1 #include "sgmlincl.h"         /* #INCLUDE statements for SGML parser. */
3 #ifdef TRACE
5 #include "context.h"
8 #define STATUX tags[ts].status
10 /* Trace variables.
11 */
12 int  trace = 0;               /* Switch: 1=trace state transitions; 0=don't. */
13 int atrace = 0;               /* Switch: 1=trace attribute activity; 0=don't. */
14 int ctrace = 0;               /* Switch: 1=trace context checking; 0=don't. */
15 int dtrace = 0;               /* Switch: 1=trace declaration parsing; 0=don't.*/
16 int etrace = 0;               /* Switch: 1=trace entity activity; 0=don't.*/
17 int gtrace = 0;               /* Switch: 1=trace group creations; 0=don't. */
18 int itrace = 0;               /* Switch: 1=trace ID activity; 0=don't. */
19 int mtrace = 0;               /* Switch: 1=trace MS activity; 0=don't. */
20 int ntrace = 0;               /* Switch: 1=trace notation activity; 0=don't. */
21 char emd[] = "EMD";           /* For "EMD" parameter type in dtrace calls. */
23 /* Return a printable representation of c.
24 */
25 static
printable(c)26 char *printable(c)
27 int c;
28 {
29      static char buf[5];
30      if (c >= 040 && c < 0177) {
31 	  buf[0] = c;
32 	  buf[1] = '\0';
33      }
34      else
35 	  sprintf(buf, "\\%03o", (UNCH)c);
36      return buf;
37 }
39 static
dotrace(s)40 VOID dotrace(s)
41 char *s;
42 {
43      trace = (s && strchr(s, 't') != 0);
44      atrace = (s && strchr(s, 'a') != 0);
45      ctrace = (s && strchr(s, 'c') != 0);
46      dtrace = (s && strchr(s, 'd') != 0);
47      etrace = (s && strchr(s, 'e') != 0);
48      gtrace = (s && strchr(s, 'g') != 0);
49      itrace = (s && strchr(s, 'i') != 0);
50      mtrace = (s && strchr(s, 'm') != 0);
51      ntrace = (s && strchr(s, 'n') != 0);
52 }
53 /* TRACESET: Set switches for tracing body of document.
54 */
traceset()55 VOID traceset()
56 {
57      dotrace(sw.trace);
59      if (trace||atrace||ctrace||dtrace||etrace||gtrace||itrace||mtrace||ntrace)
60           fprintf(stderr,
61 "TRACESET: state=%d;att=%d;con=%d;dcl=%d;ent=%d;grp=%d;id=%d;ms=%d;dcn=%d.\n",
62 		  trace, atrace, ctrace, dtrace, etrace, gtrace, itrace,
63 		  mtrace, ntrace);
64 }
65 /* TRACEPRO: Set switches for tracing prolog.
66  */
tracepro()67 VOID tracepro()
68 {
69      dotrace(sw.ptrace);
71      if (trace||atrace||dtrace||etrace||gtrace||mtrace||ntrace)
72 	  fprintf(stderr,
73 		  "TRACEPRO: state=%d; att=%d; dcl=%d; ent=%d; grp=%d; ms=%d; dcn=%d.\n",
74 		  trace, atrace, dtrace, etrace, gtrace, mtrace, ntrace);
75 }
76 /* TRACEPCB: Trace character just parsed and other pcb data.
77  */
tracepcb(pcb)78 VOID tracepcb(pcb)
79 struct parse *pcb;
80 {
81      fprintf(stderr, "%-8s %2u-%2u-%2u-%2u from %s [%3d] in %s, %d:%d.\n",
82 	     pcb->pname, pcb->state, pcb->input, pcb->action,
83 	     pcb->newstate, printable(*FPOS), *FPOS, ENTITY+1, RCNT,
84 	     RSCC+FPOS+1-FBUF);
85 }
86 /* TRACETKN: Trace character just read during token parse.
