2Classes that manage file clients
4import contextlib
5import errno
6import ftplib  # nosec
7import http.server
8import logging
9import os
10import shutil
11import string
12import urllib.error
13import urllib.parse
15import salt.client
16import salt.crypt
17import salt.fileserver
18import salt.loader
19import salt.payload
20import salt.transport.client
21import salt.utils.atomicfile
22import salt.utils.data
23import salt.utils.files
24import salt.utils.gzip_util
25import salt.utils.hashutils
26import salt.utils.http
27import salt.utils.path
28import salt.utils.platform
29import salt.utils.stringutils
30import salt.utils.templates
31import salt.utils.url
32import salt.utils.verify
33import salt.utils.versions
34from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, MinionError
35from salt.ext.tornado.httputil import (
36    HTTPHeaders,
37    HTTPInputError,
38    parse_response_start_line,
40from salt.utils.openstack.swift import SaltSwift
42log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
46def get_file_client(opts, pillar=False):
47    """
48    Read in the ``file_client`` option and return the correct type of file
49    server
50    """
51    client = opts.get("file_client", "remote")
52    if pillar and client == "local":
53        client = "pillar"
54    return {"remote": RemoteClient, "local": FSClient, "pillar": PillarClient}.get(
55        client, RemoteClient
56    )(opts)
59def decode_dict_keys_to_str(src):
60    """
61    Convert top level keys from bytes to strings if possible.
62    This is necessary because Python 3 makes a distinction
63    between these types.
64    """
65    if not isinstance(src, dict):
66        return src
68    output = {}
69    for key, val in src.items():
70        if isinstance(key, bytes):
71            try:
72                key = key.decode()
73            except UnicodeError:
74                pass
75        output[key] = val
76    return output
79class Client:
80    """
81    Base class for Salt file interactions
82    """
84    def __init__(self, opts):
85        self.opts = opts
86        self.utils = salt.loader.utils(self.opts)
88    # Add __setstate__ and __getstate__ so that the object may be
89    # deep copied. It normally can't be deep copied because its
90    # constructor requires an 'opts' parameter.
91    # The TCP transport needs to be able to deep copy this class
92    # due to 'salt.utils.context.ContextDict.clone'.
93    def __setstate__(self, state):
94        # This will polymorphically call __init__
95        # in the derived class.
96        self.__init__(state["opts"])
98    def __getstate__(self):
99        return {"opts": self.opts}
101    def _check_proto(self, path):
102        """
103        Make sure that this path is intended for the salt master and trim it
104        """
105        if not path.startswith("salt://"):
106            raise MinionError("Unsupported path: {}".format(path))
107        file_path, saltenv = salt.utils.url.parse(path)
108        return file_path
110    def _file_local_list(self, dest):
111        """
112        Helper util to return a list of files in a directory
113        """
114        if os.path.isdir(dest):
115            destdir = dest
116        else:
117            destdir = os.path.dirname(dest)
119        filelist = set()
121        for root, dirs, files in salt.utils.path.os_walk(destdir, followlinks=True):
122            for name in files:
123                path = os.path.join(root, name)
124                filelist.add(path)
126        return filelist
128    @contextlib.contextmanager
129    def _cache_loc(self, path, saltenv="base", cachedir=None):
130        """
131        Return the local location to cache the file, cache dirs will be made
132        """
133        cachedir = self.get_cachedir(cachedir)
134        dest = salt.utils.path.join(cachedir, "files", saltenv, path)
135        destdir = os.path.dirname(dest)
136        with salt.utils.files.set_umask(0o077):
137            # remove destdir if it is a regular file to avoid an OSError when
138            # running os.makedirs below
139            if os.path.isfile(destdir):
140                os.remove(destdir)
142            # ensure destdir exists
143            try:
144                os.makedirs(destdir)
145            except OSError as exc:
146                if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST:  # ignore if it was there already
147                    raise
149            yield dest
151    def get_cachedir(self, cachedir=None):
152        if cachedir is None:
153            cachedir = self.opts["cachedir"]
154        elif not os.path.isabs(cachedir):
155            cachedir = os.path.join(self.opts["cachedir"], cachedir)
156        return cachedir
158    def get_file(
159        self, path, dest="", makedirs=False, saltenv="base", gzip=None, cachedir=None
160    ):
161        """
162        Copies a file from the local files or master depending on
163        implementation
164        """
165        raise NotImplementedError
167    def file_list_emptydirs(self, saltenv="base", prefix=""):
168        """
169        List the empty dirs
170        """
171        raise NotImplementedError
173    def cache_file(
174        self, path, saltenv="base", cachedir=None, source_hash=None, verify_ssl=True
175    ):
176        """
177        Pull a file down from the file server and store it in the minion
178        file cache
179        """
180        return self.get_url(
181            path,
182            "",
183            True,
184            saltenv,
185            cachedir=cachedir,
186            source_hash=source_hash,
187            verify_ssl=verify_ssl,
188        )
190    def cache_files(self, paths, saltenv="base", cachedir=None):
191        """
192        Download a list of files stored on the master and put them in the
193        minion file cache
194        """
195        ret = []
196        if isinstance(paths, str):
197            paths = paths.split(",")
198        for path in paths:
199            ret.append(self.cache_file(path, saltenv, cachedir=cachedir))
200        return ret
202    def cache_master(self, saltenv="base", cachedir=None):
203        """
204        Download and cache all files on a master in a specified environment
205        """
206        ret = []
