallelism,
394             min_depth,
395             root_read_dir_state.clone(),
396             Arc::new(move |read_dir_spec| {
397                 let ReadDirSpec {
398                     path,
399                     depth,
400                     mut client_read_state,
401                     mut follow_link_ancestors,
402                 } = read_dir_spec;
404                 let read_dir_depth = depth;
405                 let read_dir_contents_depth = depth + 1;
407                 if read_dir_contents_depth > max_depth {
408                     return Ok(ReadDir::new(client_read_state, Vec::new()));
409                 }
411                 follow_link_ancestors = if follow_links {
412                     let mut ancestors = Vec::with_capacity(follow_link_ancestors.len() + 1);
413                     ancestors.extend(follow_link_ancestors.iter().cloned());
414                     ancestors.push(path.clone());
415                     Arc::new(ancestors)
416                 } else {
417                     follow_link_ancestors
418                 };
420                 let mut dir_entry_results: Vec<_> = fs::read_dir(path.as_ref())
421                     .map_err(|err| Error::from_path(0, path.to_path_buf(), err))?
422                     .filter_map(|dir_entry_result| {
423                         let fs_dir_entry = match dir_entry_result {
424                             Ok(fs_dir_entry) => fs_dir_entry,
425                             Err(err) => {
426                                 return Some(Err(Error::from_io(read_dir_contents_depth, err)))
427                             }
428                         };
430                         let dir_entry = match DirEntry::from_entry(
431                             read_dir_contents_depth,
432                             path.clone(),
433                             &fs_dir_entry,
434                             follow_link_ancestors.clone(),
435                         ) {
436                             Ok(dir_entry) => dir_entry,
437                             Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)),
438                         };
440                         if skip_hidden && is_hidden(&dir_entry.file_name) {
441                             return None;
442                         }
444                         Some(process_dir_entry_result(Ok(dir_entry), follow_links))
445                     })
446                     .collect();
448                 if sort {
449                     dir_entry_results.sort_by(|a, b| match (a, b) {
450                         (Ok(a), Ok(b)) => a.file_name.cmp(&b.file_name),
451                         (Ok(_), Err(_)) => Ordering::Less,
452                         (Err(_), Ok(_)) => Ordering::Greater,
453                         (Err(_), Err(_)) => Ordering::Equal,
454                     });
455                 }
457                 if let Some(process_read_dir) = process_read_dir.as_ref() {
458                     process_read_dir(
459                         Some(read_dir_depth),
460                         path.as_ref(),
461                         &mut client_read_state,
462                         &mut dir_entry_results,
463                     );
464                 }
466                 Ok(ReadDir::new(client_read_state, dir_entry_results))
467             }),
468         )
469     }
470 }
472 impl<C: ClientState> Clone for WalkDirOptions<C> {
473     fn clone(&self) -> WalkDirOptions<C> {
474         WalkDirOptions {
475             sort: false,
476             min_depth: self.min_depth,
477             max_depth: self.max_depth,
478             skip_hidden: self.skip_hidden,
479             follow_links: self.follow_links,
480             parallelism: self.parallelism.clone(),
481             root_read_dir_state: self.root_read_dir_state.clone(),
482             process_read_dir: self.process_read_dir.clone(),
483         }
484     }
485 }
487 impl Parallelism {
488     pub(crate) fn install<OP>(&self, op: OP)
489     where
490         OP: FnOnce() -> () + Send + 'static,
491     {
492         match self {
493             Parallelism::Serial => op(),
494             Parallelism::RayonDefaultPool => rayon::spawn(op),
495             Parallelism::RayonNewPool(num_threads) => {
496                 let mut thread_pool = ThreadPoolBuilder::new();
497                 if *num_threads > 0 {
498                     thread_pool = thread_pool.num_threads(*num_threads);
499                 }
500                 if let Ok(thread_pool) = thread_pool.build() {
501                     thread_pool.install(op);
502                 } else {
503                     rayon::spawn(op);
504                 }
505             }
506             Parallelism::RayonExistingPool(thread_pool) => thread_pool.install(op),
507         }
508     }
509 }
511 fn is_hidden(file_name: &OsStr) -> bool {
512     file_name
513         .to_str()
514         .map(|s| s.starts_with('.'))
515         .unwrap_or(false)
516 }
518 impl<B, E> ClientState for (B, E)
519 where
520     B: Clone + Send + Default + Debug + 'static,
521     E: Send + Default + Debug + 'static,
522 {
523     type ReadDirState = B;
524     type DirEntryState = E;
525 }