1package operations
3import (
4	"bytes"
5	"context"
6	"encoding/base64"
7	"errors"
8	"fmt"
9	"io"
10	"strings"
12	"github.com/grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware/logging/logrus/ctxlogrus"
13	"github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
14	"gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v14/internal/git"
15	"gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v14/internal/git/localrepo"
16	"gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v14/internal/git/remoterepo"
17	"gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v14/internal/git/updateref"
18	"gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v14/internal/git2go"
19	"gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v14/internal/gitaly/storage"
20	"gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v14/internal/helper"
21	"gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/v14/proto/go/gitalypb"
22	"google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
23	"google.golang.org/grpc/status"
26// UserCommitFiles allows for committing from a set of actions. See the protobuf documentation
27// for details.
28func (s *Server) UserCommitFiles(stream gitalypb.OperationService_UserCommitFilesServer) error {
29	firstRequest, err := stream.Recv()
30	if err != nil {
31		return err
32	}
34	header := firstRequest.GetHeader()
35	if header == nil {
36		return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "UserCommitFiles: empty UserCommitFilesRequestHeader")
37	}
39	if err = validateUserCommitFilesHeader(header); err != nil {
40		return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "UserCommitFiles: %v", err)
41	}
43	ctx := stream.Context()
45	if err := s.userCommitFiles(ctx, header, stream); err != nil {
46		ctxlogrus.AddFields(ctx, logrus.Fields{
47			"repository_storage":       header.Repository.StorageName,
48			"repository_relative_path": header.Repository.RelativePath,
49			"branch_name":              header.BranchName,
50			"start_branch_name":        header.StartBranchName,
51			"start_sha":                header.StartSha,
52			"force":                    header.Force,
53		})
55		if startRepo := header.GetStartRepository(); startRepo != nil {
56			ctxlogrus.AddFields(ctx, logrus.Fields{
57				"start_repository_storage":       startRepo.StorageName,
58				"start_repository_relative_path": startRepo.RelativePath,
59			})
60		}
62		var (
63			response   gitalypb.UserCommitFilesResponse
64			indexError git2go.IndexError
65			hookError  updateref.HookError
66		)
68		switch {
69		case errors.As(err, &indexError):
70			response = gitalypb.UserCommitFilesResponse{IndexError: indexError.Error()}
71		case errors.As(err, new(git2go.DirectoryExistsError)):
72			response = gitalypb.UserCommitFilesResponse{IndexError: "A directory with this name already exists"}
73		case errors.As(err, new(git2go.FileExistsError)):
74			response = gitalypb.UserCommitFilesResponse{IndexError: "A file with this name already exists"}
75		case errors.As(err, new(git2go.FileNotFoundError)):
76			response = gitalypb.UserCommitFilesResponse{IndexError: "A file with this name doesn't exist"}
77		case errors.As(err, &hookError):
78			response = gitalypb.UserCommitFilesResponse{PreReceiveError: hookError.Error()}
79		case errors.As(err, new(git2go.InvalidArgumentError)):
80			return helper.ErrInvalidArgument(err)
81		default:
82			return err
83		}
85		ctxlogrus.Extract(ctx).WithError(err).Error("user commit files failed")
86		return stream.SendAndClose(&response)
87	}
89	return nil
92func validatePath(rootPath, relPath string) (string, error) {
93	if relPath == "" {
94		return "", git2go.IndexError("You must provide a file path")
95	} else if strings.Contains(relPath, "//") {
96		// This is a workaround to address a quirk in porting the RPC from Ruby to Go.
97		// GitLab's QA pipeline runs tests with filepath 'invalid://file/name/here'.
98		// Go's filepath.Clean returns 'invalid:/file/name/here'. The Ruby implementation's
99		// filepath normalization accepted the path as is. Adding a file with this path to the
100		// index via Rugged failed with an invalid path error. As Go's cleaning resulted a valid
101		// filepath, adding the file succeeded, which made the QA pipeline's specs fail.
102		//
103		// The Rails code expects to receive an error prefixed with 'invalid path', which is done
104		// here to retain compatibility.
