1 /** @file
2   Policy definition of Memory Config Block
4   Copyright (c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 **/
7 #ifndef _MEMORY_CONFIG_H_
8 #define _MEMORY_CONFIG_H_
11 #pragma pack(push, 1)
13 // MEMORY_CONFIG_REVISION 3 adds DDR5 PDA Enumeration training within MEMORY_CONFIGURATION
15 // MEMORY_CONFIG_REVISION 5 adds CpuBclkSpread option within MEMORY_CONFIGURATION
17 // MEMORY_CONFIG_REVISION 7 adds VddqVoltageOverride option within MEMORY_CONFIGURATION
18 // MEMORY_CONFIG_REVISION 8 adds ExtendedBankHashing option within MEMORY_CONFIGURATION
19 // MEMORY_CONFIG_REVISION 9 adds IbeccErrorInj option within MEMORY_CONFIGURATION
21 ///
22 /// MEMORY_CONFIG interface definitions
23 ///
25 ///
26 /// Memory SubSystem Definitions
27 ///
28 #define MEM_CFG_MAX_CONTROLLERS          2
29 #define MEM_CFG_MAX_CHANNELS             4
31 #define MEM_CFG_MAX_DIMMS                2
32 #define MEM_CFG_MAX_RANKS_PER_DIMM       2
33 #define MEM_CFG_NUM_BYTES_MAPPED         2
34 #define MEM_CFG_MAX_SPD_SIZE             1024
38 #define MEM_MAX_SAGV_POINTS                  4
39 #endif
40 #define MEM_MAX_IBECC_REGIONS                8
41 ///
42 /// SMRAM Memory Range
43 ///
44 #define PEI_MR_SMRAM_ABSEG_MASK     0x01
45 #define PEI_MR_SMRAM_HSEG_MASK      0x02
47 ///
48 /// SA SPD profile selections.
49 ///
50 typedef enum {
51   Default,             ///< 0, Default SPD
52   UserDefined,         ///< 1, User Defined profile
53   XMPProfile1,         ///< 2, XMP Profile 1
54   XMPProfile2,         ///< 3, XMP Profile 2
55   XMPProfileMax = 0xFF ///< Ensures SA_SPD is UINT8
56 } SA_SPD;
58 ///
59 /// Define the boot modes used by the SPD read function.
60 ///
61 typedef enum {
62   SpdCold,       ///< Cold boot
63   SpdWarm,       ///< Warm boot
64   SpdS3,         ///< S3 resume
65   SpdFast,       ///< Fast boot
66   SpdBootModeMax ///< Delimiter
69 /**
70   SPD Data Buffer
71 **/
72 typedef struct {
74 //Next Field Offset 2048
77 /**
78   DqDqs Mapping
79 **/
80 typedef struct {
83 //Next Field Offset 16
86 /**
87   Rcomp Policies
88 **/
89 typedef struct {
90   UINT16  RcompResistor;                      ///< Offset 0: Reference RCOMP resistors on motherboard ~ 100 ohms
91   UINT16  RcompTarget[MRC_MAX_RCOMP_TARGETS]; ///< Offset 1: RCOMP target values for DqOdt, DqDrv, CmdDrv, CtlDrv, ClkDrv
92 //Next Field Offset 16
95 /**
96   SPD Offset Table
97 **/
98 typedef struct {
99   UINT16 Start;           ///< Offset 0
100   UINT16 End;             ///< Offset 2
101   UINT8  BootMode;        ///< Offset 4
102   UINT8  Reserved3[3];    ///< Offset 5 Reserved for future use
105 ///
106 /// SA memory address decode.
107 ///
108 typedef struct
109 {
110   UINT8  Controller; ///< Offset 0 Zero based Controller number
111   UINT8  Channel;    ///< Offset 1 Zero based Channel number
112   UINT8  Dimm;       ///< Offset 2 Zero based DIMM number
113   UINT8  Rank;       ///< Offset 3 Zero based Rank number
114   UINT8  BankGroup;  ///< Offset 4 Zero based Bank Group number
115   UINT8  Bank;       ///< Offset 5 Zero based Bank number
116   UINT16 Cas;        ///< Offset 6 Zero based CAS number
117   UINT32 Ras;        ///< Offset 8 Zero based RAS number
120 typedef UINT8      (EFIAPI * SA_IO_READ_8)               (UINTN IoAddress);                                                                                                                                                                               ///< CPU I/O port 8-bit read.
121 typedef UINT16     (EFIAPI * SA_IO_READ_16)              (UINTN IoAddress);                                                                                                                                                                               ///< CPU I/O port 16-bit read.
122 typedef UINT32     (EFIAPI * SA_IO_READ_32)              (UINTN IoAddress);                                                                                                                                                                               ///< CPU I/O port 32-bit read.
123 typedef UINT8      (EFIAPI * SA_IO_WRITE_8)              (UINTN IoAddress, UINT8 Value);                                                                                                                                                                  ///< CPU I/O port 8-bit write.
124 typedef UINT16     (EFIAPI * SA_IO_WRITE_16)             (UINTN IoAddress, UINT16 Value);                                                                                                                                                                 ///< CPU I/O port 16-bit write.
125 typedef UINT32     (EFIAPI * SA_IO_WRITE_32)             (UINTN IoAddress, UINT32 Value);                                                                                                                                                                 ///< CPU I/O port 32-bit write.
126 typedef UINT8      (EFIAPI * SA_MMIO_READ_8)             (UINTN Address);                                                                                                                                                                                 ///< Memory Mapped I/O port 8-bit read.
127 typedef UINT16     (EFIAPI * SA_MMIO_READ_16)            (UINTN Address);                                                                                                                                                                                 ///< Memory Mapped I/O port 16-bit read.
128 typedef UINT32     (EFIAPI * SA_MMIO_READ_32)            (UINTN Address);                                                                                                                                                                                 ///< Memory Mapped I/O port 32-bit read.
129 typedef UINT64     (EFIAPI * SA_MMIO_READ_64)            (UINTN Address);                                                                                                                                                                                 ///< Memory Mapped I/O port 64-bit read.
130 typedef UINT8      (EFIAPI * SA_MMIO_WRITE_8)            (UINTN Address, UINT8 Value);                                                                                                                                                                    ///< Memory Mapped I/O port 8-bit write.
131 typedef UINT16     (EFIAPI * SA_MMIO_WRITE_16)           (UINTN Address, UINT16 Value);                                                                                                                                                                   ///< Memory Mapped I/O port 16-bit write.
132 typedef UINT32     (EFIAPI * SA_MMIO_WRITE_32)           (UINTN Address, UINT32 Value);                                                                                                                                                                   ///< Memory Mapped I/O port 32-bit write.
