1// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5// Package printf defines an Analyzer that checks consistency
6// of Printf format strings and arguments.
7package printf
9import (
10	"bytes"
11	"fmt"
12	"go/ast"
13	"go/constant"
14	"go/token"
15	"go/types"
16	"reflect"
17	"regexp"
18	"sort"
19	"strconv"
20	"strings"
21	"unicode/utf8"
23	"golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis"
24	"golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/inspect"
25	"golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/internal/analysisutil"
26	"golang.org/x/tools/go/ast/inspector"
27	"golang.org/x/tools/go/types/typeutil"
30func init() {
31	Analyzer.Flags.Var(isPrint, "funcs", "comma-separated list of print function names to check")
34var Analyzer = &analysis.Analyzer{
35	Name:       "printf",
36	Doc:        Doc,
37	Requires:   []*analysis.Analyzer{inspect.Analyzer},
38	Run:        run,
39	ResultType: reflect.TypeOf((*Result)(nil)),
40	FactTypes:  []analysis.Fact{new(isWrapper)},
43const Doc = `check consistency of Printf format strings and arguments
45The check applies to known functions (for example, those in package fmt)
46as well as any detected wrappers of known functions.
48A function that wants to avail itself of printf checking but is not
49found by this analyzer's heuristics (for example, due to use of
50dynamic calls) can insert a bogus call:
52	if false {
53		_ = fmt.Sprintf(format, args...) // enable printf checking
54	}
56The -funcs flag specifies a comma-separated list of names of additional
57known formatting functions or methods. If the name contains a period,
58it must denote a specific function using one of the following forms:
60	dir/pkg.Function
61	dir/pkg.Type.Method
62	(*dir/pkg.Type).Method
64Otherwise the name is interpreted as a case-insensitive unqualified
65identifier such as "errorf". Either way, if a listed name ends in f, the
66function is assumed to be Printf-like, taking a format string before the
67argument list. Otherwise it is assumed to be Print-like, taking a list
68of arguments with no format string.
71// Kind is a kind of fmt function behavior.
72type Kind int
74const (
75	KindNone   Kind = iota // not a fmt wrapper function
76	KindPrint              // function behaves like fmt.Print
77	KindPrintf             // function behaves like fmt.Printf
78	KindErrorf             // function behaves like fmt.Errorf
81func (kind Kind) String() string {
82	switch kind {
83	case KindPrint:
84		return "print"
85	case KindPrintf:
86		return "printf"
87	case KindErrorf:
88		return "errorf"
89	}
90	return ""
93// Result is the printf analyzer's result type. Clients may query the result
94// to learn whether a function behaves like fmt.Print or fmt.Printf.
95type Result struct {
96	funcs map[*types.Func]Kind
99// Kind reports whether fn behaves like fmt.Print or fmt.Printf.
100func (r *Result) Kind(fn *types.Func) Kind {
101	_, ok := isPrint[fn.FullName()]
102	if !ok {
103		// Next look up just "printf", for use with -printf.funcs.
104		_, ok = isPrint[strings.ToLower(fn.Name())]
105	}
106	if ok {
107		if strings.HasSuffix(fn.Name(), "f") {
108			return KindPrintf
109		} else {
110			return KindPrint
111		}
112	}
114	return r.funcs[fn]
117// isWrapper is a fact indicating that a function is a print or printf wrapper.
118type isWrapper struct{ Kind Kind }
120func (f *isWrapper) AFact() {}
122func (f *isWrapper) String() string {
123	switch f.Kind {
124	case KindPrintf:
125		return "printfWrapper"
126	case KindPrint:
127		return "printWrapper"
128	case KindErrorf:
129		return "errorfWrapper"
130	default:
131		return "unknownWrapper"
132	}
135func run(pass *analysis.Pass) (interface{}, error) {
136	res := &Result{
137		funcs: make(map[*types.Func]Kind),
138	}
139	findPrintfLike(pass, res)
140	checkCall(pass)
141	return res, nil
144type printfWrapper struct {
145	obj     *types.Func
146	fdecl   *ast.FuncDecl
147	format  *types.Var
148	args    *types.Var
149	callers []printfCaller
150	failed  bool // if true, not a printf wrapper
153type printfCaller struct {
154	w    *printfWrapper
155	call *ast.CallExpr
158// maybePrintfWrapper decides whether decl (a declared function) may be a wrapper
159// around a fmt.Printf or fmt.Print function. If so it returns a printfWrapper
160// function describing the declaration. Later processing will analyze the
161// graph of potential printf wrappers to pick out the ones that are true wrappers.
162// A function may be a Printf or Print wrapper if its last argument is ...interface{}.
163// If the next-to-last argument is a string, then this may be a Printf wrapper.
164// Otherwise it may be a Print wrapper.
165func maybePrintfWrapper(info *types.Info, decl ast.Decl) *printfWrapper {
166	// Look for functions with final argument type ...interface{}.
