1// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5package lsp
7import (
8	"bytes"
9	"context"
10	"encoding/json"
11	"fmt"
12	"os"
13	"path"
14	"path/filepath"
15	"sync"
17	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/event"
18	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/jsonrpc2"
19	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/debug"
20	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/protocol"
21	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/source"
22	"golang.org/x/tools/internal/span"
23	errors "golang.org/x/xerrors"
26func (s *Server) initialize(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.ParamInitialize) (*protocol.InitializeResult, error) {
27	s.stateMu.Lock()
28	if s.state >= serverInitializing {
29		defer s.stateMu.Unlock()
30		return nil, errors.Errorf("%w: initialize called while server in %v state", jsonrpc2.ErrInvalidRequest, s.state)
31	}
32	s.state = serverInitializing
33	s.stateMu.Unlock()
35	// For uniqueness, use the gopls PID rather than params.ProcessID (the client
36	// pid). Some clients might start multiple gopls servers, though they
37	// probably shouldn't.
38	pid := os.Getpid()
39	s.tempDir = filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), fmt.Sprintf("gopls-%d.%s", pid, s.session.ID()))
40	err := os.Mkdir(s.tempDir, 0700)
41	if err != nil {
42		// MkdirTemp could fail due to permissions issues. This is a problem with
43		// the user's environment, but should not block gopls otherwise behaving.
44		// All usage of s.tempDir should be predicated on having a non-empty
45		// s.tempDir.
46		event.Error(ctx, "creating temp dir", err)
47		s.tempDir = ""
48	}
49	s.progress.supportsWorkDoneProgress = params.Capabilities.Window.WorkDoneProgress
51	options := s.session.Options()
52	defer func() { s.session.SetOptions(options) }()
54	if err := s.handleOptionResults(ctx, source.SetOptions(options, params.InitializationOptions)); err != nil {
55		return nil, err
56	}
57	options.ForClientCapabilities(params.Capabilities)
59	folders := params.WorkspaceFolders
60	if len(folders) == 0 {
61		if params.RootURI != "" {
62			folders = []protocol.WorkspaceFolder{{
63				URI:  string(params.RootURI),
64				Name: path.Base(params.RootURI.SpanURI().Filename()),
65			}}
66		}
67	}
68	for _, folder := range folders {
69		uri := span.URIFromURI(folder.URI)
70		if !uri.IsFile() {
71			continue
72		}
73		s.pendingFolders = append(s.pendingFolders, folder)
74	}
75	// gopls only supports URIs with a file:// scheme, so if we have no
76	// workspace folders with a supported scheme, fail to initialize.
77	if len(folders) > 0 && len(s.pendingFolders) == 0 {
78		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported URI schemes: %v (gopls only supports file URIs)", folders)
79	}
81	var codeActionProvider interface{} = true
82	if ca := params.Capabilities.TextDocument.CodeAction; len(ca.CodeActionLiteralSupport.CodeActionKind.ValueSet) > 0 {
83		// If the client has specified CodeActionLiteralSupport,
84		// send the code actions we support.
85		//
86		// Using CodeActionOptions is only valid if codeActionLiteralSupport is set.
87		codeActionProvider = &protocol.CodeActionOptions{
88			CodeActionKinds: s.getSupportedCodeActions(),
89		}
90	}
91	var renameOpts interface{} = true
92	if r := params.Capabilities.TextDocument.Rename; r.PrepareSupport {
93		renameOpts = protocol.RenameOptions{
94			PrepareProvider: r.PrepareSupport,
95		}
96	}
98	versionInfo := debug.VersionInfo()
100	// golang/go#45732: Warn users who've installed sergi/go-diff@v1.2.0, since
101	// it will corrupt the formatting of their files.
102	for _, dep := range versionInfo.Deps {
103		if dep.Path == "github.com/sergi/go-diff" && dep.Version == "v1.2.0" {
104			if err := s.eventuallyShowMessage(ctx, &protocol.ShowMessageParams{
105				Message: `It looks like you have a bad gopls installation.
106Please reinstall gopls by running 'GO111MODULE=on go get golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest'.