133 typedef UINT64     (EFIAPI * SA_MMIO_WRITE_64)           (UINTN Address, UINT64 Value);                                                                                                                                                                   ///< Memory Mapped I/O port 64-bit write.
134 typedef UINT8      (EFIAPI * SA_SMBUS_READ_8)            (UINTN Address, RETURN_STATUS *Status);                                                                                                                                                          ///< Smbus 8-bit read.
135 typedef UINT16     (EFIAPI * SA_SMBUS_READ_16)           (UINTN Address, RETURN_STATUS *Status);                                                                                                                                                          ///< Smbus 16-bit read.
136 typedef UINT8      (EFIAPI * SA_SMBUS_WRITE_8)           (UINTN Address, UINT8 Value, RETURN_STATUS *Status);                                                                                                                                             ///< Smbus 8-bit write.
137 typedef UINT16     (EFIAPI * SA_SMBUS_WRITE_16)          (UINTN Address, UINT16 Value, RETURN_STATUS *Status);                                                                                                                                            ///< Smbus 16-bit write.
138 typedef UINT32     (EFIAPI * SA_GET_PCI_DEVICE_ADDRESS)  (UINT8 Bus, UINT8 Device, UINT8 Function, UINT8 Offset);                                                                                                                                         ///< Get PCI device address.
139 typedef UINT32     (EFIAPI * SA_GET_PCIE_DEVICE_ADDRESS) (UINT8 Bus, UINT8 Device, UINT8 Function, UINT8 Offset);                                                                                                                                         ///< Get PCI express device address.
140 typedef VOID       (EFIAPI * SA_GET_RTC_TIME)            (UINT8 *Second, UINT8 *Minute, UINT8 *Hour, UINT8 *Day, UINT8 *Month, UINT16 *Year);                                                                                                             ///< Get the current time value.
141 typedef UINT64     (EFIAPI * SA_GET_CPU_TIME)            (VOID);                                                                                                                                                                                          ///< The current CPU time in milliseconds.
142 typedef VOID *     (EFIAPI * SA_MEMORY_COPY)             (VOID *Destination, CONST VOID *Source, UINTN NumBytes);                                                                                                                                         ///< Perform byte copy operation.
143 typedef VOID *     (EFIAPI * SA_MEMORY_SET_BYTE)         (VOID *Buffer, UINTN NumBytes, UINT8 Value);                                                                                                                                                     ///< Perform byte initialization operation.
144 typedef VOID *     (EFIAPI * SA_MEMORY_SET_WORD)         (VOID *Buffer, UINTN NumWords, UINT16 Value);                                                                                                                                                    ///< Perform word initialization operation.
145 typedef VOID *     (EFIAPI * SA_MEMORY_SET_DWORD)        (VOID *Buffer, UINTN NumDwords, UINT32 Value);                                                                                                                                                   ///< Perform dword initialization operation.
146 typedef UINT64     (EFIAPI * SA_LEFT_SHIFT_64)           (UINT64 Data, UINTN NumBits);                                                                                                                                                                    ///< Left shift the 64-bit data value by specified number of bits.
147 typedef UINT64     (EFIAPI * SA_RIGHT_SHIFT_64)          (UINT64 Data, UINTN NumBits);                                                                                                                                                                    ///< Right shift the 64-bit data value by specified number of bits.
148 typedef UINT64     (EFIAPI * SA_MULT_U64_U32)            (UINT64 Multiplicand, UINT32 Multiplier);                                                                                                                                                        ///< Multiply a 64-bit data value by a 32-bit data value.
149 typedef UINT64     (EFIAPI * SA_DIV_U64_U64)             (UINT64 Dividend, UINT64 Divisor, UINT64 *Remainder);                                                                                                                                            ///< Divide a 64-bit data value by a 64-bit data value.
150 typedef BOOLEAN    (EFIAPI * SA_GET_SPD_DATA)            (SPD_BOOT_MODE BootMode, UINT8 SpdAddress, UINT8 *Buffer, UINT8 *Ddr3Table, UINT32 Ddr3TableSize, UINT8 *Ddr4Table, UINT32 Ddr4TableSize, UINT8 *LpddrTable, UINT32 LpddrTableSize);             ///< Read the SPD data over the SMBus, at the given SmBus SPD address and copy the data to the data structure.
151 typedef UINT8      (EFIAPI * SA_GET_MC_ADDRESS_DECODE)   (UINT64 Address, SA_ADDRESS_DECODE *DramAddress);
152 typedef UINT8      (EFIAPI * SA_GET_MC_ADDRESS_ENCODE)   (SA_ADDRESS_DECODE *DramAddress, UINT64 Address);
153 typedef BOOLEAN    (EFIAPI * SA_GET_RANDOM_NUMBER)       (UINT32 *Rand);                                                                                                                                                                                  ///< Get the next random 32-bit number.
154 typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI * SA_CPU_MAILBOX_READ)        (UINT32 Type, UINT32 Command, UINT32 *Value, UINT32 *Status);                                                                                                                                    ///< Perform a CPU mailbox read.
155 typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI * SA_CPU_MAILBOX_WRITE)       (UINT32 Type, UINT32 Command, UINT32 Value, UINT32 *Status);                                                                                                                                     ///< Perform a CPU mailbox write.
156 typedef UINT32     (EFIAPI * SA_GET_MEMORY_VDD)          (VOID *GlobalData, UINT32 DefaultVdd);                                                                                                                                                           ///< Get the current memory voltage (VDD).
157 typedef UINT32     (EFIAPI * SA_SET_MEMORY_VDD)          (VOID *GlobalData, UINT32 DefaultVdd, UINT32 Value);                                                                                                                                             ///< Set the memory voltage (VDD) to the given value.
158 typedef UINT32     (EFIAPI * SA_CHECKPOINT)              (VOID *GlobalData, UINT32 CheckPoint, VOID *Scratch);                                                                                                                                            ///< Check point that is called at various points in the MRC.
159 typedef VOID       (EFIAPI * SA_DEBUG_HOOK)              (VOID *GlobalData, UINT16 DisplayDebugNumber);                                                                                                                                                   ///< Typically used to display to the I/O port 80h.
160 typedef UINT8      (EFIAPI * SA_CHANNEL_EXIST)           (VOID *Outputs, UINT8 Channel);                                                                                                                                                                  ///< Returns whether Channel is or is not present.
161 typedef INT32      (EFIAPI * SA_PRINTF)                  (VOID *Debug, UINT32 Level, char *Format, ...);                                                                                                                                                  ///< Print to output stream/device.
162 typedef VOID       (EFIAPI * SA_DEBUG_PRINT)             (VOID *String);                                                                                                                                                                                  ///< Output a string to the debug stream/device.