167	fdecl, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl)
168	if !ok || fdecl.Body == nil {
169		return nil
170	}
171	fn, ok := info.Defs[fdecl.Name].(*types.Func)
172	// Type information may be incomplete.
173	if !ok {
174		return nil
175	}
177	sig := fn.Type().(*types.Signature)
178	if !sig.Variadic() {
179		return nil // not variadic
180	}
182	params := sig.Params()
183	nparams := params.Len() // variadic => nonzero
185	args := params.At(nparams - 1)
186	iface, ok := args.Type().(*types.Slice).Elem().(*types.Interface)
187	if !ok || !iface.Empty() {
188		return nil // final (args) param is not ...interface{}
189	}
191	// Is second last param 'format string'?
192	var format *types.Var
193	if nparams >= 2 {
194		if p := params.At(nparams - 2); p.Type() == types.Typ[types.String] {
195			format = p
196		}
197	}
199	return &printfWrapper{
200		obj:    fn,
201		fdecl:  fdecl,
202		format: format,
203		args:   args,
204	}
207// findPrintfLike scans the entire package to find printf-like functions.
208func findPrintfLike(pass *analysis.Pass, res *Result) (interface{}, error) {
209	// Gather potential wrappers and call graph between them.
210	byObj := make(map[*types.Func]*printfWrapper)
211	var wrappers []*printfWrapper
212	for _, file := range pass.Files {
213		for _, decl := range file.Decls {
214			w := maybePrintfWrapper(pass.TypesInfo, decl)
215			if w == nil {
216				continue
217			}
218			byObj[w.obj] = w
219			wrappers = append(wrappers, w)
220		}
221	}
223	// Walk the graph to figure out which are really printf wrappers.
224	for _, w := range wrappers {
225		// Scan function for calls that could be to other printf-like functions.
226		ast.Inspect(w.fdecl.Body, func(n ast.Node) bool {
227			if w.failed {
228				return false
229			}
231			// TODO: Relax these checks; issue 26555.
232			if assign, ok := n.(*ast.AssignStmt); ok {
233				for _, lhs := range assign.Lhs {
234					if match(pass.TypesInfo, lhs, w.format) ||
235						match(pass.TypesInfo, lhs, w.args) {
236						// Modifies the format
237						// string or args in
238						// some way, so not a
239						// simple wrapper.
240						w.failed = true
241						return false
242					}
243				}
244			}
245			if un, ok := n.(*ast.UnaryExpr); ok && un.Op == token.AND {
246				if match(pass.TypesInfo, un.X, w.format) ||
247					match(pass.TypesInfo, un.X, w.args) {
248					// Taking the address of the
249					// format string or args,
250					// so not a simple wrapper.
251					w.failed = true
252					return false
253				}
254			}
256			call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
257			if !ok || len(call.Args) == 0 || !match(pass.TypesInfo, call.Args[len(call.Args)-1], w.args) {
258				return true
259			}
261			fn, kind := printfNameAndKind(pass, call)
262			if kind != 0 {
263				checkPrintfFwd(pass, w, call, kind, res)
264				return true
265			}
267			// If the call is to another function in this package,
268			// maybe we will find out it is printf-like later.
269			// Remember this call for later checking.
270			if fn != nil && fn.Pkg() == pass.Pkg && byObj[fn] != nil {
271				callee := byObj[fn]
272				callee.callers = append(callee.callers, printfCaller{w, call})
273			}
275			return true
276		})
277	}
278	return nil, nil
281func match(info *types.Info, arg ast.Expr, param *types.Var) bool {
282	id, ok := arg.(*ast.Ident)
283	return ok && info.ObjectOf(id) == param
286// checkPrintfFwd checks that a printf-forwarding wrapper is forwarding correctly.
287// It diagnoses writing fmt.Printf(format, args) instead of fmt.Printf(format, args...).
288func checkPrintfFwd(pass *analysis.Pass, w *printfWrapper, call *ast.CallExpr, kind Kind, res *Result) {
289	matched := kind == KindPrint ||
290		kind != KindNone && len(call.Args) >= 2 && match(pass.TypesInfo, call.Args[len(call.Args)-2], w.format)
291	if !matched {
292		return
293	}
295	if !call.Ellipsis.IsValid() {
296		typ, ok := pass.TypesInfo.Types[call.Fun].Type.(*types.Signature)
297		if !ok {
298			return
299		}
300		if len(call.Args) > typ.Params().Len() {
301			// If we're passing more arguments than what the
302			// print/printf function can take, adding an ellipsis
303			// would break the program. For example:
304			//
305			//   func foo(arg1 string, arg2 ...interface{} {
306			//       fmt.Printf("%s %v", arg1, arg2)
307			//   }
308			return
309		}
310		desc := "printf"
311		if kind == KindPrint {
312			desc = "print"
313		}
314		pass.ReportRangef(call, "missing ... in args forwarded to %s-like function", desc)
315		return
316	}
317	fn := w.obj
318	var fact isWrapper
319	if !pass.ImportObjectFact(fn, &fact) {
320		fact.Kind = kind
321		pass.ExportObjectFact(fn, &fact)
322		res.funcs[fn] = kind
323		for _, caller := range w.callers {
324			checkPrintfFwd(pass, caller.w, caller.call, kind, res)
325		}
326	}
329// isPrint records the print functions.