207        for path in self.file_list(saltenv):
208            ret.append(
209                self.cache_file(salt.utils.url.create(path), saltenv, cachedir=cachedir)
210            )
211        return ret
213    def cache_dir(
214        self,
215        path,
216        saltenv="base",
217        include_empty=False,
218        include_pat=None,
219        exclude_pat=None,
220        cachedir=None,
221    ):
222        """
223        Download all of the files in a subdir of the master
224        """
225        ret = []
227        path = self._check_proto(salt.utils.data.decode(path))
228        # We want to make sure files start with this *directory*, use
229        # '/' explicitly because the master (that's generating the
230        # list of files) only runs on POSIX
231        if not path.endswith("/"):
232            path = path + "/"
234        log.info("Caching directory '%s' for environment '%s'", path, saltenv)
235        # go through the list of all files finding ones that are in
236        # the target directory and caching them
237        for fn_ in self.file_list(saltenv):
238            fn_ = salt.utils.data.decode(fn_)
239            if fn_.strip() and fn_.startswith(path):
240                if salt.utils.stringutils.check_include_exclude(
241                    fn_, include_pat, exclude_pat
242                ):
243                    fn_ = self.cache_file(
244                        salt.utils.url.create(fn_), saltenv, cachedir=cachedir
245                    )
246                    if fn_:
247                        ret.append(fn_)
249        if include_empty:
250            # Break up the path into a list containing the bottom-level
251            # directory (the one being recursively copied) and the directories
252            # preceding it
253            # separated = string.rsplit(path, '/', 1)
254            # if len(separated) != 2:
255            #     # No slashes in path. (So all files in saltenv will be copied)
256            #     prefix = ''
257            # else:
258            #     prefix = separated[0]
259            cachedir = self.get_cachedir(cachedir)
261            dest = salt.utils.path.join(cachedir, "files", saltenv)
262            for fn_ in self.file_list_emptydirs(saltenv):
263                fn_ = salt.utils.data.decode(fn_)
264                if fn_.startswith(path):
265                    minion_dir = "{}/{}".format(dest, fn_)
266                    if not os.path.isdir(minion_dir):
267                        os.makedirs(minion_dir)
268                    ret.append(minion_dir)
269        return ret
271    def cache_local_file(self, path, **kwargs):
272        """
273        Cache a local file on the minion in the localfiles cache
274        """
275        dest = os.path.join(self.opts["cachedir"], "localfiles", path.lstrip("/"))
276        destdir = os.path.dirname(dest)
278        if not os.path.isdir(destdir):
279            os.makedirs(destdir)
281        shutil.copyfile(path, dest)
282        return dest
284    def file_local_list(self, saltenv="base"):
285        """
286        List files in the local minion files and localfiles caches
287        """
288        filesdest = os.path.join(self.opts["cachedir"], "files", saltenv)
289        localfilesdest = os.path.join(self.opts["cachedir"], "localfiles")
291        fdest = self._file_local_list(filesdest)
292        ldest = self._file_local_list(localfilesdest)
293        return sorted(fdest.union(ldest))
295    def file_list(self, saltenv="base", prefix=""):
296        """
297        This function must be overwritten
298        """
299        return []
301    def dir_list(self, saltenv="base", prefix=""):
302        """
303        This function must be overwritten
304        """
305        return []
307    def symlink_list(self, saltenv="base", prefix=""):
308        """
309        This function must be overwritten
310        """
311        return {}
313    def is_cached(self, path, saltenv="base", cachedir=None):
314        """
315        Returns the full path to a file if it is cached locally on the minion
316        otherwise returns a blank string
317        """
318        if path.startswith("salt://"):
319            path, senv = salt.utils.url.parse(path)
320            if senv:
321                saltenv = senv
323        escaped = True if salt.utils.url.is_escaped(path) else False
325        # also strip escape character '|'
326        localsfilesdest = os.path.join(
327            self.opts["cachedir"], "localfiles", path.lstrip("|/")
328        )
329        filesdest = os.path.join(
330            self.opts["cachedir"], "files", saltenv, path.lstrip("|/")
331        )
332        extrndest = self._extrn_path(path, saltenv, cachedir=cachedir)
334        if os.path.exists(filesdest):
335            return salt.utils.url.escape(filesdest) if escaped else filesdest
336        elif os.path.exists(localsfilesdest):
337            return (
338                salt.utils.url.escape(localsfilesdest) if escaped else localsfilesdest
339            )
340        elif os.path.exists(extrndest):
341            return extrndest
343        return ""
345    def cache_dest(self, url, saltenv="base", cachedir=None):
346        """
347        Return the expected cache location for the specified URL and
348        environment.
349        """
350        proto = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).scheme
352        if proto == "":
353            # Local file path
354            return url
356        if proto == "salt":
357            url, senv = salt.utils.url.parse(url)
358            if senv:
359                saltenv = senv
360            return salt.utils.path.join(
361                self.opts["cachedir"], "files", saltenv, url.lstrip("|/")
362            )
364        return self._extrn_path(url, saltenv, cachedir=cachedir)
366    def list_states(self, saltenv):
367        """
368        Return a list of all available sls modules on the master for a given
369        environment
370        """
371        states = set()
372        for path in self.file_list(saltenv):
373            if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
374                path = path.replace("\\", "/")
375            if path.endswith(".sls"):
376                # is an sls module!