163 typedef UINT32     (EFIAPI * SA_CHANGE_MARGIN)           (VOID *GlobalData, UINT8 Param, INT32 Value0, INT32 Value1, UINT8 EnMultiCast, UINT8 Channel, UINT8 RankIn, UINT8 Byte, UINT8 BitIn, UINT8 UpdateMrcData, UINT8 SkipWait, UINT32 RegFileParam);  ///< Change the margin.
164 typedef UINT8      (EFIAPI * SA_SIGN_EXTEND)             (UINT8 Value, UINT8 OldMsb, UINT8 NewMsb);                                                                                                                                                       ///< Sign extends OldMSB to NewMSB Bits (Eg: Bit 6 to Bit 7).
165 typedef VOID       (EFIAPI * SA_SHIFT_PI_COMMAND_TRAIN)  (VOID *GlobalData, UINT8 Channel, UINT8 Iteration, UINT8 RankMask, UINT8 GroupMask, INT32 NewValue, UINT8 UpdateHost);                                                                           ///< Move CMD/CTL/CLK/CKE PIs during training.
166 typedef VOID       (EFIAPI * SA_UPDATE_VREF)             (VOID *GlobalData, UINT8 Channel, UINT8 RankMask, UINT16 DeviceMask, UINT8 VrefType, INT32 Offset, BOOLEAN UpdateMrcData, BOOLEAN PDAmode, BOOLEAN SkipWait);                                    ///< Update the Vref value and wait until it is stable.
167 typedef UINT8      (EFIAPI * SA_GET_RTC_CMOS)            (UINT8 Location);                                                                                                                                                                                ///< Get the current value of the specified RTC CMOS location.
168 typedef UINT64     (EFIAPI * SA_MSR_READ_64)             (UINT32 Location);                                                                                                                                                                               ///< Get the current value of the specified MSR location.
169 typedef UINT64     (EFIAPI * SA_MSR_WRITE_64)            (UINT32 Location, UINT64 Data);                                                                                                                                                                  ///< Set the current value of the specified MSR location.
170 typedef VOID       (EFIAPI * SA_MRC_RETURN_FROM_SMC)     (VOID *GlobalData, UINT32 MrcStatus);                                                                                                                                                            ///< Hook function after returning from MrcStartMemoryConfiguration()
171 typedef VOID       (EFIAPI * SA_MRC_DRAM_RESET)          (UINT32 PciEBaseAddress, UINT32 ResetValue);                                                                                                                                                     ///< Assert or deassert DRAM_RESET# pin; this is used in JEDEC Reset.
172 typedef VOID       (EFIAPI * SA_DELAY_NS)                (VOID *GlobalData, UINT32 DelayNs);                                                                                                                                                              ///< Delay (stall) for the given amount of nanoseconds.
173 typedef VOID       (EFIAPI * SA_SET_LOCK_PRMRR)          (UINT64 PrmrrBaseAddress, UINT32 PrmrrSize);
176 ///
177 /// Function calls into the SA.
178 ///
179 typedef struct {
180   SA_IO_READ_8               IoRead8;               ///< Offset 0:   - CPU I/O port 8-bit read.
181   SA_IO_READ_16              IoRead16;              ///< Offset 4:   - CPU I/O port 16-bit read.
182   SA_IO_READ_32              IoRead32;              ///< Offset 8:   - CPU I/O port 32-bit read.
183   SA_IO_WRITE_8              IoWrite8;              ///< Offset 12:  - CPU I/O port 8-bit write.
184   SA_IO_WRITE_16             IoWrite16;             ///< Offset 16:  - CPU I/O port 16-bit write.
185   SA_IO_WRITE_32             IoWrite32;             ///< Offset 20:  - CPU I/O port 32-bit write.
186   SA_MMIO_READ_8             MmioRead8;             ///< Offset 24:  - Memory Mapped I/O port 8-bit read.
187   SA_MMIO_READ_16            MmioRead16;            ///< Offset 28:  - Memory Mapped I/O port 16-bit read.
188   SA_MMIO_READ_32            MmioRead32;            ///< Offset 32:  - Memory Mapped I/O port 32-bit read.
189   SA_MMIO_READ_64            MmioRead64;            ///< Offset 36:  - Memory Mapped I/O port 64-bit read.
190   SA_MMIO_WRITE_8            MmioWrite8;            ///< Offset 40:  - Memory Mapped I/O port 8-bit write.
191   SA_MMIO_WRITE_16           MmioWrite16;           ///< Offset 44:  - Memory Mapped I/O port 16-bit write.
192   SA_MMIO_WRITE_32           MmioWrite32;           ///< Offset 48:  - Memory Mapped I/O port 32-bit write.
193   SA_MMIO_WRITE_64           MmioWrite64;           ///< Offset 52:  - Memory Mapped I/O port 64-bit write.
194   SA_SMBUS_READ_8            SmbusRead8;            ///< Offset 56:  - Smbus 8-bit read.
195   SA_SMBUS_READ_16           SmbusRead16;           ///< Offset 60:  - Smbus 16-bit read.
196   SA_SMBUS_WRITE_8           SmbusWrite8;           ///< Offset 64:  - Smbus 8-bit write.
197   SA_SMBUS_WRITE_16          SmbusWrite16;          ///< Offset 68:  - Smbus 16-bit write.
198   SA_GET_PCI_DEVICE_ADDRESS  GetPciDeviceAddress;   ///< Offset 72:  - Get PCI device address.
199   SA_GET_PCIE_DEVICE_ADDRESS GetPcieDeviceAddress;  ///< Offset 76:  - Get PCI express device address.
200   SA_GET_RTC_TIME            GetRtcTime;            ///< Offset 80:  - Get the current time value.
201   SA_GET_CPU_TIME            GetCpuTime;            ///< Offset 84:  - The current CPU time in milliseconds.
202   SA_MEMORY_COPY             CopyMem;               ///< Offset 88:  - Perform byte copy operation.
203   SA_MEMORY_SET_BYTE         SetMem;                ///< Offset 92:  - Perform byte initialization operation.
204   SA_MEMORY_SET_WORD         SetMemWord;            ///< Offset 96:  - Perform word initialization operation.
205   SA_MEMORY_SET_DWORD        SetMemDword;           ///< Offset 100: - Perform dword initialization operation.
206   SA_LEFT_SHIFT_64           LeftShift64;           ///< Offset 104: - Left shift the 64-bit data value by specified number of bits.
207   SA_RIGHT_SHIFT_64          RightShift64;          ///< Offset 108: - Right shift the 64-bit data value by specified number of bits.
208   SA_MULT_U64_U32            MultU64x32;            ///< Offset 112: - Multiply a 64-bit data value by a 32-bit data value.
