4 * represents a Dwoo template contained in a string
5 *
6 * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
7 * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
8 *
9 * @author     Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
10 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2008, Jordi Boggiano
11 * @license    http://dwoo.org/LICENSE   Modified BSD License
12 * @link       http://dwoo.org/
13 * @version    1.1.0
14 * @date       2009-07-18
15 * @package    Dwoo
16 */
17class Dwoo_Template_String implements Dwoo_ITemplate
19	/**
20	 * template name
21	 *
22	 * @var string
23	 */
24	protected $name;
26	/**
27	 * template compilation id
28	 *
29	 * @var string
30	 */
31	protected $compileId;
33	/**
34	 * template cache id, if not provided in the constructor, it is set to
35	 * the md4 hash of the request_uri. it is however highly recommended to
36	 * provide one that will fit your needs.
37	 *
38	 * in all cases, the compilation id is prepended to the cache id to separate
39	 * templates with similar cache ids from one another
40	 *
41	 * @var string
42	 */
43	protected $cacheId;
45	/**
46	 * validity duration of the generated cache file (in seconds)
47	 *
48	 * set to -1 for infinite cache, 0 to disable and null to inherit the Dwoo instance's cache time
49	 *
50	 * @var int
51	 */
52	protected $cacheTime;
54	/**
55	 * boolean flag that defines whether the compilation should be enforced (once) or
56	 * not use this if you have issues with the compiled templates not being updated
57	 * but if you do need this it's most likely that you should file a bug report
58	 *
59	 * @var bool
60	 */
61	protected $compilationEnforced;
63	/**
64	 * caches the results of the file checks to save some time when the same
65	 * templates is rendered several times
66	 *
67	 * @var array
68	 */
69	protected static $cache = array('cached'=>array(), 'compiled'=>array());
71	/**
72	 * holds the compiler that built this template
73	 *
74	 * @var Dwoo_ICompiler
75	 */
76	protected $compiler;
78	/**
79	 * chmod value for all files written (cached or compiled ones)
80	 *
81	 * set to null if you don't want any chmod operation to happen
82	 *
83	 * @var int
84	 */
85	protected $chmod = 0755;
87	/**
88	 * creates a template from a string
89	 *
90	 * @param string $templateString the template to use
91	 * @param int $cacheTime duration of the cache validity for this template,
92	 * 						 if null it defaults to the Dwoo instance that will
93	 * 						 render this template, set to -1 for infinite cache or 0 to disable
94	 * @param string $cacheId the unique cache identifier of this page or anything else that
95	 * 						  makes this template's content unique, if null it defaults
96	 * 						  to the current url
97	 * @param string $compileId the unique compiled identifier, which is used to distinguish this
98	 * 							template from others, if null it defaults to the md4 hash of the template
99	 */
100	public function __construct($templateString, $cacheTime = null, $cacheId = null, $compileId = null)
101	{
102		$this->template = $templateString;
103		if (function_exists('hash')) {
104			$this->name = hash('md4', $templateString);
105		} else {
106			$this->name = md5($templateString);
107		}
108		$this->cacheTime = $cacheTime;
110		if ($compileId !== null) {
111			$this->compileId = str_replace('../', '__', strtr($compileId, '\\%?=!:;'.PATH_SEPARATOR, '/-------'));
112		}
114		if ($cacheId !== null) {
115			$this->cacheId = str_replace('../', '__', strtr($cacheId, '\\%?=!:;'.PATH_SEPARATOR, '/-------'));
116		}
117	}
119	/**
120	 * returns the cache duration for this template
121	 *
122	 * defaults to null if it was not provided
123	 *
124	 * @return int|null
125	 */
126	public function getCacheTime()
127	{
128		return $this->cacheTime;
129	}
131	/**
132	 * sets the cache duration for this template
133	 *
134	 * can be used to set it after the object is created if you did not provide