377                if path.endswith("/init.sls"):
378                    states.add(path.replace("/", ".")[:-9])
379                else:
380                    states.add(path.replace("/", ".")[:-4])
381        return sorted(states)
383    def get_state(self, sls, saltenv, cachedir=None):
384        """
385        Get a state file from the master and store it in the local minion
386        cache; return the location of the file
387        """
388        if "." in sls:
389            sls = sls.replace(".", "/")
390        sls_url = salt.utils.url.create(sls + ".sls")
391        init_url = salt.utils.url.create(sls + "/init.sls")
392        for path in [sls_url, init_url]:
393            dest = self.cache_file(path, saltenv, cachedir=cachedir)
394            if dest:
395                return {"source": path, "dest": dest}
396        return {}
398    def get_dir(self, path, dest="", saltenv="base", gzip=None, cachedir=None):
399        """
400        Get a directory recursively from the salt-master
401        """
402        ret = []
403        # Strip trailing slash
404        path = self._check_proto(path).rstrip("/")
405        # Break up the path into a list containing the bottom-level directory
406        # (the one being recursively copied) and the directories preceding it
407        separated = path.rsplit("/", 1)
408        if len(separated) != 2:
409            # No slashes in path. (This means all files in saltenv will be
410            # copied)
411            prefix = ""
412        else:
413            prefix = separated[0]
415        # Copy files from master
416        for fn_ in self.file_list(saltenv, prefix=path):
417            # Prevent files in "salt://foobar/" (or salt://foo.sh) from
418            # matching a path of "salt://foo"
419            try:
420                if fn_[len(path)] != "/":
421                    continue
422            except IndexError:
423                continue
424            # Remove the leading directories from path to derive
425            # the relative path on the minion.
426            minion_relpath = fn_[len(prefix) :].lstrip("/")
427            ret.append(
428                self.get_file(
429                    salt.utils.url.create(fn_),
430                    "{}/{}".format(dest, minion_relpath),
431                    True,
432                    saltenv,
433                    gzip,
434                )
435            )
436        # Replicate empty dirs from master
437        try:
438            for fn_ in self.file_list_emptydirs(saltenv, prefix=path):
439                # Prevent an empty dir "salt://foobar/" from matching a path of
440                # "salt://foo"
441                try:
442                    if fn_[len(path)] != "/":
443                        continue
444                except IndexError:
445                    continue
446                # Remove the leading directories from path to derive
447                # the relative path on the minion.
448                minion_relpath = fn_[len(prefix) :].lstrip("/")
449                minion_mkdir = "{}/{}".format(dest, minion_relpath)
450                if not os.path.isdir(minion_mkdir):
451                    os.makedirs(minion_mkdir)
452                ret.append(minion_mkdir)
453        except TypeError:
454            pass
455        ret.sort()
456        return ret
458    def get_url(
459        self,
460        url,
461        dest,
462        makedirs=False,
463        saltenv="base",
464        no_cache=False,
465        cachedir=None,
466        source_hash=None,
467        verify_ssl=True,
468    ):
469        """
470        Get a single file from a URL.
471        """
472        url_data = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
473        url_scheme = url_data.scheme
474        url_path = os.path.join(url_data.netloc, url_data.path).rstrip(os.sep)
476        # If dest is a directory, rewrite dest with filename
477        if dest is not None and (os.path.isdir(dest) or dest.endswith(("/", "\\"))):
478            if (
479                url_data.query
480                or len(url_data.path) > 1
481                and not url_data.path.endswith("/")
482            ):
483                strpath = url.split("/")[-1]
484            else:
485                strpath = "index.html"
487            if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
488                strpath = salt.utils.path.sanitize_win_path(strpath)
490            dest = os.path.join(dest, strpath)
492        if url_scheme and url_scheme.lower() in string.ascii_lowercase:
493            url_path = ":".join((url_scheme, url_path))
494            url_scheme = "file"
496        if url_scheme in ("file", ""):
497            # Local filesystem
498            if not os.path.isabs(url_path):
499                raise CommandExecutionError(
500                    "Path '{}' is not absolute".format(url_path)
501                )
502            if dest is None:
503                with salt.utils.files.fopen(url_path, "rb") as fp_:
504                    data = fp_.read()
505                return data
506            return url_path
508        if url_scheme == "salt":
509            result = self.get_file(url, dest, makedirs, saltenv, cachedir=cachedir)
510            if result and dest is None:
511                with salt.utils.files.fopen(result, "rb") as fp_:
512                    data = fp_.read()
513                return data
514            return result
516        if dest:
517            destdir = os.path.dirname(dest)
518            if not os.path.isdir(destdir):
519                if makedirs:
520                    os.makedirs(destdir)
521                else:
522                    return ""
523        elif not no_cache:
524            dest = self._extrn_path(url, saltenv, cachedir=cachedir)
525            if source_hash is not None:
526                try:
527                    source_hash = source_hash.split("=")[-1]
528                    form = salt.utils.files.HASHES_REVMAP[len(source_hash)]
529                    if salt.utils.hashutils.get_hash(dest, form) == source_hash:
530                        log.debug(
531                            "Cached copy of %s (%s) matches source_hash %s, "
532                            "skipping download",
533                            url,
534                            dest,
535                            source_hash,
536                        )
537                        return dest
538                except (AttributeError, KeyError, OSError):
539                    pass
540            destdir = os.path.dirname(dest)
541            if not os.path.isdir(destdir):
542                os.makedirs(destdir)
544        if url_data.scheme == "s3":
545            try:
547                def s3_opt(key, default=None):
548                    """
549                    Get value of s3.<key> from Minion config or from Pillar
550                    """
551                    if "s3." + key in self.opts:
552                        return self.opts["s3." + key]
553                    try:
554                        return self.opts["pillar"]["s3"][key]
555                    except (KeyError, TypeError):
556                        return default
558                self.utils["s3.query"](
559                    method="GET",
560                    bucket=url_data.netloc,
561                    path=url_data.path[1:],
562                    return_bin=False,
563                    local_file=dest,
564                    action=None,
565                    key=s3_opt("key"),
566                    keyid=s3_opt("keyid"),
567                    service_url=s3_opt("service_url"),
568                    verify_ssl=s3_opt("verify_ssl", True),
569                    location=s3_opt("location"),
570                    path_style=s3_opt("path_style", False),
571                    https_enable=s3_opt("https_enable", True),
572                )
573                return dest
574            except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
575                raise MinionError(
576                    "Could not fetch from {}. Exception: {}".format(url, exc)
577                )
