1 // rustc-cfg emitted by the build script:
2 //
3 // "use_proc_macro"
4 //     Link to extern crate proc_macro. Available on any compiler and any target
5 //     except wasm32. Requires "proc-macro" Cargo cfg to be enabled (default is
6 //     enabled). On wasm32 we never link to proc_macro even if "proc-macro" cfg
7 //     is enabled.
8 //
9 // "wrap_proc_macro"
10 //     Wrap types from libproc_macro rather than polyfilling the whole API.
11 //     Enabled on rustc 1.29+ as long as procmacro2_semver_exempt is not set,
12 //     because we can't emulate the unstable API without emulating everything
13 //     else. Also enabled unconditionally on nightly, in which case the
14 //     procmacro2_semver_exempt surface area is implemented by using the
15 //     nightly-only proc_macro API.
16 //
17 // "hygiene"
18 //    Enable Span::mixed_site() and non-dummy behavior of Span::resolved_at
19 //    and Span::located_at. Enabled on Rust 1.45+.
20 //
21 // "proc_macro_span"
22 //     Enable non-dummy behavior of Span::start and Span::end methods which
23 //     requires an unstable compiler feature. Enabled when building with
24 //     nightly, unless `-Z allow-feature` in RUSTFLAGS disallows unstable
25 //     features.
26 //
27 // "super_unstable"
28 //     Implement the semver exempt API in terms of the nightly-only proc_macro
29 //     API. Enabled when using procmacro2_semver_exempt on a nightly compiler.
30 //
31 // "span_locations"
32 //     Provide methods Span::start and Span::end which give the line/column
33 //     location of a token. Enabled by procmacro2_semver_exempt or the
34 //     "span-locations" Cargo cfg. This is behind a cfg because tracking
35 //     location inside spans is a performance hit.
37 use std::env;
38 use std::iter;
39 use std::process::{self, Command};
40 use std::str;
main()42 fn main() {
43     println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=build.rs");
45     let version = match rustc_version() {
46         Some(version) => version,
47         None => return,
48     };
50     if version.minor < 31 {
51         eprintln!("Minimum supported rustc version is 1.31");
52         process::exit(1);
53     }
55     let semver_exempt = cfg!(procmacro2_semver_exempt);
56     if semver_exempt {
57         // https://github.com/alexcrichton/proc-macro2/issues/147
58         println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=procmacro2_semver_exempt");
59     }
61     if semver_exempt || cfg!(feature = "span-locations") {
62         println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=span_locations");
63     }
65     if version.minor < 32 {
66         println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=no_libprocmacro_unwind_safe");
67     }
69     if version.minor < 39 {
70         println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=no_bind_by_move_pattern_guard");
71     }
73     if version.minor >= 44 {
74         println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=lexerror_display");
75     }
77     if version.minor >= 45 {
78         println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=hygiene");
79     }
81     if version.minor >= 54 {
82         println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=literal_from_str");
83     }
85     let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap();
86     if !enable_use_proc_macro(&target) {
87         return;
88     }
90     println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=use_proc_macro");
92     if version.nightly || !semver_exempt {
93         println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=wrap_proc_macro");
94     }
96     if version.nightly && feature_allowed("proc_macro_span") {
97         println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=proc_macro_span");
98     }
100     if semver_exempt && version.nightly {
101         println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=super_unstable");
102     }
103 }
enable_use_proc_macro(target: &str) -> bool105 fn enable_use_proc_macro(target: &str) -> bool {
106     // wasm targets don't have the `proc_macro` crate, disable this feature.
107     if target.contains("wasm32") {
108         return false;
109     }
111     // Otherwise, only enable it if our feature is actually enabled.
112     cfg!(feature = "proc-macro")
113 }
115 struct RustcVersion {
116     minor: u32,
117     nightly: bool,
118 }
rustc_version() -> Option<RustcVersion>120 fn rustc_version() -> Option<RustcVersion> {
121     let rustc = env::var_os("RUSTC")?;
122     let output = Command::new(rustc).arg("--version").output().ok()?;
123     let version = str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).ok()?;
124     let nightly = version.contains("nightly") || version.contains("dev");
125     let mut pieces = version.split('.');
126     if pieces.next() != Some("rustc 1") {
127         return None;
128     }
129     let minor = pieces.next()?.parse().ok()?;
130     Some(RustcVersion { minor, nightly })
131 }
feature_allowed(feature: &str) -> bool133 fn feature_allowed(feature: &str) -> bool {
134     // Recognized formats:
135     //
136     //     -Z allow-features=feature1,feature2
137     //
138     //     -Zallow-features=feature1,feature2
140     let flags_var;
141     let flags_var_string;
142     let mut flags_var_split;
143     let mut flags_none;
144     let flags: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = &str> =
145         if let Some(encoded_rustflags) = env::var_os("CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS") {
146             flags_var = encoded_rustflags;
147             flags_var_string = flags_var.to_string_lossy();
148             flags_var_split = flags_var_string.split('\x1f');
149             &mut flags_var_split
150         } else if let Some(rustflags) = env::var_os("RUSTFLAGS") {
151             flags_var = rustflags;
152             flags_var_string = flags_var.to_string_lossy();
153             flags_var_split = flags_var_string.split(' ');
154             &mut flags_var_split
155         } else {
156             flags_none = iter::empty();
157             &mut flags_none
158         };
160     for mut flag in flags {
161         if flag.starts_with("-Z") {
162             flag = &flag["-Z".len()..];
163         }
164         if flag.starts_with("allow-features=") {
165             flag = &flag["allow-features=".len()..];
166             return flag.split(',').any(|allowed| allowed == feature);
167         }
168     }
170     // No allow-features= flag, allowed by default.
171     true
172 }