1# Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project
2# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
4from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
5__metaclass__ = type
8    name: aws_ec2
9    plugin_type: inventory
10    short_description: EC2 inventory source
11    requirements:
12        - boto3
13        - botocore
14    extends_documentation_fragment:
15        - inventory_cache
16        - constructed
17    description:
18        - Get inventory hosts from Amazon Web Services EC2.
19        - Uses a YAML configuration file that ends with C(aws_ec2.(yml|yaml)).
20    notes:
21        - If no credentials are provided and the control node has an associated IAM instance profile then the
22          role will be used for authentication.
23    author:
24        - Sloane Hertel (@s-hertel)
25    options:
26        aws_profile:
27          description: The AWS profile
28          type: str
29          aliases: [ boto_profile ]
30          env:
31            - name: AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE
32            - name: AWS_PROFILE
33        aws_access_key:
34          description: The AWS access key to use.
35          type: str
36          aliases: [ aws_access_key_id ]
37          env:
38            - name: EC2_ACCESS_KEY
39            - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY
40            - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
41        aws_secret_key:
42          description: The AWS secret key that corresponds to the access key.
43          type: str
44          aliases: [ aws_secret_access_key ]
45          env:
46            - name: EC2_SECRET_KEY
47            - name: AWS_SECRET_KEY
48            - name: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
49        aws_security_token:
50          description: The AWS security token if using temporary access and secret keys.
51          type: str
52          env:
53            - name: EC2_SECURITY_TOKEN
54            - name: AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
55            - name: AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN
56        plugin:
57            description: Token that ensures this is a source file for the plugin.
58            required: True
59            choices: ['aws_ec2']
60        iam_role_arn:
61          description: The ARN of the IAM role to assume to perform the inventory lookup. You should still provide AWS
62              credentials with enough privilege to perform the AssumeRole action.
63          version_added: '2.9'
64        regions:
65          description:
66              - A list of regions in which to describe EC2 instances.
67              - If empty (the default) default this will include all regions, except possibly restricted ones like us-gov-west-1 and cn-north-1.
68          type: list
69          default: []
70        hostnames:
71          description:
72              - A list in order of precedence for hostname variables.
73              - You can use the options specified in U(http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/ec2/describe-instances.html#options).
74              - To use tags as hostnames use the syntax tag:Name=Value to use the hostname Name_Value, or tag:Name to use the value of the Name tag.
75          type: list
76          default: []
77        filters:
78          description:
79              - A dictionary of filter value pairs.
80              - Available filters are listed here U(http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/ec2/describe-instances.html#options).
81          type: dict
82          default: {}
83        include_extra_api_calls:
84          description:
85              - Add two additional API calls for every instance to include 'persistent' and 'events' host variables.
86              - Spot instances may be persistent and instances may have associated events.
87          type: bool
88          default: False
89          version_added: '2.8'
90        strict_permissions:
91          description:
92              - By default if a 403 (Forbidden) error code is encountered this plugin will fail.
93              - You can set this option to False in the inventory config file which will allow 403 errors to be gracefully skipped.
94          type: bool
95          default: True
96        use_contrib_script_compatible_sanitization:
97          description:
98            - By default this plugin is using a general group name sanitization to create safe and usable group names for use in Ansible.
99              This option allows you to override that, in efforts to allow migration from the old inventory script and
100              matches the sanitization of groups when the script's ``replace_dash_in_groups`` option is set to ``False``.
101              To replicate behavior of ``replace_dash_in_groups = True`` with constructed groups,
102              you will need to replace hyphens with underscores via the regex_replace filter for those entries.
103            - For this to work you should also turn off the TRANSFORM_INVALID_GROUP_CHARS setting,
104              otherwise the core engine will just use the standard sanitization on top.
105            - This is not the default as such names break certain functionality as not all characters are valid Python identifiers
106              which group names end up being used as.