107See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/45732 for more information.`,
108				Type: protocol.Error,
109			}); err != nil {
110				return nil, err
111			}
112		}
113	}
115	goplsVersion, err := json.Marshal(versionInfo)
116	if err != nil {
117		return nil, err
118	}
120	return &protocol.InitializeResult{
121		Capabilities: protocol.ServerCapabilities{
122			CallHierarchyProvider: true,
123			CodeActionProvider:    codeActionProvider,
124			CompletionProvider: protocol.CompletionOptions{
125				TriggerCharacters: []string{"."},
126			},
127			DefinitionProvider:         true,
128			TypeDefinitionProvider:     true,
129			ImplementationProvider:     true,
130			DocumentFormattingProvider: true,
131			DocumentSymbolProvider:     true,
132			WorkspaceSymbolProvider:    true,
133			ExecuteCommandProvider: protocol.ExecuteCommandOptions{
134				Commands: options.SupportedCommands,
135			},
136			FoldingRangeProvider:      true,
137			HoverProvider:             true,
138			DocumentHighlightProvider: true,
139			DocumentLinkProvider:      protocol.DocumentLinkOptions{},
140			ReferencesProvider:        true,
141			RenameProvider:            renameOpts,
142			SignatureHelpProvider: protocol.SignatureHelpOptions{
143				TriggerCharacters: []string{"(", ","},
144			},
145			TextDocumentSync: &protocol.TextDocumentSyncOptions{
146				Change:    protocol.Incremental,
147				OpenClose: true,
148				Save: protocol.SaveOptions{
149					IncludeText: false,
150				},
151			},
152			Workspace: protocol.Workspace5Gn{
153				WorkspaceFolders: protocol.WorkspaceFolders4Gn{
154					Supported:           true,
155					ChangeNotifications: "workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders",
156				},
157			},
158		},
159		ServerInfo: struct {
160			Name    string `json:"name"`
161			Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
162		}{
163			Name:    "gopls",
164			Version: string(goplsVersion),
165		},
166	}, nil
169func (s *Server) initialized(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.InitializedParams) error {
170	s.stateMu.Lock()
171	if s.state >= serverInitialized {
172		defer s.stateMu.Unlock()
173		return errors.Errorf("%w: initialized called while server in %v state", jsonrpc2.ErrInvalidRequest, s.state)
174	}
175	s.state = serverInitialized
176	s.stateMu.Unlock()
178	for _, not := range s.notifications {
179		s.client.ShowMessage(ctx, not)
180	}
181	s.notifications = nil
183	options := s.session.Options()
184	defer func() { s.session.SetOptions(options) }()
186	if err := s.addFolders(ctx, s.pendingFolders); err != nil {
187		return err
188	}
189	s.pendingFolders = nil
191	if options.ConfigurationSupported && options.DynamicConfigurationSupported {
192		registrations := []protocol.Registration{
193			{
194				ID:     "workspace/didChangeConfiguration",
195				Method: "workspace/didChangeConfiguration",
196			},
197			{
198				ID:     "workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders",
199				Method: "workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders",
200			},
201		}
202		if options.SemanticTokens {
203			registrations = append(registrations, semanticTokenRegistration(options.SemanticTypes, options.SemanticMods))
204		}
205		if err := s.client.RegisterCapability(ctx, &protocol.RegistrationParams{
206			Registrations: registrations,
207		}); err != nil {
208			return err
209		}
210	}
211	return nil
214func (s *Server) addFolders(ctx context.Context, folders []protocol.WorkspaceFolder) error {
215	originalViews := len(s.session.Views())
216	viewErrors := make(map[span.URI]error)
218	var wg sync.WaitGroup
219	if s.session.Options().VerboseWorkDoneProgress {
220		work := s.progress.start(ctx, DiagnosticWorkTitle(FromInitialWorkspaceLoad), "Calculating diagnostics for initial workspace load...", nil, nil)
221		defer func() {
222			go func() {
223				wg.Wait()
224				work.end("Done.")
225			}()
226		}()
227	}
228	// Only one view gets to have a workspace.
229	var allFoldersWg sync.WaitGroup
230	for _, folder := range folders {
231		uri := span.URIFromURI(folder.URI)
232		// Ignore non-file URIs.
233		if !uri.IsFile() {
234			continue
235		}
236		work := s.progress.start(ctx, "Setting up workspace", "Loading packages...", nil, nil)
237		snapshot, release, err := s.addView(ctx, folder.Name, uri)
238		if err != nil {
239			viewErrors[uri] = err
240			work.end(fmt.Sprintf("Error loading packages: %s", err))
241			continue
242		}
243		var swg sync.WaitGroup
244		swg.Add(1)
245		allFoldersWg.Add(1)
246		go func() {
247			defer swg.Done()
248			defer allFoldersWg.Done()
249			snapshot.AwaitInitialized(ctx)
250			work.end("Finished loading packages.")