105		return "", git2go.IndexError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid path: '%s'", relPath))
106	}
108	path, err := storage.ValidateRelativePath(rootPath, relPath)
109	if err != nil {
110		if errors.Is(err, storage.ErrRelativePathEscapesRoot) {
111			return "", git2go.IndexError("Path cannot include directory traversal")
112		}
114		return "", err
115	}
117	return path, nil
120func (s *Server) userCommitFiles(ctx context.Context, header *gitalypb.UserCommitFilesRequestHeader, stream gitalypb.OperationService_UserCommitFilesServer) error {
121	quarantineDir, quarantineRepo, err := s.quarantinedRepo(ctx, header.GetRepository())
122	if err != nil {
123		return err
124	}
126	repoPath, err := quarantineRepo.Path()
127	if err != nil {
128		return fmt.Errorf("get repo path: %w", err)
129	}
131	remoteRepo := header.GetStartRepository()
132	if sameRepository(header.GetRepository(), remoteRepo) {
133		// Some requests set a StartRepository that refers to the same repository as the target repository.
134		// This check never works behind Praefect. See: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/-/issues/3294
135		// Plain Gitalies still benefit from identifying the case and avoiding unnecessary RPC to resolve the
136		// branch.
137		remoteRepo = nil
138	}
140	targetBranchName := git.NewReferenceNameFromBranchName(string(header.BranchName))
141	targetBranchCommit, err := quarantineRepo.ResolveRevision(ctx, targetBranchName.Revision()+"^{commit}")
142	if err != nil {
143		if !errors.Is(err, git.ErrReferenceNotFound) {
144			return fmt.Errorf("resolve target branch commit: %w", err)
145		}
147		// the branch is being created
148	}
150	var parentCommitOID git.ObjectID
151	if header.StartSha == "" {
152		parentCommitOID, err = s.resolveParentCommit(
153			ctx,
154			quarantineRepo,
155			remoteRepo,
156			targetBranchName,
157			targetBranchCommit,
158			string(header.StartBranchName),
159		)
160		if err != nil {
161			return fmt.Errorf("resolve parent commit: %w", err)
162		}
163	} else {
164		parentCommitOID, err = git.NewObjectIDFromHex(header.StartSha)
165		if err != nil {
166			return helper.ErrInvalidArgumentf("cannot resolve parent commit: %w", err)
167		}
168	}
170	if parentCommitOID != targetBranchCommit {
171		if err := s.fetchMissingCommit(ctx, quarantineRepo, remoteRepo, parentCommitOID); err != nil {
172			return fmt.Errorf("fetch missing commit: %w", err)
173		}
174	}
176	type action struct {
177		header  *gitalypb.UserCommitFilesActionHeader
178		content []byte
179	}
181	var pbActions []action
183	for {
184		req, err := stream.Recv()
185		if err != nil {
186			if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
187				break
188			}
190			return fmt.Errorf("receive request: %w", err)
191		}
193		switch payload := req.GetAction().GetUserCommitFilesActionPayload().(type) {
194		case *gitalypb.UserCommitFilesAction_Header:
195			pbActions = append(pbActions, action{header: payload.Header})
196		case *gitalypb.UserCommitFilesAction_Content:
197			if len(pbActions) == 0 {
198				return errors.New("content sent before action")
199			}
201			// append the content to the previous action
202			content := &pbActions[len(pbActions)-1].content
203			*content = append(*content, payload.Content...)
