1 /* $Id: actsync.c 10182 2017-10-16 04:17:01Z eagle $
2  *
3  * actsync - sync or merge two active files
4  *
5  * usage:
6  *    actsync [-A][-b hostid][-d hostid][-g max][-i ignore_file][-I hostid][-k]
7  *	      [-l hostid][-m][-n name][-o fmt][-p %][-q hostid][-s size]
8  *	      [-t hostid][-T][-v verbose_lvl][-w sec][-z sec]
9  *	      [host1] host2
10  *
11  *	-A		use authentication to server
12  *	-b hostid	ignore *.bork.bork.bork groups from:	  (def: -b 0)
13  *			    0   from neither host
14  *			    1	from host1
15  *			    2	from host2
16  *			    12	from host1 and host2
17  *			    21	from host1 and host2
18  *	-d hostid	ignore groups with all numeric components (def: -d 0)
19  *	-g max		ignore group >max levels (0=dont ignore)  (def: -g 0)
20  *	-i ignore_file	file with list/types of groups to ignore  (def: no file)
21  *	-I hostid	ignore_file applies only to hostid	  (def: -I 12)
22  *	-k		keep host1 groups with errors  	 	  (def: remove)
23  *	-l hostid	flag =group problems as errors	 	  (def: -l 12)
24  *	-m		merge, keep group not on host2	 	  (def: sync)
25  *	-n name		name given to ctlinnd newgroup commands   (def: actsync)
26  *	-o fmt		type of output:				  (def: -o c)
27  *			    a	output groups in active format
28  *			    a1	like 'a', but output ignored non-err host1 grps
29  *			    ak	like 'a', keep host2 hi/low values on new groups
30  *			    aK	like 'a', use host2 hi/low values always
31  *			    a1k	like both 'a1' and 'ak'
32  *			    a1K	like both 'a1' and 'aK'
33  *			    ak1	like both 'a1' and 'ak'
34  *			    aK1	like both 'a1' and 'aK'
35  *			    c	output in ctlinnd change commands
36  *			    x	no output, safely exec ctlinnd commands
37  *			    xi	no output, safely exec commands interactively
38  *	-p %		min % host1 lines unchanged allowed	  (def: -p 96)
39  *	-q hostid	silence errors from a host (see -b)	  (def: -q 0)
40  *	-s size		ignore names longer than size (0=no lim)  (def: -s 0)
41  *	-t hostid	ignore bad top level groups from:(see -b) (def: -t 2)
42  *	-T		no new hierarchies                  	  (def: allow)
43  *	-v verbose_lvl	verbosity level				  (def: -v 0)
44  *			    0   no debug or status reports
45  *			    1   summary if work done
46  *			    2   summary & actions (if exec output) only if done
47  *			    3   summary & actions (if exec output)
48  *			    4   debug output plus all -v 3 messages
49  *	-w sec		wait sec seconds before ctlinnd timing out (def: -w 30)
50  *	-z sec		sleep sec seconds per exec if -o x	  (def: -z 4)
51  *	host1		host to be changed 	            (def: local server)
52  *	host2		reference host used in merge
53  */
54 /*
55  * By: Landon Curt Noll  	chongo@toad.com		(chongo was here /\../\)
56  *
57  * Copyright (c) Landon Curt Noll, 1996.
58  * All rights reserved.
59  *
60  * Permission to use and modify is hereby granted so long as this
61  * notice remains.  Use at your own risk.  No warranty is implied.
62  */
64 #include "config.h"
65 #include "clibrary.h"
66 #include <ctype.h>
67 #include <dirent.h>
68 #include <fcntl.h>
69 #include <errno.h>
70 #include <math.h>
71 #include <signal.h>
72 #include <sys/stat.h>
73 #include <sys/wait.h>
75 #include "inn/innconf.h"
76 #include "inn/messages.h"
77 #include "inn/hashtab.h"
78 #include "inn/qio.h"
79 #include "inn/libinn.h"
80 #include "inn/paths.h"
82 static const char usage[] = "\
83 Usage: actsync [-A][-b hostid][-d hostid][-i ignore_file][-I hostid][-k]\n\
84         [-l hostid][-m][-n name][-o fmt][-p min_%_unchg][-q hostid]\n\
85         [-s size][-t hostid][-T][-v verbose_lvl][-w sec][-z sec]\n\
86         [host1] host2\n\
87 \n\
88     -A          use authentication to server\n\
89     -b hostid   ignore *.bork.bork.bork groups from:    (def: -b 0)\n\
90                 0       from neither host\n\
91                 1       from host1\n\
92                 2       from host2\n\
93                 12      from host1 and host2\n\
94                 21      from host1 and host2\n\
95     -d hostid   ignore grps with all numeric components (def: -d 0)\n\
96     -g max      ignore group >max levels (0=don't)      (def: -g 0)\n\
97     -i file     file with groups to ignore              (def: no file)\n\
98     -I hostid   ignore_file applies only to hostid      (def: -I 12)\n\
99     -k          keep host1 groups with errors           (def: remove)\n\
100     -l hostid   flag =group problems as errors          (def: -l 12)\n\
101     -m          merge, keep group not on host2          (def: sync)\n\
102     -n name     name given to ctlinnd newgroup cmds     (def: actsync)\n\
103     -o fmt      type of output:                         (def: -o c)\n\
104                 a       output groups in active format\n\
105                 a1      like 'a', but output ignored non-err host1 grps\n\
106                 ak      like 'a', keep host2 hi/low values on new groups\n\
107                 aK      like 'a', use host2 hi/low values always\n\
108                 a1k     like both 'a1' and 'ak'\n\
109                 a1K     like both 'a1' and 'aK'\n\
110                 ak1     like both 'a1' and 'ak'\n\
111                 aK1     like both 'a1' and 'aK'\n\
112                 c       output in ctlinnd change commands\n\
113                 x       no output, safely exec ctlinnd commands\n\
114                 xi      no output, safely exec commands interactively\n\
115     -p %        min % host1 lines unchanged allowed     (def: -p 96)\n\
116     -q hostid   silence errors from a host (see -b)     (def: -q 0)\n\
117     -s size     ignore names > than size (0=no lim)     (def: -s 0)\n\
118     -t hostid   ignore bad top level grps from: (see -b)(def: -t 2)\n\
119     -T          no new hierarchies                      (def: allow)\n\
120     -v level    verbosity level                         (def: -v 0)\n\
121                 0       no debug or status reports\n\
122                 1       summary if work done\n\
123                 2       summary & actions (if exec output) only if done\n\
124                 3       summary & actions (if exec output)\n\
125                 4       debug output plus all -v 3 messages\n\
126     -w sec      wait sec seconds before ctlinnd timing out (def: -w 30)\n\
127     -z sec      sleep sec seconds per exec if -o x      (def: -z 4)\n\
128 \n\
129     host1       host to be changed                      (def: local server)\n\
130     host2       reference host used in merge\n";
133 /*
134  * pat - internal ignore/check pattern
135  *
136  * A pattern, derived from an ignore file, will determine if a group
137  * will be checked if it is on both hosts or ignored altogether.
138  *
139  * The type related to the 4th field of an active file.  Types may
140  * currently be one of [ymjnx=].  If '=' is one of the types, an
141  * optional equivalence pattern may be given in the 'epat' element.
142  *
143  * For example, to ignore "foo.bar.*", if it is junked or equated to
144  * a group of the form "alt.*.foo.bar.*":
145  *
146  *	x.pat = "foo.bar.*";
147  *	x.type = "j=";
148  *	x.epat = "alt.*.foo.bar.*";
149  *	x.ignore = 1;
150  *
151  * To further check "foo.bar.mod" if it is moderated:
152  *
153  *	x.pat = "foo.bar.mod";
154  *	x.type = "m";
155  *	x.epat = NULL;
156  *	x.ignore = 0;
157  *
158  * The 'i' value means ignore, 'c' value means 'compare'.   The last pattern
159  * that matches a group determines the fate of the group.  By default all
160  * groups are included.
161  */
162 struct pat {
163     char *pat;		/* newsgroup pattern */
164     int type_match;	/* 1 => match only if group type matches */
165     int y_type;		/* 1 => match if a 'y' type group */
166     int m_type;		/* 1 => match if a 'm' type group */
167     int n_type;		/* 1 => match if a 'n' type group */
168     int j_type;		/* 1 => match if a 'j' type group */
169     int x_type;		/* 1 => match if a 'x' type group */
170     int eq_type;	/* 1 => match if a 'eq' type group */
171     char *epat;		/* =pattern to match, if non-NULL and = is in type */
172     int ignore;		/* 0 => check matching group, 1 => ignore it */
173 };
175 /* internal representation of an active line */
176 struct grp {
177     int ignore;		/* ignore reason, 0 => not ignore (see below) */
178     int hostid;		/* HOSTID this group is from */
179     int linenum;	/* >0 => active line number, <=0 => not a line */
180     int output;		/* 1 => output to produce the merged active file */
181     int remove;		/* 1 => remove this group */
182     char *name;		/* newsgroup name */
183     char *hi;		/* high article string */
184     char *low;		/* low article string */
185     char *type;		/* newsgroup type string */
186     const char *outhi;	/* output high article string */
187     const char *outlow;	/* output low article string */
188     char *outtype;	/* output newsgroup type string */
189 };
191 /* structure used in the process of looking for =group type problems */
192 struct eqgrp {
193     int skip;		/* 1 => skip this entry */
194     struct grp *g;	/* =group that is being examined */
195     char *eq;		/* current equivalence name */
196 };
198 /*
199  * These ignore reasons are listed in order severity; from mild to severe.
