1{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts  #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards     #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns      #-}
5{- |
6   Module      : Text.Pandoc.Writers.OpenDocument
7   Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2008-2020 Andrea Rossato and John MacFarlane
8   License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
10   Maintainer  : Andrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@ing.unitn.it>
11   Stability   : alpha
12   Portability : portable
14Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to OpenDocument XML.
16module Text.Pandoc.Writers.OpenDocument ( writeOpenDocument ) where
17import Control.Arrow ((***), (>>>))
18import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (when)
19import Data.Char (chr)
20import Data.Foldable (find)
21import Data.List (sortOn, sortBy, foldl')
22import qualified Data.Map as Map
23import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
24import Data.Ord (comparing)
25import qualified Data.Set as Set
26import Data.Text (Text)
27import qualified Data.Text as T
28import Text.Pandoc.BCP47 (Lang (..), parseBCP47)
29import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad, report, translateTerm,
30                                      setTranslations, toLang)
31import Text.Pandoc.Definition
32import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
33import Text.Pandoc.Logging
34import Text.Pandoc.Options
35import Text.DocLayout
36import Text.Pandoc.Shared (linesToPara, tshow, blocksToInlines)
37import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
38import qualified Text.Pandoc.Translations as Term (Term(Figure, Table))
39import Text.Pandoc.Walk
40import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
41import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
42import qualified Text.Pandoc.Writers.AnnotatedTable as Ann
43import Text.Pandoc.XML
44import Text.Printf (printf)
45import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (highlight)
46import Skylighting
48-- | Auxiliary function to convert Plain block to Para.
49plainToPara :: Block -> Block
50plainToPara (Plain x) = Para x
51plainToPara x         = x
54-- OpenDocument writer
57type OD m = StateT WriterState m
59data ReferenceType
60  = HeaderRef
61  | TableRef
62  | ImageRef
64data WriterState =
65    WriterState { stNotes          :: [Doc Text]
66                , stTableStyles    :: [Doc Text]
67                , stParaStyles     :: [Doc Text]
68                , stListStyles     :: [(Int, [Doc Text])]
69                , stTextStyles     :: Map.Map (Set.Set TextStyle)
70                                        (Text, Doc Text)
71                , stTextStyleAttr  :: Set.Set TextStyle
72                , stIndentPara     :: Int
73                , stInDefinition   :: Bool
74                , stTight          :: Bool
75                , stFirstPara      :: Bool
76                , stImageId        :: Int
77                , stTableCaptionId :: Int
78                , stImageCaptionId :: Int
79                , stIdentTypes     :: [(Text,ReferenceType)]
80                }
82defaultWriterState :: WriterState
83defaultWriterState =
84    WriterState { stNotes          = []
85                , stTableStyles    = []
86                , stParaStyles     = []
87                , stListStyles     = []
88                , stTextStyles     = Map.empty
89                , stTextStyleAttr  = Set.empty
90                , stIndentPara     = 0
91                , stInDefinition   = False
92                , stTight          = False
93                , stFirstPara      = False
94                , stImageId        = 1
95                , stTableCaptionId = 1
96                , stImageCaptionId = 1
97                , stIdentTypes     = []
98                }
100when :: Bool -> Doc Text -> Doc Text
101when p a = if p then a else empty
103addTableStyle :: PandocMonad m => Doc Text -> OD m ()
104addTableStyle i = modify $ \s -> s { stTableStyles = i : stTableStyles s }
106addNote :: PandocMonad m => Doc Text -> OD m ()
107addNote i = modify $ \s -> s { stNotes = i : stNotes s }
109addParaStyle :: PandocMonad m => Doc Text -> OD m ()
110addParaStyle i = modify $ \s -> s { stParaStyles = i : stParaStyles s }
112addTextStyle :: PandocMonad m
113             => Set.Set TextStyle -> (Text, Doc Text) -> OD m ()
114addTextStyle attrs i = modify $ \s ->
115  s { stTextStyles = Map.insert attrs i (stTextStyles s) }
117addTextStyleAttr :: PandocMonad m => TextStyle -> OD m ()
118addTextStyleAttr t = modify $ \s ->
119  s { stTextStyleAttr = Set.insert t (stTextStyleAttr s) }
121increaseIndent :: PandocMonad m => OD m ()
122increaseIndent = modify $ \s -> s { stIndentPara = 1 + stIndentPara s }
124resetIndent :: PandocMonad m => OD m ()
125resetIndent = modify $ \s -> s { stIndentPara = stIndentPara s - 1 }
