1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1999, 2021 Tanuki Software, Ltd.
3  * http://www.tanukisoftware.com
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * This software is the proprietary information of Tanuki Software.
7  * You shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
8  * license agreement you entered into with Tanuki Software.
9  * http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.com/doc/english/licenseOverview.html
10  */
12 #ifndef _LOCALIZE
13  #define _LOCALIZE
14  #include <stdio.h>
16  #ifndef WIN32
20   #ifdef UNICODE
21    #include <wchar.h>
22    #ifdef _sntprintf
23     #undef _sntprintf
24    #endif
26    #include <stdarg.h>
27    #include <stdlib.h>
28    #include <unistd.h>
29    #include <sys/types.h>
30    #include <sys/stat.h>
31    #include <locale.h>
32    #include <syslog.h>
33    #include <time.h>
34    #include <wctype.h>
36    #define __max(x,y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
37    #define __min(x,y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
39    #if defined(SOLARIS) || defined(HPUX)
40     #define WRAPPER_USE_PUTENV
41    #endif
43    #ifdef FREEBSD
44     #include <dlfcn.h>
45    #endif
48    #if defined(MACOSX) || defined(HPUX) || defined(FREEBSD) || defined(SOLARIS)
49     #ifndef wcscasecmp
50 extern int wcscasecmp(const wchar_t* s1, const wchar_t* s2);
51      #define ECSCASECMP
52     #endif
53    #endif
56    #define TEXT(x) L##x
57 typedef wchar_t TCHAR;
58 typedef wchar_t _TUCHAR;
60 extern int _tprintf(const wchar_t *fmt,...) ;
61 extern int multiByteToWideChar(const char *multiByteChars, const char *multiByteEncoding, char *interumEncoding, wchar_t **outputBuffer, int localizeErrorMessage);
62 extern int converterMBToWide(const char *multiByteChars, const char *multiByteEncoding, wchar_t **outputBufferW, int localizeErrorMessage);
64 #define _taccess      _waccess
65 #define _tstoi64      _wtoi64
66 #define _ttoi64       _wtoi64
67 #define cgetts        _cgetws
68 extern int _tchdir(const TCHAR *path);
69 extern int _texecvp(TCHAR* arg, TCHAR **cmd);
70 extern int _tmkfifo(TCHAR* arg, mode_t mode);
71 #define _tchmod       _wchmod
72 extern int _tchown(const TCHAR *path, uid_t owner, gid_t group);
73 #define _tcprintf     _cwprintf
74 #define _cputts       _cputws
75 #define _tcreat       _wcreat
76 #define _tcscanf      _cwscanf
77 #define _tctime64     _wctime64
78 #define _texecl       _wexecl
79 #define _texecle      _wexecle
80 #define _texeclp      _wexeclp
81 #define _texeclpe     _wexeclpe
82 #define _texecv       _wexecv
83 extern int _texecve(TCHAR* arg, TCHAR **cmd, TCHAR** env);
84 #define _texecvpe     _wexecvpe
85 #define _tfdopen      _wfdopen
86 #define _fgettchar    _fgetwchar
87 #define _tfindfirst   _wfindfirst
88 #define _tfindnext64  _wfindnext64
89 #define _tfindnext    _wfindnext
90 #define _tfindnexti64 _wfindnexti64
91 #define _fputtchar    _fputwchar
92 #define _tfsopen      _wfsopen
93 #define _tfullpath    _wfullpath
94 #define _gettch       _getwch
95 #define _gettche      _getwche
96 extern TCHAR* _tgetcwd(TCHAR *buf, size_t size);
97 #define _tgetdcwd     _wgetdcwd
98 #define _ltot         _ltow
99 #define _tmakepath    _wmakepath
100 #define _tmkdir       _wmkdir
101 #define _tmktemp      _wmktemp
102 extern int _topen(const TCHAR *path, int oflag, mode_t mode);
103 #define _puttch       _putwch