200  */
201 #define NOT_IGNORED	0x0000	/* newsgroup has not been ignored */
202 #define CHECK_IGNORE	0x0001	/* ignore file ignores this entry */
203 #define CHECK_TYPE	0x0002	/* group type is ignored */
204 #define CHECK_BORK	0x0004	/* group is a *.bork.bork.bork group */
205 #define CHECK_HIER	0x0008	/* -T && new group's hierarchy does not exist */
206 #define ERROR_LONGLOOP	0x0010	/* =name refers to long =grp chain or cycle */
207 #define ERROR_EQLOOP	0x0020	/* =name refers to itself in some way */
208 #define ERROR_NONEQ	0x0040	/* =name does not refer to a valid group */
209 #define ERROR_DUP	0x0080	/* newsgroup is a duplicate of another */
210 #define ERROR_EQNAME	0x0100	/* =name is a bad group name */
211 #define ERROR_BADTYPE	0x0200	/* newsgroup type is invalid */
212 #define ERROR_BADNAME	0x0400	/* newsgroup name is invalid */
213 #define ERROR_FORMAT	0x0800	/* entry line is malformed */
218 #define NOHOST 0		/* neither host1 nor host2 */
219 #define HOSTID1 1		/* entry from the first host */
220 #define HOSTID2 2		/* entry from the second host */
222 #define CHUNK 5000		/* number of elements to alloc at a time */
224 #define TYPES "ymjnx="		/* group types (1st char of 4th active fld) */
225 #define TYPECNT (sizeof(TYPES)-1)
227 #define DEF_HI   "0000000000"	/* default hi string value for new groups */
228 #define DEF_LOW  "0000000001"	/* default low string value for new groups */
230 #define DEF_NAME "actsync"	/* default name to use for ctlinnd newgroup */
232 #define MIN_UNCHG (double)96.0	/* min % of host1 lines unchanged allowed */
234 #define DEV_NULL "/dev/null"	/* path to the bit bucket */
235 #define CTLINND_NAME "ctlinnd"	/* basename of ctlinnd command */
237 #define READ_SIDE 0		/* read side of a pipe */
238 #define WRITE_SIDE 1		/* write side of a pipe */
240 #define EQ_LOOP 16		/* give up if =eq loop/chain is this long */
241 #define NOT_REACHED 127		/* exit value if unable to get active files */
243 #define NEWGRP_EMPTY 0		/* no new group dir was found */
244 #define NEWGRP_NOCHG 1		/* new group dir found but no hi/low change */
245 #define NEWGRP_CHG 2		/* new group dir found but no hi/low change */
247 /* -b macros */
248 #define BORK_CHECK(hostid)  \
249     ((hostid == HOSTID1 && bork_host1_flag) || \
250      (hostid == HOSTID2 && bork_host2_flag))
252 /* -d macros */
253 #define NUM_CHECK(hostid)  \
254     ((hostid == HOSTID1 && num_host1_flag) || \
255      (hostid == HOSTID2 && num_host2_flag))
257 /* -t macros */
258 #define TOP_CHECK(hostid)  \
259     ((hostid == HOSTID1 && t_host1_flag) || \
260      (hostid == HOSTID2 && t_host2_flag))
262 /* -o output types */
263 #define OUTPUT_ACTIVE 1		/* output in active file format */
264 #define OUTPUT_CTLINND 2	/* output in ctlinnd change commands */
265 #define OUTPUT_EXEC 3		/* no output, safely exec commands */
266 #define OUTPUT_IEXEC 4		/* no output, exec commands interactively */
268 /* -q macros */
269 #define QUIET(hostid)  \
270     ((hostid == HOSTID1 && quiet_host1) || (hostid == HOSTID2 && quiet_host2))
272 /* -v verbosity level */
273 #define VER_MIN 0		/* minimum -v level */
274 #define VER_NONE 0		/* no -v output */
275 #define VER_SUMM_IF_WORK 1	/* output summary if actions were performed */
276 #define VER_REPT_IF_WORK 2	/* output summary & actions only if performed */
277 #define VER_REPORT 3		/* output summary & actions performed */
278 #define VER_FULL 4		/* output all summary, actins and debug */
279 #define VER_MAX 4		/* maximum -v level */
280 #define D_IF_SUMM (v_flag >= VER_SUMM_IF_WORK) /* true => give summary always */
281 #define D_REPORT (v_flag >= VER_REPT_IF_WORK)  /* true => give reports */
282 #define D_BUG (v_flag == VER_FULL)	       /* true => debug processing */
283 #define D_SUMMARY (v_flag >= VER_REPORT)       /* true => give summary always */
285 /* flag and arg related defaults */
286 int bork_host1_flag = 0; 	/* 1 => -b 1 or -b 12 or -b 21 given */
287 int bork_host2_flag = 0; 	/* 1 => -b 2 or -b 12 or -b 21 given */
288 int num_host1_flag = 0; 	/* 1 => -d 1 or -d 12 or -d 21 given */
289 int num_host2_flag = 0; 	/* 1 => -d 2 or -d 12 or -d 21 given */
290 char *ign_file = NULL;	 	/* default ignore file */
291 int ign_host1_flag = 1;		/* 1 => -i ign_file applies to host1 */
292 int ign_host2_flag = 1;		/* 1 => -i ign_file applies to host2 */
293 int g_flag = 0;			/* ignore grps deeper than > g_flag, 0=>dont */
294 int k_flag = 0;		 	/* 1 => -k given */
295 int l_host1_flag = HOSTID1;	/* HOSTID1 => host1 =group error detection */
296 int l_host2_flag = HOSTID2;	/* HOSTID2 => host2 =group error detection */
297 int m_flag = 0;			/* 1 => merge active files, don't sync */
298 const char *new_name = DEF_NAME;	/* ctlinnd newgroup name */
299 int o_flag = OUTPUT_CTLINND;	/* default output type */
300 double p_flag = MIN_UNCHG;	/* min % host1 lines allowed to be unchanged */
301 int host1_errs = 0;		/* errors found in host1 active file */
302 int host2_errs = 0;		/* errors found in host2 active file */
303 int quiet_host1 = 0; 		/* 1 => -q 1 or -q 12 or -q 21 given */
304 int quiet_host2 = 0;	 	/* 1 => -q 2 or -q 12 or -q 21 given */
305 int s_flag = 0;			/* max group size (length), 0 => do not check */
306 int t_host1_flag = 0;		/* 1 => -t 1 or -t 12 or -t 21 given */
307 int t_host2_flag = 1;		/* 1 => -t 2 or -t 12 or -t 21 given */
308 int no_new_hier = 0;		/* 1 => -T; no new hierarchies */
309 int host2_hilow_newgrp = 0;	/* 1 => use host2 hi/low on new groups */
310 int host2_hilow_all = 0;	/* 1 => use host2 hi/low on all groups */
311 int host1_ign_print = 0;	/* 1 => print host1 ignored groups too */
312 int v_flag = 0;			/* default verbosity level */
313 int w_flag = 30;        /* sleep w_flag sec before ctlinnd timing out */
314 int z_flag = 4;			/* sleep z_flag sec per exec if -o x */
315 int A_flag = 0;         /* 1 => authentication before LIST command */
317 /* forward declarations */
318 static void process_args(int argc, char *argv[], char **host1, char **host2);
319 static struct grp *get_active(char *host, int hostid, int *len, struct grp *,
320                               int *errs);
321 static int bad_grpname(char *name, int num_chk);
322 static struct pat *get_ignore(char *filename, int *len);
323 static void ignore(struct grp *, int grplen, struct pat *, int iglen);
324 static int merge_cmp(const void *, const void *);
325 static void merge_grps(struct grp *, int grplen, char *host1, char *host2);
326 static int active_cmp(const void *, const void *);
327 static void output_grps(struct grp *, int grplen);
328 static void error_mark(struct grp *, int grplen, int hostid);
329 static int eq_merge_cmp(const void *, const void *);
330 static int mark_eq_probs(struct grp *, int grplen, int hostid, char *host1,
331                          char *host2);
332 static int exec_cmd(int mode, const char *cmd, char *grp, char *type,
333                     const char *who);
334 static int new_top_hier(char *name, struct hash *existing_hier);
335 static const void *string_key(const void *entry);
336 static bool string_equal(const void *key, const void *entry);
338 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])339 main(int argc, char *argv[])
340 {
341     struct grp *grp;		/* struct grp array for host1 & host2 */
342     struct pat *ignor;		/* ignore list from ignore file */
343     int grplen;			/* length of host1/host2 group array */
344     int iglen;			/* length of ignore list */
345     char *host1;		/* host to change */
346     char *host2;		/* comparison host */
348     /* First thing, set up our identity. */
349     message_program_name = "actsync";
351     /* Read in default info from inn.conf. */
352     if (!innconf_read(NULL))
353         exit(1);
354     process_args(argc, argv, &host1, &host2);
356     /* obtain the active files */
357     grp = get_active(host1, HOSTID1, &grplen, NULL, &host1_errs);
358     grp = get_active(host2, HOSTID2, &grplen, grp, &host2_errs);
360     /* ignore groups from both active files, if -i */
361     if (ign_file != NULL) {
363 	/* read in the ignore file */
364 	ignor = get_ignore(ign_file, &iglen);
366 	/* ignore groups */
367 	ignore(grp, grplen, ignor, iglen);
368     }
370     /* compare groups from both hosts */
371     merge_grps(grp, grplen, host1, host2);
373     /* mark for removal, error groups from host1 if -e */
374     if (! k_flag) {
376 	/* mark error groups for removal */
377 	error_mark(grp, grplen, HOSTID1);
378     }