330// If a key ends in 'f' then it is assumed to be a formatted print.
332// Keys are either values returned by (*types.Func).FullName,
333// or case-insensitive identifiers such as "errorf".
335// The -funcs flag adds to this set.
337// The set below includes facts for many important standard library
338// functions, even though the analysis is capable of deducing that, for
339// example, fmt.Printf forwards to fmt.Fprintf. We avoid relying on the
340// driver applying analyzers to standard packages because "go vet" does
341// not do so with gccgo, and nor do some other build systems.
342// TODO(adonovan): eliminate the redundant facts once this restriction
343// is lifted.
345var isPrint = stringSet{
346	"fmt.Errorf":   true,
347	"fmt.Fprint":   true,
348	"fmt.Fprintf":  true,
349	"fmt.Fprintln": true,
350	"fmt.Print":    true,
351	"fmt.Printf":   true,
352	"fmt.Println":  true,
353	"fmt.Sprint":   true,
354	"fmt.Sprintf":  true,
355	"fmt.Sprintln": true,
357	"runtime/trace.Logf": true,
359	"log.Print":             true,
360	"log.Printf":            true,
361	"log.Println":           true,
362	"log.Fatal":             true,
363	"log.Fatalf":            true,
364	"log.Fatalln":           true,
365	"log.Panic":             true,
366	"log.Panicf":            true,
367	"log.Panicln":           true,
368	"(*log.Logger).Fatal":   true,
369	"(*log.Logger).Fatalf":  true,
370	"(*log.Logger).Fatalln": true,
371	"(*log.Logger).Panic":   true,
372	"(*log.Logger).Panicf":  true,
373	"(*log.Logger).Panicln": true,
374	"(*log.Logger).Print":   true,
375	"(*log.Logger).Printf":  true,
376	"(*log.Logger).Println": true,
378	"(*testing.common).Error":  true,
379	"(*testing.common).Errorf": true,
380	"(*testing.common).Fatal":  true,
381	"(*testing.common).Fatalf": true,
382	"(*testing.common).Log":    true,
383	"(*testing.common).Logf":   true,
384	"(*testing.common).Skip":   true,
385	"(*testing.common).Skipf":  true,
386	// *testing.T and B are detected by induction, but testing.TB is
387	// an interface and the inference can't follow dynamic calls.
388	"(testing.TB).Error":  true,
389	"(testing.TB).Errorf": true,
390	"(testing.TB).Fatal":  true,
391	"(testing.TB).Fatalf": true,
392	"(testing.TB).Log":    true,
393	"(testing.TB).Logf":   true,
394	"(testing.TB).Skip":   true,
395	"(testing.TB).Skipf":  true,
398// formatString returns the format string argument and its index within
399// the given printf-like call expression.
401// The last parameter before variadic arguments is assumed to be
402// a format string.
404// The first string literal or string constant is assumed to be a format string
405// if the call's signature cannot be determined.
407// If it cannot find any format string parameter, it returns ("", -1).
408func formatString(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr) (format string, idx int) {
409	typ := pass.TypesInfo.Types[call.Fun].Type
410	if typ != nil {
411		if sig, ok := typ.(*types.Signature); ok {
412			if !sig.Variadic() {
413				// Skip checking non-variadic functions.
414				return "", -1
415			}
416			idx := sig.Params().Len() - 2
417			if idx < 0 {
418				// Skip checking variadic functions without
419				// fixed arguments.
420				return "", -1
421			}
422			s, ok := stringConstantArg(pass, call, idx)
423			if !ok {
424				// The last argument before variadic args isn't a string.
425				return "", -1
426			}
427			return s, idx
428		}
429	}
431	// Cannot determine call's signature. Fall back to scanning for the first
432	// string constant in the call.
433	for idx := range call.Args {
434		if s, ok := stringConstantArg(pass, call, idx); ok {
435			return s, idx
436		}
437		if pass.TypesInfo.Types[call.Args[idx]].Type == types.Typ[types.String] {
438			// Skip checking a call with a non-constant format
439			// string argument, since its contents are unavailable
440			// for validation.
441			return "", -1
442		}
443	}
444	return "", -1
447// stringConstantArg returns call's string constant argument at the index idx.
449// ("", false) is returned if call's argument at the index idx isn't a string
450// constant.
451func stringConstantArg(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr, idx int) (string, bool) {
452	if idx >= len(call.Args) {
453		return "", false
454	}
455	arg := call.Args[idx]
456	lit := pass.TypesInfo.Types[arg].Value
457	if lit != nil && lit.Kind() == constant.String {
458		return constant.StringVal(lit), true
459	}
460	return "", false
463// checkCall triggers the print-specific checks if the call invokes a print function.