87  */
tracetkn(scope,lextoke)88 VOID tracetkn(scope, lextoke)
89 int scope;
90 UNCH lextoke[];               /* Lexical table for token and name parses. */
91 {
92      fprintf(stderr, "TOKEN    %2d-%2d       from %s [%3d] in %s, %d:%d.\n",
93 	     scope, lextoke[*FPOS],
94 	     printable(*FPOS), *FPOS, ENTITY+1, RCNT,
95 	     RSCC+FPOS+1-FBUF);
96 }
97 /* TRACEGML: Trace state of main SGML driver routine.
98  */
tracegml(scb,pss,conactsw,conact)99 VOID tracegml(scb, pss, conactsw, conact)
100 struct restate *scb;
101 int pss, conactsw, conact;
102 {
103      fprintf(stderr,
104 	     "SGML%02d   %2d-%2d-%2d-%2d in main driver; conactsw=%d; conact=%d.\n",
105 	     pss, scb[pss].sstate, scb[pss].sinput, scb[pss].saction,
106 	     scb[pss].snext, conactsw, conact);
107 }
108 /* TRACEVAL: Trace parse of an attribute value that is a token list.
109  */
traceval(pcb,atype,aval,tokencnt)110 VOID traceval(pcb, atype, aval, tokencnt)
111 struct parse *pcb;
112 UNS atype;                    /* Type of token list expected. */
113 UNCH *aval;                   /* Value string to be parsed as token list. */
114 int tokencnt;                 /* Number of tokens found in attribute value. */
115 {
116      fprintf(stderr,
117 	     "%-8s %2d-%2d-%2d-%2d at %p, atype=%02x, tokencnt=%d: ",
118 	     pcb->pname, pcb->state, pcb->input, pcb->action,
119 	     pcb->newstate, (UNIV)aval, atype, tokencnt);
120      fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", aval);
121 }
122 /* TRACESTK: Trace entry just placed on tag stack.
123  */
tracestk(pts,ts2,etictr)124 VOID tracestk(pts, ts2, etictr)
125 struct tag *pts;              /* Stack entry for this tag. */
126 int ts2;                      /* Stack depth. */
127 int etictr;                   /* Number of "netok" tags on stack. */
128 {
129      fprintf(stderr,
130 	     "STACK    %s begun; stack depth %d; tflag=%02x; etictr=%d",
131 	     pts->tetd->etdgi+1, ts2, pts->tflags, etictr);
132      fprintf(stderr, " srm=%s.\n",
133 	     pts->tsrm!=SRMNULL ? (char *)(pts->tsrm[0]->ename+1) : "#EMPTY");
134 }
135 /* TRACEDSK: Trace entry just removed from tag stack.
136  */
tracedsk(pts,ptso,ts3,etictr)137 VOID tracedsk(pts, ptso, ts3, etictr)
138 struct tag *pts;              /* Stack entry for new open tag. */
139 struct tag *ptso;             /* Stack entry for tag just ended. */
140 int ts3;                      /* Stack depth. */
141 int etictr;                   /* Number of "netok" tags on stack. */
142 {
143      fprintf(stderr,
144 	     "DESTACK  %s ended; otflag=%02x; %s resumed; depth=%d; tflag=%02x; etictr=%d",
145 	     ptso->tetd->etdgi+1, ptso->tflags,
146 	     pts->tetd->etdgi+1, ts3, pts->tflags, etictr);
147      fprintf(stderr, " srm=%s.\n",
148 	     pts->tsrm!=SRMNULL ? (char *)(pts->tsrm[0]->ename+1) : "#EMPTY");
149 }
150 /* TRACECON: Trace interactions between content parse and stag/context
151    processing.
