1"""Blocking and non-blocking HTTP client interfaces.
3This module defines a common interface shared by two implementations,
4``simple_httpclient`` and ``curl_httpclient``.  Applications may either
5instantiate their chosen implementation class directly or use the
6`AsyncHTTPClient` class from this module, which selects an implementation
7that can be overridden with the `AsyncHTTPClient.configure` method.
9The default implementation is ``simple_httpclient``, and this is expected
10to be suitable for most users' needs.  However, some applications may wish
11to switch to ``curl_httpclient`` for reasons such as the following:
13* ``curl_httpclient`` has some features not found in ``simple_httpclient``,
14  including support for HTTP proxies and the ability to use a specified
15  network interface.
17* ``curl_httpclient`` is more likely to be compatible with sites that are
18  not-quite-compliant with the HTTP spec, or sites that use little-exercised
19  features of HTTP.
21* ``curl_httpclient`` is faster.
23* ``curl_httpclient`` was the default prior to Tornado 2.0.
25Note that if you are using ``curl_httpclient``, it is highly
26recommended that you use a recent version of ``libcurl`` and
27``pycurl``.  Currently the minimum supported version of libcurl is
287.22.0, and the minimum version of pycurl is 7.18.2.  It is highly
29recommended that your ``libcurl`` installation is built with
30asynchronous DNS resolver (threaded or c-ares), otherwise you may
31encounter various problems with request timeouts (for more
32information, see
34and comments in curl_httpclient.py).
36To select ``curl_httpclient``, call `AsyncHTTPClient.configure` at startup::
38    AsyncHTTPClient.configure("tornado.curl_httpclient.CurlAsyncHTTPClient")
40# pylint: skip-file
42from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
44import functools
45import time
46import weakref
48from salt.ext.tornado.concurrent import TracebackFuture
49from salt.ext.tornado.escape import utf8, native_str
50from salt.ext.tornado import httputil, stack_context
51from salt.ext.tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
52from salt.ext.tornado.util import Configurable
55class HTTPClient(object):
56    """A blocking HTTP client.
58    This interface is provided for convenience and testing; most applications
59    that are running an IOLoop will want to use `AsyncHTTPClient` instead.
60    Typical usage looks like this::
62        http_client = httpclient.HTTPClient()
63        try:
64            response = http_client.fetch("http://www.google.com/")
65            print(response.body)
66        except httpclient.HTTPError as e:
67            # HTTPError is raised for non-200 responses; the response
68            # can be found in e.response.
69            print("Error: " + str(e))
70        except Exception as e:
71            # Other errors are possible, such as IOError.
72            print("Error: " + str(e))
73        http_client.close()
74    """
75    def __init__(self, async_client_class=None, **kwargs):
76        self._io_loop = IOLoop(make_current=False)
77        if async_client_class is None:
78            async_client_class = AsyncHTTPClient
79        self._async_client = async_client_class(self._io_loop, **kwargs)
80        self._closed = False
82    def __del__(self):
83        self.close()
85    def close(self):
86        """Closes the HTTPClient, freeing any resources used."""
87        if not self._closed:
88            self._async_client.close()
89            self._io_loop.close()
90            self._closed = True
92    def fetch(self, request, **kwargs):
93        """Executes a request, returning an `HTTPResponse`.
95        The request may be either a string URL or an `HTTPRequest` object.
96        If it is a string, we construct an `HTTPRequest` using any additional
97        kwargs: ``HTTPRequest(request, **kwargs)``
99        If an error occurs during the fetch, we raise an `HTTPError` unless
100        the ``raise_error`` keyword argument is set to False.
101        """
102        response = self._io_loop.run_sync(functools.partial(
103            self._async_client.fetch, request, **kwargs))
104        return response
107class AsyncHTTPClient(Configurable):
108    """An non-blocking HTTP client.