104 #if defined(WRAPPER_USE_PUTENV)
105 extern int _tputenv(const TCHAR *string);
106 #else
107 extern int _tsetenv(const TCHAR *name, const TCHAR *value, int overwrite);
108 extern void _tunsetenv(const TCHAR *name);
109 #endif
110 #define _trmdir       _wrmdir
111 #define _sctprintf    _scwprintf
112 #define _tsearchenv   _wsearchenv
114 #define _sntscanf     _snwscanf
115 #define _tsopen       _wsopen
116 #define _tspawnl      _wspawnl
117 #define _tspawnle     _wspawnle
118 #define _tspawnlp     _wspawnlp
119 #define _tspawnlpe    _wspawnlpe
120 #define _tspawnv      _wspawnv
121 #define _tspawnve     _wspawnve
122 #define _tspawnvp     _wspawnvp
123 #define _tspawnvpe    _wspawnvpe
124 #define _tsplitpath   _wsplitpath
125 #define _tstat64      _wstat64
126 extern int _tstat(const wchar_t* filename, struct stat *buf);
128 #define _tstati64     _wstati64
129 #define _tstrdate     _wstrdate
130 #define _tcsdec       _wcsdec
131 #define _tcsdup       wcsdup   /* replaced _wcsdup by wcsdup - but both not supported on Zos */
132 #define _tcsicmp      wcscasecmp
133 /* Intentionally do not allow use of _trealpath because it does not specify a buffer length.
134  * #define _trealpath
135  * Define our own _trealpathN below. */
136 extern wchar_t* _trealpathN(const wchar_t* fileName, wchar_t *resolvedName, size_t resolvedNameSize);
137 #define _tcsicoll     _wcsicoll
138 #define _tcsinc       _wcsinc
139 #define _tcslwr       _wcslwr
140 #define _tcsnbcnt     _wcsncnt
141 #define _tcsnccnt     _wcsncnt
142 #define _tcsnccnt     _wcsncnt
143 #define _tcsnccoll    _wcsncoll
144 #define _tcsnextc     _wcsnextc
145 #define _tcsncicmp    _wcsnicmp
146 #define _tcsnicmp     _wcsnicmp
147 #define _tcsncicoll   _wcsnicoll
148 #define _tcsnicoll    _wcsnicoll
149 #define _tcsninc      _wcsninc
150 #define _tcsncset     _wcsnset
151 #define _tcsnset      _wcsnset
152 #define _tcsrev       _wcsrev
153 #define _tcsset       _wcsset
154 #define _tcsspnp      _wcsspnp
155 #define _tstrtime     wcsftime
156 #define _tcstoi64     _wcstoi64
157 #define _tcstoui64    _wcstoui64
158 #define _tcsupr       _wcsupr
159 #define _ttempnam     _wtempnam
160 #define _ui64tot      _ui64tow
161 #define _ultot        _ultow
162 #define _ungettch     _ungetwch
163 extern int _tunlink(const wchar_t* address);
164 #define _tutime64     _wutime64
165 #define _tutime       _wutime
166 #define _vsctprintf   _vscwprintf
167 #if defined(HPUX)
168 extern int _vsntprintf(wchar_t *ws, size_t n, const wchar_t *format, va_list arg);
169 #else
170 #define _vsntprintf   vswprintf
171 #endif
172 #define _tasctime     _wasctime
173 #define _tstof        _wtof
174 #define _tstoi        _wtoi
175 #define _ttoi(x)      wcstol(x, NULL, 10)
176 #define _tstol        _wtol
177 #define _ttol         _wtol
178 #define _tctime       _wctime
179 #define _fgettc       fgetwc
180 #define _fgetts       fgetws
181 extern FILE* _tfopen(const wchar_t* file, const wchar_t* mode);
182 extern FILE* _tpopen(const wchar_t* command, const wchar_t* mode);
183 #define _fputtc       fputwc
184 #define _fputts       fputws
185 #define _tfreopen     _wfreopen
186 #define _ftscanf      fwscanf
187 #define _gettc        getwc
188 #define _gettchar     getwchar
189 /**
190  * This Wrapper function internally does a malloc to generate the
191  *  Wide-char version of the return string.  This must be freed by the caller.
