1// Copyright 2019 The Go Cloud Development Kit Authors
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15// Package awsdynamodb provides a docstore implementation backed by Amazon
16// DynamoDB.
17// Use OpenCollection to construct a *docstore.Collection.
19// URLs
21// For docstore.OpenCollection, awsdynamodb registers for the scheme
22// "dynamodb". The default URL opener will use an AWS session with the default
23// credentials and configuration; see
24// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/session/ for more details.
25// To customize the URL opener, or for more details on the URL format, see
26// URLOpener.
27// See https://gocloud.dev/concepts/urls/ for background information.
29// As
31// awsdynamodb exposes the following types for As:
32//  - Collection.As: *dynamodb.DynamoDB
33//  - ActionList.BeforeDo: *dynamodb.BatchGetItemInput or *dynamodb.PutItemInput or *dynamodb.DeleteItemInput
34//                         or *dynamodb.UpdateItemInput
35//  - Query.BeforeQuery: *dynamodb.QueryInput or *dynamodb.ScanInput
36//  - DocumentIterator: *dynamodb.QueryOutput or *dynamodb.ScanOutput
37//  - ErrorAs: awserr.Error
38package awsdynamodb
40import (
41	"context"
42	"fmt"
43	"reflect"
44	"strings"
46	"github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws"
47	"github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr"
48	dyn "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/dynamodb"
49	"github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/dynamodb/expression"
50	"github.com/google/wire"
51	"gocloud.dev/docstore"
52	"gocloud.dev/docstore/driver"
53	"gocloud.dev/gcerrors"
54	"gocloud.dev/internal/gcerr"
57// Set holds Wire providers for this package.
58var Set = wire.NewSet(
59	wire.Struct(new(URLOpener), "ConfigProvider"),
62type collection struct {
63	db           *dyn.DynamoDB
64	table        string // DynamoDB table name
65	partitionKey string
66	sortKey      string
67	description  *dyn.TableDescription
68	opts         *Options
71// FallbackFunc is a function for executing queries that cannot be run by the built-in
72// awsdynamodb logic. See Options.RunQueryFunc for details.
73type FallbackFunc func(context.Context, *driver.Query, RunQueryFunc) (driver.DocumentIterator, error)
75type Options struct {
76	// If false, queries that can only be executed by scanning the entire table
77	// return an error instead (with the exception of a query with no filters).
78	AllowScans bool
80	// The name of the field holding the document revision.
81	// Defaults to docstore.DefaultRevisionField.
82	RevisionField string
84	// If set, call this function on queries that we cannot execute at all (for
85	// example, a query with an OrderBy clause that lacks an equality filter on a
86	// partition key). The function should execute the query however it wishes, and
87	// return an iterator over the results. It can use the RunQueryFunc passed as its
88	// third argument to have the DynamoDB driver run a query, for instance a
89	// modified version of the original query.
90	//
91	// If RunQueryFallback is nil, queries that cannot be executed will fail with a
92	// error that has code Unimplemented.
93	RunQueryFallback FallbackFunc
95	// The maximum number of concurrent goroutines started for a single call to
96	// ActionList.Do. If less than 1, there is no limit.
97	MaxOutstandingActionRPCs int
99	// If true, a strongly consistent read is used whenever possible, including
100	// get, query, scan, etc.; default to false, where an eventually consistent
101	// read is used.
102	//
103	// Not all read operations support this mode however, such as querying against
104	// a global secondary index, the operation will return an InvalidArgument error
105	// in such case, please check the official DynamoDB documentation for more
106	// details.
107	//
108	// The native client for DynamoDB uses this option in a per-action basis, if
109	// you need the flexibility to run both modes on the same collection, create
110	// two collections with different mode.
111	ConsistentRead bool
114// RunQueryFunc is the type of the function passed to RunQueryFallback.
115type RunQueryFunc func(context.Context, *driver.Query) (driver.DocumentIterator, error)
117// OpenCollection creates a *docstore.Collection representing a DynamoDB collection.