127inTightList :: PandocMonad m => OD m a -> OD m a
128inTightList  f = modify (\s -> s { stTight = True  }) >> f >>= \r ->
129                 modify (\s -> s { stTight = False }) >> return r
131setInDefinitionList :: PandocMonad m => Bool -> OD m ()
132setInDefinitionList b = modify $  \s -> s { stInDefinition = b }
134setFirstPara :: PandocMonad m => OD m ()
135setFirstPara =  modify $  \s -> s { stFirstPara = True }
137inParagraphTags :: PandocMonad m => Doc Text -> OD m (Doc Text)
138inParagraphTags d = do
139  b <- gets stFirstPara
140  a <- if b
141       then do modify $ \st -> st { stFirstPara = False }
142               return [("text:style-name", "First_20_paragraph")]
143       else    return   [("text:style-name", "Text_20_body")]
144  return $ inTags False "text:p" a d
146inParagraphTagsWithStyle :: Text -> Doc Text -> Doc Text
147inParagraphTagsWithStyle sty = inTags False "text:p" [("text:style-name", sty)]
149inSpanTags :: Text -> Doc Text -> Doc Text
150inSpanTags s = inTags False "text:span" [("text:style-name",s)]
152withTextStyle :: PandocMonad m => TextStyle -> OD m a -> OD m a
153withTextStyle s f = do
154  oldTextStyleAttr <- gets stTextStyleAttr
155  addTextStyleAttr s
156  res <- f
157  modify $ \st -> st{ stTextStyleAttr = oldTextStyleAttr }
158  return res
160inTextStyle :: PandocMonad m => Doc Text -> OD m (Doc Text)
161inTextStyle d = do
162  at <- gets stTextStyleAttr
163  if Set.null at
164     then return d
165     else do
166       styles <- gets stTextStyles
167       case Map.lookup at styles of
168            Just (styleName, _) -> return $
169              inTags False "text:span" [("text:style-name",styleName)] d
170            Nothing -> do
171              let styleName = "T" <> tshow (Map.size styles + 1)
172              addTextStyle at (styleName,
173                     inTags False "style:style"
174                       [("style:name", styleName)
175                       ,("style:family", "text")]
176                       $ selfClosingTag "style:text-properties"
177                          (sortOn fst . Map.toList
178                                $ foldl' textStyleAttr mempty (Set.toList at)))
179              return $ inTags False
180                  "text:span" [("text:style-name",styleName)] d
182formulaStyles :: [Doc Text]
183formulaStyles = [formulaStyle InlineMath, formulaStyle DisplayMath]
185formulaStyle :: MathType -> Doc Text
186formulaStyle mt = inTags False "style:style"
187  [("style:name", if mt == InlineMath then "fr1" else "fr2")
188  ,("style:family", "graphic")
189  ,("style:parent-style-name", "Formula")]
190  $ selfClosingTag "style:graphic-properties" $ if mt == InlineMath then
191                                                  [("style:vertical-pos", "middle")
192                                                  ,("style:vertical-rel", "text")]
193                                                else
194                                                  [("style:vertical-pos",   "middle")
195                                                  ,("style:vertical-rel",   "paragraph-content")
196                                                  ,("style:horizontal-pos", "center")
197                                                  ,("style:horizontal-rel", "paragraph-content")
198                                                  ,("style:wrap",           "none")]
200inBookmarkTags :: Text -> Doc Text -> Doc Text
201inBookmarkTags ident d =
202  selfClosingTag "text:bookmark-start" [ ("text:name", ident) ]
203  <> d <>
204  selfClosingTag "text:bookmark-end" [ ("text:name", ident) ]
206selfClosingBookmark :: Text -> Doc Text
207selfClosingBookmark ident =
208  selfClosingTag "text:bookmark" [("text:name", ident)]
210inHeaderTags :: PandocMonad m => Int -> Text -> Doc Text -> OD m (Doc Text)
211inHeaderTags i ident d =
212  return $ inTags False "text:h" [ ("text:style-name", "Heading_20_" <> tshow i)
213                                 , ("text:outline-level", tshow i)]
214         $ if T.null ident
215              then d
216              else inBookmarkTags ident d
218inQuotes :: QuoteType -> Doc Text -> Doc Text
219inQuotes SingleQuote s = char '\8216' <> s <> char '\8217'
220inQuotes DoubleQuote s = char '\8220' <> s <> char '\8221'
222handleSpaces :: Text -> Doc Text
223handleSpaces s = case T.uncons s of
224  Just (' ', _) -> genTag s
225  Just ('\t',x) -> selfClosingTag "text:tab" [] <> rm x
226  _             -> rm s
227  where
228    genTag = T.span (==' ') >>> tag . T.length *** rm >>> uncurry (<>)
229    tag n  = when (n /= 0) $ selfClosingTag "text:s" [("text:c", tshow n)]
230    rm t   = case T.uncons t of
231      Just ( ' ',xs) -> char ' ' <> genTag xs
232      Just ('\t',xs) -> selfClosingTag "text:tab" [] <> genTag xs
233      Just (   x,xs) -> char x <> rm xs
234      Nothing        -> empty
236-- | Convert Pandoc document to string in OpenDocument format.
237writeOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m Text
238writeOpenDocument opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
239  let defLang = Lang "en" "US" "" []
240  lang <- case lookupMetaString "lang" meta of
241            "" -> pure defLang
242            s  -> fromMaybe defLang <$> toLang (Just s)
243  setTranslations lang
244  let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts == WrapAuto
245                    then Just $ writerColumns opts
246                    else Nothing
247  let meta' = case lookupMetaBlocks "abstract" meta of
248                [] -> meta
249                xs -> B.setMeta "abstract"
250                        (B.divWith ("",[],[("custom-style","Abstract")])
251                          (B.fromList xs))
252                        meta
253  ((body, metadata),s) <- flip runStateT
254        defaultWriterState $ do
255           let collectInlineIdent (Image (ident,_,_) _ _) = [(ident,ImageRef)]
256               collectInlineIdent _                       = []
257           let collectBlockIdent (Header _ (ident,_,_) _)      = [(ident,HeaderRef)]
258               collectBlockIdent (Table (ident,_,_) _ _ _ _ _) = [(ident,TableRef)]
259               collectBlockIdent _                             = []
260           modify $ \s -> s{ stIdentTypes = query collectBlockIdent blocks ++ query collectInlineIdent blocks }
261           m <- metaToContext opts
262                  (blocksToOpenDocument opts)
263                  (fmap chomp . inlinesToOpenDocument opts)
264                  meta'
265           b <- blocksToOpenDocument opts blocks
266           return (b, m)
267  let styles   = stTableStyles s ++ stParaStyles s ++ formulaStyles ++
268                     map snd (sortBy (flip (comparing fst)) (
269                        Map.elems (stTextStyles s)))
270      listStyle (n,l) = inTags True "text:list-style"
271                          [("style:name", "L" <> tshow n)] (vcat l)
272  let listStyles  = map listStyle (stListStyles s)
273  let automaticStyles = vcat $ reverse $ styles ++ listStyles
274  let context = defField "body" body
275              . defField "toc" (writerTableOfContents opts)
276              . defField "toc-depth" (tshow $ writerTOCDepth opts)
277              . defField "automatic-styles" automaticStyles
278              $ metadata
279  return $ render colwidth $
280    case writerTemplate opts of
281       Nothing  -> body
282       Just tpl -> renderTemplate tpl context
284withParagraphStyle :: PandocMonad m
285                   => WriterOptions -> Text -> [Block] -> OD m (Doc Text)
286withParagraphStyle  o s (b:bs)
287    | Para l <- b = go =<< inParagraphTagsWithStyle s <$> inlinesToOpenDocument o l
288    | otherwise   = go =<< blockToOpenDocument o b
289    where go i = (<>) i <$>  withParagraphStyle o s bs
290withParagraphStyle _ _ [] = return empty
292inPreformattedTags :: PandocMonad m => Text -> OD m (Doc Text)
293inPreformattedTags s = do
294  n <- paraStyle [("style:parent-style-name","Preformatted_20_Text")]
295  return . inParagraphTagsWithStyle ("P" <> tshow n) . handleSpaces $ s
297orderedListToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
298                          => WriterOptions -> Int -> [[Block]] -> OD m (Doc Text)
299orderedListToOpenDocument o pn bs =
300    vcat . map (inTagsIndented "text:list-item") <$>
301    mapM (orderedItemToOpenDocument o pn . map plainToPara) bs
303orderedItemToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
304                          => WriterOptions -> Int -> [Block] -> OD m (Doc Text)
305orderedItemToOpenDocument  o n bs = vcat <$> mapM go bs
306 where go (OrderedList a l) = newLevel a l
307       go (Para          l) = inParagraphTagsWithStyle ("P" <> tshow n) <$>
308                                inlinesToOpenDocument o l
309       go b                 = blockToOpenDocument o b
310       newLevel a l = do
311         nn <- length <$> gets stParaStyles
312         ls <- head   <$> gets stListStyles
313         modify $ \s -> s { stListStyles = orderedListLevelStyle a ls :
314                                 drop 1 (stListStyles s) }
315         inTagsIndented "text:list" <$> orderedListToOpenDocument o nn l
317isTightList :: [[Block]] -> Bool
318isTightList []          = False
319isTightList (b:_)
320    | Plain {} : _ <- b = True
321    | otherwise         = False
323newOrderedListStyle :: PandocMonad m
324                    => Bool -> ListAttributes -> OD m (Int,Int)
325newOrderedListStyle b a = do
326  ln <- (+) 1 . length  <$> gets stListStyles
327  let nbs = orderedListLevelStyle a (ln, [])
328  pn <- if b then inTightList (paraListStyle ln) else paraListStyle ln
329  modify $ \s -> s { stListStyles = nbs : stListStyles s }
330  return (ln,pn)
332bulletListToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
333                         => WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> OD m (Doc Text)
334bulletListToOpenDocument o b = do
335  ln <- (+) 1 . length <$> gets stListStyles
336  (pn,ns) <- if isTightList b then inTightList (bulletListStyle ln) else bulletListStyle ln
337  modify $ \s -> s { stListStyles = ns : stListStyles s }
338  is <- listItemsToOpenDocument ("P" <> tshow pn) o b
339  return $ inTags True "text:list" [("text:style-name", "L" <> tshow ln)] is
341listItemsToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
342                        => Text -> WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> OD m (Doc Text)
343listItemsToOpenDocument s o is =
344    vcat . map (inTagsIndented "text:list-item") <$> mapM (withParagraphStyle o s . map plainToPara) is
346deflistItemToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
347                          => WriterOptions -> ([Inline],[[Block]]) -> OD m (Doc Text)
348deflistItemToOpenDocument o (t,d) = do
349  let ts = if isTightList d
350           then "Definition_20_Term_20_Tight"       else "Definition_20_Term"
351      ds = if isTightList d
352           then "Definition_20_Definition_20_Tight" else "Definition_20_Definition"
353  t' <- withParagraphStyle o ts [Para t]
354  d' <- liftM vcat $ mapM (withParagraphStyle o ds . map plainToPara) d
355  return $ t' $$ d'
357inBlockQuote :: PandocMonad m
358             => WriterOptions -> Int -> [Block] -> OD m (Doc Text)
359inBlockQuote  o i (b:bs)
360    | BlockQuote l <- b = do increaseIndent
361                             ni <- paraStyle
362                                   [("style:parent-style-name","Quotations")]
363                             go =<< inBlockQuote o ni (map plainToPara l)
364    | Para       l <- b = go =<< inParagraphTagsWithStyle ("P" <> tshow i) <$> inlinesToOpenDocument o l
365    | otherwise         = go =<< blockToOpenDocument o b
366    where go  block  = ($$) block <$> inBlockQuote o i bs
367inBlockQuote     _ _ [] =  resetIndent >> return empty
369-- | Convert a list of Pandoc blocks to OpenDocument.
370blocksToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Block] -> OD m (Doc Text)
371blocksToOpenDocument o b = vcat <$> mapM (blockToOpenDocument o) b
373-- | Convert a Pandoc block element to OpenDocument.
374blockToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Block -> OD m (Doc Text)
375blockToOpenDocument o bs
376    | Plain          b <- bs = if null b
377                                  then return empty
378                                  else inParagraphTags =<< inlinesToOpenDocument o b
379    | Para [Image attr c (s,T.stripPrefix "fig:" -> Just t)] <- bs
380                             = figure attr c s t
381    | Para           b <- bs = if null b &&
382                                    not (isEnabled Ext_empty_paragraphs o)
383                                  then return empty
384                                  else inParagraphTags =<< inlinesToOpenDocument o b
385    | LineBlock      b <- bs = blockToOpenDocument o $ linesToPara b
386    | Div attr xs      <- bs = mkDiv attr xs
387    | Header     i (ident,_,_) b
388                       <- bs = setFirstPara >> (inHeaderTags i ident
389                                  =<< inlinesToOpenDocument o b)
390    | BlockQuote     b <- bs = setFirstPara >> mkBlockQuote b
391    | DefinitionList b <- bs = setFirstPara >> defList b
392    | BulletList     b <- bs = setFirstPara >> bulletListToOpenDocument o b
393    | OrderedList  a b <- bs = setFirstPara >> orderedList a b
394    | CodeBlock    _ s <- bs = setFirstPara >> preformatted s
395    | Table a bc s th tb tf <- bs =  setFirstPara >> table (Ann.toTable a bc s th tb tf)
396    | HorizontalRule   <- bs = setFirstPara >> return (selfClosingTag "text:p"
397                                [ ("text:style-name", "Horizontal_20_Line") ])
398    | RawBlock f     s <- bs = if f == Format "opendocument"
399                                  then return $ text $ T.unpack s
400                                  else do
401                                    report $ BlockNotRendered bs
402                                    return empty
403    | Null             <- bs = return empty
404    | otherwise              = return empty
405    where
406      defList       b = do setInDefinitionList True
407                           r <- vcat  <$> mapM (deflistItemToOpenDocument o) b
408                           setInDefinitionList False
409                           return r
410      preformatted  s = flush . vcat <$> mapM (inPreformattedTags . escapeStringForXML) (T.lines s)
411      mkDiv    attr s = do
412        let (ident,_,kvs) = attr
413            i = withLangFromAttr attr $
414                case lookup "custom-style" kvs of
415                  Just sty -> withParagraphStyle o sty s
416                  _        -> blocksToOpenDocument o s
417            mkBookmarkedDiv = inTags False "text:section" [("text:name", ident)]
418        if T.null ident
419          then i
420          else fmap mkBookmarkedDiv i
421      mkBlockQuote  b = do increaseIndent
422                           i <- paraStyle
423                                 [("style:parent-style-name","Quotations")]
424                           inBlockQuote o i (map plainToPara b)
425      orderedList a b = do (ln,pn) <- newOrderedListStyle (isTightList b) a
426                           inTags True "text:list" [ ("text:style-name", "L" <> tshow ln)]
427                                      <$> orderedListToOpenDocument o pn b
428      table :: PandocMonad m => Ann.Table -> OD m (Doc Text)
429      table (Ann.Table (ident, _, _) (Caption _ c) colspecs thead tbodies _) = do
430        tn <- length <$> gets stTableStyles
431        pn <- length <$> gets stParaStyles
432        let  genIds      = map chr [65..]
433             name        = "Table" <> tshow (tn + 1)
434             (aligns, mwidths) = unzip colspecs
435             fromWidth (ColWidth w) | w > 0 = w
436             fromWidth _                    = 0
437             widths = map fromWidth mwidths
438             textWidth   = sum widths
439             columnIds   = zip genIds widths
440             mkColumn  n = selfClosingTag "table:table-column" [("table:style-name", name <> "." <> T.singleton (fst n))]
441             columns     = map mkColumn columnIds
442             paraHStyles = paraTableStyles "Heading"  pn aligns
443             paraStyles  = paraTableStyles "Contents" (pn + length (newPara paraHStyles)) aligns
444             newPara     = map snd . filter (not . isEmpty . snd)
445        addTableStyle $ tableStyle tn textWidth columnIds
446        mapM_ addParaStyle . newPara $ paraHStyles ++ paraStyles
447        captionDoc <- if null c
448                      then return empty
449                      else inlinesToOpenDocument o (blocksToInlines c) >>=
450                             if isEnabled Ext_native_numbering o
451                                then numberedTableCaption ident
452                                else unNumberedCaption "TableCaption"
453        th <- colHeadsToOpenDocument o (map fst paraHStyles) thead
454        tr <- mapM (tableBodyToOpenDocument o (map fst paraStyles)) tbodies
455        let tableDoc = inTags True "table:table" [
456                            ("table:name"      , name)
457                          , ("table:style-name", name)
458                          ] (vcat columns $$ th $$ vcat tr)
459        return $ captionDoc $$ tableDoc
460      figure attr@(ident, _, _) caption source title | null caption =
461        withParagraphStyle o "Figure" [Para [Image attr caption (source,title)]]
