2Copyright 2019 Google LLC
4Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14limitations under the License.
18This file holds tests for the in-memory fake for comparing it against a real Cloud Spanner.
20By default it uses the Spanner client against the in-memory fake; set the
21-test_db flag to "projects/P/instances/I/databases/D" to make it use a real
22Cloud Spanner database instead. You may need to provide -timeout=5m too.
25package spannertest
27import (
28	"context"
29	"flag"
30	"reflect"
31	"sort"
32	"testing"
33	"time"
35	"cloud.google.com/go/civil"
36	"cloud.google.com/go/spanner"
37	dbadmin "cloud.google.com/go/spanner/admin/database/apiv1"
38	"google.golang.org/api/iterator"
39	"google.golang.org/api/option"
40	"google.golang.org/grpc"
41	"google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
42	"google.golang.org/grpc/status"
44	dbadminpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/spanner/admin/database/v1"
45	spannerpb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/spanner/v1"
46	structpb "google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/structpb"
49var testDBFlag = flag.String("test_db", "", "Fully-qualified database name to test against; empty means use an in-memory fake.")
51func dbName() string {
52	if *testDBFlag != "" {
53		return *testDBFlag
54	}
55	return "projects/fake-proj/instances/fake-instance/databases/fake-db"
58func makeClient(t *testing.T) (*spanner.Client, *dbadmin.DatabaseAdminClient, func()) {
59	// Despite the docs, this context is also used for auth,
60	// so it needs to be long-lived.
61	ctx := context.Background()
63	if *testDBFlag != "" {
64		t.Logf("Using real Spanner DB %s", *testDBFlag)
65		dialOpt := option.WithGRPCDialOption(grpc.WithTimeout(5 * time.Second))
66		client, err := spanner.NewClient(ctx, *testDBFlag, dialOpt)
67		if err != nil {
68			t.Fatalf("Connecting to %s: %v", *testDBFlag, err)
69		}
70		adminClient, err := dbadmin.NewDatabaseAdminClient(ctx, dialOpt)
71		if err != nil {
72			client.Close()
73			t.Fatalf("Connecting DB admin client: %v", err)
74		}
75		return client, adminClient, func() { client.Close(); adminClient.Close() }
76	}
78	// Don't use SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST because we need the raw connection for
79	// the database admin client anyway.
81	t.Logf("Using in-memory fake Spanner DB")
82	srv, err := NewServer("localhost:0")
83	if err != nil {
84		t.Fatalf("Starting in-memory fake: %v", err)
85	}
86	srv.SetLogger(t.Logf)
87	dialCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 1*time.Second)
88	defer cancel()
89	conn, err := grpc.DialContext(dialCtx, srv.Addr, grpc.WithInsecure())
90	if err != nil {
91		srv.Close()
92		t.Fatalf("Dialing in-memory fake: %v", err)
93	}
94	client, err := spanner.NewClient(ctx, dbName(), option.WithGRPCConn(conn))
95	if err != nil {
96		srv.Close()
97		t.Fatalf("Connecting to in-memory fake: %v", err)
98	}
99	adminClient, err := dbadmin.NewDatabaseAdminClient(ctx, option.WithGRPCConn(conn))
100	if err != nil {
101		srv.Close()
102		t.Fatalf("Connecting to in-memory fake DB admin: %v", err)
103	}
104	return client, adminClient, func() {
105		client.Close()
106		adminClient.Close()
107		conn.Close()
108		srv.Close()
109	}
112func TestIntegration_SpannerBasics(t *testing.T) {
113	client, adminClient, cleanup := makeClient(t)
114	defer cleanup()
116	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Minute)
117	defer cancel()
119	// Do a trivial query to verify the connection works.
120	it := client.Single().Query(ctx, spanner.NewStatement("SELECT 1"))
121	row, err := it.Next()
122	if err != nil {
123		t.Fatalf("Getting first row of trivial query: %v", err)
124	}
125	var value int64
126	if err := row.Column(0, &value); err != nil {
127		t.Fatalf("Decoding row data from trivial query: %v", err)
128	}
129	if value != 1 {
130		t.Errorf("Trivial query gave %d, want 1", value)
131	}
132	// There shouldn't be a next row.
133	_, err = it.Next()
134	if err != iterator.Done {
135		t.Errorf("Reading second row of trivial query gave %v, want iterator.Done", err)
136	}
137	it.Stop()
139	// Drop any previous test table/index, and make a fresh one in a few stages.
140	const tableName = "Characters"
141	err = updateDDL(t, adminClient, "DROP INDEX AgeIndex")
142	// NotFound is an acceptable failure mode here.
143	if st, _ := status.FromError(err); st.Code() == codes.NotFound {
144		err = nil
145	}
146	if err != nil {
147		t.Fatalf("Dropping old index: %v", err)
148	}
149	dropTable(t, adminClient, tableName)
150	err = updateDDL(t, adminClient,
151		`CREATE TABLE `+tableName+` (
152			FirstName STRING(20) NOT NULL,
153			LastName STRING(20) NOT NULL,
154			Alias STRING(MAX),
155		) PRIMARY KEY (FirstName, LastName)`)
156	if err != nil {
157		t.Fatalf("Setting up fresh table: %v", err)
158	}
159	err = updateDDL(t, adminClient,
160		`ALTER TABLE `+tableName+` ADD COLUMN Age INT64`,
161		`CREATE INDEX AgeIndex ON `+tableName+` (Age DESC)`)
162	if err != nil {
163		t.Fatalf("Adding new column: %v", err)
164	}
166	// Insert some data.
