1 /***************************************************************************
2  *   Copyright (C) 2010 by Dario Freddi <drf@kde.org>                      *
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
10  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
12  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
15  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
16  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
17  *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA .        *
18  ***************************************************************************/
24 #include <QObject>
25 #include <QHash>
27 #include "powerdevilbrightnesslogic.h"
29 class KJob;
31 namespace PowerDevil {
33 class Q_DECL_EXPORT BackendInterface : public QObject
34 {
35     Q_OBJECT
36     Q_DISABLE_COPY(BackendInterface)
38 public:
39     explicit BackendInterface(QObject* parent = nullptr);
40     ~BackendInterface() override;
42     /**
43      * This enum type defines the different states of the system battery.
44      *
45      * - NoBatteryState: No battery available
46      * - Normal: The battery is at its normal charge level
47      * - Warning: The battery is at its warning charge level
48      * - Low: The battery is at its low charge level
49      * - Critical: The battery is at its critical charge level
50      */
51     enum BatteryState{ NoBatteryState, Normal, Warning, Low, Critical };
52     Q_ENUM(BatteryState)
54     /**
55      * This enum type defines the different states of the AC adapter.
56      *
57      * - UnknownAcAdapterState: The AC adapter has an unknown state
58      * - Plugged: The AC adapter is plugged
59      * - Unplugged: The AC adapter is unplugged
60      */
61     enum AcAdapterState{ UnknownAcAdapterState, Plugged, Unplugged };
62     Q_ENUM(AcAdapterState)
64     /**
65      * This enum type defines the types of system button events.
66      *
67      * - UnknownButtonType: An unknown button
68      * - PowerDown: A power down pressed event, generally used to turn on or off the system. KWin emits on long power button presses.
69      * - PowerButton: A power button pressed event, generally used to turn on or off the system
70      * - SleepButton: A sleep button pressed event, generally used to make the system asleep
71      * - LidOpen: A laptop lid open event
72      * - LidClose: A laptop lid close event
73      */
74     enum ButtonType{ UnknownButtonType, PowerButton, PowerDownButton, SleepButton, LidOpen, LidClose, HibernateButton };
75     Q_ENUM(ButtonType)
77     /**
78      * This enum type defines the different suspend methods.
79      *
80      * - UnknownSuspendMethod: The name says it all
81      * - Standby: Processes are stopped, some hardware is deactivated (ACPI S1)
82      * - ToRam: Most devices are deactivated, only RAM is powered (ACPI S3)
83      * - ToDisk: State of the machine is saved to disk, and it's powered down (ACPI S4)
84      * - SuspendThenHibernate: Same as ToRam, but after a delay it switches to ToDisk
85      */
86     enum SuspendMethod{ UnknownSuspendMethod = 0, Standby = 1, ToRam = 2, ToDisk = 4, HybridSuspend = 8, SuspendThenHibernate = 16 };
87     Q_ENUM(SuspendMethod)
89     /**
90      * This type stores an OR combination of SuspendMethod values.
91      */
92     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(SuspendMethods, SuspendMethod)
94     /**
95      * This enum defines the different types of brightness controls.
96      *
97      * - UnknownBrightnessControl: Unknown
98      * - Screen: Brightness control for a monitor or laptop panel
99      * - Keyboard: Brightness control for a keyboard backlight
100      */
101     enum BrightnessControlType{ UnknownBrightnessControl = 0, Screen = 1, Keyboard = 2 };
102     Q_ENUM(BrightnessControlType)
104     typedef QHash<QString, BrightnessControlType> BrightnessControlsList;
106     /**
107      * This enum defines capabilities of the backend
108      *
109      * - SignalResumeFromSuspend: The backend is able to stream the @c resumeFromSuspend signal accurately
110      */
111     enum Capability { NoCapabilities = 0, SignalResumeFromSuspend = 1 };
112     Q_ENUM(Capability)
114     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Capabilities, Capability)
116     /**
117      * Initializes the backend. This function @b MUST be called before the backend is usable. Using
118      * any method in BackendInterface without initializing it might lead to undefined behavior. The signal
119      * @c backendReady or @c backendError will be streamed upon completion.
120      *
121      * @note Backend implementations @b MUST reimplement this function
122      */
123     virtual void init() = 0;
125     /**
126      * @returns the capabilities of the backend
127      * @see PowerDevil::BackendInterface::Capability
128      */
129     Capabilities capabilities() const;
131     /**
132      * Retrieves the current state of the system battery.
133      *
134      * @return the current battery state
135      * @see PowerDevil::BackendInterface::BatteryState
136      */
137     BatteryState batteryState() const;
139     /**
140      * Retrieves the current estimated remaining time of the system batteries
141      *
142      * @return the current global estimated remaining time in milliseconds
143      */
144     qulonglong batteryRemainingTime() const;
146     /**
147      * Retrieves the current state of the system AC adapter.
148      *
149      * @return the current AC adapter state
150      * @see PowerDevil::BackendInterface::AcAdapterState
151      */
152     AcAdapterState acAdapterState() const;
154     /**
155      * Retrieves the set of suspend methods supported by the system.
156      *
157      * @return the suspend methods supported by this system
158      * @see PowerDevil::BackendInterface::SuspendMethod
159      * @see PowerDevil::BackendInterface::SuspendMethods
160      */
161     SuspendMethods supportedSuspendMethods() const;
163     /**
164      * Requests a suspend of the system.