192  *  Only needed inside the following:
193  *  #if !defined(WIN32) && defined(UNICODE)
194  *  #endif
195  */
196 extern TCHAR * _tgetenv ( const TCHAR * name );
197 #define _getts        getws
198 #define _istalnum     iswalnum
199 #define _istalpha     iswalpha
200 #define _istascii     iswascii
201 #define _istcntrl     iswcntrl
202 #define _istdigit     iswdigit
203 #define _istgraph     iswgraph
204 #define _istleadbyte  isleadbyte
205 #define _istlower     iswlower
206 #define _istprint     iswprint
207 #define _istpunct     iswpunct
208 #define _istspace     iswspace
209 #define _istupper     iswupper
210 #define _istxdigit    iswxdigit
211 #define _tmain        wmain
212 #define _tperror      _wperror
213 /*_tprintf  wprintf*/
214 #define _puttc        putwc
215 #define _puttchar     putwchar
216 #define _putts        _putws
217 extern int _tremove(const TCHAR *path);
218 extern int _trename(const TCHAR *path, const TCHAR *to);
219 extern void _topenlog(const TCHAR *ident, int logopt, int facility);
220 extern void _tsyslog(int priority, const TCHAR *message);
221 #define _tscanf       wscanf
222 extern TCHAR *_tsetlocale(int category, const TCHAR *locale) ;
223 extern int _sntprintf(TCHAR *str, size_t size, const TCHAR *format, ...);
224 #define _stprintf     _sntprintf
225 extern int _ftprintf(FILE *stream, const wchar_t *format, ...);
226 #define _stscanf      swscanf
227 #define _tcscat       wcscat
228 #define _tcschr       wcschr
229 #define _tcscmp       wcscmp
230 #define _tcscoll      wcscoll
231 #define _tcscpy       wcscpy
232 #define _tcscspn      wcscspn
233 #define _tcserror     _wcserror
234 #define _tcsftime     wcsftime
235 #define _tcsclen      wcslen
236 #define _tcslen       wcslen
237 #define _tcsncat      wcsncat
238 #define _tcsnccat     wcsncat
239 #define _tcsnccmp     wcsncmp
240 #define _tcsncmp      wcsncmp
241 #define _tcsnccpy     wcsncpy
242 #define _tcsncpy      wcsncpy
243 #define _tcspbrk      wcspbrk
244 #define _tcsrchr      wcsrchr
245 #define _tcsspn       wcsspn
246 #define _tcsstr       wcsstr
247 #define _tcstod       wcstod
248 #define _tcstok       wcstok
249 #define _tcstol       wcstol
250 #define _tcstoul      wcstoul
251 #define _tcsxfrm      wcsxfrm
252 #define _tsystem      _wsystem
253 #define _ttmpnam      _wtmpnam
254 #define _totlower     towlower
255 #define _totupper     towupper
256 #define _ungettc      ungetwc
257 #define _vftprintf    vfwprintf
258 #define _vtprintf     vwprintf
259 #define _vstprintf    vswprintf
260 extern size_t _treadlink(TCHAR* exe, TCHAR* fullpath, size_t size);
262 extern long _tpathconf(const TCHAR *path, int name);
264 #else /* ASCII */
266 #define TEXT(x) x
267 typedef char TCHAR;
268 typedef unsigned char _TUCHAR;
269 #define _tpathconf    pathconf
270 #define _taccess      _access
271 #define _treadlink    readlink
272 #define _tstoi64      _atoi64
273 #define _ttoi64       _atoi64
274 #define cgetts        _cgets
275 #define _tchdir       chdir
276 #define _tchmod       chmod
277 #define _tcprintf     _cprintf
278 #define _cputts       _cputs
279 #define _tcreat       _creat
280 #define _tcscanf      _cscanf
281 #define _tctime64     _ctime64
282 #define _tmkfifo      mkfifo
283 #define _texecl       execl
284 #define _texecle      execle
285 #define _texeclp      execlp
286 #define _texeclpe     execlpe
287 #define _texecv       execv
288 #define _texecve      execve
289 #define _texecvp      execvp
290 #define _texecvpe     execvpe
291 #define _tfdopen      _fdopen
292 #define _fgettchar    _fgetchar
293 #define _tfindfirst   _findfirst