167	_, err = client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
168		spanner.Insert(tableName,
169			[]string{"FirstName", "LastName", "Alias", "Age"},
170			[]interface{}{"Steve", "Rogers", "Captain America", 101}),
171		spanner.Insert(tableName,
172			[]string{"LastName", "FirstName", "Age", "Alias"},
173			[]interface{}{"Romanoff", "Natasha", 35, "Black Widow"}),
174		spanner.Insert(tableName,
175			[]string{"Age", "Alias", "FirstName", "LastName"},
176			[]interface{}{49, "Iron Man", "Tony", "Stark"}),
177		spanner.Insert(tableName,
178			[]string{"FirstName", "Alias", "LastName"}, // no Age
179			[]interface{}{"Clark", "Superman", "Kent"}),
180		// Two rows with the same value in one column,
181		// but with distinct primary keys.
182		spanner.Insert(tableName,
183			[]string{"FirstName", "LastName", "Alias"},
184			[]interface{}{"Peter", "Parker", "Spider-Man"}),
185		spanner.Insert(tableName,
186			[]string{"FirstName", "LastName", "Alias"},
187			[]interface{}{"Peter", "Quill", "Star-Lord"}),
188	})
189	if err != nil {
190		t.Fatalf("Applying mutations: %v", err)
191	}
193	// Delete some data.
194	_, err = client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
195		// Whoops. DC, not MCU.
196		spanner.Delete(tableName, spanner.Key{"Clark", "Kent"}),
197	})
198	if err != nil {
199		t.Fatalf("Applying mutations: %v", err)
200	}
202	// Read a single row.
203	row, err = client.Single().ReadRow(ctx, tableName, spanner.Key{"Tony", "Stark"}, []string{"Alias", "Age"})
204	if err != nil {
205		t.Fatalf("Reading single row: %v", err)
206	}
207	var alias string
208	var age int64
209	if err := row.Columns(&alias, &age); err != nil {
210		t.Fatalf("Decoding single row: %v", err)
211	}
212	if alias != "Iron Man" || age != 49 {
213		t.Errorf(`Single row read gave (%q, %d), want ("Iron Man", 49)`, alias, age)
214	}
216	// Read all rows, and do a local age sum.
217	rows := client.Single().Read(ctx, tableName, spanner.AllKeys(), []string{"Age"})
218	var ageSum int64
219	err = rows.Do(func(row *spanner.Row) error {
220		var age spanner.NullInt64
221		if err := row.Columns(&age); err != nil {
222			return err
223		}
224		if age.Valid {
225			ageSum += age.Int64
226		}
227		return nil
228	})
229	if err != nil {
230		t.Fatalf("Iterating over all row read: %v", err)
231	}
232	if want := int64(101 + 35 + 49); ageSum != want {
233		t.Errorf("Age sum after iterating over all rows = %d, want %d", ageSum, want)
234	}
236	// Do a more complex query to find the aliases of the two oldest non-centenarian characters.
237	stmt := spanner.NewStatement(`SELECT Alias FROM ` + tableName + ` WHERE Age < @ageLimit AND Alias IS NOT NULL ORDER BY Age DESC LIMIT @limit`)
238	stmt.Params = map[string]interface{}{
239		"ageLimit": 100,
240		"limit":    2,
241	}
242	rows = client.Single().Query(ctx, stmt)
243	var oldFolk []string
244	err = rows.Do(func(row *spanner.Row) error {
245		var alias string
246		if err := row.Columns(&alias); err != nil {
247			return err
248		}
249		oldFolk = append(oldFolk, alias)
250		return nil
251	})
252	if err != nil {
253		t.Fatalf("Iterating over complex query: %v", err)
254	}
255	if want := []string{"Iron Man", "Black Widow"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(oldFolk, want) {
256		t.Errorf("Complex query results = %v, want %v", oldFolk, want)
257	}
259	// Apply an update.
260	_, err = client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
261		spanner.Update(tableName,
262			[]string{"FirstName", "LastName", "Age"},
263			[]interface{}{"Steve", "Rogers", 102}),
264	})
265	if err != nil {
266		t.Fatalf("Applying mutations: %v", err)
267	}
268	row, err = client.Single().ReadRow(ctx, tableName, spanner.Key{"Steve", "Rogers"}, []string{"Age"})
269	if err != nil {
270		t.Fatalf("Reading single row: %v", err)
271	}
272	if err := row.Columns(&age); err != nil {
273		t.Fatalf("Decoding single row: %v", err)
274	}
275	if age != 102 {
276		t.Errorf("After updating Captain America, age = %d, want 102", age)
277	}
279	// Do a query where the result type isn't deducible from the first row.
280	stmt = spanner.NewStatement(`SELECT Age FROM ` + tableName + ` WHERE FirstName = "Peter"`)
281	rows = client.Single().Query(ctx, stmt)
282	var nullPeters int
283	err = rows.Do(func(row *spanner.Row) error {
284		var age spanner.NullInt64
285		if err := row.Column(0, &age); err != nil {
286			return err
287		}
288		if age.Valid {
289			t.Errorf("Got non-NULL Age %d for a Peter", age.Int64)
290		} else {
291			nullPeters++
292		}
293		return nil
294	})
295	if err != nil {
296		t.Fatalf("Counting Peters with NULL Ages: %v", err)
297	}
298	if nullPeters != 2 {
299		t.Errorf("Found %d Peters with NULL Ages, want 2", nullPeters)
300	}
302	// Check handling of array types.