578        if url_data.scheme == "ftp":
579            try:
580                ftp = ftplib.FTP()  # nosec
581                ftp_port = url_data.port
582                if not ftp_port:
583                    ftp_port = 21
584                ftp.connect(url_data.hostname, ftp_port)
585                ftp.login(url_data.username, url_data.password)
586                remote_file_path = url_data.path.lstrip("/")
587                with salt.utils.files.fopen(dest, "wb") as fp_:
588                    ftp.retrbinary("RETR {}".format(remote_file_path), fp_.write)
589                ftp.quit()
590                return dest
591            except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
592                raise MinionError(
593                    "Could not retrieve {} from FTP server. Exception: {}".format(
594                        url, exc
595                    )
596                )
598        if url_data.scheme == "swift":
599            try:
601                def swift_opt(key, default):
602                    """
603                    Get value of <key> from Minion config or from Pillar
604                    """
605                    if key in self.opts:
606                        return self.opts[key]
607                    try:
608                        return self.opts["pillar"][key]
609                    except (KeyError, TypeError):
610                        return default
612                swift_conn = SaltSwift(
613                    swift_opt("keystone.user", None),
614                    swift_opt("keystone.tenant", None),
615                    swift_opt("keystone.auth_url", None),
616                    swift_opt("keystone.password", None),
617                )
619                swift_conn.get_object(url_data.netloc, url_data.path[1:], dest)
620                return dest
621            except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
622                raise MinionError("Could not fetch from {}".format(url))
624        get_kwargs = {}
625        if url_data.username is not None and url_data.scheme in ("http", "https"):
626            netloc = url_data.netloc
627            at_sign_pos = netloc.rfind("@")
628            if at_sign_pos != -1:
629                netloc = netloc[at_sign_pos + 1 :]
630            fixed_url = urllib.parse.urlunparse(
631                (
632                    url_data.scheme,
633                    netloc,
634                    url_data.path,
635                    url_data.params,
636                    url_data.query,
637                    url_data.fragment,
638                )
639            )
640            get_kwargs["auth"] = (url_data.username, url_data.password)
641        else:
642            fixed_url = url
644        destfp = None
645        try:
646            # Tornado calls streaming_callback on redirect response bodies.
647            # But we need streaming to support fetching large files (> RAM
648            # avail). Here we are working around this by disabling recording
649            # the body for redirections. The issue is fixed in Tornado 4.3.0
650            # so on_header callback could be removed when we'll deprecate
651            # Tornado<4.3.0. See #27093 and #30431 for details.
653            # Use list here to make it writable inside the on_header callback.
654            # Simple bool doesn't work here: on_header creates a new local
655            # variable instead. This could be avoided in Py3 with 'nonlocal'
656            # statement. There is no Py2 alternative for this.
657            #
658            # write_body[0] is used by the on_chunk callback to tell it whether
659            #   or not we need to write the body of the request to disk. For
660            #   30x redirects we set this to False because we don't want to
661            #   write the contents to disk, as we will need to wait until we
662            #   get to the redirected URL.
663            #
664            # write_body[1] will contain a tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders
665            #   instance that we will use to parse each header line. We
666            #   initialize this to False, and after we parse the status line we
667            #   will replace it with the HTTPHeaders instance. If/when we have
668            #   found the encoding used in the request, we set this value to
669            #   False to signify that we are done parsing.
670            #
671            # write_body[2] is where the encoding will be stored
672            write_body = [None, False, None]
674            def on_header(hdr):
675                if write_body[1] is not False and write_body[2] is None:
676                    if not hdr.strip() and "Content-Type" not in write_body[1]:
677                        # If write_body[0] is True, then we are not following a
678                        # redirect (initial response was a 200 OK). So there is
679                        # no need to reset write_body[0].
680                        if write_body[0] is not True:
681                            # We are following a redirect, so we need to reset
682                            # write_body[0] so that we properly follow it.
683                            write_body[0] = None
684                        # We don't need the HTTPHeaders object anymore
685                        write_body[1] = False
686                        return
687                    # Try to find out what content type encoding is used if
688                    # this is a text file
689                    write_body[1].parse_line(hdr)  # pylint: disable=no-member
690                    if "Content-Type" in write_body[1]:
691                        content_type = write_body[1].get(
692                            "Content-Type"
693                        )  # pylint: disable=no-member
694                        if not content_type.startswith("text"):
695                            write_body[1] = write_body[2] = False
696                        else:
697                            encoding = "utf-8"
698                            fields = content_type.split(";")
699                            for field in fields:
700                                if "encoding" in field:
701                                    encoding = field.split("encoding=")[-1]
702                            write_body[2] = encoding
703                            # We have found our encoding. Stop processing headers.
704                            write_body[1] = False
706                        # If write_body[0] is False, this means that this
707                        # header is a 30x redirect, so we need to reset
708                        # write_body[0] to None so that we parse the HTTP
709                        # status code from the redirect target. Additionally,
710                        # we need to reset write_body[2] so that we inspect the
711                        # headers for the Content-Type of the URL we're
712                        # following.
713                        if write_body[0] is write_body[1] is False:
714                            write_body[0] = write_body[2] = None
716                # Check the status line of the HTTP request
717                if write_body[0] is None:
718                    try:
719                        hdr = parse_response_start_line(hdr)
720                    except HTTPInputError:
721                        # Not the first line, do nothing
722                        return
723                    write_body[0] = hdr.code not in [301, 302, 303, 307]
724                    write_body[1] = HTTPHeaders()
726            if no_cache:
727                result = []
729                def on_chunk(chunk):
730                    if write_body[0]:
731                        if write_body[2]:
732                            chunk = chunk.decode(write_body[2])
733                        result.append(chunk)
735            else:
736                dest_tmp = "{}.part".format(dest)
737                # We need an open filehandle to use in the on_chunk callback,
738                # that's why we're not using a with clause here.
