2 /*
3  * s3backer - FUSE-based single file backing store via Amazon S3
4  *
5  * Copyright 2008-2011 Archie L. Cobbs <archie@dellroad.org>
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
20  * 02110-1301, USA.
21  *
22  * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
23  * permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
24  * OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
25  * individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
26  * the two.
27  *
28  * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all
29  * of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
30  * exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
31  * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
32  * so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete
33  * this exception statement from all source files in the program, then
34  * also delete it here.
35  */
37 #include "s3backer.h"
38 #include "block_cache.h"
39 #include "ec_protect.h"
40 #include "fuse_ops.h"
41 #include "http_io.h"
42 #include "test_io.h"
43 #include "s3b_config.h"
44 #include "dcache.h"
46 /****************************************************************************
47  *                          DEFINITIONS                                     *
48  ****************************************************************************/
50 /* S3 URL */
51 #define S3_DOMAIN                                   "amazonaws.com"
53 /* S3 access permission strings */
54 #define S3_ACCESS_PRIVATE                           "private"
55 #define S3_ACCESS_PUBLIC_READ                       "public-read"
56 #define S3_ACCESS_PUBLIC_READ_WRITE                 "public-read-write"
57 #define S3_ACCESS_AUTHENTICATED_READ                "authenticated-read"
59 /* Default values for some configuration parameters */
62 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_REGION                     "us-east-1"
63 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_PWD_FILE                   ".s3backer_passwd"
64 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_PREFIX                     ""
65 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_FILENAME                   "file"
66 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_STATS_FILENAME             "stats"
67 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE                  4096
68 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT                    30              // 30s
69 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_FILE_MODE                  0600
71 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_INITIAL_RETRY_PAUSE        200             // 200ms
72 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_PAUSE            30000           // 30s
73 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_MIN_WRITE_DELAY            500             // 500ms
74 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_MD5_CACHE_TIME             10000           // 10s
75 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_MD5_CACHE_SIZE             10000
76 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_BLOCK_CACHE_SIZE           1000
78 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_BLOCK_CACHE_WRITE_DELAY    250             // 250ms
81 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_READ_AHEAD                 4
84 #define S3BACKER_DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION                 "AES-128-CBC"
86 /* MacFUSE setting for kernel daemon timeout */
87 #ifdef __APPLE__
89 #define FUSE_MAX_DAEMON_TIMEOUT         600
90 #endif
91 #define s3bquote0(x)                    #x
92 #define s3bquote(x)                     s3bquote0(x)
94 #endif  /* __APPLE__ */
96 /* Block counting info */
97 struct list_blocks {
98     u_int       *bitmap;
99     int         print_dots;
100     uintmax_t   count;
101 };
102 #define BLOCKS_PER_DOT                  0x100
104 /****************************************************************************
105  *                          FUNCTION DECLARATIONS                           *
106  ****************************************************************************/
108 static print_stats_t s3b_config_print_stats;
109 static clear_stats_t s3b_config_clear_stats;
111 static int parse_size_string(const char *s, uintmax_t *valp);
112 static void unparse_size_string(char *buf, size_t bmax, uintmax_t value);
113 static int search_access_for(const char *file, const char *accessId, char **idptr, char **pwptr);
114 static int handle_unknown_option(void *data, const char *arg, int key, struct fuse_args *outargs);
115 static void syslog_logger(int level, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
116 static void stderr_logger(int level, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
117 static int validate_config(void);
118 static void list_blocks_callback(void *arg, s3b_block_t block_num);
119 static void dump_config(void);
120 static void usage(void);
122 /****************************************************************************
123  *                          VARIABLE DEFINITIONS                            *
124  ****************************************************************************/
126 /* Upload/download strings */
127 static const char *const upload_download_names[] = { "download", "upload" };
129 /* Valid S3 access values */
130 static const char *const s3_acls[] = {
135 };
137 /* Valid S3 authentication types */
138 static const char *const s3_auth_types[] = {
141 };
143 /* Configuration structure */
144 static char user_agent_buf[64];
145 static struct s3b_config config = {
147     /* HTTP config */
148     .http_io= {
149         .accessId=              NULL,
150         .accessKey=             NULL,
151         .baseURL=               NULL,
152         .region=                NULL,
153         .bucket=                NULL,
154         .sse=                   NULL,
155         .blockHashPrefix=       0,
156         .prefix=                S3BACKER_DEFAULT_PREFIX,
157         .accessType=            S3BACKER_DEFAULT_ACCESS_TYPE,
158         .authVersion=           S3BACKER_DEFAULT_AUTH_VERSION,
159         .user_agent=            user_agent_buf,
160         .compress=              S3BACKER_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION,
161         .timeout=               S3BACKER_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
162         .initial_retry_pause=   S3BACKER_DEFAULT_INITIAL_RETRY_PAUSE,
163         .max_retry_pause=       S3BACKER_DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_PAUSE,
164     },
166     /* "Eventual consistency" protection config */
167     .ec_protect= {
168         .min_write_delay=       S3BACKER_DEFAULT_MIN_WRITE_DELAY,
169         .cache_time=            S3BACKER_DEFAULT_MD5_CACHE_TIME,
170         .cache_size=            S3BACKER_DEFAULT_MD5_CACHE_SIZE,
171     },
173     /* Block cache config */
174     .block_cache= {
175         .cache_size=            S3BACKER_DEFAULT_BLOCK_CACHE_SIZE,
176         .num_threads=           S3BACKER_DEFAULT_BLOCK_CACHE_NUM_THREADS,
177         .write_delay=           S3BACKER_DEFAULT_BLOCK_CACHE_WRITE_DELAY,
178         .max_dirty=             S3BACKER_DEFAULT_BLOCK_CACHE_MAX_DIRTY,
179         .timeout=               S3BACKER_DEFAULT_BLOCK_CACHE_TIMEOUT,
180         .read_ahead=            S3BACKER_DEFAULT_READ_AHEAD,
181         .read_ahead_trigger=    S3BACKER_DEFAULT_READ_AHEAD_TRIGGER,
182     },
184     /* FUSE operations config */
185     .fuse_ops= {
186         .filename=              S3BACKER_DEFAULT_FILENAME,
187         .stats_filename=        S3BACKER_DEFAULT_STATS_FILENAME,
188         .file_mode=             -1,             /* default depends on 'read_only' */
189     },
191     /* Common stuff */
192     .block_size=            0,
193     .file_size=             0,
194     .quiet=                 0,
195     .erase=                 0,
196     .no_auto_detect=        0,
197     .reset=                 0,
198     .log=                   syslog_logger
199 };
201 /*
202  * Command line flags
203  *
204  * Note: each entry here is listed twice, so both version "--foo=X" and "-o foo=X" work.
205  * See http://code.google.com/p/s3backer/issues/detail?id=7
206  */
207 static const struct fuse_opt option_list[] = {
208     {
209         .templ=     "--accessFile=%s",
210         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, accessFile),
211     },
212     {
213         .templ=     "--accessId=%s",
214         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.accessId),
215     },
216     {
217         .templ=     "--accessKey=%s",
218         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.accessKey),
219     },
220     {
221         .templ=     "--accessType=%s",
222         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.accessType),
223     },
224     {
225         .templ=     "--accessEC2IAM=%s",
226         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.ec2iam_role),
227     },
228     {
229         .templ=     "--authVersion=%s",
230         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.authVersion),
231     },
232     {
233         .templ=     "--listBlocks",
234         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, list_blocks),
235         .value=     1
236     },
237     {
238         .templ=     "--baseURL=%s",
239         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.baseURL),
240     },
241     {
242         .templ=     "--region=%s",
243         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.region),
244     },
245     {
246         .templ=     "--sse=%s",
247         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.sse),
248     },
249     {
250         .templ=     "--blockCacheSize=%u",
251         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, block_cache.cache_size),
252     },
253     {
254         .templ=     "--blockCacheSync",
255         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, block_cache.synchronous),
256         .value=     1
257     },
258     {
259         .templ=     "--blockCacheThreads=%u",
260         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, block_cache.num_threads),
261     },
262     {
263         .templ=     "--blockCacheTimeout=%u",
264         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, block_cache.timeout),
265     },
266     {
267         .templ=     "--blockCacheWriteDelay=%u",
268         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, block_cache.write_delay),
269     },
270     {
271         .templ=     "--blockCacheMaxDirty=%u",
272         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, block_cache.max_dirty),
273     },
274     {
275         .templ=     "--blockCacheRecoverDirtyBlocks",
276         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, block_cache.recover_dirty_blocks),
277         .value=     1
278     },
279     {
280         .templ=     "--readAhead=%u",