464func checkCall(pass *analysis.Pass) {
465	inspect := pass.ResultOf[inspect.Analyzer].(*inspector.Inspector)
466	nodeFilter := []ast.Node{
467		(*ast.CallExpr)(nil),
468	}
469	inspect.Preorder(nodeFilter, func(n ast.Node) {
470		call := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
471		fn, kind := printfNameAndKind(pass, call)
472		switch kind {
473		case KindPrintf, KindErrorf:
474			checkPrintf(pass, kind, call, fn)
475		case KindPrint:
476			checkPrint(pass, call, fn)
477		}
478	})
481func printfNameAndKind(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr) (fn *types.Func, kind Kind) {
482	fn, _ = typeutil.Callee(pass.TypesInfo, call).(*types.Func)
483	if fn == nil {
484		return nil, 0
485	}
487	_, ok := isPrint[fn.FullName()]
488	if !ok {
489		// Next look up just "printf", for use with -printf.funcs.
490		_, ok = isPrint[strings.ToLower(fn.Name())]
491	}
492	if ok {
493		if fn.Name() == "Errorf" {
494			kind = KindErrorf
495		} else if strings.HasSuffix(fn.Name(), "f") {
496			kind = KindPrintf
497		} else {
498			kind = KindPrint
499		}
500		return fn, kind
501	}
503	var fact isWrapper
504	if pass.ImportObjectFact(fn, &fact) {
505		return fn, fact.Kind
506	}
508	return fn, KindNone
511// isFormatter reports whether t could satisfy fmt.Formatter.
512// The only interface method to look for is "Format(State, rune)".
513func isFormatter(typ types.Type) bool {
514	// If the type is an interface, the value it holds might satisfy fmt.Formatter.
515	if _, ok := typ.Underlying().(*types.Interface); ok {
516		return true
517	}
518	obj, _, _ := types.LookupFieldOrMethod(typ, false, nil, "Format")
519	fn, ok := obj.(*types.Func)
520	if !ok {
521		return false
522	}
523	sig := fn.Type().(*types.Signature)
524	return sig.Params().Len() == 2 &&
525		sig.Results().Len() == 0 &&
526		isNamed(sig.Params().At(0).Type(), "fmt", "State") &&
527		types.Identical(sig.Params().At(1).Type(), types.Typ[types.Rune])
530func isNamed(T types.Type, pkgpath, name string) bool {
531	named, ok := T.(*types.Named)
532	return ok && named.Obj().Pkg().Path() == pkgpath && named.Obj().Name() == name
535// formatState holds the parsed representation of a printf directive such as "%3.*[4]d".
536// It is constructed by parsePrintfVerb.
537type formatState struct {
538	verb     rune   // the format verb: 'd' for "%d"
539	format   string // the full format directive from % through verb, "%.3d".
540	name     string // Printf, Sprintf etc.
541	flags    []byte // the list of # + etc.
542	argNums  []int  // the successive argument numbers that are consumed, adjusted to refer to actual arg in call
543	firstArg int    // Index of first argument after the format in the Printf call.
544	// Used only during parse.
545	pass         *analysis.Pass
546	call         *ast.CallExpr
547	argNum       int  // Which argument we're expecting to format now.
548	hasIndex     bool // Whether the argument is indexed.
549	indexPending bool // Whether we have an indexed argument that has not resolved.
550	nbytes       int  // number of bytes of the format string consumed.
553// checkPrintf checks a call to a formatted print routine such as Printf.
554func checkPrintf(pass *analysis.Pass, kind Kind, call *ast.CallExpr, fn *types.Func) {
555	format, idx := formatString(pass, call)
556	if idx < 0 {
557		if false {
558			pass.Reportf(call.Lparen, "can't check non-constant format in call to %s", fn.Name())
559		}
560		return
561	}
563	firstArg := idx + 1 // Arguments are immediately after format string.
564	if !strings.Contains(format, "%") {
565		if len(call.Args) > firstArg {
566			pass.Reportf(call.Lparen, "%s call has arguments but no formatting directives", fn.Name())
567		}
568		return
569	}
570	// Hard part: check formats against args.
571	argNum := firstArg
572	maxArgNum := firstArg
573	anyIndex := false
574	anyW := false
575	for i, w := 0, 0; i < len(format); i += w {
576		w = 1
577		if format[i] != '%' {
578			continue
579		}
580		state := parsePrintfVerb(pass, call, fn.Name(), format[i:], firstArg, argNum)
581		if state == nil {
582			return
583		}
584		w = len(state.format)
585		if !okPrintfArg(pass, call, state) { // One error per format is enough.