118func OpenCollection(db *dyn.DynamoDB, tableName, partitionKey, sortKey string, opts *Options) (*docstore.Collection, error) {
119	c, err := newCollection(db, tableName, partitionKey, sortKey, opts)
120	if err != nil {
121		return nil, err
122	}
123	return docstore.NewCollection(c), nil
126func newCollection(db *dyn.DynamoDB, tableName, partitionKey, sortKey string, opts *Options) (*collection, error) {
127	out, err := db.DescribeTable(&dyn.DescribeTableInput{TableName: &tableName})
128	if err != nil {
129		return nil, err
130	}
131	if opts == nil {
132		opts = &Options{}
133	}
134	if opts.RevisionField == "" {
135		opts.RevisionField = docstore.DefaultRevisionField
136	}
137	return &collection{
138		db:           db,
139		table:        tableName,
140		partitionKey: partitionKey,
141		sortKey:      sortKey,
142		description:  out.Table,
143		opts:         opts,
144	}, nil
147// Key returns a two-element array with the partition key and sort key, if any.
148func (c *collection) Key(doc driver.Document) (interface{}, error) {
149	pkey, err := doc.GetField(c.partitionKey)
150	if err != nil || pkey == nil || driver.IsEmptyValue(reflect.ValueOf(pkey)) {
151		return nil, nil // missing key is not an error
152	}
153	keys := [2]interface{}{pkey}
154	if c.sortKey != "" {
155		keys[1], _ = doc.GetField(c.sortKey) // ignore error since keys[1] is nil in that case
156	}
157	return keys, nil
160func (c *collection) RevisionField() string { return c.opts.RevisionField }
162func (c *collection) RunActions(ctx context.Context, actions []*driver.Action, opts *driver.RunActionsOptions) driver.ActionListError {
163	errs := make([]error, len(actions))
164	beforeGets, gets, writes, afterGets := driver.GroupActions(actions)
165	c.runGets(ctx, beforeGets, errs, opts)
166	ch := make(chan struct{})
167	go func() { defer close(ch); c.runWrites(ctx, writes, errs, opts) }()
168	c.runGets(ctx, gets, errs, opts)
169	<-ch
170	c.runGets(ctx, afterGets, errs, opts)
171	return driver.NewActionListError(errs)
174func (c *collection) runGets(ctx context.Context, actions []*driver.Action, errs []error, opts *driver.RunActionsOptions) {
175	const batchSize = 100
176	t := driver.NewThrottle(c.opts.MaxOutstandingActionRPCs)
177	for _, group := range driver.GroupByFieldPath(actions) {
178		n := len(group) / batchSize
179		for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
180			i := i
181			t.Acquire()
182			go func() {
183				defer t.Release()
184				c.batchGet(ctx, group, errs, opts, batchSize*i, batchSize*(i+1)-1)
185			}()
186		}
187		if n*batchSize < len(group) {
188			t.Acquire()
189			go func() {
190				defer t.Release()
191				c.batchGet(ctx, group, errs, opts, batchSize*n, len(group)-1)
192			}()
193		}
194	}
195	t.Wait()
198func (c *collection) batchGet(ctx context.Context, gets []*driver.Action, errs []error, opts *driver.RunActionsOptions, start, end int) {
199	// errors need to be mapped to the actions' indices.
200	setErr := func(err error) {
201		for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
202			errs[gets[i].Index] = err
203		}
204	}
206	keys := make([]map[string]*dyn.AttributeValue, 0, end-start+1)
207	for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
208		av, err := encodeDocKeyFields(gets[i].Doc, c.partitionKey, c.sortKey)
209		if err != nil {
210			errs[gets[i].Index] = err
211		}
213		keys = append(keys, av.M)
214	}
215	ka := &dyn.KeysAndAttributes{
216		Keys:           keys,
217		ConsistentRead: aws.Bool(c.opts.ConsistentRead),
218	}
219	if len(gets[start].FieldPaths) != 0 {
220		// We need to add the key fields if the user doesn't include them. The
221		// BatchGet API doesn't return them otherwise.
222		var hasP, hasS bool
223		var nbs []expression.NameBuilder
224		for _, fp := range gets[start].FieldPaths {
225			p := strings.Join(fp, ".")
226			nbs = append(nbs, expression.Name(p))
227			if p == c.partitionKey {
228				hasP = true
229			} else if p == c.sortKey {
230				hasS = true
231			}
232		}
233		if !hasP {
234			nbs = append(nbs, expression.Name(c.partitionKey))
235		}
236		if c.sortKey != "" && !hasS {
237			nbs = append(nbs, expression.Name(c.sortKey))
238		}
239		expr, err := expression.NewBuilder().