281         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, block_cache.read_ahead),
282     },
283     {
284         .templ=     "--readAheadTrigger=%u",
285         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, block_cache.read_ahead_trigger),
286     },
287     {
288         .templ=     "--blockCacheFile=%s",
289         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, block_cache.cache_file),
290     },
291     {
292         .templ=     "--blockCacheNoVerify",
293         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, block_cache.no_verify),
294         .value=     1
295     },
296     {
297         .templ=     "--blockSize=%s",
298         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, block_size_str),
299     },
300     {
301         .templ=     "--maxUploadSpeed=%s",
302         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, max_speed_str[HTTP_UPLOAD]),
303     },
304     {
305         .templ=     "--maxDownloadSpeed=%s",
306         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, max_speed_str[HTTP_DOWNLOAD]),
307     },
308     {
309         .templ=     "--md5CacheSize=%u",
310         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, ec_protect.cache_size),
311     },
312     {
313         .templ=     "--md5CacheTime=%u",
314         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, ec_protect.cache_time),
315     },
316     {
317         .templ=     "--debug",
318         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, debug),
319         .value=     1
320     },
321     {
322         .templ=     "--debug-http",
323         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.debug_http),
324         .value=     1
325     },
326     {
327         .templ=     "--quiet",
328         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, quiet),
329         .value=     1
330     },
331     {
332         .templ=     "--erase",
333         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, erase),
334         .value=     1
335     },
336     {
337         .templ=     "--reset-mounted-flag",
338         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, reset),
339         .value=     1
340     },
341     {
342         .templ=     "--vhost",
343         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.vhost),
344         .value=     1
345     },
346     {
347         .templ=     "--fileMode=%o",
348         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, fuse_ops.file_mode),
349     },
350     {
351         .templ=     "--filename=%s",
352         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, fuse_ops.filename),
353     },
354     {
355         .templ=     "--force",
356         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, force),
357         .value=     1
358     },
359     {
360         .templ=     "--noAutoDetect",
361         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, no_auto_detect),
362         .value=     1
363     },
364     {
365         .templ=     "--initialRetryPause=%u",
366         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.initial_retry_pause),
367     },
368     {
369         .templ=     "--maxRetryPause=%u",
370         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.max_retry_pause),
371     },
372     {
373         .templ=     "--minWriteDelay=%u",
374         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, ec_protect.min_write_delay),
375     },
376     {
377         .templ=     "--blockHashPrefix",
378         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.blockHashPrefix),
379         .value=     1
380     },
381     {
382         .templ=     "--prefix=%s",
383         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.prefix),
384     },
385     {
386         .templ=     "--defaultContentEncoding=%s",
387         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.default_ce),
388     },
389     {
390         .templ=     "--readOnly",
391         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, fuse_ops.read_only),
392         .value=     1
393     },
394     {
395         .templ=     "--size=%s",
396         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, file_size_str),
397     },
398     {
399         .templ=     "--statsFilename=%s",
400         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, fuse_ops.stats_filename),
401     },
402     {
403         .templ=     "--rrs",
404         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.rrs),
405         .value=     1
406     },
407     {
408         .templ=     "--storageClass=%s",
409         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.storage_class),
410     },
411     {
412         .templ=     "--ssl",
413         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, ssl),
414         .value=     1
415     },
416     {
417         .templ=     "--cacert=%s",
418         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.cacert),
419     },
420     {
421         .templ=     "--insecure",
422         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.insecure),
423         .value=     1
424     },
425     {
426         .templ=     "--compress",
427         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.compress),
428         .value=     Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION
429     },
430     {
431         .templ=     "--compress=%d",
432         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.compress),
433     },
434     {
435         .templ=     "--encrypt",
436         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, encrypt),
437         .value=     1
438     },
439     {
440         .templ=     "--encrypt=%s",
441         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.encryption),
442     },
443     {
444         .templ=     "--keyLength=%u",
445         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.key_length),
446     },
447     {
448         .templ=     "--password=%s",
449         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.password),
450     },
451     {
452         .templ=     "--passwordFile=%s",
453         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, password_file),
454     },
455     {
456         .templ=     "--test",
457         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, test),
458         .value=     1
459     },
460     {
461         .templ=     "--timeout=%u",
462         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, http_io.timeout),
463     },
464     {
465         .templ=     "--directIO",
466         .offset=    offsetof(struct s3b_config, fuse_ops.direct_io),
467         .value=     1
468     },
469 };
471 /* Default flags we send to FUSE */
472 static const char *const s3backer_fuse_defaults[] = {
473     "-okernel_cache",
474     "-oallow_other",
475     "-ouse_ino",
476     "-omax_readahead=0",
477     "-osubtype=s3backer",
478     "-oentry_timeout=31536000",
479     "-onegative_timeout=31536000",
480     "-oattr_timeout=0",             // because statistics file length changes
481     "-odefault_permissions",
482 #ifndef __FreeBSD__
483     "-onodev",
484 #endif
485     "-onosuid",
486 #ifdef __APPLE__
487     "-odaemon_timeout=" FUSE_MAX_DAEMON_TIMEOUT_STRING,
488 #endif
489 /*  "-ointr", */
490 };
492 /* Size suffixes */
493 struct size_suffix {
494     const char  *suffix;
495     int         bits;
496 };
497 static const struct size_suffix size_suffixes[] = {
498     {
499         .suffix=    "k",
500         .bits=      10
501     },
502     {
503         .suffix=    "m",
504         .bits=      20
505     },
506     {
507         .suffix=    "g",
508         .bits=      30
509     },
510     {
511         .suffix=    "t",
512         .bits=      40
513     },
514     {
515         .suffix=    "p",
516         .bits=      50
517     },
518     {
519         .suffix=    "e",
520         .bits=      60
521     },
522     {
523         .suffix=    "z",
524         .bits=      70
525     },
526     {
527         .suffix=    "y",
528         .bits=      80
529     },
530 };
532 /* s3backer_store layers */
533 struct s3backer_store *block_cache_store;
534 struct s3backer_store *ec_protect_store;
535 struct s3backer_store *http_io_store;
536 struct s3backer_store *test_io_store;
538 /****************************************************************************
539  *                      PUBLIC FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         *
540  ****************************************************************************/
542 struct s3b_config *
543 s3backer_get_config(int argc, char **argv)
544 {
545     const int num_options = sizeof(option_list) / sizeof(*option_list);
546     struct fuse_opt dup_option_list[2 * sizeof(option_list) + 1];
547     char buf[1024];
548     int i;
550     /* Remember user creds */
551     config.fuse_ops.uid = getuid();
552     config.fuse_ops.gid = getgid();
554     /* Set user-agent */
555     snprintf(user_agent_buf, sizeof(user_agent_buf), "%s/%s/%s", PACKAGE, VERSION, s3backer_version);
557     /* Copy passed args */
558     memset(&config.fuse_args, 0, sizeof(config.fuse_args));
559     for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
560         if (fuse_opt_insert_arg(&config.fuse_args, i, argv[i]) != 0)
561             err(1, "fuse_opt_insert_arg");
562     }
564     /* Insert our default FUSE options */
565     for (i = 0; i < sizeof(s3backer_fuse_defaults) / sizeof(*s3backer_fuse_defaults); i++) {
566         if (fuse_opt_insert_arg(&config.fuse_args, i + 1, s3backer_fuse_defaults[i]) != 0)
567             err(1, "fuse_opt_insert_arg");
568     }
570     /* Create the equivalent fstab options (without the "--") for each option in the option list */
571     memcpy(dup_option_list, option_list, sizeof(option_list));
572     memcpy(dup_option_list + num_options, option_list, sizeof(option_list));
573     for (i = num_options; i < 2 * num_options; i++)
574         dup_option_list[i].templ += 2;
575     dup_option_list[2 * num_options].templ = NULL;
577     /* Parse command line flags */
578     if (fuse_opt_parse(&config.fuse_args, &config, dup_option_list, handle_unknown_option) != 0)
579         return NULL;
581     /* Validate configuration */
582     if (validate_config() != 0)
583         return NULL;
585     /* Set fsname based on configuration */
586     snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "-ofsname=%s", config.description);
587     if (fuse_opt_insert_arg(&config.fuse_args, 1, buf) != 0)
588         err(1, "fuse_opt_insert_arg");
590     /* Set up fuse_ops callbacks */
591     config.fuse_ops.print_stats = s3b_config_print_stats;
592     config.fuse_ops.clear_stats = s3b_config_clear_stats;
593     config.fuse_ops.s3bconf = &config;
595     /* Debug */
596     if (config.debug)
597         dump_config();
599     /* Done */
600     return &config;
601 }
603 /*
604  * Create the s3backer_store used at runtime.