294 #define _tfindnext64  _findnext64
295 #define _tfindnext    _findnext
296 #define _tfindnexti64 _findnexti64
297 #define _fputtchar    _fputchar
298 #define _tfsopen      _fsopen
299 #define _tfullpath    _fullpath
300 #define _gettch       _getch
301 #define _gettche      _getche
302 #define _tgetcwd      getcwd
303 #define _tgetdcwd     getdcwd
304 #define _ltot         _ltoa
305 #define _tmakepath    _makepath
306 #define _tmkdir       _mkdir
307 #define _tmktemp      _mktemp
308 #define _topen        open
309 #define _puttch       _putch
310 /*#define _tputenv      putenv*/
311 #define _tsetenv      setenv
312 #define _tunsetenv      unsetenv
313 #define _trmdir       _rmdir
314 #define _sctprintf    _scprintf
315 #define _tsearchenv   _searchenv
316 #define _sntprintf    _snprintf
317 #define _sntscanf     _snscanf
318 #define _tsopen       _sopen
319 #define _tspawnl      _spawnl
320 #define _tspawnle     _spawnle
321 #define _tspawnlp     _spawnlp
322 #define _tspawnlpe    _spawnlpe
323 #define _tspawnv      _spawnv
324 #define _tspawnve     _spawnve
325 #define _tspawnvp     _spawnvp
326 #define _tspawnvpe    _spawnvpe
327 #define _tsplitpath   _splitpath
328 #define _tstat64      _stat64
329 #define _tstat        stat
330 #define _tstati64     _stati64
331 #define _tstrdate     _strdate
332 #define _tcsdec       _strdec
333 #define _tcsdup       strdup    /* replaced _strdup by strdup */
334 #define _tcsicmp      strcasecmp
335 #define _tcsicoll     _stricoll
336 #define _tcsinc       _strinc
337 /* Intentionally do not allow use of _trealpath because it does not specify a buffer length.
338  * #define _trealpath    realpath
339  * Define our own _trealpathN below. */
340 #define _trealpathN(fileName, resolvedName, resolvedNameSize)    realpath(fileName, resolvedName)
341 #define _tcslwr       _strlwr
342 #define _tcsnbcnt     _strncnt
343 #define _tcsnccnt     _strncnt
344 #define _tcsnccnt     _strncnt
345 #define _tcsnccoll    _strncoll
346 #define _tcsnextc     _strnextc
347 #define _tcsncicmp    _strnicmp
348 #define _tcsnicmp     _strnicmp
349 #define _tcsncicoll   _strnicoll
350 #define _tcsnicoll    _strnicoll
351 #define _tcsninc      _strninc
352 #define _tcsncset     _strnset
353 #define _tcsnset      _strnset
354 #define _tcsrev       _strrev
355 #define _tcsset       _strset
356 #define _tcsspnp      _strspnp
357 #define _tstrtime     strftime
358 #define _tcstoi64     _strtoi64
359 #define _tcstoui64    _strtoui64
360 #define _tcsupr       _strupr
361 #define _ttempnam     _tempnam
362 #define _ui64tot      _ui64toa
363 #define _ultot        _ultoa
364 #define _ungettch     _ungetch
365 #define _tunlink      unlink
366 #define _tutime64     _utime64
367 #define _tutime       _utime
368 #define _vsctprintf   _vscprintf
369 #define _vsntprintf   vsnprintf
370 #define _tasctime     asctime
371 #define _tstof        atof
372 #define _tstoi        atoi
373 #define _ttoi         atoi
374 #define _tstol        atol
375 #define _ttol         atol
376 #define _tctime       ctime
377 #define _fgettc       fgetc
378 #define _fgetts       fgets
379 #define _tfopen       fopen
380 #define _tpopen       popen
381 #define _ftprintf     fprintf
382 #define _fputtc       fputc
383 #define _fputts       fputs
384 #define _tfreopen     freopen
385 #define _ftscanf      fscanf
386 #define _gettc        getc
387 #define _gettchar     getchar
388 #define _tgetenv      getenv
389 #define _getts        gets
390 #define _istalnum     isalnum
391 #define _istalpha     isalpha
392 #define _istascii     isascii
393 #define _istcntrl     iscntrl
394 #define _istdigit     isdigit