204		default:
205			return fmt.Errorf("unhandled action payload type: %T", payload)
206		}
207	}
209	actions := make([]git2go.Action, 0, len(pbActions))
210	for _, pbAction := range pbActions {
211		if _, ok := gitalypb.UserCommitFilesActionHeader_ActionType_name[int32(pbAction.header.Action)]; !ok {
212			return fmt.Errorf("NoMethodError: undefined method `downcase' for %d:Integer", pbAction.header.Action)
213		}
215		path, err := validatePath(repoPath, string(pbAction.header.FilePath))
216		if err != nil {
217			return fmt.Errorf("validate path: %w", err)
218		}
220		content := io.Reader(bytes.NewReader(pbAction.content))
221		if pbAction.header.Base64Content {
222			content = base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, content)
223		}
225		switch pbAction.header.Action {
226		case gitalypb.UserCommitFilesActionHeader_CREATE:
227			blobID, err := quarantineRepo.WriteBlob(ctx, path, content)
228			if err != nil {
229				return fmt.Errorf("write created blob: %w", err)
230			}
232			actions = append(actions, git2go.CreateFile{
233				OID:            blobID.String(),
234				Path:           path,
235				ExecutableMode: pbAction.header.ExecuteFilemode,
236			})
237		case gitalypb.UserCommitFilesActionHeader_CHMOD:
238			actions = append(actions, git2go.ChangeFileMode{
239				Path:           path,
240				ExecutableMode: pbAction.header.ExecuteFilemode,
241			})
242		case gitalypb.UserCommitFilesActionHeader_MOVE:
243			prevPath, err := validatePath(repoPath, string(pbAction.header.PreviousPath))
244			if err != nil {
245				return fmt.Errorf("validate previous path: %w", err)
246			}
248			var oid git.ObjectID
249			if !pbAction.header.InferContent {
250				var err error
251				oid, err = quarantineRepo.WriteBlob(ctx, path, content)
252				if err != nil {
253					return err
254				}
255			}
257			actions = append(actions, git2go.MoveFile{
258				Path:    prevPath,
259				NewPath: path,
260				OID:     oid.String(),
261			})
262		case gitalypb.UserCommitFilesActionHeader_UPDATE:
263			oid, err := quarantineRepo.WriteBlob(ctx, path, content)
264			if err != nil {
265				return fmt.Errorf("write updated blob: %w", err)
266			}
268			actions = append(actions, git2go.UpdateFile{
269				Path: path,
270				OID:  oid.String(),
271			})
272		case gitalypb.UserCommitFilesActionHeader_DELETE:
273			actions = append(actions, git2go.DeleteFile{
274				Path: path,
275			})
276		case gitalypb.UserCommitFilesActionHeader_CREATE_DIR:
277			actions = append(actions, git2go.CreateDirectory{
278				Path: path,
279			})
280		}
281	}
283	now, err := dateFromProto(header)
284	if err != nil {
285		return helper.ErrInvalidArgument(err)
286	}
288	committer := git2go.NewSignature(string(header.User.Name), string(header.User.Email), now)
289	author := committer
290	if len(header.CommitAuthorName) > 0 && len(header.CommitAuthorEmail) > 0 {
291		author = git2go.NewSignature(string(header.CommitAuthorName), string(header.CommitAuthorEmail), now)
292	}
294	commitID, err := s.git2go.Commit(ctx, quarantineRepo, git2go.CommitParams{
295		Repository: repoPath,
296		Author:     author,
297		Committer:  committer,
298		Message:    string(header.CommitMessage),
299		Parent:     parentCommitOID.String(),
300		Actions:    actions,
301	})
302	if err != nil {
303		return fmt.Errorf("commit: %w", err)
304	}
306	hasBranches, err := quarantineRepo.HasBranches(ctx)
307	if err != nil {
308		return fmt.Errorf("was repo created: %w", err)
309	}
311	oldRevision := parentCommitOID
312	if targetBranchCommit == "" {
313		oldRevision = git.ZeroOID
314	} else if header.Force {
315		oldRevision = targetBranchCommit
316	}
318	if err := s.updateReferenceWithHooks(ctx, header.GetRepository(), header.User, quarantineDir, targetBranchName, commitID, oldRevision); err != nil {
319		if errors.As(err, &updateref.Error{}) {
320			return status.Errorf(codes.FailedPrecondition, err.Error())
321		}
323		return fmt.Errorf("update reference: %w", err)
324	}