380     /* output result of merge */
381     output_grps(grp, grplen);
383     /* all done */
384     exit(0);
385 }
387 /*
388  * process_args - process the command line arguments
389  *
390  * given:
391  *	argc	arg count
392  *	argv	the args
393  *	host1	name of first host (may be 2nd if -R)
394  *	host2	name of second host2 *may be 1st if -R)
395  */
396 static void
process_args(int argc,char * argv[],char ** host1,char ** host2)397 process_args(int argc, char *argv[], char **host1, char **host2)
398 {
399     char *def_serv = NULL;	/* name of default server */
400     int i;
402     /* parse args */
403     while ((i = getopt(argc,argv,"Ab:d:g:i:I:kl:mn:o:p:q:s:t:Tv:w:z:")) != EOF) {
404 	switch (i) {
405 	case 'A':
406 	    A_flag = 1;
407 	    break;
408 	case 'b':		/* -b {0|1|2|12|21} */
409 	    switch (atoi(optarg)) {
410 	    case 0:
411 		bork_host1_flag = 0;
412 		bork_host2_flag = 0;
413 		break;
414 	    case 1:
415 		bork_host1_flag = 1;
416 		break;
417 	    case 2:
418 		bork_host2_flag = 1;
419 		break;
420 	    case 12:
421 	    case 21:
422 		bork_host1_flag = 1;
423 		bork_host2_flag = 1;
424 		break;
425 	    default:
426                 warn("-b option must be 0, 1, 2, 12, or 21");
427                 die("%s", usage);
428 	    }
429 	    break;
430 	case 'd':		/* -d {0|1|2|12|21} */
431 	    switch (atoi(optarg)) {
432 	    case 0:
433 		num_host1_flag = 0;
434 		num_host2_flag = 0;
435 		break;
436 	    case 1:
437 		num_host1_flag = 1;
438 		break;
439 	    case 2:
440 		num_host2_flag = 1;
441 		break;
442 	    case 12:
443 	    case 21:
444 		num_host1_flag = 1;
445 		num_host2_flag = 1;
446 		break;
447 	    default:
448                 warn("-d option must be 0, 1, 2, 12, or 21");
449 		die("%s", usage);
450 	    }
451 	    break;
452 	case 'g':		/* -g max */
453 	    g_flag = atoi(optarg);
454 	    break;
455 	case 'i':		/* -i ignore_file */
456 	    ign_file = optarg;
457 	    break;
458 	case 'I':		/* -I {0|1|2|12|21} */
459 	    switch (atoi(optarg)) {
460 	    case 0:
461 		ign_host1_flag = 0;
462 		ign_host2_flag = 0;
463 		break;
464 	    case 1:
465 		ign_host1_flag = 1;
466 		ign_host2_flag = 0;
467 		break;
468 	    case 2:
469 		ign_host1_flag = 0;
470 		ign_host2_flag = 1;
471 		break;
472 	    case 12:
473 	    case 21:
474 		ign_host1_flag = 1;
475 		ign_host2_flag = 1;
476 		break;
477 	    default:
478                 warn("-I option must be 0, 1, 2, 12, or 21");
479 		die("%s", usage);
480 	    }
481 	    break;
482 	case 'k':		/* -k */
483 	    k_flag = 1;
484 	    break;
485 	case 'l':		/* -l {0|1|2|12|21} */
486 	    switch (atoi(optarg)) {
487 	    case 0:
488 		l_host1_flag = NOHOST;
489 		l_host2_flag = NOHOST;
490 		break;
491 	    case 1:
492 		l_host1_flag = HOSTID1;
493 		l_host2_flag = NOHOST;
494 		break;
495 	    case 2:
496 		l_host1_flag = NOHOST;
497 		l_host2_flag = HOSTID2;
498 		break;
499 	    case 12:
500 	    case 21:
501 		l_host1_flag = HOSTID1;
502 		l_host2_flag = HOSTID2;
503 		break;
504 	    default:
505                 warn("-l option must be 0, 1, 2, 12, or 21");
506 		die("%s", usage);
507 	    }
508 	    break;
509 	case 'm':		/* -m */
510 	    m_flag = 1;
511 	    break;
512 	case 'n':		/* -n name */
513 	    new_name = optarg;
514 	    break;
515 	case 'o':		/* -o out_type */
516 	    switch (optarg[0]) {
517 	    case 'a':
518 		o_flag = OUTPUT_ACTIVE;
519 		switch (optarg[1]) {
520 		case '1':
521 		    switch(optarg[2]) {
522 		    case 'K':	/* -o a1K */
523 			host1_ign_print = 1;
524 			host2_hilow_all = 1;
525 			host2_hilow_newgrp = 1;
526 			break;
527 		    case 'k':	/* -o a1k */
528 			host1_ign_print = 1;
529 			host2_hilow_newgrp = 1;
530 			break;
531 		    default:	/* -o a1 */
532 			host1_ign_print = 1;
533 			break;
534 		    }
535 		    break;
536 		case 'K':
537 		    switch(optarg[2]) {
538 		    case '1':	/* -o aK1 */
539 			host1_ign_print = 1;
540 			host2_hilow_all = 1;
541 			host2_hilow_newgrp = 1;
542 			break;
543 		    default:	/* -o aK */
544 			host2_hilow_all = 1;
545 			host2_hilow_newgrp = 1;
546 			break;
547 		    };
548 		    break;
549 		case 'k':
550 		    switch(optarg[2]) {
551 		    case '1':	/* -o ak1 */
552 			host1_ign_print = 1;
553 			host2_hilow_newgrp = 1;
554 			break;
555 		    default:	/* -o ak */
556 			host2_hilow_newgrp = 1;
557 			break;
558 		    };
559 		    break;
560 		case '\0':	/* -o a */
561 		    break;
562 		default:
563                     warn("-o type must be a, a1, ak, aK, ak1, aK1, a1k or a1K");
564 		    die("%s", usage);
565 		}
566 		break;
567 	    case 'c':
568 		o_flag = OUTPUT_CTLINND;
569 		break;
570 	    case 'x':
571 		if (optarg[1] == 'i') {
572 		    o_flag = OUTPUT_IEXEC;
573 		} else {
574 		    o_flag = OUTPUT_EXEC;
575 		}
576 		break;
577 	    default:
578                 warn("-o type must be a, a1, ak, aK, ak1, aK1, a1k, a1K, c, x, or xi");
579 		die("%s", usage);
580 	    }
581 	    break;
582 	case 'p':		/* -p %_min_host1_change */
583 	    /* parse % into [0,100] */
584 	    p_flag = atof(optarg);
585 	    if (p_flag > (double)100.0) {
586 		p_flag = (double)100.0;
587 	    } else if (p_flag < (double)0.0) {
588 		p_flag = (double)0.0;
589 	    }
590 	    break;
591 	case 'q':		/* -q {0|1|2|12|21} */
592 	    switch (atoi(optarg)) {
593 	    case 0:
594 		quiet_host1 = 0;
595 		quiet_host2 = 0;
596 		break;
597 	    case 1:
598 		quiet_host1 = 1;
599 		break;
600 	    case 2:
601 		quiet_host2 = 1;
602 		break;
603 	    case 12:
604 	    case 21:
605 		quiet_host1 = 1;
606 		quiet_host2 = 1;
607 		break;
608 	    default:
609                 warn("-q option must be 0, 1, 2, 12, or 21");
610 		die("%s", usage);
611 	    }
612 	    break;
613 	case 's':		/* -s size */
614 	    s_flag = atoi(optarg);
615 	    break;
616 	case 't':		/* -t {0|1|2|12|21} */
617 	    switch (atoi(optarg)) {
618 	    case 0:
619 		t_host1_flag = NOHOST;
620 		t_host2_flag = NOHOST;
621 		break;
622 	    case 1:
623 		t_host1_flag = HOSTID1;
624 		t_host2_flag = NOHOST;
625 		break;
626 	    case 2:
627 		t_host1_flag = NOHOST;
628 		t_host2_flag = HOSTID2;
629 		break;
630 	    case 12:
631 	    case 21:
632 		t_host1_flag = HOSTID1;
633 		t_host2_flag = HOSTID2;
634 		break;
635 	    default:
636                 warn("-t option must be 0, 1, 2, 12, or 21");
637 		die("%s", usage);
638 	    }
639 	    break;
640 	case 'T':		/* -T */
641 	    no_new_hier = 1;
642 	    break;
643 	case 'v':		/* -v verbose_lvl */
644 	    v_flag = atoi(optarg);
645 	    if (v_flag < VER_MIN || v_flag > VER_MAX) {
646                 warn("-v level must be >= %d and <= %d", VER_MIN, VER_MAX);
647 		die("%s", usage);
648 	    }
649 	    break;
650 	case 'w':		/* -w sec */
651 	    w_flag = atoi(optarg);
652         if (w_flag < 0) {
653             warn("-w option must be a positive integer");
654             die("%s", usage);
655         }
656 	    break;
657 	case 'z':		/* -z sec */
658 	    z_flag = atoi(optarg);
659 	    break;
660 	default:
661             warn("unknown flag");
662 	    die("%s", usage);
663 	}
664     }
666     /* process the remaining args */
667     argc -= optind;
668     argv += optind;
669     *host1 = NULL;
670     switch (argc) {
671     case 1:
672 	/* assume host1 is the local server */
673 	*host2 = argv[0];
674 	break;
675     case 2:
676 	*host1 = argv[0];
677 	*host2 = argv[1];
678 	break;
679     default:
680         warn("expected 1 or 2 host args, found %d", argc);
681 	die("%s", usage);
682     }
684     /* determine default host name if needed */
685     if (*host1 == NULL || strcmp(*host1, "-") == 0) {
686 	def_serv = innconf->server;
687 	*host1 = def_serv;
688     }
689     if (*host2 == NULL || strcmp(*host2, "-") == 0) {
690 	def_serv = innconf->server;
691 	*host2 = def_serv;
692     }
693     if (*host1 == NULL || *host2 == NULL)
694         die("unable to determine default server name");
695     if (D_BUG && def_serv != NULL)
696         warn("STATUS: using default server: %s", def_serv);
698     /* processing done */
699     return;
700 }
702 /*
703  * get_active - get an active file from a host
704  *
705  * given:
706  *	host	host to contact or file to read
707  *	hostid	HOST_ID of host
708  *	len	pointer to length of grp return array
709  *	grp	existing host array to add, or NULL
710  *	errs	count of lines that were found to have some error
711  *
712  * returns;
713  *	Pointer to an array of grp structures describing each active entry.