605  */
606 struct s3backer_store *
607 s3backer_create_store(struct s3b_config *conf)
608 {
609     struct s3backer_store *store;
610     int32_t old_mount_token;
611     int32_t new_mount_token;
612     int r;
614     /* Sanity check */
615     if (http_io_store != NULL || test_io_store != NULL) {
616         errno = EINVAL;
617         return NULL;
618     }
620     /* Create HTTP (or test) layer */
621     if (conf->test) {
622         if ((test_io_store = test_io_create(&conf->http_io)) == NULL)
623             return NULL;
624         store = test_io_store;
625     } else {
626         if ((http_io_store = http_io_create(&conf->http_io)) == NULL)
627             return NULL;
628         store = http_io_store;
629     }
631     /* Create eventual consistency protection layer (if desired) */
632     if (conf->ec_protect.cache_size > 0) {
633         if ((ec_protect_store = ec_protect_create(&conf->ec_protect, store)) == NULL)
634             goto fail_with_errno;
635         store = ec_protect_store;
636     }
638     /* Create block cache layer (if desired) */
639     if (conf->block_cache.cache_size > 0) {
640         if ((block_cache_store = block_cache_create(&conf->block_cache, store)) == NULL)
641             goto fail_with_errno;
642         store = block_cache_store;
643     }
645     /* Set mount token and check previous value one last time */
646     new_mount_token = -1;
647     if (!conf->fuse_ops.read_only) {
648         srandom((long)time(NULL) ^ (long)&old_mount_token);
649         do
650             new_mount_token = random();
651         while (new_mount_token <= 0);
652     }
653     if ((r = (*store->set_mount_token)(store, &old_mount_token, new_mount_token)) != 0) {
654         (*conf->log)(LOG_ERR, "error reading mount token on %s: %s", conf->description, strerror(r));
655         goto fail;
656     }
657     if (old_mount_token != 0) {
658         if (!conf->force && !conf->block_cache.perform_flush) {
659             (*conf->log)(LOG_ERR, "%s appears to be mounted by another s3backer process (using mount token 0x%08x)",
660               config.description, (int)old_mount_token);
661             r = EBUSY;
662             goto fail;
663         }
664     }
665     if (new_mount_token != -1)
666         (*conf->log)(LOG_INFO, "established new mount token 0x%08x", (int)new_mount_token);
668     /* Done */
669     return store;
671 fail_with_errno:
672     r = errno;
673 fail:
674     if (store != NULL)
675         (*store->destroy)(store);
676     block_cache_store = NULL;
677     ec_protect_store = NULL;
678     http_io_store = NULL;
679     test_io_store = NULL;
680     errno = r;
681     return NULL;
682 }
684 /****************************************************************************
685  *                    INTERNAL FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         *
686  ****************************************************************************/
688 static void
689 s3b_config_print_stats(void *prarg, printer_t *printer)
690 {
691     struct http_io_stats http_io_stats;
692     struct ec_protect_stats ec_protect_stats;
693     struct block_cache_stats block_cache_stats;
694     double curl_reuse_ratio = 0.0;
695     u_int total_oom = 0;
696     u_int total_curls;
698     /* Get HTTP stats */
699     if (http_io_store != NULL)
700         http_io_get_stats(http_io_store, &http_io_stats);
702     /* Get EC protection stats */
703     if (ec_protect_store != NULL)
704         ec_protect_get_stats(ec_protect_store, &ec_protect_stats);
706     /* Get block cache stats */
707     if (block_cache_store != NULL)
708         block_cache_get_stats(block_cache_store, &block_cache_stats);
710     /* Print stats in human-readable form */
711     if (http_io_store != NULL) {
712         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_normal_blocks_read", http_io_stats.normal_blocks_read);
713         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_normal_blocks_written", http_io_stats.normal_blocks_written);
714         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_zero_blocks_read", http_io_stats.zero_blocks_read);
715         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_zero_blocks_written", http_io_stats.zero_blocks_written);
716         if (config.list_blocks) {
717             (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_empty_blocks_read", http_io_stats.empty_blocks_read);
718             (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_empty_blocks_written", http_io_stats.empty_blocks_written);
719         }
720         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_gets", http_io_stats.http_gets.count);
721         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_puts", http_io_stats.http_puts.count);
722         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_deletes", http_io_stats.http_deletes.count);
723         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %.3f sec\n", "http_avg_get_time", http_io_stats.http_gets.count > 0 ?
724           http_io_stats.http_gets.time / http_io_stats.http_gets.count : 0.0);
725         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %.3f sec\n", "http_avg_put_time", http_io_stats.http_puts.count > 0 ?
726           http_io_stats.http_puts.time / http_io_stats.http_puts.count : 0.0);
727         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %.3f sec\n", "http_avg_delete_time", http_io_stats.http_deletes.count > 0 ?
728           http_io_stats.http_deletes.time / http_io_stats.http_deletes.count : 0.0);
729         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_unauthorized", http_io_stats.http_unauthorized);
730         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_forbidden", http_io_stats.http_forbidden);
731         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_stale", http_io_stats.http_stale);
732         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_verified", http_io_stats.http_verified);
733         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_mismatch", http_io_stats.http_mismatch);
734         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_5xx_error", http_io_stats.http_5xx_error);
735         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_4xx_error", http_io_stats.http_4xx_error);
736         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_other_error", http_io_stats.http_other_error);
737         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_canceled_writes", http_io_stats.http_canceled_writes);
738         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "http_num_retries", http_io_stats.num_retries);
739         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %ju.%03u sec\n", "http_total_retry_delay",
740           (uintmax_t)(http_io_stats.retry_delay / 1000), (u_int)(http_io_stats.retry_delay % 1000));
741         total_curls = http_io_stats.curl_handles_created + http_io_stats.curl_handles_reused;
742         if (total_curls > 0)
743             curl_reuse_ratio = (double)http_io_stats.curl_handles_reused / (double)total_curls;
744         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %.4f\n", "curl_handle_reuse_ratio", curl_reuse_ratio);
745         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "curl_timeouts", http_io_stats.curl_timeouts);
746         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "curl_connect_failed", http_io_stats.curl_connect_failed);
747         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "curl_host_unknown", http_io_stats.curl_host_unknown);
748         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "curl_out_of_memory", http_io_stats.curl_out_of_memory);
749         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "curl_other_error", http_io_stats.curl_other_error);
750         total_oom += http_io_stats.out_of_memory_errors;
751     }
752     if (block_cache_store != NULL) {
753         double read_hit_ratio = 0.0;
754         double write_hit_ratio = 0.0;
755         u_int total_reads;
756         u_int total_writes;
758         total_reads = block_cache_stats.read_hits + block_cache_stats.read_misses;
759         if (total_reads != 0)
760             read_hit_ratio = (double)block_cache_stats.read_hits / (double)total_reads;
761         total_writes = block_cache_stats.write_hits + block_cache_stats.write_misses;
762         if (total_writes != 0)
763             write_hit_ratio = (double)block_cache_stats.write_hits / (double)total_writes;
764         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u blocks\n", "block_cache_current_size", block_cache_stats.current_size);
765         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u blocks\n", "block_cache_initial_size", block_cache_stats.initial_size);
766         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %.4f\n", "block_cache_dirty_ratio", block_cache_stats.dirty_ratio);
767         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "block_cache_read_hits", block_cache_stats.read_hits);
768         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "block_cache_read_misses", block_cache_stats.read_misses);
769         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %.4f\n", "block_cache_read_hit_ratio", read_hit_ratio);
770         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "block_cache_write_hits", block_cache_stats.write_hits);
771         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "block_cache_write_misses", block_cache_stats.write_misses);
772         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %.4f\n", "block_cache_write_hit_ratio", write_hit_ratio);
773         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "block_cache_verified", block_cache_stats.verified);
774         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "block_cache_mismatch", block_cache_stats.mismatch);
775         total_oom += block_cache_stats.out_of_memory_errors;
776     }
777     if (ec_protect_store != NULL) {
778         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u blocks\n", "md5_cache_current_size", ec_protect_stats.current_cache_size);
779         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "md5_cache_data_hits", ec_protect_stats.cache_data_hits);
780         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %ju.%03u sec\n", "md5_cache_full_delays",
781           (uintmax_t)(ec_protect_stats.cache_full_delay / 1000), (u_int)(ec_protect_stats.cache_full_delay % 1000));
782         (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %ju.%03u sec\n", "md5_cache_write_delays",
783           (uintmax_t)(ec_protect_stats.repeated_write_delay / 1000), (u_int)(ec_protect_stats.repeated_write_delay % 1000));
784         total_oom += ec_protect_stats.out_of_memory_errors;
785     }
786     (*printer)(prarg, "%-28s %u\n", "out_of_memory_errors", total_oom);
787 }
789 static void
790 s3b_config_clear_stats(void)
791 {
792     /* Clear HTTP stats */
793     if (http_io_store != NULL)
794         http_io_clear_stats(http_io_store);
796     /* Clear EC protection stats */
797     if (ec_protect_store != NULL)
798         ec_protect_clear_stats(ec_protect_store);
800     /* Clear block cache stats */
801     if (block_cache_store != NULL)
802         block_cache_clear_stats(block_cache_store);
803 }
805 static int
806 parse_size_string(const char *s, uintmax_t *valp)
807 {
808     char suffix[3] = { '\0' };
809     int nconv;
811     nconv = sscanf(s, "%ju%2s", valp, suffix);
812     if (nconv < 1)
813         return -1;
814     if (nconv >= 2) {
815         int found = 0;
816         int i;
818         for (i = 0; i < sizeof(size_suffixes) / sizeof(*size_suffixes); i++) {
819             const struct size_suffix *const ss = &size_suffixes[i];
821             if (ss->bits >= sizeof(off_t) * 8)
822                 break;
823             if (strcasecmp(suffix, ss->suffix) == 0) {
824                 *valp <<= ss->bits;
825                 found = 1;
826                 break;
827             }
828         }
829         if (!found)
830             return -1;
831     }
832     return 0;
833 }
835 static void
836 unparse_size_string(char *buf, size_t bmax, uintmax_t value)
837 {
838     uintmax_t unit;
839     int i;
841     if (value == 0) {
842         snprintf(buf, bmax, "0");
843         return;
844     }
845     for (i = sizeof(size_suffixes) / sizeof(*size_suffixes); i-- > 0; ) {
846         const struct size_suffix *const ss = &size_suffixes[i];
848         if (ss->bits >= sizeof(off_t) * 8)
849             continue;
850         unit = (uintmax_t)1 << ss->bits;
851         if (value % unit == 0) {
852             snprintf(buf, bmax, "%ju%s", value / unit, ss->suffix);
853             return;
854         }
855     }
856     snprintf(buf, bmax, "%ju", value);
857 }
859 /**
860  * Handle command-line flag.
