1 /*****************************************************************************\
2  *  init_msg.c - initialize RPC messages contents
3  *****************************************************************************
4  *  Copyright (C) 2002-2007 The Regents of the University of California.
5  *  Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Lawrence Livermore National Security.
6  *  Portions Copyright (C) 2010 SchedMD <https://www.schedmd.com>.
7  *  Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
8  *  Written by Morris Jette <jette1@llnl.gov>.
9  *  CODE-OCEC-09-009. All rights reserved.
10  *
11  *  This file is part of Slurm, a resource management program.
12  *  For details, see <https://slurm.schedmd.com/>.
13  *  Please also read the included file: DISCLAIMER.
14  *
15  *  Slurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
16  *  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
17  *  Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
18  *  any later version.
19  *
20  *  In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
21  *  to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under
22  *  certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and
23  *  distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU
24  *  General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
25  *  OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this
26  *  exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do
27  *  so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
28  *  version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source files in
29  *  the program, then also delete it here.
30  *
31  *  Slurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
32  *  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
33  *  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
34  *  details.
35  *
36  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
37  *  with Slurm; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
38  *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA.
39 \*****************************************************************************/
41 #include <errno.h>
42 #include <stdio.h>
44 #include "slurm/slurm.h"
46 #include "src/common/slurm_protocol_api.h"
47 #include "src/common/forward.h"
49 /*
50  * slurm_init_job_desc_msg - initialize job descriptor with
51  *	default values
52  * IN/OUT job_desc_msg - user defined job descriptor
53  */
slurm_init_job_desc_msg(job_desc_msg_t * job_desc_msg)54 void slurm_init_job_desc_msg(job_desc_msg_t * job_desc_msg)
55 {
56 	memset(job_desc_msg, 0, sizeof(job_desc_msg_t));
57 	job_desc_msg->alloc_sid		= NO_VAL;
58 	job_desc_msg->contiguous	= NO_VAL16;
59 	job_desc_msg->core_spec		= NO_VAL16;
60 	job_desc_msg->cores_per_socket	= NO_VAL16;
61 	job_desc_msg->cpu_bind_type	= NO_VAL16;
62 	job_desc_msg->cpu_freq_min	= NO_VAL;
63 	job_desc_msg->cpu_freq_max	= NO_VAL;
64 	job_desc_msg->cpu_freq_gov	= NO_VAL;
65 	job_desc_msg->cpus_per_task	= NO_VAL16;
66 	job_desc_msg->delay_boot	= NO_VAL;
67 	job_desc_msg->group_id		= NO_VAL;
68 	job_desc_msg->job_id		= NO_VAL;
69 	job_desc_msg->kill_on_node_fail = NO_VAL16;
70 	job_desc_msg->max_cpus		= NO_VAL;
71 	job_desc_msg->max_nodes		= NO_VAL;
72 	job_desc_msg->mem_bind_type	= NO_VAL16;
73 	job_desc_msg->mail_type		= NO_VAL16;
74 	job_desc_msg->min_cpus		= NO_VAL;
75 	job_desc_msg->min_nodes		= NO_VAL;
76 	job_desc_msg->nice		= NO_VAL;
77 	job_desc_msg->ntasks_per_core	= NO_VAL16;
78 	job_desc_msg->ntasks_per_node	= NO_VAL16;
79 	job_desc_msg->ntasks_per_socket	= NO_VAL16;
80 	job_desc_msg->num_tasks		= NO_VAL;
81 	job_desc_msg->overcommit	= NO_VAL8;
82 	job_desc_msg->plane_size	= NO_VAL16;
83 	job_desc_msg->pn_min_cpus	= NO_VAL16;
84 	job_desc_msg->pn_min_memory	= NO_VAL64;
85 	job_desc_msg->pn_min_tmp_disk	= NO_VAL;
86 	job_desc_msg->priority		= NO_VAL;
87 	job_desc_msg->reboot		= NO_VAL16;
88 	job_desc_msg->requeue		= NO_VAL16;