462                                  | otherwise    = do
463        imageDoc <- withParagraphStyle o "FigureWithCaption" [Para [Image attr caption (source,title)]]
464        captionDoc <- inlinesToOpenDocument o caption >>=
465                         if isEnabled Ext_native_numbering o
466                            then numberedFigureCaption ident
467                            else unNumberedCaption "FigureCaption"
468        return $ imageDoc $$ captionDoc
471numberedTableCaption :: PandocMonad m => Text -> Doc Text -> OD m (Doc Text)
472numberedTableCaption ident caption = do
473    id' <- gets stTableCaptionId
474    modify (\st -> st{ stTableCaptionId = id' + 1 })
475    capterm <- translateTerm Term.Table
476    return $ numberedCaption "TableCaption" capterm "Table" id' ident caption
478numberedFigureCaption :: PandocMonad m => Text -> Doc Text -> OD m (Doc Text)
479numberedFigureCaption ident caption = do
480    id' <- gets stImageCaptionId
481    modify (\st -> st{ stImageCaptionId = id' + 1 })
482    capterm <- translateTerm Term.Figure
483    return $ numberedCaption "FigureCaption" capterm  "Illustration" id' ident caption
485numberedCaption :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Int -> Text -> Doc Text -> Doc Text
486numberedCaption style term name num ident caption =
487    let t = text $ T.unpack term
488        r = num - 1
489        ident' = case ident of
490          "" -> "ref" <> name <> tshow r
491          _ -> ident
492        s = inTags False "text:sequence" [ ("text:ref-name", ident'),
493                                           ("text:name", name),
494                                           ("text:formula", "ooow:" <> name <> "+1"),
495                                           ("style:num-format", "1") ] $ text $ show num
496        c = text ": "
497    in inParagraphTagsWithStyle style $ hcat [ t, text " ", s, c, caption ]
499unNumberedCaption :: Monad m => Text -> Doc Text -> OD m (Doc Text)
500unNumberedCaption style caption = return $ inParagraphTagsWithStyle style caption
502colHeadsToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
503                       => WriterOptions -> [Text] -> Ann.TableHead
504                       -> OD m (Doc Text)
505colHeadsToOpenDocument o ns (Ann.TableHead _ hs) =
506  case hs of
507    [] -> return empty
508    (x:_) ->
509        let (Ann.HeaderRow _ _ c) = x
510        in inTagsIndented "table:table-header-rows" .
511        inTagsIndented "table:table-row" .
512        vcat <$> mapM (tableItemToOpenDocument o "TableHeaderRowCell") (zip ns c)
514tableBodyToOpenDocument:: PandocMonad m
515                       => WriterOptions -> [Text] -> Ann.TableBody
516                       -> OD m (Doc Text)
517tableBodyToOpenDocument o ns tb =
518    let (Ann.TableBody _ _ _ r) = tb
519    in vcat <$> mapM (tableRowToOpenDocument o ns) r
521tableRowToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
522                       => WriterOptions -> [Text] -> Ann.BodyRow
523                       -> OD m (Doc Text)
524tableRowToOpenDocument o ns r =
525    let (Ann.BodyRow _ _ _ c ) = r
526    in inTagsIndented "table:table-row" . vcat <$>
527    mapM (tableItemToOpenDocument o "TableRowCell") (zip ns c)
529colspanAttrib :: ColSpan -> [(Text, Text)]
530colspanAttrib cs =
531  case cs of
532    ColSpan 1 -> mempty
533    ColSpan n -> [("table:number-columns-spanned", tshow n)]
535rowspanAttrib :: RowSpan -> [(Text, Text)]
536rowspanAttrib rs =
537  case rs of
538    RowSpan 1 -> mempty
539    RowSpan n -> [("table:number-rows-spanned", tshow n)]
541alignAttrib :: Alignment -> [(Text,Text)]
542alignAttrib a = case a of
543  AlignRight  -> ("fo:text-align","end") : style
544  AlignCenter -> ("fo:text-align","center") : style
545  _ -> []
546  where
547    style = [("style:justify-single-word","false")]
549tableItemToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
550                        => WriterOptions -> Text -> (Text,Ann.Cell)
551                        -> OD m (Doc Text)
552tableItemToOpenDocument o s (n,c) = do
553  let (Ann.Cell _colspecs _colnum (Cell _ align rs cs i) ) = c
554      csa = colspanAttrib cs
555      rsa = rowspanAttrib rs
556      aa = alignAttrib align
557      a = [ ("table:style-name" , s )
558          , ("office:value-type", "string" ) ] ++ csa ++ rsa
559  itemParaStyle <- case aa of
560                     [] -> return 0
561                     _  -> paraStyleFromParent n aa
562  let itemParaStyle' = case itemParaStyle of
563                         0 -> n
564                         x -> "P" <> tshow x
565  inTags True "table:table-cell" a <$>
566    withParagraphStyle o itemParaStyle' (map plainToPara i)
568-- | Convert a list of inline elements to OpenDocument.
569inlinesToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> OD m (Doc Text)
570inlinesToOpenDocument o l = hcat <$> toChunks o l
572toChunks :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> OD m [Doc Text]
573toChunks _ [] = return []
574toChunks o (x : xs)
575  | isChunkable x = do
576        contents <- (inTextStyle . hcat) =<<
577                     mapM (inlineToOpenDocument o) (x:ys)
578        rest <- toChunks o zs
579        return (contents : rest)
580  | otherwise     = do
581        contents <- inlineToOpenDocument o x
582        rest <- toChunks o xs
583        return (contents : rest)
584  where (ys, zs) = span isChunkable xs
586isChunkable :: Inline -> Bool
587isChunkable (Str _)   = True
588isChunkable Space     = True
589isChunkable SoftBreak = True
590isChunkable _         = False
592-- | Convert an inline element to OpenDocument.
593inlineToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Inline -> OD m (Doc Text)
594inlineToOpenDocument o ils
595  = case ils of
596    Space         -> return space
597    SoftBreak
598     | writerWrapText o == WrapPreserve
599                  -> return $ preformatted "\n"
600     | otherwise  -> return space
601    Span attr xs  -> mkSpan attr xs
602    LineBreak     -> return $ selfClosingTag "text:line-break" []
603    Str         s -> return $ handleSpaces $ escapeStringForXML s
604    Emph        l -> withTextStyle Italic $ inlinesToOpenDocument o l
605    Underline   l -> withTextStyle Under  $ inlinesToOpenDocument o l
606    Strong      l -> withTextStyle Bold   $ inlinesToOpenDocument o l
607    Strikeout   l -> withTextStyle Strike $ inlinesToOpenDocument o l
608    Superscript l -> withTextStyle Sup    $ inlinesToOpenDocument o l
609    Subscript   l -> withTextStyle Sub    $ inlinesToOpenDocument o l
610    SmallCaps   l -> withTextStyle SmallC $ inlinesToOpenDocument o l
611    Quoted    t l -> inQuotes t <$> inlinesToOpenDocument o l
612    Code      attrs s -> if isNothing (writerHighlightStyle o)
613      then unhighlighted s
614      else case highlight (writerSyntaxMap o)
615                  formatOpenDocument attrs s of
616                Right h  -> return $ mconcat $ mconcat h
617                Left msg -> do
618                  unless (T.null msg) $ report $ CouldNotHighlight msg
619                  unhighlighted s
620    Math      t s -> lift (texMathToInlines t s) >>=
621                         inlinesToOpenDocument o
622    Cite      _ l -> inlinesToOpenDocument o l
623    RawInline f s -> if f == Format "opendocument"
624                       then return $ text $ T.unpack s
625                       else do
626                         report $ InlineNotRendered ils
627                         return empty
628    Link _ l (s,t) -> do
629      identTypes <- gets stIdentTypes
630      mkLink o identTypes s t <$> inlinesToOpenDocument o l
631    Image attr _ (s,t) -> mkImg attr s t
632    Note        l  -> mkNote l
633    where
634      formatOpenDocument :: FormatOptions -> [SourceLine] -> [[Doc Text]]
635      formatOpenDocument _fmtOpts = map (map toHlTok)
636      toHlTok :: Token -> Doc Text
637      toHlTok (toktype,tok) =
638        inTags False "text:span" [("text:style-name", T.pack $ show toktype)] $ preformatted tok
639      unhighlighted s = inlinedCode $ preformatted s
640      preformatted s = handleSpaces $ escapeStringForXML s
641      inlinedCode s = return $ inTags False "text:span" [("text:style-name", "Source_Text")] s
642      mkImg (_, _, kvs) s _ = do
643               id' <- gets stImageId
644               modify (\st -> st{ stImageId = id' + 1 })
645               let getDims [] = []
646                   getDims (("width", w) :xs) = ("svg:width", w)  : getDims xs
647                   getDims (("rel-width", w):xs) = ("style:rel-width", w) : getDims xs
648                   getDims (("height", h):xs) = ("svg:height", h) : getDims xs
649                   getDims (("rel-height", w):xs) = ("style:rel-height", w) : getDims xs
650                   getDims (_:xs) =                             getDims xs
651               return $ inTags False "draw:frame"
652                        (("draw:name", "img" <> tshow id') : getDims kvs) $
653                     selfClosingTag "draw:image" [ ("xlink:href"   , s       )
654                                                 , ("xlink:type"   , "simple")
655                                                 , ("xlink:show"   , "embed" )
656                                                 , ("xlink:actuate", "onLoad")]
657      mkSpan attr xs =  do
658        let (ident,_,_) = attr
659            i = withLangFromAttr attr (inlinesToOpenDocument o xs)
660            mkBookmarkedSpan b =
661              if isEmpty b
662                then selfClosingBookmark ident
663                else inBookmarkTags ident b
664        if T.null ident
665          then i
666          else fmap mkBookmarkedSpan i
667      mkNote     l = do
668        n <- length <$> gets stNotes
669        let footNote t = inTags False "text:note"
670                         [ ("text:id"        , "ftn" <> tshow n)
671                         , ("text:note-class", "footnote"     )] $
672                         inTagsSimple "text:note-citation" (text . show $ n + 1) <>
673                         inTagsSimple "text:note-body" t
674        nn <- footNote <$> withParagraphStyle o "Footnote" l
675        addNote nn
676        return nn
678mkLink :: WriterOptions -> [(Text,ReferenceType)] -> Text -> Text -> Doc Text -> Doc Text
679mkLink o identTypes s t d =
680  let maybeIdentAndType = case T.uncons s of
681                            Just ('#', ident) -> find ((ident ==) . fst) identTypes
682                            _                 -> Nothing
683      d' = inSpanTags "Definition" d
684      ref refType format ident       = inTags False refType
685                                       [ ("text:reference-format", format ),
686                                         ("text:ref-name", ident) ]
687      inlineSpace                    = selfClosingTag "text:s" []
688      bookmarkRef                    = ref "text:bookmark-ref"
689      bookmarkRefNumber ident        = bookmarkRef "number" ident mempty
690      bookmarkRefName ident          = bookmarkRef "text" ident d
691      bookmarkRefNameNumber ident    = bookmarkRefNumber ident <> inlineSpace <> bookmarkRefName ident
692      bookmarkRef'
693        | isEnabled Ext_xrefs_number o && isEnabled Ext_xrefs_name o = bookmarkRefNameNumber