110    Example usage::
112        def handle_response(response):
113            if response.error:
114                print("Error: %s" % response.error)
115            else:
116                print(response.body)
118        http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
119        http_client.fetch("http://www.google.com/", handle_response)
121    The constructor for this class is magic in several respects: It
122    actually creates an instance of an implementation-specific
123    subclass, and instances are reused as a kind of pseudo-singleton
124    (one per `.IOLoop`).  The keyword argument ``force_instance=True``
125    can be used to suppress this singleton behavior.  Unless
126    ``force_instance=True`` is used, no arguments other than
127    ``io_loop`` should be passed to the `AsyncHTTPClient` constructor.
128    The implementation subclass as well as arguments to its
129    constructor can be set with the static method `configure()`
131    All `AsyncHTTPClient` implementations support a ``defaults``
132    keyword argument, which can be used to set default values for
133    `HTTPRequest` attributes.  For example::
135        AsyncHTTPClient.configure(
136            None, defaults=dict(user_agent="MyUserAgent"))
137        # or with force_instance:
138        client = AsyncHTTPClient(force_instance=True,
139            defaults=dict(user_agent="MyUserAgent"))
141    .. versionchanged:: 4.1
142       The ``io_loop`` argument is deprecated.
143    """
144    @classmethod
145    def configurable_base(cls):
146        return AsyncHTTPClient
148    @classmethod
149    def configurable_default(cls):
150        from salt.ext.tornado.simple_httpclient import SimpleAsyncHTTPClient
151        return SimpleAsyncHTTPClient
153    @classmethod
154    def _async_clients(cls):
155        attr_name = '_async_client_dict_' + cls.__name__
156        if not hasattr(cls, attr_name):
157            setattr(cls, attr_name, weakref.WeakKeyDictionary())
158        return getattr(cls, attr_name)
160    def __new__(cls, io_loop=None, force_instance=False, **kwargs):
161        io_loop = io_loop or IOLoop.current()
162        if force_instance:
163            instance_cache = None
164        else:
165            instance_cache = cls._async_clients()
166        if instance_cache is not None and io_loop in instance_cache:
167            return instance_cache[io_loop]
168        instance = super(AsyncHTTPClient, cls).__new__(cls, io_loop=io_loop,
169                                                       **kwargs)
170        # Make sure the instance knows which cache to remove itself from.
171        # It can't simply call _async_clients() because we may be in
172        # __new__(AsyncHTTPClient) but instance.__class__ may be
173        # SimpleAsyncHTTPClient.
174        instance._instance_cache = instance_cache
175        if instance_cache is not None:
176            instance_cache[instance.io_loop] = instance
177        return instance
179    def initialize(self, io_loop, defaults=None):
180        self.io_loop = io_loop
181        self.defaults = dict(HTTPRequest._DEFAULTS)
182        if defaults is not None:
183            self.defaults.update(defaults)
184        self._closed = False
186    def close(self):
187        """Destroys this HTTP client, freeing any file descriptors used.
189        This method is **not needed in normal use** due to the way
190        that `AsyncHTTPClient` objects are transparently reused.
191        ``close()`` is generally only necessary when either the
192        `.IOLoop` is also being closed, or the ``force_instance=True``
193        argument was used when creating the `AsyncHTTPClient`.
195        No other methods may be called on the `AsyncHTTPClient` after
196        ``close()``.
198        """
199        if self._closed:
200            return
201        self._closed = True
202        if self._instance_cache is not None:
203            if self._instance_cache.get(self.io_loop) is not self:
204                raise RuntimeError("inconsistent AsyncHTTPClient cache")
205            del self._instance_cache[self.io_loop]
207    def fetch(self, request, callback=None, raise_error=True, **kwargs):
208        """Executes a request, asynchronously returning an `HTTPResponse`.
210        The request may be either a string URL or an `HTTPRequest` object.
211        If it is a string, we construct an `HTTPRequest` using any additional
212        kwargs: ``HTTPRequest(request, **kwargs)``
214        This method returns a `.Future` whose result is an
215        `HTTPResponse`. By default, the ``Future`` will raise an
216        `HTTPError` if the request returned a non-200 response code
217        (other errors may also be raised if the server could not be
218        contacted). Instead, if ``raise_error`` is set to False, the
219        response will always be returned regardless of the response
220        code.
222        If a ``callback`` is given, it will be invoked with the `HTTPResponse`.
223        In the callback interface, `HTTPError` is not automatically raised.
224        Instead, you must check the response's ``error`` attribute or
225        call its `~HTTPResponse.rethrow` method.
