1#!/usr/bin/env python
3from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
5import io, sys
7if len (sys.argv) != 4:
8	print ("usage: ./gen-indic-table.py IndicSyllabicCategory.txt IndicPositionalCategory.txt Blocks.txt", file=sys.stderr)
9	sys.exit (1)
11ALLOWED_SINGLES = [0x00A0, 0x25CC]
13	'Basic Latin',
14	'Latin-1 Supplement',
15	'Devanagari',
16	'Bengali',
17	'Gurmukhi',
18	'Gujarati',
19	'Oriya',
20	'Tamil',
21	'Telugu',
22	'Kannada',
23	'Malayalam',
24	'Sinhala',
25	'Myanmar',
26	'Khmer',
27	'Vedic Extensions',
28	'General Punctuation',
29	'Superscripts and Subscripts',
30	'Devanagari Extended',
31	'Myanmar Extended-B',
32	'Myanmar Extended-A',
35files = [io.open (x, encoding='utf-8') for x in sys.argv[1:]]
37headers = [[f.readline () for i in range (2)] for f in files]
39data = [{} for f in files]
40values = [{} for f in files]
41for i, f in enumerate (files):
42	for line in f:
44		j = line.find ('#')
45		if j >= 0:
46			line = line[:j]
48		fields = [x.strip () for x in line.split (';')]
49		if len (fields) == 1:
50			continue
52		uu = fields[0].split ('..')
53		start = int (uu[0], 16)
54		if len (uu) == 1:
55			end = start
56		else:
57			end = int (uu[1], 16)
59		t = fields[1]
61		for u in range (start, end + 1):
62			data[i][u] = t
63		values[i][t] = values[i].get (t, 0) + end - start + 1
65# Merge data into one dict:
66defaults = ('Other', 'Not_Applicable', 'No_Block')
67for i,v in enumerate (defaults):
68	values[i][v] = values[i].get (v, 0) + 1
69combined = {}
70for i,d in enumerate (data):
71	for u,v in d.items ():
72		if i == 2 and not u in combined:
73			continue
74		if not u in combined:
75			combined[u] = list (defaults)
76		combined[u][i] = v
77combined = {k:v for k,v in combined.items() if k in ALLOWED_SINGLES or v[2] in ALLOWED_BLOCKS}
78data = combined
79del combined
80num = len (data)
82# Move the outliers NO-BREAK SPACE and DOTTED CIRCLE out
83singles = {}
85	singles[u] = data[u]
86	del data[u]
88print ("/* == Start of generated table == */")
89print ("/*")
90print (" * The following table is generated by running:")
91print (" *")
92print (" *   ./gen-indic-table.py IndicSyllabicCategory.txt IndicPositionalCategory.txt Blocks.txt")
93print (" *")
94print (" * on files with these headers:")
95print (" *")
96for h in headers:
97	for l in h:
98		print (" * %s" % (l.strip()))
99print (" */")
100print ()
101print ('#include "hb.hh"')
102print ()
103print ('#ifndef HB_NO_OT_SHAPE')
104print ()
105print ('#include "hb-ot-shape-complex-indic.hh"')
106print ()
108# Shorten values
109short = [{
110	"Bindu":		'Bi',
111	"Cantillation_Mark":	'Ca',
112	"Joiner":		'ZWJ',
113	"Non_Joiner":		'ZWNJ',
114	"Number":		'Nd',
115	"Visarga":		'Vs',
116	"Vowel":		'Vo',
117	"Vowel_Dependent":	'M',
118	"Consonant_Prefixed":	'CPrf',
119	"Other":		'x',
121	"Not_Applicable":	'x',
123all_shorts = [{},{}]
125# Add some of the values, to make them more readable, and to avoid duplicates
128for i in range (2):
129	for v,s in short[i].items ():
130		all_shorts[i][s] = v
133what_short = ["ISC", "IMC"]
134print ('#pragma GCC diagnostic push')
135print ('#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-macros"')
136cat_defs = []
137for i in range (2):
138	vv = sorted (values[i].keys ())
139	for v in vv:
140		v_no_and = v.replace ('_And_', '_')
141		if v in short[i]:
142			s = short[i][v]
143		else:
144			s = ''.join ([c for c in v_no_and if ord ('A') <= ord (c) <= ord ('Z')])
145			if s in all_shorts[i]:
146				raise Exception ("Duplicate short value alias", v, all_shorts[i][s])
147			all_shorts[i][s] = v
148			short[i][v] = s
