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Name Date Size #Lines LOC



LICENSEH A D04-Aug-20201.4 KiB2824

PATENTSH A D04-Aug-20201.3 KiB2320

READMEH A D04-Aug-2020122 32

adaptor.goH A D04-Aug-20204 KiB194153

codereview.cfgH A D04-Aug-202021 21

doc.goH A D04-Aug-2020784 231

errors.goH A D04-Aug-2020815 3418

errors_test.goH A D04-Aug-20201.6 KiB6853

example_As_test.goH A D04-Aug-2020473 2615

example_FormatError_test.goH A D04-Aug-2020780 4028

example_test.goH A D04-Aug-2020692 3523

fmt.goH A D04-Aug-20205 KiB188127

fmt_test.goH A D04-Aug-202012.8 KiB603531

fmt_unexported_test.goH A D04-Aug-20201.3 KiB5243

format.goH A D04-Aug-20201.1 KiB3510

frame.goH A D04-Aug-20201.5 KiB5734

go.modH A D04-Aug-202037 42

stack_test.goH A D04-Aug-20201.4 KiB6149

wrap.goH A D04-Aug-20203 KiB10770

wrap_113_test.goH A D04-Aug-2020575 2917

wrap_test.goH A D04-Aug-20205 KiB259228


1This repository holds the transition packages for the new Go 1.13 error values.
2See golang.org/design/29934-error-values.