226        """
227        if self._closed:
228            raise RuntimeError("fetch() called on closed AsyncHTTPClient")
229        if not isinstance(request, HTTPRequest):
230            request = HTTPRequest(url=request, **kwargs)
231        else:
232            if kwargs:
233                raise ValueError("kwargs can't be used if request is an HTTPRequest object")
234        # We may modify this (to add Host, Accept-Encoding, etc),
235        # so make sure we don't modify the caller's object.  This is also
236        # where normal dicts get converted to HTTPHeaders objects.
237        request.headers = httputil.HTTPHeaders(request.headers)
238        request = _RequestProxy(request, self.defaults)
239        future = TracebackFuture()
240        if callback is not None:
241            callback = stack_context.wrap(callback)
243            def handle_future(future):
244                exc = future.exception()
245                if isinstance(exc, HTTPError) and exc.response is not None:
246                    response = exc.response
247                elif exc is not None:
248                    response = HTTPResponse(
249                        request, 599, error=exc,
250                        request_time=time.time() - request.start_time)
251                else:
252                    response = future.result()
253                self.io_loop.add_callback(callback, response)
254            future.add_done_callback(handle_future)
256        def handle_response(response):
257            if raise_error and response.error:
258                future.set_exception(response.error)
259            else:
260                future.set_result(response)
261        self.fetch_impl(request, handle_response)
262        return future
264    def fetch_impl(self, request, callback):
265        raise NotImplementedError()
267    @classmethod
268    def configure(cls, impl, **kwargs):
269        """Configures the `AsyncHTTPClient` subclass to use.
271        ``AsyncHTTPClient()`` actually creates an instance of a subclass.
272        This method may be called with either a class object or the
273        fully-qualified name of such a class (or ``None`` to use the default,
274        ``SimpleAsyncHTTPClient``)
276        If additional keyword arguments are given, they will be passed
277        to the constructor of each subclass instance created.  The
278        keyword argument ``max_clients`` determines the maximum number
279        of simultaneous `~AsyncHTTPClient.fetch()` operations that can
280        execute in parallel on each `.IOLoop`.  Additional arguments
281        may be supported depending on the implementation class in use.
283        Example::
285           AsyncHTTPClient.configure("tornado.curl_httpclient.CurlAsyncHTTPClient")
286        """
287        super(AsyncHTTPClient, cls).configure(impl, **kwargs)
290class HTTPRequest(object):
291    """HTTP client request object."""
293    # Default values for HTTPRequest parameters.
294    # Merged with the values on the request object by AsyncHTTPClient
295    # implementations.
296    _DEFAULTS = dict(
297        connect_timeout=20.0,
298        request_timeout=20.0,
299        follow_redirects=True,
300        max_redirects=5,
301        decompress_response=True,
302        proxy_password='',
303        allow_nonstandard_methods=False,
304        validate_cert=True)
306    def __init__(self, url, method="GET", headers=None, body=None,
307                 auth_username=None, auth_password=None, auth_mode=None,
308                 connect_timeout=None, request_timeout=None,
309                 if_modified_since=None, follow_redirects=None,
310                 max_redirects=None, user_agent=None, use_gzip=None,
311                 network_interface=None, streaming_callback=None,
312                 header_callback=None, prepare_curl_callback=None,
313                 proxy_host=None, proxy_port=None, proxy_username=None,
314                 proxy_password=None, proxy_auth_mode=None,
315                 allow_nonstandard_methods=None, validate_cert=None,
316                 ca_certs=None, allow_ipv6=None, client_key=None,
317                 client_cert=None, body_producer=None,
318                 expect_100_continue=False, decompress_response=None,
319                 ssl_options=None):
320        r"""All parameters except ``url`` are optional.
322        :arg string url: URL to fetch
323        :arg string method: HTTP method, e.g. "GET" or "POST"
324        :arg headers: Additional HTTP headers to pass on the request
325        :type headers: `~tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders` or `dict`
326        :arg body: HTTP request body as a string (byte or unicode; if unicode
327           the utf-8 encoding will be used)
328        :arg body_producer: Callable used for lazy/asynchronous request bodies.
