1// +build !providerless
4Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors.
6Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8You may obtain a copy of the License at
10    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16limitations under the License.
19package azure
21import (
22	"context"
23	"fmt"
24	"net"
25	"net/http"
26	"strings"
27	"testing"
29	"github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2019-12-01/compute"
30	"github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2019-06-01/network"
31	"github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/to"
32	"github.com/golang/mock/gomock"
33	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
35	v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
36	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types"
37	cloudprovider "k8s.io/cloud-provider"
38	azcache "k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers/azure/cache"
39	"k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers/azure/clients/interfaceclient/mockinterfaceclient"
40	"k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers/azure/clients/publicipclient/mockpublicipclient"
41	"k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers/azure/clients/vmclient/mockvmclient"
42	"k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers/azure/clients/vmssclient/mockvmssclient"
43	"k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers/azure/clients/vmssvmclient/mockvmssvmclient"
44	"k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers/azure/retry"
47// setTestVirtualMachines sets test virtual machine with powerstate.
48func setTestVirtualMachines(c *Cloud, vmList map[string]string, isDataDisksFull bool) []compute.VirtualMachine {
49	expectedVMs := make([]compute.VirtualMachine, 0)
51	for nodeName, powerState := range vmList {
52		instanceID := fmt.Sprintf("/subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/%s", nodeName)
53		vm := compute.VirtualMachine{
54			Name:     &nodeName,
55			ID:       &instanceID,
56			Location: &c.Location,
57		}
58		status := []compute.InstanceViewStatus{
59			{
60				Code: to.StringPtr(powerState),
61			},
62			{
63				Code: to.StringPtr("ProvisioningState/succeeded"),
64			},
65		}
66		vm.VirtualMachineProperties = &compute.VirtualMachineProperties{
67			ProvisioningState: to.StringPtr(string(compute.ProvisioningStateSucceeded)),
68			HardwareProfile: &compute.HardwareProfile{
69				VMSize: compute.VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA0,
70			},
71			InstanceView: &compute.VirtualMachineInstanceView{
72				Statuses: &status,
73			},
74			StorageProfile: &compute.StorageProfile{
75				DataDisks: &[]compute.DataDisk{},
76			},
77		}
78		if !isDataDisksFull {
79			vm.StorageProfile.DataDisks = &[]compute.DataDisk{{
80				Lun:  to.Int32Ptr(0),
81				Name: to.StringPtr("disk1"),
82			}}
83		} else {
84			dataDisks := make([]compute.DataDisk, maxLUN)
85			for i := 0; i < maxLUN; i++ {
86				dataDisks[i] = compute.DataDisk{Lun: to.Int32Ptr(int32(i))}
87			}
88			vm.StorageProfile.DataDisks = &dataDisks
89		}
91		expectedVMs = append(expectedVMs, vm)
92	}
94	return expectedVMs
97func TestInstanceID(t *testing.T) {
98	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
99	defer ctrl.Finish()
101	cloud := GetTestCloud(ctrl)
103	testcases := []struct {
104		name                string
105		vmList              []string
106		nodeName            string
107		vmssName            string
108		metadataName        string
109		metadataTemplate    string
110		vmType              string
111		expectedID          string
112		useInstanceMetadata bool
113		useCustomImsCache   bool
114		nilVMSet            bool
115		expectedErrMsg      error
116	}{
117		{
118			name:                "InstanceID should get instanceID if node's name are equal to metadataName",
119			vmList:              []string{"vm1"},
120			nodeName:            "vm1",
121			metadataName:        "vm1",
122			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
123			useInstanceMetadata: true,
124			expectedID:          "/subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm1",
125		},
126		{
127			name:                "InstanceID should get vmss instanceID from local if node's name are equal to metadataName and metadata.Compute.VMScaleSetName is not null",