303	err = updateDDL(t, adminClient, `ALTER TABLE `+tableName+` ADD COLUMN Allies ARRAY<STRING(20)>`)
304	if err != nil {
305		t.Fatalf("Adding new array-typed column: %v", err)
306	}
307	_, err = client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
308		spanner.Update(tableName,
309			[]string{"FirstName", "LastName", "Allies"},
310			[]interface{}{"Steve", "Rogers", []string{}}),
311		spanner.Update(tableName,
312			[]string{"FirstName", "LastName", "Allies"},
313			[]interface{}{"Tony", "Stark", []string{"Black Widow", "Spider-Man"}}),
314	})
315	if err != nil {
316		t.Fatalf("Applying mutations: %v", err)
317	}
318	row, err = client.Single().ReadRow(ctx, tableName, spanner.Key{"Tony", "Stark"}, []string{"Allies"})
319	if err != nil {
320		t.Fatalf("Reading row with array value: %v", err)
321	}
322	var names []string
323	if err := row.Column(0, &names); err != nil {
324		t.Fatalf("Unpacking array value: %v", err)
325	}
326	if want := []string{"Black Widow", "Spider-Man"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(names, want) {
327		t.Errorf("Read array value: got %q, want %q", names, want)
328	}
329	row, err = client.Single().ReadRow(ctx, tableName, spanner.Key{"Steve", "Rogers"}, []string{"Allies"})
330	if err != nil {
331		t.Fatalf("Reading row with empty array value: %v", err)
332	}
333	if err := row.Column(0, &names); err != nil {
334		t.Fatalf("Unpacking empty array value: %v", err)
335	}
336	if len(names) > 0 {
337		t.Errorf("Read empty array value: got %q", names)
338	}
340	// Exercise commit timestamp.
341	err = updateDDL(t, adminClient, `ALTER TABLE `+tableName+` ADD COLUMN Updated TIMESTAMP OPTIONS (allow_commit_timestamp=true)`)
342	if err != nil {
343		t.Fatalf("Adding new timestamp column: %v", err)
344	}
345	cts, err := client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
346		// Update one row in place.
347		spanner.Update(tableName,
348			[]string{"FirstName", "LastName", "Allies", "Updated"},
349			[]interface{}{"Tony", "Stark", []string{"Spider-Man", "Professor Hulk"}, spanner.CommitTimestamp}),
350	})
351	if err != nil {
352		t.Fatalf("Applying mutations: %v", err)
353	}
354	cts = cts.In(time.UTC)
355	if d := time.Since(cts); d < 0 || d > 10*time.Second {
356		t.Errorf("Commit timestamp %v not in the last 10s", cts)
357	}
358	row, err = client.Single().ReadRow(ctx, tableName, spanner.Key{"Tony", "Stark"}, []string{"Allies", "Updated"})
359	if err != nil {
360		t.Fatalf("Reading single row: %v", err)
361	}
362	var gotAllies []string
363	var gotUpdated time.Time
364	if err := row.Columns(&gotAllies, &gotUpdated); err != nil {
365		t.Fatalf("Decoding single row: %v", err)
366	}
367	if want := []string{"Spider-Man", "Professor Hulk"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(gotAllies, want) {
368		t.Errorf("After updating Iron Man, allies = %+v, want %+v", gotAllies, want)
369	}
370	if !gotUpdated.Equal(cts) {
371		t.Errorf("After updating Iron Man, updated = %v, want %v", gotUpdated, cts)
372	}
374	// Check if IN UNNEST works.
375	stmt = spanner.NewStatement(`SELECT Age FROM ` + tableName + ` WHERE FirstName IN UNNEST(@list)`)
376	stmt.Params = map[string]interface{}{
377		"list": []string{"Peter", "Steve"},
378	}
379	rows = client.Single().Query(ctx, stmt)
380	var ages []int64
381	err = rows.Do(func(row *spanner.Row) error {
382		var age spanner.NullInt64
383		if err := row.Column(0, &age); err != nil {
384			return err
385		}
386		ages = append(ages, age.Int64) // zero for NULL
387		return nil
388	})
389	if err != nil {
390		t.Fatalf("Getting ages using IN UNNEST: %v", err)
391	}
392	sort.Slice(ages, func(i, j int) bool { return ages[i] < ages[j] })
393	wantAges := []int64{0, 0, 102} // Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Steve Rogers (modified)
394	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ages, wantAges) {
395		t.Errorf("Query with IN UNNEST gave wrong ages: got %+v, want %+v", ages, wantAges)
396	}
399func TestIntegration_ReadsAndQueries(t *testing.T) {
400	client, adminClient, cleanup := makeClient(t)
401	defer cleanup()
403	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Minute)
404	defer cancel()
406	// Drop any old tables.
407	allTables := []string{
408		"Staff",
409		"PlayerStats",
410		"JoinA", "JoinB", "JoinC", "JoinD", "JoinE", "JoinF",
411		"SomeStrings",
412	}
413	for _, table := range allTables {
414		dropTable(t, adminClient, table)
415	}
417	err := updateDDL(t, adminClient,
418		`CREATE TABLE Staff (
419			Tenure INT64,
420			ID INT64,
421			Name STRING(MAX),
422			Cool BOOL,
423			Height FLOAT64,
424		) PRIMARY KEY (Name, ID)`)
425	if err != nil {
426		t.Fatal(err)
427	}
429	// Insert a subset of columns.
430	_, err = client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
431		spanner.Insert("Staff", []string{"ID", "Name", "Tenure", "Height"}, []interface{}{1, "Jack", 10, 1.85}),
432		spanner.Insert("Staff", []string{"ID", "Name", "Tenure", "Height"}, []interface{}{2, "Daniel", 11, 1.83}),
433	})
434	if err != nil {
435		t.Fatalf("Inserting data: %v", err)
436	}
437	// Insert a different set of columns.
438	_, err = client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
439		spanner.Insert("Staff", []string{"Name", "ID", "Cool", "Tenure", "Height"}, []interface{}{"Sam", 3, false, 9, 1.75}),
440		spanner.Insert("Staff", []string{"Name", "ID", "Cool", "Tenure", "Height"}, []interface{}{"Teal'c", 4, true, 8, 1.91}),
441		spanner.Insert("Staff", []string{"Name", "ID", "Cool", "Tenure", "Height"}, []interface{}{"George", 5, nil, 6, 1.73}),
442		spanner.Insert("Staff", []string{"Name", "ID", "Cool", "Tenure", "Height"}, []interface{}{"Harry", 6, true, nil, nil}),
443	})
444	if err != nil {
445		t.Fatalf("Inserting more data: %v", err)
446	}
447	// Delete that last one.
