"HXUNPIPE" "1" "10 Jul 2011" "7.x" "HTML-XML-utils"
hxunpipe - convert output of hxpipe back to XML format
hxunpipe "[\| " -b " \|]" "[\| " file-or-URL " \|]"
hxunpipe takes the output of hxpipe (1) (or of onsgmls (1)) and turns it back into XML/SGML mark-up.
The following options are supported:

10 -b Normally, hxunpipe assumes the input was made by hxpipe, i.e., the input may contain character entities but will never contain SGML/XML delimiters (<>&"') that need to be escaped. When the input was made by (o)nsgmls, however, the entities will have been expanded and the input may contain SGML/XML delimiters. The option -b causes hxunpipe to look for those delimiters and escape them: "<" as "&lt;", ">" as "&gt;", "&" as "&amp;", """ as "&quot;" and "'" as "&apos;".

The following operand is supported:

10 file-or-URL The name or URL of an HTML file. If absent, standard input is read instead.

The following exit values are returned:

10 0 Successful completion.

> 0 An error occurred in the input.

To use a proxy to retrieve remote files, set the environment variables http_proxy and ftp_proxy "." E.g., http_proxy="http://localhost:8080/"

Not all syntax errors in the input are recognized.

hxunpipe can currently only retrieve remote files over HTTP. It doesn't handle password-protected files, nor files whose content depends on HTTP "cookies."

hxpipe (1), onsgmls (1).