714  *	Does not return on fatal error.
715  *
716  * If host starts with a '/' or '.', then it is assumed to be a local file.
717  * In that case, the local file is opened and read.
718  */
719 static struct grp *
get_active(char * host,int hostid,int * len,struct grp * grp,int * errs)720 get_active(char *host, int hostid, int *len, struct grp *grp, int *errs)
721 {
722     FILE *active;		/* stream for fetched active data */
723     FILE *FromServer;		/* stream from server */
724     FILE *ToServer;		/* stream to server */
725     QIOSTATE *qp;		/* QIO active state */
726     char buff[8192+1];		/* QIO buffer */
727     char *line;			/* the line just read */
728     struct grp *ret;		/* array of groups to return */
729     struct grp *cur;		/* current grp entry being formed */
730     int max;			/* max length of ret */
731     int cnt;			/* number of entries read */
732     int ucnt;			/* number of entries to be used */
733     int namelen;		/* length of newsgroup name */
734     int is_file;		/* 1 => host is actually a filename */
735     int num_check;		/* true => check for all numeric components */
736     char *rhost;
737     int rport;
738     char *p;
739     int i;
741     /* firewall */
742     if (len == NULL)
743         die("internal error #1: len is NULL");
744     if (errs == NULL)
745         die("internal error #2: errs is NULL");
746     if (host == NULL)
747         die("internal error #10: host is NULL");
748     if (D_BUG)
749         warn("STATUS: obtaining active file from %s", host);
751     /* setup return array if needed */
752     if (grp == NULL) {
753         ret = xmalloc(CHUNK * sizeof(struct grp));
754 	max = CHUNK;
755 	*len = 0;
757     /* or prep to use the existing array */
758     } else {
759 	ret = grp;
760 	max = ((*len + CHUNK-1)/CHUNK)*CHUNK;
761     }
763     /* check for host being a filename */
764     if (host[0] == '/' || host[0] == '.') {
766 	/* note that host is actually a file */
767 	is_file = 1;
769 	/* setup to read the local file quickly */
770 	if ((qp = QIOopen(host)) == NULL)
771             sysdie("cannot open active file");
773     /* case: host is a hostname */
774     } else {
776 	/* note that host is actually a hostname */
777 	is_file = 0;
779         /* prepare remote host variables */
780 	if ((p = strchr(host, ':')) != NULL) {
781 		rport = atoi(p + 1);
782 		*p = '\0';
783 		rhost = xstrdup(host);
784 		*p = ':';
785 	} else {
786 		rhost = xstrdup(host);
787 		rport = NNTP_PORT;
788 	}
790 	/* open a connection to the server */
791 	buff[0] = '\0';
792 	if (NNTPconnect(rhost, rport, &FromServer, &ToServer, buff,
793                         sizeof(buff)) < 0)
794             die("cannot connect to server: %s",
795                 buff[0] ? buff : strerror(errno));
797         if (A_flag && NNTPsendpassword(rhost, FromServer, ToServer) < 0)
798             die("cannot authenticate to server");
800 	free(rhost);
802 	/* get the active data from the server */
803 	active = CAlistopen(FromServer, ToServer, NULL);
804 	if (active == NULL)
805             sysdie("cannot retrieve data");
807 	/* setup to read the retrieved data quickly */
808 	if ((qp = QIOfdopen((int)fileno(active))) == NULL)
809             sysdie("cannot read temp file");
810     }
812     /* scan server's output, processing appropriate lines */
813     num_check = NUM_CHECK(hostid);
814     for (cnt=0, ucnt=0; (line = QIOread(qp)) != NULL; ++(*len), ++cnt) {
816 	/* expand return array if needed */
817 	if (*len >= max) {
818 	    max += CHUNK;
819             ret = xrealloc(ret, sizeof(struct grp) * max);
820 	}
822 	/* setup the next return element */
823 	cur = &ret[*len];
824 	cur->ignore = NOT_IGNORED;
825 	cur->hostid = hostid;
826 	cur->linenum = cnt+1;
827 	cur->output = 0;
828 	cur->remove = 0;
829 	cur->name = NULL;
830 	cur->hi = NULL;
831 	cur->low = NULL;
832 	cur->type = NULL;
833 	cur->outhi = NULL;
834 	cur->outlow = NULL;
835 	cur->outtype = NULL;
837 	/* obtain a copy of the current line */
838         cur->name = xstrdup(line);
840 	/* get the group name */
841 	if ((p = strchr(cur->name, ' ')) == NULL) {
842 	    if (!QUIET(hostid))
843                 warn("line %d from %s is malformed, skipping line", cnt + 1,
844                      host);
846 	    /* don't form an entry for this group */
847 	    --(*len);
848 	    continue;
849 	}
850 	*p = '\0';
851 	namelen = p - cur->name;
853 	/* find the other 3 fields, ignore if not found */
854 	cur->hi = p+1;
855 	if ((p = strchr(p + 1, ' ')) == NULL) {
856 	    if (!QUIET(hostid))
857                 warn("skipping malformed line %d (field 2) from %s", cnt + 1,
858                      host);
860 	    /* don't form an entry for this group */
861 	    --(*len);
862 	    continue;
863 	}
864 	*p = '\0';
865 	cur->low = p+1;
866 	if ((p = strchr(p + 1, ' ')) == NULL) {
867 	    if (!QUIET(hostid))
868                 warn("skipping malformed line %d (field 3) from %s", cnt + 1,
869                      host);
871 	    /* don't form an entry for this group */
872 	    --(*len);
873 	    continue;
874 	}
875 	*p = '\0';
876 	cur->type = p+1;
877 	if ((p = strchr(p + 1, ' ')) != NULL) {
878 	    if (!QUIET(hostid))
879                 warn("skipping line %d from %s, it has more than 4 fields",
880                      cnt + 1, host);
882 	    /* don't form an entry for this group */
883 	    --(*len);
884 	    continue;
885 	}
887 	/* check for bad group name */
888 	if (bad_grpname(cur->name, num_check)) {
889 	    if (!QUIET(hostid))
890                 warn("line %d <%s> from %s has a bad newsgroup name",
891                      cnt + 1, cur->name, host);
892 	    cur->ignore |= ERROR_BADNAME;
893 	    continue;
894 	}
896 	/* check for long name if requested */
897 	if (s_flag > 0 && strlen(cur->name) > (size_t)s_flag) {
898 	    if (!QUIET(hostid))
899                 warn("line %d <%s> from %s has a name that is too long",
900                      cnt + 1, cur->name, host);
901 	    cur->ignore |= ERROR_BADNAME;
902 	    continue;
903 	}
905 	/* look for only a bad top level element if the proper -t was given */
906 	if (TOP_CHECK(hostid)) {
908 	    /* look for a '.' in the name */
909 	    if (strcmp(cur->name, "junk") != 0 &&
910 	        strcmp(cur->name, "control") != 0 &&
911 	        strcmp(cur->name, "to") != 0 &&
912 	        strcmp(cur->name, "test") != 0 &&
913 	        strcmp(cur->name, "general") != 0 &&
914 		strchr(cur->name, '.') == NULL) {
915 		if (!QUIET(hostid))
916                     warn("line %d <%s> from %s is an invalid top level name",
917                          cnt + 1, cur->name, host);
918 		cur->ignore |= ERROR_BADNAME;
919 		continue;
920 	    }
921 	}
923 	/* look for *.bork.bork.bork groups if the proper -b was given */
924 	if (BORK_CHECK(cur->hostid)) {
925 	    int elmlen;		/* length of element */
926 	    char *q;		/* beyond end of element */
928 	    /* scan the name backwards */
929 	    q = &(cur->name[namelen]);
930 	    for (p = &(cur->name[namelen-1]); p >= cur->name; --p) {
931 		/* if '.', see if this is a bork element */
932 		if (*p == '.') {
933 		    /* see if the bork element is short enough */
934 		    elmlen = q-p;
935 		    if (3*elmlen <= q-cur->name) {
936 			/* look for a triple match */
937 			if (strncmp(p,p-elmlen,elmlen) == 0 &&
938 			    strncmp(p,p-(elmlen*2),elmlen) == 0) {
939 			    /* found a *.bork.bork.bork group */
940 			    cur->ignore |= CHECK_BORK;
941 			    break;
942 			}
943 		    }
944 		    /* note the end of a new element */
945 		    q = p;
946 		}
947 	    }
948 	}
950 	/*
951 	 * check for bad chars in the hi water mark
952 	 */
953 	for (p=cur->hi, i=0; *p && isdigit((unsigned char) *p); ++p, ++i) {
954 	}
955 	if (*p) {
956 	    if (!QUIET(hostid))
957                 warn("line %d <%s> from %s has non-digits in hi water",
958                      cnt + 1, cur->name, cur->hi);
959 	    cur->ignore |= ERROR_FORMAT;
960 	    continue;
961 	}
963 	/*
964 	 * check for excessive hi water length
965 	 */
966 	if (i > ARTNUMPRINTSIZE) {
967 	    if (!QUIET(hostid))
968                 warn("line %d <%s> from %s hi water len: %d < %d",
969                      cnt + 1, cur->name, cur->hi, i, ARTNUMPRINTSIZE);
970 	    cur->ignore |= ERROR_FORMAT;
971 	    continue;
972 	}
974 	/*
975 	 * if the hi water length is too small, malloc and resize
976 	 */
977 	if (i != ARTNUMPRINTSIZE) {
978             p = xmalloc(ARTNUMPRINTSIZE + 1);
979 	    memcpy(p, cur->hi, ((i > ARTNUMPRINTSIZE) ? ARTNUMPRINTSIZE : i)+1);
980 	}
982 	/*
983 	 * check for bad chars in the low water mark
984 	 */
985 	for (p=cur->low, i=0; *p && isdigit((unsigned char) *p); ++p, ++i) {
986 	}
987 	if (*p) {
988 	    if (!QUIET(hostid))
989                 warn("line %d <%s> from %s has non-digits in low water",
990 		     cnt + 1, cur->name, cur->low);
991 	    cur->ignore |= ERROR_FORMAT;
992 	    continue;
993 	}
995 	/*
996 	 * check for excessive low water length
997 	 */
998 	if (i > ARTNUMPRINTSIZE) {
999 	    if (!QUIET(hostid))
1000                 warn("line %d <%s> from %s low water len: %d < %d",
1001 		     cnt + 1, cur->name, cur->hi, i, ARTNUMPRINTSIZE);
1002 	    cur->ignore |= ERROR_FORMAT;
1003 	    continue;
1004 	}
1006 	/*
1007 	 * if the low water length is too small, malloc and resize
1008 	 */
1009 	if (i != ARTNUMPRINTSIZE) {
1010             p = xmalloc(ARTNUMPRINTSIZE + 1);
1011 	    memcpy(p, cur->low, ((i > ARTNUMPRINTSIZE) ? ARTNUMPRINTSIZE : i)+1);
1012 	}
1014 	/* check for a bad group type */
1015 	switch (cur->type[0]) {
1016 	case NF_FLAG_OK:
1017 		/* of COURSE: collabra has incompatible flags. but it	*/
1018 		/* looks like they can be fixed easily enough.		*/
1019 		if (cur->type[1] == 'g') {
1020 			cur->type[1] = '\0';
1021 		}
1022                 /* fallthrough */
1024 	case NF_FLAG_JUNK:
1025 	case NF_FLAG_NOLOCAL:
1026 	case NF_FLAG_IGNORE:
1027 	    if (cur->type[1] != '\0') {
1028 		if (!QUIET(hostid))
1029                     warn("line %d <%s> from %s has a bad newsgroup type",
1030                          cnt + 1, cur->name, host);
1031 		cur->ignore |= ERROR_BADTYPE;
1032 	    }
1033 	    break;
1034 	case NF_FLAG_ALIAS:
1035 	    if (cur->type[1] == '\0') {
1036 		if (!QUIET(hostid))
1037                     warn("line %d <%s> from %s has an empty =group name",
1038                          cnt + 1, cur->name, host);
1039 		cur->ignore |= ERROR_BADTYPE;
1040 	    }
1041 	    break;
1042 	default:
1043 	    if (!QUIET(hostid))
1044                 warn("line %d <%s> from %s has an unknown newsgroup type",
1045                      cnt + 1, cur->name, host);
1046 	    cur->ignore |= ERROR_BADTYPE;
1047 	    break;
1048 	}
1049 	if (cur->ignore & ERROR_BADTYPE) {
1050 	    continue;
1051 	}
1053 	/* if an = type, check for bad = name */
1054 	if (cur->type[0] == NF_FLAG_ALIAS && bad_grpname(&(cur->type[1]), num_check)) {
1055 	    if (!QUIET(hostid))
1056                 warn("line %d <%s> from %s is equivalenced to a bad name:"
1057                      " <%s>", cnt+1, cur->name, host,
1058 		     (cur->type) ? cur->type : "NULL");
1059 	    cur->ignore |= ERROR_EQNAME;
1060 	    continue;
1061 	}
1063 	/* if an = type, check for long = name if requested */
1064 	if (cur->type[0] == NF_FLAG_ALIAS && s_flag > 0 &&
1065 	    strlen(&(cur->type[1])) > (size_t)s_flag) {
1066 	    if (!QUIET(hostid))
1067                 warn("line %d <%s> from %s is equivalenced to a long name:"
1068                      " <%s>", cnt+1, cur->name, host,
1069 		     (cur->type) ? cur->type : "NULL");
1070 	    cur->ignore |= ERROR_EQNAME;
1071 	    continue;
1072 	}
1074 	/* count this entry which will be used */
1075 	++ucnt;
1076     }
1077     if (D_BUG)
1078         warn("STATUS: read %d groups, will merge %d groups from %s",
1079              cnt, ucnt, host);
1081     /* count the errors */
1082     *errs = cnt - ucnt;
1083     if (D_BUG)
1084         warn("STATUS: found %d line errors from %s", *errs, host);
1086     /* determine why we stopped */
1087     if (QIOerror(qp))
1088         sysdie("cannot read temp file for %s at line %d", host, cnt);
1089     else if (QIOtoolong(qp))
1090         sysdie("line %d from host %s is too long", cnt, host);
1092     /* all done */
1093     if (is_file) {
1094 	QIOclose(qp);
1095     } else {
1096 	CAclose();
1097 	fprintf(ToServer, "QUIT\r\n");
1098 	fclose(ToServer);
1099 	fgets(buff, sizeof buff, FromServer);
1100 	fclose(FromServer);
1101     }
1102     return ret;
1103 }
1105 /*
1106  * bad_grpname - test if the string is a valid group name
1107  *
1108  * Newsgroup names must consist of only alphanumeric chars and
1109  * characters from the following regular expression:
1110  *
1111  *	[.+-_]
1112  *
1113  * One cannot have two '.'s in a row or end in a '.' character.
1114  *
1115  * If we are checking for all numeric components, (see num_chk) then
1116  * a component cannot be all numeric.  I.e,. there must be a non-numeric
1117  * character in the name, there must be a non-numeric character between
1118  * the start and the first '.', there must be a non-numeric character
1119  * between two '.'s and there must be a non-numeric character between
1120  * the last '.' and the end.
1121  *
1122  * given:
1123  *	name	newsgroup name to check
1124  *	num_chk	true => all numeric newsgroups components are invalid
1125  *		false => do not check for numeric newsgroups
1126  *
1127  * returns:
1128  *	0	group is ok
1129  *	1	group is bad
1130  */
1131 static int
bad_grpname(char * name,int num_chk)1132 bad_grpname(char *name, int num_chk)
1133 {
1134     char *p;
1135     int non_num;	/* true => found a non-numeric, non-. character */
1136     int level;		/* group levels (.'s) */
1138     /* firewall */
1139     if (name == NULL) {
1140 	return 1;
1141     }
1143     /* set non_num as needed */
1144     if (isalpha((unsigned char) name[0])
1145         || name[0] == '+' || name[0] == '-' || name[0] == '_') {
1146 	non_num = true;
1147     } else if (isdigit((unsigned char) name[0])) {
1148 	non_num = false;
1149     } else {
1150 	return 1;
1151     }
1153     /* scan each char */
1154     level = 0;
1155     for (p=name+1; *p; ++p) {
1156 	/* alpha chars are ok */
1157 	if (isalpha((unsigned char) *p)) {
1158 	    non_num = true;
1159 	    continue;
1160 	}
1162 	/* numeric chars are ok */
1163 	if (isdigit((unsigned char) *p)) {
1164 	    continue;
1165 	}
1167 	/* +, - and _ are ok */
1168 	if (*p == '+' || *p == '-' || *p == '_') {
1169 	    non_num = true;
1170 	    continue;
1171 	}
1173 	/* check for the '.' case */
1174 	if (*p == '.') {
1175 	    /*
1176 	     * look for groups that are too deep, if requested by -g
1177 	     */
1178 	    if (g_flag > 0 && ++level > g_flag) {
1179 		/* we are too deep */
1180 		return 1;
1181 	    }
1183 	    /*
1184              * A '.' is ok as long as the next character is alphanumeric
1185              * or '+', '-', '_'.
1186 	     * This implies that '.' cannot be before a previous '.' and
1187 	     * that it cannot be at the end.
1188 	     *
1189 	     * If we are checking for all numeric components, then
1190 	     * '.' is ok if we saw a non-numeric char before the
1191 	     * last '.', or before the beginning if no previous '.'
1192 	     * has been seen.
1193 	     */
1194             if ((!num_chk || non_num) &&
1195                 (isalnum((unsigned char) *(p+1)) || *(p+1) == '+' || *(p+1) == '-' || *(p+1) == '_' )) {
1196 		++p;		/* '.' is ok, and so is the next char */
1197 		if (isdigit((unsigned char) *p)) {	/* reset non_num as needed */
1198 		    non_num = false;
1199 		} else {
1200 		    non_num = true;
1201 		}
1202 		continue;
1203 	    }
1204 	}
1206 	/* this character must be invalid */
1207 	return 1;
1208     }
1209     if (num_chk && !non_num) {
1210 	/* last component is all numeric */
1211 	return 1;
1212     }
1214     /* the name must be ok */
1215     return 0;
1216 }
1218 /*
1219  * get_ignore - get the ignore list from an ignore file
1220  *
1221  * given:
1222  *	filename	name of the ignore file to read
1223  *	*len		pointer to length of ignore return array
1224  *
1225  * returns:
1226  *	returns a malloced ignore pattern array, changes len
1227  *
1228  * An ignore file is of the form:
1229  *
1230  *	# this is a comment which is ignored
1231  *	# comments begin at the first # character
1232  *	# comments may follow text on the same line
1233  *
1234  *	# blank lines are ignored too
1235  *
1236  *	# lines are [ic] <spaces-tabs> pattern [<spaces-tabs> type] ...
1237  *	i    foo.*		# ignore foo.* groups,
1238  *	c    foo.bar m		# but check foo.bar if moderated
1239  *	c    foo.keep.*		# and check foo.keep.*
1240  *	i    foo.keep.* j =alt.*      # except when foo.keep.* is junked
1241  *	                              #     or equivalenced to an alt.* group
1242  *
1243  * The 'i' value means ignore, 'c' value means 'compare'.   The last pattern
1244  * that matches a group determines the fate of the group.  By default all
1245  * groups are included.
1246  *
1247  * NOTE: Only one '=name' is allowed per line.
1248  *       "=" is considered to be equivalent to "=*".