448	_, err = client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
449		spanner.Delete("Staff", spanner.Key{"Harry", 6}),
450	})
451	if err != nil {
452		t.Fatalf("Deleting a row: %v", err)
453	}
454	// Turns out this guy isn't cool after all.
455	_, err = client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
456		// Missing columns should be left alone.
457		spanner.Update("Staff", []string{"Name", "ID", "Cool"}, []interface{}{"Daniel", 2, false}),
458	})
459	if err != nil {
460		t.Fatalf("Updating a row: %v", err)
461	}
463	// Read some specific keys.
464	ri := client.Single().Read(ctx, "Staff", spanner.KeySets(
465		spanner.Key{"George", 5},
466		spanner.Key{"Harry", 6}, // Missing key should be silently ignored.
467		spanner.Key{"Sam", 3},
468		spanner.Key{"George", 5}, // Duplicate key should be silently ignored.
469	), []string{"Name", "Tenure"})
470	if err != nil {
471		t.Fatalf("Reading keys: %v", err)
472	}
473	all := mustSlurpRows(t, ri)
474	wantAll := [][]interface{}{
475		{"George", int64(6)},
476		{"Sam", int64(9)},
477	}
478	if !reflect.DeepEqual(all, wantAll) {
479		t.Errorf("Read data by keys wrong.\n got %v\nwant %v", all, wantAll)
480	}
481	// Read the same, but by key range.
482	ri = client.Single().Read(ctx, "Staff", spanner.KeySets(
483		spanner.KeyRange{Start: spanner.Key{"Gabriel"}, End: spanner.Key{"Harpo"}, Kind: spanner.OpenOpen},
484		spanner.KeyRange{Start: spanner.Key{"Sam", 3}, End: spanner.Key{"Teal'c", 4}, Kind: spanner.ClosedOpen},
485	), []string{"Name", "Tenure"})
486	all = mustSlurpRows(t, ri)
487	if !reflect.DeepEqual(all, wantAll) {
488		t.Errorf("Read data by key ranges wrong.\n got %v\nwant %v", all, wantAll)
489	}
490	// Read a subset of all rows, with a limit.
491	ri = client.Single().ReadWithOptions(ctx, "Staff", spanner.AllKeys(), []string{"Tenure", "Name", "Height"},
492		&spanner.ReadOptions{Limit: 4})
493	all = mustSlurpRows(t, ri)
494	wantAll = [][]interface{}{
495		// Primary key is (Name, ID), so results should come back sorted by Name then ID.
496		{int64(11), "Daniel", 1.83},
497		{int64(6), "George", 1.73},
498		{int64(10), "Jack", 1.85},
499		{int64(9), "Sam", 1.75},
500	}
501	if !reflect.DeepEqual(all, wantAll) {
502		t.Errorf("ReadAll data wrong.\n got %v\nwant %v", all, wantAll)
503	}
505	// Add DATE and TIMESTAMP columns, and populate them with some data.
506	err = updateDDL(t, adminClient,
508		"ALTER TABLE Staff ADD COLUMN `To` TIMESTAMP", // "TO" is a keyword; needs quoting
509	)
510	if err != nil {
511		t.Fatalf("Adding columns: %v", err)
512	}
513	_, err = client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
514		spanner.Update("Staff", []string{"Name", "ID", "FirstSeen", "To"}, []interface{}{"Jack", 1, "1994-10-28", nil}),
515		spanner.Update("Staff", []string{"Name", "ID", "FirstSeen", "To"}, []interface{}{"Daniel", 2, "1994-10-28", nil}),
516		spanner.Update("Staff", []string{"Name", "ID", "FirstSeen", "To"}, []interface{}{"George", 5, "1997-07-27", "2008-07-29T11:22:43Z"}),
517	})
518	if err != nil {
519		t.Fatalf("Updating rows: %v", err)
520	}
522	// Add some more data, then delete it with a KeyRange.
523	// The queries below ensure that this was all deleted.
524	_, err = client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
525		spanner.Insert("Staff", []string{"Name", "ID"}, []interface{}{"01", 1}),
526		spanner.Insert("Staff", []string{"Name", "ID"}, []interface{}{"03", 3}),
527		spanner.Insert("Staff", []string{"Name", "ID"}, []interface{}{"06", 6}),
528	})
529	if err != nil {
530		t.Fatalf("Inserting data: %v", err)
531	}
532	_, err = client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
533		spanner.Delete("Staff", spanner.KeyRange{
534			/* This should work:
535				Start: spanner.Key{"01", 1},
536				End:   spanner.Key{"9"},
537			  However, that is unimplemented in the production Cloud Spanner, which rejects
538			  that: ""For delete ranges, start and limit keys may only differ in the final key part"
539			*/
540			Start: spanner.Key{"01"},
541			End:   spanner.Key{"9"},
542			Kind:  spanner.ClosedOpen,
543		}),
544	})
545	if err != nil {
546		t.Fatalf("Deleting key range: %v", err)
547	}
548	// Re-add the data and delete with DML.
549	_, err = client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
550		spanner.Insert("Staff", []string{"Name", "ID"}, []interface{}{"01", 1}),
551		spanner.Insert("Staff", []string{"Name", "ID"}, []interface{}{"03", 3}),
552		spanner.Insert("Staff", []string{"Name", "ID"}, []interface{}{"06", 6}),
553	})
554	if err != nil {
555		t.Fatalf("Inserting data: %v", err)
556	}
557	var n int64
558	_, err = client.ReadWriteTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, tx *spanner.ReadWriteTransaction) error {
559		stmt := spanner.NewStatement("DELETE FROM Staff WHERE Name >= @min AND Name < @max")
560		stmt.Params["min"] = "01"
561		stmt.Params["max"] = "07"
562		n, err = tx.Update(ctx, stmt)
563		return err
564	})
565	if err != nil {
566		t.Fatalf("Deleting with DML: %v", err)
567	}
568	if n != 3 {
569		t.Errorf("Deleting with DML affected %d rows, want 3", n)
570	}
572	// Add a BYTES column, and populate it with some data.