329           It is called with one argument, a ``write`` function, and should
330           return a `.Future`.  It should call the write function with new
331           data as it becomes available.  The write function returns a
332           `.Future` which can be used for flow control.
333           Only one of ``body`` and ``body_producer`` may
334           be specified.  ``body_producer`` is not supported on
335           ``curl_httpclient``.  When using ``body_producer`` it is recommended
336           to pass a ``Content-Length`` in the headers as otherwise chunked
337           encoding will be used, and many servers do not support chunked
338           encoding on requests.  New in Tornado 4.0
339        :arg string auth_username: Username for HTTP authentication
340        :arg string auth_password: Password for HTTP authentication
341        :arg string auth_mode: Authentication mode; default is "basic".
342           Allowed values are implementation-defined; ``curl_httpclient``
343           supports "basic" and "digest"; ``simple_httpclient`` only supports
344           "basic"
345        :arg float connect_timeout: Timeout for initial connection in seconds,
346           default 20 seconds
347        :arg float request_timeout: Timeout for entire request in seconds,
348           default 20 seconds
349        :arg if_modified_since: Timestamp for ``If-Modified-Since`` header
350        :type if_modified_since: `datetime` or `float`
351        :arg bool follow_redirects: Should redirects be followed automatically
352           or return the 3xx response? Default True.
353        :arg int max_redirects: Limit for ``follow_redirects``, default 5.
354        :arg string user_agent: String to send as ``User-Agent`` header
355        :arg bool decompress_response: Request a compressed response from
356           the server and decompress it after downloading.  Default is True.
357           New in Tornado 4.0.
358        :arg bool use_gzip: Deprecated alias for ``decompress_response``
359           since Tornado 4.0.
360        :arg string network_interface: Network interface to use for request.
361           ``curl_httpclient`` only; see note below.
362        :arg callable streaming_callback: If set, ``streaming_callback`` will
363           be run with each chunk of data as it is received, and
364           ``HTTPResponse.body`` and ``HTTPResponse.buffer`` will be empty in
365           the final response.
366        :arg callable header_callback: If set, ``header_callback`` will
367           be run with each header line as it is received (including the
368           first line, e.g. ``HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n``, and a final line
369           containing only ``\r\n``.  All lines include the trailing newline
370           characters).  ``HTTPResponse.headers`` will be empty in the final
371           response.  This is most useful in conjunction with
372           ``streaming_callback``, because it's the only way to get access to
373           header data while the request is in progress.
374        :arg callable prepare_curl_callback: If set, will be called with
375           a ``pycurl.Curl`` object to allow the application to make additional
376           ``setopt`` calls.
377        :arg string proxy_host: HTTP proxy hostname.  To use proxies,
378           ``proxy_host`` and ``proxy_port`` must be set; ``proxy_username``,
379           ``proxy_pass`` and ``proxy_auth_mode`` are optional.  Proxies are
380           currently only supported with ``curl_httpclient``.
381        :arg int proxy_port: HTTP proxy port
382        :arg string proxy_username: HTTP proxy username
383        :arg string proxy_password: HTTP proxy password
384        :arg string proxy_auth_mode: HTTP proxy Authentication mode;
385           default is "basic". supports "basic" and "digest"
386        :arg bool allow_nonstandard_methods: Allow unknown values for ``method``
387           argument? Default is False.
388        :arg bool validate_cert: For HTTPS requests, validate the server's
389           certificate? Default is True.
390        :arg string ca_certs: filename of CA certificates in PEM format,
391           or None to use defaults.  See note below when used with
392           ``curl_httpclient``.
393        :arg string client_key: Filename for client SSL key, if any.  See
394           note below when used with ``curl_httpclient``.
395        :arg string client_cert: Filename for client SSL certificate, if any.
396           See note below when used with ``curl_httpclient``.
397        :arg ssl.SSLContext ssl_options: `ssl.SSLContext` object for use in
398           ``simple_httpclient`` (unsupported by ``curl_httpclient``).
399           Overrides ``validate_cert``, ``ca_certs``, ``client_key``,
400           and ``client_cert``.