128			vmList:              []string{"vmss1_0"},
129			vmssName:            "vmss1",
130			nodeName:            "vmss1_0",
131			metadataName:        "vmss1_0",
132			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
133			useInstanceMetadata: true,
134			expectedID:          "/subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/vmss1/virtualMachines/0",
135		},
136		{
137			name:                "InstanceID should get standard instanceID from local if node's name are equal to metadataName and format of nodeName is not compliance with vmss instance",
138			vmList:              []string{"vmss1-0"},
139			vmssName:            "vmss1",
140			nodeName:            "vmss1-0",
141			metadataName:        "vmss1-0",
142			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
143			useInstanceMetadata: true,
144			expectedID:          "/subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vmss1-0",
145		},
146		{
147			name:                "InstanceID should get instanceID from Azure API if node is not local instance",
148			vmList:              []string{"vm2"},
149			nodeName:            "vm2",
150			metadataName:        "vm1",
151			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
152			useInstanceMetadata: true,
153			expectedID:          "/subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm2",
154		},
155		{
156			name:         "InstanceID should get instanceID from Azure API if cloud.UseInstanceMetadata is false",
157			vmList:       []string{"vm2"},
158			nodeName:     "vm2",
159			metadataName: "vm2",
160			vmType:       vmTypeStandard,
161			expectedID:   "/subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm2",
162		},
163		{
164			name:                "InstanceID should report error if node doesn't exist",
165			vmList:              []string{"vm1"},
166			nodeName:            "vm3",
167			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
168			useInstanceMetadata: true,
169			expectedErrMsg:      fmt.Errorf("instance not found"),
170		},
171		{
172			name:                "InstanceID should report error if metadata.Compute is nil",
173			nodeName:            "vm1",
174			metadataName:        "vm1",
175			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
176			metadataTemplate:    `{"network":{"interface":[]}}`,
177			useInstanceMetadata: true,
178			expectedErrMsg:      fmt.Errorf("failure of getting instance metadata"),
179		},
180		{
181			name:                "NodeAddresses should report error if cloud.VMSet is nil",
182			nodeName:            "vm1",
183			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
184			useInstanceMetadata: true,
185			nilVMSet:            true,
186			expectedErrMsg:      fmt.Errorf("no credentials provided for Azure cloud provider"),
187		},
188		{
189			name:                "NodeAddresses should report error if invoking GetMetadata returns error",
190			nodeName:            "vm1",
191			metadataName:        "vm1",
192			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
193			useCustomImsCache:   true,
194			useInstanceMetadata: true,
195			expectedErrMsg:      fmt.Errorf("getError"),
196		},
197	}
199	for _, test := range testcases {
200		if test.nilVMSet {
201			cloud.VMSet = nil
202		} else {
203			cloud.VMSet = newAvailabilitySet(cloud)
204		}
205		cloud.Config.VMType = test.vmType
206		cloud.Config.UseInstanceMetadata = test.useInstanceMetadata
207		listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
208		if err != nil {
209			t.Errorf("Test [%s] unexpected error: %v", test.name, err)
210		}
212		mux := http.NewServeMux()
213		mux.Handle("/", http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
214			if test.metadataTemplate != "" {
215				fmt.Fprintf(w, test.metadataTemplate)
216			} else {
217				fmt.Fprintf(w, "{\"compute\":{\"name\":\"%s\",\"VMScaleSetName\":\"%s\",\"subscriptionId\":\"subscription\",\"resourceGroupName\":\"rg\"}}", test.metadataName, test.vmssName)
218			}
219		}))
220		go func() {
221			http.Serve(listener, mux)
222		}()
223		defer listener.Close()
225		cloud.metadata, err = NewInstanceMetadataService("http://" + listener.Addr().String() + "/")
226		if err != nil {
227			t.Errorf("Test [%s] unexpected error: %v", test.name, err)
228		}
229		if test.useCustomImsCache {
