1// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5package lsp
7import (
8	"context"
9	"strings"
11	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/protocol"
12	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/source"
13	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/telemetry"
14	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/telemetry/log"
15	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/telemetry/trace"
18func (s *Server) diagnose(snapshot source.Snapshot, f source.File) error {
19	switch f.Kind() {
20	case source.Go:
21		go s.diagnoseFile(snapshot, f)
22	case source.Mod:
23		go s.diagnoseSnapshot(snapshot)
24	}
25	return nil
28func (s *Server) diagnoseSnapshot(snapshot source.Snapshot) {
29	ctx := snapshot.View().BackgroundContext()
30	ctx, done := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "lsp:background-worker")
31	defer done()
33	for _, id := range snapshot.WorkspacePackageIDs(ctx) {
34		ph, err := snapshot.PackageHandle(ctx, id)
35		if err != nil {
36			log.Error(ctx, "diagnoseSnapshot: no PackageHandle for workspace package", err, telemetry.Package.Of(id))
37			continue
38		}
39		if len(ph.CompiledGoFiles()) == 0 {
40			continue
41		}
42		// Find a file on which to call diagnostics.
43		uri := ph.CompiledGoFiles()[0].File().Identity().URI
44		f, err := snapshot.View().GetFile(ctx, uri)
45		if err != nil {
46			log.Error(ctx, "no file", err, telemetry.URI.Of(uri))
47			continue
48		}
49		// Run diagnostics on the workspace package.
50		go func(snapshot source.Snapshot, f source.File) {
51			reports, _, err := source.Diagnostics(ctx, snapshot, f, false, snapshot.View().Options().DisabledAnalyses)
52			if err != nil {
53				log.Error(ctx, "no diagnostics", err, telemetry.URI.Of(f.URI()))
54				return
55			}
56			// Don't publish empty diagnostics.
57			s.publishReports(ctx, reports, false)
58		}(snapshot, f)
59	}
62func (s *Server) diagnoseFile(snapshot source.Snapshot, f source.File) {
63	ctx := snapshot.View().BackgroundContext()
64	ctx, done := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "lsp:background-worker")
65	defer done()
67	ctx = telemetry.File.With(ctx, f.URI())
69	reports, warningMsg, err := source.Diagnostics(ctx, snapshot, f, true, snapshot.View().Options().DisabledAnalyses)
70	// Check the warning message first.
71	if warningMsg != "" {
72		s.client.ShowMessage(ctx, &protocol.ShowMessageParams{
73			Type:    protocol.Info,
74			Message: warningMsg,
75		})
76	}
77	if err != nil {
78		if err != context.Canceled {
79			log.Error(ctx, "diagnoseFile: could not generate diagnostics", err)
80		}
81		return
82	}
83	// Publish empty diagnostics for files.
84	s.publishReports(ctx, reports, true)
87func (s *Server) publishReports(ctx context.Context, reports map[source.FileIdentity][]source.Diagnostic, publishEmpty bool) {
88	// Check for context cancellation before publishing diagnostics.
89	if ctx.Err() != nil {
90		return
91	}
93	s.deliveredMu.Lock()
94	defer s.deliveredMu.Unlock()
96	for fileID, diagnostics := range reports {
97		// Don't deliver diagnostics if the context has already been canceled.
98		if ctx.Err() != nil {
99			break
100		}
101		// Don't publish empty diagnostics unless specified.
102		if len(diagnostics) == 0 && !publishEmpty {
103			continue
104		}
105		// Pre-sort diagnostics to avoid extra work when we compare them.
106		source.SortDiagnostics(diagnostics)
107		toSend := sentDiagnostics{
108			version:    fileID.Version,
109			identifier: fileID.Identifier,
110			sorted:     diagnostics,
111		}
113		if delivered, ok := s.delivered[fileID.URI]; ok {
114			// We only reuse cached diagnostics in two cases:
115			//   1. This file is at a greater version than that of the previously sent diagnostics.
116			//   2. There are no known versions for the file.
117			greaterVersion := fileID.Version > delivered.version && delivered.version > 0
118			noVersions := (fileID.Version == 0 && delivered.version == 0) && delivered.identifier == fileID.Identifier
119			if (greaterVersion || noVersions) && equalDiagnostics(delivered.sorted, diagnostics) {
120				// Update the delivered map even if we reuse cached diagnostics.
121				s.delivered[fileID.URI] = toSend
122				continue
123			}
124		}
125		if err := s.client.PublishDiagnostics(ctx, &protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams{
126			Diagnostics: toProtocolDiagnostics(ctx, diagnostics),
127			URI:         protocol.NewURI(fileID.URI),
128			Version:     fileID.Version,
129		}); err != nil {
130			log.Error(ctx, "failed to deliver diagnostic", err, telemetry.File)
131			continue
132		}
133		// Update the delivered map.
134		s.delivered[fileID.URI] = toSend
135	}
138// equalDiagnostics returns true if the 2 lists of diagnostics are equal.
139// It assumes that both a and b are already sorted.
140func equalDiagnostics(a, b []source.Diagnostic) bool {
141	if len(a) != len(b) {
142		return false
143	}
144	for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
145		if source.CompareDiagnostic(a[i], b[i]) != 0 {
146			return false
147		}
148	}
149	return true
152func toProtocolDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, diagnostics []source.Diagnostic) []protocol.Diagnostic {
153	reports := []protocol.Diagnostic{}
154	for _, diag := range diagnostics {
155		related := make([]protocol.DiagnosticRelatedInformation, 0, len(diag.Related))
156		for _, rel := range diag.Related {
157			related = append(related, protocol.DiagnosticRelatedInformation{
158				Location: protocol.Location{
159					URI:   protocol.NewURI(rel.URI),
160					Range: rel.Range,
161				},
162				Message: rel.Message,
163			})
164		}
165		reports = append(reports, protocol.Diagnostic{
166			Message:            strings.TrimSpace(diag.Message), // go list returns errors prefixed by newline
167			Range:              diag.Range,
168			Severity:           diag.Severity,
169			Source:             diag.Source,
170			Tags:               diag.Tags,
171			RelatedInformation: related,
172		})
173	}
174	return reports