861  */
862 static int
863 handle_unknown_option(void *data, const char *arg, int key, struct fuse_args *outargs)
864 {
865     /* Check options */
866     if (key == FUSE_OPT_KEY_OPT) {
868         /* Debug flags */
869         if (strcmp(arg, "-d") == 0)
870             config.debug = 1;
871         if (strcmp(arg, "-d") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "-f") == 0)
872             config.log = stderr_logger;
874         /* Version */
875         if (strcmp(arg, "--version") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "-v") == 0) {
876             fprintf(stderr, "%s version %s (%s)\n", PACKAGE, VERSION, s3backer_version);
877             fprintf(stderr, "Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Archie L. Cobbs.\n");
878             fprintf(stderr, "This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO\n");
879             fprintf(stderr, "warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n");
880             exit(0);
881         }
883         /* Help */
884         if (strcmp(arg, "--help") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "-h") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "-?") == 0) {
885             usage();
886             exit(0);
887         }
889         /* Unknown; pass it through to fuse_main() */
890         return 1;
891     }
893     /* Get bucket parameter */
894     if (config.http_io.bucket == NULL) {
895         if ((config.http_io.bucket = strdup(arg)) == NULL)
896             err(1, "strdup");
897         return 0;
898     }
900     /* Copy mount point */
901     if (config.mount == NULL) {
902         if ((config.mount = strdup(arg)) == NULL)
903             err(1, "strdup");
904         return 1;
905     }
907     /* Pass subsequent paramters on to fuse_main() */
908     return 1;
909 }
911 static int
912 search_access_for(const char *file, const char *accessId, char **idptr, char **pwptr)
913 {
914     char buf[1024];
915     FILE *fp;
917     if (idptr != NULL)
918         *idptr = NULL;
919     if (pwptr != NULL)
920         *pwptr = NULL;
921     if ((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL)
922         return 0;
923     while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) {
924         char *colon;
926         if (*buf == '#' || *buf == '\0' || isspace(*buf) || (colon = strchr(buf, ':')) == NULL)
927             continue;
928         while (*buf != '\0' && isspace(buf[strlen(buf) - 1]))
929             buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0';
930         *colon = '\0';
931         if (accessId != NULL && strcmp(buf, accessId) != 0)
932             continue;
933         if (idptr != NULL && (*idptr = strdup(buf)) == NULL)
934             err(1, "strdup");
935         if (pwptr != NULL && (*pwptr = strdup(colon + 1)) == NULL)
936             err(1, "strdup");
937         fclose(fp);
938         return 1;
939     }
940     fclose(fp);
941     return 0;
942 }
944 static int
945 validate_config(void)
946 {
947     struct s3backer_store *s3b;
948     const int customBaseURL = config.http_io.baseURL != NULL;
949     const int customRegion = config.http_io.region != NULL;
950     off_t auto_file_size;
951     u_int auto_block_size;
952     uintmax_t value;
953     const char *s;
954     char blockSizeBuf[64];
955     char fileSizeBuf[64];
956     struct stat sb;
957     char urlbuf[512];
958     int i;
959     int r;
961     /* Default to $HOME/.s3backer for accessFile */
962     if (config.http_io.ec2iam_role == NULL && config.accessFile == NULL) {
963         const char *home = getenv("HOME");
964         char buf[PATH_MAX];
966         if (home != NULL) {
967             snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", home, S3BACKER_DEFAULT_PWD_FILE);
968             if ((config.accessFile = strdup(buf)) == NULL)
969                 err(1, "strdup");
970         }
971     }
973     /* Auto-set file mode in read_only if not explicitly set */
974     if (config.fuse_ops.file_mode == -1) {
975         config.fuse_ops.file_mode = config.fuse_ops.read_only ?
977     }
979     /* If no accessId specified, default to first in accessFile */
980     if (config.http_io.accessId == NULL && config.accessFile != NULL)
981         search_access_for(config.accessFile, NULL, &config.http_io.accessId, NULL);
982     if (config.http_io.accessId != NULL && *config.http_io.accessId == '\0')
983         config.http_io.accessId = NULL;
985     /* If no accessId, only read operations will succeed */
986     if (!config.test && config.http_io.accessId == NULL
987       && !config.fuse_ops.read_only && !customBaseURL && config.http_io.ec2iam_role == NULL) {
988         warnx("warning: no `accessId' specified; only read operations will succeed");
989         warnx("you can eliminate this warning by providing the `--readOnly' flag");
990     }
992     /* Find key in file if not specified explicitly */
993     if (config.http_io.accessId == NULL && config.http_io.accessKey != NULL) {
994         warnx("an `accessKey' was specified but no `accessId' was specified");
995         return -1;
996     }
997     if (config.http_io.accessId != NULL) {
998         if (config.http_io.accessKey == NULL && config.accessFile != NULL)
999             search_access_for(config.accessFile, config.http_io.accessId, NULL, &config.http_io.accessKey);
1000         if (config.http_io.accessKey == NULL) {
1001             warnx("no `accessKey' specified");
1002             return -1;
1003         }
1004     }
1006     /* Check for conflict between explicit accessId and EC2 IAM role */
1007     if (config.http_io.accessId != NULL && config.http_io.ec2iam_role != NULL) {
1008         warnx("an `accessKey' must not be specified when an `accessEC2IAM' role is specified");
1009         return -1;
1010     }
1012     /* Check auth version */
1013     for (i = 0; i < sizeof(s3_auth_types) / sizeof(*s3_auth_types); i++) {
1014         if (strcmp(config.http_io.authVersion, s3_auth_types[i]) == 0)
1015             break;
1016     }
1017     if (i == sizeof(s3_auth_types) / sizeof(*s3_auth_types)) {
1018         warnx("illegal authentication version `%s'", config.http_io.authVersion);
1019         return -1;
1020     }
1022     /* Check bucket/testdir */
1023     if (!config.test) {
1024         if (config.http_io.bucket == NULL) {
1025             warnx("no S3 bucket specified");
1026             return -1;
1027         }
1028         if (*config.http_io.bucket == '\0' || *config.http_io.bucket == '/' || strchr(config.http_io.bucket, '/') != 0) {
1029             warnx("invalid S3 bucket `%s'", config.http_io.bucket);
1030             return -1;
1031         }
1032     } else {
1033         if (config.http_io.bucket == NULL) {
1034             warnx("no test directory specified");
1035             return -1;
1036         }
1037         if (stat(config.http_io.bucket, &sb) == -1) {
1038             warn("%s", config.http_io.bucket);
1039             return -1;
1040         }
1041         if (!S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) {
1042             errno = ENOTDIR;
1043             warn("%s", config.http_io.bucket);
1044             return -1;
1045         }
1046     }
1048     /* Check storage class */
1049     if (config.http_io.storage_class != NULL
1050       && strcmp(config.http_io.storage_class, STORAGE_CLASS_STANDARD) != 0
1051       && strcmp(config.http_io.storage_class, STORAGE_CLASS_STANDARD_IA) != 0
1052       && strcmp(config.http_io.storage_class, STORAGE_CLASS_REDUCED_REDUNDANCY) != 0) {
1053         warnx("invalid storage class `%s'", config.http_io.storage_class);
1054         return -1;
1055     }
1057     /* Check server side encryption type */
1058     if (config.http_io.sse != NULL && strcmp(config.http_io.sse, REQUIRED_SSE_VALUE) != 0) {
1059         warnx("invalid sse type `%s' (only `%s' is supported)", config.http_io.sse, REQUIRED_SSE_VALUE);
1060         return -1;
1061     }
1063     /* Set default or custom region */
1064     if (config.http_io.region == NULL)
1065         config.http_io.region = S3BACKER_DEFAULT_REGION;
1066     if (customRegion)
1067         config.http_io.vhost = 1;
1069     /* Set default base URL */
1070     if (config.http_io.baseURL == NULL) {
1071         if (customRegion && strcmp(config.http_io.region, S3BACKER_DEFAULT_REGION) != 0)
1072             snprintf(urlbuf, sizeof(urlbuf), "http%s://s3-%s.%s/", config.ssl ? "s" : "", config.http_io.region, S3_DOMAIN);
1073         else
1074             snprintf(urlbuf, sizeof(urlbuf), "http%s://s3.%s/", config.ssl ? "s" : "", S3_DOMAIN);
1075         if ((config.http_io.baseURL = strdup(urlbuf)) == NULL) {
1076             warn("malloc");
1077             return -1;
1078         }
1079     }
1081     /* Check base URL */
1082     s = NULL;
1083     if (strncmp(config.http_io.baseURL, "http://", 7) == 0)
1084         s = config.http_io.baseURL + 7;
1085     else if (strncmp(config.http_io.baseURL, "https://", 8) == 0)
1086         s = config.http_io.baseURL + 8;
1087     if (s != NULL && (*s == '/' || *s == '\0'))
1088         s = NULL;
1089     if (s != NULL && (s = strrchr(s, '/')) == NULL) {
1090         warnx("base URL must end with a '/'");
1091         s = NULL;
1092     }
1093     if (s != NULL && s[1] != '\0') {
1094         warnx("base URL must end with a '/' not '%c'", s[1]);
1095         s = NULL;
1096     }
1097     if (s == NULL) {
1098         warnx("invalid base URL `%s'", config.http_io.baseURL);
1099         return -1;
1100     }
1101     if (config.ssl && customBaseURL && strncmp(config.http_io.baseURL, "https", 5) != 0) {
1102         warnx("non-SSL `--baseURL' conflicts with `--ssl'");
1103         return -1;
1104     }
1106     /* Handle virtual host style URL (prefix hostname with bucket name) */
1107     if (config.http_io.vhost) {
1108         size_t buflen;
1109         int schemelen;
1110         char *buf;
1112         schemelen = strchr(config.http_io.baseURL, ':') - config.http_io.baseURL + 3;
1113         buflen = strlen(config.http_io.bucket) + 1 + strlen(config.http_io.baseURL) + 1;