230			cloud.metadata.imsCache, err = azcache.NewTimedcache(metadataCacheTTL, func(key string) (interface{}, error) {
231				return nil, fmt.Errorf("getError")
232			})
233			if err != nil {
234				t.Errorf("Test [%s] unexpected error: %v", test.name, err)
235			}
236		}
237		vmListWithPowerState := make(map[string]string)
238		for _, vm := range test.vmList {
239			vmListWithPowerState[vm] = ""
240		}
241		expectedVMs := setTestVirtualMachines(cloud, vmListWithPowerState, false)
242		mockVMsClient := cloud.VirtualMachinesClient.(*mockvmclient.MockInterface)
243		for _, vm := range expectedVMs {
244			mockVMsClient.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), cloud.ResourceGroup, *vm.Name, gomock.Any()).Return(vm, nil).AnyTimes()
245		}
246		mockVMsClient.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), cloud.ResourceGroup, "vm3", gomock.Any()).Return(compute.VirtualMachine{}, &retry.Error{HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound, RawError: cloudprovider.InstanceNotFound}).AnyTimes()
247		mockVMsClient.EXPECT().Update(gomock.Any(), cloud.ResourceGroup, gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return(nil).AnyTimes()
249		instanceID, err := cloud.InstanceID(context.Background(), types.NodeName(test.nodeName))
250		assert.Equal(t, test.expectedErrMsg, err, test.name)
251		assert.Equal(t, test.expectedID, instanceID, test.name)
252	}
255func TestInstanceShutdownByProviderID(t *testing.T) {
256	testcases := []struct {
257		name              string
258		vmList            map[string]string
259		nodeName          string
260		providerID        string
261		provisioningState string
262		expected          bool
263		expectedErrMsg    error
264	}{
265		{
266			name:       "InstanceShutdownByProviderID should return false if the vm is in PowerState/Running status",
267			vmList:     map[string]string{"vm1": "PowerState/Running"},
268			nodeName:   "vm1",
269			providerID: "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm1",
270			expected:   false,
271		},
272		{
273			name:       "InstanceShutdownByProviderID should return true if the vm is in PowerState/Deallocated status",
274			vmList:     map[string]string{"vm2": "PowerState/Deallocated"},
275			nodeName:   "vm2",
276			providerID: "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm2",
277			expected:   true,
278		},
279		{
280			name:       "InstanceShutdownByProviderID should return false if the vm is in PowerState/Deallocating status",
281			vmList:     map[string]string{"vm3": "PowerState/Deallocating"},
282			nodeName:   "vm3",
283			providerID: "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm3",
284			expected:   true,
285		},
286		{
287			name:       "InstanceShutdownByProviderID should return false if the vm is in PowerState/Starting status",
288			vmList:     map[string]string{"vm4": "PowerState/Starting"},
289			nodeName:   "vm4",
290			providerID: "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm4",
291			expected:   false,
292		},
293		{
294			name:       "InstanceShutdownByProviderID should return true if the vm is in PowerState/Stopped status",
295			vmList:     map[string]string{"vm5": "PowerState/Stopped"},
296			nodeName:   "vm5",
297			providerID: "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm5",
298			expected:   true,
299		},
301		{
302			name:       "InstanceShutdownByProviderID should return false if the vm is in PowerState/Stopping status",
303			vmList:     map[string]string{"vm6": "PowerState/Stopping"},
304			nodeName:   "vm6",
305			providerID: "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm6",
306			expected:   false,
307		},
308		{
309			name:       "InstanceShutdownByProviderID should return false if the vm is in PowerState/Unknown status",
310			vmList:     map[string]string{"vm7": "PowerState/Unknown"},
311			nodeName:   "vm7",
312			providerID: "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm7",
313			expected:   false,
314		},
315		{
316			name:       "InstanceShutdownByProviderID should return false if node doesn't exist",
317			vmList:     map[string]string{"vm1": "PowerState/running"},
318			nodeName:   "vm8",
319			providerID: "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm8",
320			expected:   false,
321		},
322		{