401        :arg bool allow_ipv6: Use IPv6 when available?  Default is true.
402        :arg bool expect_100_continue: If true, send the
403           ``Expect: 100-continue`` header and wait for a continue response
404           before sending the request body.  Only supported with
405           simple_httpclient.
407        .. note::
409            When using ``curl_httpclient`` certain options may be
410            inherited by subsequent fetches because ``pycurl`` does
411            not allow them to be cleanly reset.  This applies to the
412            ``ca_certs``, ``client_key``, ``client_cert``, and
413            ``network_interface`` arguments.  If you use these
414            options, you should pass them on every request (you don't
415            have to always use the same values, but it's not possible
416            to mix requests that specify these options with ones that
417            use the defaults).
419        .. versionadded:: 3.1
420           The ``auth_mode`` argument.
422        .. versionadded:: 4.0
423           The ``body_producer`` and ``expect_100_continue`` arguments.
425        .. versionadded:: 4.2
426           The ``ssl_options`` argument.
428        .. versionadded:: 4.5
429           The ``proxy_auth_mode`` argument.
430        """
431        # Note that some of these attributes go through property setters
432        # defined below.
433        self.headers = headers
434        if if_modified_since:
435            self.headers["If-Modified-Since"] = httputil.format_timestamp(
436                if_modified_since)
437        self.proxy_host = proxy_host
438        self.proxy_port = proxy_port
439        self.proxy_username = proxy_username
440        self.proxy_password = proxy_password
441        self.proxy_auth_mode = proxy_auth_mode
442        self.url = url
443        self.method = method
444        self.body = body
445        self.body_producer = body_producer
446        self.auth_username = auth_username
447        self.auth_password = auth_password
448        self.auth_mode = auth_mode
449        self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout
450        self.request_timeout = request_timeout
451        self.follow_redirects = follow_redirects
452        self.max_redirects = max_redirects
453        self.user_agent = user_agent
454        if decompress_response is not None:
455            self.decompress_response = decompress_response
456        else:
457            self.decompress_response = use_gzip
458        self.network_interface = network_interface
459        self.streaming_callback = streaming_callback
460        self.header_callback = header_callback
461        self.prepare_curl_callback = prepare_curl_callback
462        self.allow_nonstandard_methods = allow_nonstandard_methods
463        self.validate_cert = validate_cert
464        self.ca_certs = ca_certs
465        self.allow_ipv6 = allow_ipv6
466        self.client_key = client_key
467        self.client_cert = client_cert
468        self.ssl_options = ssl_options
469        self.expect_100_continue = expect_100_continue
470        self.start_time = time.time()
472    @property
473    def headers(self):
474        return self._headers
476    @headers.setter
477    def headers(self, value):
478        if value is None:
479            self._headers = httputil.HTTPHeaders()
480        else:
481            self._headers = value
483    @property
484    def body(self):
485        return self._body
487    @body.setter
488    def body(self, value):
489        self._body = utf8(value)
491    @property
492    def body_producer(self):
493        return self._body_producer
495    @body_producer.setter
496    def body_producer(self, value):
497        self._body_producer = stack_context.wrap(value)
499    @property
500    def streaming_callback(self):
501        return self._streaming_callback
503    @streaming_callback.setter
504    def streaming_callback(self, value):
505        self._streaming_callback = stack_context.wrap(value)
507    @property
508    def header_callback(self):
509        return self._header_callback
511    @header_callback.setter
512    def header_callback(self, value):
513        self._header_callback = stack_context.wrap(value)
515    @property
516    def prepare_curl_callback(self):
517        return self._prepare_curl_callback
519    @prepare_curl_callback.setter
520    def prepare_curl_callback(self, value):
521        self._prepare_curl_callback = stack_context.wrap(value)
524class HTTPResponse(object):
525    """HTTP Response object.
527    Attributes:
529    * request: HTTPRequest object
531    * code: numeric HTTP status code, e.g. 200 or 404
533    * reason: human-readable reason phrase describing the status code
535    * headers: `tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders` object
537    * effective_url: final location of the resource after following any
538      redirects
540    * buffer: ``cStringIO`` object for response body
542    * body: response body as bytes (created on demand from ``self.buffer``)
544    * error: Exception object, if any
546    * request_time: seconds from request start to finish
548    * time_info: dictionary of diagnostic timing information from the request.