739                # pylint: disable=resource-leakage
740                destfp = salt.utils.files.fopen(dest_tmp, "wb")
741                # pylint: enable=resource-leakage
743                def on_chunk(chunk):
744                    if write_body[0]:
745                        destfp.write(chunk)
747            query = salt.utils.http.query(
748                fixed_url,
749                stream=True,
750                streaming_callback=on_chunk,
751                header_callback=on_header,
752                username=url_data.username,
753                password=url_data.password,
754                opts=self.opts,
755                verify_ssl=verify_ssl,
756                **get_kwargs
757            )
758            if "handle" not in query:
759                raise MinionError(
760                    "Error: {} reading {}".format(query["error"], url_data.path)
761                )
762            if no_cache:
763                if write_body[2]:
764                    return "".join(result)
765                return b"".join(result)
766            else:
767                destfp.close()
768                destfp = None
769                salt.utils.files.rename(dest_tmp, dest)
770                return dest
771        except urllib.error.HTTPError as exc:
772            raise MinionError(
773                "HTTP error {0} reading {1}: {3}".format(
774                    exc.code,
775                    url,
776                    *http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses[exc.code]
777                )
778            )
779        except urllib.error.URLError as exc:
780            raise MinionError("Error reading {}: {}".format(url, exc.reason))
781        finally:
782            if destfp is not None:
783                destfp.close()
785    def get_template(
786        self,
787        url,
788        dest,
789        template="jinja",
790        makedirs=False,
791        saltenv="base",
792        cachedir=None,
793        **kwargs
794    ):
795        """
796        Cache a file then process it as a template
797        """
798        if "env" in kwargs:
799            # "env" is not supported; Use "saltenv".
800            kwargs.pop("env")
802        kwargs["saltenv"] = saltenv
803        url_data = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
804        sfn = self.cache_file(url, saltenv, cachedir=cachedir)
805        if not sfn or not os.path.exists(sfn):
806            return ""
807        if template in salt.utils.templates.TEMPLATE_REGISTRY:
808            data = salt.utils.templates.TEMPLATE_REGISTRY[template](sfn, **kwargs)
809        else:
810            log.error(
811                "Attempted to render template with unavailable engine %s", template
812            )
813            return ""
814        if not data["result"]:
815            # Failed to render the template
816            log.error("Failed to render template with error: %s", data["data"])
817            return ""
818        if not dest:
819            # No destination passed, set the dest as an extrn_files cache
820            dest = self._extrn_path(url, saltenv, cachedir=cachedir)
821            # If Salt generated the dest name, create any required dirs
822            makedirs = True
824        destdir = os.path.dirname(dest)
825        if not os.path.isdir(destdir):
826            if makedirs:
827                os.makedirs(destdir)
828            else:
829                salt.utils.files.safe_rm(data["data"])
830                return ""
831        shutil.move(data["data"], dest)
832        return dest
834    def _extrn_path(self, url, saltenv, cachedir=None):
835        """
836        Return the extrn_filepath for a given url
837        """
838        url_data = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
839        if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
840            netloc = salt.utils.path.sanitize_win_path(url_data.netloc)
841        else:
842            netloc = url_data.netloc
844        # Strip user:pass from URLs
845        netloc = netloc.split("@")[-1]
847        if cachedir is None:
848            cachedir = self.opts["cachedir"]
849        elif not os.path.isabs(cachedir):
850            cachedir = os.path.join(self.opts["cachedir"], cachedir)
852        if url_data.query:
853            file_name = "-".join([url_data.path, url_data.query])
854        else:
855            file_name = url_data.path
857        # clean_path returns an empty string if the check fails
858        root_path = salt.utils.path.join(cachedir, "extrn_files", saltenv, netloc)
859        new_path = os.path.sep.join([root_path, file_name])
860        if not salt.utils.verify.clean_path(root_path, new_path, subdir=True):
861            return "Invalid path"
863        if len(file_name) > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH:
864            file_name = salt.utils.hashutils.sha256_digest(file_name)
866        return salt.utils.path.join(cachedir, "extrn_files", saltenv, netloc, file_name)
869class PillarClient(Client):
870    """
871    Used by pillar to handle fileclient requests
872    """
874    def _find_file(self, path, saltenv="base"):
875        """
876        Locate the file path
877        """
878        fnd = {"path": "", "rel": ""}
880        if salt.utils.url.is_escaped(path):
881            # The path arguments are escaped
882            path = salt.utils.url.unescape(path)
883        for root in self.opts["pillar_roots"].get(saltenv, []):
884            full = os.path.join(root, path)
885            if os.path.isfile(full):
886                fnd["path"] = full
887                fnd["rel"] = path
888                return fnd
889        return fnd
891    def get_file(
892        self, path, dest="", makedirs=False, saltenv="base", gzip=None, cachedir=None
893    ):
894        """
895        Copies a file from the local files directory into :param:`dest`
896        gzip compression settings are ignored for local files
897        """
898        path = self._check_proto(path)
899        fnd = self._find_file(path, saltenv)
900        fnd_path = fnd.get("path")
901        if not fnd_path:
902            return ""
904        return fnd_path
906    def file_list(self, saltenv="base", prefix=""):
907        """
908        Return a list of files in the given environment
909        with optional relative prefix path to limit directory traversal
910        """
911        ret = []
912        prefix = prefix.strip("/")
913        for path in self.opts["pillar_roots"].get(saltenv, []):
914            for root, dirs, files in salt.utils.path.os_walk(
915                os.path.join(path, prefix), followlinks=True
916            ):
917                # Don't walk any directories that match file_ignore_regex or glob
918                dirs[:] = [
919                    d for d in dirs if not salt.fileserver.is_file_ignored(self.opts, d)
920                ]
921                for fname in files:
922                    relpath = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, fname), path)
923                    ret.append(salt.utils.data.decode(relpath))
924        return ret
926    def file_list_emptydirs(self, saltenv="base", prefix=""):
927        """
928        List the empty dirs in the pillar_roots
929        with optional relative prefix path to limit directory traversal
930        """
931        ret = []
932        prefix = prefix.strip("/")
933        for path in self.opts["pillar_roots"].get(saltenv, []):
934            for root, dirs, files in salt.utils.path.os_walk(
935                os.path.join(path, prefix), followlinks=True
936            ):
937                # Don't walk any directories that match file_ignore_regex or glob
938                dirs[:] = [
939                    d for d in dirs if not salt.fileserver.is_file_ignored(self.opts, d)
940                ]
941                if not dirs and not files:
942                    ret.append(salt.utils.data.decode(os.path.relpath(root, path)))
943        return ret
945    def dir_list(self, saltenv="base", prefix=""):
946        """
947        List the dirs in the pillar_roots
948        with optional relative prefix path to limit directory traversal
949        """
950        ret = []
951        prefix = prefix.strip("/")
952        for path in self.opts["pillar_roots"].get(saltenv, []):
953            for root, dirs, files in salt.utils.path.os_walk(
954                os.path.join(path, prefix), followlinks=True
955            ):
956                ret.append(salt.utils.data.decode(os.path.relpath(root, path)))
957        return ret
959    def __get_file_path(self, path, saltenv="base"):
960        """