323			name:              "InstanceShutdownByProviderID should return false if the vm is in PowerState/Stopped state with Creating provisioning state",
324			vmList:            map[string]string{"vm9": "PowerState/Stopped"},
325			nodeName:          "vm9",
326			provisioningState: "Creating",
327			providerID:        "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm9",
328			expected:          false,
329		},
330		{
331			name:     "InstanceShutdownByProviderID should report error if providerID is null",
332			nodeName: "vmm",
333			expected: false,
334		},
335		{
336			name:           "InstanceShutdownByProviderID should report error if providerID is invalid",
337			providerID:     "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/VM/vm10",
338			nodeName:       "vm10",
339			expected:       false,
340			expectedErrMsg: fmt.Errorf("error splitting providerID"),
341		},
342	}
344	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
345	defer ctrl.Finish()
346	for _, test := range testcases {
347		cloud := GetTestCloud(ctrl)
348		expectedVMs := setTestVirtualMachines(cloud, test.vmList, false)
349		if test.provisioningState != "" {
350			expectedVMs[0].ProvisioningState = to.StringPtr(test.provisioningState)
351		}
352		mockVMsClient := cloud.VirtualMachinesClient.(*mockvmclient.MockInterface)
353		for _, vm := range expectedVMs {
354			mockVMsClient.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), cloud.ResourceGroup, *vm.Name, gomock.Any()).Return(vm, nil).AnyTimes()
355		}
356		mockVMsClient.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), cloud.ResourceGroup, test.nodeName, gomock.Any()).Return(compute.VirtualMachine{}, &retry.Error{HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound, RawError: cloudprovider.InstanceNotFound}).AnyTimes()
358		hasShutdown, err := cloud.InstanceShutdownByProviderID(context.Background(), test.providerID)
359		assert.Equal(t, test.expectedErrMsg, err, test.name)
360		assert.Equal(t, test.expected, hasShutdown, test.name)
361	}
364func TestNodeAddresses(t *testing.T) {
365	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
366	defer ctrl.Finish()
367	cloud := GetTestCloud(ctrl)
369	expectedVM := compute.VirtualMachine{
370		VirtualMachineProperties: &compute.VirtualMachineProperties{
371			NetworkProfile: &compute.NetworkProfile{
372				NetworkInterfaces: &[]compute.NetworkInterfaceReference{
373					{
374						NetworkInterfaceReferenceProperties: &compute.NetworkInterfaceReferenceProperties{
375							Primary: to.BoolPtr(true),
376						},
377						ID: to.StringPtr("/subscriptions/sub/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/nic"),
378					},
379				},
380			},
381		},
382	}
384	expectedPIP := network.PublicIPAddress{
385		ID: to.StringPtr("/subscriptions/subscriptionID/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/pip1"),
386		PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat: &network.PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat{
387			IPAddress: to.StringPtr(""),
388		},
389	}
391	expectedInterface := network.Interface{
392		InterfacePropertiesFormat: &network.InterfacePropertiesFormat{
393			IPConfigurations: &[]network.InterfaceIPConfiguration{
394				{
395					InterfaceIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat: &network.InterfaceIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat{
396						PrivateIPAddress: to.StringPtr(""),
397						PublicIPAddress:  &expectedPIP,
398					},
399				},
400			},
401		},
402	}
404	expectedNodeAddress := []v1.NodeAddress{
405		{
406			Type:    v1.NodeInternalIP,
407			Address: "",
408		},
409		{
410			Type:    v1.NodeHostName,
411			Address: "vm1",
412		},
413		{
414			Type:    v1.NodeExternalIP,
415			Address: "",
416		},
417	}
418	metadataTemplate := `{"compute":{"name":"%s"},"network":{"interface":[{"ipv4":{"ipAddress":[{"privateIpAddress":"%s","publicIpAddress":"%s"}]},"ipv6":{"ipAddress":[{"privateIpAddress":"%s","publicIpAddress":"%s"}]}}]}}`
419	loadbalancerTemplate := `{"loadbalancer": {"publicIpAddresses": [{"frontendIpAddress": "%s","privateIpAddress": "%s"},{"frontendIpAddress": "%s","privateIpAddress": "%s"}]}}`
420	testcases := []struct {
421		name                string
422		nodeName            string
423		metadataName        string
424		metadataTemplate    string