135	 * it in the constructor
136	 *
137	 * @param int $seconds duration of the cache validity for this template, if
138	 * null it defaults to the Dwoo instance's cache time. 0 = disable and
139	 * -1 = infinite cache
140	 */
141	public function setCacheTime($seconds = null)
142	{
143		$this->cacheTime = $seconds;
144	}
146	/**
147	 * returns the chmod value for all files written (cached or compiled ones)
148	 *
149	 * defaults to 0777
150	 *
151	 * @return int|null
152	 */
153	public function getChmod()
154	{
155		return $this->chmod;
156	}
158	/**
159	 * set the chmod value for all files written (cached or compiled ones)
160	 *
161	 * set to null if you don't want to do any chmod() operation
162	 *
163	 * @param int $mask new bitmask to use for all files
164	 */
165	public function setChmod($mask = null)
166	{
167		$this->chmod = $mask;
168	}
170	/**
171	 * returns the template name
172	 *
173	 * @return string
174	 */
175	public function getName()
176	{
177		return $this->name;
178	}
180	/**
181	 * returns the resource name for this template class
182	 *
183	 * @return string
184	 */
185	public function getResourceName()
186	{
187		return 'string';
188	}
190	/**
191	 * returns the resource identifier for this template, false here as strings don't have identifiers
192	 *
193	 * @return false
194	 */
195	public function getResourceIdentifier()
196	{
197		return false;
198	}
200	/**
201	 * returns the template source of this template
202	 *
203	 * @return string
204	 */
205	public function getSource()
206	{
207		return $this->template;
208	}
210	/**
211	 * returns an unique value identifying the current version of this template,
212	 * in this case it's the md4 hash of the content
213	 *
214	 * @return string
215	 */
216	public function getUid()
217	{
218		return $this->name;
219	}
221	/**
222	 * returns the compiler used by this template, if it was just compiled, or null
223	 *
224	 * @return Dwoo_ICompiler
225	 */
226	public function getCompiler()
227	{
228		return $this->compiler;
229	}
231	/**
232	 * marks this template as compile-forced, which means it will be recompiled even if it
233	 * was already saved and wasn't modified since the last compilation. do not use this in production,
234	 * it's only meant to be used in development (and the development of dwoo particularly)
235	 */
236	public function forceCompilation()
237	{
238		$this->compilationEnforced = true;
239	}
241	/**
242	 * returns the cached template output file name, true if it's cache-able but not cached
243	 * or false if it's not cached
244	 *
245	 * @param Dwoo_Core $dwoo the dwoo instance that requests it
246	 * @return string|bool
247	 */
248	public function getCachedTemplate(Dwoo_Core $dwoo)
249	{
250		if ($this->cacheTime !== null) {
251			$cacheLength = $this->cacheTime;
252		} else {
253			$cacheLength = $dwoo->getCacheTime();
254		}
256		// file is not cacheable
257		if ($cacheLength == 0) {
258			return false;
259		}
261		$cachedFile = $this->getCacheFilename($dwoo);
263		if (isset(self::$cache['cached'][$this->cacheId]) === true && file_exists($cachedFile)) {
264			// already checked, return cache file
265			return $cachedFile;
266		} elseif ($this->compilationEnforced !== true && file_exists($cachedFile) && ($cacheLength === -1 || filemtime($cachedFile) > ($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $cacheLength)) && $this->isValidCompiledFile($this->getCompiledFilename($dwoo))) {
267			// cache is still valid and can be loaded
268			self::$cache['cached'][$this->cacheId] = true;
269			return $cachedFile;
270		} else {
271			// file is cacheable
272			return true;
273		}
274	}
276	/**
277	 * caches the provided output into the cache file
278	 *
279	 * @param Dwoo_Core $dwoo the dwoo instance that requests it
280	 * @param string $output the template output
281	 * @return mixed full path of the cached file or false upon failure