326	return stream.SendAndClose(&gitalypb.UserCommitFilesResponse{BranchUpdate: &gitalypb.OperationBranchUpdate{
327		CommitId:      commitID.String(),
328		RepoCreated:   !hasBranches,
329		BranchCreated: oldRevision.IsZeroOID(),
330	}})
333func sameRepository(repoA, repoB *gitalypb.Repository) bool {
334	return repoA.GetStorageName() == repoB.GetStorageName() &&
335		repoA.GetRelativePath() == repoB.GetRelativePath()
338func (s *Server) resolveParentCommit(
339	ctx context.Context,
340	local git.Repository,
341	remote *gitalypb.Repository,
342	targetBranch git.ReferenceName,
343	targetBranchCommit git.ObjectID,
344	startBranch string,
345) (git.ObjectID, error) {
346	if remote == nil && startBranch == "" {
347		return targetBranchCommit, nil
348	}
350	repo := local
351	if remote != nil {
352		var err error
353		repo, err = remoterepo.New(ctx, remote, s.conns)
354		if err != nil {
355			return "", fmt.Errorf("remote repository: %w", err)
356		}
357	}
359	if hasBranches, err := repo.HasBranches(ctx); err != nil {
360		return "", fmt.Errorf("has branches: %w", err)
361	} else if !hasBranches {
362		// GitLab sends requests to UserCommitFiles where target repository
363		// and start repository are the same. If the request hits Gitaly directly,
364		// Gitaly could check if the repos are the same by comparing their storages
365		// and relative paths and simply resolve the branch locally. When request is proxied
366		// through Praefect, the start repository's storage is not rewritten, thus Gitaly can't
367		// identify the repos as being the same.
368		//
369		// If the start repository is set, we have to resolve the branch there as it
370		// might be on a different commit than the local repository. As Gitaly can't identify
371		// the repositories are the same behind Praefect, it has to perform an RPC to resolve
372		// the branch. The resolving would fail as the branch does not yet exist in the start
373		// repository, which is actually the local repository.
374		//
375		// Due to this, we check if the remote has any branches. If not, we likely hit this case
376		// and we're creating the first branch. If so, we'll just return the commit that was
377		// already resolved locally.
378		//
379		// See: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/-/issues/3294
380		return targetBranchCommit, nil
381	}
383	branch := targetBranch
384	if startBranch != "" {
385		branch = git.NewReferenceNameFromBranchName(startBranch)
386	}
387	refish := branch + "^{commit}"
389	commit, err := repo.ResolveRevision(ctx, git.Revision(refish))
390	if err != nil {
391		return "", fmt.Errorf("resolving refish %q in %T: %w", refish, repo, err)
392	}
394	return commit, nil
397func (s *Server) fetchMissingCommit(
398	ctx context.Context,
399	localRepo *localrepo.Repo,
400	remoteRepo *gitalypb.Repository,
401	commit git.ObjectID,
402) error {
403	if _, err := localRepo.ResolveRevision(ctx, commit.Revision()+"^{commit}"); err != nil {
404		if !errors.Is(err, git.ErrReferenceNotFound) || remoteRepo == nil {
405			return fmt.Errorf("lookup parent commit: %w", err)
406		}
408		if err := localRepo.FetchInternal(
409			ctx,
410			remoteRepo,
411			[]string{commit.String()},
412			localrepo.FetchOpts{Tags: localrepo.FetchOptsTagsNone},
413		); err != nil {
414			return fmt.Errorf("fetch parent commit: %w", err)
415		}
416	}
418	return nil
421func validateUserCommitFilesHeader(header *gitalypb.UserCommitFilesRequestHeader) error {
422	if header.GetRepository() == nil {
423		return fmt.Errorf("empty Repository")
424	}
425	if header.GetUser() == nil {
426		return fmt.Errorf("empty User")
427	}
428	if len(header.GetCommitMessage()) == 0 {
429		return fmt.Errorf("empty CommitMessage")
430	}
431	if len(header.GetBranchName()) == 0 {
432		return fmt.Errorf("empty BranchName")
433	}
435	startSha := header.GetStartSha()
436	if len(startSha) > 0 {
437		err := git.ValidateObjectID(startSha)
438		if err != nil {
439			return err
440		}
441	}
443	return nil