425		vmType              string
426		ipV4                string
427		ipV6                string
428		ipV4Public          string
429		ipV6Public          string
430		loadBalancerSku     string
431		expectedAddress     []v1.NodeAddress
432		useInstanceMetadata bool
433		useCustomImsCache   bool
434		nilVMSet            bool
435		expectedErrMsg      error
436	}{
437		{
438			name:                "NodeAddresses should report error if metadata.Network is nil",
439			metadataTemplate:    `{"compute":{"name":"vm1"}}`,
440			useInstanceMetadata: true,
441			expectedErrMsg:      fmt.Errorf("failure of getting instance metadata"),
442		},
443		{
444			name:                "NodeAddresses should report error if metadata.Compute is nil",
445			metadataTemplate:    `{"network":{"interface":[]}}`,
446			useInstanceMetadata: true,
447			expectedErrMsg:      fmt.Errorf("failure of getting instance metadata"),
448		},
449		{
450			name:                "NodeAddresses should report error if metadata.Network.Interface is nil",
451			nodeName:            "vm1",
452			metadataName:        "vm1",
453			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
454			metadataTemplate:    `{"compute":{"name":"vm1"},"network":{}}`,
455			useInstanceMetadata: true,
456			expectedErrMsg:      fmt.Errorf("no interface is found for the instance"),
457		},
458		{
459			name:                "NodeAddresses should report error when invoke GetMetadata",
460			nodeName:            "vm1",
461			metadataName:        "vm1",
462			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
463			useCustomImsCache:   true,
464			useInstanceMetadata: true,
465			expectedErrMsg:      fmt.Errorf("getError"),
466		},
467		{
468			name:                "NodeAddresses should report error if cloud.VMSet is nil",
469			nodeName:            "vm1",
470			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
471			useInstanceMetadata: true,
472			nilVMSet:            true,
473			expectedErrMsg:      fmt.Errorf("no credentials provided for Azure cloud provider"),
474		},
475		{
476			name:                "NodeAddresses should report error when IPs are empty",
477			nodeName:            "vm1",
478			metadataName:        "vm1",
479			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
480			useInstanceMetadata: true,
481			expectedErrMsg:      fmt.Errorf("get empty IP addresses from instance metadata service"),
482		},
483		{
484			name:                "NodeAddresses should report error if node don't exist",
485			nodeName:            "vm2",
486			metadataName:        "vm1",
487			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
488			useInstanceMetadata: true,
489			expectedErrMsg:      fmt.Errorf("timed out waiting for the condition"),
490		},
491		{
492			name:                "NodeAddresses should get IP addresses from Azure API if node's name isn't equal to metadataName",
493			nodeName:            "vm1",
494			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
495			useInstanceMetadata: true,
496			expectedAddress:     expectedNodeAddress,
497		},
498		{
499			name:            "NodeAddresses should get IP addresses from Azure API if useInstanceMetadata is false",
500			nodeName:        "vm1",
501			vmType:          vmTypeStandard,
502			expectedAddress: expectedNodeAddress,
503		},
504		{
505			name:                "NodeAddresses should get IP addresses from local IMDS if node's name is equal to metadataName",
506			nodeName:            "vm1",
507			metadataName:        "vm1",
508			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
509			ipV4:                "",
510			ipV4Public:          "",
511			ipV6:                "1111:11111:00:00:1111:1111:000:111",
512			ipV6Public:          "2222:22221:00:00:2222:2222:000:111",
513			loadBalancerSku:     "basic",
514			useInstanceMetadata: true,
515			expectedAddress: []v1.NodeAddress{
516				{
517					Type:    v1.NodeHostName,
518					Address: "vm1",
519				},
520				{
521					Type:    v1.NodeInternalIP,
522					Address: "",
523				},
524				{
525					Type:    v1.NodeExternalIP,
526					Address: "",
527				},
528				{
529					Type:    v1.NodeInternalIP,
530					Address: "1111:11111:00:00:1111:1111:000:111",
531				},
532				{
533					Type:    v1.NodeExternalIP,
534					Address: "2222:22221:00:00:2222:2222:000:111",