282	 */
283	public function cache(Dwoo_Core $dwoo, $output)
284	{
285		$cacheDir = $dwoo->getCacheDir();
286		$cachedFile = $this->getCacheFilename($dwoo);
288		// the code below is courtesy of Rasmus Schultz,
289		// thanks for his help on avoiding concurency issues
290		$temp = tempnam($cacheDir, 'temp');
291		if (!($file = @fopen($temp, 'wb'))) {
292			$temp = $cacheDir . uniqid('temp');
293			if (!($file = @fopen($temp, 'wb'))) {
294				trigger_error('Error writing temporary file \''.$temp.'\'', E_USER_WARNING);
295				return false;
296			}
297		}
299		fwrite($file, $output);
300		fclose($file);
302		$this->makeDirectory(dirname($cachedFile), $cacheDir);
303		if (!@rename($temp, $cachedFile)) {
304			@unlink($cachedFile);
305			@rename($temp, $cachedFile);
306		}
308		if ($this->chmod !== null) {
309			chmod($cachedFile, $this->chmod);
310		}
312		self::$cache['cached'][$this->cacheId] = true;
314		return $cachedFile;
315	}
317	/**
318	 * clears the cached template if it's older than the given time
319	 *
320	 * @param Dwoo_Core $dwoo the dwoo instance that was used to cache that template
321	 * @param int $olderThan minimum time (in seconds) required for the cache to be cleared
322	 * @return bool true if the cache was not present or if it was deleted, false if it remains there
323	 */
324	public function clearCache(Dwoo_Core $dwoo, $olderThan = -1)
325	{
326		$cachedFile = $this->getCacheFilename($dwoo);
328		return !file_exists($cachedFile) || (filectime($cachedFile) < (time() - $olderThan) && unlink($cachedFile));
329	}
331	/**
332	 * returns the compiled template file name
333	 *
334	 * @param Dwoo_Core $dwoo the dwoo instance that requests it
335	 * @param Dwoo_ICompiler $compiler the compiler that must be used
336	 * @return string
337	 */
338	public function getCompiledTemplate(Dwoo_Core $dwoo, Dwoo_ICompiler $compiler = null)
339	{
340		$compiledFile = $this->getCompiledFilename($dwoo);
342		if ($this->compilationEnforced !== true && isset(self::$cache['compiled'][$this->compileId]) === true) {
343			// already checked, return compiled file
344		} elseif ($this->compilationEnforced !== true && $this->isValidCompiledFile($compiledFile)) {
345			// template is compiled
346			self::$cache['compiled'][$this->compileId] = true;
347		} else {
348			// compiles the template
349			$this->compilationEnforced = false;
351			if ($compiler === null) {
352				$compiler = $dwoo->getDefaultCompilerFactory($this->getResourceName());
354				if ($compiler === null || $compiler === array('Dwoo_Compiler', 'compilerFactory')) {
355					if (class_exists('Dwoo_Compiler', false) === false) {
356						include DWOO_DIRECTORY . 'Dwoo/Compiler.php';
357					}
358					$compiler = Dwoo_Compiler::compilerFactory();
359				} else {
360					$compiler = call_user_func($compiler);
361				}
362			}
364			$this->compiler = $compiler;
366			$compiler->setCustomPlugins($dwoo->getCustomPlugins());
367			$compiler->setSecurityPolicy($dwoo->getSecurityPolicy());
368			$this->makeDirectory(dirname($compiledFile), $dwoo->getCompileDir());
369			file_put_contents($compiledFile, $compiler->compile($dwoo, $this));
370			if ($this->chmod !== null) {
371				chmod($compiledFile, $this->chmod);
372			}
374			self::$cache['compiled'][$this->compileId] = true;
375		}
377		return $compiledFile;
378	}
380	/**
381	 * Checks if compiled file is valid (it exists)
382	 *
383	 * @param string file
384	 * @return boolean True cache file existance
385	 */
386	protected function isValidCompiledFile($file) {
387		return file_exists($file);
388	}
390	/**
391	 * returns a new template string object with the resource id being the template source code
392	 *
393	 * @param Dwoo_Core $dwoo the dwoo instance requiring it
394	 * @param mixed $resourceId the filename (relative to this template's dir) of the template to include
395	 * @param int $cacheTime duration of the cache validity for this template,