251		}()
253		// Print each view's environment.
254		buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
255		if err := snapshot.WriteEnv(ctx, buf); err != nil {
256			viewErrors[uri] = err
257			continue
258		}
259		event.Log(ctx, buf.String())
261		// Diagnose the newly created view.
262		wg.Add(1)
263		go func() {
264			s.diagnoseDetached(snapshot)
265			swg.Wait()
266			release()
267			wg.Done()
268		}()
269	}
271	// Register for file watching notifications, if they are supported.
272	// Wait for all snapshots to be initialized first, since all files might
273	// not yet be known to the snapshots.
274	allFoldersWg.Wait()
275	if err := s.updateWatchedDirectories(ctx); err != nil {
276		event.Error(ctx, "failed to register for file watching notifications", err)
277	}
279	if len(viewErrors) > 0 {
280		errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Error loading workspace folders (expected %v, got %v)\n", len(folders), len(s.session.Views())-originalViews)
281		for uri, err := range viewErrors {
282			errMsg += fmt.Sprintf("failed to load view for %s: %v\n", uri, err)
283		}
284		return s.client.ShowMessage(ctx, &protocol.ShowMessageParams{
285			Type:    protocol.Error,
286			Message: errMsg,
287		})
288	}
289	return nil
292// updateWatchedDirectories compares the current set of directories to watch
293// with the previously registered set of directories. If the set of directories
294// has changed, we unregister and re-register for file watching notifications.
295// updatedSnapshots is the set of snapshots that have been updated.
296func (s *Server) updateWatchedDirectories(ctx context.Context) error {
297	patterns := s.session.FileWatchingGlobPatterns(ctx)
299	s.watchedGlobPatternsMu.Lock()
300	defer s.watchedGlobPatternsMu.Unlock()
302	// Nothing to do if the set of workspace directories is unchanged.
303	if equalURISet(s.watchedGlobPatterns, patterns) {
304		return nil
305	}
307	// If the set of directories to watch has changed, register the updates and
308	// unregister the previously watched directories. This ordering avoids a
309	// period where no files are being watched. Still, if a user makes on-disk
310	// changes before these updates are complete, we may miss them for the new
311	// directories.
312	prevID := s.watchRegistrationCount - 1
313	if err := s.registerWatchedDirectoriesLocked(ctx, patterns); err != nil {
314		return err
315	}
316	if prevID >= 0 {
317		return s.client.UnregisterCapability(ctx, &protocol.UnregistrationParams{
318			Unregisterations: []protocol.Unregistration{{
319				ID:     watchedFilesCapabilityID(prevID),
320				Method: "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles",
321			}},
322		})
323	}
324	return nil
327func watchedFilesCapabilityID(id int) string {
328	return fmt.Sprintf("workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles-%d", id)
331func equalURISet(m1, m2 map[string]struct{}) bool {
332	if len(m1) != len(m2) {
333		return false
334	}
335	for k := range m1 {
336		_, ok := m2[k]
337		if !ok {
338			return false
339		}
340	}
341	return true
344// registerWatchedDirectoriesLocked sends the workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles
345// registrations to the client and updates s.watchedDirectories.