89 	job_desc_msg->req_switch	= NO_VAL;
90 	job_desc_msg->shared		= NO_VAL16;
91 	job_desc_msg->site_factor	= NO_VAL;
92 	job_desc_msg->sockets_per_node	= NO_VAL16;
93 	job_desc_msg->task_dist		= NO_VAL;
94 	job_desc_msg->threads_per_core	= NO_VAL16;
95 	job_desc_msg->time_limit	= NO_VAL;
96 	job_desc_msg->time_min		= NO_VAL;
97 	job_desc_msg->user_id		= NO_VAL;
98 	job_desc_msg->wait_all_nodes	= NO_VAL16;
99 	job_desc_msg->wait4switch	= NO_VAL;
100 }
102 /*
103  * slurm_init_update_step_msg - initialize step update message with default
104  *	values before calling slurm_update_step()
105  * OUT step_msg - step update messasge descriptor
106  */
slurm_init_update_step_msg(step_update_request_msg_t * step_msg)107 extern void slurm_init_update_step_msg (step_update_request_msg_t * step_msg)
108 {
109 	memset(step_msg, 0, sizeof(step_update_request_msg_t));
110 	step_msg->job_id     = NO_VAL;
111 	step_msg->step_id    = NO_VAL;
112 	step_msg->time_limit = NO_VAL;
113 }
115 /*
116  * slurm_init_part_desc_msg - initialize partition descriptor with
117  *	default values
118  * IN/OUT update_part_msg - user defined partition descriptor
119  */
slurm_init_part_desc_msg(update_part_msg_t * update_part_msg)120 void slurm_init_part_desc_msg (update_part_msg_t * update_part_msg)
121 {
122 	memset(update_part_msg, 0, sizeof(update_part_msg_t));
123 	update_part_msg->default_time   = NO_VAL;
124 	update_part_msg->def_mem_per_cpu = NO_VAL64;
125 	update_part_msg->grace_time     = NO_VAL;
126 	update_part_msg->max_cpus_per_node = NO_VAL;
127 	update_part_msg->max_mem_per_cpu = NO_VAL64;
128 	update_part_msg->max_nodes 	= NO_VAL;
129 	update_part_msg->max_share 	= NO_VAL16;
130 	update_part_msg->min_nodes 	= NO_VAL;
131 	update_part_msg->max_time 	= NO_VAL;
132 	update_part_msg->over_time_limit = NO_VAL16;
133 	update_part_msg->preempt_mode 	= NO_VAL16;
134 	update_part_msg->priority_job_factor = NO_VAL16;
135 	update_part_msg->priority_tier	= NO_VAL16;
136 	update_part_msg->state_up 	= NO_VAL16;
137 }
139 /*
140  * slurm_init_resv_desc_msg - initialize reservation descriptor with
141  *	default values
142  * OUT job_desc_msg - user defined partition descriptor
143  */
slurm_init_resv_desc_msg(resv_desc_msg_t * resv_msg)144 void slurm_init_resv_desc_msg (resv_desc_msg_t * resv_msg)
145 {
146 	memset(resv_msg, 0, sizeof(resv_desc_msg_t));
147 	resv_msg->duration	= NO_VAL;
148 	resv_msg->end_time	= (time_t) NO_VAL;
149 	resv_msg->flags		= NO_VAL64;
150 	resv_msg->max_start_delay = NO_VAL;
151 	resv_msg->purge_comp_time = NO_VAL;
152 	resv_msg->start_time	= (time_t) NO_VAL;
153 	resv_msg->resv_watts	= NO_VAL;
154 }
156 /*
157  * slurm_init_update_node_msg - initialize node update message
158  * OUT update_node_msg - user defined node descriptor
159  */
slurm_init_update_node_msg(update_node_msg_t * update_node_msg)160 void slurm_init_update_node_msg (update_node_msg_t * update_node_msg)
161 {
162 	memset(update_node_msg, 0, sizeof(update_node_msg_t));
163 	update_node_msg->node_state = NO_VAL;
164 	update_node_msg->weight = NO_VAL;
165 }
167 /*
168  * slurm_init_update_front_end_msg - initialize front_end node update message
169  * OUT update_front_end_msg - user defined node descriptor
170  */
slurm_init_update_front_end_msg(update_front_end_msg_t * update_front_end_msg)171 void slurm_init_update_front_end_msg (update_front_end_msg_t *
172 				      update_front_end_msg)
173 {
174 	memset(update_front_end_msg, 0, sizeof(update_front_end_msg_t));
175 	update_front_end_msg->node_state = NO_VAL;
176 }
178 /*
179  * slurm_init_trigger_msg - initialize trigger clear/update message
180  * OUT trigger_info_msg - user defined trigger descriptor
181  */
slurm_init_trigger_msg(trigger_info_t * trigger_info_msg)182 void slurm_init_trigger_msg (trigger_info_t *trigger_info_msg)
183 {
184 	memset(trigger_info_msg, 0, sizeof(trigger_info_t));
185 	trigger_info_msg->user_id = NO_VAL;
186 }