152    */
tracecon(etagimct,dostag,datarc,pcb,conrefsw,didreq)153 VOID tracecon(etagimct, dostag, datarc, pcb, conrefsw, didreq)
154 int etagimct;                 /* Implicitly ended elements left on stack. */
155 int dostag;                   /* 1=retry newetd instead of parsing; 0=parse. */
156 int datarc;                   /* Return code for data: DAF_ or REF_ or zero. */
157 struct parse *pcb;            /* Parse control block for this parse. */
158 int conrefsw;                 /* 1=content reference att specified; 0=no. */
159 int didreq;                   /* 1=required implied empty tag processed; 0=no.*/
160 {
161      fprintf(stderr,
162 	     "CONTENT  etagimct=%d dostag=%d datarc=%d pname=%s action=%d \
163 conrefsw=%d didreq=%d\n",
164 	     etagimct, dostag, datarc, pcb->pname, pcb->action,
165 	     conrefsw, didreq);
166 }
167 /* TRACESTG: Trace start-tag context validation input and results.
168  */
tracestg(curetd,dataret,rc,nextetd,mexts)169 VOID tracestg(curetd, dataret, rc, nextetd, mexts)
170 struct etd *curetd;           /* The etd for this tag. */
171 int dataret;                  /* Data pending: DAF_ REF_ 0=not #PCDATA. */
172 int rc;                       /* Return code from context or other test. */
173 struct etd *nextetd;          /* The etd for a forced start-tag (if rc==2). */
174 int mexts;                    /* >0=stack level of minus grp; -1=plus; 0=none.*/
175 {
176      fprintf(stderr,
177 	     "STARTTAG newetd=%p; dataret=%d; rc=%d; nextetd=%p; mexts=%d.\n",
178 	     (UNIV)curetd, dataret, rc, (UNIV)nextetd, mexts);
179 }
180 /* TRACEETG: Trace end-tag matching test on stack.
181  */
traceetg(pts,curetd,tsl,etagimct)182 VOID traceetg(pts, curetd, tsl, etagimct)
183 struct tag *pts;              /* Stack entry for this tag. */
184 struct etd *curetd;           /* The etd for this tag. */
185 int tsl;                      /* Temporary stack level for looping. */
186 int etagimct;                 /* Num of implicitly ended tags left on stack. */
187 {
188      fprintf(stderr,
189 	     "ENDTAG   tsl=%d; newetd=%p; stacketd=%p; tflags=%02x; etagimct=%d.\n",
190 	     tsl, (UNIV)curetd, (UNIV)pts->tetd, pts->tflags, etagimct);
191 }
192 /* TRACEECB: Trace entity control block activity.
193  */
traceecb(action,p)194 VOID traceecb(action, p)
195 char *action;
196 struct entity *p;
197 {
198      static char estype1[] = " TMMMSEIXCNFPDLK";
199      static char estype2[] = "  DS            ";
200      if (!p)
201 	  return;
202      fprintf(stderr,
203 	     "%-8s (es=%d) type %c%c entity %s at %p containing ",
204 	     action, es, estype1[p->estore], estype2[p->estore], p->ename+1,
205 	     (UNIV)p);
206      if (p->estore==ESN && strcmp(action, "ENTDEF"))
207 	  traceesn(p->etx.n);
208      else if (p->etx.x==0)
209 	  fprintf(stderr, "[NOTHING]");
210      else
211 	  fprintf(stderr, "%s",
212 		  p->etx.c[0] ? (char *)p->etx.c : "[EMPTY]");
213      putc('\n', stderr);
214 }
215 /* TRACEDCN: Trace data content notation activity.
216  */
tracedcn(p)217 VOID tracedcn(p)
218 struct dcncb *p;
219 {
220      fprintf(stderr,
221 	    "DCN      dcn=%p; adl=%p; notation is %s\n",
222 	     (UNIV)p, (UNIV)p->adl, p->ename+1);
223      if (p->adl)
224 	  traceadl(p->adl);
225 }
226 /* TRACEESN: Print a data entity control block.