209   SA_DIV_U64_U64             DivU64x64;             ///< Offset 116: - Divide a 64-bit data value by a 64-bit data value.
210   SA_GET_SPD_DATA            GetSpdData;            ///< Offset 120: - Read the SPD data over the SMBus, at the given SmBus SPD address and copy the data to the data structure.
211   SA_GET_RANDOM_NUMBER       GetRandomNumber;       ///< Offset 124: - Get the next random 32-bit number.
212   SA_CPU_MAILBOX_READ        CpuMailboxRead;        ///< Offset 128: - Perform a CPU mailbox read.
213   SA_CPU_MAILBOX_WRITE       CpuMailboxWrite;       ///< Offset 132: - Perform a CPU mailbox write.
214   SA_GET_MEMORY_VDD          GetMemoryVdd;          ///< Offset 136: - Get the current memory voltage (VDD).
215   SA_SET_MEMORY_VDD          SetMemoryVdd;          ///< Offset 140: - Set the memory voltage (VDD) to the given value.
216   SA_CHECKPOINT              CheckPoint;            ///< Offset 144: - Check point that is called at various points in the MRC.
217   SA_DEBUG_HOOK              DebugHook;             ///< Offset 148: - Typically used to display to the I/O port 80h.
218   SA_DEBUG_PRINT             DebugPrint;            ///< Offset 152: - Output a string to the debug stream/device.
219   SA_GET_RTC_CMOS            GetRtcCmos;            ///< Offset 156: - Get the current value of the specified RTC CMOS location.
220   SA_MSR_READ_64             ReadMsr64;             ///< Offset 160: - Get the current value of the specified MSR location.
221   SA_MSR_WRITE_64            WriteMsr64;            ///< Offset 164  - Set the current value of the specified MSR location.
222   SA_MRC_RETURN_FROM_SMC     MrcReturnFromSmc;      ///< Offset 168  - Hook function after returning from MrcStartMemoryConfiguration()
223   SA_MRC_DRAM_RESET          MrcDramReset;          ///< Offset 172  - Assert or deassert DRAM_RESET# pin; this is used in JEDEC Reset.
224   SA_DELAY_NS                MrcDelayNs;            ///< Offset 176  - Delay (stall) for the given amount of nanoseconds.
227 ///
228 /// Function calls into the MRC.
229 ///
230 typedef struct {
231   SA_CHANNEL_EXIST           MrcChannelExist;       ///< Offset 0:  - Returns whether Channel is or is not present.
232   SA_PRINTF                  MrcPrintf;             ///< Offset 4:  - Print to output stream/device.
233   SA_CHANGE_MARGIN           MrcChangeMargin;       ///< Offset 8:  - Change the margin.
234   SA_SIGN_EXTEND             MrcSignExtend;         ///< Offset 12: - Sign extends OldMSB to NewMSB Bits (Eg: Bit 6 to Bit 7).
235   SA_SHIFT_PI_COMMAND_TRAIN  ShiftPiCommandTrain;   ///< Offset 16: - Move CMD/CTL/CLK/CKE PIs during training.
236   SA_UPDATE_VREF             MrcUpdateVref;         ///< Offset 20: - Update the Vref value and wait until it is stable.
239 /**
240  Memory Configuration
241  The contents of this structure are CRC'd by the MRC for option change detection.
242  This structure is copied en mass to the MrcInput structure. If you add fields here, you must update the MrcInput structure.
243  <b>Revision 1</b>: - Initial version.
244  <b>Revision 2</b>: - Adding ChHashOverride option.
245  <b>Revision 3</b>: - Adding PDA enumeration option.
246  <b>Revision 4</b>: - Adding LPDDR4 Command Mirroring.
247  <b>Revision 5</b>: - Adding CpuBclkSpread option.
248  <b>Revision 6</b>: - Adding McParity option.
249  <b>Revision 7</b>: - Adding VddqVoltageOverride option.
250  <b>Revision 8</b>: - Adding ExtendedBankHashing option.
251  <b>Revision 9</b>: - Adding IbeccErrorInj option
252  **/
253 typedef struct {
254   CONFIG_BLOCK_HEADER  Header;    ///< Offset 0-27 Config Block Header
255   UINT16  Size;                   ///< Offset 28 The size of this structure, in bytes. Must be the first entry in this structure.
256   UINT8   HobBufferSize;          ///< Offset 30 Size of HOB buffer for MRC
258   UINT8   SpdProfileSelected;     ///< Offset 31 SPD XMP profile selection - for XMP supported DIMM: <b>0=Default DIMM profile</b>, 1=Customized profile, 2=XMP profile 1, 3=XMP profile 2.
260   // The following parameters are used only when SpdProfileSelected is UserDefined (CUSTOM PROFILE)
261   UINT16  tCL;                    ///< Offset 32 User defined Memory Timing tCL value,   valid when SpdProfileSelected is CUSTOM_PROFILE: <b>0=AUTO</b>, 31=Maximum.
262   UINT16  tRCDtRP;                ///< Offset 34 User defined Memory Timing tRCD value (same as tRP), valid when SpdProfileSelected is CUSTOM_PROFILE: <b>0=AUTO</b>, 63=Maximum
263   UINT16  tRAS;                   ///< Offset 36 User defined Memory Timing tRAS value,  valid when SpdProfileSelected is CUSTOM_PROFILE: <b>0=AUTO</b>, 64=Maximum.
264   UINT16  tWR;                    ///< Offset 38 User defined Memory Timing tWR value,   valid when SpdProfileSelected is CUSTOM_PROFILE: <b>0=AUTO</b>, legal values: 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24.
265   UINT16  tRFC;                   ///< Offset 40 User defined Memory Timing tRFC value,  valid when SpdProfileSelected is CUSTOM_PROFILE: <b>0=AUTO</b>, 1023=Maximum.
266   UINT16  tRRD;                   ///< Offset 42 User defined Memory Timing tRRD value,  valid when SpdProfileSelected is CUSTOM_PROFILE: <b>0=AUTO</b>, 15=Maximum.
267   UINT16  tWTR;                   ///< Offset 44 User defined Memory Timing tWTR value,  valid when SpdProfileSelected is CUSTOM_PROFILE: <b>0=AUTO</b>, 28=Maximum.
268   UINT16  tRTP;                   ///< Offset 46 User defined Memory Timing tRTP value,  valid when SpdProfileSelected is CUSTOM_PROFILE: <b>0=AUTO</b>, 15=Maximum. DDR4 legal values: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
269   UINT16  tFAW;                   ///< Offset 48 User defined Memory Timing tFAW value,  valid when SpdProfileSelected is CUSTOM_PROFILE: <b>0=AUTO</b>, 63=Maximum.