549      Available data are subject to change, but currently uses timings
550      available from http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_getinfo.html,
551      plus ``queue``, which is the delay (if any) introduced by waiting for
552      a slot under `AsyncHTTPClient`'s ``max_clients`` setting.
553    """
554    def __init__(self, request, code, headers=None, buffer=None,
555                 effective_url=None, error=None, request_time=None,
556                 time_info=None, reason=None):
557        if isinstance(request, _RequestProxy):
558            self.request = request.request
559        else:
560            self.request = request
561        self.code = code
562        self.reason = reason or httputil.responses.get(code, "Unknown")
563        if headers is not None:
564            self.headers = headers
565        else:
566            self.headers = httputil.HTTPHeaders()
567        self.buffer = buffer
568        self._body = None
569        if effective_url is None:
570            self.effective_url = request.url
571        else:
572            self.effective_url = effective_url
573        if error is None:
574            if self.code < 200 or self.code >= 300:
575                self.error = HTTPError(self.code, message=self.reason,
576                                       response=self)
577            else:
578                self.error = None
579        else:
580            self.error = error
581        self.request_time = request_time
582        self.time_info = time_info or {}
584    @property
585    def body(self):
586        if self.buffer is None:
587            return None
588        elif self._body is None:
589            self._body = self.buffer.getvalue()
591        return self._body
593    def rethrow(self):
594        """If there was an error on the request, raise an `HTTPError`."""
595        if self.error:
596            raise self.error
598    def __repr__(self):
599        args = ",".join("%s=%r" % i for i in sorted(self.__dict__.items()))
600        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, args)
603class HTTPError(Exception):
604    """Exception thrown for an unsuccessful HTTP request.
606    Attributes:
608    * ``code`` - HTTP error integer error code, e.g. 404.  Error code 599 is
609      used when no HTTP response was received, e.g. for a timeout.
611    * ``response`` - `HTTPResponse` object, if any.
613    Note that if ``follow_redirects`` is False, redirects become HTTPErrors,
614    and you can look at ``error.response.headers['Location']`` to see the
615    destination of the redirect.
616    """
617    def __init__(self, code, message=None, response=None):
618        self.code = code
619        self.message = message or httputil.responses.get(code, "Unknown")
620        self.response = response
621        super(HTTPError, self).__init__(code, message, response)
623    def __str__(self):
624        return "HTTP %d: %s" % (self.code, self.message)
626    # There is a cyclic reference between self and self.response,
627    # which breaks the default __repr__ implementation.
628    # (especially on pypy, which doesn't have the same recursion
629    # detection as cpython).
630    __repr__ = __str__
633class _RequestProxy(object):
634    """Combines an object with a dictionary of defaults.
636    Used internally by AsyncHTTPClient implementations.
637    """
638    def __init__(self, request, defaults):
639        self.request = request
640        self.defaults = defaults
642    def __getattr__(self, name):
643        request_attr = getattr(self.request, name)
644        if request_attr is not None:
645            return request_attr
646        elif self.defaults is not None:
647            return self.defaults.get(name, None)
648        else:
649            return None
652def main():
653    from salt.ext.tornado.options import define, options, parse_command_line
654    define("print_headers", type=bool, default=False)
655    define("print_body", type=bool, default=True)
656    define("follow_redirects", type=bool, default=True)
657    define("validate_cert", type=bool, default=True)
658    args = parse_command_line()
659    client = HTTPClient()
660    for arg in args:
661        try:
662            response = client.fetch(arg,
663                                    follow_redirects=options.follow_redirects,
664                                    validate_cert=options.validate_cert,
665                                    )
666        except HTTPError as e:
667            if e.response is not None:
668                response = e.response
669            else:
670                raise
671        if options.print_headers:
672            print(response.headers)
673        if options.print_body:
674            print(native_str(response.body))
675    client.close()
678if __name__ == "__main__":
679    main()