535				},
536			},
537		},
538		{
539			name:                "NodeAddresses should get IP addresses from local IMDS for standard LoadBalancer if node's name is equal to metadataName",
540			nodeName:            "vm1",
541			metadataName:        "vm1",
542			vmType:              vmTypeStandard,
543			ipV4:                "",
544			ipV4Public:          "",
545			ipV6:                "1111:11111:00:00:1111:1111:000:111",
546			ipV6Public:          "2222:22221:00:00:2222:2222:000:111",
547			loadBalancerSku:     "standard",
548			useInstanceMetadata: true,
549			expectedAddress: []v1.NodeAddress{
550				{
551					Type:    v1.NodeHostName,
552					Address: "vm1",
553				},
554				{
555					Type:    v1.NodeInternalIP,
556					Address: "",
557				},
558				{
559					Type:    v1.NodeExternalIP,
560					Address: "",
561				},
562				{
563					Type:    v1.NodeInternalIP,
564					Address: "1111:11111:00:00:1111:1111:000:111",
565				},
566				{
567					Type:    v1.NodeExternalIP,
568					Address: "2222:22221:00:00:2222:2222:000:111",
569				},
570			},
571		},
572	}
574	for _, test := range testcases {
575		if test.nilVMSet {
576			cloud.VMSet = nil
577		} else {
578			cloud.VMSet = newAvailabilitySet(cloud)
579		}
580		cloud.Config.VMType = test.vmType
581		cloud.Config.UseInstanceMetadata = test.useInstanceMetadata
582		listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
583		if err != nil {
584			t.Errorf("Test [%s] unexpected error: %v", test.name, err)
585		}
587		mux := http.NewServeMux()
588		mux.Handle("/", http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
589			if strings.Contains(r.RequestURI, imdsLoadBalancerURI) {
590				fmt.Fprintf(w, loadbalancerTemplate, test.ipV4Public, test.ipV4, test.ipV6Public, test.ipV6)
591				return
592			}
594			if test.metadataTemplate != "" {
595				fmt.Fprintf(w, test.metadataTemplate)
596			} else {
597				if test.loadBalancerSku == "standard" {
598					fmt.Fprintf(w, metadataTemplate, test.metadataName, test.ipV4, "", test.ipV6, "")
599				} else {
600					fmt.Fprintf(w, metadataTemplate, test.metadataName, test.ipV4, test.ipV4Public, test.ipV6, test.ipV6Public)
601				}
602			}
603		}))
604		go func() {
605			http.Serve(listener, mux)
606		}()
607		defer listener.Close()
609		cloud.metadata, err = NewInstanceMetadataService("http://" + listener.Addr().String() + "/")
610		if err != nil {
611			t.Errorf("Test [%s] unexpected error: %v", test.name, err)
612		}
614		if test.useCustomImsCache {
615			cloud.metadata.imsCache, err = azcache.NewTimedcache(metadataCacheTTL, func(key string) (interface{}, error) {
616				return nil, fmt.Errorf("getError")
617			})
618			if err != nil {
619				t.Errorf("Test [%s] unexpected error: %v", test.name, err)
620			}
621		}
622		mockVMClient := cloud.VirtualMachinesClient.(*mockvmclient.MockInterface)
623		mockVMClient.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), cloud.ResourceGroup, "vm1", gomock.Any()).Return(expectedVM, nil).AnyTimes()
624		mockVMClient.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), cloud.ResourceGroup, "vm2", gomock.Any()).Return(compute.VirtualMachine{}, &retry.Error{HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound, RawError: cloudprovider.InstanceNotFound}).AnyTimes()
626		mockPublicIPAddressesClient := cloud.PublicIPAddressesClient.(*mockpublicipclient.MockInterface)
627		mockPublicIPAddressesClient.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), cloud.ResourceGroup, "pip1", gomock.Any()).Return(expectedPIP, nil).AnyTimes()
629		mockInterfaceClient := cloud.InterfacesClient.(*mockinterfaceclient.MockInterface)
630		mockInterfaceClient.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), cloud.ResourceGroup, "nic", gomock.Any()).Return(expectedInterface, nil).AnyTimes()
632		ipAddresses, err := cloud.NodeAddresses(context.Background(), types.NodeName(test.nodeName))
633		assert.Equal(t, test.expectedErrMsg, err, test.name)
634		assert.Equal(t, test.expectedAddress, ipAddresses, test.name)
635	}
638func TestInstanceExistsByProviderID(t *testing.T) {
639	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
640	defer ctrl.Finish()
641	cloud := GetTestCloud(ctrl)
643	testcases := []struct {
644		name           string
645		vmList         []string