395 #define _istgraph     isgraph
396 #define _istlead      islead
397 #define _istleadbyte  isleadbyte
398 #define _istlegal     islegal
399 #define _istlower     islower
400 #define _istprint     isprint
401 #define _istpunct     ispunct
402 #define _istspace     isspace
403 #define _istupper     isupper
404 #define _istxdigit    isxdigit
405 #define _tmain        main
406 #define _tperror      perror
407 #define _tprintf      printf
408 #define _puttc        putc
409 #define _puttchar     putchar
410 #define _putts        puts
411 #define _tremove      remove
412 #define _trename      rename
413 #define _tscanf       scanf
414 #define _tsetlocale   setlocale
415 #define _sntprintf    snprintf
416 #define _stscanf      sscanf
417 #define _tcscat       strcat
418 #define _tcschr       strchr
419 #define _tcscmp       strcmp
420 #define _tcscoll      strcoll
421 #define _tcscpy       strcpy
422 #define _tcscspn      strcspn
423 #define _tcserror     strerror
424 #define _tcsftime     strftime
425 #define _tcsclen      strlen
426 #define _tcslen       strlen
427 #define _tcsncat      strncat
428 #define _tcsnccat     strncat
429 #define _tcsnccmp     strncmp
430 #define _tcsncmp      strncmp
431 #define _tcsnccpy     strncpy
432 #define _tcsncpy      strncpy
433 #define _tcspbrk      strpbrk
434 #define _tcsrchr      strrchr
435 #define _tcsspn       strspn
436 #define _tcsstr       strstr
437 #define _tcstod       strtod
438 #define _tcstok       strtok
439 #define _tcstol       strtol
440 #define _tcstoul      strtoul
441 #define _tcsxfrm      strxfrm
442 #define _tsystem      system
443 #define _ttmpnam      tmpnam
444 #define _totlower     tolower
445 #define _totupper     toupper
446 #define _ungettc      ungetc
447 #define _vftprintf    vfprintf
448 #define _vtprintf     vprintf
449 #define _vstprintf    vsprintf
450 #define _topenlog     openlog
451 #define _tsyslog      syslog
452 #endif
453 #else /* WIN32 */
454 #include <tchar.h>
455 #include <sys/types.h>
456 #include <sys/stat.h>
457 extern int multiByteToWideChar(const char *multiByteChars, int encoding, TCHAR **outputBufferW, int localizeErrorMessage);
458 #endif
459 /* Define boolean constants. */
460 #ifndef TRUE
461  #define TRUE -1
462 #endif
464 #ifndef FALSE
465  #define FALSE 0
466 #endif
468 #define STATUS_UNCHANGED  0
469 #define STATUS_ENABLED    1
470 #define STATUS_DISABLED   2
471 #define STATUS_UNKNOWN    3
473 #ifndef WIN32
474  #ifdef HPUX
475   #define MB_UTF8   "utf8"
476  #else
477   #define MB_UTF8   "UTF-8"
478  #endif
479  #define __UTF8     MB_UTF8
480 #else
481  #define __UTF8     CP_UTF8
482 #endif
484 #define TCHAR_TAB   TEXT('\t')
486 #ifdef WIN32
487  #define FILE_SEPARATOR     TEXT("\\")
488  #define FILE_SEPARATOR_C   TEXT('\\')
489 #else
490  #define FILE_SEPARATOR     TEXT("/")
491  #define FILE_SEPARATOR_C   TEXT('/')
492 #endif
494 #define ENCODING_BUFFER_SIZE    32                                              /* ex: x-windows-iso2022jp */
496 void wrapperSecureZero(void* str, size_t size);
498 void wrapperSecureFree(void* str, size_t size);
500 void wrapperSecureFreeStrW(TCHAR* str);
502 void wrapperSecureFreeStrMB(char* str);
504 extern TCHAR* toLower(const TCHAR* value);
506 extern TCHAR* toUpper(const TCHAR* value);
508 extern void clearNonAlphanumeric(TCHAR* bufferIn, TCHAR* bufferOut);
510 extern int compareEncodings(TCHAR* encoding1, TCHAR* encoding2, int ignoreCase, int ignorePunctuation);
512 extern int compareEncodingsSysMode(TCHAR* encoding1, TCHAR* encoding2);
514 #ifndef WIN32
515 /**
516  * Get the encoding of the current locale.