240			WithProjection(expression.AddNames(expression.ProjectionBuilder{}, nbs...)).
241			Build()
242		if err != nil {
243			setErr(err)
244			return
245		}
246		ka.ProjectionExpression = expr.Projection()
247		ka.ExpressionAttributeNames = expr.Names()
248	}
249	in := &dyn.BatchGetItemInput{RequestItems: map[string]*dyn.KeysAndAttributes{c.table: ka}}
250	if opts.BeforeDo != nil {
251		if err := opts.BeforeDo(driver.AsFunc(in)); err != nil {
252			setErr(err)
253			return
254		}
255	}
256	out, err := c.db.BatchGetItemWithContext(ctx, in)
257	if err != nil {
258		setErr(err)
259		return
260	}
261	found := make([]bool, end-start+1)
262	am := mapActionIndices(gets, start, end)
263	for _, item := range out.Responses[c.table] {
264		if item != nil {
265			key := map[string]interface{}{c.partitionKey: nil}
266			if c.sortKey != "" {
267				key[c.sortKey] = nil
268			}
269			keysOnly, err := driver.NewDocument(key)
270			if err != nil {
271				panic(err)
272			}
273			err = decodeDoc(&dyn.AttributeValue{M: item}, keysOnly)
274			if err != nil {
275				continue
276			}
277			decKey, err := c.Key(keysOnly)
278			if err != nil {
279				continue
280			}
281			i := am[decKey]
282			errs[gets[i].Index] = decodeDoc(&dyn.AttributeValue{M: item}, gets[i].Doc)
283			found[i-start] = true
284		}
285	}
286	for delta, f := range found {
287		if !f {
288			errs[gets[start+delta].Index] = gcerr.Newf(gcerr.NotFound, nil, "item %v not found", gets[start+delta].Doc)
289		}
290	}
293func mapActionIndices(actions []*driver.Action, start, end int) map[interface{}]int {
294	m := make(map[interface{}]int)
295	for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
296		m[actions[i].Key] = i
297	}
298	return m
301// runWrites executes all the writes as separate RPCs, concurrently.
302func (c *collection) runWrites(ctx context.Context, writes []*driver.Action, errs []error, opts *driver.RunActionsOptions) {
303	var ops []*writeOp
304	for _, w := range writes {
305		op, err := c.newWriteOp(w, opts)
306		if err != nil {
307			errs[w.Index] = err
308		} else {
309			ops = append(ops, op)
310		}
311	}
313	t := driver.NewThrottle(c.opts.MaxOutstandingActionRPCs)
314	for _, op := range ops {
315		op := op
316		t.Acquire()
317		go func() {
318			defer t.Release()
319			err := op.run(ctx)
320			a := op.action
321			if err != nil {
322				errs[a.Index] = err
323			} else {
324				errs[a.Index] = c.onSuccess(op)
325			}
326		}()
327	}
328	t.Wait()
331// A writeOp describes a single write to DynamoDB. The write can be executed
332// on its own, or included as part of a transaction.
333type writeOp struct {
334	action          *driver.Action
335	writeItem       *dyn.TransactWriteItem // for inclusion in a transaction
336	newPartitionKey string                 // for a Create on a document without a partition key
337	newRevision     string
338	run             func(context.Context) error // run as a single RPC
341func (c *collection) newWriteOp(a *driver.Action, opts *driver.RunActionsOptions) (*writeOp, error) {
342	switch a.Kind {
343	case driver.Create, driver.Replace, driver.Put:
344		return c.newPut(a, opts)
345	case driver.Update:
346		return c.newUpdate(a, opts)
347	case driver.Delete:
348		return c.newDelete(a, opts)
349	default:
350		panic("bad write kind")
351	}
354func (c *collection) newPut(a *driver.Action, opts *driver.RunActionsOptions) (*writeOp, error) {
355	av, err := encodeDoc(a.Doc)
356	if err != nil {
357		return nil, err
358	}
359	mf := c.missingKeyField(av.M)
360	if a.Kind != driver.Create && mf != "" {
361		return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing key field %q", mf)
362	}
363	var newPartitionKey string
364	if mf == c.partitionKey {
365		newPartitionKey = driver.UniqueString()
366		av.M[c.partitionKey] = new(dyn.AttributeValue).SetS(newPartitionKey)
367	}
368	if c.sortKey != "" && mf == c.sortKey {
369		// It doesn't make sense to generate a random sort key.
