1# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
3# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
4# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6import copy
7import json
8import os
9import time
10import zipfile
11import requests
12import urllib3
15    # Try importing Python 3 urllib.parse
16    from urllib.parse import quote
17except ImportError:
18    # If urllib.parse was not imported, use Python 2 module urlparse
19    from urllib import quote  # pylint: disable=import-error
21from knack.util import CLIError
22from azure.cli.command_modules.botservice.http_response_validator import HttpResponseValidator
23from azure.cli.command_modules.botservice.web_app_operations import WebAppOperations
24from azure.cli.core.commands.client_factory import get_subscription_id
27class KuduClient:  # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
28    def __init__(self, cmd, resource_group_name, name, bot, logger):
29        self.__cmd = cmd
30        self.__resource_group_name = resource_group_name
31        self.__name = name
32        self.__bot = bot
33        self.__logger = logger
35        # Properties set after self.__initialize() is called.
36        self.__initialized = False
37        self.__password = None
38        self.__scm_url = None
39        self.__auth_headers = None
40        self.bot_site_name = WebAppOperations.get_bot_site_name(self.__bot.properties.endpoint)
42    def download_bot_zip(self, file_save_path, folder_path):
43        """Download bot's source code from Kudu.
45        This method looks for the zipped source code in the site/clirepo/ folder on Kudu. If the code is not there, the
46        contents of site/wwwroot are zipped and then downloaded.
48        :param file_save_path: string
49        :param folder_path: string
50        :return: None
51        """
52        if not self.__initialized:
53            self.__initialize()
55        headers = self.__get_application_octet_stream_headers()
56        # Download source code in zip format from Kudu
57        response = requests.get(self.__scm_url + '/api/zip/site/clirepo/', headers=headers)
58        # If the status_code is not 200, the source code was not successfully retrieved.
59        # Run the prepareSrc.cmd to zip up the code and prepare it for download.
60        if response.status_code != 200:
61            # try getting the bot from wwwroot instead
62            payload = {
63                'command': 'PostDeployScripts\\prepareSrc.cmd {0}'.format(self.__password),
64                'dir': r'site\wwwroot'
65            }
66            prepareSrc_response = requests.post(self.__scm_url + '/api/command',
67                                                data=json.dumps(payload),
68                                                headers=self.__get_application_json_headers())
69            HttpResponseValidator.check_response_status(prepareSrc_response)
71            # Overwrite previous "response" with bot-src.zip.
72            response = requests.get(self.__scm_url + '/api/vfs/site/bot-src.zip',
73                                    headers=headers)
74            HttpResponseValidator.check_response_status(response)
76        download_path = os.path.join(file_save_path, 'download.zip')
77        with open(os.path.join(file_save_path, 'download.zip'), 'wb') as f:
78            f.write(response.content)
79        zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(download_path)
80        zip_ref.extractall(folder_path)
81        zip_ref.close()
82        os.remove(download_path)
84    def get_bot_file(self, bot_file):
85        """Retrieve the .bot file from Kudu.
87        :param bot_file:
88        :return:
89        """
90        if not self.__initialized:
91            self.__initialize()
93        if bot_file.startswith('./') or bot_file.startswith('.\\'):
94            bot_file = bot_file[2:]
95        # Format backslashes to forward slashes and URL escape
96        bot_file = quote(bot_file.replace('\\', '/'))
97        request_url = self.__scm_url + '/api/vfs/site/wwwroot/' + bot_file
98        self.__logger.info('Attempting to retrieve .bot file content from %s' % request_url)
99        response = requests.get(request_url, headers=self.__get_application_octet_stream_headers())
100        HttpResponseValidator.check_response_status(response)
101        self.__logger.info('Bot file successfully retrieved from Kudu.')
102        return json.loads(response.text)
104    def install_node_dependencies(self):
105        """Installs Node.js dependencies at `site/wwwroot/` for Node.js bots.
107        This method is only called when the detected bot is a Node.js bot.
109        :return: Dictionary with results of the HTTP Kudu request
110        """
111        if not self.__initialized:
112            self.__initialize()
114        payload = {
115            'command': 'npm install',
116            'dir': r'site\wwwroot'
117        }
118        # npm install can take a very long time to complete. By default, Azure's load balancer will terminate
119        # connections after 230 seconds of no inbound or outbound packets. This timeout is not configurable.