227  */
traceesn(p)228 VOID traceesn(p)
229 PNE p;
230 {
231      fprintf(stderr, "ESN      Entity name is %s; entity type is %s.\n",
232             (NEENAME(p)!=0) ? ((char *)NEENAME(p))+1 : "[UNDEFINED]",
233 	    /* NEXTYPE(p)); */
234             (NEXTYPE(p)==1 ? "CDATA" : (NEXTYPE(p)==2 ? "NDATA" : "SDATA")));
235      fprintf(stderr, "         System ID is %s\n",
236             (NEID(p)!=0) ? (char *)NEID(p) : "[UNDEFINED]");
237      if (p->nedcn!=0)
238 	  tracedcn(p->nedcn);
239 }
240 /* TRACESRM: Print the members of a short reference map.
241  */
tracesrm(action,pg,gi)242 VOID tracesrm(action, pg, gi)
243 char *action;
244 TECB pg;
245 UNCH *gi;
246 {
247      int i = 0;               /* Loop counter. */
249      if (pg==SRMNULL)
250 	  fprintf(stderr, "%-8s SHORTREF table empty for %s.\n", action, gi);
251      else {
252           fprintf(stderr, "%-8s %s at %p mapped for %s.\n",
253 		  action, pg[0]->ename+1, (UNIV)pg,
254 		  gi ? (char *)gi : "definition");
255           while (++i<=lex.s.dtb[0].mapdata)
256 	       if (pg[i])
257 		    fprintf(stderr, "%14s%02u %p %s\n",
258 			    "SR", i, (UNIV)pg[i], pg[i]->ename+1);
259      }
260 }
261 /* TRACEADL: Print an attribute definition list.
262  */
traceadl(al)263 VOID traceadl(al)
264 struct ad al[];
265 {
266      int i=0;
268      fprintf(stderr, "ADLIST   %p %d membe%s; %d attribut%s\n",
269 	     (UNIV)al, ADN(al), ADN(al)==1 ? "r" : "rs", AN(al),
270 	     AN(al)==1 ? "e" : "es");
271      while (++i<=ADN(al)) {
272           fprintf(stderr,
274 		  ? "          %p %-8s %02x %02x %2d %2d %p %p\n"
275 		  : "    %p %-8s %02x %02x %2d %2d %p %p\n",
276 		  &al[i], ADNAME(al,i), ADFLAGS(al,i), ADTYPE(al,i), ADNUM(al,i),
277 		  ADLEN(al,i), ADVAL(al,i), ADDATA(al,i).x);
278           if (ADVAL(al,i)) {
279                fprintf(stderr, "%s", ADVAL(al,i));
280                if (ADTYPE(al,i)==AENTITY && ADDATA(al,i).n!=0) {
281                     fprintf(stderr, "=>");
282                     traceesn(ADDATA(al,i).n);
283                }
284                else if (ADTYPE(al,i)==ANOTEGRP)
285                     fprintf(stderr, "=>%s",
286 			    (ADDATA(al,i).x->dcnid!=0)
287 			    ? (char *)ADDATA(al,i).x->dcnid
288 			    : "[UNDEFINED]");
289           }
290           else
291 	       fprintf(stderr, "[%s]",
292 		       GET(ADFLAGS(al,i), AREQ)
293 		       ? "REQUIRED"
294 		       : (GET(ADFLAGS(al,i), ACURRENT) ? "CURRENT"  : "NULL"));
295      }
296      fprintf(stderr, "\n");
297 }
298 /* TRACEMOD: Print the members of a model.
299  */
tracemod(pg)300 VOID tracemod(pg)
301 struct thdr pg[];
302 {
303      fprintf(stderr, "MODEL    %p %02x %d\n",
304 	     (UNIV)&pg[0], pg[0].ttype, pg[0].tu.tnum);
305      if ((pg[0].ttype & MKEYWORD) == 0) {
306 	  int i;
308 	  for (i = 1; i < pg[0].tu.tnum + 2; i++) {
309 	       if (GET(pg[i].ttype, TTMASK) == TTETD)
310 		    fprintf(stderr, "                      %p %02x %s\n",
311 			    (UNIV)&pg[i], pg[i].ttype, pg[i].tu.thetd->etdgi+1);
312 	       else if (GET(pg[i].ttype, TTMASK) == TTCHARS)
313 		    fprintf(stderr, "                      %p %02x %s\n",
314 			    (UNIV)&pg[i], pg[i].ttype, "#PCDATA");
315 	       else
316 		    fprintf(stderr, "         %p %02x %d\n",
317 			    (UNIV)&pg[i], pg[i].ttype, pg[i].tu.tnum);
318 	  }
319      }
320      fprintf(stderr, "\n");
321 }
322 /* TRACEGRP: Print the members of a name (i.e., etd) group.