370		return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing sort key %q", c.sortKey)
371	}
372	var rev string
373	if a.Doc.HasField(c.opts.RevisionField) {
374		rev = driver.UniqueString()
375		if av.M[c.opts.RevisionField], err = encodeValue(rev); err != nil {
376			return nil, err
377		}
378	}
379	dput := &dyn.Put{
380		TableName: &c.table,
381		Item:      av.M,
382	}
383	cb, err := c.precondition(a)
384	if err != nil {
385		return nil, err
386	}
387	if cb != nil {
388		ce, err := expression.NewBuilder().WithCondition(*cb).Build()
389		if err != nil {
390			return nil, err
391		}
392		dput.ExpressionAttributeNames = ce.Names()
393		dput.ExpressionAttributeValues = ce.Values()
394		dput.ConditionExpression = ce.Condition()
395	}
396	return &writeOp{
397		action:          a,
398		writeItem:       &dyn.TransactWriteItem{Put: dput},
399		newPartitionKey: newPartitionKey,
400		newRevision:     rev,
401		run: func(ctx context.Context) error {
402			return c.runPut(ctx, dput, a, opts)
403		},
404	}, nil
407func (c *collection) runPut(ctx context.Context, dput *dyn.Put, a *driver.Action, opts *driver.RunActionsOptions) error {
408	in := &dyn.PutItemInput{
409		TableName:                 dput.TableName,
410		Item:                      dput.Item,
411		ConditionExpression:       dput.ConditionExpression,
412		ExpressionAttributeNames:  dput.ExpressionAttributeNames,
413		ExpressionAttributeValues: dput.ExpressionAttributeValues,
414	}
415	if opts.BeforeDo != nil {
416		if err := opts.BeforeDo(driver.AsFunc(in)); err != nil {
417			return err
418		}
419	}
420	_, err := c.db.PutItemWithContext(ctx, in)
421	if ae, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && ae.Code() == dyn.ErrCodeConditionalCheckFailedException {
422		if a.Kind == driver.Create {
423			err = gcerr.Newf(gcerr.AlreadyExists, err, "document already exists")
424		}
425		if rev, _ := a.Doc.GetField(c.opts.RevisionField); rev == nil && a.Kind == driver.Replace {
426			err = gcerr.Newf(gcerr.NotFound, nil, "document not found")
427		}
428	}
429	return err
432func (c *collection) newDelete(a *driver.Action, opts *driver.RunActionsOptions) (*writeOp, error) {
433	av, err := encodeDocKeyFields(a.Doc, c.partitionKey, c.sortKey)
434	if err != nil {
435		return nil, err
436	}
437	del := &dyn.Delete{
438		TableName: &c.table,
439		Key:       av.M,
440	}
441	cb, err := c.precondition(a)
442	if err != nil {
443		return nil, err
444	}
445	if cb != nil {
446		ce, err := expression.NewBuilder().WithCondition(*cb).Build()
447		if err != nil {
448			return nil, err
449		}
450		del.ExpressionAttributeNames = ce.Names()
451		del.ExpressionAttributeValues = ce.Values()
452		del.ConditionExpression = ce.Condition()
453	}
454	return &writeOp{
455		action:    a,
456		writeItem: &dyn.TransactWriteItem{Delete: del},
457		run: func(ctx context.Context) error {
458			in := &dyn.DeleteItemInput{
459				TableName:                 del.TableName,
460				Key:                       del.Key,
461				ConditionExpression:       del.ConditionExpression,
462				ExpressionAttributeNames:  del.ExpressionAttributeNames,
463				ExpressionAttributeValues: del.ExpressionAttributeValues,
464			}
465			if opts.BeforeDo != nil {
466				if err := opts.BeforeDo(driver.AsFunc(in)); err != nil {
467					return err
468				}
469			}
470			_, err := c.db.DeleteItemWithContext(ctx, in)
471			return err
472		},
473	}, nil
476func (c *collection) newUpdate(a *driver.Action, opts *driver.RunActionsOptions) (*writeOp, error) {
477	av, err := encodeDocKeyFields(a.Doc, c.partitionKey, c.sortKey)
478	if err != nil {
479		return nil, err
480	}
481	var ub expression.UpdateBuilder
482	for _, m := range a.Mods {
483		// TODO(shantuo): check for invalid field paths
484		fp := expression.Name(strings.Join(m.FieldPath, "."))