646		nodeName       string
647		providerID     string
648		expected       bool
649		expectedErrMsg error
650	}{
651		{
652			name:       "InstanceExistsByProviderID should return true if node exists",
653			vmList:     []string{"vm2"},
654			nodeName:   "vm2",
655			providerID: "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm2",
656			expected:   true,
657		},
658		{
659			name:       "InstanceExistsByProviderID should return true if node is unmanaged",
660			providerID: "/subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm1",
661			expected:   true,
662		},
663		{
664			name:       "InstanceExistsByProviderID should return false if node doesn't exist",
665			vmList:     []string{"vm1"},
666			nodeName:   "vm3",
667			providerID: "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm3",
668			expected:   false,
669		},
670		{
671			name:           "InstanceExistsByProviderID should report error if providerID is invalid",
672			providerID:     "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachine/vm3",
673			expected:       false,
674			expectedErrMsg: fmt.Errorf("error splitting providerID"),
675		},
676		{
677			name:           "InstanceExistsByProviderID should report error if providerID is null",
678			expected:       false,
679			expectedErrMsg: fmt.Errorf("providerID is empty, the node is not initialized yet"),
680		},
681	}
683	for _, test := range testcases {
684		vmListWithPowerState := make(map[string]string)
685		for _, vm := range test.vmList {
686			vmListWithPowerState[vm] = ""
687		}
688		expectedVMs := setTestVirtualMachines(cloud, vmListWithPowerState, false)
689		mockVMsClient := cloud.VirtualMachinesClient.(*mockvmclient.MockInterface)
690		for _, vm := range expectedVMs {
691			mockVMsClient.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), cloud.ResourceGroup, *vm.Name, gomock.Any()).Return(vm, nil).AnyTimes()
692		}
693		mockVMsClient.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), cloud.ResourceGroup, "vm3", gomock.Any()).Return(compute.VirtualMachine{}, &retry.Error{HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound, RawError: cloudprovider.InstanceNotFound}).AnyTimes()
694		mockVMsClient.EXPECT().Update(gomock.Any(), cloud.ResourceGroup, gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return(nil).AnyTimes()
696		exist, err := cloud.InstanceExistsByProviderID(context.Background(), test.providerID)
697		assert.Equal(t, test.expectedErrMsg, err, test.name)
698		assert.Equal(t, test.expected, exist, test.name)
699	}
701	vmssTestCases := []struct {
702		name       string
703		providerID string
704		scaleSet   string
705		vmList     []string
706		expected   bool
707		rerr       *retry.Error
708	}{
709		{
710			name:       "InstanceExistsByProviderID should return true if VMSS and VM exist",
711			providerID: "azure:///subscriptions/script/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/vmssee6c2/virtualMachines/0",
712			scaleSet:   "vmssee6c2",
713			vmList:     []string{"vmssee6c2000000"},
714			expected:   true,
715		},
716		{
717			name:       "InstanceExistsByProviderID should return false if VMSS exist but VM doesn't",
718			providerID: "azure:///subscriptions/script/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/vmssee6c2/virtualMachines/0",
719			scaleSet:   "vmssee6c2",
720			expected:   false,
721		},
722		{
723			name:       "InstanceExistsByProviderID should return false if VMSS doesn't exist",
724			providerID: "azure:///subscriptions/script/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/missing-vmss/virtualMachines/0",
725			rerr:       &retry.Error{HTTPStatusCode: 404},
726			expected:   false,
727		},
728	}
730	for _, test := range vmssTestCases {
731		ss, err := newTestScaleSet(ctrl)
732		assert.NoError(t, err, test.name)
733		cloud.VMSet = ss
735		mockVMSSClient := mockvmssclient.NewMockInterface(ctrl)
736		mockVMSSVMClient := mockvmssvmclient.NewMockInterface(ctrl)
737		ss.cloud.VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient = mockVMSSClient
738		ss.cloud.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient = mockVMSSVMClient
740		expectedScaleSet := buildTestVMSS(test.scaleSet, test.scaleSet)
741		mockVMSSClient.EXPECT().List(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return([]compute.VirtualMachineScaleSet{expectedScaleSet}, test.rerr).AnyTimes()
