1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <dlfcn.h>
3 #include <stdint.h>
4 #include <stdlib.h>
pcm_getcpu()6 int pcm_getcpu()
7 {
8 	int id = -1;
9 	asm volatile (
10 		"rdtscp\n\t"
11 		"mov %%ecx, %0\n\t":
12 		"=r" (id) :: "%rax", "%rcx", "%rdx");
13 	// processor ID is in ECX: https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/rdtscp
14 	// Linux encodes the NUMA node starting at bit 12, so remove the NUMA
15 	// bits when returning the CPU integer by masking with 0xFFF.
16 	return id & 0xFFF;
17 }
19 struct {
20 	int (*pcm_c_build_core_event)(uint8_t id, const char * argv);
21 	int (*pcm_c_init)();
22 	void (*pcm_c_start)();
23 	void (*pcm_c_stop)();
24 	uint64_t (*pcm_c_get_cycles)(uint32_t core_id);
25 	uint64_t (*pcm_c_get_instr)(uint32_t core_id);
26 	uint64_t (*pcm_c_get_core_event)(uint32_t core_id, uint32_t event_id);
27 } PCM;
29 #ifndef PCM_DYNAMIC_LIB
30 /* Library functions declaration (instead of .h file) */
31 int pcm_c_build_core_event(uint8_t, const char *);
32 int pcm_c_init();
33 void pcm_c_start();
34 void pcm_c_stop();
35 uint64_t pcm_c_get_cycles(uint32_t);
36 uint64_t pcm_c_get_instr(uint32_t);
37 uint64_t pcm_c_get_core_event(uint32_t, uint32_t);
38 #endif
main(int argc,const char * argv[])41 int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
42 {
43 	int i,a[100],b[100],c[100];
44 	uint32_t total = 0;
45 	int lcore_id;
47 	/* Seed for predictable rand() results */
48 	srand(0);
49 	for (i=0; i < 100; ++i) {
50 		a[i] = rand();
51 		b[i] = rand();
52 		c[i] = rand();
53 	}
56 	void * handle = dlopen("libpcm.so", RTLD_LAZY);
57 	if(!handle) {
58 		printf("Abort: could not (dynamically) load shared library \n");
59 		return -1;
60 	}
62 	PCM.pcm_c_build_core_event = (int (*)(uint8_t, const char *)) dlsym(handle, "pcm_c_build_core_event");
63 	PCM.pcm_c_init = (int (*)()) dlsym(handle, "pcm_c_init");
64 	PCM.pcm_c_start = (void (*)()) dlsym(handle, "pcm_c_start");
65 	PCM.pcm_c_stop = (void (*)()) dlsym(handle, "pcm_c_stop");
66 	PCM.pcm_c_get_cycles = (uint64_t (*)(uint32_t)) dlsym(handle, "pcm_c_get_cycles");
67 	PCM.pcm_c_get_instr = (uint64_t (*)(uint32_t)) dlsym(handle, "pcm_c_get_instr");
68 	PCM.pcm_c_get_core_event = (uint64_t (*)(uint32_t,uint32_t)) dlsym(handle, "pcm_c_get_core_event");
69 #else
70 	PCM.pcm_c_build_core_event = pcm_c_build_core_event;
71 	PCM.pcm_c_init = pcm_c_init;
72 	PCM.pcm_c_start = pcm_c_start;
73 	PCM.pcm_c_stop = pcm_c_stop;
74 	PCM.pcm_c_get_cycles = pcm_c_get_cycles;
75 	PCM.pcm_c_get_instr = pcm_c_get_instr;
76 	PCM.pcm_c_get_core_event = pcm_c_get_core_event;
77 #endif
79 	if(PCM.pcm_c_init == NULL || PCM.pcm_c_start == NULL || PCM.pcm_c_stop == NULL ||
80 			PCM.pcm_c_get_cycles == NULL || PCM.pcm_c_get_instr == NULL ||
81 			PCM.pcm_c_build_core_event == NULL)
82 		return -1;
83 	switch(argc-1)
84 	{
85 		case 4:
86 			PCM.pcm_c_build_core_event(3,argv[3]);
87 		case 3:
88 			PCM.pcm_c_build_core_event(2,argv[2]);
89 		case 2:
90 			PCM.pcm_c_build_core_event(1,argv[2]);
91 		case 1:
92 			PCM.pcm_c_build_core_event(0,argv[1]);
93 		case 0:
94 			break;
95 		default:
96 			printf("Number of arguments are too many! exit...\n");
97 			return -2;
98 	}
100 	printf("[c_example] Initializing PCM measurements:\n");
101 	PCM.pcm_c_init();
103 	printf("[c_example] Calling PCM start()\n");
104 	PCM.pcm_c_start();
105 	for(i=0;i<10000;i++)
106 		c[i%100] = 4 * a[i%100] + b[i%100];
107 	for(i=0;i<100;i++)
108 		total += c[i];
109 	PCM.pcm_c_stop();
111 	printf("[c_example] PCM measurment stopped, compute result %u\n", total);
113 	lcore_id = pcm_getcpu();
114 	printf("C:%lu I:%lu, IPC:%3.2f\n",
115 		PCM.pcm_c_get_cycles(lcore_id),
116 		PCM.pcm_c_get_instr(lcore_id),
117 		(double)PCM.pcm_c_get_instr(lcore_id)/PCM.pcm_c_get_cycles(lcore_id));
118 	printf("CPU%d E0: %lu, E1: %lu, E2: %lu, E3: %lu\n",
119 		lcore_id,
120 		PCM.pcm_c_get_core_event(lcore_id,0),
121 		PCM.pcm_c_get_core_event(lcore_id,1),
122 		PCM.pcm_c_get_core_event(lcore_id,2),
123 		PCM.pcm_c_get_core_event(lcore_id,3));
125 	return 0;
126 }