346func (s *Server) registerWatchedDirectoriesLocked(ctx context.Context, patterns map[string]struct{}) error {
347	if !s.session.Options().DynamicWatchedFilesSupported {
348		return nil
349	}
350	for k := range s.watchedGlobPatterns {
351		delete(s.watchedGlobPatterns, k)
352	}
353	var watchers []protocol.FileSystemWatcher
354	for pattern := range patterns {
355		watchers = append(watchers, protocol.FileSystemWatcher{
356			GlobPattern: pattern,
357			Kind:        uint32(protocol.WatchChange + protocol.WatchDelete + protocol.WatchCreate),
358		})
359	}
361	if err := s.client.RegisterCapability(ctx, &protocol.RegistrationParams{
362		Registrations: []protocol.Registration{{
363			ID:     watchedFilesCapabilityID(s.watchRegistrationCount),
364			Method: "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles",
365			RegisterOptions: protocol.DidChangeWatchedFilesRegistrationOptions{
366				Watchers: watchers,
367			},
368		}},
369	}); err != nil {
370		return err
371	}
372	s.watchRegistrationCount++
374	for k, v := range patterns {
375		s.watchedGlobPatterns[k] = v
376	}
377	return nil
380func (s *Server) fetchConfig(ctx context.Context, name string, folder span.URI, o *source.Options) error {
381	if !s.session.Options().ConfigurationSupported {
382		return nil
383	}
384	configs, err := s.client.Configuration(ctx, &protocol.ParamConfiguration{
385		ConfigurationParams: protocol.ConfigurationParams{
386			Items: []protocol.ConfigurationItem{{
387				ScopeURI: string(folder),
388				Section:  "gopls",
389			}},
390		},
391	})
392	if err != nil {
393		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get workspace configuration from client (%s): %v", folder, err)
394	}
395	for _, config := range configs {
396		if err := s.handleOptionResults(ctx, source.SetOptions(o, config)); err != nil {
397			return err
398		}
399	}
400	return nil
403func (s *Server) eventuallyShowMessage(ctx context.Context, msg *protocol.ShowMessageParams) error {
404	s.stateMu.Lock()
405	defer s.stateMu.Unlock()
406	if s.state == serverInitialized {
407		return s.client.ShowMessage(ctx, msg)
408	}
409	s.notifications = append(s.notifications, msg)
410	return nil
413func (s *Server) handleOptionResults(ctx context.Context, results source.OptionResults) error {
414	for _, result := range results {
415		if result.Error != nil {
416			msg := &protocol.ShowMessageParams{
417				Type:    protocol.Error,
418				Message: result.Error.Error(),
419			}
420			if err := s.eventuallyShowMessage(ctx, msg); err != nil {
421				return err
422			}
423		}
424		switch result.State {
425		case source.OptionUnexpected:
426			msg := &protocol.ShowMessageParams{
427				Type:    protocol.Error,
428				Message: fmt.Sprintf("unexpected gopls setting %q", result.Name),
429			}
430			if err := s.eventuallyShowMessage(ctx, msg); err != nil {
431				return err
432			}
433		case source.OptionDeprecated:
434			msg := fmt.Sprintf("gopls setting %q is deprecated", result.Name)
435			if result.Replacement != "" {
436				msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s, use %q instead", msg, result.Replacement)
437			}
438			if err := s.eventuallyShowMessage(ctx, &protocol.ShowMessageParams{
439				Type:    protocol.Warning,
440				Message: msg,
441			}); err != nil {
442				return err
443			}
444		}
445	}
446	return nil
449// beginFileRequest checks preconditions for a file-oriented request and routes
450// it to a snapshot.
451// We don't want to return errors for benign conditions like wrong file type,
452// so callers should do if !ok { return err } rather than if err != nil.
453func (s *Server) beginFileRequest(ctx context.Context, pURI protocol.DocumentURI, expectKind source.FileKind) (source.Snapshot, source.VersionedFileHandle, bool, func(), error) {
454	uri := pURI.SpanURI()
455	if !uri.IsFile() {
456		// Not a file URI. Stop processing the request, but don't return an error.
457		return nil, nil, false, func() {}, nil
458	}
459	view, err := s.session.ViewOf(uri)
460	if err != nil {
461		return nil, nil, false, func() {}, err
462	}
463	snapshot, release := view.Snapshot(ctx)
464	fh, err := snapshot.GetVersionedFile(ctx, uri)
465	if err != nil {
466		release()
467		return nil, nil, false, func() {}, err
468	}
469	if expectKind != source.UnknownKind && fh.Kind() != expectKind {
470		// Wrong kind of file. Nothing to do.
471		release()
472		return nil, nil, false, func() {}, nil
473	}
474	return snapshot, fh, true, release, nil
477func (s *Server) shutdown(ctx context.Context) error {
478	s.stateMu.Lock()
479	defer s.stateMu.Unlock()
480	if s.state < serverInitialized {
481		event.Log(ctx, "server shutdown without initialization")
482	}
483	if s.state != serverShutDown {
484		// drop all the active views
485		s.session.Shutdown(ctx)
486		s.state = serverShutDown
487		if s.tempDir != "" {
488			if err := os.RemoveAll(s.tempDir); err != nil {
489				event.Error(ctx, "removing temp dir", err)
490			}
491		}
492	}
493	return nil
496func (s *Server) exit(ctx context.Context) error {
497	s.stateMu.Lock()
498	defer s.stateMu.Unlock()
500	s.client.Close()
502	if s.state != serverShutDown {
503		// TODO: We should be able to do better than this.
504		os.Exit(1)
505	}
506	// we don't terminate the process on a normal exit, we just allow it to
507	// close naturally if needed after the connection is closed.
508	return nil