743		expectedVMs, _, _ := buildTestVirtualMachineEnv(ss.cloud, test.scaleSet, "", 0, test.vmList, "succeeded", false)
744		mockVMSSVMClient.EXPECT().List(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return(expectedVMs, test.rerr).AnyTimes()
746		mockVMsClient := ss.cloud.VirtualMachinesClient.(*mockvmclient.MockInterface)
747		mockVMsClient.EXPECT().List(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return([]compute.VirtualMachine{}, nil).AnyTimes()
749		exist, _ := cloud.InstanceExistsByProviderID(context.Background(), test.providerID)
750		assert.Equal(t, test.expected, exist, test.name)
751	}
754func TestNodeAddressesByProviderID(t *testing.T) {
755	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
756	defer ctrl.Finish()
757	cloud := GetTestCloud(ctrl)
758	cloud.Config.UseInstanceMetadata = true
759	metadataTemplate := `{"compute":{"name":"%s"},"network":{"interface":[{"ipv4":{"ipAddress":[{"privateIpAddress":"%s","publicIpAddress":"%s"}]},"ipv6":{"ipAddress":[{"privateIpAddress":"%s","publicIpAddress":"%s"}]}}]}}`
761	testcases := []struct {
762		name            string
763		nodeName        string
764		ipV4            string
765		ipV6            string
766		ipV4Public      string
767		ipV6Public      string
768		providerID      string
769		expectedAddress []v1.NodeAddress
770		expectedErrMsg  error
771	}{
772		{
773			name:       "NodeAddressesByProviderID should get both ipV4 and ipV6 private addresses",
774			nodeName:   "vm1",
775			providerID: "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm1",
776			ipV4:       "",
777			ipV6:       "1111:11111:00:00:1111:1111:000:111",
778			expectedAddress: []v1.NodeAddress{
779				{
780					Type:    v1.NodeHostName,
781					Address: "vm1",
782				},
783				{
784					Type:    v1.NodeInternalIP,
785					Address: "",
786				},
787				{
788					Type:    v1.NodeInternalIP,
789					Address: "1111:11111:00:00:1111:1111:000:111",
790				},
791			},
792		},
793		{
794			name:           "NodeAddressesByProviderID should report error when IPs are empty",
795			nodeName:       "vm1",
796			providerID:     "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm1",
797			expectedErrMsg: fmt.Errorf("get empty IP addresses from instance metadata service"),
798		},
799		{
800			name:       "NodeAddressesByProviderID should return nil if node is unmanaged",
801			providerID: "/subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm1",
802		},
803		{
804			name:           "NodeAddressesByProviderID should report error if providerID is invalid",
805			providerID:     "azure:///subscriptions/subscription/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachine/vm3",
806			expectedErrMsg: fmt.Errorf("error splitting providerID"),
807		},
808		{
809			name:           "NodeAddressesByProviderID should report error if providerID is null",
810			expectedErrMsg: fmt.Errorf("providerID is empty, the node is not initialized yet"),
811		},
812	}
814	for _, test := range testcases {
815		listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
816		if err != nil {
817			t.Errorf("Test [%s] unexpected error: %v", test.name, err)
818		}
820		mux := http.NewServeMux()
821		mux.Handle("/", http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
822			fmt.Fprintf(w, metadataTemplate, test.nodeName, test.ipV4, test.ipV4Public, test.ipV6, test.ipV6Public)
823		}))
824		go func() {
825			http.Serve(listener, mux)
826		}()
827		defer listener.Close()
829		cloud.metadata, err = NewInstanceMetadataService("http://" + listener.Addr().String() + "/")
830		if err != nil {
831			t.Errorf("Test [%s] unexpected error: %v", test.name, err)
832		}
834		ipAddresses, err := cloud.NodeAddressesByProviderID(context.Background(), test.providerID)
835		assert.Equal(t, test.expectedErrMsg, err, test.name)
836		assert.Equal(t, test.expectedAddress, ipAddresses, test.name)
837	}
840func TestCurrentNodeName(t *testing.T) {
841	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
842	defer ctrl.Finish()
843	cloud := GetTestCloud(ctrl)
845	hostname := "testvm"
846	nodeName, err := cloud.CurrentNodeName(context.Background(), hostname)
847	assert.Equal(t, types.NodeName(hostname), nodeName)
848	assert.NoError(t, err)