270   UINT16  tCWL;                   ///< Offset 50 User defined Memory Timing tCWL value,  valid when SpdProfileSelected is CUSTOM_PROFILE: <b>0=AUTO</b>, 20=Maximum.
271   UINT16  tREFI;                  ///< Offset 52 User defined Memory Timing tREFI value, valid when SpdProfileSelected is CUSTOM_PROFILE: <b>0=AUTO</b>, 65535=Maximum.
272   UINT16  PciIndex;               ///< Offset 54 Pci index register address: <b>0xCF8=Default</b>
273   UINT16  PciData;                ///< Offset 56 Pci data register address: <b>0xCFC=Default</b>
274   UINT16  VddVoltage;             ///< Offset 58 DRAM voltage (Vdd) in millivolts: <b>0=Platform Default (no override)</b>, 1200=1.2V, 1350=1.35V etc.
275   UINT16  Idd3n;                  ///< Offset 60 EPG Active standby current (Idd3N) in milliamps from DIMM datasheet.
276   UINT16  Idd3p;                  ///< Offset 62 EPG Active power-down current (Idd3P) in milliamps from DIMM datasheet.
278   UINT32  EccSupport:1;              ///< Offset 64 Bit 0  - DIMM Ecc Support option - for Desktop only: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
279   UINT32  MrcSafeConfig:1;           ///<           Bit 1  - MRC Safe Mode: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable
280   UINT32  RemapEnable:1;             ///<           Bit 2  - This option is used to control whether to enable/disable memory remap above 4GB: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
281   UINT32  ScramblerSupport:1;        ///<           Bit 3  - Memory scrambler support: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
282   UINT32  Vc1ReadMeter:1;            ///<           Bit 4  - VC1 Read Metering Enable: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
283   UINT32  ForceSingleSubchannel:1;   ///<           Bit 5  - TRUE means use SubChannel0 only (for LPDDR4): <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable
284   UINT32  SimicsFlag:1;              ///<           Bit 6  - Option to Enable SIMICS: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
285   UINT32  Ddr4DdpSharedClock:1;      ///<           Bit 7  - Select if CLK0 is shared between Rank0 and Rank1 in DDR4 DDP package. <b>0=Not shared</b>, 1=Shared
286   UINT32  SharedZqPin:1;             ///<           Bit 8  - Select if the ZQ resistor is shared between Ranks in DDR4/LPDDR4 DRAM Packages <b>0=Not Shared</b>, 1=Shared
287   UINT32  LpDqsOscEn:1;              ///<           Bit 9  - LPDDR Write DQ/DQS Retraining: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
288   UINT32  RmtPerTask:1;              ///<           Bit 10 - Rank Margin Tool Per Task. <b>0 = Disabled</b>, 1 = Enabled
289   UINT32  TrainTrace:1;              ///<           Bit 11 - Trained state tracing debug. <b>0 = Disabled</b>, 1 = Enabled
290   UINT32  SafeMode:1;                ///<           Bit 12 - Define if safe mode is enabled for MC/IO
291   UINT32  MsHashEnable:1;            ///<           Bit 13 - Controller Hash Enable: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
292   UINT32  DisPgCloseIdleTimeout:1;   ///<           Bit 14 - Disable Page Close Idle Timeout: 0=Enable, <b>1=Disable</b>
293   UINT32  Ibecc:1;                   ///<           Bit 15 - Inband ECC - for LPDDR4, LPDDR5 and DDR4 only: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable
294   UINT32  IbeccParity:1;             ///<           Bit 16 - Inband ECC Parity Control - for LPDDR4, LPDDR5 and DDR4 only: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable
295   UINT32  IbeccOperationMode:2;      ///<           Bits 17:18 - Inband ECC Operation Mode: 0=Functional Mode protects requests based on the address range, <b>1=Makes all requests non protected and ignore range checks</b>, 2=Makes all requests protected and ignore range checks
296   UINT32  ChHashOverride:1;          ///<           Bit 19 - Select if Channel Hash setting values will be taken from input parameters or automatically taken from POR values depending on DRAM type detected.
297   UINT32  McParity:1;                ///<           Bit 20 - MC Parity Control - Enable Parity for CMI/MC: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable
298   UINT32  IbeccErrorInj:1;           ///<           Bit 21 - In-Band ECC Error Injection: 1=Enable, <b>0=Disable</b>
299   UINT32  RsvdO64B22t31:10;          ///<           Bits 22:31 reserved
300   /**
301    Disables a DIMM slot in the channel even if a DIMM is present\n
302    Array index represents the channel number (0 = channel 0, 1 = channel 1)\n
303      <b>0x0 = DIMM 0 and DIMM 1 enabled</b>\n
304      0x1 = DIMM 0 disabled, DIMM 1 enabled\n
305      0x2 = DIMM 0 enabled, DIMM 1 disabled\n
306      0x3 = DIMM 0 and DIMM 1 disabled (will disable the whole channel)\n
307   **/
308   UINT8   DisableDimmChannel[MEM_CFG_MAX_CONTROLLERS][MEM_CFG_MAX_CHANNELS]; ///< Offset 68-75
309   UINT8   Ratio;                  ///< Offset 76 DDR Frequency ratio, to multiply by 133 or 100 MHz depending on RefClk. <b>0 = Auto</b>
310   UINT8   ProbelessTrace;         ///< Offset 77 Probeless Trace: <b>0=Disabled</b>, <b>1=Enabled</b>
311   /**
312      - Channel Hash Enable.\n
313     NOTE: BIT7 will interleave the channels at a 2 cache-line granularity, BIT8 at 4 and BIT9 at 8\n
314     0=BIT6, <B>1=BIT7</B>, 2=BIT8, 3=BIT9
315   **/
316   UINT8   ChHashInterleaveBit;    ///< Offset 78 Option to select interleave Address bit. Valid values are 0 - 3 for BITS 6 - 9 (Valid values for BDW are 0-7 for BITS 6 - 13)
317   UINT8   SmramMask;              ///< Offset 79 Reserved memory ranges for SMRAM
318   UINT32  BClkFrequency;          ///< Offset 80 Base reference clock value, in Hertz: <b>100000000 = 100Hz</b>, 125000000=125Hz, 167000000=167Hz, 250000000=250Hz
320   /// Training Algorithms 1 Offset 84
321   UINT32 ECT:1;                   ///< Bit 0 - Enable/Disable Early Command Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable.