573	err = updateDDL(t, adminClient, `ALTER TABLE Staff ADD COLUMN RawBytes BYTES(MAX)`)
574	if err != nil {
575		t.Fatalf("Adding column: %v", err)
576	}
577	_, err = client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
578		// bytes {0x01 0x00 0x01} encode as base-64 AQAB.
579		spanner.Update("Staff", []string{"Name", "ID", "RawBytes"}, []interface{}{"Jack", 1, []byte{0x01, 0x00, 0x01}}),
580	})
581	if err != nil {
582		t.Fatalf("Updating rows: %v", err)
583	}
585	// Prepare the sample tables from the Cloud Spanner docs.
586	// https://cloud.google.com/spanner/docs/query-syntax#appendix-a-examples-with-sample-data
587	err = updateDDL(t, adminClient,
588		// TODO: Roster, TeamMascot when we implement JOINs.
589		`CREATE TABLE PlayerStats (
590			LastName STRING(MAX),
591			OpponentID INT64,
592			PointsScored INT64,
593		) PRIMARY KEY (LastName, OpponentID)`, // TODO: is this right?
594		// JoinFoo are from https://cloud.google.com/spanner/docs/query-syntax#join_types.
595		// They aren't consistently named in the docs.
596		`CREATE TABLE JoinA ( w INT64, x STRING(MAX) ) PRIMARY KEY (w, x)`,
597		`CREATE TABLE JoinB ( y INT64, z STRING(MAX) ) PRIMARY KEY (y, z)`,
598		`CREATE TABLE JoinC ( x INT64, y STRING(MAX) ) PRIMARY KEY (x, y)`,
599		`CREATE TABLE JoinD ( x INT64, z STRING(MAX) ) PRIMARY KEY (x, z)`,
600		`CREATE TABLE JoinE ( w INT64, x STRING(MAX) ) PRIMARY KEY (w, x)`,
601		`CREATE TABLE JoinF ( y INT64, z STRING(MAX) ) PRIMARY KEY (y, z)`,
602		// Some other test tables.
603		`CREATE TABLE SomeStrings ( i INT64, str STRING(MAX) ) PRIMARY KEY (i)`,
604	)
605	if err != nil {
606		t.Fatalf("Creating sample tables: %v", err)
607	}
608	_, err = client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
609		spanner.Insert("PlayerStats", []string{"LastName", "OpponentID", "PointsScored"}, []interface{}{"Adams", 51, 3}),
610		spanner.Insert("PlayerStats", []string{"LastName", "OpponentID", "PointsScored"}, []interface{}{"Buchanan", 77, 0}),
611		spanner.Insert("PlayerStats", []string{"LastName", "OpponentID", "PointsScored"}, []interface{}{"Coolidge", 77, 1}),
612		spanner.Insert("PlayerStats", []string{"LastName", "OpponentID", "PointsScored"}, []interface{}{"Adams", 52, 4}),
613		spanner.Insert("PlayerStats", []string{"LastName", "OpponentID", "PointsScored"}, []interface{}{"Buchanan", 50, 13}),
615		spanner.Insert("JoinA", []string{"w", "x"}, []interface{}{1, "a"}),
616		spanner.Insert("JoinA", []string{"w", "x"}, []interface{}{2, "b"}),
617		spanner.Insert("JoinA", []string{"w", "x"}, []interface{}{3, "c"}),
618		spanner.Insert("JoinA", []string{"w", "x"}, []interface{}{3, "d"}),
620		spanner.Insert("JoinB", []string{"y", "z"}, []interface{}{2, "k"}),
621		spanner.Insert("JoinB", []string{"y", "z"}, []interface{}{3, "m"}),
622		spanner.Insert("JoinB", []string{"y", "z"}, []interface{}{3, "n"}),
623		spanner.Insert("JoinB", []string{"y", "z"}, []interface{}{4, "p"}),
625		// JoinC and JoinD have the same contents as JoinA and JoinB; they have different column names.
626		spanner.Insert("JoinC", []string{"x", "y"}, []interface{}{1, "a"}),
627		spanner.Insert("JoinC", []string{"x", "y"}, []interface{}{2, "b"}),
628		spanner.Insert("JoinC", []string{"x", "y"}, []interface{}{3, "c"}),
629		spanner.Insert("JoinC", []string{"x", "y"}, []interface{}{3, "d"}),
631		spanner.Insert("JoinD", []string{"x", "z"}, []interface{}{2, "k"}),
632		spanner.Insert("JoinD", []string{"x", "z"}, []interface{}{3, "m"}),
633		spanner.Insert("JoinD", []string{"x", "z"}, []interface{}{3, "n"}),
634		spanner.Insert("JoinD", []string{"x", "z"}, []interface{}{4, "p"}),
636		// JoinE and JoinF are used in the CROSS JOIN test.
637		spanner.Insert("JoinE", []string{"w", "x"}, []interface{}{1, "a"}),
638		spanner.Insert("JoinE", []string{"w", "x"}, []interface{}{2, "b"}),
640		spanner.Insert("JoinF", []string{"y", "z"}, []interface{}{2, "c"}),
641		spanner.Insert("JoinF", []string{"y", "z"}, []interface{}{3, "d"}),
643		spanner.Insert("SomeStrings", []string{"i", "str"}, []interface{}{0, "afoo"}),
644		spanner.Insert("SomeStrings", []string{"i", "str"}, []interface{}{1, "abar"}),
645		spanner.Insert("SomeStrings", []string{"i", "str"}, []interface{}{2, nil}),
646		spanner.Insert("SomeStrings", []string{"i", "str"}, []interface{}{3, "bbar"}),
647	})
648	if err != nil {
649		t.Fatalf("Inserting sample data: %v", err)
650	}
652	// Do some complex queries.