485		if inc, ok := m.Value.(driver.IncOp); ok {
486			ub = ub.Add(fp, expression.Value(inc.Amount))
487		} else if m.Value == nil {
488			ub = ub.Remove(fp)
489		} else {
490			ub = ub.Set(fp, expression.Value(m.Value))
491		}
492	}
493	var rev string
494	if a.Doc.HasField(c.opts.RevisionField) {
495		rev = driver.UniqueString()
496		ub = ub.Set(expression.Name(c.opts.RevisionField), expression.Value(rev))
497	}
498	cb, err := c.precondition(a)
499	if err != nil {
500		return nil, err
501	}
502	ce, err := expression.NewBuilder().WithCondition(*cb).WithUpdate(ub).Build()
503	if err != nil {
504		return nil, err
505	}
506	up := &dyn.Update{
507		TableName:                 &c.table,
508		Key:                       av.M,
509		ConditionExpression:       ce.Condition(),
510		UpdateExpression:          ce.Update(),
511		ExpressionAttributeNames:  ce.Names(),
512		ExpressionAttributeValues: ce.Values(),
513	}
514	return &writeOp{
515		action:      a,
516		writeItem:   &dyn.TransactWriteItem{Update: up},
517		newRevision: rev,
518		run: func(ctx context.Context) error {
519			in := &dyn.UpdateItemInput{
520				TableName:                 up.TableName,
521				Key:                       up.Key,
522				ConditionExpression:       up.ConditionExpression,
523				UpdateExpression:          up.UpdateExpression,
524				ExpressionAttributeNames:  up.ExpressionAttributeNames,
525				ExpressionAttributeValues: up.ExpressionAttributeValues,
526			}
527			if opts.BeforeDo != nil {
528				if err := opts.BeforeDo(driver.AsFunc(in)); err != nil {
529					return err
530				}
531			}
532			_, err := c.db.UpdateItemWithContext(ctx, in)
533			return err
534		},
535	}, nil
538// Handle the effects of successful execution.
539func (c *collection) onSuccess(op *writeOp) error {
540	// Set the new partition key (if any) and the new revision into the user's document.
541	if op.newPartitionKey != "" {
542		_ = op.action.Doc.SetField(c.partitionKey, op.newPartitionKey) // cannot fail
543	}
544	if op.newRevision != "" {
545		return op.action.Doc.SetField(c.opts.RevisionField, op.newRevision)
546	}
547	return nil
550func (c *collection) missingKeyField(m map[string]*dyn.AttributeValue) string {
551	if v, ok := m[c.partitionKey]; !ok || v.NULL != nil {
552		return c.partitionKey
553	}
554	if v, ok := m[c.sortKey]; (!ok || v.NULL != nil) && c.sortKey != "" {
555		return c.sortKey
556	}
557	return ""
560// Construct the precondition for the action.
561func (c *collection) precondition(a *driver.Action) (*expression.ConditionBuilder, error) {
562	switch a.Kind {
563	case driver.Create:
564		// Precondition: the document doesn't already exist. (Precisely: the partitionKey
565		// field is not on the document.)
566		c := expression.AttributeNotExists(expression.Name(c.partitionKey))
567		return &c, nil
568	case driver.Replace, driver.Update:
569		// Precondition: the revision matches, or if there is no revision, then
570		// the document exists.
571		cb, err := revisionPrecondition(a.Doc, c.opts.RevisionField)
572		if err != nil {
573			return nil, err
574		}
575		if cb == nil {
576			c := expression.AttributeExists(expression.Name(c.partitionKey))
577			cb = &c
578		}
579		return cb, nil
580	case driver.Put, driver.Delete:
581		// Precondition: the revision matches, if any.
582		return revisionPrecondition(a.Doc, c.opts.RevisionField)
583	case driver.Get:
584		// No preconditions on a Get.
585		return nil, nil
586	default:
587		panic("bad action kind")
588	}
591// revisionPrecondition returns a DynamoDB expression that asserts that the
592// stored document's revision matches the revision of doc.
593func revisionPrecondition(doc driver.Document, revField string) (*expression.ConditionBuilder, error) {
594	v, err := doc.GetField(revField)
595	if err != nil { // field not present
596		return nil, nil
597	}
598	if v == nil { // field is present, but nil
599		return nil, nil
600	}
601	rev, ok := v.(string)
602	if !ok {
603		return nil, gcerr.Newf(gcerr.InvalidArgument, nil,
604			"%s field contains wrong type: got %T, want string",
605			revField, v)
606	}
607	if rev == "" {
608		return nil, nil
609	}
610	// Value encodes rev to an attribute value.