961        Return either a file path or the result of a remote find_file call.
962        """
963        try:
964            path = self._check_proto(path)
965        except MinionError as err:
966            # Local file path
967            if not os.path.isfile(path):
968                log.warning(
969                    "specified file %s is not present to generate hash: %s", path, err
970                )
971                return None
972            else:
973                return path
974        return self._find_file(path, saltenv)
976    def hash_file(self, path, saltenv="base"):
977        """
978        Return the hash of a file, to get the hash of a file in the pillar_roots
979        prepend the path with salt://<file on server> otherwise, prepend the
980        file with / for a local file.
981        """
982        ret = {}
983        fnd = self.__get_file_path(path, saltenv)
984        if fnd is None:
985            return ret
987        try:
988            # Remote file path (self._find_file() invoked)
989            fnd_path = fnd["path"]
990        except TypeError:
991            # Local file path
992            fnd_path = fnd
994        hash_type = self.opts.get("hash_type", "md5")
995        ret["hsum"] = salt.utils.hashutils.get_hash(fnd_path, form=hash_type)
996        ret["hash_type"] = hash_type
997        return ret
999    def hash_and_stat_file(self, path, saltenv="base"):
1000        """
1001        Return the hash of a file, to get the hash of a file in the pillar_roots
1002        prepend the path with salt://<file on server> otherwise, prepend the
1003        file with / for a local file.
1005        Additionally, return the stat result of the file, or None if no stat
1006        results were found.
1007        """
1008        ret = {}
1009        fnd = self.__get_file_path(path, saltenv)
1010        if fnd is None:
1011            return ret, None
1013        try:
1014            # Remote file path (self._find_file() invoked)
1015            fnd_path = fnd["path"]
1016            fnd_stat = fnd.get("stat")
1017        except TypeError:
1018            # Local file path
1019            fnd_path = fnd
1020            try:
1021                fnd_stat = list(os.stat(fnd_path))
1022            except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
1023                fnd_stat = None
1025        hash_type = self.opts.get("hash_type", "md5")
1026        ret["hsum"] = salt.utils.hashutils.get_hash(fnd_path, form=hash_type)
1027        ret["hash_type"] = hash_type
1028        return ret, fnd_stat
1030    def list_env(self, saltenv="base"):
1031        """
1032        Return a list of the files in the file server's specified environment
1033        """
1034        return self.file_list(saltenv)
1036    def master_opts(self):
1037        """
1038        Return the master opts data
1039        """
1040        return self.opts
1042    def envs(self):
1043        """
1044        Return the available environments
1045        """
1046        ret = []
1047        for saltenv in self.opts["pillar_roots"]:
1048            ret.append(saltenv)
1049        return ret
1051    def master_tops(self):
1052        """
1053        Originally returned information via the external_nodes subsystem.
1054        External_nodes was deprecated and removed in
1055        2014.1.6 in favor of master_tops (which had been around since pre-0.17).
1056             salt-call --local state.show_top
1057        ends up here, but master_tops has not been extended to support
1058        show_top in a completely local environment yet.  It's worth noting
1059        that originally this fn started with
1060            if 'external_nodes' not in opts: return {}
1061        So since external_nodes is gone now, we are just returning the
1062        empty dict.
1063        """
1064        return {}
1067class RemoteClient(Client):
1068    """
