1 /*
2  * updatewim.c - A program to add a file or directory tree to the first image of
3  * a WIM file.
4  *
5  * The following copying information applies to this specific source code file:
6  *
7  * Written in 2014-2016 by Eric Biggers <ebiggers3@gmail.com>
8  *
9  * To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright
10  * and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
11  * worldwide via the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain
12  * Dedication (the "CC0").
13  *
14  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
16  * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the CC0 for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the CC0 along with this software; if not
19  * see <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
20  */
22 #include <wimlib.h>
23 #include <string.h>
25 /*
26  * Windows compatibility defines for string encoding.  Applications using wimlib
27  * that need to run on both UNIX and Windows will need to do something similar
28  * to this, whereas applications that only need to run on one or the other can
29  * just use their platform's convention directly.
30  */
31 #ifdef _WIN32
32 #  define main		wmain
33    typedef wchar_t	tchar;
34 #  define TS		"ls"
35 #else
36    typedef char		tchar;
37 #  define TS		"s"
38 #endif
main(int argc,tchar ** argv)40 int main(int argc, tchar **argv)
41 {
42 	int ret;
43 	tchar *wimfile;
44 	tchar *wim_target_path;
45 	tchar *fs_source_path;
46 	WIMStruct *wim = NULL;
47 	struct wimlib_update_command cmds[1];
49 	/* Check for the correct number of arguments.  */
50 	if (argc != 4) {
51 		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: updatewim WIMFILE WIM_PATH EXTERNAL_PATH\n");
52 		return 2;
53 	}
55 	wimfile = argv[1];
56 	wim_target_path = argv[2];
57 	fs_source_path = argv[3];
59 	/* Open the WIM file.  */
60 	ret = wimlib_open_wim(wimfile, 0, &wim);
61 	if (ret != 0)  /* Always should check the error codes.  */
62 		goto out;
64 	/* Update the WIM image.  In this simple example, we add a single file
65 	 * or directory tree to the specified location in the first image of the
66 	 * WIM file, using the default options.
67 	 *
68 	 * wimlib_add_tree() is actually sufficient for this case, but for the
69 	 * sake of demonstration we will use the more general function
70 	 * wimlib_update_image().  */
72 	memset(cmds, 0, sizeof(cmds));
74 	/* Set up an "add" operation.
75 	 *
76 	 * Other available operations include WIMLIB_UPDATE_OP_RENAME and
78 	cmds[0].op = WIMLIB_UPDATE_OP_ADD;
80 	/* Set the arguments to the operation.
81 	 *
82 	 * Make sure to fill in 'rename' or 'delete_' instead of 'add' if doing
83 	 * a rename or delete operation instead!  */
84 	cmds[0].add.wim_target_path = wim_target_path;
85 	cmds[0].add.fs_source_path = fs_source_path;
87 	/* Note: we don't need to explicitly set 'cmds[0].add.config_file' and
88 	 * 'cmds[0].add.add_flags' because we zeroed the 'struct
89 	 * wimlib_update_command', and zero means use the defaults.  */
91 	ret = wimlib_update_image(wim,  /* WIMStruct to update  */
92 				  1,	/* 1-based index of the image to update  */
93 				  cmds, /* Array of command structures  */
94 				  1,    /* Number of command structures in array  */
95 				  0);   /* WIMLIB_UPDATE_FLAG_* flags (0 for defaults)  */
96 	if (ret != 0)
97 		goto out;
99 	/* Overwrite the WIM file.
100 	 *
101 	 * Normally, this will append new data to the file, rather than
102 	 * rebuilding the entire file.
103 	 *
104 	 * Changes do not take effect on-disk until this is done.  */
106 	ret = wimlib_overwrite(wim, /* WIMStruct to commit to the underlying file  */
107 			       0,   /* WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_* flags (0 for defaults)   */
108 			       0);  /* Number of compressor threads (0 means default)  */
110 out:
111 	/* Free the WIMStruct.  Has no effect if the pointer to it is NULL.  */
112 	wimlib_free(wim);
114 	/* Check for error status.  */
115 	if (ret != 0) {
116 		fprintf(stderr, "wimlib error %d: %" TS"\n",
117 			ret, wimlib_get_error_string((enum wimlib_error_code)ret));
118 	}
120 	/* Free global memory (optional).  */
121 	wimlib_global_cleanup();
123 	return ret;
124 }