165      *
166      * @param method the suspend method to use
167      * @return the job handling the operation
168      */
169     virtual KJob *suspend(SuspendMethod method) = 0;
171     /**
172      * Checks if brightness controls are enabled on this system.
173      *
174      * @return a list of the devices available to control
175      */
176     BrightnessControlsList brightnessControlsAvailable() const;
178     /**
179      * Gets the device brightness value.
180      *
181      * @param device the name of the device that you would like to control
182      * @return the brightness of the device, as an integer from 0 to brightnessValueMax
183      */
184     virtual int brightness(BrightnessControlType type = Screen) const;
186     /**
187      * Gets the maximum device brightness value.
188      *
189      * @param device the name of the device that you would like to control
190      * @return the maximum brightness of the device
191      */
192     virtual int brightnessMax(BrightnessControlType type = Screen) const;
194     /**
195      * Gets the maximum device brightness step.
196      *
197      * @param device the name of the device that you would like to control
198      * @return the maximum brightness of the device
199      */
200     virtual int brightnessSteps(BrightnessControlType type = Screen) const;
202     /**
203      * @returns whether the lid is closed or not.
204      */
205     bool isLidClosed() const;
206     /**
207      * @returns whether the a lid is present
208      */
209     bool isLidPresent() const;
211     void setLidPresent(bool present);
213     /**
214      * Sets the device brightness value.
215      *
216      * @param brightnessValue the desired device brightness, as an integer from 0 to brightnessValueMax
217      * @param device the name of the device that you would like to control
218      * @return true if the brightness change succeeded, false otherwise
219      */
220     virtual void setBrightness(int value, BrightnessControlType type = Screen) = 0;
222     /**
223      * Should be called when the user presses a brightness key.
224      *
225      * @param type the type of the brightness key press
226      * @return the new brightness value, or -1 if it could not be changed or determined
227      * @see PowerDevil::BrightnessLogic::BrightnessKeyType
228      */
229     virtual int brightnessKeyPressed(BrightnessLogic::BrightnessKeyType type, BrightnessControlType controlType = Screen) = 0;
231     /**
232      * Retrieves the capacities of the installed batteries in percentage.
233      *
234      * @returns A dictionary with the battery's capacity percentage mapped to the battery uuid.
235      */
236     QHash<QString, uint> capacities() const;
239     /**
240      * This signal is emitted when the AC adapter is plugged or unplugged.
241      *
242      * @param newState the new state of the AC adapter, it's one of the
243      * type @see PowerDevil::BackendInterface::AcAdapterState
244      */
245     void acAdapterStateChanged(PowerDevil::BackendInterface::AcAdapterState newState);
247     /**
248      * This signal is emitted when the system battery state changed.
249      *
250      * @param newState the new state of the system battery, it's one of the
251      * type @see PowerDevil::BackendInterface::BatteryState
252      */
253     void batteryStateChanged(PowerDevil::BackendInterface::BatteryState newState);
255     /**
256      * This signal is emitted when a button has been pressed.
257      *
258      * @param buttonType the pressed button type, it's one of the
259      * type @see PowerDevil::BackendInterface::ButtonType
260      */
261     void buttonPressed(PowerDevil::BackendInterface::ButtonType buttonType);
263     /**
264      * This signal is emitted when the brightness changes.
265      *
266      * @param brightnessInfo a copy of the current brightness information
267      * @param type the device type
268      */
269     void brightnessChanged(const BrightnessLogic::BrightnessInfo &brightnessInfo, BrightnessControlType type);
271     /**
272      * This signal is emitted when the estimated battery remaining time changes.
273      *
274      * @param time the new remaining time
275      */
276     void batteryRemainingTimeChanged(qulonglong time);
278     /**
279      * This signal is emitted when the backend is ready to be used
280      *
281      * @see init
282      */
283     void backendReady();
285     /**
286      * This signal is emitted if the backend could not be initialized
287      *
288      * @param error Details about the error occurred
289      * @see init
290      */
291     void backendError(const QString &error);
293     /**
294      * This signal is emitted when the PC is resuming from suspension
295      */
296     void resumeFromSuspend();
298     /**
299      * This signal is emitted when the PC is about to suspend
300      */
301     void aboutToSuspend();
303     /**
304      * This signal is emitted when the laptop lid is closed or opened
305      *
306      * @param closed Whether the lid is now closed or not
307      */
308     void lidClosedChanged(bool closed);
310 protected:
311     void setCapabilities(Capabilities capabilities);
313     void onBrightnessChanged(BrightnessControlType device, int value, int valueMax);
314     void setBatteryRemainingTime(qulonglong time);
315     void setButtonPressed(PowerDevil::BackendInterface::ButtonType type);
316     void setBatteryState(PowerDevil::BackendInterface::BatteryState state);
317     void setAcAdapterState(PowerDevil::BackendInterface::AcAdapterState state);
319     void setCapacityForBattery(const QString &batteryId, uint percent);
321     void setBackendIsReady(BrightnessControlsList availableBrightnessControls, SuspendMethods supportedSuspendMethods);
322     void setBackendHasError(const QString &errorDetails);
324     // Steps logic
325     int calculateNextStep(int value, int valueMax, BrightnessControlType controlType, BrightnessLogic::BrightnessKeyType type);
327 private:
328     class Private;
329     Private * const d;
331     friend class Core;
332 };
334 }
336 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(PowerDevil::BackendInterface::Capabilities)
337 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(PowerDevil::BackendInterface::SuspendMethods)