586			return
587		}
588		if state.hasIndex {
589			anyIndex = true
590		}
591		if state.verb == 'w' {
592			if kind != KindErrorf {
593				pass.Reportf(call.Pos(), "%s call has error-wrapping directive %%w", state.name)
594				return
595			}
596			if anyW {
597				pass.Reportf(call.Pos(), "%s call has more than one error-wrapping directive %%w", state.name)
598				return
599			}
600			anyW = true
601		}
602		if len(state.argNums) > 0 {
603			// Continue with the next sequential argument.
604			argNum = state.argNums[len(state.argNums)-1] + 1
605		}
606		for _, n := range state.argNums {
607			if n >= maxArgNum {
608				maxArgNum = n + 1
609			}
610		}
611	}
612	// Dotdotdot is hard.
613	if call.Ellipsis.IsValid() && maxArgNum >= len(call.Args)-1 {
614		return
615	}
616	// If any formats are indexed, extra arguments are ignored.
617	if anyIndex {
618		return
619	}
620	// There should be no leftover arguments.
621	if maxArgNum != len(call.Args) {
622		expect := maxArgNum - firstArg
623		numArgs := len(call.Args) - firstArg
624		pass.ReportRangef(call, "%s call needs %v but has %v", fn.Name(), count(expect, "arg"), count(numArgs, "arg"))
625	}
628// parseFlags accepts any printf flags.
629func (s *formatState) parseFlags() {
630	for s.nbytes < len(s.format) {
631		switch c := s.format[s.nbytes]; c {
632		case '#', '0', '+', '-', ' ':
633			s.flags = append(s.flags, c)
634			s.nbytes++
635		default:
636			return
637		}
638	}
641// scanNum advances through a decimal number if present.
642func (s *formatState) scanNum() {
643	for ; s.nbytes < len(s.format); s.nbytes++ {
644		c := s.format[s.nbytes]
645		if c < '0' || '9' < c {
646			return
647		}
648	}
651// parseIndex scans an index expression. It returns false if there is a syntax error.
652func (s *formatState) parseIndex() bool {
653	if s.nbytes == len(s.format) || s.format[s.nbytes] != '[' {
654		return true
655	}
656	// Argument index present.
657	s.nbytes++ // skip '['
658	start := s.nbytes
659	s.scanNum()
660	ok := true
661	if s.nbytes == len(s.format) || s.nbytes == start || s.format[s.nbytes] != ']' {
662		ok = false
663		s.nbytes = strings.Index(s.format, "]")
664		if s.nbytes < 0 {
665			s.pass.ReportRangef(s.call, "%s format %s is missing closing ]", s.name, s.format)
666			return false
667		}
668	}
669	arg32, err := strconv.ParseInt(s.format[start:s.nbytes], 10, 32)
670	if err != nil || !ok || arg32 <= 0 || arg32 > int64(len(s.call.Args)-s.firstArg) {
671		s.pass.ReportRangef(s.call, "%s format has invalid argument index [%s]", s.name, s.format[start:s.nbytes])
672		return false
673	}
674	s.nbytes++ // skip ']'
675	arg := int(arg32)
676	arg += s.firstArg - 1 // We want to zero-index the actual arguments.
677	s.argNum = arg
678	s.hasIndex = true
679	s.indexPending = true
680	return true
683// parseNum scans a width or precision (or *). It returns false if there's a bad index expression.
684func (s *formatState) parseNum() bool {
685	if s.nbytes < len(s.format) && s.format[s.nbytes] == '*' {
686		if s.indexPending { // Absorb it.
687			s.indexPending = false
688		}
689		s.nbytes++
690		s.argNums = append(s.argNums, s.argNum)
691		s.argNum++
692	} else {
693		s.scanNum()
694	}
695	return true
698// parsePrecision scans for a precision. It returns false if there's a bad index expression.
699func (s *formatState) parsePrecision() bool {
700	// If there's a period, there may be a precision.
701	if s.nbytes < len(s.format) && s.format[s.nbytes] == '.' {
702		s.flags = append(s.flags, '.') // Treat precision as a flag.
703		s.nbytes++
704		if !s.parseIndex() {
705			return false
706		}
707		if !s.parseNum() {
708			return false
709		}
710	}
711	return true
714// parsePrintfVerb looks the formatting directive that begins the format string
715// and returns a formatState that encodes what the directive wants, without looking
716// at the actual arguments present in the call. The result is nil if there is an error.
717func parsePrintfVerb(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr, name, format string, firstArg, argNum int) *formatState {
718	state := &formatState{
719		format:   format,
720		name:     name,
721		flags:    make([]byte, 0, 5),
722		argNum:   argNum,
723		argNums:  make([]int, 0, 1),
724		nbytes:   1, // There's guaranteed to be a percent sign.
725		firstArg: firstArg,
726		pass:     pass,
727		call:     call,
728	}
729	// There may be flags.
730	state.parseFlags()
731	// There may be an index.
732	if !state.parseIndex() {
733		return nil
734	}
735	// There may be a width.
736	if !state.parseNum() {
737		return nil
738	}
739	// There may be a precision.