322   UINT32 SOT:1;                   ///< Bit 1 - Enable/Disable Sense Amp Offset Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
323   UINT32 ERDMPRTC2D:1;            ///< Bit 2 - Enable/Disable Early ReadMPR Timing Centering 2D. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
324   UINT32 RDMPRT:1;                ///< Bit 3 - Enable/Disable Read MPR Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
325   UINT32 RCVET:1;                 ///< Bit 4 - Enable/Disable Receive Enable Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
326   UINT32 JWRL:1;                  ///< Bit 5 - Enable/Disable JEDEC Write Leveling Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
327   UINT32 EWRTC2D:1;               ///< Bit 6 - Enable/Disable Early Write Time Centering 2D Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
328   UINT32 ERDTC2D:1;               ///< Bit 7 - Enable/Disable Early Read Time Centering 2D Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
329   UINT32 WRTC1D:1;                ///< Bit 8 - Enable/Disable 1D Write Timing Centering Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
330   UINT32 WRVC1D:1;                ///< Bit 9 - Enable/Disable 1D Write Voltage Centering Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
331   UINT32 RDTC1D:1;                ///< Bit 10 - Enable/Disable 1D Read Timing Centering Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
332   UINT32 DIMMODTT:1;              ///< Bit 11 - Enable/Disable DIMM ODT Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable.
333   UINT32 DIMMRONT:1;              ///< Bit 12 - Enable/Disable DIMM RON training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
334   UINT32 WRDSEQT:1;               ///< Bit 13 - Enable/Disable Write Drive Strength / Equalization Training 2D. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable.
335   UINT32 WRSRT:1;                 ///< Bit 14 - Enable/Disable Write Slew Rate traning. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable.</b>
336   UINT32 RDODTT:1;                ///< Bit 15 - Enable/Disable Read ODT Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable.
337   UINT32 RDEQT:1;                 ///< Bit 16 - Enable/Disable Read Equalization Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable.
338   UINT32 RDAPT:1;                 ///< Bit 17 - Enable/Disable Read Amplifier Power Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable.
339   UINT32 WRTC2D:1;                ///< Bit 18 - Enable/Disable 2D Write Timing Centering Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
340   UINT32 RDTC2D:1;                ///< Bit 19 - Enable/Disable 2D Read Timing Centering Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
341   UINT32 WRVC2D:1;                ///< Bit 20 - Enable/Disable 2D Write Voltage Centering Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
342   UINT32 RDVC2D:1;                ///< Bit 21 - Enable/Disable 2D Read Voltage Centering Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
343   UINT32 CMDVC:1;                 ///< Bit 22 - Enable/Disable Command Vref Centering Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
344   UINT32 LCT:1;                   ///< Bit 23 - Enable/Disable Late Command Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
345   UINT32 RTL:1;                   ///< Bit 24 - Enable/Disable Round Trip Latency function. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
346   UINT32 TAT:1;                   ///< Bit 25 - Enable/Disable Turn Around Time function. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable.
347   UINT32 RMT:1;                   ///< Bit 26 - Enable/Disable Rank Margin Tool function: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable.
348   UINT32 MEMTST:1;                ///< Bit 27 - Enable/Disable Memory Test function: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable.
349   UINT32 ALIASCHK:1;              ///< Bit 28 - Enable/Disable DIMM SPD Alias Check: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
350   UINT32 RCVENC1D:1;              ///< Bit 29 - Enable/Disable Receive Enable Centering Training (LPDDR Only). Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable
351   UINT32 RMC:1;                   ///< Bit 30 - Enable/Disable Retrain Margin Check.  Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable
352   UINT32 WRDSUDT:1;               ///< Bit 31 - Enable/Disable Write Drive Strength Up/Dn independently. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable
353   /// Training Algorithms 2 Offset 88
354   UINT32 DCC       : 1;           ///< Bit 0  - Enable/Disable Duty Cycle Correction: 0=Disable, 1=Enable.
355   UINT32 RDVC1D    : 1;           ///< Bit 1  - Enable/Disable Read Voltage Centering 1D: 0=Disable, 1=Enable.
356   UINT32 TXTCO     : 1;           ///< Bit 2  - Enable/Disable Write TCO Comp Training: 0=Disable, 1=Enable.
357   UINT32 CLKTCO    : 1;           ///< Bit 3  - Enable/Disable Clock TCO Comp Training: 0=Disable, 1=Enable.
358   UINT32 CMDSR     : 1;           ///< Bit 4  - Enable/Disable CMD Slew Rate Training: 0=Disable, 1=Enable.
359   UINT32 CMDDSEQ   : 1;           ///< Bit 5  - Enable/Disable CMD Drive Strength and Tx Equalization: 0=Disable, 1=Enable.
360   UINT32 DIMMODTCA : 1;           ///< Bit 6  - Enable/Disable Dimm ODT CA Training: 0=Disable, 1=Enable.
361   UINT32 TXTCODQS  : 1;           ///< Bit 7  - Enable/Disable Write TCO Dqs Training: 0=Disable, 1=Enable.
362   UINT32 CMDDRUD   : 1;           ///< Bit 8  - Enable/Disable CMD/CTL Drive Strength Up/Dn 2D: 0=Disable, 1=Enable.
363   UINT32 VCCDLLBP  : 1;           ///< Bit 9  - Enable/Disable VccDLL bypass to VccIOG training: 0=Disable, 1=Enable.
364   UINT32 PVTTDNLP  : 1;           ///< Bit 10 - Enable/Disable PanicVttDnLp Training: 0=Disable, 1=Enable.
365   UINT32 RDVREFDC  : 1;           ///< Bit 11 - Enable/Disable Read Vref Decap Training: 0=Disable, 1=Enable.
366   UINT32 VDDQT     : 1;           ///< Bit 12 - Enable/Disable Vddq Training: 0=Disable, 1=Enable.
367   UINT32 RMTBIT    : 1;           ///< Bit 13 - Enable/Disable Rank Margin Tool Per Bit: 0=Disable, 1=Enable.
368   UINT32 PDA       : 1;           ///< BIT 14 - Enable/Disable PDA Enumeration Training. Note it is not recommended to change this setting from the default value: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>.