694        | isEnabled Ext_xrefs_name o                                 = bookmarkRefName
695        | otherwise                                                  = bookmarkRefNumber
696      sequenceRef                    = ref "text:sequence-ref"
697      sequenceRefNumber ident        = sequenceRef "value" ident mempty
698      sequenceRefName ident          = sequenceRef "caption" ident d
699      sequenceRefNameNumber ident    = sequenceRefNumber ident <> inlineSpace <> sequenceRefName ident
700      sequenceRef'
701        | isEnabled Ext_xrefs_number o && isEnabled Ext_xrefs_name o = sequenceRefNameNumber
702        | isEnabled Ext_xrefs_name o                                 = sequenceRefName
703        | otherwise                                                  = sequenceRefNumber
704      link = inTags False "text:a" [ ("xlink:type" , "simple")
705                                          , ("xlink:href" , s       )
706                                          , ("office:name", t       )
707                                          ] d'
708      linkOrReference = case maybeIdentAndType of
709                          Just (ident, HeaderRef) -> bookmarkRef' ident
710                          Just (ident, TableRef)  -> sequenceRef' ident
711                          Just (ident, ImageRef)  -> sequenceRef' ident
712                          _                       -> link
713      in if isEnabled Ext_xrefs_name o || isEnabled Ext_xrefs_number o
714            then linkOrReference
715            else link
717bulletListStyle :: PandocMonad m => Int -> OD m (Int,(Int,[Doc Text]))
718bulletListStyle l = do
719  let doStyles  i = inTags True "text:list-level-style-bullet"
720                    [ ("text:level"      , tshow (i + 1))
721                    , ("text:style-name" , "Bullet_20_Symbols"  )
722                    , ("style:num-suffix", "."                  )
723                    , ("text:bullet-char", T.singleton (bulletList !! i))
724                    ] (listLevelStyle (1 + i))
725      bulletList  = map chr $ cycle [8226,9702,9642]
726      listElStyle = map doStyles [0..9]
727  pn <- paraListStyle l
728  return (pn, (l, listElStyle))
730orderedListLevelStyle :: ListAttributes -> (Int, [Doc Text]) -> (Int,[Doc Text])
731orderedListLevelStyle (s,n, d) (l,ls) =
732    let suffix    = case d of
733                      OneParen  -> [("style:num-suffix", ")")]
734                      TwoParens -> [("style:num-prefix", "(")
735                                   ,("style:num-suffix", ")")]
736                      _         -> [("style:num-suffix", ".")]
737        format    = case n of
738                      UpperAlpha -> "A"
739                      LowerAlpha -> "a"
740                      UpperRoman -> "I"
741                      LowerRoman -> "i"
742                      _          -> "1"
743        listStyle = inTags True "text:list-level-style-number"
744                    ([ ("text:level"      , tshow $ 1 + length ls )
745                     , ("text:style-name" , "Numbering_20_Symbols")
746                     , ("style:num-format", format                )
747                     , ("text:start-value", tshow s               )
748                     ] ++ suffix) (listLevelStyle (1 + length ls))
749    in  (l, ls ++ [listStyle])
751listLevelStyle :: Int -> Doc Text
752listLevelStyle i =
753    let indent = tshow (0.25 + (0.25 * fromIntegral i :: Double)) in
754    inTags True "style:list-level-properties"
755                       [ ("text:list-level-position-and-space-mode",
756                          "label-alignment")
757                       , ("fo:text-align", "right")
758                       ] $
759       selfClosingTag "style:list-level-label-alignment"
760                      [ ("text:label-followed-by", "listtab")
761                      , ("text:list-tab-stop-position", indent <> "in")
762                      , ("fo:text-indent", "-0.25in")
763                      , ("fo:margin-left", indent <> "in")
764                      ]
766tableStyle :: Int -> Double -> [(Char,Double)] -> Doc Text
767tableStyle num textWidth wcs =
768    let tableId        = "Table" <> tshow (num + 1)
769        tableWidthAttr :: [(Text,Text)]
770        tableWidthAttr
771          | textWidth <= 1 && textWidth > 0 = [("style:rel-width",
772                                                T.pack (show (round (textWidth * 100) :: Int) <> "%"))]
773          | otherwise    = []
774        table          = inTags True "style:style"
775                         [("style:name", tableId)
776                         ,("style:family", "table")] $
777                         selfClosingTag "style:table-properties"
778                         (("table:align", "center") : tableWidthAttr)
779        colStyle (c,0) = selfClosingTag "style:style"
780                         [ ("style:name"  , tableId <> "." <> T.singleton c)
781                         , ("style:family", "table-column"       )]
782        colStyle (c,w) = inTags True "style:style"
783                         [ ("style:name"  , tableId <> "." <> T.singleton c)
784                         , ("style:family", "table-column"       )] $
785                         selfClosingTag "style:table-column-properties"
786                         [("style:rel-column-width", T.pack $ printf "%d*" (floor $ w * 65535 :: Integer))]
787        headerRowCellStyle = inTags True "style:style"
788                         [ ("style:name"  , "TableHeaderRowCell")
789                         , ("style:family", "table-cell"    )] $
790                         selfClosingTag "style:table-cell-properties"
791                         [ ("fo:border", "none")]