740	if !state.parsePrecision() {
741		return nil
742	}
743	// Now a verb, possibly prefixed by an index (which we may already have).
744	if !state.indexPending && !state.parseIndex() {
745		return nil
746	}
747	if state.nbytes == len(state.format) {
748		pass.ReportRangef(call.Fun, "%s format %s is missing verb at end of string", name, state.format)
749		return nil
750	}
751	verb, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(state.format[state.nbytes:])
752	state.verb = verb
753	state.nbytes += w
754	if verb != '%' {
755		state.argNums = append(state.argNums, state.argNum)
756	}
757	state.format = state.format[:state.nbytes]
758	return state
761// printfArgType encodes the types of expressions a printf verb accepts. It is a bitmask.
762type printfArgType int
764const (
765	argBool printfArgType = 1 << iota
766	argInt
767	argRune
768	argString
769	argFloat
770	argComplex
771	argPointer
772	argError
773	anyType printfArgType = ^0
776type printVerb struct {
777	verb  rune   // User may provide verb through Formatter; could be a rune.
778	flags string // known flags are all ASCII
779	typ   printfArgType
782// Common flag sets for printf verbs.
783const (
784	noFlag       = ""
785	numFlag      = " -+.0"
786	sharpNumFlag = " -+.0#"
787	allFlags     = " -+.0#"
790// printVerbs identifies which flags are known to printf for each verb.
791var printVerbs = []printVerb{
792	// '-' is a width modifier, always valid.
793	// '.' is a precision for float, max width for strings.
794	// '+' is required sign for numbers, Go format for %v.
795	// '#' is alternate format for several verbs.
796	// ' ' is spacer for numbers
797	{'%', noFlag, 0},
798	{'b', sharpNumFlag, argInt | argFloat | argComplex | argPointer},
799	{'c', "-", argRune | argInt},
800	{'d', numFlag, argInt | argPointer},
801	{'e', sharpNumFlag, argFloat | argComplex},
802	{'E', sharpNumFlag, argFloat | argComplex},
803	{'f', sharpNumFlag, argFloat | argComplex},
804	{'F', sharpNumFlag, argFloat | argComplex},
805	{'g', sharpNumFlag, argFloat | argComplex},
806	{'G', sharpNumFlag, argFloat | argComplex},
807	{'o', sharpNumFlag, argInt | argPointer},
808	{'O', sharpNumFlag, argInt | argPointer},
809	{'p', "-#", argPointer},
810	{'q', " -+.0#", argRune | argInt | argString},
811	{'s', " -+.0", argString},
812	{'t', "-", argBool},
813	{'T', "-", anyType},
814	{'U', "-#", argRune | argInt},
815	{'v', allFlags, anyType},
816	{'w', allFlags, argError},
817	{'x', sharpNumFlag, argRune | argInt | argString | argPointer | argFloat | argComplex},
818	{'X', sharpNumFlag, argRune | argInt | argString | argPointer | argFloat | argComplex},
821// okPrintfArg compares the formatState to the arguments actually present,
822// reporting any discrepancies it can discern. If the final argument is ellipsissed,
823// there's little it can do for that.
824func okPrintfArg(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr, state *formatState) (ok bool) {
825	var v printVerb
826	found := false
827	// Linear scan is fast enough for a small list.
828	for _, v = range printVerbs {
829		if v.verb == state.verb {
830			found = true
831			break
832		}
833	}
835	// Could current arg implement fmt.Formatter?
836	formatter := false
837	if state.argNum < len(call.Args) {
838		if tv, ok := pass.TypesInfo.Types[call.Args[state.argNum]]; ok {
839			formatter = isFormatter(tv.Type)
840		}
841	}
843	if !formatter {
844		if !found {
845			pass.ReportRangef(call, "%s format %s has unknown verb %c", state.name, state.format, state.verb)
846			return false
847		}
848		for _, flag := range state.flags {
849			// TODO: Disable complaint about '0' for Go 1.10. To be fixed properly in 1.11.
850			// See issues 23598 and 23605.
851			if flag == '0' {
852				continue
853			}
854			if !strings.ContainsRune(v.flags, rune(flag)) {
855				pass.ReportRangef(call, "%s format %s has unrecognized flag %c", state.name, state.format, flag)
856				return false
857			}
858		}
859	}
860	// Verb is good. If len(state.argNums)>trueArgs, we have something like %.*s and all
861	// but the final arg must be an integer.
