2    "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
3    "contentVersion": "",
4    "parameters": {
5        "registryName": {
6            "type": "string",
7            "metadata": {
8                "description": "The name of the container registry."
9            }
10        },
11        "registryLocation": {
12            "type": "string",
13            "metadata": {
14                "description": "The location of the container registry. This cannot be changed after the resource is created."
15            }
16        },
17        "registrySku": {
18            "type": "string",
19            "defaultValue": "Standard",
20            "metadata": {
21                "description": "The SKU of the container registry."
22            }
23        },
24        "registryApiVersion": {
25            "type": "string",
26            "defaultValue": "2017-10-01",
27            "metadata": {
28                "description": "The API version of the container registry."
29            }
30        },
31        "adminUserEnabled": {
32            "type": "bool",
33            "defaultValue": false,
34            "metadata": {
35                "description": "The value that indicates whether the admin user is enabled."
36            }
37        }
38    },
39    "resources": [
40        {
41            "name": "[parameters('registryName')]",
42            "type": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries",
43            "location": "[parameters('registryLocation')]",
44            "apiVersion": "[parameters('registryApiVersion')]",
45            "sku": {
46                "name": "[parameters('registrySku')]"
47            },
48            "properties": {
49                "adminUserEnabled": "[parameters('adminUserEnabled')]"
50            }
51        }
52    ]