792        rowCellStyle = inTags True "style:style"
793                         [ ("style:name"  , "TableRowCell")
794                         , ("style:family", "table-cell"    )] $
795                         selfClosingTag "style:table-cell-properties"
796                         [ ("fo:border", "none")]
797        cellStyles = if num == 0
798                     then headerRowCellStyle $$ rowCellStyle
799                     else empty
800        columnStyles   = map colStyle wcs
801    in cellStyles $$ table $$ vcat columnStyles
803paraStyle :: PandocMonad m => [(Text,Text)] -> OD m Int
804paraStyle attrs = do
805  pn <- (+)   1 . length       <$> gets stParaStyles
806  i  <- (*) (0.5 :: Double) . fromIntegral <$> gets stIndentPara
807  b  <- gets stInDefinition
808  t  <- gets stTight
809  let styleAttr = [ ("style:name"             , "P" <> tshow pn)
810                  , ("style:family"           , "paragraph"   )]
811      indentVal = flip (<>) "in" . tshow $ if b then max 0.5 i else i
812      tight     = if t then [ ("fo:margin-top"          , "0in"    )
813                            , ("fo:margin-bottom"       , "0in"    )]
814                       else []
815      indent    = if i /= 0 || b
816                      then [ ("fo:margin-left"         , indentVal)
817                           , ("fo:margin-right"        , "0in"    )
818                           , ("fo:text-indent"         , "0in"    )
819                           , ("style:auto-text-indent" , "false"  )]
820                      else []
821      attributes = indent <> tight
822      paraProps = if null attributes
823                     then mempty
824                     else selfClosingTag
825                             "style:paragraph-properties" attributes
826  addParaStyle $ inTags True "style:style" (styleAttr <> attrs) paraProps
827  return pn
829paraStyleFromParent :: PandocMonad m => Text -> [(Text,Text)] -> OD m Int
830paraStyleFromParent parent attrs = do
831  pn <- (+) 1 . length  <$> gets stParaStyles
832  let styleAttr = [ ("style:name"             , "P" <> tshow pn)
833                  , ("style:family"           , "paragraph")
834                  , ("style:parent-style-name", parent)]
835      paraProps = if null attrs
836                     then mempty
837                     else selfClosingTag
838                          "style:paragraph-properties" attrs
839  addParaStyle $ inTags True "style:style" styleAttr paraProps
840  return pn
843paraListStyle :: PandocMonad m => Int -> OD m Int
844paraListStyle l = paraStyle
845  [("style:parent-style-name","Text_20_body")
846  ,("style:list-style-name", "L" <> tshow l)]
848paraTableStyles :: Text -> Int -> [Alignment] -> [(Text, Doc Text)]
849paraTableStyles _ _ [] = []
850paraTableStyles t s (a:xs)
851    | AlignRight  <- a = (         pName s, res s "end"   ) : paraTableStyles t (s + 1) xs
852    | AlignCenter <- a = (         pName s, res s "center") : paraTableStyles t (s + 1) xs
853    | otherwise        = ("Table_20_" <> t, empty         ) : paraTableStyles t  s      xs
854    where pName sn = "P" <> tshow (sn + 1)
855          res sn x = inTags True "style:style"
856                     [ ("style:name"             , pName sn        )
857                     , ("style:family"           , "paragraph"     )
858                     , ("style:parent-style-name", "Table_20_" <> t)] $
859                     selfClosingTag "style:paragraph-properties"
860                     [ ("fo:text-align", x)
861                     , ("style:justify-single-word", "false")]
863data TextStyle = Italic
864               | Bold
865               | Under
866               | Strike
867               | Sub
868               | Sup
869               | SmallC
870               | Pre
871               | Language Lang
872               deriving ( Eq,Ord )
874textStyleAttr :: Map.Map Text Text
875              -> TextStyle
876              -> Map.Map Text Text
877textStyleAttr m s
878    | Italic <- s = Map.insert "fo:font-style" "italic" .
879                    Map.insert "style:font-style-asian" "italic" .
880                    Map.insert "style:font-style-complex" "italic" $ m
881    | Bold   <- s = Map.insert "fo:font-weight" "bold" .
882                    Map.insert "style:font-weight-asian" "bold" .
883                    Map.insert "style:font-weight-complex" "bold" $ m
884    | Under  <- s = Map.insert "style:text-underline-style" "solid" .
885                    Map.insert "style:text-underline-width" "auto" .
886                    Map.insert "style:text-underline-color" "font-color" $ m
887    | Strike <- s = Map.insert "style:text-line-through-style" "solid" m
888    | Sub    <- s = Map.insert "style:text-position" "sub 58%" m
889    | Sup    <- s = Map.insert "style:text-position" "super 58%" m
890    | SmallC <- s = Map.insert "fo:font-variant" "small-caps" m
891    | Pre    <- s = Map.insert "style:font-name" "Courier New" .
892                    Map.insert "style:font-name-asian" "Courier New" .
893                    Map.insert "style:font-name-complex" "Courier New" $ m
894    | Language lang <- s
895                  = Map.insert "fo:language" (langLanguage lang) .
896                    Map.insert "fo:country" (langRegion lang) $ m
897    | otherwise   = m
899withLangFromAttr :: PandocMonad m => Attr -> OD m a -> OD m a
900withLangFromAttr (_,_,kvs) action =
901  case lookup "lang" kvs of
902       Nothing -> action
903       Just l  ->
904         case parseBCP47 l of
905              Right lang -> withTextStyle (Language lang) action
906              Left _ -> do
907                report $ InvalidLang l
908                action