107          type: bool
108          default: False
109          version_added: '2.8'
112EXAMPLES = '''
113# Minimal example using environment vars or instance role credentials
114# Fetch all hosts in us-east-1, the hostname is the public DNS if it exists, otherwise the private IP address
115plugin: aws_ec2
117  - us-east-1
119# Example using filters, ignoring permission errors, and specifying the hostname precedence
120plugin: aws_ec2
121boto_profile: aws_profile
122# Populate inventory with instances in these regions
124  - us-east-1
125  - us-east-2
127  # All instances with their `Environment` tag set to `dev`
128  tag:Environment: dev
129  # All dev and QA hosts
130  tag:Environment:
131    - dev
132    - qa
133  instance.group-id: sg-xxxxxxxx
134# Ignores 403 errors rather than failing
135strict_permissions: False
136# Note: I(hostnames) sets the inventory_hostname. To modify ansible_host without modifying
137# inventory_hostname use compose (see example below).
139  - tag:Name=Tag1,Name=Tag2  # Return specific hosts only
140  - tag:CustomDNSName
141  - dns-name
142  - private-ip-address
144# Example using constructed features to create groups and set ansible_host
145plugin: aws_ec2
147  - us-east-1
148  - us-west-1
149# keyed_groups may be used to create custom groups
150strict: False
152  # Add e.g. x86_64 hosts to an arch_x86_64 group
153  - prefix: arch
154    key: 'architecture'
155  # Add hosts to tag_Name_Value groups for each Name/Value tag pair
156  - prefix: tag
157    key: tags
158  # Add hosts to e.g. instance_type_z3_tiny
159  - prefix: instance_type
160    key: instance_type
161  # Create security_groups_sg_abcd1234 group for each SG
162  - key: 'security_groups|json_query("[].group_id")'
163    prefix: 'security_groups'
164  # Create a group for each value of the Application tag
165  - key: tags.Application
166    separator: ''
167  # Create a group per region e.g. aws_region_us_east_2
168  - key: placement.region
169    prefix: aws_region
170  # Create a group (or groups) based on the value of a custom tag "Role" and add them to a metagroup called "project"
171  - key: tags['Role']
172    prefix: foo
173    parent_group: "project"
174# Set individual variables with compose
176  # Use the private IP address to connect to the host
177  # (note: this does not modify inventory_hostname, which is set via I(hostnames))
178  ansible_host: private_ip_address
181import re
183from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
184from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text
185from ansible.module_utils.common.dict_transformations import camel_dict_to_snake_dict
186from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin, Constructable, Cacheable
187from ansible.utils.display import Display
188from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
191    import boto3
192    import botocore
193except ImportError:
194    raise AnsibleError('The ec2 dynamic inventory plugin requires boto3 and botocore.')
196display = Display()
198# The mappings give an array of keys to get from the filter name to the value
199# returned by boto3's EC2 describe_instances method.
201instance_meta_filter_to_boto_attr = {
202    'group-id': ('Groups', 'GroupId'),
203    'group-name': ('Groups', 'GroupName'),
204    'network-interface.attachment.instance-owner-id': ('OwnerId',),
205    'owner-id': ('OwnerId',),
206    'requester-id': ('RequesterId',),
207    'reservation-id': ('ReservationId',),
210instance_data_filter_to_boto_attr = {
211    'affinity': ('Placement', 'Affinity'),
212    'architecture': ('Architecture',),
213    'availability-zone': ('Placement', 'AvailabilityZone'),
214    'block-device-mapping.attach-time': ('BlockDeviceMappings', 'Ebs', 'AttachTime'),
215    'block-device-mapping.delete-on-termination': ('BlockDeviceMappings', 'Ebs', 'DeleteOnTermination'),
216    'block-device-mapping.device-name': ('BlockDeviceMappings', 'DeviceName'),
217    'block-device-mapping.status': ('BlockDeviceMappings', 'Ebs', 'Status'),
218    'block-device-mapping.volume-id': ('BlockDeviceMappings', 'Ebs', 'VolumeId'),
219    'client-token': ('ClientToken',),
220    'dns-name': ('PublicDnsName',),
221    'host-id': ('Placement', 'HostId'),
222    'hypervisor': ('Hypervisor',),
223    'iam-instance-profile.arn': ('IamInstanceProfile', 'Arn'),
224    'image-id': ('ImageId',),
225    'instance-id': ('InstanceId',),
226    'instance-lifecycle': ('InstanceLifecycle',),
227    'instance-state-code': ('State', 'Code'),
228    'instance-state-name': ('State', 'Name'),
229    'instance-type': ('InstanceType',),
230    'instance.group-id': ('SecurityGroups', 'GroupId'),
231    'instance.group-name': ('SecurityGroups', 'GroupName'),
232    'ip-address': ('PublicIpAddress',),
233    'kernel-id': ('KernelId',),
234    'key-name': ('KeyName',),
235    'launch-index': ('AmiLaunchIndex',),
236    'launch-time': ('LaunchTime',),
237    'monitoring-state': ('Monitoring', 'State'),
238    'network-interface.addresses.private-ip-address': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'PrivateIpAddress'),