1114         if ((buf = malloc(buflen)) == NULL)
1115             err(1, "malloc(%u)", (u_int)buflen);
1116         snprintf(buf, buflen, "%.*s%s.%s", schemelen, config.http_io.baseURL,
1117           config.http_io.bucket, config.http_io.baseURL + schemelen);
1118         config.http_io.baseURL = buf;
1119     }
1121     /* Check S3 access privilege */
1122     for (i = 0; i < sizeof(s3_acls) / sizeof(*s3_acls); i++) {
1123         if (strcmp(config.http_io.accessType, s3_acls[i]) == 0)
1124             break;
1125     }
1126     if (i == sizeof(s3_acls) / sizeof(*s3_acls)) {
1127         warnx("illegal access type `%s'", config.http_io.accessType);
1128         return -1;
1129     }
1131     /* Check filenames */
1132     if (strchr(config.fuse_ops.filename, '/') != NULL || *config.fuse_ops.filename == '\0') {
1133         warnx("illegal filename `%s'", config.fuse_ops.filename);
1134         return -1;
1135     }
1136     if (strchr(config.fuse_ops.stats_filename, '/') != NULL) {
1137         warnx("illegal stats filename `%s'", config.fuse_ops.stats_filename);
1138         return -1;
1139     }
1141     /* Apply default encryption */
1142     if (config.http_io.encryption == NULL && config.encrypt)
1143         config.http_io.encryption = strdup(S3BACKER_DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION);
1145     /* Uppercase encryption name for consistency */
1146     if (config.http_io.encryption != NULL) {
1147         char *t;
1149         if ((t = strdup(config.http_io.encryption)) == NULL)
1150             err(1, "strdup()");
1151         for (i = 0; t[i] != '\0'; i++)
1152             t[i] = toupper(t[i]);
1153         config.http_io.encryption = t;
1154     }
1156     /* Check encryption and get key */
1157     if (config.http_io.encryption != NULL) {
1158         char pwbuf[1024];
1159         FILE *fp;
1161         if (config.password_file != NULL && config.http_io.password != NULL) {
1162             warnx("specify only one of `--password' or `--passwordFile'");
1163             return -1;
1164         }
1165         if (config.password_file == NULL && config.http_io.password == NULL) {
1166             if ((s = getpass("Password: ")) == NULL)
1167                 err(1, "getpass()");
1168         }
1169         if (config.password_file != NULL) {
1170             assert(config.http_io.password == NULL);
1171             if ((fp = fopen(config.password_file, "r")) == NULL) {
1172                 warn("can't open encryption key file `%s'", config.password_file);
1173                 return -1;
1174             }
1175             if (fgets(pwbuf, sizeof(pwbuf), fp) == NULL || *pwbuf == '\0') {
1176                 warnx("can't read encryption key from file `%s'", config.password_file);
1177                 fclose(fp);
1178                 return -1;
1179             }
1180             if (pwbuf[strlen(pwbuf) - 1] == '\n')
1181                 pwbuf[strlen(pwbuf) - 1] = '\0';
1182             fclose(fp);
1183             s = pwbuf;
1184         }
1185         if (config.http_io.password == NULL && (config.http_io.password = strdup(s)) == NULL)
1186             err(1, "strdup()");
1187         if (config.http_io.key_length > EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH) {
1188             warnx("`--keyLength' value must be positive and at most %u", EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH);
1189             return -1;
1190         }
1191     } else {
1192         if (config.http_io.password != NULL)
1193             warnx("unexpected flag `%s' (`--encrypt' was not specified)", "--password");
1194         else if (config.password_file != NULL)
1195             warnx("unexpected flag `%s' (`--encrypt' was not specified)", "--passwordFile");
1196         if (config.http_io.key_length != 0)
1197             warnx("unexpected flag `%s' (`--encrypt' was not specified)", "--keyLength");
1198     }
1200     /* We always want to compress if we are encrypting */
1201     if (config.http_io.encryption != NULL && config.http_io.compress == Z_NO_COMPRESSION)
1202         config.http_io.compress = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;
1204     /* Check compression level */
1205     switch (config.http_io.compress) {
1207     case Z_NO_COMPRESSION:
1208         break;
1209     default:
1210         if (config.http_io.compress < Z_BEST_SPEED || config.http_io.compress > Z_BEST_COMPRESSION) {
1211             warnx("illegal compression level `%d'", config.http_io.compress);
1212             return -1;
1213         }
1214         break;
1215     }
1217     /* Disable md5 cache when in read only mode */
1218     if (config.fuse_ops.read_only) {
1219         config.ec_protect.cache_size = 0;
1220         config.ec_protect.cache_time = 0;
1221         config.ec_protect.min_write_delay = 0;
1222     }
1224     /* Check time/cache values */
1225     if (config.ec_protect.cache_size == 0 && config.ec_protect.cache_time > 0) {
1226         warnx("`md5CacheTime' must zero when MD5 cache is disabled");
1227         return -1;
1228     }
1229     if (config.ec_protect.cache_size == 0 && config.ec_protect.min_write_delay > 0) {
1230         warnx("`minWriteDelay' must zero when MD5 cache is disabled");
1231         return -1;
1232     }
1233     if (config.ec_protect.cache_time > 0
1234       && config.ec_protect.cache_time < config.ec_protect.min_write_delay) {
1235         warnx("`md5CacheTime' must be at least `minWriteDelay'");
1236         return -1;
1237     }
1238     if (config.http_io.initial_retry_pause > config.http_io.max_retry_pause) {
1239         warnx("`maxRetryPause' must be at least `initialRetryPause'");
1240         return -1;
1241     }
1243     /* Parse block and file sizes */
1244     if (config.block_size_str != NULL) {
1245         if (parse_size_string(config.block_size_str, &value) == -1 || value == 0) {
1246             warnx("invalid block size `%s'", config.block_size_str);
1247             return -1;
1248         }
1249         if ((u_int)value != value) {
1250             warnx("block size `%s' is too big", config.block_size_str);
1251             return -1;
1252         }
1253         config.block_size = value;
1254     }
1255     if (config.file_size_str != NULL) {
1256         if (parse_size_string(config.file_size_str, &value) == -1 || value == 0) {
1257             warnx("invalid file size `%s'", config.file_size_str);
1258             return -1;
1259         }
1260         config.file_size = value;
1261     }
1263     /* Parse upload/download speeds */
1264     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
1265         if (config.max_speed_str[i] != NULL) {
1266             if (parse_size_string(config.max_speed_str[i], &value) == -1 || value == 0) {
1267                 warnx("invalid max %s speed `%s'", upload_download_names[i], config.max_speed_str[i]);
1268                 return -1;
1269             }
1270             if ((curl_off_t)(value / 8) != (value / 8)) {
1271                 warnx("max %s speed `%s' is too big", upload_download_names[i], config.max_speed_str[i]);
1272                 return -1;
1273             }
1274             config.http_io.max_speed[i] = value;
1275         }
1276         if (config.http_io.max_speed[i] != 0 && config.block_size / (config.http_io.max_speed[i] / 8) >= config.http_io.timeout) {
1277             warnx("configured timeout of %us is too short for block size of %u bytes and max %s speed %s bps",
1278               config.http_io.timeout, config.block_size, upload_download_names[i], config.max_speed_str[i]);
1279             return -1;
1280         }
1281     }
1283     /* Check block cache config */
1284     if (config.block_cache.cache_size > 0 && config.block_cache.num_threads <= 0) {
1285         warnx("invalid block cache thread pool size %u", config.block_cache.num_threads);
1286         return -1;
1287     }
1288     if (config.block_cache.write_delay > 0 && config.block_cache.synchronous) {
1289         warnx("`--blockCacheSync' requires setting `--blockCacheWriteDelay=0'");
1290         return -1;
1291     }
1292     if (config.block_cache.cache_size > 0 && config.block_cache.cache_file != NULL) {
1293         int bs_bits = ffs(config.block_size) - 1;
1294         int cs_bits = ffs(config.block_cache.cache_size);
1296         if (bs_bits + cs_bits >= sizeof(off_t) * 8 - 1) {
1297             warnx("the block cache is too big to fit within a single file (%u blocks x %u bytes)",
1298               config.block_cache.cache_size, config.block_size);
1299             return -1;
1300         }
1301     }
1302     if (config.block_cache.cache_file == NULL && config.block_cache.recover_dirty_blocks) {
1303         warnx("`--blockCacheRecoverDirtyBlocks' requires specifying `--blockCacheFile'");
1304         return -1;
1305     }
1307     /* Check mount point */
1308     if (config.erase || config.reset) {
1309         if (config.mount != NULL) {
1310             warnx("no mount point should be specified with `--erase' or `--reset-mounted-flag'");
1311             return -1;
1312         }
1313     } else {
1314         if (config.mount == NULL) {
1315             warnx("no mount point specified");
1316             return -1;
1317         }
1318     }
1320     /* Format descriptive string of what we're mounting */
1321     if (config.test) {
1322         snprintf(config.description, sizeof(config.description), "%s%s/%s",
1323           "file://", config.http_io.bucket, config.http_io.prefix);
1324     } else if (config.http_io.vhost)
1325         snprintf(config.description, sizeof(config.description), "%s%s", config.http_io.baseURL, config.http_io.prefix);
1326     else {
1327         snprintf(config.description, sizeof(config.description), "%s%s/%s",
1328           config.http_io.baseURL, config.http_io.bucket, config.http_io.prefix);
1329     }
1331     /*
1332      * Read the first block (if any) to determine existing file and block size,
1333      * and compare with configured sizes (if given).