611	cb := expression.Name(revField).Equal(expression.Value(rev))
612	return &cb, nil
615// TODO(jba): use this if/when we support atomic writes.
616func (c *collection) transactWrite(ctx context.Context, actions []*driver.Action, errs []error, opts *driver.RunActionsOptions, start, end int) {
617	setErr := func(err error) {
618		for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
619			errs[actions[i].Index] = err
620		}
621	}
623	var ops []*writeOp
624	tws := make([]*dyn.TransactWriteItem, 0, end-start+1)
625	for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
626		a := actions[i]
627		op, err := c.newWriteOp(a, opts)
628		if err != nil {
629			setErr(err)
630			return
631		}
632		ops = append(ops, op)
633		tws = append(tws, op.writeItem)
634	}
636	in := &dyn.TransactWriteItemsInput{
637		ClientRequestToken: aws.String(driver.UniqueString()),
638		TransactItems:      tws,
639	}
641	if opts.BeforeDo != nil {
642		asFunc := func(i interface{}) bool {
643			p, ok := i.(**dyn.TransactWriteItemsInput)
644			if !ok {
645				return false
646			}
647			*p = in
648			return true
649		}
650		if err := opts.BeforeDo(asFunc); err != nil {
651			setErr(err)
652			return
653		}
654	}
655	if _, err := c.db.TransactWriteItemsWithContext(ctx, in); err != nil {
656		setErr(err)
657		return
658	}
659	for _, op := range ops {
660		errs[op.action.Index] = c.onSuccess(op)
661	}
664// RevisionToBytes implements driver.RevisionToBytes.
665func (c *collection) RevisionToBytes(rev interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
666	s, ok := rev.(string)
667	if !ok {
668		return nil, gcerr.Newf(gcerr.InvalidArgument, nil, "revision %v of type %[1]T is not a string", rev)
669	}
670	return []byte(s), nil
673// BytesToRevision implements driver.BytesToRevision.
674func (c *collection) BytesToRevision(b []byte) (interface{}, error) {
675	return string(b), nil
678func (c *collection) As(i interface{}) bool {
679	p, ok := i.(**dyn.DynamoDB)
680	if !ok {
681		return false
682	}
683	*p = c.db
684	return true
687// ErrorAs implements driver.Collection.ErrorAs.
688func (c *collection) ErrorAs(err error, i interface{}) bool {
689	e, ok := err.(awserr.Error)
690	if !ok {
691		return false
692	}
693	p, ok := i.(*awserr.Error)
694	if !ok {
695		return false
696	}
697	*p = e
698	return true
701func (c *collection) ErrorCode(err error) gcerrors.ErrorCode {
702	ae, ok := err.(awserr.Error)
703	if !ok {
704		return gcerrors.Unknown
705	}
706	ec, ok := errorCodeMap[ae.Code()]
707	if !ok {
708		return gcerrors.Unknown
709	}
710	return ec
713var errorCodeMap = map[string]gcerrors.ErrorCode{
714	dyn.ErrCodeConditionalCheckFailedException:          gcerrors.FailedPrecondition,
715	dyn.ErrCodeProvisionedThroughputExceededException:   gcerrors.ResourceExhausted,
716	dyn.ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException:                gcerrors.NotFound,
717	dyn.ErrCodeItemCollectionSizeLimitExceededException: gcerrors.ResourceExhausted,
718	dyn.ErrCodeTransactionConflictException:             gcerrors.Internal,
719	dyn.ErrCodeRequestLimitExceeded:                     gcerrors.ResourceExhausted,
720	dyn.ErrCodeInternalServerError:                      gcerrors.Internal,
721	dyn.ErrCodeTransactionCanceledException:             gcerrors.FailedPrecondition,
722	dyn.ErrCodeTransactionInProgressException:           gcerrors.InvalidArgument,
723	dyn.ErrCodeIdempotentParameterMismatchException:     gcerrors.InvalidArgument,
724	"ValidationException":                               gcerrors.InvalidArgument,
727// Close implements driver.Collection.Close.
728func (c *collection) Close() error { return nil }