653	tests := []struct {
654		q      string
655		params map[string]interface{}
656		want   [][]interface{}
657	}{
658		{
659			`SELECT 17, "sweet", TRUE AND FALSE, NULL, B"hello"`,
660			nil,
661			[][]interface{}{{int64(17), "sweet", false, nil, []byte("hello")}},
662		},
663		// Check handling of NULL values for the IS operator.
664		// There was a bug that returned errors for some of these cases.
665		{
667			map[string]interface{}{"x": (*bool)(nil)},
668			[][]interface{}{
669				{false, true, false, true, true, false},
670			},
671		},
672		// Check handling of bools that might be NULL.
673		// There was a bug where logical operators always returned true/false.
674		{
675			`SELECT @x, NOT @x, @x AND TRUE, @x AND FALSE, @x OR TRUE, @x OR FALSE`,
676			map[string]interface{}{"x": (*bool)(nil)},
677			[][]interface{}{
678				// At the time of writing (9 Oct 2020), the docs are wrong for `NULL AND FALSE`;
679				// the production Spanner returns FALSE, which is what we match.
680				{nil, nil, nil, false, true, nil},
681			},
682		},
683		{
684			`SELECT Name FROM Staff WHERE Cool`,
685			nil,
686			[][]interface{}{{"Teal'c"}},
687		},
688		{
690			nil,
691			[][]interface{}{{int64(4)}, {int64(3)}, {int64(2)}},
692		},
693		{
694			`SELECT Name, Tenure FROM Staff WHERE Cool IS NULL OR Cool ORDER BY Name LIMIT 2`,
695			nil,
696			[][]interface{}{
697				{"George", int64(6)},
698				{"Jack", int64(10)},
699			},
700		},
701		{
702			`SELECT Name, ID + 100 FROM Staff WHERE @min <= Tenure AND Tenure < @lim ORDER BY Cool, Name DESC LIMIT @numResults`,
703			map[string]interface{}{"min": 9, "lim": 11, "numResults": 100},
704			[][]interface{}{
705				{"Jack", int64(101)},
706				{"Sam", int64(103)},
707			},
708		},
709		{
710			// Expression in SELECT list.
711			`SELECT Name, Cool IS NOT NULL FROM Staff WHERE Tenure/2 > 4 ORDER BY NOT Cool, Name`,
712			nil,
713			[][]interface{}{
714				{"Jack", false},  // Jack has NULL Cool (NULLs always come first in orderings)
715				{"Daniel", true}, // Daniel has Cool==true
716				{"Sam", true},    // Sam has Cool==false
717			},
718		},
719		{
720			`SELECT Name, Height FROM Staff ORDER BY Height DESC LIMIT 2`,
721			nil,
722			[][]interface{}{
723				{"Teal'c", 1.91},
724				{"Jack", 1.85},
725			},
726		},
727		{
728			`SELECT Name FROM Staff WHERE Name LIKE "J%k" OR Name LIKE "_am"`,
729			nil,
730			[][]interface{}{
731				{"Jack"},
732				{"Sam"},
733			},
734		},
735		{
736			`SELECT Name, Height FROM Staff WHERE Height BETWEEN @min AND @max ORDER BY Height DESC`,
737			map[string]interface{}{"min": 1.75, "max": 1.85},
738			[][]interface{}{
739				{"Jack", 1.85},
740				{"Daniel", 1.83},
741				{"Sam", 1.75},
742			},
743		},
744		{
745			`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Staff WHERE Name < "T"`,
746			nil,
747			[][]interface{}{
748				{int64(4)},
749			},
750		},
751		{
752			// Check that aggregation still works for the empty set.
753			`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Staff WHERE Name = "Nobody"`,
754			nil,
755			[][]interface{}{
756				{int64(0)},
757			},
758		},
759		{
760			`SELECT * FROM Staff WHERE Name LIKE "S%"`,
761			nil,
762			[][]interface{}{
763				// These are returned in table column order, based on the appearance in the DDL.
764				// Our internal implementation sorts the primary key columns first,
765				// but that should not become visible via SELECT *.
766				{int64(9), int64(3), "Sam", false, 1.75, nil, nil, nil},
767			},
768		},
769		{
770			// Exactly the same as the previous, except with a redundant ORDER BY clause.
771			`SELECT * FROM Staff WHERE Name LIKE "S%" ORDER BY Name`,
772			nil,
773			[][]interface{}{
774				{int64(9), int64(3), "Sam", false, 1.75, nil, nil, nil},
775			},
776		},
777		{
778			`SELECT Name FROM Staff WHERE FirstSeen >= @min`,
779			map[string]interface{}{"min": civil.Date{Year: 1996, Month: 1, Day: 1}},
780			[][]interface{}{
781				{"George"},
782			},
783		},
784		{
785			`SELECT RawBytes FROM Staff WHERE RawBytes IS NOT NULL`,
786			nil,
787			[][]interface{}{
788				{[]byte("\x01\x00\x01")},
789			},
790		},
791		{
792			// The keyword "To" needs quoting in queries.
793			// Check coercion of comparison operator literal args too.