1334      */
1335     if (config.test)
1336         config.no_auto_detect = 1;
1337     if (config.no_auto_detect)
1338         r = ENOENT;
1339     else {
1340         config.http_io.debug = config.debug;
1341         config.http_io.quiet = config.quiet;
1342         config.http_io.log = config.log;
1343         if ((s3b = http_io_create(&config.http_io)) == NULL)
1344             err(1, "http_io_create");
1345         if (!config.quiet)
1346             warnx("auto-detecting block size and total file size...");
1347         r = (*s3b->meta_data)(s3b, &auto_file_size, &auto_block_size);
1348         (*s3b->destroy)(s3b);
1349     }
1351     /* Check result */
1352     switch (r) {
1353     case 0:
1354         unparse_size_string(blockSizeBuf, sizeof(blockSizeBuf), (uintmax_t)auto_block_size);
1355         unparse_size_string(fileSizeBuf, sizeof(fileSizeBuf), (uintmax_t)auto_file_size);
1356         if (!config.quiet)
1357             warnx("auto-detected block size=%s and total size=%s", blockSizeBuf, fileSizeBuf);
1358         if (config.block_size == 0)
1359             config.block_size = auto_block_size;
1360         else if (auto_block_size != config.block_size) {
1361             char buf[64];
1363             unparse_size_string(buf, sizeof(buf), (uintmax_t)config.block_size);
1364             if (config.force) {
1365                 if (!config.quiet) {
1366                     warnx("warning: configured block size %s != filesystem block size %s,\n"
1367                       "but you said `--force' so I'll proceed anyway even though your data will\n"
1368                       "probably not read back correctly.", buf, blockSizeBuf);
1369                 }
1370             } else
1371                 errx(1, "error: configured block size %s != filesystem block size %s", buf, blockSizeBuf);
1372         }
1373         if (config.file_size == 0)
1374             config.file_size = auto_file_size;
1375         else if (auto_file_size != config.file_size) {
1376             char buf[64];
1378             unparse_size_string(buf, sizeof(buf), (uintmax_t)config.file_size);
1379             if (config.force) {
1380                 if (!config.quiet) {
1381                     warnx("warning: configured file size %s != filesystem file size %s,\n"
1382                       "but you said `--force' so I'll proceed anyway even though your data will\n"
1383                       "probably not read back correctly.", buf, fileSizeBuf);
1384                 }
1385             } else
1386                 errx(1, "error: configured file size %s != filesystem file size %s", buf, fileSizeBuf);
1387         }
1388         break;
1389     case ENOENT:
1390     {
1391         const char *why = config.no_auto_detect ? "disabled" : "failed";
1392         int config_block_size = config.block_size;
1394         if (config.file_size == 0)
1395             errx(1, "error: auto-detection of filesystem size %s; please specify `--size'", why);
1396         if (config.block_size == 0)
1397             config.block_size = S3BACKER_DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE;
1398         unparse_size_string(blockSizeBuf, sizeof(blockSizeBuf), (uintmax_t)config.block_size);
1399         unparse_size_string(fileSizeBuf, sizeof(fileSizeBuf), (uintmax_t)config.file_size);
1400         if (!config.quiet) {
1401             warnx("auto-detection %s; using %s block size %s and file size %s", why,
1402               config_block_size == 0 ? "default" : "configured", blockSizeBuf, fileSizeBuf);
1403         }
1404         break;
1405     }
1406     default:
1407         errno = r;
1408         err(1, "can't read data store meta-data");
1409         break;
1410     }
1412     /* Check computed block and file sizes */
1413     if (config.block_size != (1 << (ffs(config.block_size) - 1))) {
1414         warnx("block size must be a power of 2");
1415         return -1;
1416     }
1417     if (config.file_size % config.block_size != 0) {
1418         warnx("file size must be a multiple of block size");
1419         return -1;
1420     }
1421     config.num_blocks = config.file_size / config.block_size;
1422     if (sizeof(s3b_block_t) < sizeof(config.num_blocks)
1423       && config.num_blocks > ((off_t)1 << (sizeof(s3b_block_t) * 8))) {
1424         warnx("more than 2^%d blocks: decrease file size or increase block size", (int)(sizeof(s3b_block_t) * 8));
1425         return -1;
1426     }
1428     /* Check block size vs. encryption block size */
1429     if (config.http_io.encryption != NULL && config.block_size % EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH != 0) {
1430         warnx("block size must be at least %u when encryption is enabled", EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH);
1431         return -1;
1432     }
1434     /* Check that MD5 cache won't eventually deadlock */
1435     if (config.ec_protect.cache_size > 0
1436       && config.ec_protect.cache_time == 0
1437       && config.ec_protect.cache_size < config.num_blocks) {
1438         warnx("`md5CacheTime' is infinite but `md5CacheSize' is less than the number of blocks, so eventual deadlock will result");
1439         return -1;
1440     }
1442     /* No point in the caches being bigger than necessary */
1443     if (config.ec_protect.cache_size > config.num_blocks) {
1444         warnx("MD5 cache size (%ju) is greater that the total number of blocks (%ju); automatically reducing",
1445           (uintmax_t)config.ec_protect.cache_size, (uintmax_t)config.num_blocks);
1446         config.ec_protect.cache_size = config.num_blocks;
1447     }
1448     if (config.block_cache.cache_size > config.num_blocks) {
1449         warnx("block cache size (%ju) is greater that the total number of blocks (%ju); automatically reducing",
1450           (uintmax_t)config.block_cache.cache_size, (uintmax_t)config.num_blocks);
1451         config.block_cache.cache_size = config.num_blocks;
1452     }
1454 #ifdef __APPLE__
1455     /* On MacOS, warn if kernel timeouts can happen prior to our own timeout */
1456     {
1457         u_int total_time = 0;
1458         u_int retry_pause = 0;
1459         u_int total_pause;
1461         /*
1462          * Determine how much total time an operation can take including retries.
1463          * We have to use the same exponential backoff algorithm.
1464          */
1465         for (total_pause = 0; 1; total_pause += retry_pause) {
1466             total_time += config.http_io.timeout * 1000;
1467             if (total_pause >= config.http_io.max_retry_pause)
1468                 break;
1469             retry_pause = retry_pause > 0 ? retry_pause * 2 : config.http_io.initial_retry_pause;
1470             if (total_pause + retry_pause > config.http_io.max_retry_pause)
1471                 retry_pause = config.http_io.max_retry_pause - total_pause;
1472             total_time += retry_pause;
1473         }
1475         /* Convert from milliseconds to seconds */
1476         total_time = (total_time + 999) / 1000;
1478         /* Warn if exceeding MacFUSE limit */
1479         if (total_time >= FUSE_MAX_DAEMON_TIMEOUT && !config.quiet) {
1480             warnx("warning: maximum possible I/O delay (%us) >= MacFUSE limit (%us);", total_time, FUSE_MAX_DAEMON_TIMEOUT);
1481             warnx("consider lower settings for `--maxRetryPause' and/or `--timeout'.");
1482         }
1483     }
1484 #endif  /* __APPLE__ */
1486     /* Copy common stuff into sub-module configs */
1487     config.block_cache.block_size = config.block_size;
1488     config.block_cache.log = config.log;
1489     config.http_io.debug = config.debug;
1490     config.http_io.quiet = config.quiet;
1491     config.http_io.block_size = config.block_size;
1492     config.http_io.num_blocks = config.num_blocks;
1493     config.http_io.log = config.log;
1494     config.ec_protect.block_size = config.block_size;
1495     config.ec_protect.log = config.log;
1496     config.fuse_ops.block_size = config.block_size;
1497     config.fuse_ops.num_blocks = config.num_blocks;
1498     config.fuse_ops.log = config.log;
1500     /* Check whether already mounted, and if so, compare mount token against on-disk cache (if any) */
1501     if (!config.test && !config.erase && !config.reset) {
1502         int32_t mount_token;
1503         int conflict;
1505         /* Read s3 mount token */
1506         config.http_io.debug = config.debug;
1507         config.http_io.quiet = config.quiet;
1508         config.http_io.log = config.log;
1509         if ((s3b = http_io_create(&config.http_io)) == NULL)
1510             err(1, "http_io_create");
1511         r = (*s3b->set_mount_token)(s3b, &mount_token, -1);
1512         (*s3b->destroy)(s3b);
1513         if (r != 0) {
1514             errno = r;
1515             err(1, "error reading mount token");
1516         }
1517         conflict = mount_token != 0;
1519         /*
1520          * The disk cache also has a mount token, so we need to do some extra checking.
1521          * Either token can be 0 (i.e., not present -> not mounted) or != 0 (mounted).
1522          *
1523          * If neither token is present, proceed with mount. Note: there should not be
1524          * any dirty blocks in the disk cache in this case, because this represents a
1525          * clean unmount situation.
1526          *
1527          * If the cache has a token, but S3 has none, that means someone must have used
1528          * `--reset-mounted-flag' to clear it from S3 since the last time the disk cache was
1529          * used. In that case, `--force' is required to continue using the disk cache,
1530          * or `--reset-mounted-flag' must be used to clear the disk cache flag as well.
1531          *
1532          * If --blockCacheRecoverDirtyBlocks is specified and the tokens match, we
1533          * have the corresponding cache file for the last mount. Proceed with mount and,
1534          * if configured, enable cache writeback of dirty blocks.
