1 /** @file
2   ME config block for PEI phase
4 Copyright (c) 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
7 **/
8 #ifndef _ME_PEI_CONFIG_H_
9 #define _ME_PEI_CONFIG_H_
12 extern EFI_GUID gMePeiPreMemConfigGuid;
14 #ifndef PLATFORM_POR
15 #define PLATFORM_POR  0
16 #endif
17 #ifndef FORCE_ENABLE
18 #define FORCE_ENABLE  1
19 #endif
20 #ifndef FORCE_DISABLE
21 #define FORCE_DISABLE 2
22 #endif
24 #pragma pack (push,1)
25 /**
26   ME PEI Pre-Mem Configuration Structure.
28   <b>Revision 1</b>:
29   - Initial version.
30 **/
31 typedef struct {
32   CONFIG_BLOCK_HEADER   Header;                 ///< Config Block Header
34   UINT32 HeciTimeouts                     : 1;  ///< 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b> - HECI Send/Receive Timeouts.
36   /**
37     <b>(Test)</b>
38     <b>0: Disabled</b>
39     1: ME DID init stat 0 - Success
40     2: ME DID init stat 1 - No Memory in Channels
41     3: ME DID init stat 2 - Memory Init Error
42     4: ME DID init stat 3 - Memory not preserved across reset
43   **/
44   UINT32 DidInitStat                      : 8;
45   /**
46     <b>(Test)</b>
47     <b>0: Set to 0 to enable polling for CPU replacement</b>
48     1: Set to 1 will disable polling for CPU replacement
49   **/
50   UINT32 DisableCpuReplacedPolling        : 1;
51   UINT32 SendDidMsg                       : 1;  ///< <b>(Test)</b> 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b> - Enable/Disable to send DID message.
52   /**
53     <b>(Test)</b>
54     <b>0: Set to 0 to enable retry mechanism for HECI APIs</b>
55     1: Set to 1 will disable retry mechanism for HECI APIs
56   **/
57   UINT32 DisableHeciRetry                 : 1;
58   /**
59     <b>(Test)</b>
60     <b>0: ME BIOS will check each messages before sending</b>
61     1: ME BIOS always sends messages without checking
62   **/
63   UINT32 DisableMessageCheck              : 1;
64   /**
65     <b>(Test)</b>
66     The SkipMbpHob policy determines whether ME BIOS Payload data will be requested during boot
67     in a MBP message. If set to 1, BIOS will send the MBP message with SkipMbp flag
68     set causing CSME to respond with MKHI header only and no MBP data
69     <b>0: ME BIOS will keep MBP and create HOB for MBP data</b>
70     1: ME BIOS will skip MBP data
71   **/
72   UINT32 SkipMbpHob                       : 1;
74   UINT32 HeciCommunication2               : 1;  ///< <b>(Test)</b> <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable - Enable/Disable HECI2.
75   UINT32 KtDeviceEnable                   : 1;  ///< <b>(Test)</b> 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b> - Enable/Disable Kt Device.
76   UINT32 IderDeviceEnable                 : 1;  ///< <b>(Test)</b> 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b> - Enable/Disable IDEr.
77   UINT32 RsvdBits                         : 15; ///< Reserved for future use & Config block alignment
79   UINT32 Heci1BarAddress;                       ///< HECI1 BAR address.
80   UINT32 Heci2BarAddress;                       ///< HECI2 BAR address.
81   UINT32 Heci3BarAddress;                       ///< HECI3 BAR address.
83 #pragma pack (pop)
87 extern EFI_GUID gMePeiConfigGuid;
89 #pragma pack (push,1)
90 /**
91   ME Pei Post-Mem Configuration Structure.
93   <b>Revision 1:</b>
94   - Initial version.
95   <b>Revision 2:</b>
96   - Add MeUnconfigOnRtcClear policy.
97   <b>Revision 3:</b>
98   - Add MeUnconfigIsValid to indicate if MeUnconfigOnRtcClear item is valid.
99 **/
100 typedef struct {
101   CONFIG_BLOCK_HEADER   Header;                 ///< Config Block Header
103   UINT32 EndOfPostMessage                 : 2;  ///< 0: Disabled; 1: Send in PEI; <b>2: Send in DXE</b> - Send EOP at specific phase.
104   /**
105     HECI3 state from Mbp for reference in S3 path only
106     <b>0: Disabled</b>; 1: Enabled
107   **/
108   UINT32 Heci3Enabled                     : 1;
109   UINT32 DisableD0I3SettingForHeci        : 1;  ///< <b>(Test)</b> <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable - Enable/Disable D0i3 for HECI.
110   /**
111     Enable/Disable Me Unconfig On Rtc Clear. If enabled, BIOS will send MeUnconfigOnRtcClearDisable Msg with parameter 0.
112     It will cause ME to unconfig if RTC is cleared.
113     -    0: Disable
114     - <b>1: Enable</b>
115   **/
116   UINT32 MeUnconfigOnRtcClear             : 1;
117   /**
118     Check if MeUnconfigOnRtcClear is valid. The item could be not valid due to CMOS is clear.
119     In that case, MeUnconfigOnRtcClear item will be ignored.
120     -    0: Cmos is clear. Not Valid.
121     - <b>1: Valid</b>
122   **/
123   UINT32 MeUnconfigIsValid                : 1;
124   UINT32 RsvdBits                         : 26;  ///< Reserved for future use & Config block alignment
127 #pragma pack (pop)
129 #endif // _ME_PEI_CONFIG_H_