1package structs
3import "github.com/mitchellh/go-testing-interface"
5// TestConnectProxyConfig returns a ConnectProxyConfig representing a valid
6// Connect proxy.
7func TestConnectProxyConfig(t testing.T) ConnectProxyConfig {
8	return ConnectProxyConfig{
9		DestinationServiceName: "web",
10		Upstreams:              TestUpstreams(t),
11	}
14// TestUpstreams returns a set of upstreams to be used in tests exercising most
15// important configuration patterns.
16func TestUpstreams(t testing.T) Upstreams {
17	return Upstreams{
18		{
19			// We rely on this one having default type in a few tests...
20			DestinationName: "db",
21			LocalBindPort:   9191,
22			Config: map[string]interface{}{
23				// Float because this is how it is decoded by JSON decoder so this
24				// enables the value returned to be compared directly to a decoded JSON
25				// response without spurios type loss.
26				"connect_timeout_ms": float64(1000),
27			},
28		},
29		{
30			DestinationType:  UpstreamDestTypePreparedQuery,
31			DestinationName:  "geo-cache",
32			LocalBindPort:    8181,
33			LocalBindAddress: "",
34		},
35	}
38// TestAddDefaultsToUpstreams takes an array of upstreams (such as that from
39// TestUpstreams) and adds default values that are populated during
40// refigistration. Use this for generating the expected Upstreams value after
41// registration.
42func TestAddDefaultsToUpstreams(t testing.T, upstreams []Upstream) Upstreams {
43	ups := make([]Upstream, len(upstreams))
44	for i := range upstreams {
45		ups[i] = upstreams[i]
46		// Fill in default fields we expect to have back explicitly in a response
47		if ups[i].DestinationType == "" {
48			ups[i].DestinationType = UpstreamDestTypeService
49		}
50	}
51	return ups