1535          */
1536         if (config.block_cache.cache_file != NULL) {
1537             int32_t cache_mount_token = -1;
1538             struct stat cache_file_stat;
1539             struct s3b_dcache *dcache;
1541             /* Open disk cache file, if any, and read the mount token therein, if any */
1542             if (stat(config.block_cache.cache_file, &cache_file_stat) == -1) {
1543                 if (errno != ENOENT)
1544                     err(1, "can't open cache file `%s'", config.block_cache.cache_file);
1545             } else {
1546                 if ((r = s3b_dcache_open(&dcache, config.log, config.block_cache.cache_file,
1547                   config.block_cache.block_size, config.block_cache.cache_size, NULL, NULL, 0)) != 0)
1548                     errx(1, "error opening cache file `%s': %s", config.block_cache.cache_file, strerror(r));
1549                 if (s3b_dcache_has_mount_token(dcache) && (r = s3b_dcache_set_mount_token(dcache, &cache_mount_token, -1)) != 0)
1550                     errx(1, "error reading mount token from `%s': %s", config.block_cache.cache_file, strerror(r));
1551                 s3b_dcache_close(dcache);
1552             }
1554             /* If cache file is older format, then cache_mount_token will be -1, otherwise >= 0 */
1555             if (cache_mount_token > 0) {
1557                 /* If tokens do not agree, bail out, otherwise enable write-back of dirty blocks if tokens are non-zero */
1558                 if (cache_mount_token != mount_token) {
1559                     warnx("cache file `%s' mount token mismatch (disk:0x%08x != s3:0x%08x)",
1560                       config.block_cache.cache_file, cache_mount_token, mount_token);
1561                 } else if (config.block_cache.recover_dirty_blocks) {
1562                     if (!config.quiet)
1563                         warnx("recovering from unclean shutdown: dirty blocks in cache file will be written back to S3");
1564                     config.block_cache.perform_flush = 1;
1565                     conflict = 0;
1566                 }
1567             }
1568         }
1570         /* If there is a conflicting mount, additional `--force' is required */
1571         if (conflict) {
1572             if (!config.force) {
1573                 warnx("%s appears to be already mounted (using mount token 0x%08x)", config.description, (int)mount_token);
1574                 errx(1, "reset mount token with `--reset-mounted-flag', or use `--force' to override");
1575             }
1576             if (!config.quiet) {
1577                 warnx("warning: filesystem appears already mounted but you said `--force'\n"
1578                   " so I'll proceed anyway even though your data may get corrupted.\n");
1579             }
1580         }
1581     }
1583     /* If `--listBlocks' was given, build non-empty block bitmap */
1584     if (config.erase || config.reset)
1585         config.list_blocks = 0;
1586     if (config.list_blocks) {
1587         struct s3backer_store *temp_store;
1588         struct list_blocks lb;
1589         size_t nwords;
1591         /* Logging */
1592         if (!config.quiet) {
1593             fprintf(stderr, "s3backer: listing non-zero blocks...");
1594             fflush(stderr);
1595         }
1597         /* Create temporary lower layer */
1598         if ((temp_store = config.test ? test_io_create(&config.http_io) : http_io_create(&config.http_io)) == NULL)
1599             err(1, config.test ? "test_io_create" : "http_io_create");
1601         /* Initialize bitmap */
1602         nwords = (config.num_blocks + (sizeof(*lb.bitmap) * 8) - 1) / (sizeof(*lb.bitmap) * 8);
1603         if ((lb.bitmap = calloc(nwords, sizeof(*lb.bitmap))) == NULL)
1604             err(1, "calloc");
1605         lb.print_dots = !config.quiet;
1606         lb.count = 0;
1608         /* Generate non-zero block bitmap */
1609         assert(config.http_io.nonzero_bitmap == NULL);
1610         if ((r = (*temp_store->list_blocks)(temp_store, list_blocks_callback, &lb)) != 0)
1611             errx(1, "can't list blocks: %s", strerror(r));
1613         /* Close temporary store */
1614         (*temp_store->destroy)(temp_store);
1616         /* Save generated bitmap */
1617         config.http_io.nonzero_bitmap = lb.bitmap;
1619         /* Logging */
1620         if (!config.quiet) {
1621             fprintf(stderr, "done\n");
1622             warnx("found %ju non-zero blocks", lb.count);
1623         }
1624     }
1626     /* Done */
1627     return 0;
1628 }
1630 static void
1631 list_blocks_callback(void *arg, s3b_block_t block_num)
1632 {
1633     struct list_blocks *const lb = arg;
1634     const int bits_per_word = sizeof(*lb->bitmap) * 8;
1636     lb->bitmap[block_num / bits_per_word] |= 1 << (block_num % bits_per_word);
1637     lb->count++;
1638     if (lb->print_dots && (lb->count % BLOCKS_PER_DOT) == 0) {
1639         fprintf(stderr, ".");
1640         fflush(stderr);
1641     }
1642 }
1644 static void
1645 dump_config(void)
1646 {
1647     int i;
1649     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "s3backer config:");
1650     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %s", "test mode", config.test ? "true" : "false");
1651     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %s", "directIO", config.fuse_ops.direct_io ? "true" : "false");
1652     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: \"%s\"", "accessId", config.http_io.accessId != NULL ? config.http_io.accessId : "");
1653     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: \"%s\"", "accessKey", config.http_io.accessKey != NULL ? "****" : "");
1654     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: \"%s\"", "accessFile", config.accessFile);
1655     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %s", "accessType", config.http_io.accessType);
1656     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: \"%s\"", "ec2iam_role", config.http_io.ec2iam_role != NULL ? config.http_io.ec2iam_role : "");
1657     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %s", "authVersion", config.http_io.authVersion);
1658     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: \"%s\"", "baseURL", config.http_io.baseURL);
1659     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: \"%s\"", "region", config.http_io.region);
1660     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: \"%s\"", config.test ? "testdir" : "bucket", config.http_io.bucket);
1661     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: \"%s\"", "prefix", config.http_io.prefix);
1662     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %s", "blockHashPrefix", config.http_io.blockHashPrefix ? "true" : "false");
1663     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: \"%s\"", "defaultContentEncoding",
1664       config.http_io.default_ce != NULL ? config.http_io.default_ce : "(none)");
1665     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %s", "list_blocks", config.list_blocks ? "true" : "false");
1666     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: \"%s\"", "mount", config.mount);
1667     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: \"%s\"", "filename", config.fuse_ops.filename);
1668     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: \"%s\"", "stats_filename", config.fuse_ops.stats_filename);
1669     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %s (%u)", "block_size",
1670       config.block_size_str != NULL ? config.block_size_str : "-", config.block_size);
1671     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %s (%jd)", "file_size",
1672       config.file_size_str != NULL ? config.file_size_str : "-", (intmax_t)config.file_size);
1673     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %jd", "num_blocks", (intmax_t)config.num_blocks);
1674     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: 0%o", "file_mode", config.fuse_ops.file_mode);
1675     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %s", "read_only", config.fuse_ops.read_only ? "true" : "false");
1676     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %d", "compress", config.http_io.compress);
1677     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %s", "encryption", config.http_io.encryption != NULL ? config.http_io.encryption : "(none)");
1678     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %u", "key_length", config.http_io.key_length);
1679     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: \"%s\"", "password", config.http_io.password != NULL ? "****" : "");
1680     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %s bps (%ju)", "max_upload",
1681       config.max_speed_str[HTTP_UPLOAD] != NULL ? config.max_speed_str[HTTP_UPLOAD] : "-",
1682       config.http_io.max_speed[HTTP_UPLOAD]);
1683     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %s bps (%ju)", "max_download",
1684       config.max_speed_str[HTTP_DOWNLOAD] != NULL ? config.max_speed_str[HTTP_DOWNLOAD] : "-",
1685       config.http_io.max_speed[HTTP_DOWNLOAD]);
1686     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %us", "timeout", config.http_io.timeout);
1687     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: \"%s\"", "sse", config.http_io.sse);
1688     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %ums", "initial_retry_pause", config.http_io.initial_retry_pause);
1689     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %ums", "max_retry_pause", config.http_io.max_retry_pause);
1690     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %ums", "min_write_delay", config.ec_protect.min_write_delay);
1691     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %ums", "md5_cache_time", config.ec_protect.cache_time);
1692     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %u entries", "md5_cache_size", config.ec_protect.cache_size);
1693     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %u entries", "block_cache_size", config.block_cache.cache_size);
1694     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %u threads", "block_cache_threads", config.block_cache.num_threads);
1695     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %ums", "block_cache_timeout", config.block_cache.timeout);
1696     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %ums", "block_cache_write_delay", config.block_cache.write_delay);
1697     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %u blocks", "block_cache_max_dirty", config.block_cache.max_dirty);
1698     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %s", "block_cache_sync", config.block_cache.synchronous ? "true" : "false");
1699     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %s", "recover_dirty_blocks", config.block_cache.recover_dirty_blocks ? "true" : "false");
1700     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %u blocks", "read_ahead", config.block_cache.read_ahead);
1701     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %u blocks", "read_ahead_trigger", config.block_cache.read_ahead_trigger);
1702     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: \"%s\"", "block_cache_cache_file",
1703       config.block_cache.cache_file != NULL ? config.block_cache.cache_file : "");
1704     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "%24s: %s", "block_cache_no_verify", config.block_cache.no_verify ? "true" : "false");
1705     (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "fuse_main arguments:");
1706     for (i = 0; i < config.fuse_args.argc; i++)
1707         (*config.log)(LOG_DEBUG, "  [%d] = \"%s\"", i, config.fuse_args.argv[i]);
1708 }
1710 static void
1711 syslog_logger(int level, const char *fmt, ...)
1712 {
1713     va_list args;
1715     /* Filter debug messages */
1716     if (!config.debug && level == LOG_DEBUG)
1717         return;
1719     /* Send message to syslog */
1720     va_start(args, fmt);
1721     vsyslog(level, fmt, args);
1722     va_end(args);
1723 }
1725 static void
1726 stderr_logger(int level, const char *fmt, ...)