517  *
518  * @param buffer output buffer
519  *
520  * @return the buffer or NULL if the encoding could not be retrieved.
521  */
522 TCHAR* getCurrentLocaleEncoding(TCHAR* buffer);
523 #endif
525 #ifndef WIN32
530 /**
531  * Check if the given encoding is supported by the iconv library.
532  *
533  * @return ICONV_ENCODING_SUPPORTED if the encoding is supported,
534  *         ICONV_ENCODING_KNOWN_ISSUE if the encoding exist on iconv but fails to convert some characters.
535  *         ICONV_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED if the encoding is not supported.
536  */
537 int getIconvEncodingMBSupport(const char* encodingMB);
538 /**
539  * Check if the given encoding is supported by the iconv library.
540  *
541  * @return ICONV_ENCODING_SUPPORTED if the encoding is supported,
542  *         ICONV_ENCODING_KNOWN_ISSUE if the encoding exist on iconv but fails to convert some characters.
543  *         ICONV_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED if the encoding is not supported.
544  */
545 int getIconvEncodingSupport(const TCHAR* encoding);
546 #endif
549  #ifdef AIX /* the AIX version of iconv.h doesn't have _LIBICONV_VERSION (need to check the other platforms) */
550   #define USE_LIBICONV_GNU
551  #endif
552 #endif
554 #ifdef FREEBSD
555 /**
556  * Get the name of the iconv library that was loaded.
557  *
558  * @return the name of the iconv library (wide chars).
559  */
560 extern TCHAR* getIconvLibName();
562 /**
563  * Tries to load libiconv and then fallback in FreeBSD.
564  * Unfortunately we can not do any pretty logging here as iconv is
565  *  required for all of that to work.
566  *
567  * @return TRUE if there were any problems, FALSE otherwise.
568  */
569 extern int loadIconvLibrary();
570 #endif
572 /**
573  * Define a cross platform way to compare strings while ignoring case.
574  */
575 #ifdef WIN32
576 #define strIgnoreCaseCmp _stricmp
577 #else
578 #define strIgnoreCaseCmp strcasecmp
579 #endif
580 #define strcmpIgnoreCase(str1, str2) _tcsicmp(str1, str2)
582 /**
583  * Function to get the system encoding name/number for the encoding
584  * of the conf file
585  *
586  * @para String holding the encoding from the conf file
587  *
588  * @return TRUE if not found, FALSE otherwise
589  *
590  */
591 #ifdef WIN32
592 extern int getEncodingByName(char* encodingMB, int *encoding);
593 #else
594 extern int getEncodingByName(char* encodingMB, char** encoding);
595 #endif
597 #ifdef WIN32
598 /**
599  * Converts a Wide string into a specific multibyte encoded string.
600  *
601  * @prarm wideChars The Wide string to be converted.
602  * @param outputBufferMB Returns a newly malloced buffer containing the target MB chars.
603  *                       Will contain an error message if the function returns TRUE.
604  *                       If this is NULL then there was an out of memory problem.
605  *                       Caller must free this up.
606  * @param outputEncoding Output encoding to use.
607  *
608  * @return TRUE if there were any problems.  False otherwise.
609  */
610 extern int converterWideToMB(const TCHAR *wideChars, char **outputBufferMB, int outputEncoding);
612 /**
613  * Converts a native multibyte string into a specific multibyte encoded string.
614  *
615  * @param multiByteChars The original multi-byte chars.
616  * @param inputEncoding The multi-byte encoding.