239    'network-interface.addresses.primary': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'PrivateIpAddresses', 'Primary'),
240    'network-interface.addresses.association.public-ip': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'PrivateIpAddresses', 'Association', 'PublicIp'),
241    'network-interface.addresses.association.ip-owner-id': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'PrivateIpAddresses', 'Association', 'IpOwnerId'),
242    'network-interface.association.public-ip': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'Association', 'PublicIp'),
243    'network-interface.association.ip-owner-id': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'Association', 'IpOwnerId'),
244    'network-interface.association.allocation-id': ('ElasticGpuAssociations', 'ElasticGpuId'),
245    'network-interface.association.association-id': ('ElasticGpuAssociations', 'ElasticGpuAssociationId'),
246    'network-interface.attachment.attachment-id': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'Attachment', 'AttachmentId'),
247    'network-interface.attachment.instance-id': ('InstanceId',),
248    'network-interface.attachment.device-index': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'Attachment', 'DeviceIndex'),
249    'network-interface.attachment.status': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'Attachment', 'Status'),
250    'network-interface.attachment.attach-time': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'Attachment', 'AttachTime'),
251    'network-interface.attachment.delete-on-termination': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'Attachment', 'DeleteOnTermination'),
252    'network-interface.availability-zone': ('Placement', 'AvailabilityZone'),
253    'network-interface.description': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'Description'),
254    'network-interface.group-id': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'Groups', 'GroupId'),
255    'network-interface.group-name': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'Groups', 'GroupName'),
256    'network-interface.ipv6-addresses.ipv6-address': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'Ipv6Addresses', 'Ipv6Address'),
257    'network-interface.mac-address': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'MacAddress'),
258    'network-interface.network-interface-id': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'NetworkInterfaceId'),
259    'network-interface.owner-id': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'OwnerId'),
260    'network-interface.private-dns-name': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'PrivateDnsName'),
261    # 'network-interface.requester-id': (),
262    'network-interface.requester-managed': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'Association', 'IpOwnerId'),
263    'network-interface.status': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'Status'),
264    'network-interface.source-dest-check': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'SourceDestCheck'),
265    'network-interface.subnet-id': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'SubnetId'),
266    'network-interface.vpc-id': ('NetworkInterfaces', 'VpcId'),
267    'placement-group-name': ('Placement', 'GroupName'),
268    'platform': ('Platform',),
269    'private-dns-name': ('PrivateDnsName',),
270    'private-ip-address': ('PrivateIpAddress',),
271    'product-code': ('ProductCodes', 'ProductCodeId'),
272    'product-code.type': ('ProductCodes', 'ProductCodeType'),
273    'ramdisk-id': ('RamdiskId',),
274    'reason': ('StateTransitionReason',),
275    'root-device-name': ('RootDeviceName',),
276    'root-device-type': ('RootDeviceType',),
277    'source-dest-check': ('SourceDestCheck',),
278    'spot-instance-request-id': ('SpotInstanceRequestId',),
279    'state-reason-code': ('StateReason', 'Code'),
280    'state-reason-message': ('StateReason', 'Message'),
281    'subnet-id': ('SubnetId',),
282    'tag': ('Tags',),
283    'tag-key': ('Tags',),
284    'tag-value': ('Tags',),
285    'tenancy': ('Placement', 'Tenancy'),
286    'virtualization-type': ('VirtualizationType',),
287    'vpc-id': ('VpcId',),
291class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin, Constructable, Cacheable):
293    NAME = 'aws_ec2'
295    def __init__(self):
296        super(InventoryModule, self).__init__()
298        self.group_prefix = 'aws_ec2_'
300        # credentials
301        self.boto_profile = None
302        self.aws_secret_access_key = None
303        self.aws_access_key_id = None
304        self.aws_security_token = None
305        self.iam_role_arn = None
307    def _compile_values(self, obj, attr):
308        '''
309            :param obj: A list or dict of instance attributes
310            :param attr: A key
311            :return The value(s) found via the attr
312        '''
313        if obj is None:
314            return
316        temp_obj = []
318        if isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple):
319            for each in obj:
320                value = self._compile_values(each, attr)
321                if value:
322                    temp_obj.append(value)
323        else:
324            temp_obj = obj.get(attr)
326        has_indexes = any([isinstance(temp_obj, list), isinstance(temp_obj, tuple)])
327        if has_indexes and len(temp_obj) == 1:
328            return temp_obj[0]
330        return temp_obj
332    def _get_boto_attr_chain(self, filter_name, instance):
333        '''
334            :param filter_name: The filter
335            :param instance: instance dict returned by boto3 ec2 describe_instances()
336        '''
337        allowed_filters = sorted(list(instance_data_filter_to_boto_attr.keys()) + list(instance_meta_filter_to_boto_attr.keys()))
338        if filter_name not in allowed_filters:
339            raise AnsibleError("Invalid filter '%s' provided; filter must be one of %s." % (filter_name,
340                                                                                            allowed_filters))
341        if filter_name in instance_data_filter_to_boto_attr:
342            boto_attr_list = instance_data_filter_to_boto_attr[filter_name]
343        else:
344            boto_attr_list = instance_meta_filter_to_boto_attr[filter_name]
346        instance_value = instance
347        for attribute in boto_attr_list:
348            instance_value = self._compile_values(instance_value, attribute)
349        return instance_value
351    def _get_credentials(self):
352        '''
353            :return A dictionary of boto client credentials
354        '''
355        boto_params = {}
356        for credential in (('aws_access_key_id', self.aws_access_key_id),
357                           ('aws_secret_access_key', self.aws_secret_access_key),
358                           ('aws_session_token', self.aws_security_token)):
359            if credential[1]:
360                boto_params[credential[0]] = credential[1]
362        return boto_params
364    def _get_connection(self, credentials, region='us-east-1'):
365        try:
366            connection = boto3.session.Session(profile_name=self.boto_profile).client('ec2', region, **credentials)
367        except (botocore.exceptions.ProfileNotFound, botocore.exceptions.PartialCredentialsError) as e:
368            if self.boto_profile:
369                try:
370                    connection = boto3.session.Session(profile_name=self.boto_profile).client('ec2', region)
371                except (botocore.exceptions.ProfileNotFound, botocore.exceptions.PartialCredentialsError) as e:
372                    raise AnsibleError("Insufficient credentials found: %s" % to_native(e))
373            else:
374                raise AnsibleError("Insufficient credentials found: %s" % to_native(e))
375        return connection
377    def _boto3_assume_role(self, credentials, region):
378        """
379        Assume an IAM role passed by iam_role_arn parameter
381        :return: a dict containing the credentials of the assumed role
382        """
384        iam_role_arn = self.iam_role_arn
386        try:
387            sts_connection = boto3.session.Session(profile_name=self.boto_profile).client('sts', region, **credentials)
388            sts_session = sts_connection.assume_role(RoleArn=iam_role_arn, RoleSessionName='ansible_aws_ec2_dynamic_inventory')
389            return dict(
390                aws_access_key_id=sts_session['Credentials']['AccessKeyId'],
391                aws_secret_access_key=sts_session['Credentials']['SecretAccessKey'],
392                aws_session_token=sts_session['Credentials']['SessionToken']
393            )
394        except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
395            raise AnsibleError("Unable to assume IAM role: %s" % to_native(e))
397    def _boto3_conn(self, regions):
398        '''
399            :param regions: A list of regions to create a boto3 client
401            Generator that yields a boto3 client and the region
402        '''
404        credentials = self._get_credentials()
405        iam_role_arn = self.iam_role_arn
407        if not regions:
408            try:
409                # as per https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/guide/ec2-example-regions-avail-zones.html
410                client = self._get_connection(credentials)
411                resp = client.describe_regions()
412                regions = [x['RegionName'] for x in resp.get('Regions', [])]
413            except botocore.exceptions.NoRegionError:
414                # above seems to fail depending on boto3 version, ignore and lets try something else
415                pass
417        # fallback to local list hardcoded in boto3 if still no regions
418        if not regions:
419            session = boto3.Session()
420            regions = session.get_available_regions('ec2')
422        # I give up, now you MUST give me regions
423        if not regions:
424            raise AnsibleError('Unable to get regions list from available methods, you must specify the "regions" option to continue.')