323  */
tracegrp(pg)324 VOID tracegrp(pg)
325 struct etd *pg[];
326 {
327      int i = -1;              /* Loop counter. */
329      fprintf(stderr, "ETDGRP   %p\n", (UNIV)pg);
330      while (pg[++i]!=0)
331 	  fprintf(stderr, "         %p %s\n", (UNIV)pg[i], pg[i]->etdgi+1);
332 }
333 /* TRACENGR: Print the members of a notation (i.e., dcncb) group.
334  */
tracengr(pg)335 VOID tracengr(pg)
336 struct dcncb *pg[];
337 {
338      int i = -1;              /* Loop counter. */
340      fprintf(stderr, "DCNGRP   %p\n", (UNIV)pg);
341      while (pg[++i]!=0)
342 	  fprintf(stderr, "         %p %s\n", (UNIV)pg[i], pg[i]->ename+1);
343 }
344 /* TRACEETD: Print an element type definition.
345  */
traceetd(p)346 VOID traceetd(p)
347 struct etd *p;                /* Pointer to an etd. */
348 {
349      fprintf(stderr,
350 "ETD      etd=%p %s min=%02x cmod=%p ttype=%02x mex=%p, pex=%p, ",
351 	     (UNIV)p, p->etdgi+1, p->etdmin, (UNIV)p->etdmod,
352 	     p->etdmod->ttype, (UNIV)p->etdmex, (UNIV)p->etdpex);
353      fprintf(stderr, "adl=%p, srm=%s.\n",
354 	     (UNIV)p->adl,
355 	     (p->etdsrm==SRMNULL)
356 	     ? "#EMPTY"
357 	     : (p->etdsrm) ? (char *)(p->etdsrm[0]->ename+1) : "#CURRENT");
358 }
359 /* TRACEID: Print an ID control block.
360  */
traceid(action,p)361 VOID traceid(action, p)
362 char *action;
363 struct id *p;                 /* Pointer to an ID. */
364 {
365      fprintf(stderr, "%-8s %s at %p is %s; ", action, p->idname+1, (UNIV)p,
366 	     p->iddefed ? "defined" : "undefined");
367      fprintf(stderr, "last ref=%p\n", (UNIV)p->idrl);
368 }
369 /* TRACEMD: Trace a markup declaration parameter.
370  */
tracemd(parmid)371 VOID tracemd(parmid)
372 char *parmid;                 /* Parameter identifier. */
373 {
374      fprintf(stderr, "MDPARM   %-8s for %-8s, token %02d, type %02u, %s.\n",
375 	     mdname, subdcl ? (char *)subdcl : "[NONE]", parmno, pcbmd.action, parmid);
376 }
377 /* TRACEMS: Trace marked section activity.
378  */
tracems(action,code,mslevel,msplevel)379 VOID tracems(action, code, mslevel, msplevel)
380 int action;                   /* 1=began new level; 0=resumed previous. */
381 int code;
382 int mslevel;                  /* Nesting level of marked sections. */
383 int msplevel;                 /* Nested MS levels subject to special parse. */
384 {
385      fprintf(stderr,
386 	     "MS%c      %2d                 %s nesting level %d (msp %d).\n",
387 	     (action ? ' ' : 'E'), code, (action ? "began" : "resumed"),
388 	     mslevel, msplevel);
389 }
391 static
tracehits(h)392 VOID tracehits(h)
393 unsigned long *h;
394 {
395      int i;
396      fprintf(stderr, " H=");
397      for (i = grplongs - 1; i >= 0; --i)
398 	  fprintf(stderr, "%0*lx", LONGBITS/4, h[i]);
399 }
401 /* TRACEGI: Trace GI testing stages in CONTEXT.C processing.