1249  */
1250 static struct pat *
get_ignore(char * filename,int * len)1251 get_ignore(char *filename, int *len)
1252 {
1253     QIOSTATE *qp;		/* QIO ignore file state */
1254     char *line;			/* the line just read */
1255     struct pat *ret;		/* array of ignore patterns to return */
1256     struct pat *cur;		/* current pattern entry being formed */
1257     int max;			/* max length (in elements) of ret */
1258     int linenum;		/* current line number */
1259     char *p;
1260     int i;
1262     /* firewall */
1263     if (filename == NULL)
1264         die("internal error #3: filename is NULL");
1265     if (len == NULL)
1266         die("internal error #4: len is NULL");
1267     if (D_BUG)
1268         warn("STATUS: reading ignore file %s", filename);
1270     /* setup return array */
1271     ret = xmalloc(CHUNK * sizeof(struct grp));
1272     max = CHUNK;
1274     /* setup to read the ignore file data quickly */
1275     if ((qp = QIOopen(filename)) == NULL)
1276         sysdie("cannot read ignore file %s", filename);
1278     /* scan server's output, displaying appropriate lines */
1279     *len = 0;
1280     for (linenum = 1; (line = QIOread(qp)) != NULL; ++linenum) {
1282 	/* expand return array if needed */
1283 	if (*len >= max) {
1284 	    max += CHUNK;
1285             ret = xrealloc(ret, sizeof(struct pat) * max);
1286 	}
1288 	/* remove any trailing comments */
1289 	p = strchr(line, '#');
1290 	if (p != NULL) {
1291 	    *p = '\0';
1292 	}
1294 	/* remove any trailing spaces and tabs */
1295 	for (p = &line[strlen(line)-1];
1296 	     p >= line && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t');
1297 	     --p) {
1298 	    *p = '\0';
1299 	}
1301 	/* ignore line if the remainder of the line is empty */
1302 	if (line[0] == '\0') {
1303 	    continue;
1304 	}
1306 	/* ensure that the line starts with an i or c token */
1307 	if ((line[0] != 'i' && line[0] != 'c') ||
1308 	    (line[1] != ' ' && line[1] != '\t'))
1309             die("first token is not i or c in line %d of %s", linenum,
1310                 filename);
1312 	/* ensure that the second newsgroup pattern token follows */
1313 	p = strtok(line+2, " \t");
1314 	if (p == NULL)
1315             die("did not find 2nd field in line %d of %s", linenum,
1316                 filename);
1318 	/* setup the next return element */
1319 	cur = &ret[*len];
1320 	cur->pat = NULL;
1321 	cur->type_match = 0;
1322 	cur->y_type = 0;
1323 	cur->m_type = 0;
1324 	cur->n_type = 0;
1325 	cur->j_type = 0;
1326 	cur->x_type = 0;
1327 	cur->eq_type = 0;
1328 	cur->epat = NULL;
1329 	cur->ignore = (line[0] == 'i');
1331 	/* obtain a copy of the newsgroup pattern token */
1332         cur->pat = xstrdup(p);
1334 	/* process any other type tokens */
1335 	for (p=strtok(NULL, " \t"), i=3;
1336 	     p != NULL;
1337 	     p=strtok(NULL, " \t"), ++i) {
1339 	    /* ensure that this next token is a valid type */
1340 	    switch (p[0]) {
1341 	    case NF_FLAG_OK:
1342 	    case NF_FLAG_MODERATED:
1343 	    case NF_FLAG_JUNK:
1344 	    case NF_FLAG_NOLOCAL:
1345 	    case NF_FLAG_IGNORE:
1346 		if (p[1] != '\0') {
1347                     warn("field %d on line %d of %s not a valid type",
1348                          i, linenum, filename);
1349                     die("valid types are a char from [ymnjx=] or =name");
1350 		}
1351 		break;
1352 	    case NF_FLAG_ALIAS:
1353 		break;
1354 	    default:
1355                 warn("field %d on line %d of %s is not a valid type",
1356                      i, linenum, filename);
1357                 die("valid types are a char from [ymnjx=] or =name");
1358             }
1360 	    /* note that we have a type specific pattern */
1361 	    cur->type_match = 1;
1363 	    /* ensure that type is not a duplicate */
1364 	    if ((p[0] == NF_FLAG_OK && cur->y_type) ||
1365 	        (p[0] == NF_FLAG_MODERATED && cur->m_type) ||
1366 	        (p[0] == NF_FLAG_NOLOCAL && cur->n_type) ||
1367 	        (p[0] == NF_FLAG_JUNK && cur->j_type) ||
1368 	        (p[0] == NF_FLAG_IGNORE && cur->x_type) ||
1369 	        (p[0] == NF_FLAG_ALIAS && cur->eq_type)) {
1370                 warn("only one %c type allowed per line", p[0]);
1371                 die("field %d on line %d of %s is a duplicate type",
1372                     i, linenum, filename);
1373 	    }
1375 	    /* note what we have seen */
1376 	    switch (p[0]) {
1377 	    case NF_FLAG_OK:
1378 		cur->y_type = 1;
1379 		break;
1380 	    case NF_FLAG_MODERATED:
1381 		cur->m_type = 1;
1382 		break;
1383 	    case NF_FLAG_JUNK:
1384 		cur->j_type = 1;
1385 		break;
1386 	    case NF_FLAG_NOLOCAL:
1387 		cur->n_type = 1;
1388 		break;
1389 	    case NF_FLAG_IGNORE:
1390 		cur->x_type = 1;
1391 		break;
1392 	    case NF_FLAG_ALIAS:
1393 		cur->eq_type = 1;
1394 		if (p[0] == NF_FLAG_ALIAS && p[1] != '\0')
1395                     cur->epat = xstrdup(p + 1);
1396 		break;
1397 	    }
1399 	    /* object if too many fields */
1400 	    if (i-3 > (int) TYPECNT)
1401                 die("too many fields on line %d of %s", linenum, filename);
1402 	}
1404 	/* count another pat element */
1405 	++(*len);
1406     }
1408     /* return the pattern array */
1409     return ret;
1410 }
1412 /*
1413  * ignore - ignore newsgroups given an ignore list
1414  *
1415  * given:
1416  *	grp	array of groups
1417  *	grplen	length of grp array in elements
1418  *	igcl	array of ignore
1419  *	iglen	length of igcl array in elements
1420  */
1421 static void
ignore(struct grp * grp,int grplen,struct pat * igcl,int iglen)1422 ignore(struct grp *grp, int grplen, struct pat *igcl, int iglen)
1423 {
1424     struct grp *gp;		/* current group element being examined */
1425     struct pat *pp;		/* current pattern element being examined */
1426     int g;			/* current group index number */
1427     int p;			/* current pattern index number */
1428     int ign;			/* 1 => ignore this group, 0 => check it */
1429     int icnt;			/* groups ignored */
1430     int ccnt;			/* groups to be checked */
1432     /* firewall */
1433     if (grp == NULL)
1434         die("internal error #5: grp is NULL");
1435     if (igcl == NULL)
1436         die("internal error $6: igcl is NULL");
1437     if (D_BUG)
1438         warn("STATUS: determining which groups to ignore");
1440     /* if nothing to do, return quickly */
1441     if (grplen <= 0 || iglen <= 0) {
1442 	return;
1443     }
1445     /* examine each group */
1446     icnt = 0;
1447     ccnt = 0;
1448     for (g=0; g < grplen; ++g) {
1450 	/* check the group to examine */
1451 	gp = &grp[g];
1452 	if (gp->ignore) {
1453 	    /* already ignored no need to examine */
1454 	    continue;
1455 	}
1457 	/* check group against all patterns */
1458 	ign = 0;
1459 	for (p=0, pp=igcl; p < iglen; ++p, ++pp) {
1461 	    /* if pattern has a specific type, check it first */
1462 	    if (pp->type_match) {
1464 		/* specific type required, check for match */
1465 		switch (gp->type[0]) {
1466 		case NF_FLAG_OK:
1467 		    if (! pp->y_type) continue;  /* pattern does not apply */
1468 		    break;
1469 		case NF_FLAG_MODERATED:
1470 		    if (! pp->m_type) continue;  /* pattern does not apply */
1471 		    break;
1472 		case NF_FLAG_NOLOCAL:
1473 		    if (! pp->n_type) continue;  /* pattern does not apply */
1474 		    break;
1475 		case NF_FLAG_JUNK:
1476 		    if (! pp->j_type) continue;  /* pattern does not apply */
1477 		    break;
1478 		case NF_FLAG_IGNORE:
1479 		    if (! pp->x_type) continue;  /* pattern does not apply */
1480 		    break;
1481 		case NF_FLAG_ALIAS:
1482 		    if (! pp->eq_type) continue;  /* pattern does not apply */
1483 		    if (pp->epat != NULL && !uwildmat(&gp->type[1], pp->epat)) {
1484 			/* equiv pattern doesn't match, patt does not apply */
1485 			continue;
1486 		    }
1487 		    break;
1488 		}
1489 	    }
1491 	    /* perform a match on group name */
1492 	    if (uwildmat(gp->name, pp->pat)) {
1493 		/* this pattern fully matches, use the ignore value */
1494 		ign = pp->ignore;
1495 	    }
1496 	}
1498 	/* if this group is to be ignored, note it */
1499 	if (ign) {
1500 	    switch (gp->hostid) {
1501 	    case HOSTID1:
1502 		if (ign_host1_flag) {
1503 		    gp->ignore |= CHECK_IGNORE;
1504 		    ++icnt;
1505 		}
1506 		break;
1507 	    case HOSTID2:
1508 		if (ign_host2_flag) {
1509 		    gp->ignore |= CHECK_IGNORE;
1510 		    ++icnt;
1511 		}
1512 		break;
1513 	    default:
1514                 die("newsgroup %s bad hostid: %d", gp->name, gp->hostid);
1515 	    }
1516 	} else {
1517 	    ++ccnt;
1518 	}
1519     }
1520     if (D_BUG)
1521         warn("STATUS: examined %d groups: %d ignored, %d to be checked",
1522              grplen, icnt, ccnt);
1523 }
1525 /*
1526  * merge_cmp - qsort compare function for later group merge
1527  *
1528  * given:
1529  *	a	group a to compare
1530  *	b	group b to compare
1531  *
1532  * returns:
1533  *	>0	a > b
1534  *	0	a == b elements match (fatal error if a and b are different)
1535  *	<0	a < b
1536  *
1537  * To speed up group comparison, we compare by the following items listed
1538  * in order of sorting:
1539  *
1540  *	group name
1541  *	hostid			(host1 ahead of host2)
1542  *	linenum			(active file line number)
1543  */
1544 static int
merge_cmp(const void * arg_a,const void * arg_b)1545 merge_cmp(const void *arg_a, const void *arg_b)
1546 {
1547     const struct grp *a = arg_a;	/* group a to compare */
1548     const struct grp *b = arg_b;	/* group b to compare */
1549     int i;
1551     /* firewall */
1552     if (a == b) {
1553 	/* we guess this could happen */
1554 	return(0);
1555     }
1557     /* compare group names */
1558     i = strcmp(a->name, b->name);
1559     if (i != 0) {
1560 	return i;
1561     }
1563     /* compare hostid's */
1564     if (a->hostid != b->hostid) {
1565 	if (a->hostid > b->hostid) {
1566 	    return 1;
1567 	} else {
1568 	    return -1;
1569 	}
1570     }
1572     /* compare active line numbers */
1573     if (a->linenum != b->linenum) {
1574 	if (a->linenum > b->linenum) {
1575 	    return 1;
1576 	} else {
1577 	    return -1;
1578 	}
1579     }
1581     /* two different elements match, this should not happen! */
1582     die("two internal grp elements match!");
1583     /*NOTREACHED*/
1584 }
1586 /*
1587  * merge_grps - compare groups from both hosts
1588  *
1589  * given:
1590  *	grp	array of groups
1591  *	grplen	length of grp array in elements
1592  *	host1	name of host with HOSTID1
1593  *	host2	name of host with HOSTID2
1594  *
1595  * This routine will select which groups to output from a merged active file.
1596  */
1597 static void
merge_grps(struct grp * grp,int grplen,char * host1,char * host2)1598 merge_grps(struct grp *grp, int grplen, char *host1, char *host2)
1599 {
1600     int cur;		/* current group index being examined */
1601     int nxt;		/* next group index being examined */
1602     int outcnt;		/* groups to output */
1603     int rmcnt;		/* groups to remove */
1604     int h1_probs;	/* =type problem groups from host1 */
1605     int h2_probs;	/* =type problem groups from host2 */
1607     /* firewall */
1608     if (grp == NULL)
1609         die("internal error #7: grp is NULL");
1611     /* sort groups for the merge */
1612     if (D_BUG)
1613         warn("STATUS: sorting groups");
1614     qsort((char *)grp, grplen, sizeof(grp[0]), merge_cmp);
1616     /* mark =type problem groups from host2, if needed */
1617     h2_probs = mark_eq_probs(grp, grplen, l_host2_flag, host1, host2);
1619     /*
1620      * We will walk thru the sorted group array, looking for pairs
1621      * among the groups that we have not already ignored.
1622      *
1623      * If a host has duplicate groups, then the duplicates will
1624      * be next to each other.
1625      *
1626      * If both hosts have the name group, they will be next to each other.
1627      */
1628     if (D_BUG)
1629         warn("STATUS: merging groups");
1630     outcnt = 0;
1631     rmcnt = 0;
1632     for (cur=0; cur < grplen; cur=nxt) {
1634 	/* determine the next group index */
1635 	nxt = cur+1;
1637 	/* skip if this group is ignored */
1638 	if (grp[cur].ignore) {
1639 	    continue;
1640 	}
1641 	/* assert: cur is not ignored */
1643 	/* check for duplicate groups from the same host */
1644 	while (nxt < grplen) {
1646 	    /* mark the later as a duplicate */
1647 	    if (grp[cur].hostid == grp[nxt].hostid &&
1648 	        strcmp(grp[cur].name, grp[nxt].name) == 0) {
1649 		grp[nxt].ignore |= ERROR_DUP;
1650 		if (!QUIET(grp[cur].hostid))
1651                     warn("lines %d and %d from %s refer to the same group",
1652                          grp[cur].linenum, grp[nxt].linenum,
1653                          ((grp[cur].hostid == HOSTID1) ? host1 : host2));
1654 		++nxt;
1655 	    } else {
1656 		break;
1657 	    }
1658 	}
1659 	/* assert: cur is not ignored */
1660 	/* assert: cur & nxt are not the same group from the same host */
1662 	/* if nxt is ignored, look for the next non-ignored group */
1663 	while (nxt < grplen && grp[nxt].ignore) {
1664 	    ++nxt;
1665 	}
1666 	/* assert: cur is not ignored */
1667 	/* assert: nxt is not ignored or is beyond end */
1668 	/* assert: cur & nxt are not the same group from the same host */
1670 	/* case: cur and nxt are the same group */
1671 	if (nxt < grplen && strcmp(grp[cur].name, grp[nxt].name) == 0) {
1673 	    /* assert: cur is HOSTID1 */
1674 	    if (grp[cur].hostid != HOSTID1)
1675                 die("internal error #8: grp[%d].hostid: %d != %d",
1676 		    cur, grp[cur].hostid, HOSTID1);
1678 	    /*
1679 	     * Both hosts have the same group.  Make host1 group type
1680 	     * match host2.  (it may already)
1681 	     */
1682 	    grp[cur].output = 1;
1683 	    grp[cur].outhi = (host2_hilow_all ? grp[nxt].hi : grp[cur].hi);
1684 	    grp[cur].outlow = (host2_hilow_all ? grp[nxt].low : grp[cur].low);
1685 	    grp[cur].outtype = grp[nxt].type;
1686 	    ++outcnt;
1688 	    /* do not process nxt, skip to the one beyond */
1689 	    ++nxt;
1691 	/* case: cur and nxt are different groups */
1692 	} else {
1694 	    /*
1695 	     * if cur is host2, then host1 doesn't have it, so output it
1696 	     */
1697 	    if (grp[cur].hostid == HOSTID2) {
1698 		grp[cur].output = 1;
1699 		grp[cur].outhi = (host2_hilow_newgrp ? grp[cur].hi : DEF_HI);
1700 		grp[cur].outlow = (host2_hilow_newgrp ? grp[cur].low : DEF_LOW);
1701 		grp[cur].outtype = grp[cur].type;
1702 		++outcnt;
1704 	    /*
1705 	     * If cur is host1, then host2 doesn't have it.
