1 /*
2  * export.h -- header file for programs that use cexport
3  *
4  * Copyright � 1994-2000 World Wide Web Consortium
5  * See http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-software
6  *
7  *
8  * Functions, type definitions, variable declarations can all be
9  * exported by putting EXPORT (uppercase only) in front of the
10  * declaration. The declarations must be ANSI-C. Macros can be
11  * exported with EXPORTDEF. Examples:
12  *
13  * EXPORT int sqr(int n) {...}		-- exports function sqr()
14  * EXPORT typedef struct _Str * MyStr;	-- exports type MyStr
15  * EXPORT int maximum;			-- exports variable maximum
16  * #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
17  * EXPORTDEF(max(a,b))			-- exports macro max(a,b)
18  */
19 #ifndef _EXPORT_H_
20 #define _EXPORT_H_
22 #ifndef __export
23 #define EXPORT /* nothing */
24 #define EXPORTDEF(x) /* nothing */
25 #else
26 //#define EXPORTDEF(x) EXPORTDEF_##x x
27 #define EXPORTDEF(x) EXPORTDEF #x x
28 #endif
30 #endif /* _EXPORT_H_ */