794			"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Staff WHERE `To` > '2000-01-01T00:00:00Z'",
795			nil,
796			[][]interface{}{
797				{int64(1)},
798			},
799		},
800		{
801			`SELECT DISTINCT Cool, Tenure > 8 FROM Staff ORDER BY Cool`,
802			nil,
803			[][]interface{}{
804				// The non-distinct results are
805				//          [[false true] [<nil> false] [<nil> true] [false true] [true false]]
806				{nil, false},
807				{nil, true},
808				{false, true},
809				{true, false},
810			},
811		},
812		{
813			`SELECT Name FROM Staff WHERE ID IN UNNEST(@ids)`,
814			map[string]interface{}{"ids": []int64{3, 1}},
815			[][]interface{}{
816				{"Jack"},
817				{"Sam"},
818			},
819		},
820		// From https://cloud.google.com/spanner/docs/query-syntax#group-by-clause_1:
821		{
822			// TODO: Ordering matters? Our implementation sorts by the GROUP BY key,
823			// but nothing documented seems to guarantee that.
824			`SELECT LastName, SUM(PointsScored) FROM PlayerStats GROUP BY LastName`,
825			nil,
826			[][]interface{}{
827				{"Adams", int64(7)},
828				{"Buchanan", int64(13)},
829				{"Coolidge", int64(1)},
830			},
831		},
832		{
833			// Another GROUP BY, but referring to an alias.
834			// Group by ID oddness, SUM over Tenure.
835			`SELECT ID&0x01 AS odd, SUM(Tenure) FROM Staff GROUP BY odd`,
836			nil,
837			[][]interface{}{
838				{int64(0), int64(19)}, // Daniel(ID=2, Tenure=11), Teal'c(ID=4, Tenure=8)
839				{int64(1), int64(25)}, // Jack(ID=1, Tenure=10), Sam(ID=3, Tenure=9), George(ID=5, Tenure=6)
840			},
841		},
842		{
843			`SELECT MAX(Name) FROM Staff WHERE Name < @lim`,
844			map[string]interface{}{"lim": "Teal'c"},
845			[][]interface{}{
846				{"Sam"},
847			},
848		},
849		{
850			`SELECT MAX(Name) FROM Staff WHERE Cool = @p1 LIMIT 1`,
851			map[string]interface{}{"p1": true},
852			[][]interface{}{
853				{"Teal'c"},
854			},
855		},
856		{
857			`SELECT MIN(Name) FROM Staff`,
858			nil,
859			[][]interface{}{
860				{"Daniel"},
861			},
862		},
863		{
864			// TODO: This is broken against production; does not permit ORDER BY on something not grouped/aggregated.
865			`SELECT ARRAY_AGG(Cool) FROM Staff ORDER BY Name`,
866			nil,
867			[][]interface{}{
868				// Daniel, George (NULL), Jack (NULL), Sam, Teal'c
869				{[]interface{}{false, nil, nil, false, true}},
870			},
871		},
872		// SELECT with aliases.
873		{
874			`SELECT s.Name FROM Staff AS s WHERE s.ID = 3 ORDER BY s.Tenure`,
875			nil,
876			[][]interface{}{
877				{"Sam"},
878			},
879		},
880		// Joins.
881		{
882			`SELECT * FROM JoinA INNER JOIN JoinB ON JoinA.w = JoinB.y ORDER BY w, x, y, z`,
883			nil,
884			[][]interface{}{
885				{int64(2), "b", int64(2), "k"},
886				{int64(3), "c", int64(3), "m"},
887				{int64(3), "c", int64(3), "n"},
888				{int64(3), "d", int64(3), "m"},
889				{int64(3), "d", int64(3), "n"},
890			},
891		},
892		{
893			`SELECT * FROM JoinE CROSS JOIN JoinF ORDER BY w, x, y, z`,
894			nil,
895			[][]interface{}{
896				{int64(1), "a", int64(2), "c"},
897				{int64(1), "a", int64(3), "d"},
898				{int64(2), "b", int64(2), "c"},
899				{int64(2), "b", int64(3), "d"},
900			},
901		},
902		{
903			`SELECT * FROM JoinA LEFT OUTER JOIN JoinB AS B ON JoinA.w = B.y ORDER BY w, x, y, z`,
904			nil,
905			[][]interface{}{
906				{int64(1), "a", nil, nil},
907				{int64(2), "b", int64(2), "k"},
908				{int64(3), "c", int64(3), "m"},
909				{int64(3), "c", int64(3), "n"},
910				{int64(3), "d", int64(3), "m"},
911				{int64(3), "d", int64(3), "n"},
912			},
913		},
914		{
915			// Same as the previous, but using a USING clause instead of an ON clause.
917			nil,
918			[][]interface{}{
919				{int64(1), "a", nil},
920				{int64(2), "b", "k"},
921				{int64(3), "c", "m"},
922				{int64(3), "c", "n"},
923				{int64(3), "d", "m"},
924				{int64(3), "d", "n"},
925			},
926		},
927		{
928			// Same as in docs, but with a weird ORDER BY clause to match the row ordering.
929			`SELECT * FROM JoinA RIGHT OUTER JOIN JoinB AS B ON JoinA.w = B.y ORDER BY w IS NULL, w, x, y, z`,
930			nil,
931			[][]interface{}{
932				{int64(2), "b", int64(2), "k"},
933				{int64(3), "c", int64(3), "m"},
934				{int64(3), "c", int64(3), "n"},
935				{int64(3), "d", int64(3), "m"},
936				{int64(3), "d", int64(3), "n"},
937				{nil, nil, int64(4), "p"},
938			},
939		},
940		{
942			nil,
943			[][]interface{}{
944				{int64(2), "b", "k"},
945				{int64(3), "c", "m"},
946				{int64(3), "c", "n"},
947				{int64(3), "d", "m"},
948				{int64(3), "d", "n"},
949				{int64(4), nil, "p"},
950			},
951		},
952		// Regression test for aggregating no rows; it used to return an empty row.