1706 	     * Mark for removal if -m was not given.
1707 	     */
1708 	    } else {
1709 		grp[cur].output = 1;
1710 		grp[cur].outhi = grp[cur].hi;
1711 		grp[cur].outlow = grp[cur].low;
1712 		grp[cur].outtype = grp[cur].type;
1713 		if (! m_flag) {
1714 		    grp[cur].remove = 1;
1715 		    ++rmcnt;
1716 		}
1717 	    }
1719 	    /* if no more groups to examine, we are done */
1720 	    if (nxt >= grplen) {
1721 		break;
1722 	    }
1723 	}
1724     }
1726     /* mark =type problem groups from host1, if needed */
1727     h1_probs = mark_eq_probs(grp, grplen, l_host1_flag, host1, host2);
1729     /* all done */
1730     if (D_BUG) {
1731         warn("STATUS: sort-merge passed thru %d groups", outcnt);
1732         warn("STATUS: sort-merge marked %d groups for removal", rmcnt);
1733 	warn("STATUS: marked %d =type error groups from host1", h1_probs);
1734         warn("STATUS: marked %d =type error groups from host2", h2_probs);
1735     }
1736     return;
1737 }
1739 /*
1740  * active_cmp - qsort compare function for active file style output
1741  *
1742  * given:
1743  *	a	group a to compare
1744  *	b	group b to compare
1745  *
1746  * returns:
1747  *	>0	a > b
1748  *	0	a == b elements match (fatal error if a and b are different)
1749  *	<0	a < b
1750  *
1751  * This sort will sort groups so that the lines that will be output
1752  * are host1 lines followed by host2 lines.  Thus, we will sort by
1753  * the following keys:
1754  *
1755  *	hostid			(host1 ahead of host2)
1756  *	linenum			(active file line number)
1757  */
1758 static int
active_cmp(const void * arg_a,const void * arg_b)1759 active_cmp(const void *arg_a, const void *arg_b)
1760 {
1761     const struct grp *a = arg_a;	/* group a to compare */
1762     const struct grp *b = arg_b;	/* group b to compare */
1764     /* firewall */
1765     if (a == b) {
1766 	/* we guess this could happen */
1767 	return(0);
1768     }
1770     /* compare hostid's */
1771     if (a->hostid != b->hostid) {
1772 	if (a->hostid > b->hostid) {
1773 	    return 1;
1774 	} else {
1775 	    return -1;
1776 	}
1777     }
1779     /* compare active line numbers */
1780     if (a->linenum != b->linenum) {
1781 	if (a->linenum > b->linenum) {
1782 	    return 1;
1783 	} else {
1784 	    return -1;
1785 	}
1786     }
1788     /* two different elements match, this should not happen! */
1789     die("two internal grp elements match!");
1790     /*NOTREACHED*/
1791 }
1793 /*
1794  * output_grps - output the result of the merge
1795  *
1796  * given:
1797  *	grp	array of groups
1798  *	grplen	length of grp array in elements
1799  */
1800 static void
output_grps(struct grp * grp,int grplen)1801 output_grps(struct grp *grp, int grplen)
1802 {
1803     int add;		/* number of groups added */
1804     int change;		/* number of groups changed */
1805     int remove;		/* number of groups removed */
1806     int work;		/* adds + changes + removals */
1807     int same;		/* the number of groups the same */
1808     int ignore;		/* host1 newsgroups to ignore */
1809     int not_done;	/* exec errors and execs not performed */
1810     int rm_cycle;	/* 1 => removals only, 0 => adds & changes only */
1811     int sleep_msg;	/* 1 => -o x sleep message was given */
1812     int top_ignore;	/* number of groups ignored because of no top level */
1813     int restore;	/* host1 groups restored due to -o a1 */
1814     double host1_same;	/* % of host1 that is the same */
1815     struct hash *existing_hier;	/* hash of existing hierarchies for -T */
1816     char *p, *q;
1817     int i;
1819     /* firewall */
1820     if (grp == NULL)
1821         die("internal error #9: grp is NULL");
1823     /*
1824      * If -a1 was given, mark for output any host1 newsgroup that was
1825      * simply ignored due to the -i ign_file.
1826      */
1827     if (host1_ign_print) {
1828 	restore = 0;
1829 	for (i=0; i < grplen; ++i) {
1830 	    if (grp[i].hostid == HOSTID1 &&
1831 		(grp[i].ignore == CHECK_IGNORE ||
1832 		 grp[i].ignore == CHECK_TYPE ||
1833 		 grp[i].ignore == (CHECK_IGNORE|CHECK_TYPE))) {
1834 		/* force group to output and not be ignored */
1835 		grp[i].ignore = 0;
1836 		grp[i].output = 1;
1837 		grp[i].remove = 0;
1838 		grp[i].outhi = grp[i].hi;
1839 		grp[i].outlow = grp[i].low;
1840 		grp[i].outtype = grp[i].type;
1841 		++restore;
1842 	    }
1843 	}
1844 	if (D_BUG)
1845             warn("STATUS: restored %d host1 groups", restore);
1846     }
1848     /*
1849      * If -T, ignore new top level groups from host2
1850      */
1851     if (no_new_hier) {
1852 	existing_hier = hash_create(32, hash_string, string_key,
1853 		string_equal, free);
1854 	for (i=0; i < grplen; ++i) {
1855 	    if (grp[i].hostid == HOSTID2)
1856 		continue;
1857 	    p = xstrdup(grp[i].name);
1858 	    q = strchr(p, '.');
1859 	    if (q != NULL)
1860 		*q = '\0';
1861 	    if (!hash_insert(existing_hier, p, p))
1862 		free(p);
1863 	}
1864 	top_ignore = 0;
1865 	for (i=0; i < grplen; ++i) {
1866 	    /* look at new newsgroups */
1867 	    if (grp[i].hostid == HOSTID2 &&
1868 		grp[i].output != 0 &&
1869 		new_top_hier(grp[i].name, existing_hier)) {
1870 		 /* no top level ignore this new group */
1871 		 grp[i].ignore |= CHECK_HIER;
1872 		 grp[i].output = 0;
1873 		 if (D_BUG)
1874                      warn("ignore new newsgroup: %s, new hierarchy",
1875                           grp[i].name);
1876 		 ++top_ignore;
1877 	    }
1878 	}
1879 	hash_free(existing_hier);
1880 	if (D_SUMMARY)
1881             warn("STATUS: ignored %d new newsgroups due to new hierarchy",
1882                  top_ignore);
1883     }
1885     /* sort by active file order if active style output (-a) */
1886     if (o_flag == OUTPUT_ACTIVE) {
1887 	if (D_BUG)
1888             warn("STATUS: sorting groups in output order");
1889 	qsort((char *)grp, grplen, sizeof(grp[0]), active_cmp);
1890     }
1892     /*
1893      * Determine the % of lines from host1 active file that remain unchanged
1894      * ignoring any low/high water mark changes.
1895      *
1896      * Determine the number of old groups that will remain the same
1897      * the number of new groups that will be added.
1898      */
1899     add = 0;
1900     change = 0;
1901     remove = 0;
1902     same = 0;
1903     ignore = 0;
1904     for (i=0; i < grplen; ++i) {
1905 	/* skip non-output ...  */
1906 	if (grp[i].output == 0) {
1907 	    if (grp[i].hostid == HOSTID1) {
1908 		++ignore;
1909 	    }
1910 	    continue;
1912 	/* case: group needs removal */
1913 	} else if (grp[i].remove) {
1914 	    ++remove;
1916 	/* case: group is from host2, so we need a newgroup */
1917 	} else if (grp[i].hostid == HOSTID2) {
1918 	    ++add;
1920 	/* case: group is from host1, but the type changed */
1921 	} else if (grp[i].type != grp[i].outtype &&
1922 		   strcmp(grp[i].type,grp[i].outtype) != 0) {
1923 	    ++change;
1925 	/* case: group did not change */
1926 	} else {
1927 	    ++same;
1928 	}
1929     }
1930     work = add+change+remove;
1931     if (same+work+host1_errs <= 0) {
1932 	/* no lines, no work, no errors == nothing changed == 100% the same */
1933 	host1_same = (double)100.0;
1934     } else {
1935 	/* calculate % unchanged */
1936 	host1_same = (double)100.0 *
1937 		     ((double)same / (double)(same+work+host1_errs));
1938     }
1939     if (D_BUG) {
1940         warn("STATUS: same=%d add=%d, change=%d, remove=%d",
1941              same, add, change, remove);
1942         warn("STATUS: ignore=%d, work=%d, err=%d",
1943              ignore, work, host1_errs);
1944         warn("STATUS: same+work+err=%d, host1_same=%.2f%%",
1945              same+work+host1_errs, host1_same);
1946     }
1948     /*
1949      * Bail out if we too few lines in host1 active file (ignoring
1950      * low/high water mark changes) remaining unchanged.
1951      *
1952      * We define change as:
1953      *
1954      *	line errors from host1 active file
1955      *	newsgroups to be added to host1
1956      *	newsgroups to be removed from host1
1957      *	newsgroups to be change in host1
1958      */
1959     if (host1_same < p_flag) {
1960         warn("HALT: lines unchanged: %.2f%% < min change limit: %.2f%%",
1961              host1_same, p_flag);
1962         warn("    No output or commands executed.  Determine if the degree");
1963         warn("    of changes is okay and re-execute with a lower -p value");
1964         die("    or with the problem fixed.");
1965     }
1967     /*
1968      * look at all groups
1969      *
1970      * If we are not producing active file output, we must do removals
1971      * before we do any adds and changes.
1972      *
1973      * We recalculate the work stats in finer detail as well as noting how
1974      * many actions were successful.
1975      */
1976     add = 0;
1977     change = 0;
1978     remove = 0;
1979     same = 0;
1980     ignore = 0;
1981     work = 0;
1982     not_done = 0;
1983     sleep_msg = 0;
1984     rm_cycle = ((o_flag == OUTPUT_ACTIVE) ? 0 : 1);
1985     do {
1986 	for (i=0; i < grplen; ++i) {
1988 	    /* if -o Ax, output ignored non-error groups too */
1990 	    /*
1991 	     * skip non-output ...