862	trueArgs := 1
863	if state.verb == '%' {
864		trueArgs = 0
865	}
866	nargs := len(state.argNums)
867	for i := 0; i < nargs-trueArgs; i++ {
868		argNum := state.argNums[i]
869		if !argCanBeChecked(pass, call, i, state) {
870			return
871		}
872		arg := call.Args[argNum]
873		if !matchArgType(pass, argInt, nil, arg) {
874			pass.ReportRangef(call, "%s format %s uses non-int %s as argument of *", state.name, state.format, analysisutil.Format(pass.Fset, arg))
875			return false
876		}
877	}
879	if state.verb == '%' || formatter {
880		return true
881	}
882	argNum := state.argNums[len(state.argNums)-1]
883	if !argCanBeChecked(pass, call, len(state.argNums)-1, state) {
884		return false
885	}
886	arg := call.Args[argNum]
887	if isFunctionValue(pass, arg) && state.verb != 'p' && state.verb != 'T' {
888		pass.ReportRangef(call, "%s format %s arg %s is a func value, not called", state.name, state.format, analysisutil.Format(pass.Fset, arg))
889		return false
890	}
891	if !matchArgType(pass, v.typ, nil, arg) {
892		typeString := ""
893		if typ := pass.TypesInfo.Types[arg].Type; typ != nil {
894			typeString = typ.String()
895		}
896		pass.ReportRangef(call, "%s format %s has arg %s of wrong type %s", state.name, state.format, analysisutil.Format(pass.Fset, arg), typeString)
897		return false
898	}
899	if v.typ&argString != 0 && v.verb != 'T' && !bytes.Contains(state.flags, []byte{'#'}) {
900		if methodName, ok := recursiveStringer(pass, arg); ok {
901			pass.ReportRangef(call, "%s format %s with arg %s causes recursive %s method call", state.name, state.format, analysisutil.Format(pass.Fset, arg), methodName)
902			return false
903		}
904	}
905	return true
908// recursiveStringer reports whether the argument e is a potential
909// recursive call to stringer or is an error, such as t and &t in these examples:
911// 	func (t *T) String() string { printf("%s",  t) }
912// 	func (t  T) Error() string { printf("%s",  t) }
913// 	func (t  T) String() string { printf("%s", &t) }
914func recursiveStringer(pass *analysis.Pass, e ast.Expr) (string, bool) {
915	typ := pass.TypesInfo.Types[e].Type
917	// It's unlikely to be a recursive stringer if it has a Format method.
918	if isFormatter(typ) {
919		return "", false
920	}
922	// Does e allow e.String() or e.Error()?
923	strObj, _, _ := types.LookupFieldOrMethod(typ, false, pass.Pkg, "String")
924	strMethod, strOk := strObj.(*types.Func)
925	errObj, _, _ := types.LookupFieldOrMethod(typ, false, pass.Pkg, "Error")
926	errMethod, errOk := errObj.(*types.Func)
927	if !strOk && !errOk {
928		return "", false
929	}
931	// Is the expression e within the body of that String or Error method?
932	var method *types.Func
933	if strOk && strMethod.Pkg() == pass.Pkg && strMethod.Scope().Contains(e.Pos()) {
934		method = strMethod
935	} else if errOk && errMethod.Pkg() == pass.Pkg && errMethod.Scope().Contains(e.Pos()) {
936		method = errMethod
937	} else {
938		return "", false
939	}
941	sig := method.Type().(*types.Signature)
942	if !isStringer(sig) {
943		return "", false
944	}
946	// Is it the receiver r, or &r?
947	if u, ok := e.(*ast.UnaryExpr); ok && u.Op == token.AND {
948		e = u.X // strip off & from &r
949	}
950	if id, ok := e.(*ast.Ident); ok {
951		if pass.TypesInfo.Uses[id] == sig.Recv() {
952			return method.Name(), true
953		}
954	}
955	return "", false
958// isStringer reports whether the method signature matches the String() definition in fmt.Stringer.
959func isStringer(sig *types.Signature) bool {
960	return sig.Params().Len() == 0 &&
961		sig.Results().Len() == 1 &&
962		sig.Results().At(0).Type() == types.Typ[types.String]
965// isFunctionValue reports whether the expression is a function as opposed to a function call.
966// It is almost always a mistake to print a function value.
967func isFunctionValue(pass *analysis.Pass, e ast.Expr) bool {
968	if typ := pass.TypesInfo.Types[e].Type; typ != nil {
969		_, ok := typ.(*types.Signature)
970		return ok
971	}
972	return false
975// argCanBeChecked reports whether the specified argument is statically present;
976// it may be beyond the list of arguments or in a terminal slice... argument, which
977// means we can't see it.
978func argCanBeChecked(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr, formatArg int, state *formatState) bool {
979	argNum := state.argNums[formatArg]
980	if argNum <= 0 {
981		// Shouldn't happen, so catch it with prejudice.
982		panic("negative arg num")
983	}
984	if argNum < len(call.Args)-1 {
985		return true // Always OK.
986	}
987	if call.Ellipsis.IsValid() {
988		return false // We just can't tell; there could be many more arguments.
989	}
990	if argNum < len(call.Args) {
991		return true
992	}
993	// There are bad indexes in the format or there are fewer arguments than the format needs.
994	// This is the argument number relative to the format: Printf("%s", "hi") will give 1 for the "hi".
995	arg := argNum - state.firstArg + 1 // People think of arguments as 1-indexed.