402  */
tracegi(stagenm,gi,mod,pos,Tstart)403 VOID tracegi(stagenm, gi, mod, pos, Tstart)
404 char *stagenm;
405 struct etd *gi;               /* ETD of new GI. */
406 struct thdr mod[];            /* Model of current open element. */
407 struct mpos pos[];            /* Position in open element's model. */
408 int Tstart;                   /* Initial T for this group. */
409 {
410      int i = 0;               /* Loop counter. */
412      fprintf(stderr, "%-10s %d:", stagenm, P);
413      while (++i<=P)
414 	  fprintf(stderr, " %d-%d", pos[i].g, pos[i].t);
415      fprintf(stderr, " (%u) gocc=%02x gtype=%02x gnum=%d",
416 	     M, GOCC, GTYPE, GNUM);
417      tracehits(H);
418      fprintf(stderr, " status=%d Tstart=%d\n", STATUX, Tstart);
419      fprintf(stderr,
420 	     "=>%-8s tocc=%02x ttype=%02x thetd=%p (%s) gietd=%p (%s)\n",
421 	     tags[ts].tetd->etdgi+1, TOCC, TTYPE, (UNIV)TOKEN.tu.thetd,
422 	     (TTYPE
423 	      ? (TTYPE==TTETD ? (char *)(TOKEN.tu.thetd->etdgi+1) : "#GROUP")
424 	      : "#PCDATA"),
425 	     (UNIV)gi,
426 	     (gi==ETDCDATA ?  "#PCDATA" : (char *)(gi->etdgi+1)));
427 }
428 /* TRACEEND: Trace testing for end of group in CONTEXT.C processing.
429  */
traceend(stagenm,mod,pos,rc,opt,Tstart)430 VOID traceend(stagenm, mod, pos, rc, opt, Tstart)
431 char *stagenm;
432 struct thdr mod[];            /* Model of current open element. */
433 struct mpos pos[];            /* Position in open element's model. */
434 int rc;                       /* Return code: RCNREQ RCHIT RCMISS RCEND */
435 int opt;                      /* ALLHIT parm: 1=test optionals; 0=ignore. */
436 int Tstart;                   /* Initial T for this group. */
437 {
438      int i = 0;               /* Loop counter. */
440      fprintf(stderr, "%-10s %d:", stagenm, P);
441      while (++i<=P)
442 	  fprintf(stderr, " %d-%d", pos[i].g, pos[i].t);
443      fprintf(stderr, " (%u) gocc=%02x gtype=%02x gnum=%d",
444 	     M, GOCC, GTYPE, GNUM);
445      tracehits(H);
446      fprintf(stderr, " status=%d Tstart=%d\n", STATUX, Tstart);
447      fprintf(stderr, "=>%-8s tocc=%02x ttype=%02x thetd=%p (%s)",
448 	     tags[ts].tetd->etdgi+1, TOCC, TTYPE, (UNIV)TOKEN.tu.thetd,
449 	     (TTYPE
450 	      ? (TTYPE==TTETD ? (char *)(TOKEN.tu.thetd->etdgi+1) : "#GROUP")
451 	      : "#PCDATA"));
452      fprintf(stderr, " rc=%d offbitT=%d allhit=%d\n",
453 	     rc, offbit(H, (int)T, GNUM), allhit(&GHDR, H, 0, opt));
454 }
456 #endif /* TRACE */
457 /*
458 Local Variables:
459 c-indent-level: 5
460 c-continued-statement-offset: 5
461 c-brace-offset: -5
462 c-argdecl-indent: 0
463 c-label-offset: -5
464 End:
465 */