1992 	     *
1993 	     * but if '-a' and active output mode, then don't skip ignored,
1994 	     * non-error, non-removed groups from host1
1995 	     */
1996 	    if (grp[i].output == 0) {
1997                 /* Ignored groups should only be counted once. */
1998 		if (!rm_cycle && grp[i].hostid == HOSTID1) {
1999 		    ++ignore;
2000 		}
2001 		continue;
2002 	    }
2004 	    /* case: output active lines */
2005 	    if (o_flag == OUTPUT_ACTIVE) {
2007 		/* case: group needs removal */
2008 		if (grp[i].remove) {
2009 		    ++remove;
2010 		    ++work;
2012 		/* case: group will be kept */
2013 		} else {
2015 		    /* output in active file format */
2016 		    printf("%s %s %s %s\n",
2017 			grp[i].name,  grp[i].outhi, grp[i].outlow,
2018 			grp[i].outtype);
2020 		    /* if -v level is high enough, do group accounting */
2021 		    if (D_IF_SUMM) {
2023 			/* case: group is from host2, so we need a newgroup */
2024 			if (grp[i].hostid == HOSTID2) {
2025 			    ++add;
2026 			    ++work;
2028 			/* case: group is from host1, but the type changed */
2029 			} else if (grp[i].type != grp[i].outtype &&
2030 				   strcmp(grp[i].type,grp[i].outtype) != 0) {
2031 			    ++change;
2032 			    ++work;
2034 			/* case: group did not change */
2035 			} else {
2036 			    ++same;
2037 			}
2038 		    }
2039 		}
2041 	    /* case: output ctlinnd commands */
2042 	    } else if (o_flag == OUTPUT_CTLINND) {
2044 		/* case: group needs removal */
2045 		if (grp[i].remove) {
2047 		    /* output rmgroup */
2048 		    if (rm_cycle) {
2049 			printf("%s rmgroup %s\n", CTLINND_NAME, grp[i].name);
2050 			++remove;
2051 			++work;
2052 		    }
2054 		/* case: group is from host2, so we need a newgroup */
2055 		} else if (grp[i].hostid == HOSTID2) {
2057 		    /* output newgroup */
2058 		    if (! rm_cycle) {
2059 			printf("%s newgroup %s %s %s\n",
2060 			    CTLINND_NAME, grp[i].name, grp[i].outtype, new_name);
2061 			++add;
2062 			++work;
2063 		    }
2065 		/* case: group is from host1, but the type changed */
2066 		} else if (grp[i].type != grp[i].outtype &&
2067 			   strcmp(grp[i].type,grp[i].outtype) != 0) {
2069 		    /* output changegroup */
2070 		    if (! rm_cycle) {
2071 			printf("%s changegroup %s %s\n",
2072 			    CTLINND_NAME, grp[i].name, grp[i].outtype);
2073 			++change;
2074 			++work;
2075 		    }
2077 		/* case: group did not change */
2078 		} else {
2079 		    if (! rm_cycle) {
2080 			++same;
2081 		    }
2082 		}
2084 	    /* case: exec ctlinnd commands */
2085 	    } else if (o_flag == OUTPUT_EXEC || o_flag == OUTPUT_IEXEC) {
2087 		/* warn about sleeping if needed and first time */
2088 		if (o_flag == OUTPUT_EXEC && z_flag > 0 && sleep_msg == 0) {
2089 		    if (D_SUMMARY)
2090                         warn("will sleep %d seconds before each fork/exec",
2091                              z_flag);
2092 		    sleep_msg = 1;
2093 		}
2095 		/* case: group needs removal */
2096 		if (grp[i].remove) {
2098 		    /* exec rmgroup */
2099 		    if (rm_cycle) {
2100 			if (D_REPORT && o_flag == OUTPUT_EXEC)
2101                             warn("rmgroup %s", grp[i].name);
2102 			if (! exec_cmd(o_flag, "rmgroup",
2103 			    grp[i].name, NULL, NULL)) {
2104 			    ++not_done;
2105 			} else {
2106 			    ++remove;
2107 			    ++work;
2108 			}
2109 		    }
2111 		/* case: group is from host2, so we need a newgroup */
2112 		} else if (grp[i].hostid == HOSTID2) {
2114 		    /* exec newgroup */
2115 		    if (!rm_cycle) {
2116 			if (D_REPORT && o_flag == OUTPUT_EXEC)
2117                             warn("newgroup %s %s %s",
2118                                  grp[i].name, grp[i].outtype, new_name);
2119 			if (! exec_cmd(o_flag, "newgroup", grp[i].name,
2120 				 grp[i].outtype, new_name)) {
2121 			    ++not_done;
2122 			} else {
2123 			    ++add;
2124 			    ++work;
2125 			}
2126 		    }
2128 		/* case: group is from host1, but the type changed */
2129 		} else if (grp[i].type != grp[i].outtype &&
2130 			   strcmp(grp[i].type,grp[i].outtype) != 0) {
2132 		    /* exec changegroup */
2133 		    if (!rm_cycle) {
2134 			if (D_REPORT && o_flag == OUTPUT_EXEC)
2135                             warn("changegroup %s %s",
2136                                  grp[i].name, grp[i].outtype);
2137 			if (! exec_cmd(o_flag, "changegroup", grp[i].name,
2138 				 grp[i].outtype, NULL)) {
2139 			    ++not_done;
2140 			} else {
2141 			    ++change;
2142 			    ++work;
2143 			}
2144 		    }
2146 		/* case: group did not change */
2147 		} else {
2148 		    if (! rm_cycle) {
2149 			++same;
2150 		    }
2151 		}
2152 	    }
2153 	}
2154     } while (--rm_cycle >= 0);
2156     /* final accounting, if -v */
2157     if (D_SUMMARY || (D_IF_SUMM && (work > 0 || not_done > 0))) {
2158         warn("STATUS: %d group(s)", add+remove+change+same);
2159         warn("STATUS: %d group(s)%s added", add,
2160              ((o_flag == OUTPUT_EXEC || o_flag == OUTPUT_IEXEC) ?
2161               "" : " to be"));
2162         warn("STATUS: %d group(s)%s removed",	remove,
2163              ((o_flag == OUTPUT_EXEC || o_flag == OUTPUT_IEXEC) ?
2164               "" : " to be"));
2165         warn("STATUS: %d group(s)%s changed", change,
2166              ((o_flag == OUTPUT_EXEC || o_flag == OUTPUT_IEXEC) ?
2167               "" : " to be"));
2168         warn("STATUS: %d group(s) %s the same", same,
2169              ((o_flag == OUTPUT_EXEC || o_flag == OUTPUT_IEXEC) ?
2170               "remain" : "are"));
2171         warn("STATUS: %.2f%% of lines unchanged", host1_same);
2172         warn("STATUS: %d group(s) ignored", ignore);
2173 	if (o_flag == OUTPUT_EXEC || o_flag == OUTPUT_IEXEC)
2174             warn("STATUS: %d exec(s) not performed", not_done);
2175     }
2176 }
2178 /*
2179  * error_mark - mark for removal, error groups from a given host
2180  *
2181  * given:
2182  *	grp	array of groups
2183  *	grplen	length of grp array in elements
2184  *	hostid	host to mark error groups for removal
2185  */
2186 static void
error_mark(struct grp * grp,int grplen,int hostid)2187 error_mark(struct grp *grp, int grplen, int hostid)
2188 {
2189     int i;
2190     int errcnt;
2192     /* firewall */
2193     if (grp == NULL)
2194         die("internal error #11: grp is NULL");
2196     /* loop thru groups, looking for error groups from a given host */
2197     errcnt = 0;
2198     for (i=0; i < grplen; ++i) {
2200 	/* skip if not from hostid */
2201 	if (grp[i].hostid != hostid) {
2202 	    continue;
2203 	}
2205 	/* mark for removal if an error group not already removed */
2206 	if (IS_ERROR(grp[i].ignore)) {
2208 	    /* mark for removal */
2209 	    if (grp[i].output != 1 || grp[i].remove != 1) {
2210 		grp[i].output = 1;
2211 		grp[i].remove = 1;
2212 	    }
2213 	    ++errcnt;
2214 	}
2215     }
2217     /* all done */
2218     if (D_SUMMARY || (D_IF_SUMM && errcnt > 0))
2219         warn("STATUS: marked %d error groups for removal", errcnt);
2220     return;
2221 }
2223 /*
2224  * eq_merge_cmp - qsort compare function for =type group processing
2225  *
2226  * given:
2227  *	a	=group a to compare
2228  *	b	=group b to compare
2229  *
2230  * returns:
2231  *	>0	a > b
2232  *	0	a == b elements match (fatal error if a and b are different)
2233  *	<0	a < b
2234  *
2235  * To speed up group comparison, we compare by the following items listed
2236  * in order of sorting:
2237  *
2238  *	skip			(non-skipped groups after skipped ones)
2239  *	group equiv name
2240  *	group name
2241  *	hostid			(host1 ahead of host2)
2242  *	linenum			(active file line number)
2243  */
2244 static int
eq_merge_cmp(const void * arg_a,const void * arg_b)2245 eq_merge_cmp(const void *arg_a, const void *arg_b)
2246 {
2247     const struct eqgrp *a = arg_a;	/* group a to compare */
2248     const struct eqgrp *b = arg_b;	/* group b to compare */
2249     int i;
2251     /* firewall */
2252     if (a == b) {
2253 	/* we guess this could happen */
2254 	return(0);
2255     }
2257     /* compare skip values */
2258     if (a->skip != b->skip) {
2259 	if (a->skip > b->skip) {
2260 	    /* a is skipped, b is not */
2261 	    return 1;
2262 	} else {
2263 	    /* b is skipped, a is not */
2264 	    return -1;
2265 	}
2266     }
2268     /* compare the names the groups are equivalenced to */
2269     i = strcmp(a->eq, b->eq);
2270     if (i != 0) {
2271 	return i;
2272     }
2274     /* compare the group names themselves */
2275     i = strcmp(a->g->name, b->g->name);
2276     if (i != 0) {
2277 	return i;
2278     }
2280     /* compare hostid's */
2281     if (a->g->hostid != b->g->hostid) {
2282 	if (a->g->hostid > b->g->hostid) {
2283 	    return 1;
2284 	} else {
2285 	    return -1;
2286 	}
2287     }
2289     /* compare active line numbers */
2290     if (a->g->linenum != b->g->linenum) {
2291 	if (a->g->linenum > b->g->linenum) {
2292 	    return 1;
2293 	} else {
2294 	    return -1;
2295 	}
2296     }
2298     /* two different elements match, this should not happen! */
2299     die("two internal eqgrp elements match!");
2300 }
2302 /*
2303  * mark_eq_probs - mark =type groups from a given host that have problems
2304  *
2305  * given:
2306  *	grp	 sorted array of groups
2307  *	grplen	 length of grp array in elements
2308  *	hostid	 host to mark error groups for removal, or NOHOST
2309  *	host1	name of host with HOSTID1
2310  *	host2	name of host with HOSTID2
2311  *
2312  * This function assumes that the grp array has been sorted by name.
2313  */
2314 static int
mark_eq_probs(struct grp * grp,int grplen,int hostid,char * host1,char * host2)2315 mark_eq_probs(struct grp *grp, int grplen, int hostid, char *host1,
2316               char *host2)
2317 {
2318     struct eqgrp *eqgrp;	/* =type pointer array */
2319     int eq_cnt;			/* number of =type groups from host */
2320     int new_eq_cnt;		/* number of =type groups remaining */
2321     int missing;		/* =type groups equiv to missing groups */
2322     int cycled;			/* =type groups equiv to themselves */
2323     int chained;		/* =type groups in long chain or loop */
2324     int cmp;			/* strcmp of two names */
2325     int step;			/* equiv loop step */
2326     int i;
2327     int j;
2329     /* firewall */
2330     if (grp == NULL)
2331         die("internal error #12: grp is NULL");
2332     if (hostid == NOHOST) {
2333 	/* nothing to detect, nothing else to do */
2334 	return 0;
2335     }
2337     /* count the =type groups from hostid that are not in error */
2338     eq_cnt = 0;
2339     for (i=0; i < grplen; ++i) {
2340 	if (grp[i].hostid == hostid &&
2341 	    ! IS_ERROR(grp[i].ignore) &&
2342 	    grp[i].type != NULL &&
2343 	    grp[i].type[0] == NF_FLAG_ALIAS) {
2344 	    ++eq_cnt;
2345 	}
2346     }
2347     if (D_BUG && hostid != NOHOST)
2348         warn("STATUS: host%d has %d =type groups", hostid, eq_cnt);
2350     /* if no groups, then there is nothing to do */
2351     if (eq_cnt == 0) {
2352 	return 0;
2353     }
2355     /* setup the =group record array */
2356     eqgrp = xmalloc(eq_cnt * sizeof(eqgrp[0]));
2357     for (i=0, j=0; i < grplen && j < eq_cnt; ++i) {
2358 	if (grp[i].hostid == hostid &&
2359 	    ! IS_ERROR(grp[i].ignore) &&
2360 	    grp[i].type != NULL &&
2361 	    grp[i].type[0] == NF_FLAG_ALIAS) {
2363 	    /* initialize record */
2364 	    eqgrp[j].skip = 0;
2365 	    eqgrp[j].g = &grp[i];
2366 	    eqgrp[j].eq = &(grp[i].type[1]);
2367 	    ++j;
2368 	}
2369     }
2371     /*
2372      * try to resolve =type groups in at least EQ_LOOP equiv links
2373      */
2374     new_eq_cnt = eq_cnt;
2375     missing = 0;
2376     cycled = 0;
2377     for (step=0; step < EQ_LOOP && new_eq_cnt >= 0; ++step) {
2379 	/* sort the =group record array */
2380 	qsort((char *)eqgrp, eq_cnt, sizeof(eqgrp[0]), eq_merge_cmp);
2382 	/* look for the groups to which =type group point at */
2383 	eq_cnt = new_eq_cnt;
2384 	for (i=0, j=0; i < grplen && j < eq_cnt; ++i) {
2386 	    /* we will skip any group in error or from the wrong host */
2387 	    if (grp[i].hostid != hostid || IS_ERROR(grp[i].ignore)) {
2388 		continue;
2389 	    }
2391 	    /* we will skip any skipped eqgrp's */
2392 	    if (eqgrp[j].skip) {
2393 		/* try the same group against the next eqgrp */
2394 		--i;
2395 		++j;
2396 		continue;
2397 	    }
2399 	    /* compare the =name of the eqgrp with the name of the grp */
2400 	    cmp = strcmp(grp[i].name, eqgrp[j].eq);
2402 	    /* case: this group is pointed at by an eqgrp */