1727 {
1728     const char *levelstr;
1729     char timebuf[32];
1730     va_list args;
1731     struct tm tm;
1732     time_t now;
1734     /* Filter debug messages */
1735     if (!config.debug && level == LOG_DEBUG)
1736         return;
1738     /* Get level descriptor */
1739     switch (level) {
1740     case LOG_ERR:
1741         levelstr = "ERROR";
1742         break;
1743     case LOG_WARNING:
1744         levelstr = "WARNING";
1745         break;
1746     case LOG_NOTICE:
1747         levelstr = "NOTICE";
1748         break;
1749     case LOG_INFO:
1750         levelstr = "INFO";
1751         break;
1752     case LOG_DEBUG:
1753         levelstr = "DEBUG";
1754         break;
1755     default:
1756         levelstr = "<?>";
1757         break;
1758     }
1760     /* Format and print log message */
1761     time(&now);
1762     strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%F %T", localtime_r(&now, &tm));
1763     va_start(args, fmt);
1764     fprintf(stderr, "%s %s: ", timebuf, levelstr);
1765     vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
1766     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
1767     va_end(args);
1768 }
1770 static void
1771 usage(void)
1772 {
1773     int i;
1775     fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n");
1776     fprintf(stderr, "\ts3backer [options] bucket /mount/point\n");
1777     fprintf(stderr, "\ts3backer --test [options] directory /mount/point\n");
1778     fprintf(stderr, "\ts3backer --erase [options] bucket\n");
1779     fprintf(stderr, "\ts3backer --reset-mounted-flag [options] bucket\n");
1780     fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n");
1781     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "accessFile=FILE", "File containing `accessID:accessKey' pairs");
1782     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "accessId=ID", "S3 access key ID");
1783     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "accessKey=KEY", "S3 secret access key");
1784     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "accessType=TYPE", "S3 ACL used when creating new items; one of:");
1785     fprintf(stderr, "\t  %-27s ", "");
1786     for (i = 0; i < sizeof(s3_acls) / sizeof(*s3_acls); i++)
1787         fprintf(stderr, "%s%s", i > 0 ? ", " : "  ", s3_acls[i]);
1788     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
1789     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "authVersion=TYPE", "Specify S3 authentication style; one of:");
1790     fprintf(stderr, "\t  %-27s ", "");
1791     for (i = 0; i < sizeof(s3_auth_types) / sizeof(*s3_auth_types); i++)
1792         fprintf(stderr, "%s%s", i > 0 ? ", " : "  ", s3_auth_types[i]);
1793     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
1794     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "accessEC2IAM=ROLE", "Acquire S3 credentials from EC2 machine via IAM role");
1795     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "baseURL=URL", "Base URL for all requests");
1796     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "blockCacheFile=FILE", "Block cache persistent file");
1797     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "blockCacheMaxDirty=NUM", "Block cache maximum number of dirty blocks");
1798     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "blockCacheNoVerify", "Disable verification of data loaded from cache file");
1799     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "blockCacheSize=NUM", "Block cache size (in number of blocks)");
1800     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "blockCacheSync", "Block cache performs all writes synchronously");
1801     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "blockCacheRecoverDirtyBlocks", "Recover dirty cache file blocks on startup");
1802     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "blockCacheThreads=NUM", "Block cache write-back thread pool size");
1803     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "blockCacheTimeout=MILLIS", "Block cache entry timeout (zero = infinite)");
1804     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "blockCacheWriteDelay=MILLIS", "Block cache maximum write-back delay");
1805     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "blockSize=SIZE", "Block size (with optional suffix 'K', 'M', 'G', etc.)");
1806     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "blockHashPrefix", "Prepend hash to block names for even distribution");
1807     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "cacert=FILE", "Specify SSL certificate authority file");
1808     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "compress[=LEVEL]", "Enable block compression, with 1=fast up to 9=small");
1809     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "debug", "Enable logging of debug messages");
1810     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "debug-http", "Print HTTP headers to standard output");
1811     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "directIO", "Disable kernel caching of the backed file");
1812     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "encrypt[=CIPHER]", "Enable encryption (implies `--compress')");
1813     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "erase", "Erase all blocks in the filesystem");
1814     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "fileMode=MODE", "Permissions of backed file in filesystem");
1815     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "filename=NAME", "Name of backed file in filesystem");
1816     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "force", "Ignore different auto-detected block and file sizes");
1817     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "help", "Show this information and exit");
1818     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "initialRetryPause=MILLIS", "Initial retry pause after stale data or server error");
1819     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "insecure", "Don't verify SSL server identity");
1820     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "keyLength", "Override generated cipher key length");
1821     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "listBlocks", "Auto-detect non-empty blocks at startup");
1822     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "maxDownloadSpeed=BITSPERSEC", "Max download bandwidth for a single read");
1823     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "maxRetryPause=MILLIS", "Max total pause after stale data or server error");
1824     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "maxUploadSpeed=BITSPERSEC", "Max upload bandwidth for a single write");
1825     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "md5CacheSize=NUM", "Max size of MD5 cache (zero = disabled)");
1826     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "md5CacheTime=MILLIS", "Expire time for MD5 cache (zero = infinite)");
1827     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "minWriteDelay=MILLIS", "Minimum time between same block writes");
1828     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "password=PASSWORD", "Encrypt using PASSWORD");
1829     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "passwordFile=FILE", "Encrypt using password read from FILE");
1830     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "prefix=STRING", "Prefix for resource names within bucket");
1831     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "defaultContentEncoding=STRING", "Default HTTP Content-Encoding if none given");
1832     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "quiet", "Omit progress output at startup");
1833     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "readAhead=NUM", "Number of blocks to read-ahead");
1834     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "readAheadTrigger=NUM", "# of sequentially read blocks to trigger read-ahead");
1835     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "readOnly", "Return `Read-only file system' error for write attempts");
1836     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "region=region", "Specify AWS region");
1837     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "reset-mounted-flag", "Reset `already mounted' flag in the filesystem");
1838     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "rrs", "Target written blocks for Reduced Redundancy Storage (deprecated)");
1839     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "size=SIZE", "File size (with optional suffix 'K', 'M', 'G', etc.)");
1840     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "sse=" REQUIRED_SSE_VALUE, "Specify server side encryption");
1841     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "ssl", "Enable SSL");
1842     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "statsFilename=NAME", "Name of statistics file in filesystem");
1843     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "storageClass=TYPE", "Specify storage class for written blocks");
1844     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "test", "Run in local test mode (bucket is a directory)");
1845     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "timeout=SECONDS", "Max time allowed for one HTTP operation");
1846     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "timeout=SECONDS", "Specify HTTP operation timeout");
1847     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "version", "Show version information and exit");
1848     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "vhost", "Use virtual host bucket style URL for all requests");
1849     fprintf(stderr, "Default values:\n");
1850     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s \"%s\"\n", "accessFile", "$HOME/" S3BACKER_DEFAULT_PWD_FILE);
1851     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %s\n", "accessId", "The first one listed in `accessFile'");
1852     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s \"%s\"\n", "accessType", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_ACCESS_TYPE);
1853     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s \"%s\"\n", "authVersion", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_AUTH_VERSION);
1854     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s \"%s\"\n", "baseURL", "http://s3." S3_DOMAIN "/");
1855     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %u\n", "blockCacheSize", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_BLOCK_CACHE_SIZE);
1856     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %u\n", "blockCacheThreads", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_BLOCK_CACHE_NUM_THREADS);
1857     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %u\n", "blockCacheTimeout", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_BLOCK_CACHE_TIMEOUT);
1858     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %u\n", "blockCacheWriteDelay", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_BLOCK_CACHE_WRITE_DELAY);
1859     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %d\n", "blockSize", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE);
1860     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s \"%s\"\n", "filename", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_FILENAME);
1861     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %u\n", "initialRetryPause", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_INITIAL_RETRY_PAUSE);
1862     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %u\n", "md5CacheSize", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_MD5_CACHE_SIZE);
1863     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %u\n", "md5CacheTime", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_MD5_CACHE_TIME);
1864     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s 0%03o (0%03o if `--readOnly')\n", "fileMode",
1866     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %u\n", "maxRetryPause", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_PAUSE);
1867     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %u\n", "minWriteDelay", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_MIN_WRITE_DELAY);
1868     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s \"%s\"\n", "prefix", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_PREFIX);
1869     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %u\n", "readAhead", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_READ_AHEAD);
1870     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %u\n", "readAheadTrigger", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_READ_AHEAD_TRIGGER);
1871     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s \"%s\"\n", "region", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_REGION);
1872     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s \"%s\"\n", "statsFilename", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_STATS_FILENAME);
1873     fprintf(stderr, "\t--%-27s %u\n", "timeout", S3BACKER_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
1874     fprintf(stderr, "FUSE options (partial list):\n");
1875     fprintf(stderr, "\t%-29s %s\n", "-o nonempty", "Allows mount over a non-empty directory");
1876     fprintf(stderr, "\t%-29s %s\n", "-o uid=UID", "Set user ID");
1877     fprintf(stderr, "\t%-29s %s\n", "-o gid=GID", "Set group ID");
1878     fprintf(stderr, "\t%-29s %s\n", "-o sync_read", "Do synchronous reads");
1879     fprintf(stderr, "\t%-29s %s\n", "-o max_readahead=NUM", "Set maximum read-ahead (bytes)");
1880     fprintf(stderr, "\t%-29s %s\n", "-f", "Run in the foreground (do not fork)");
1881     fprintf(stderr, "\t%-29s %s\n", "-d", "Debug mode (implies -f)");
1882     fprintf(stderr, "\t%-29s %s\n", "-s", "Run in single-threaded mode");
1883 }