369   UINT32 WRITE0    : 1;           ///< BIT 15 - Write0 feature enablement
370   UINT32 ReservedBits2 :16;       ///< Bits 16:31 - Reserved
372   UINT32  MrcTimeMeasure:1;         ///< Offset 92 Bit 0  - Enables serial debug level to display the MRC execution times only: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable
373   UINT32  MrcFastBoot:1;            ///<           Bit 1  - Enables the MRC fast boot path for faster cold boot execution: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
374   UINT32  DqPinsInterleaved:1;      ///<           Bit 2  - Interleaving mode of DQ/DQS pins which depends on board routing: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable
375   UINT32  RankInterleave:1;         ///<           Bit 3  - Rank Interleave Mode: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
376   UINT32  EnhancedInterleave:1;     ///<           Bit 4  - Enhanced Interleave Mode: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
377   UINT32  WeaklockEn:1;             ///<           Bit 5  - Weak Lock Enable: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
378   UINT32  ChHashEnable:1;           ///<           Bit 6  - Channel Hash Enable: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
379   UINT32  EnablePwrDn:1;            ///<           Bit 7  - Enable Power Down control for DDR: 0=PCODE control, <b>1=BIOS control</b>
380   UINT32  EnablePwrDnLpddr:1;       ///<           Bit 8  - Enable Power Down for LPDDR: 0=PCODE control, <b>1=BIOS control</b>
381   UINT32  SrefCfgEna:1;             ///<           Bit 9  - Enable Self Refresh: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
382   UINT32  ThrtCkeMinDefeatLpddr:1;  ///<           Bit 10 - Throttler CKE min defeature for LPDDR: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
383   UINT32  ThrtCkeMinDefeat:1;       ///<           Bit 11 - Throttler CKE min defeature: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable
384   UINT32  AutoSelfRefreshSupport:1; ///<           Bit 12 - FALSE = No auto self refresh support, <b>TRUE = auto self refresh support</b>
385   UINT32  ExtTemperatureSupport:1;  ///<           Bit 13 - FALSE = No extended temperature support, <b>TRUE = extended temperature support</b>
386   UINT32  MobilePlatform:1;         ///<           Bit 14 - Memory controller device id indicates: <b>TRUE if mobile</b>, FALSE if not. Note: This will be auto-detected and updated.
387   UINT32  Force1Dpc:1;              ///<           Bit 15 - TRUE means force one DIMM per channel, <b>FALSE means no limit</b>
388   UINT32  ForceSingleRank:1;        ///<           Bit 16 - TRUE means use Rank0 only (in each DIMM): <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable
389   UINT32  VttTermination:1;         ///<           Bit 17 - Vtt Termination for Data ODT: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable
390   UINT32  VttCompForVsshi:1;        ///<           Bit 18 - Enable/Disable Vtt Comparator For Vsshi: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable
391   UINT32  ExitOnFailure:1;          ///<           Bit 19 - MRC option for exit on failure or continue on failure: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
392   UINT32  NewFeatureEnable1:1;      ///<           Bit 20 - Generic enable knob for new feature set 1 <b>0: Disable </b>; 1: Enable
393   UINT32  NewFeatureEnable2:1;      ///<           Bit 21 - Generic enable knob for new feature set 2 <b>0: Disable </b>; 1: Enable
394   UINT32  RhPrevention:1;           ///<           Bit 22 - RH Prevention Enable/Disable: 0=Disable, <b>1=Enable</b>
395   UINT32  RhSolution:1;             ///<           Bit 23 - Type of solution to be used for RHP - 0/1 = HardwareRhp/Refresh2x
396   UINT32  RefreshPanicWm:4;         ///<           Bit 24-27 - Refresh Panic Watermark, Range 1-8, default 8.
397   UINT32  RefreshHpWm:4;            ///<           Bit 28-31 - Refresh High Profile Watermark, Range 1-7, default 7.
398   UINT32  VddSettleWaitTime;      ///< Offset 96 Amount of time in microseconds to wait for Vdd to settle on top of 200us required by JEDEC spec: <b>Default=0</b>
399   UINT16  SrefCfgIdleTmr;         ///< Offset 100 Self Refresh idle timer: <b>512=Minimal</b>, 65535=Maximum
400   UINT16  ChHashMask;             ///< Offset 102 Channel Hash Mask: 0x0001=BIT6 set(Minimal), 0x3FFF=BIT[19:6] set(Maximum), <b>0x30CE= BIT[19:18, 13:12 ,9:7] set</b>
401   UINT16  DdrFreqLimit;           ///< Offset 104 Memory Frequency setting: 3=1067, 5=1333, 7=1600, 9=1867, 11=2133, 13=2400, <b>15=2667</b>
402   UINT8   MaxRttWr;               ///< Offset 106 Maximum DIMM RTT_WR to use in power training: <b>0=ODT Off</b>, 1 = 120 ohms
403   UINT8   ThrtCkeMinTmr;          ///< Offset 107 Throttler CKE min timer: 0=Minimal, 0xFF=Maximum, <b>0x00=Default</b>
404   UINT8   ThrtCkeMinTmrLpddr;     ///< Offset 108 Throttler CKE min timer for LPDDR: 0=Minimal, 0xFF=Maximum, <b>0x00=Default</b>
405   BOOLEAN PerBankRefresh;         ///< Offset 109 Enables and Disables the per bank refresh.  This only impacts memory technologies that support PBR: LPDDR3, LPDDR4.  FALSE=Disabled, <b>TRUE=Enabled</b>
406   UINT8   SaGv;                   ///< Offset 110 SA GV: <b>0=Disabled</b>, 1=Point1, 2=Point2, 3=Point3, 4=Point4, 5=Enabled
407   UINT8   NModeSupport;           ///< Offset 111 Memory N Mode Support - Enable user to select Auto, 1N or 2N: <b>0=AUTO</b>, 1=1N, 2=2N.
408   UINT8   RefClk;                 ///< Offset 112 Selects the DDR base reference clock. 0x01 = 100MHz, <b>0x00 = 133MHz</b>
409   UINT8   EnCmdRate;              ///< Offset 113 CMD Rate Enable: 0=Disable, 5=2 CMDs, <b>7=3 CMDs</b>, 9=4 CMDs, 11=5 CMDs, 13=6 CMDs, 15=7 CMDs
410   UINT8   Refresh2X;              ///< Offset 114 Refresh 2x: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=Enable for WARM or HOT, 2=Enable for HOT only
411   UINT8   EpgEnable;              ///< Offset 115 Enable Energy Performance Gain.
412   UINT8   UserThresholdEnable;    ///< Offset 116 Flag to manually select the DIMM CLTM Thermal Threshold, 0=Disable,  1=Enable, <b>0=Default</b>
413   UINT8   UserBudgetEnable;       ///< Offset 117 Flag to manually select the Budget Registers for CLTM Memory Dimms , 0=Disable,  1=Enable, <b>0=Default</b>
414   UINT8   RetrainOnFastFail;      ///< Offset 118 Restart MRC in Cold mode if SW MemTest fails during Fast flow. 0 = Disabled, <b>1 = Enabled</b>
415   UINT8   PowerDownMode;          ///< Offset 119 CKE Power Down Mode: <b>0xFF=AUTO</b>, 0=No Power Down, 1= APD mode, 6=PPD-DLL Off mode
416   UINT8   PwdwnIdleCounter;       ///< Offset 120 CKE Power Down Mode Idle Counter: 0=Minimal, 255=Maximum, <b>0x80=0x80 DCLK</b>
417   UINT8   CmdRanksTerminated;     ///< Offset 121 LPDDR: Bitmask of ranks that have CA bus terminated. <b>0x01=Default, Rank0 is terminating and Rank1 is non-terminating</b>
418   UINT16  MsHashMask;             ///< Offset 122 Controller Hash Mask: 0x0001=BIT6 set(Minimal), 0x3FFF=BIT[19:6] set(Maximum), <b>0x30CE= BIT[19:18, 13:12 ,9:7] set</b>
419   UINT32  Lp5CccConfig;           ///< Offset 124 BitMask where bits [3:0] are controller 0 Channel [3:0] and [7:4] are Controller 1 Channel [3:0].  0 selects Ascending mapping and 1 selects Descending mapping.