1069    Interact with the salt master file server.
1070    """
1072    def __init__(self, opts):
1073        Client.__init__(self, opts)
1074        self._closing = False
1075        self.channel = salt.transport.client.ReqChannel.factory(self.opts)
1076        if hasattr(self.channel, "auth"):
1077            self.auth = self.channel.auth
1078        else:
1079            self.auth = ""
1081    def _refresh_channel(self):
1082        """
1083        Reset the channel, in the event of an interruption
1084        """
1085        # Close the previous channel
1086        self.channel.close()
1087        # Instantiate a new one
1088        self.channel = salt.transport.client.ReqChannel.factory(self.opts)
1089        return self.channel
1091    # pylint: disable=no-dunder-del
1092    def __del__(self):
1093        self.destroy()
1095    # pylint: enable=no-dunder-del
1097    def destroy(self):
1098        if self._closing:
1099            return
1101        self._closing = True
1102        channel = None
1103        try:
1104            channel = self.channel
1105        except AttributeError:
1106            pass
1107        if channel is not None:
1108            channel.close()
1110    def get_file(
1111        self, path, dest="", makedirs=False, saltenv="base", gzip=None, cachedir=None
1112    ):
1113        """
1114        Get a single file from the salt-master
1115        path must be a salt server location, aka, salt://path/to/file, if
1116        dest is omitted, then the downloaded file will be placed in the minion
1117        cache
1118        """
1119        path, senv = salt.utils.url.split_env(path)
1120        if senv:
1121            saltenv = senv
1123        if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
1124            hash_server, stat_server = self.hash_and_stat_file(path, saltenv)
1125            try:
1126                mode_server = stat_server[0]
1127            except (IndexError, TypeError):
1128                mode_server = None
1129        else:
1130            hash_server = self.hash_file(path, saltenv)
1131            mode_server = None
1133        # Check if file exists on server, before creating files and
1134        # directories
1135        if hash_server == "":
1136            log.debug("Could not find file '%s' in saltenv '%s'", path, saltenv)
1137            return False
1139        # If dest is a directory, rewrite dest with filename
1140        if dest is not None and (os.path.isdir(dest) or dest.endswith(("/", "\\"))):
1141            dest = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(path))
1142            log.debug(
1143                "In saltenv '%s', '%s' is a directory. Changing dest to '%s'",
1144                saltenv,
1145                os.path.dirname(dest),
1146                dest,
1147            )
1149        # Hash compare local copy with master and skip download
1150        # if no difference found.
1151        dest2check = dest
1152        if not dest2check:
1153            rel_path = self._check_proto(path)
1155            log.debug(
1156                "In saltenv '%s', looking at rel_path '%s' to resolve '%s'",
1157                saltenv,
1158                rel_path,
1159                path,
1160            )
1161            with self._cache_loc(rel_path, saltenv, cachedir=cachedir) as cache_dest:
1162                dest2check = cache_dest
1164        log.debug(
1165            "In saltenv '%s', ** considering ** path '%s' to resolve '%s'",
1166            saltenv,
1167            dest2check,
1168            path,
1169        )
1171        if dest2check and os.path.isfile(dest2check):
1172            if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
1173                hash_local, stat_local = self.hash_and_stat_file(dest2check, saltenv)
1174                try:
1175                    mode_local = stat_local[0]
1176                except (IndexError, TypeError):
1177                    mode_local = None
1178            else:
1179                hash_local = self.hash_file(dest2check, saltenv)
1180                mode_local = None
1182            if hash_local == hash_server:
1183                return dest2check
1185        log.debug(
1186            "Fetching file from saltenv '%s', ** attempting ** '%s'", saltenv, path
1187        )
1188        d_tries = 0
1189        transport_tries = 0
1190        path = self._check_proto(path)
1191        load = {"path": path, "saltenv": saltenv, "cmd": "_serve_file"}
1192        if gzip:
1193            gzip = int(gzip)
1194            load["gzip"] = gzip
1196        fn_ = None
1197        if dest:
1198            destdir = os.path.dirname(dest)
1199            if not os.path.isdir(destdir):
1200                if makedirs:
1201                    try:
1202                        os.makedirs(destdir)
1203                    except OSError as exc:
1204                        if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST:  # ignore if it was there already
1205                            raise
1206                else:
1207                    return False
1208            # We need an open filehandle here, that's why we're not using a
1209            # with clause:
1210            # pylint: disable=resource-leakage
1211            fn_ = salt.utils.files.fopen(dest, "wb+")
1212            # pylint: enable=resource-leakage
1213        else:
1214            log.debug("No dest file found")
1216        while True:
1217            if not fn_:
1218                load["loc"] = 0
1219            else:
1220                load["loc"] = fn_.tell()
1221            data = self.channel.send(load, raw=True)
1222            # Sometimes the source is local (eg when using
1223            # 'salt.fileserver.FSChan'), in which case the keys are
1224            # already strings. Sometimes the source is remote, in which
1225            # case the keys are bytes due to raw mode. Standardize on
1226            # strings for the top-level keys to simplify things.
1227            data = decode_dict_keys_to_str(data)
1228            try:
1229                if not data["data"]:
1230                    if not fn_ and data["dest"]:
1231                        # This is a 0 byte file on the master
1232                        with self._cache_loc(
1233                            data["dest"], saltenv, cachedir=cachedir
1234                        ) as cache_dest:
1235                            dest = cache_dest
1236                            with salt.utils.files.fopen(cache_dest, "wb+") as ofile:
1237                                ofile.write(data["data"])
1238                    if "hsum" in data and d_tries < 3:
1239                        # Master has prompted a file verification, if the
1240                        # verification fails, re-download the file. Try 3 times
1241                        d_tries += 1
1242                        hsum = salt.utils.hashutils.get_hash(
1243                            dest,
1244                            salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(
1245                                data.get("hash_type", b"md5")
1246                            ),
1247                        )
1248                        if hsum != data["hsum"]:
1249                            log.warning(
1250                                "Bad download of file %s, attempt %d of 3",
1251                                path,
1252                                d_tries,
1253                            )
1254                            continue
1255                    break
1256                if not fn_:
1257                    with self._cache_loc(
1258                        data["dest"], saltenv, cachedir=cachedir
1259                    ) as cache_dest:
1260                        dest = cache_dest
1261                        # If a directory was formerly cached at this path, then
1262                        # remove it to avoid a traceback trying to write the file
1263                        if os.path.isdir(dest):
1264                            salt.utils.files.rm_rf(dest)
1265                        fn_ = salt.utils.atomicfile.atomic_open(dest, "wb+")
1266                if data.get("gzip", None):
1267                    data = salt.utils.gzip_util.uncompress(data["data"])
1268                else:
1269                    data = data["data"]
1270                if isinstance(data, str):
1271                    data = data.encode()
1272                fn_.write(data)
1273            except (TypeError, KeyError) as exc:
1274                try:
1275                    data_type = type(data).__name__
1276                except AttributeError:
1277                    # Shouldn't happen, but don't let this cause a traceback.