996	pass.ReportRangef(call, "%s format %s reads arg #%d, but call has %v", state.name, state.format, arg, count(len(call.Args)-state.firstArg, "arg"))
997	return false
1000// printFormatRE is the regexp we match and report as a possible format string
1001// in the first argument to unformatted prints like fmt.Print.
1002// We exclude the space flag, so that printing a string like "x % y" is not reported as a format.
1003var printFormatRE = regexp.MustCompile(`%` + flagsRE + numOptRE + `\.?` + numOptRE + indexOptRE + verbRE)
1005const (
1006	flagsRE    = `[+\-#]*`
1007	indexOptRE = `(\[[0-9]+\])?`
1008	numOptRE   = `([0-9]+|` + indexOptRE + `\*)?`
1009	verbRE     = `[bcdefgopqstvxEFGTUX]`
1012// checkPrint checks a call to an unformatted print routine such as Println.
1013func checkPrint(pass *analysis.Pass, call *ast.CallExpr, fn *types.Func) {
1014	firstArg := 0
1015	typ := pass.TypesInfo.Types[call.Fun].Type
1016	if typ == nil {
1017		// Skip checking functions with unknown type.
1018		return
1019	}
1020	if sig, ok := typ.(*types.Signature); ok {
1021		if !sig.Variadic() {
1022			// Skip checking non-variadic functions.
1023			return
1024		}
1025		params := sig.Params()
1026		firstArg = params.Len() - 1
1028		typ := params.At(firstArg).Type()
1029		typ = typ.(*types.Slice).Elem()
1030		it, ok := typ.(*types.Interface)
1031		if !ok || !it.Empty() {
1032			// Skip variadic functions accepting non-interface{} args.
1033			return
1034		}
1035	}
1036	args := call.Args
1037	if len(args) <= firstArg {
1038		// Skip calls without variadic args.
1039		return
1040	}
1041	args = args[firstArg:]
1043	if firstArg == 0 {
1044		if sel, ok := call.Args[0].(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
1045			if x, ok := sel.X.(*ast.Ident); ok {
1046				if x.Name == "os" && strings.HasPrefix(sel.Sel.Name, "Std") {
1047					pass.ReportRangef(call, "%s does not take io.Writer but has first arg %s", fn.Name(), analysisutil.Format(pass.Fset, call.Args[0]))
1048				}
1049			}
1050		}
1051	}
1053	arg := args[0]
1054	if lit, ok := arg.(*ast.BasicLit); ok && lit.Kind == token.STRING {
1055		// Ignore trailing % character in lit.Value.
1056		// The % in "abc 0.0%" couldn't be a formatting directive.
1057		s := strings.TrimSuffix(lit.Value, `%"`)
1058		if strings.Contains(s, "%") {
1059			m := printFormatRE.FindStringSubmatch(s)
1060			if m != nil {
1061				pass.ReportRangef(call, "%s call has possible formatting directive %s", fn.Name(), m[0])
1062			}
1063		}
1064	}
1065	if strings.HasSuffix(fn.Name(), "ln") {
1066		// The last item, if a string, should not have a newline.
1067		arg = args[len(args)-1]
1068		if lit, ok := arg.(*ast.BasicLit); ok && lit.Kind == token.STRING {
1069			str, _ := strconv.Unquote(lit.Value)
1070			if strings.HasSuffix(str, "\n") {
1071				pass.ReportRangef(call, "%s arg list ends with redundant newline", fn.Name())
1072			}
1073		}
1074	}
1075	for _, arg := range args {
1076		if isFunctionValue(pass, arg) {
1077			pass.ReportRangef(call, "%s arg %s is a func value, not called", fn.Name(), analysisutil.Format(pass.Fset, arg))
1078		}
1079		if methodName, ok := recursiveStringer(pass, arg); ok {
1080			pass.ReportRangef(call, "%s arg %s causes recursive call to %s method", fn.Name(), analysisutil.Format(pass.Fset, arg), methodName)
1081		}
1082	}
1085// count(n, what) returns "1 what" or "N whats"
1086// (assuming the plural of what is whats).
1087func count(n int, what string) string {
1088	if n == 1 {
1089		return "1 " + what
1090	}
1091	return fmt.Sprintf("%d %ss", n, what)
1094// stringSet is a set-of-nonempty-strings-valued flag.
1095// Note: elements without a '.' get lower-cased.
1096type stringSet map[string]bool
1098func (ss stringSet) String() string {
1099	var list []string
1100	for name := range ss {
1101		list = append(list, name)
1102	}
1103	sort.Strings(list)
1104	return strings.Join(list, ",")
1107func (ss stringSet) Set(flag string) error {
1108	for _, name := range strings.Split(flag, ",") {
1109		if len(name) == 0 {
1110			return fmt.Errorf("empty string")
1111		}
1112		if !strings.Contains(name, ".") {
1113			name = strings.ToLower(name)
1114		}
1115		ss[name] = true
1116	}
1117	return nil