953		// https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/issues/2793
954		{
955			`SELECT Cool, ARRAY_AGG(Name) FROM Staff WHERE Name > "zzz" GROUP BY Cool`,
956			nil,
957			nil,
958		},
959		// Regression test for evaluating `IN` incorrectly using ==.
960		// https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/issues/2458
961		{
962			`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Staff WHERE RawBytes IN UNNEST(@arg)`,
963			map[string]interface{}{
964				"arg": [][]byte{
965					{0x02},
966					{0x01, 0x00, 0x01}, // only one present
967				},
968			},
969			[][]interface{}{
970				{int64(1)},
971			},
972		},
973		// Regression test for mishandling NULLs with LIKE operator.
974		{
975			`SELECT i, str FROM SomeStrings WHERE str LIKE "%bar"`,
976			nil,
977			[][]interface{}{
978				// Does not include [0, "afoo"] or [2, nil].
979				{int64(1), "abar"},
980				{int64(3), "bbar"},
981			},
982		},
983		{
984			`SELECT i, str FROM SomeStrings WHERE str NOT LIKE "%bar"`,
985			nil,
986			[][]interface{}{
987				// Does not include [1, "abar"], [2, nil] or [3, "bbar"].
988				{int64(0), "afoo"},
989			},
990		},
991		// Regression test for ORDER BY combined with SELECT aliases.
992		{
993			`SELECT Name AS nom FROM Staff ORDER BY ID LIMIT 2`,
994			nil,
995			[][]interface{}{
996				{"Jack"},
997				{"Daniel"},
998			},
999		},
1000	}
1001	var failures int
1002	for _, test := range tests {
1003		stmt := spanner.NewStatement(test.q)
1004		stmt.Params = test.params
1006		ri = client.Single().Query(ctx, stmt)
1007		all, err := slurpRows(t, ri)
1008		if err != nil {
1009			t.Errorf("Query(%q, %v): %v", test.q, test.params, err)
1010			failures++
1011			continue
1012		}
1013		if !reflect.DeepEqual(all, test.want) {
1014			t.Errorf("Results from Query(%q, %v) are wrong.\n got %v\nwant %v", test.q, test.params, all, test.want)
1015			failures++
1016		}
1017	}
1018	if failures > 0 {
1019		t.Logf("%d queries failed", failures)
1020	}
1023func dropTable(t *testing.T, adminClient *dbadmin.DatabaseAdminClient, table string) {
1024	t.Helper()
1025	err := updateDDL(t, adminClient, "DROP TABLE "+table)
1026	// NotFound is an acceptable failure mode here.
1027	if st, _ := status.FromError(err); st.Code() == codes.NotFound {
1028		err = nil
1029	}
1030	if err != nil {
1031		t.Fatalf("Dropping old table %q: %v", table, err)
1032	}
1035func updateDDL(t *testing.T, adminClient *dbadmin.DatabaseAdminClient, statements ...string) error {
1036	t.Helper()
1037	ctx := context.Background()
1038	t.Logf("DDL update: %q", statements)
1039	op, err := adminClient.UpdateDatabaseDdl(ctx, &dbadminpb.UpdateDatabaseDdlRequest{
1040		Database:   dbName(),
1041		Statements: statements,
1042	})
1043	if err != nil {
1044		t.Fatalf("Starting DDL update: %v", err)
1045	}
1046	return op.Wait(ctx)
1049func mustSlurpRows(t *testing.T, ri *spanner.RowIterator) [][]interface{} {
1050	t.Helper()
1051	all, err := slurpRows(t, ri)
1052	if err != nil {
1053		t.Fatalf("Reading rows: %v", err)
1054	}
1055	return all
1058func slurpRows(t *testing.T, ri *spanner.RowIterator) (all [][]interface{}, err error) {
1059	t.Helper()
1060	err = ri.Do(func(r *spanner.Row) error {
1061		var data []interface{}
1062		for i := 0; i < r.Size(); i++ {
1063			var gcv spanner.GenericColumnValue
1064			if err := r.Column(i, &gcv); err != nil {
1065				return err
1066			}
1067			data = append(data, genericValue(t, gcv))
1068		}
1069		all = append(all, data)
1070		return nil
1071	})
1072	return
1075func genericValue(t *testing.T, gcv spanner.GenericColumnValue) interface{} {
1076	t.Helper()
1078	if _, ok := gcv.Value.Kind.(*structpb.Value_NullValue); ok {
1079		return nil
1080	}
1081	if gcv.Type.Code == spannerpb.TypeCode_ARRAY {
1082		var arr []interface{}
1083		for _, v := range gcv.Value.GetListValue().Values {
1084			arr = append(arr, genericValue(t, spanner.GenericColumnValue{
1085				Type:  &spannerpb.Type{Code: gcv.Type.ArrayElementType.Code},
1086				Value: v,
1087			}))
1088		}
1089		return arr
1090	}
1092	var dst interface{}
1093	switch gcv.Type.Code {
1094	case spannerpb.TypeCode_BOOL:
1095		dst = new(bool)
1096	case spannerpb.TypeCode_INT64:
1097		dst = new(int64)
1098	case spannerpb.TypeCode_FLOAT64:
1099		dst = new(float64)
1100	case spannerpb.TypeCode_TIMESTAMP:
1101		dst = new(time.Time) // TODO: do we need to force to UTC?
1102	case spannerpb.TypeCode_DATE:
1103		dst = new(civil.Date)
1104	case spannerpb.TypeCode_STRING:
1105		dst = new(string)
1106	case spannerpb.TypeCode_BYTES:
1107		dst = new([]byte)
1108	}
1109	if dst == nil {
1110		t.Fatalf("Can't decode Spanner generic column value: %v", gcv.Type)
1111	}
1112	if err := gcv.Decode(dst); err != nil {
1113		t.Fatalf("Decoding %v into %T: %v", gcv, dst, err)
1114	}
1115	return reflect.ValueOf(dst).Elem().Interface()