426        for region in regions:
427            connection = self._get_connection(credentials, region)
428            try:
429                if iam_role_arn is not None:
430                    assumed_credentials = self._boto3_assume_role(credentials, region)
431                else:
432                    assumed_credentials = credentials
433                connection = boto3.session.Session(profile_name=self.boto_profile).client('ec2', region, **assumed_credentials)
434            except (botocore.exceptions.ProfileNotFound, botocore.exceptions.PartialCredentialsError) as e:
435                if self.boto_profile:
436                    try:
437                        connection = boto3.session.Session(profile_name=self.boto_profile).client('ec2', region)
438                    except (botocore.exceptions.ProfileNotFound, botocore.exceptions.PartialCredentialsError) as e:
439                        raise AnsibleError("Insufficient credentials found: %s" % to_native(e))
440                else:
441                    raise AnsibleError("Insufficient credentials found: %s" % to_native(e))
442            yield connection, region
444    def _get_instances_by_region(self, regions, filters, strict_permissions):
445        '''
446           :param regions: a list of regions in which to describe instances
447           :param filters: a list of boto3 filter dictionaries
448           :param strict_permissions: a boolean determining whether to fail or ignore 403 error codes
449           :return A list of instance dictionaries
450        '''
451        all_instances = []
453        for connection, region in self._boto3_conn(regions):
454            try:
455                # By default find non-terminated/terminating instances
456                if not any([f['Name'] == 'instance-state-name' for f in filters]):
457                    filters.append({'Name': 'instance-state-name', 'Values': ['running', 'pending', 'stopping', 'stopped']})
458                paginator = connection.get_paginator('describe_instances')
459                reservations = paginator.paginate(Filters=filters).build_full_result().get('Reservations')
460                instances = []
461                for r in reservations:
462                    new_instances = r['Instances']
463                    for instance in new_instances:
464                        instance.update(self._get_reservation_details(r))
465                        if self.get_option('include_extra_api_calls'):
466                            instance.update(self._get_event_set_and_persistence(connection, instance['InstanceId'], instance.get('SpotInstanceRequestId')))
467                    instances.extend(new_instances)
468            except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
469                if e.response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 403 and not strict_permissions:
470                    instances = []
471                else:
472                    raise AnsibleError("Failed to describe instances: %s" % to_native(e))
473            except botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError as e:
474                raise AnsibleError("Failed to describe instances: %s" % to_native(e))
476            all_instances.extend(instances)
478        return sorted(all_instances, key=lambda x: x['InstanceId'])
480    def _get_reservation_details(self, reservation):
481        return {
482            'OwnerId': reservation['OwnerId'],
483            'RequesterId': reservation.get('RequesterId', ''),
484            'ReservationId': reservation['ReservationId']
485        }
487    def _get_event_set_and_persistence(self, connection, instance_id, spot_instance):
488        host_vars = {'Events': '', 'Persistent': False}
489        try:
490            kwargs = {'InstanceIds': [instance_id]}
491            host_vars['Events'] = connection.describe_instance_status(**kwargs)['InstanceStatuses'][0].get('Events', '')
492        except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e:
493            if not self.get_option('strict_permissions'):
494                pass
495            else:
496                raise AnsibleError("Failed to describe instance status: %s" % to_native(e))
497        if spot_instance:
498            try:
499                kwargs = {'SpotInstanceRequestIds': [spot_instance]}
500                host_vars['Persistent'] = bool(
501                    connection.describe_spot_instance_requests(**kwargs)['SpotInstanceRequests'][0].get('Type') == 'persistent'
502                )
503            except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e:
504                if not self.get_option('strict_permissions'):
505                    pass
506                else:
507                    raise AnsibleError("Failed to describe spot instance requests: %s" % to_native(e))
508        return host_vars
510    def _get_tag_hostname(self, preference, instance):
511        tag_hostnames = preference.split('tag:', 1)[1]
512        if ',' in tag_hostnames:
513            tag_hostnames = tag_hostnames.split(',')
514        else:
515            tag_hostnames = [tag_hostnames]
516        tags = boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(instance.get('Tags', []))
517        for v in tag_hostnames:
518            if '=' in v:
519                tag_name, tag_value = v.split('=')
520                if tags.get(tag_name) == tag_value:
521                    return to_text(tag_name) + "_" + to_text(tag_value)
522            else:
523                tag_value = tags.get(v)
524                if tag_value:
525                    return to_text(tag_value)
526        return None
528    def _get_hostname(self, instance, hostnames):
529        '''
530            :param instance: an instance dict returned by boto3 ec2 describe_instances()
531            :param hostnames: a list of hostname destination variables in order of preference
532            :return the preferred identifer for the host
533        '''
534        if not hostnames:
535            hostnames = ['dns-name', 'private-dns-name']
537        hostname = None
538        for preference in hostnames:
539            if 'tag' in preference:
540                if not preference.startswith('tag:'):
541                    raise AnsibleError("To name a host by tags name_value, use 'tag:name=value'.")