149		cat_defs.append ((what_short[i] + '_' + s, what[i] + '_' + v.upper (), str (values[i][v]), v))
151maxlen_s = max ([len (c[0]) for c in cat_defs])
152maxlen_l = max ([len (c[1]) for c in cat_defs])
153maxlen_n = max ([len (c[2]) for c in cat_defs])
154for s in what_short:
155	print ()
156	for c in [c for c in cat_defs if s in c[0]]:
157		print ("#define %s %s /* %s chars; %s */" %
158			(c[0].ljust (maxlen_s), c[1].ljust (maxlen_l), c[2].rjust (maxlen_n), c[3]))
159print ()
160print ('#pragma GCC diagnostic pop')
161print ()
162print ("#define _(S,M) INDIC_COMBINE_CATEGORIES (ISC_##S, IMC_##M)")
163print ()
164print ()
166total = 0
167used = 0
168last_block = None
169def print_block (block, start, end, data):
170	global total, used, last_block
171	if block and block != last_block:
172		print ()
173		print ()
174		print ("  /* %s */" % block)
175	num = 0
176	assert start % 8 == 0
177	assert (end+1) % 8 == 0
178	for u in range (start, end+1):
179		if u % 8 == 0:
180			print ()
181			print ("  /* %04X */" % u, end="")
182		if u in data:
183			num += 1
184		d = data.get (u, defaults)
185		print ("%9s" % ("_(%s,%s)," % (short[0][d[0]], short[1][d[1]])), end="")
187	total += end - start + 1
188	used += num
189	if block:
190		last_block = block
192uu = sorted (data.keys ())
194last = -100000
195num = 0
196offset = 0
197starts = []
198ends = []
199print ("static const INDIC_TABLE_ELEMENT_TYPE indic_table[] = {")
200for u in uu:
201	if u <= last:
202		continue
203	block = data[u][2]
205	start = u//8*8
206	end = start+1
207	while end in uu and block == data[end][2]:
208		end += 1
209	end = (end-1)//8*8 + 7
211	if start != last + 1:
212		if start - last <= 1+16*3:
213			print_block (None, last+1, start-1, data)
214			last = start-1
215		else:
216			if last >= 0:
217				ends.append (last + 1)
218				offset += ends[-1] - starts[-1]
219			print ()
220			print ()
221			print ("#define indic_offset_0x%04xu %d" % (start, offset))
222			starts.append (start)
224	print_block (block, start, end, data)
225	last = end
226ends.append (last + 1)
227offset += ends[-1] - starts[-1]
228print ()
229print ()
230occupancy = used * 100. / total
231page_bits = 12
232print ("}; /* Table items: %d; occupancy: %d%% */" % (offset, occupancy))
233print ()
235print ("hb_indic_get_categories (hb_codepoint_t u)")
236print ("{")
237print ("  switch (u >> %d)" % page_bits)
238print ("  {")
239pages = set ([u>>page_bits for u in starts+ends+list (singles.keys ())])
240for p in sorted(pages):
241	print ("    case 0x%0Xu:" % p)
242	for u,d in singles.items ():
243		if p != u>>page_bits: continue
244		print ("      if (unlikely (u == 0x%04Xu)) return _(%s,%s);" % (u, short[0][d[0]], short[1][d[1]]))
245	for (start,end) in zip (starts, ends):
246		if p not in [start>>page_bits, end>>page_bits]: continue
247		offset = "indic_offset_0x%04xu" % start
248		print ("      if (hb_in_range<hb_codepoint_t> (u, 0x%04Xu, 0x%04Xu)) return indic_table[u - 0x%04Xu + %s];" % (start, end-1, start, offset))
249	print ("      break;")
250	print ("")
251print ("    default:")
252print ("      break;")
253print ("  }")
254print ("  return _(x,x);")
255print ("}")
256print ()
257print ("#undef _")
258for i in range (2):
259	print ()
260	vv = sorted (values[i].keys ())
261	for v in vv:
262		print ("#undef %s_%s" %
263			(what_short[i], short[i][v]))
264print ()
265print ('#endif')
266print ()
267print ("/* == End of generated table == */")
269# Maintain at least 30% occupancy in the table */
270if occupancy < 30:
271	raise Exception ("Table too sparse, please investigate: ", occupancy)