617  * @param outputBufferMB Returns a newly malloced buffer containing the target MB chars.
618  *                       Will contain an error message if the function returns TRUE.
619  *                       If this is NULL then there was an out of memory problem.
620  *                       Caller must free this up.
621  * @param outputEncoding Output encoding to use.
622  *
623  * @return -1 if there were any problems.  buffer size (>=0) if everything was Ok.
624  */
625 extern int converterMBToMB(const char *multiByteChars, int inputEncoding, char **outputBufferMB, int outputEncoding);
626 #else
628 #ifdef HPUX
629 /**
630  * Turns on or off a fix used in converterMBToMB()
631  */
632 void toggleIconvHpuxFix(int value);
633 #endif
635 /**
636  * Converts a native multibyte string into a specific multibyte encoded string.
637  *
638  * @param multiByteChars The original multi-byte chars.
639  * @param multiByteEncoding The multi-byte encoding.
640  * @param outputBufferMB Returns a newly malloced buffer containing the target MB chars.
641  *                       Will contain an error message if the function returns TRUE.
642  *                       If this is NULL then there was an out of memory problem.
643  *                       Caller must free this up.
644  * @param outputEncoding Output encoding to use.
645  *
646  * @return -1 if there were any problems.  buffer size (>=0) if everything was Ok.
647  */
648 extern int converterMBToMB(const char *multiByteChars, const char *multiByteEncoding, char **outputBufferMB, const char *outputEncoding);
650 /**
651  * Converts a Wide string into a specific multibyte encoded string.
652  *
653  * @prarm wideChars The Wide string to be converted.
654  * @param outputBufferMB Returns a newly malloced buffer containing the target MB chars.
655  *                       Will contain an error message if the function returns TRUE.
656  *                       If this is NULL then there was an out of memory problem.
657  *                       Caller must free this up.
658  * @param outputEncoding Output encoding to use.
659  *
660  * @return TRUE if there were any problems.  False otherwise.
661  */
662 extern int converterWideToMB(const TCHAR *wideChars, char **outputBufferMB, const char *outputEncoding);
663 #endif
665 /**
666  * Gets the error code for the last operation that failed.
667  */
668 extern int wrapperGetLastError();
670 /*
671  * Corrects a path in place by replacing all '/' characters with '\'
672  *  on Windows platforms.  Does nothing on NIX platforms.
673  *
674  * filename - Filename to be modified.  Could be null.
675  */
676 extern int wrapperCorrectWindowsPath(TCHAR *filename);
678 /*
679  * Corrects a path in place by replacing all '\' characters with '/'
680  *  on NIX platforms.  Does nothing on Windows platforms.
681  *
682  * filename - Filename to be modified.  Could be null.
683  */
684 extern int wrapperCorrectNixPath(TCHAR *filename);
685 #endif
688 /* Helper defines used to help trace where certain calls are being made. */
689 /*#define DEBUG_MBSTOWCS*/
691  #ifdef WIN32
692   #define mbstowcs(x,y,z) mbstowcs(x,y,z); wprintf(L"%S:%d:%S mbstowcs(%S, %S, %S) -> mbstowcs(%p, \"%S\", %d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, #x, #y, #z, (void *)x, y, (int)z)
693  #else
694   #define mbstowcs(x,y,z) mbstowcs(x,y,z); wprintf(L"%s:%d:%s mbstowcs(%s, %s, %s) -> mbstowcs(%p, \"%s\", %d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, #x, #y, #z, (void *)x, y, (int)z)
695  #endif
696 #endif
698 /*#define DEBUG_MALLOC*/
699 #ifdef DEBUG_MALLOC
700  extern void *malloc2(size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *sizeVar);
701  #define malloc(x) malloc2(x, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, #x)
702  #ifdef WIN32
703   #define free(x) wprintf(L"%S:%d:%S free(%S) -> free(%p)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, #x, (void *)x); free(x)
704  #else
705   #define free(x) wprintf(L"%s:%d:%s free(%s) -> free(%p)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, #x, (void *)x); free(x)
706  #endif
707 #endif