120        try:
121            response = requests.post(self.__scm_url + '/api/command', data=json.dumps(payload),
122                                     headers=self.__get_application_json_headers())
123            HttpResponseValidator.check_response_status(response)
124        except CLIError as e:
125            if response.status_code == 500 and 'The request timed out.' in response.text:
126                self.__logger.warning('npm install is taking longer than expected and did not finish within the '
127                                      'Azure-specified timeout of 230 seconds.')
128                self.__logger.warning('The installation is likely still in progress. This is a known issue, please wait'
129                                      ' a short while before messaging your bot. You can also visit Kudu to manually '
130                                      'install the npm dependencies. (https://github.com/projectkudu/kudu/wiki)')
131                self.__logger.warning('Your Kudu website for this bot is: %s' % self.__scm_url)
132                self.__logger.warning('\nYou can also use `--keep-node-modules` in your `az bot publish` command to '
133                                      'not `npm install` the dependencies for the bot on Kudu.')
134                subscription_id = get_subscription_id(self.__cmd.cli_ctx)
135                self.__logger.warning('Alternatively, you can configure your Application Settings for the App Service '
136                                      'to build during zipdeploy by using the following command:\n  az webapp config '
137                                      'appsettings set -n %s -g %s --subscription %s --settings '
138                                      'SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT=true' %
139                                      (self.bot_site_name, self.__resource_group_name, subscription_id))
141            else:
142                raise e
144        return response.json()
146    def publish(self, zip_file_path, timeout, keep_node_modules, detected_language):
147        """Publishes zipped bot source code to Kudu.
149        Performs the following steps:
150        1. Empties the `site/clirepo/` folder on Kudu
151        2. Pushes the code to `site/clirepo/`
152        3. Deploys the code via the zipdeploy API. (https://github.com/projectkudu/kudu/wiki/REST-API#zip-deployment)
153        4. Gets the results of the latest Kudu deployment
155        :param zip_file_path:
156        :param timeout:
157        :param keep_node_modules:
158        :param detected_language:
159        :return: Dictionary with results of the latest deployment
160        """
161        if not self.__initialized:
162            self.__initialize()
163        self.__empty_source_folder()
165        headers = self.__get_application_octet_stream_headers()
166        with open(zip_file_path, 'rb') as fs:
167            zip_content = fs.read()
168            response = requests.put(self.__scm_url + '/api/zip/site/clirepo',
169                                    headers=headers,
170                                    data=zip_content)
171            HttpResponseValidator.check_response_status(response)
173        return self.__enable_zip_deploy(zip_file_path, timeout, keep_node_modules, detected_language)
175    def __check_zip_deployment_status(self, timeout=None):
176        deployment_status_url = self.__scm_url + '/api/deployments/latest'
177        total_trials = (int(timeout) // 2) if timeout else 450
178        num_trials = 0
179        while num_trials < total_trials:
180            time.sleep(2)
181            response = requests.get(deployment_status_url, headers=self.__auth_headers)
182            res_dict = response.json()
183            num_trials = num_trials + 1
184            if res_dict.get('status', 0) == 3:
185                raise CLIError('Zip deployment failed.')
186            if res_dict.get('status', 0) == 4:
187                break
188            if 'progress' in res_dict:
189                self.__logger.debug(res_dict['progress'])
190        # if the deployment is taking longer than expected
191        if res_dict.get('status', 0) != 4:
192            raise CLIError("""Deployment is taking longer than expected. Please verify
193                                status at '{}' beforing launching the app""".format(deployment_status_url))
194        return res_dict
196    def __empty_source_folder(self):
197        """Remove the `clirepo/` folder from Kudu.