420   UINT8   RMTLoopCount;           ///< Offset 128 Indicates the Loop Count to be used for Rank Margin Tool Testing: 1=Minimal, 32=Maximum, 0=AUTO, <b>0=Default</b>
421   UINT8   MsHashInterleaveBit;    ///< Offset 129 Option to select interleave Address bit. Valid values are 0 - 3 for BITS 6 - 9
422   UINT8   GearRatio;              ///< Offset 130 This input control's the current gear expressed as an integer when SAGV is disabled: <b>0=Default</b>, 1, 2.
423   UINT8   Ddr4OneDpc;             ///< Offset 131 DDR4 1DPC performance feature: 0 - Disabled; 1 - Enabled on DIMM0 only, 2 - Enabled on DIMM1 only; 3 - Enabled on both DIMMs. (bit [0] - DIMM0, bit [1] - DIMM1)
424   UINT32  BclkRfiFreq[MEM_MAX_SAGV_POINTS]; ///< Offset 132 Bclk RFI Frequency for each SAGV point in Hz units. 98000000Hz = 98MHz <b>0 - No RFI Tuning</b>. Range is 98Mhz-100Mhz.
425   UINT16  SaGvFreq[MEM_MAX_SAGV_POINTS];    ///< Offset 148 Frequency per SAGV point.  0 is Auto, otherwise holds the frequency value expressed as an integer: <b>0=Default</b>, 1067, 1333, 1600, 1800, 1867, etc.
426   /**
427     Offset 156 Gear ratio per SAGV point.  0 is Auto, otherwise holds the Gear ratio expressed as an integer: <b>0=Default</b>, 1, 2.
428       Only valid combinations of Gear Ratio per point is:
429       | point | set1 | set2 | set3
430       | 0     | 1    | 2    | 2
431       | 1     | 1    | 2    | 2
432       | 2     | 1    | 2    | 2
433       | 3     | 1    | 2    | 1
434   **/
435   UINT8   SaGvGear[MEM_MAX_SAGV_POINTS];                      ///< Offset 156
436   UINT8   IbeccProtectedRegionEnable[MEM_MAX_IBECC_REGIONS];  ///< Offset 160 Enable use of address range for ECC Protection:  <b>0=Default</b>, 1
437   UINT16  IbeccProtectedRegionBase[MEM_MAX_IBECC_REGIONS];    ///< Offset 168 Base address for address range of ECC Protection:  <b>0=Default</b>, 1
438   UINT16  IbeccProtectedRegionMask[MEM_MAX_IBECC_REGIONS];    ///< Offset 184 Mask address for address range of ECC Protection:  <b>0=Default</b>, 1
439   UINT32  CmdMirror;              ///< Offset 200 BitMask where bits [3:0] are controller 0 Channel [3:0] and [7:4] are Controller 1 Channel [3:0].  0 = No Command Mirror and 1 = Command Mirror.
440   UINT8   CpuBclkSpread;          ///< Offset 204 CPU BCLK Spread Specturm: 0 = Disabled; <b>1 = Enabled</b>
441   UINT8   ExtendedBankHashing;    ///< Offset 205 Enable EBH Extended Bank Hashing: 0=Disabled; <b>1 = Enabled</b>.
442   UINT16  VddqVoltageOverride;    ///< Offset 206 VccddqVoltage override in # of 1mV
443   UINT8   MarginLimitCheck;                                   ///< Offset 208 Margin limit check enable: <b>0=Disable</b>, 1=L1 only, 2=L2 only, 3=Both L1 and L2
444   UINT8   RsvdO209;                                           ///< Offset 209
445   UINT16  MarginLimitL2;                                      ///< Offset 210 Margin limit check L2 threshold: <b>100=Default</b>
448 /// Memory Configuration
449 /// The contents of this structure are not CRC'd by the MRC for option change detection.
450 /// <b>Revision 1</b>:  - Initial version.
451 /// <b>Revision 2</b>:  - Added MemTestOnWarmBoot
452 typedef struct {
453   CONFIG_BLOCK_HEADER      Header;              ///< Offset 0-23 Config Block Header
454   SA_FUNCTION_CALLS        SaCall;              ///< Offset 24   Function calls into the SA.
455   SA_MEMORY_FUNCTIONS      MrcCall;             ///< Offset 204  Function calls into the MRC.
456   SPD_DATA_BUFFER          *SpdData;            ///< Offset 240  Memory SPD data, will be used by the MRC when SPD SmBus address is zero.
457   UINT32                   Reserved0;
458   SA_MEMORY_DQDQS_MAPPING  *DqDqsMap;           ///< Offset 244  LPDDR DQ bit and DQS byte swizzling between CPU and DRAM.
459   SA_MEMORY_RCOMP          *RcompData;          ///< Offset 248  DDR RCOMP resistors and target values.
460   UINT64                   PlatformMemorySize;  ///< Offset 252  The minimum platform memory size required to pass control into DXE
461   UINT32                   CleanMemory:1;       ///< Offset 256  Ask MRC to clear memory content: <b>FALSE=Do not Clear Memory</b>; TRUE=Clear Memory
462   UINT32                   ReservedBits5:31;
463   /**
464    Sets the serial debug message level\n
465      0x00 = Disabled\n
466      0x01 = Errors only\n
467      0x02 = Errors and Warnings\n
468      <b>0x03 = Errors, Warnings, and Info</b>\n
469      0x04 = Errors, Warnings, Info, and Events\n
470      0x05 = Displays Memory Init Execution Time Summary only\n
471   **/
472   UINT8   SerialDebugLevel;                     ///< Offset 260
473   UINT8   MemTestOnWarmBoot;                    ///< Offset 261  Run Base Memory Test On WarmBoot:  0=Disabled, <b>1=Enabled</b>
474   UINT8   Reserved11[2];                        ///< Offset 262 - 263  Reserved
476 #pragma pack(pop)
478 #endif // _MEMORY_CONFIG_H_