2403 	    if (cmp == 0) {
2405 		 /* see if we have looped around to the original group name */
2406 		 if (strcmp(grp[i].name, eqgrp[j].g->name) == 0) {
2408 		    /* note the detected loop */
2409 		    if (! QUIET(hostid))
2410                         warn("%s from %s line %d =loops around to itself",
2411                              eqgrp[j].g->name,
2412                              ((eqgrp[j].g->hostid == HOSTID1) ? host1 : host2),
2413                              eqgrp[j].g->linenum);
2414 		     eqgrp[j].g->ignore |= ERROR_EQLOOP;
2416 		    /* the =group is bad, so we don't need to bother with it */
2417 		    eqgrp[j].skip = 1;
2418 		    --new_eq_cnt;
2419 		    ++cycled;
2420 		    --i;
2421 		    ++j;
2422 		    continue;
2423 		}
2425 		/* if =group refers to a valid group, we are done with it */
2426 		if (grp[i].type != NULL && grp[i].type[0] != NF_FLAG_ALIAS) {
2427 		    eqgrp[j].skip = 1;
2428 		    --new_eq_cnt;
2429 		/* otherwise note the equiv name */
2430 		} else {
2431 		    eqgrp[j].eq = &(grp[i].type[1]);
2432 		}
2433 		--i;
2434 		++j;
2436 	    /* case: we missed the =name */
2437 	    } else if (cmp > 0) {
2439 		/* mark the eqgrp in error */
2440 		eqgrp[j].g->ignore |= ERROR_NONEQ;
2441 		if (! QUIET(hostid))
2442                     warn("%s from %s line %d not equiv to a valid group",
2443                          eqgrp[j].g->name,
2444                          ((eqgrp[j].g->hostid == HOSTID1) ? host1 : host2),
2445                          eqgrp[j].g->linenum);
2447 		/* =group is bad, so we don't need to bother with it anymore */
2448 		eqgrp[j].skip = 1;
2449 		--new_eq_cnt;
2450 		++missing;
2451 		++j;
2452 	    }
2453 	}
2455 	/* any remaining non-skipped eqgrps are bad */
2456 	while (j < eq_cnt) {
2458 	    /* mark the eqgrp in error */
2459 	    eqgrp[j].g->ignore |= ERROR_NONEQ;
2460 	    if (! QUIET(hostid))
2461                 warn("%s from %s line %d isn't equiv to a valid group",
2462                      eqgrp[j].g->name,
2463                      ((hostid == HOSTID1) ? host1 : host2),
2464                      eqgrp[j].g->linenum);
2466 	    /* the =group is bad, so we don't need to bother with it anymore */
2467 	    eqgrp[j].skip = 1;
2468 	    --new_eq_cnt;
2469 	    ++missing;
2470 	    ++j;
2471 	}
2472     }
2474     /* note groups that are in a long chain or loop */
2475     chained = new_eq_cnt;
2476     qsort((char *)eqgrp, eq_cnt, sizeof(eqgrp[0]), eq_merge_cmp);
2477     for (j=0; j < new_eq_cnt; ++j) {
2479 	/* skip if already skipped */
2480 	if (eqgrp[j].skip == 1) {
2481 	    continue;
2482 	}
2484 	/* mark as a long loop group */
2485 	eqgrp[j].g->ignore |= ERROR_LONGLOOP;
2486 	if (! QUIET(hostid))
2487             warn("%s from %s line %d in a long equiv chain or loop > %d",
2488                  eqgrp[j].g->name,
2489                  ((hostid == HOSTID1) ? host1 : host2),
2490                  eqgrp[j].g->linenum, EQ_LOOP);
2491     }
2493     /* all done */
2494     if (D_BUG) {
2495         warn("%d =type groups from %s are not equiv to a valid group",
2496              missing, ((hostid == HOSTID1) ? host1 : host2));
2497         warn("%d =type groups from %s are equiv to themselves",
2498              cycled, ((hostid == HOSTID1) ? host1 : host2));
2499         warn("%d =type groups from %s are in a long chain or loop > %d",
2500              chained, ((hostid == HOSTID1) ? host1 : host2), EQ_LOOP);
2501     }
2502     free(eqgrp);
2503     return missing+cycled+chained;
2504 }
2506 /*
2507  * exec_cmd - exec a ctlinnd command in forked process
2508  *
2509  * given:
2510  *	mode	OUTPUT_EXEC or OUTPUT_IEXEC (interactive mode)
2511  *	cmd	"changegroup", "newgroup", "rmgroup"
2512  *	grp	name of group
2513  *	type	type of group or NULL
2514  *	who	newgroup creator or NULL
2515  *
2516  * returns:
2517  *	1	exec was performed
2518  *	0	exec was not performed
2519  */
2520 static int
exec_cmd(int mode,const char * cmd,char * grp,char * type,const char * who)2521 exec_cmd(int mode, const char *cmd, char *grp, char *type, const char *who)
2522 {
2523     FILE *ch_stream = NULL;	/* stream from a child process */
2524     char buf[BUFSIZ+1];		/* interactive buffer */
2525     int pid;			/* pid of child process */
2526     int io[2];			/* pair of pipe descriptors */
2527     int status;			/* wait status */
2528     int exitval;		/* exit status of the child */
2529     char *w_string = NULL;     /* will contain "-t "+w_flag */
2530     char *p;
2532     /* firewall */
2533     if (cmd == NULL || grp == NULL)
2534         die("internal error #13, cmd or grp is NULL");
2536     /* if interactive, ask the question */
2537     if (mode == OUTPUT_IEXEC) {
2539 	/* ask the question */
2540 	fflush(stdout);
2541 	fflush(stderr);
2542 	if (type == NULL) {
2543 	    printf("%s %s  [yn]? ", cmd, grp);
2544 	} else if (who == NULL) {
2545 	    printf("%s %s %s  [yn]? ", cmd, grp, type);
2546 	} else {
2547 	    printf("%s %s %s %s  [yn]? ", cmd, grp, type, who);
2548 	}
2549 	fflush(stdout);
2550 	buf[0] = '\0';
2551 	buf[BUFSIZ] = '\0';
2552 	p = fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, stdin);
2553 	if (p == NULL) {
2554 	    /* EOF/ERROR on interactive input, silently stop processing */
2555 	    exit(43);
2556 	}
2558 	/* If non-empty line doesn't start with 'y' or 'Y', skip command. */
2559 	if (buf[0] != 'y' && buf[0] != 'Y' && buf[0] != '\n') {
2560 	    /* indicate nothing was done */
2561 	    return 0;
2562 	}
2563     }
2565     /* build a pipe for output from child interactive mode */
2566     if (mode == OUTPUT_IEXEC) {
2567 	if (pipe(io) < 0)
2568             sysdie("pipe create failed");
2570     /* setup a fake pipe to /dev/null for non-interactive mode */
2571     } else {
2572 	io[READ_SIDE] = open(DEV_NULL, 0);
2573 	if (io[READ_SIDE] < 0)
2574             sysdie("unable to open %s for reading", DEV_NULL);
2575 	io[WRITE_SIDE] = open(DEV_NULL, 1);
2576 	if (io[WRITE_SIDE] < 0)
2577             sysdie("unable to open %s for writing", DEV_NULL);
2578     }
2580     /* pause if in non-interactive mode so as to not busy-out the server */
2581     if (mode == OUTPUT_EXEC && z_flag > 0) {
2582 	if (D_BUG) {
2583             warn("sleeping %d seconds before fork/exec", z_flag);
2584 	    /* be sure they know what we are stalling */
2585 	    fflush(stderr);
2586         }
2587 	sleep(z_flag);
2588     }
2590     /* fork the child process */
2591     fflush(stdout);
2592     fflush(stderr);
2593     pid = fork();
2594     if (pid == -1)
2595         sysdie("fork failed");
2597     /* case: child process */
2598     if (pid == 0) {
2600 	/*
2601 	 * prep file descriptors
2602 	 */
2603 	fclose(stdin);
2604 	close(io[READ_SIDE]);
2605 	if (dup2(io[WRITE_SIDE], 1) < 0)
2606             sysdie("child: dup of write I/O pipe to stdout failed");
2607 	if (dup2(io[WRITE_SIDE], 2) < 0)
2608             sysdie("child: dup of write I/O pipe to stderr failed");
2610 	/* exec the ctlinnd command */
2611 	p = concatpath(innconf->pathbin, INN_PATH_CTLINND);
2612 	xasprintf(&w_string, "-t %d", w_flag);
2614 	if (type == NULL) {
2615 	    execl(p,
2616 		  CTLINND_NAME, w_string, cmd, grp, (char *) 0);
2617 	} else if (who == NULL) {
2618 	    execl(p,
2619 		  CTLINND_NAME, w_string, cmd, grp, type, (char *) 0);
2620 	} else {
2621 	    execl(p,
2622 		  CTLINND_NAME, w_string, cmd, grp, type, who, (char *) 0);
2623 	}
2624 	/* child exec failed */
2625         sysdie("child process exec failed");
2627     /* case: parent process */
2628     } else {
2630 	/* prep file descriptors */
2631 	if (mode != OUTPUT_IEXEC) {
2632 	    close(io[READ_SIDE]);
2633 	}
2634 	close(io[WRITE_SIDE]);
2636 	/* print a line from the child, if interactive */
2637 	if (mode == OUTPUT_IEXEC) {
2639 	    /* read what the child says */
2640 	    buf[0] = '\0';
2641 	    buf[BUFSIZ] = '\0';
2642 	    ch_stream = fdopen(io[READ_SIDE], "r");
2643 	    if (ch_stream == NULL)
2644                 sysdie("fdopen of pipe failed");
2645 	    p = fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, ch_stream);
2647 	    /* print what the child said, if anything */
2648 	    if (p != NULL) {
2649 		if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n')
2650                     buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';
2651                 warn("    %s", buf);
2652 	    }
2653 	}
2655 	/* look for abnormal child termination/status */
2656 	errno = 0;
2657 	while (wait(&status) < 0) {
2658 	    if (errno == EINTR) {
2659 		/* just an interrupt, try to wait again */
2660 		errno = 0;
2661 	    } else {
2662                 sysdie("wait returned -1");
2663 	    }
2664 	}
2665 	if (mode == OUTPUT_IEXEC) {
2666 	    /* close the pipe now that we are done with reading it */
2667 	    fclose(ch_stream);
2668 	}
2669 	if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
2670             warn("    %s %s %s%s%s%s%s stopped",
2671                  CTLINND_NAME, cmd, grp,
2672                  (type ? "" : " "), (type ? type : ""),
2673                  (who ? "" : " "), (who ? who : ""));
2674 	    /* assume no work was done */
2675 	    return 0;
2676 	}
2677 	if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
2678             warn("    %s %s %s%s%s%s%s killed by signal %d",
2679                  CTLINND_NAME, cmd, grp,
2680                  (type ? "" : " "), (type ? type : ""),
2681                  (who ? "" : " "), (who ? who : ""), WTERMSIG(status));
2682 	    /* assume no work was done */
2683 	    return 0;
2684 	}
2685 	if (!WIFEXITED(status)) {
2686             warn("    %s %s %s%s%s%s%s returned unknown wait status: 0x%x",
2687                  CTLINND_NAME, cmd, grp,
2688                  (type ? "" : " "), (type ? type : ""),
2689                  (who ? "" : " "), (who ? who : ""), status);
2690 	    /* assume no work was done */
2691 	    return 0;
2692 	}
2693 	exitval = WEXITSTATUS(status);
2694 	if (exitval != 0) {
2695             warn("    %s %s %s%s%s%s%s exited with status: %d",
2696                  CTLINND_NAME, cmd, grp,
2697                  (type ? "" : " "), (type ? type : ""),
2698                  (who ? "" : " "), (who ? who : ""), exitval);
2699 	    /* assume no work was done */
2700 	    return 0;
2701 	}
2702     }
2704     /* all done */
2705     return 1;
2706 }
2708 /*
2709  * new_top_hier - determine if the newsgroup represents a new hierarchy
2710  *
2711  * Determine of the newsgroup name is a new hierarchy.
2712  *
2713  * given:
2714  *	name	name of newsgroup to check
2715  *	existing_hier	hash table of existing hierarchies
2716  *
2717  * returns:
2718  *	false	hierarchy already exists
2719  *	true	hierarchy does not exist, name represents a new hierarchy
2720  */
2721 static int
new_top_hier(char * name,struct hash * existing_hier)2722 new_top_hier(char *name, struct hash *existing_hier)
2723 {
2724     int result;			/* return result */
2725     char *dot;
2727     /*
2728      * temp change name to just the top level
2729      */
2730     dot = strchr(name, '.');
2731     if (dot != NULL) {
2732 	*dot = '\0';
2733     }
2735     /*
2736      * determine if we can find this top level hierarchy directory
2737      */
2738     result = (hash_lookup(existing_hier, name) == NULL);
2740     /* restore name */
2741     if (dot != NULL) {
2742 	*dot = '.';
2743     }
2745     /*
2746      * return the result
2747      */
2748     return result;
2749 }
2751 /*
2752  * string_key - identity function, for use with hashtab library
2753  *
2754  * Returns its only argument.
2755  *
2756  * given:
2757  *	entry	void* pointer representing a string
2758  *
2759  * returns:
2760  *	the same void* pointer
2761  */
2762 static const void *
string_key(const void * entry)2763 string_key(const void *entry)
2764 {
2765     return entry;
2766 }
2768 /*
2769  * string_equal - string comparison function, for use with hashtab library
2770  *
2771  * Compares two strings.
2772  *
2773  * given:
2774  *	key	void* pointer representing a hash table key
2775  *	entry	void* pointer representing a hash table entry
2776  *
2777  * returns:
2778  *	0	arguments are not equal
2779  *	1	arguments are equal
2780  */
2781 static bool
string_equal(const void * key,const void * entry)2782 string_equal(const void *key, const void *entry)
2783 {
2784     const char *p, *q;
2786     p = key;
2787     q = entry;
2788     return !strcmp(p, q);
2789 }