542                hostname = self._get_tag_hostname(preference, instance)
543            else:
544                hostname = self._get_boto_attr_chain(preference, instance)
545            if hostname:
546                break
547        if hostname:
548            if ':' in to_text(hostname):
549                return self._sanitize_group_name((to_text(hostname)))
550            else:
551                return to_text(hostname)
553    def _query(self, regions, filters, strict_permissions):
554        '''
555            :param regions: a list of regions to query
556            :param filters: a list of boto3 filter dictionaries
557            :param hostnames: a list of hostname destination variables in order of preference
558            :param strict_permissions: a boolean determining whether to fail or ignore 403 error codes
559        '''
560        return {'aws_ec2': self._get_instances_by_region(regions, filters, strict_permissions)}
562    def _populate(self, groups, hostnames):
563        for group in groups:
564            group = self.inventory.add_group(group)
565            self._add_hosts(hosts=groups[group], group=group, hostnames=hostnames)
566            self.inventory.add_child('all', group)
568    def _add_hosts(self, hosts, group, hostnames):
569        '''
570            :param hosts: a list of hosts to be added to a group
571            :param group: the name of the group to which the hosts belong
572            :param hostnames: a list of hostname destination variables in order of preference
573        '''
574        for host in hosts:
575            hostname = self._get_hostname(host, hostnames)
577            host = camel_dict_to_snake_dict(host, ignore_list=['Tags'])
578            host['tags'] = boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(host.get('tags', []))
580            # Allow easier grouping by region
581            host['placement']['region'] = host['placement']['availability_zone'][:-1]
583            if not hostname:
584                continue
585            self.inventory.add_host(hostname, group=group)
586            for hostvar, hostval in host.items():
587                self.inventory.set_variable(hostname, hostvar, hostval)
589            # Use constructed if applicable
591            strict = self.get_option('strict')
593            # Composed variables
594            self._set_composite_vars(self.get_option('compose'), host, hostname, strict=strict)
596            # Complex groups based on jinja2 conditionals, hosts that meet the conditional are added to group
597            self._add_host_to_composed_groups(self.get_option('groups'), host, hostname, strict=strict)
599            # Create groups based on variable values and add the corresponding hosts to it
600            self._add_host_to_keyed_groups(self.get_option('keyed_groups'), host, hostname, strict=strict)
602    def _set_credentials(self):
603        '''
604            :param config_data: contents of the inventory config file
605        '''
607        self.boto_profile = self.get_option('aws_profile')
608        self.aws_access_key_id = self.get_option('aws_access_key')
609        self.aws_secret_access_key = self.get_option('aws_secret_key')
610        self.aws_security_token = self.get_option('aws_security_token')
611        self.iam_role_arn = self.get_option('iam_role_arn')
613        if not self.boto_profile and not (self.aws_access_key_id and self.aws_secret_access_key):
614            session = botocore.session.get_session()
615            try:
616                credentials = session.get_credentials().get_frozen_credentials()
617            except AttributeError:
618                pass
619            else:
620                self.aws_access_key_id = credentials.access_key
621                self.aws_secret_access_key = credentials.secret_key
622                self.aws_security_token = credentials.token
624        if not self.boto_profile and not (self.aws_access_key_id and self.aws_secret_access_key):
625            raise AnsibleError("Insufficient boto credentials found. Please provide them in your "
626                               "inventory configuration file or set them as environment variables.")