1278                    data_type = str(type(data))
1279                transport_tries += 1
1280                log.warning(
1281                    "Data transport is broken, got: %s, type: %s, "
1282                    "exception: %s, attempt %d of 3",
1283                    data,
1284                    data_type,
1285                    exc,
1286                    transport_tries,
1287                )
1288                self._refresh_channel()
1289                if transport_tries > 3:
1290                    log.error(
1291                        "Data transport is broken, got: %s, type: %s, "
1292                        "exception: %s, retry attempts exhausted",
1293                        data,
1294                        data_type,
1295                        exc,
1296                    )
1297                    break
1299        if fn_:
1300            fn_.close()
1301            log.info("Fetching file from saltenv '%s', ** done ** '%s'", saltenv, path)
1302        else:
1303            log.debug(
1304                "In saltenv '%s', we are ** missing ** the file '%s'", saltenv, path
1305            )
1307        return dest
1309    def file_list(self, saltenv="base", prefix=""):
1310        """
1311        List the files on the master
1312        """
1313        load = {"saltenv": saltenv, "prefix": prefix, "cmd": "_file_list"}
1314        return self.channel.send(load)
1316    def file_list_emptydirs(self, saltenv="base", prefix=""):
1317        """
1318        List the empty dirs on the master
1319        """
1320        load = {"saltenv": saltenv, "prefix": prefix, "cmd": "_file_list_emptydirs"}
1321        return self.channel.send(load)
1323    def dir_list(self, saltenv="base", prefix=""):
1324        """
1325        List the dirs on the master
1326        """
1327        load = {"saltenv": saltenv, "prefix": prefix, "cmd": "_dir_list"}
1328        return self.channel.send(load)
1330    def symlink_list(self, saltenv="base", prefix=""):
1331        """
1332        List symlinked files and dirs on the master
1333        """
1334        load = {"saltenv": saltenv, "prefix": prefix, "cmd": "_symlink_list"}
1335        return self.channel.send(load)
1337    def __hash_and_stat_file(self, path, saltenv="base"):
1338        """
1339        Common code for hashing and stating files
1340        """
1341        try:
1342            path = self._check_proto(path)
1343        except MinionError as err:
1344            if not os.path.isfile(path):
1345                log.warning(
1346                    "specified file %s is not present to generate hash: %s", path, err
1347                )
1348                return {}, None
1349            else:
1350                ret = {}
1351                hash_type = self.opts.get("hash_type", "md5")
1352                ret["hsum"] = salt.utils.hashutils.get_hash(path, form=hash_type)
1353                ret["hash_type"] = hash_type
1354                return ret
1355        load = {"path": path, "saltenv": saltenv, "cmd": "_file_hash"}
1356        return self.channel.send(load)
1358    def hash_file(self, path, saltenv="base"):
1359        """
1360        Return the hash of a file, to get the hash of a file on the salt
1361        master file server prepend the path with salt://<file on server>
1362        otherwise, prepend the file with / for a local file.
1363        """
1364        return self.__hash_and_stat_file(path, saltenv)
1366    def hash_and_stat_file(self, path, saltenv="base"):
1367        """
1368        The same as hash_file, but also return the file's mode, or None if no
1369        mode data is present.
1370        """
1371        hash_result = self.hash_file(path, saltenv)
1372        try:
1373            path = self._check_proto(path)
1374        except MinionError as err:
1375            if not os.path.isfile(path):
1376                return hash_result, None
1377            else:
1378                try:
1379                    return hash_result, list(os.stat(path))
1380                except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
1381                    return hash_result, None
1382        load = {"path": path, "saltenv": saltenv, "cmd": "_file_find"}
1383        fnd = self.channel.send(load)
1384        try:
1385            stat_result = fnd.get("stat")
1386        except AttributeError:
1387            stat_result = None
1388        return hash_result, stat_result
1390    def list_env(self, saltenv="base"):
1391        """
1392        Return a list of the files in the file server's specified environment
1393        """
1394        load = {"saltenv": saltenv, "cmd": "_file_list"}
1395        return self.channel.send(load)
1397    def envs(self):
1398        """
1399        Return a list of available environments
1400        """
1401        load = {"cmd": "_file_envs"}
1402        return self.channel.send(load)
1404    def master_opts(self):
1405        """
1406        Return the master opts data
1407        """
1408        load = {"cmd": "_master_opts"}
1409        return self.channel.send(load)
1411    def master_tops(self):
1412        """
1413        Return the metadata derived from the master_tops system
1414        """
1415        load = {"cmd": "_master_tops", "id": self.opts["id"], "opts": self.opts}
1416        if self.auth:
1417            load["tok"] = self.auth.gen_token(b"salt")
1418        return self.channel.send(load)
1421class FSClient(RemoteClient):
1422    """
1423    A local client that uses the RemoteClient but substitutes the channel for
1424    the FSChan object
1425    """
1427    def __init__(self, opts):  # pylint: disable=W0231
1428        Client.__init__(self, opts)  # pylint: disable=W0233
1429        self._closing = False
1430        self.channel = salt.fileserver.FSChan(opts)
1431        self.auth = DumbAuth()
1434# Provide backward compatibility for anyone directly using LocalClient (but no
1435# one should be doing this).
1436LocalClient = FSClient
1439class DumbAuth:
1440    """
1441    The dumbauth class is used to stub out auth calls fired from the FSClient
1442    subsystem
1443    """
1445    def gen_token(self, clear_tok):
1446        return clear_tok