199        This method is called from KuduClient.publish() in preparation for uploading the user's local source code.
200        After removing the folder from Kudu, the method performs another request to recreate the `clirepo/` folder.
201        :return:
202        """
203        # The `clirepo/` folder contains the zipped up source code
204        payload = {
205            'command': 'rm -rf clirepo && mkdir clirepo',
206            'dir': r'site'
207        }
208        headers = self.__get_application_json_headers()
209        response = requests.post(self.__scm_url + '/api/command', data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
210        HttpResponseValidator.check_response_status(response)
212    def __empty_wwwroot_folder_except_for_node_modules(self):
213        """Empty site/wwwroot/ folder but retain node_modules folder.
214        :return:
215        """
216        self.__logger.info('Removing all files and folders from "site/wwwroot/" except for node_modules.')
217        payload = {
218            'command': '(for /D %i in (.\\*) do if not %~nxi == node_modules rmdir /s/q %i) && (for %i in (.\\*) '
219                       'del %i)',
220            'dir': r'site\wwwroot'
221        }
222        headers = self.__get_application_json_headers()
223        response = requests.post(self.__scm_url + '/api/command', data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
224        HttpResponseValidator.check_response_status(response)
225        self.__logger.info('All files and folders successfully removed from "site/wwwroot/" except for node_modules.')
227    def __empty_wwwroot_folder(self):
228        """Empty the site/wwwroot/ folder from Kudu.
230        Empties the site/wwwroot/ folder by removing the entire directory, and then recreating it. Called when
231        publishing a bot to Kudu.
232        """
233        self.__logger.info('Emptying the "site/wwwroot/" folder on Kudu in preparation for publishing.')
234        payload = {
235            'command': 'rm -rf wwwroot && mkdir wwwroot',
236            'dir': r'site'
237        }
238        headers = self.__get_application_json_headers()
239        response = requests.post(self.__scm_url + '/api/command', data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
240        HttpResponseValidator.check_response_status(response)
241        self.__logger.info('"site/wwwroot/" successfully emptied.')
243    def __enable_zip_deploy(self, zip_file_path, timeout, keep_node_modules, detected_language):
244        """Pushes local bot's source code in zip format to Kudu for deployment.
246        This method deploys the zipped bot source code via Kudu's zipdeploy API. This API does not run any build
247        processes such as `npm install`, `dotnet restore`, `dotnet publish`, etc.
249        :param zip_file_path: string
250        :return: Dictionary with results of the latest deployment
251        """
253        zip_url = self.__scm_url + '/api/zipdeploy?isAsync=true'
254        headers = self.__get_application_octet_stream_headers()
255        if not keep_node_modules or detected_language == 'Csharp':
256            self.__empty_source_folder()
257        else:
258            self.__empty_wwwroot_folder_except_for_node_modules()
260        with open(os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(zip_file_path)), 'rb') as fs:
261            print(zip_file_path)
262            zip_content = fs.read()
263            self.__logger.info('Source code read, uploading to Kudu.')
264            r = requests.post(zip_url, data=zip_content, headers=headers)
265            if r.status_code != 202:
266                raise CLIError("Zip deployment {} failed with status code '{}' and reason '{}'".format(
267                    zip_url, r.status_code, r.text))
269        self.__logger.info('Retrieving current deployment info.')
270        # On successful deployment navigate to the app, display the latest deployment JSON response.
271        return self.__check_zip_deployment_status(timeout)
273    def __get_application_json_headers(self):
274        headers = copy.deepcopy(self.__auth_headers)
275        headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'
276        return headers
278    def __get_application_octet_stream_headers(self):
279        headers = copy.deepcopy(self.__auth_headers)
280        headers['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
281        return headers
283    def __initialize(self):
284        """Generates necessary data for performing calls to Kudu based off of data passed in on initialization.
286        :return: None
287        """
288        user_name, password = WebAppOperations.get_site_credential(self.__cmd.cli_ctx,
289                                                                   self.__resource_group_name,
290                                                                   self.bot_site_name,
291                                                                   None)
293        # Store the password for download_bot_zip:
294        self.__password = password
295        self.__scm_url = WebAppOperations.get_scm_url(self.__cmd,
296                                                      self.__resource_group_name,
297                                                      self.bot_site_name,
298                                                      None)
300        self.__auth_headers = urllib3.util.make_headers(basic_auth='{0}:{1}'.format(user_name, password))
301        self.__initialized = True