628    def verify_file(self, path):
629        '''
630            :param loader: an ansible.parsing.dataloader.DataLoader object
631            :param path: the path to the inventory config file
632            :return the contents of the config file
633        '''
634        if super(InventoryModule, self).verify_file(path):
635            if path.endswith(('aws_ec2.yml', 'aws_ec2.yaml')):
636                return True
637        display.debug("aws_ec2 inventory filename must end with 'aws_ec2.yml' or 'aws_ec2.yaml'")
638        return False
640    def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache=True):
642        super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, path)
644        self._read_config_data(path)
646        if self.get_option('use_contrib_script_compatible_sanitization'):
647            self._sanitize_group_name = self._legacy_script_compatible_group_sanitization
649        self._set_credentials()
651        # get user specifications
652        regions = self.get_option('regions')
653        filters = ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list(self.get_option('filters'))
654        hostnames = self.get_option('hostnames')
655        strict_permissions = self.get_option('strict_permissions')
657        cache_key = self.get_cache_key(path)
658        # false when refresh_cache or --flush-cache is used
659        if cache:
660            # get the user-specified directive
661            cache = self.get_option('cache')
663        # Generate inventory
664        cache_needs_update = False
665        if cache:
666            try:
667                results = self._cache[cache_key]
668            except KeyError:
669                # if cache expires or cache file doesn't exist
670                cache_needs_update = True
672        if not cache or cache_needs_update:
673            results = self._query(regions, filters, strict_permissions)
675        self._populate(results, hostnames)
677        # If the cache has expired/doesn't exist or if refresh_inventory/flush cache is used
678        # when the user is using caching, update the cached inventory
679        if cache_needs_update or (not cache and self.get_option('cache')):
680            self._cache[cache_key] = results
682    @staticmethod
683    def _legacy_script_compatible_group_sanitization(name):
685        # note that while this mirrors what the script used to do, it has many issues with unicode and usability in python
686        regex = re.compile(r"[^A-Za-z0-9\_\-]")
688        return regex.sub('_', name)
691def ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list(filters_dict):
693    """ Convert an Ansible dict of filters to list of dicts that boto3 can use
694    Args:
695        filters_dict (dict): Dict of AWS filters.
696    Basic Usage:
697        >>> filters = {'some-aws-id': 'i-01234567'}
698        >>> ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list(filters)
699        {
700            'some-aws-id': 'i-01234567'
701        }
702    Returns:
703        List: List of AWS filters and their values
704        [
705            {
706                'Name': 'some-aws-id',
707                'Values': [
708                    'i-01234567',
709                ]
710            }
711        ]
712    """
714    filters_list = []
715    for k, v in filters_dict.items():
716        filter_dict = {'Name': k}
717        if isinstance(v, string_types):
718            filter_dict['Values'] = [v]
719        else:
720            filter_dict['Values'] = v
722        filters_list.append(filter_dict)
724    return filters_list
727def boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(tags_list, tag_name_key_name=None, tag_value_key_name=None):
729    """ Convert a boto3 list of resource tags to a flat dict of key:value pairs
730    Args:
731        tags_list (list): List of dicts representing AWS tags.
732        tag_name_key_name (str): Value to use as the key for all tag keys (useful because boto3 doesn't always use "Key")
733        tag_value_key_name (str): Value to use as the key for all tag values (useful because boto3 doesn't always use "Value")
734    Basic Usage:
735        >>> tags_list = [{'Key': 'MyTagKey', 'Value': 'MyTagValue'}]
736        >>> boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(tags_list)
737        [
738            {
739                'Key': 'MyTagKey',
740                'Value': 'MyTagValue'
741            }
742        ]
743    Returns:
744        Dict: Dict of key:value pairs representing AWS tags
745         {
746            'MyTagKey': 'MyTagValue',
747        }
748    """
750    if tag_name_key_name and tag_value_key_name:
751        tag_candidates = {tag_name_key_name: tag_value_key_name}
752    else:
753        tag_candidates = {'key': 'value', 'Key': 'Value'}
755    if not tags_list:
756        return {}
757    for k, v in tag_candidates.items():
758        if k in tags_list[0] and v in tags_list[0]:
759            return dict((tag[k], tag[v]) for tag in tags_list)
760    raise ValueError("Couldn't find tag key (candidates %s) in tag list %s" % (str(tag_candidates), str(tags_list)))