396	 * 						 if null it defaults to the Dwoo instance that will
397	 * 						 render this template
398	 * @param string $cacheId the unique cache identifier of this page or anything else that
399	 * 						  makes this template's content unique, if null it defaults
400	 * 						  to the current url
401	 * @param string $compileId the unique compiled identifier, which is used to distinguish this
402	 * 							template from others, if null it defaults to the filename+bits of the path
403	 * @param Dwoo_ITemplate $parentTemplate the template that is requesting a new template object (through
404	 * 											an include, extends or any other plugin)
405	 * @return Dwoo_Template_String
406	 */
407	public static function templateFactory(Dwoo_Core $dwoo, $resourceId, $cacheTime = null, $cacheId = null, $compileId = null, Dwoo_ITemplate $parentTemplate = null)
408	{
409		return new self($resourceId, $cacheTime, $cacheId, $compileId);
410	}
412	/**
413	 * returns the full compiled file name and assigns a default value to it if
414	 * required
415	 *
416	 * @param Dwoo_Core $dwoo the dwoo instance that requests the file name
417	 * @return string the full path to the compiled file
418	 */
419	protected function getCompiledFilename(Dwoo_Core $dwoo)
420	{
421		// no compile id was provided, set default
422		if ($this->compileId===null) {
423			$this->compileId = $this->name;
424		}
425		return $dwoo->getCompileDir() . $this->compileId.'.d'.Dwoo_Core::RELEASE_TAG.'.php';
426	}
428	/**
429	 * returns the full cached file name and assigns a default value to it if
430	 * required
431	 *
432	 * @param Dwoo_Core $dwoo the dwoo instance that requests the file name
433	 * @return string the full path to the cached file
434	 */
435	protected function getCacheFilename(Dwoo_Core $dwoo)
436	{
437		// no cache id provided, use request_uri as default
438		if ($this->cacheId === null) {
439			if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) === true) {
440				$cacheId = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
441			} elseif (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) && isset($_SERVER['argv'])) {
442				$cacheId = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'].'-'.implode('-', $_SERVER['argv']);
443			} else {
444				$cacheId = '';
445			}
446			// force compiled id generation
447			$this->getCompiledFilename($dwoo);
449			$this->cacheId = str_replace('../', '__', $this->compileId . strtr($cacheId, '\\%?=!:;'.PATH_SEPARATOR, '/-------'));
450		}
451		return $dwoo->getCacheDir() . $this->cacheId.'.html';
452	}
454	/**
455	 * returns some php code that will check if this template has been modified or not
456	 *
457	 * if the function returns null, the template will be instanciated and then the Uid checked
458	 *
459	 * @return string
460	 */
461	public function getIsModifiedCode()
462	{
463		return null;
464	}
466	/**
467	 * ensures the given path exists
468	 *
469	 * @param string $path any path
470	 * @param string $baseDir the base directory where the directory is created
471	 *                        ($path must still contain the full path, $baseDir
472	 *                        is only used for unix permissions)
473	 */
474	protected function makeDirectory($path, $baseDir = null)
475	{
476		if (is_dir($path) === true) {
477			return;
478		}
480		if ($this->chmod === null) {
481			$chmod = 0777;
482		} else {
483			$chmod = $this->chmod;
484		}
485		mkdir($path, $chmod, true);
487		// enforce the correct mode for all directories created
488		if (strpos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') !== 0 && $baseDir !== null) {
489			$path = strtr(str_replace($baseDir, '', $path), '\\', '/');
490			$folders = explode('/', trim($path, '/'));
491			foreach ($folders as $folder) {
492				$baseDir .= $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
493				chmod($baseDir, $chmod);
494			}
495		}
496	}